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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

NEW FF: LOVE ME NOT - Chapter 4

Khushi Gupta

Locking the door securely, I stomp over and yank his blankets off in one vicious tug. Arnav startles awake with a grunt, blinking up at me in shock. I plant my hands on my hips and glare daggers at him.

“Start talking, Raizada,” I growl through clenched teeth. “What the f*ck do you think you're playing at?”

My defiant glare bores into Arnav's still-sleep clouded eyes as he sits upright and shakes off the remnants of slumber.

This is bound to get ugly, but I'm not about to back down. Not after he pulled whatever stunt landed me in his bed.

Arnav leans back against the headboard, watching me with that infuriatingly calm expression as I glare at him. His eyes have a way of making me feel both exposed and deeply annoyed at the same time.

"Good morning," he rumbles, voice still laced with sleepy gravel. “Didn’t know you use cuss words too,” he remarks casually, like this is all some sort of joke.

That comment sets me off even more. “Why? Only you have the right to use them?” I snap back, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. "Don't you dare expect me to act cool after whatever stunt you pulled last night!"

Arnav's brows furrow in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"This!" I snap, gesturing wildly between us and the bed. “Waking up in your room, your bed! How did I end up here?"

Understanding flashes across his face. "You don't remember?"

I scoff impatiently. "Obviously not, or I wouldn't be asking."

Arnav runs a hand through his tousled hair with a heavy sigh. "You passed out drunk at the club last night after your ridiculous drinking contest with yourself."

My cheeks flush hot, partly from lingering intoxication and partly from embarrassment at my reckless behavior coming back to me in pieces. I remember trying to match him drink for drink, determined to prove I wouldn't be intimidated by his arrogant presence at my party. Obviously that backfired spectacularly.

"Okay, fine," I concede begrudgingly. "I was drunk. But that still doesn't explain why did you bring me here? And even if you did, why your bedroom? What were you thinking, letting me sleep on your bed with you next to me the whole night?” The words spill out in one furious breath, and I find myself panting for air, trying to keep my composure.

Arnav doesn’t flinch. “What is your actual problem? That I brought you here to the Raizada Mansion last night, or that you woke up in my bed this morning?”

His nonchalance only fuels my anger. How can he be so oblivious and cool when I’m burning with rage? I clench my teeth, wanting to argue more, but suddenly, the pressure in my bladder becomes unbearable. I need to use the washroom urgently. Without another word, I march to his bathroom and slam the door shut behind me.

Inside, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My dress is still the same – a shiny, skintight black mini dress that I wore to the party last night. The straps have slid down my shoulders, something I hadn’t even noticed until now. The dress has ridden up on my thighs, and I can’t help but wonder what Arnav saw when he carried me from the party to his bed. A flush of embarrassment joins my anger as I splash water on my face and dab it dry with a towel.

When I emerge, Arnav has gotten out of bed too. He looks at me with that maddening smirk. “If you had a problem with my room, you shouldn’t have used the bathroom either,” he mocks.

I cross my arms in front of me, trying to muster as much dignity as I can. “First you show up at my graduation ceremony, then at the after party the next day, and then you bring me here like this is normal between us. What exactly are you playing at, Arnav Singh Raizada?”

Arnav’s expression shifts slightly, but he still maintains that infuriating calm. “What am I playing at? Khushi, you were drunk last night. I couldn’t leave you alone, and you wouldn’t have made it home safely. Bringing you here was the safest option.”

His explanation, though reasonable, doesn’t quell my anger. “And your bed? You couldn’t have let me sleep in a guest room?”

He steps closer, his eyes locking onto mine. “Would you have felt better waking up in an unfamiliar room alone, or next to someone you know? And I stayed because this is my damn bed and the woman I was sleeping beside is my damn wife. And for your kind information, I didn’t exploit the situation. You were as safe here on my bed as you would be in your home. So get your mind out of the gutter, Khushi, if that’s what worries you. I would never take advantage of you like that.”

His words throw me off balance.

“It’s not about crossing any line, but maintaining the boundaries, Arnav Singh Raizada. You can’t just...take control of everything and give unnecessary hopes to our families. Your father and now my parents too would think we staying together last night would mean we are patching up… working towards a happy marriage which let me tell you is clearly not in my agenda.”

I throw up my hands in exasperation, stalking towards the bedroom door. I've had it with his arrogance and I can’t wait to get back home and pack for my upcoming trip. With that, I yank open the door and stomp out into the hallway, not even checking if Arnav is following.

At the family dining room downstairs, Uncle is already seated at the table when I arrive, along with Aman Mathur who greets me with an annoyingly chipper "Good morning, Khushi!" I simply grunt in response, foregoing any pleasantries as I stand by the chair across from Uncle.

"I trust you slept well?" Uncle asks with a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

Uncle's subtle teasing only serves to reignite my irritation towards his arrogant son. "About as well as one can sleep after being manhandled and deposited into someone else's bed against their will," I shoot back pointedly.

"Khushi!" Arnav scolds as he enters the room, features creased in a disapproving scowl.

I turn the full force of my glower on him. "What? You did bring me here without my approval—"

“You were not even in your senses to know where you were last night. So you better don’t talk about approvals. I did what I thought was the best.”

“Then your best and my best clearly doesn’t match,” I retort.

“Enough,” Uncle interjects sternly, eyeing us both with clear displeasure. "What a fine example you two are setting with your bickering first thing in the morning."

I have the decency to look slightly abashed, but Arnav remains stubbornly stony-faced. Classic arrogant ass.

Uncle leans back with a resigned sigh. "I had thought you might both be on better terms now after reuniting yesterday. Clearly I was mistaken."

An uncomfortable silence falls over the table. I finally break it by addressing Uncle in a respectful tone. He is nowhere at fault in whatever happened.

“Uncle, I need to go home.”

“I’m stopping you to leave but at least have breakfast with us.”

“I would have loved to, uncle, only if it was just you and me here and not the extras of my life.”

“How dare you call me an extra?” Arnav cuts in, jaw tightening mulishly. "Stop being so stubborn and sit down."

I spin on my heel to face him fully, hands planted on my hips. "Excuse me? You have the audacity to call me stubborn?"

"Among other things," he mutters under his breath.

A harsh, disbelieving laugh rips from my throat. "I can't believe your gall! Who was the one who walked away from this marriage without a second thought? Who refused to be a part of his wife's life for three years straight? And now you want to lecture me about being difficult?"

Anger flares bright in Arnav's eyes even as he angles his body towards mine in that habitual confrontational stance. "Don't put all the blame on me. You too had said from day one that you wanted nothing to do with me or this marriage!"

The air practically crackles with tension as we glare at each other, chests heaving from the heat of our reignited quarrel. Arnav takes a menacing step forward, clearly prepared to fire back another heated retort.

But before either of us can continue our rapidly escalating feud, Ayush Uncle slams his hand down on the table with an almighty bang. Both Arnav and I jump, startled out of our faceoff as Uncle levels us both with a look of pure, barely restrained fury.

"Enough is enough!" he roars, making us flinch. "I've had enough of this bickering. You two are absolutely incorrigible!"

Aman wisely remains silent, possibly terrified of facing Uncle's wrath if he utters a single word.

Uncle pinches the bridge of his nose, exhaling a long, calming breath. When he speaks again, his tone is dangerously soft and controlled. "Now I don't care who started what, or who said what three years ago. None of that matters anymore. Can we all just have a family breakfast please? Together?”

I finally sit down on the chair, not wanting to argue with him further. I know it breaks his heart seeing his son and daughter in law fighting like cats and dogs. Arnav takes the chair next to me.

“Thank you” Uncle says finally sighing in relief.

The next few minutes as we all eat, nobody talks. It’s eerily quiet until Uncle decides to speak up.

His piercing gaze bores into each of us in turn. "You are married. Both of you, no matter how much you deny or avoid it. That's a fact. But whether you stay married and honour your vows...that is entirely up to you. No matter how much the Guptas and I want your marriage to work, if you both don’t have the same feeling, it is of no use to drag things like this."

I look down at my plate, suddenly my appetite is gone sensing the pain in Uncle’s voice. I have sensed this same feeling infinite times whenever dad and mom speak to me about this marriage’s future. What they don’t realize is that had they not made the mistake of getting me and Arnav into this forced marriage, only because they wanted to see us together, none of this would have happened. More than Ayush uncle, its my parents fault who even proposed this alliance to uncle when I was hardly 18.

“What are your plans now, Khushi?” Uncle asks, breaking my chain of thoughts.

I gulp some water before clearing my throat and sharing my next plans.

“For now, I’m going on a two week holiday with my friends Lavanya, Pam and Payal.”

“Where?” the question comes not from uncle but his son sitting next to me.

“You shouldn’t be concerned where I go,” I glare at him.

“The heck I wouldn’t,” he snaps. “After last night, even letting you meet those silly friends of yours who didn’t even stop you from going overboard with the drinking, is a red flag for me. Because as I said before, the world sees you as my wife… Arnav Singh Raizada’s wife and I don’t want you to put up a show which can tarnish my name.”

At the word ‘wife,' I can't help the incredulous snort that escapes me. Aman disguises his laughter with a violent cough, while Arnav shoots me a withering glare. Despite our issues, he clearly expects me to comply as the dutiful wife?

Ha! Fat chance of that.

Pushing back from the table, I rise abruptly.

“You like it or not, nothing you do now can alter my plans.” I reply to him then turn to uncle and my tone turns polite again. “Uncle, I’ve been planning this from long. Dad too has allowed me for this. And if nothing else, this trip will give me the time and space I need to think clearly of my future.”

Uncle looks honestly crestfallen but he nods. "Khushi, beta, if that’s what you want, I won’t stop you. Enjoy your holiday and have good time.”

I finally get my smile back. Walking to him, I give uncle a tight hug as he continues to sit on the chair.

“Thank you, uncle. This means a lot.”

I’m aware Arnav’s gaze bores at me but I don’t care to even spare him another look. I got my approval from the people I respect and love the most. His approval over it or not is no longer my concern.

“I’ll make a move then. I have some last minute shopping to do with my friends. Bye, uncle. Thanks for the lovely breakfast.”

“My driver will drop you home,” uncle replies rising up and leading me out.

For now, I just need to get away and clear my head. But I know one thing for sure – things between Arnav and me are far from over.


Two days later

Two days later, I’m immersed in the vibrant hustle of the shopping mall, selecting the last few items for my Las Vegas trip. Lavanya, Pam, and Payal are with me, their laughter and chatter adding to the excitement that buzzes through me. We’re all eagerly anticipating the getaway, and I can’t wait to spend some quality time with my girlfriends. It’s been too long since I’ve had a break like this.

“Khushi, this dress is perfect for the nightclub!” Lavanya exclaims, holding up a sparkly red dress that promises a night of unforgettable fun.

I grin, taking the dress from her and adding it to my pile. “It’s going to be amazing! Just think about all the places we’re going to see and the fun we’re going to have.”

We spend hours shopping, trying on outfits, and planning our itinerary. By the time we’re done, my bags are overflowing, and my excitement is at its peak. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.

When I finally arrive home, I hand my shopping bags to the servant and hurry toward my bedroom. As I cross the living room, my father's laughter stops me in my tracks. He’s laughing with someone, and the sound of the other man’s voice sends a chill down my spine. It’s Arnav Singh Raizada. My husband. What is he doing here?

I stop at a distance, peeking into the living room. There he is, sitting comfortably, talking to my father. My mother joins them, carrying a tray of sweets and tea, treating Arnav like he’s some sort of VIP. I feel a mix of confusion and unease wash over me.

“Khushi, what perfect timing. Come here. See who has come to visit us!” my father calls out, noticing me.

I walk in slowly, my eyes locking with Arnav’s. There’s a mischievous, triumphant smirk on his face, and I have no idea what it means. He’s dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, exuding charm and confidence. His presence feels overwhelming, like he’s here to once again turn my world upside down.

Mom comes to me and hugs me tightly. “I’m so happy for you, Khushi. Now everything will be great in your lives.”

I pull back slightly, confused. “What are you talking about, Mom?”

She beams at me. “Arnav has given us such good news.”

I glance at Arnav, who’s sitting there like he owns the place, and back at my mother. “What news?” I ask, my voice wary.

“Arnav is going to Manhattan again in two days,” she says, her eyes shining with excitement.

He is? Relief floods me for a moment, but it’s quickly replaced by confusion. Why would my parents be so happy about him leaving again?

“And Arnav is here to ask our permission to take you with him to Manhattan,” Mom continues.

I choke, literally, at that mention. “What?” I manage to sputter. Arnav wants to take me along? How the hell did this happen? What is he playing at now?

Arnav stands up, his eyes never leaving mine. “Yes, Khushi. I want you to come with me. Our families want us to unite and work on this marriage. So, until we stay together, sort out our differences and work on our relationship, how will we know if we can do this or not?”

I’m at a loss for words. This is the last thing I expected. And why do I feel he too is not doing this because he genuinely wants the same? I see it clearly in his eyes. Arnav doesn’t want me to go to Las Vegas with my friends and hence this new drama.

“But... I have plans. I’m going to Las Vegas with my friends,” I protest weakly, trying to grasp any excuse to get out of this.

He steps closer, his gaze intense. “Your plans can wait. This is more important.”

Mom looks between us. “He is right, Khushi. This is a wonderful opportunity for you both to reconnect. We’ve always wanted you two to work things out.”

I feel cornered, my excitement for the trip evaporating. “Dad,” I head to dad hoping he understands. “You had approved my trip to Las Vegas. I am all set to leave tomorrow. I have been waiting for this.”

“And we have been waiting to see you and Arnav united forever, Khushi. This is more important than any trip you have planned from weeks. Please understand.”

I clench my jaw.

“And why do you want to go with your friends when Arnav can take you there?” Mom interrupts. “Right, Arnav?”

Arnav shrugs.

“I wouldn’t mind,” he replies sweetly but its only to show my parents how good and dutiful husband he can be. “But why Las Vegas? I can take Khushi for a world tour if she wants.”

I roll my eyes at his extra cheesy line.

“That’s even better,” Mom laughs. “I will get some more sweets for you.”

She leaves into the kitchen and I know what I have to do to escape this situation. I turn to Dad again.

“Fine, Dad. If that’s what you want. But I need some time to think.”

Arnav’s smirk deepens, and I can see he’s enjoying my discomfort.

“Take all the time you need, Khushi. But remember, we leave in two days.”

I stare at him, my mind racing. What is he really up to? And why now, of all times? My parents are clearly thrilled, and I don’t want to disappoint them. But the thought of going to Manhattan with Arnav, of being so close to him again, fills me with dread and confusion. I retreat to my bedroom, promising my Las Vegas trip is not going to be doomed by Arnav’s sudden reappearance and his mysterious intentions. In fact, its high time he gets a sweet surprise from the wife he uses upon his convenience.

Arnav Singh Raizada

I sit across from Dad and Aman at the breakfast table in the Raizada mansion's informal dining room. They're both looking at me expectantly, awaiting an explanation for why I've called this impromptu family meeting.

The truth is, I didn't sleep a wink last night after returning from Gupta House. I proposed to her father that she come with me to Manhattan so we could work on our marriage. But I didn’t tell Aman or my father about it. Now, it’s time to face them.

"So?" Dad prompts when I remain silent. "What's on your mind, son?"

I take a fortifying breath, steeling myself. There's no easy way to reveal what I'm about to propose.

"It's about Khushi," I begin carefully.

Aman perks up with an amused grin. "New troubles in paradise again?"

I shoot him a quelling look.

Dad furrows his brow in concern. "You're not thinking of ending things before you've even begun, are you?"

"No, nothing like that," I assure him quickly.

Aman, ever the perceptive one, raises an eyebrow. “Then what is it?”

Clearing my throat, I adopt my best no-nonsense tone - the one I use to command a boardroom full of corporate associates. "I've decided that Khushi should come live with me in Manhattan."

I take a deep breath. “Last night, I visited Khushi’s home. I proposed to her father that she accompany me to Manhattan so we can work on our marriage.”

The words hang in the air, heavy with implication. Aman's teasing grin slips as he processes my statement. Dad, however, immediately brightens like I've just given him the news he's been longing to hear.

"Truly, Arnav?" he asks, eyes alight. "You're going to give your marriage a real chance?"

I nod once, keeping my expression neutral even as doubt gnaws at me internally. "I am. For better or worse, Khushi is still my wife. We took sacred vows, and it's my duty to uphold them, no matter the circumstances."

It's a half-truth at best, but it's enough to satisfy Dad. He beams with pure joy, the weight of long-held disappointment visibly lifting from his shoulders.

“I’ve thought a lot these past two days, Dad,” I continue. “I don’t want to hurt our families, and I realized that we need to give this marriage a fair chance. It’s a two-way street, though. Khushi will have to put in the effort as well. If it doesn’t work, at least we can part ways knowing we tried, and our families won’t feel guilty.”

"Oh, I'm so pleased to hear you say that!" he exclaims, rising from his chair to pull me into a tight embrace. "You've made an old man very happy today."

I accept his affectionate gesture stiffly, a bit taken aback. When was the last time I felt the warmth of my father's approval like this? The realization that something as simple as committing to my marriage could fill him with such overwhelming emotion is...humbling.

As Dad pulls back, I catch Aman's speculative gaze over his shoulder. He knows there's more to my motivations than mere duty, and I have a feeling he's not going to let me off easy until I confide in him.

Sure enough, after Dad retreats to share the happy news with the household staff, Aman leans back and regards me with a probing look.

"Alright, spill it," he demands without preamble. "What's really going on here? This can't be just about honor and duty. Not with how vehemently you've resisted this marriage for years."

I resist the urge to squirm under his perceptive stare. What's really going on? A complicated tangle of pride, jealousy, and an undeniable need to prove...something. To Khushi, to myself, I'm not sure.

Schooling my features, I meet Aman's gaze steadily. "You're right, it's not just about duty. It's about protecting my family name from further embarrassment if this sham of a marriage continues."

His brows shoot up incredulously. "That's it? You're worried about appearances?"

"Among other things," I hedge, unwilling to lay all my complex emotions bare.

Before I can continue, the doorbell rings. Moments later, Shashi Gupta is ushered into the room. He looks sad, a stark contrast to his usual cheerful demeanour. Dad comes out and greets him warmly.

“Shashi, is everything alright?” Dad asks.

“What brings you here?” I shoot the next question.

He takes out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and extends it towards me.

"See for yourself," he bites out. "My daughter's exact words in response to your demand that she return to the US with you."

I accept the note with numb fingers, somehow already knowing what it will say even before I've read the first line.

“Hey Husband,

If you thought you could ruin my plans to go to Las Vegas with your silly excuse about wanting this marriage to work, then you are wrong. My family may be fooled, but not me. So I dare you to stop fooling them as well and get back to your regular lifestyle in Manhattan... Khushi Gupta is not going to come into your hands ever. By the time you read this message, I will be on my flight to Las Vegas. Goodbye, Husband. Wish me a good trip.”

I crumple the note in my hand in a mix of anger and frustration. Where does she get the courage to defy so many people? Defy me – Arnav Singh Raizada?

To be Continued.... 



  1. Arnav is furious. 👌😉 I look forward to what Arnav would do

  2. Looking forward to reading more. Hope it’s not another two months :(

  3. Awesome Update.Arnav is really protective of Khushi. Khushi shouldn't have spoken to Arnav's dad like that. He seems to have some expectations that Arshi will be together. Arshi always fight like Tom and Jerry. Both have fault. Marriage is a sacred institution not a joke. Khushi at last understood Arnav's dad pain. Arshi were unwilling to marry. Arnav shouldn't be forced Khushi to go with him despite knowing her plans. Arnav wants their marriage to work is a good thing. This time Arnav isn't wrong. Both should stay together and see if it works or not. Without giving chance ending a marriage is not good. Khushi already went to Las Vegas now Arnav will follow her. Hope Arnav makes Khushi understand not force her for anything otherwise she will remain the same. Thanks for the Update😍

  4. What do Arnav Singh Raizada think of himself as that he is so angry to be defied by his wife whom he left right after their marriage? She is going on a trip. He should like a good husband let her have a good time. Later on, she would have come to him na. but he wanna play dirty and Khushi have proved she is indeed his wife. Amazing update. loved it.

  5. Fabulous update. Let's see how Arnav tackle the situation .

  6. Fab update. Kinda expected this from Khushi. Excited to read what Arnav does next.

  7. Thanks for the update finallyyy!! Amazing chapter. Would love to the real reason behind Arnav wanting to reconcile.
    I know Madhu it is very difficult for you to update amidst writing your own book. Would love to update monthly twice or three. Hope not asking more

  8. only one update? this is not fair

  9. this story is interesting..loving this hate and love story update soon

  10. Awesome update. Khushi’s courage is interesting 😜 Now Khushi touches Arnav’s ego badly 😂

  11. He left her for so long.. Now can't expect her to comply
    They need to talk

  12. Ufff.....Uffff.....No Words.....😑
    As They Says Two Can play At A Time.....
    This Is What I Love The Most In Ur Stories The *FIRE & ICE* Between ARSHI...

    Had Waited So Much 4r the Chapter.....Plz Don't Repeat For thr Next One.

  13. Khushi did very good thing 👏 👌
    How can her family can except her to work on this marriage which is totally non sense for 18 year old girl may be just school passed girl so easy to spoil her life n Arnav when he didn't want marriage n wife but wants his wife to be dutiful n wait for him all life n wants to dominant her

  14. Why badtameez is remove from the blog ?

  15. Love your updates but really miss you being frequent here. I wish you can clarify to your readers on this blog if you're no longer motivated to update here and would like to focus on the subscribed readers. It's totally okay if you want to do that but would appreciate the clarity. :)

  16. Hey what happened with yotbm season 3 fiction I was reading it. Now it showing do not exist 😭. Please look into the matter dear. The story is so good.

  17. I can't even find it in your completed fiction. Have it's been removed from the blog. Please I want to read the fiction 🙏

  18. First badtameez is removed the. Yotbm season 3 but why. Both have similar plots. I like the characters of Arshi there. Please try to add this two stories in your completed fiction index as I want read. Please please i request you 🙏 Please consider me 🙏

    1. Oh ya badtameez is removed too why is that aaaa I don't want stories to be removed I love reading them again and again please madhu di bring them back please please I mean if you don't have any issue can you please post them again they were wonderful stories

  19. Thank you 🙏 Madhu such amazing updates love ❤️ it waiting next chapter

  20. I really like this update but Madhu di I have a small request first you remove Badtameez and now YOTBM. Plz add these two stories again I want to read both stories. PLZ PLZ PLZ

  21. Month passed with no update

  22. The fact that you’ve discarded your regular readers as worthless is highly surprising to me. The least you can do is be upfront about your priorities and let them know that updating on the blog is no longer of interest to you. I noticed comments above about certain readers talking about a fiction that’s removed. Wouldn’t it be a basic courtesy to let people know you’re planning to remove a fiction?

    It’s easier to be high on success (which is always fleeting!, Madhu but such things speak a lot about you as a human and that perception is harder to change.

  23. Why did you remove YOTBM season 3 ?

  24. I recently read YOTBM 2, such a lovely story. We have enjoyed so many lovely fictions from you over the years Madhu, thank you for sharing these with us over the years to read for free. You have a right to take them away from the blog. Please do update The Wait though.

  25. That was one superb update wow.... I like the bickering and love how the story is proceeding.... Hey can you say what happened to YOTBM season 3 did I miss some news I want to read it so bad but it's not here anymore 😭

  26. Here she go updates...u know we readers are idiots...she know us so well that Even if she gave late updates we will be there to read... change that perception dear readers... she's is here because of the readers

  27. Why are you removed you ought to be mine season 3

  28. She have time to post on insta but she doesn't have time to post here

  29. Have you guys noticed that she's removing stories from the blog one by one and publishing it as a book...when she finished removing every single finished story as books she vll stop this blog...I bet she won't finish this story..

  30. I'm generally a rational person but I'll never understand people who simply forget what made them (read: readers here/IF) who they're now. Feel like I got scammed as a reader by starting this story that most likely will take forever (or may be never) to complete.

  31. She should start writing one shots.
