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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

NEW FF: LOVE ME NOT - Chapter 5


Khushi Gupta

As the plane touches down in Las Vegas, my heart races with excitement. I can hardly believe we're finally here – me, Pam, Lavanya, and Payal, ready for two weeks of unforgettable adventure. I didn’t care eloping from my own house for this trip, leaving a note for my so called husband showing him his place in my life. If he thinks he can make me dance on his wishes and whims, he is making a fool of himself. By now he might have got the letter from my father and might be cursing the moment he decided to work on our marriage, which I know is not because he truly wants the same. He must have some internal agenda – which involves his big fat ego to keep his wife in check.

The moment we step off the plane, the dry desert heat engulfs us, a stark contrast to the air-conditioned cabin we've just left.

“Ladies, welcome to Sin City!” I exclaim, spreading my arms wide as we exit the airport. The dazzling lights of the Strip greet us in the distance, a neon promise of the thrills to come.

We pile into a sleek black limo, giggling like schoolgirls as we pop open a bottle of champagne. The bubbles tickle my nose as I take a sip, the sweet taste a perfect start to our getaway. As we cruise down the famous Las Vegas Boulevard, I can't help but press my face against the window, marveling at the larger-than-life hotels and casinos.

Our home for the next two weeks is the Bellagio, a seven-star paradise that takes our breath away as we pull up to the entrance. Crystal chandeliers, marble floors, and the soft tinkling of slot machines greet us as we enter the lobby. I feel like a celebrity as we're escorted to our penthouse suite, complete with a panoramic view of the Strip and our own private hot tub on the balcony.

As we unpack and freshen up, we go over our itinerary one last time. Our itinerary is packed with everything a group of young women fresh out of college could dream of doing in Sin City. We’ve planned for wild nights at the hottest clubs, daring escapades on the Strip, luxurious pampering sessions, and everything in between.

With our plans set, we decide to kick things off with a bang. We slip into our sexiest outfits and head to Wet Republic, one of the hottest pool parties on the Strip. The bass thrums through my body as we make our way to our VIP cabana, turning heads as we go. Lavanya, always the bold one, immediately starts flirting with the muscular bartender, scoring us a round of free shots.

The day becomes a blur of dancing, drinking, and laughter. I find myself in a playful water gun fight with a group of attractive guys from Australia, while Payal, usually the shy one, surprises us all by joining a dance contest on stage. As the sun begins to set, we reluctantly leave the pool, but the night is just beginning.

We freshen up at the hotel and head to XS Nightclub at the Wynn. The energy is electric as we enter, the crowd pulsing to the beat of a world-famous DJ. Pam manages to get us access to the VIP area, where we rub shoulders with celebrities and socialites. It’s surreal and exhilarating, and for a moment, I forget all about the drama back home. This is where I want to be—free and happy, surrounded by my closest friends.

Reaching back to the hotel I make a quick call to Mom. After landing here in Las Vegas I’d texted Dad about my safe flight but he didn’t respond anything which only meant he was upset with me. He had to be. Mom answers the call after a few rings.

“Khushi?” Mom speaks.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Why did you do this?” she asks, her tone a bit annoyed. “You had one chance to set things right with Arnav and your marriage and you didn’t care to kick it off for your silly girls trip?”

I roll my eyes, expecting this reaction from her.

“It’s not just about this trip, Mom.”

“Then what is it? Do you know how much angry your father is?”

“I’ll apologize to him but that doesn’t mean I am accepting what you two want.”

Mom sighs in frustration.

“Arnav is leaving for Manhattan tomorrow. I don’t think he is coming to India anytime soon again. Have you thought what are you going to do after this trip?”

“I’ll come back home. What else?”

“Yes, you’ll come back home and then your Dad is going to take you to Manhattan himself and make sure you stay with Arnav there for some time.”

“What?” I groan. “Mom, I am not doing any of that and if you and Dad push me for it, I won’t come home at all.”

“Khushi what are you saying?” Mom screams in anger but I disconnect the call and throw the phone away.

I’m not going to let them decide the course of my life hereon. Yes, they are my parents and they intend good for me, but they cannot force Arnav and me into this marriage for long.


The next morning, we nurse our hangovers with a lavish brunch at Giada. The rich Italian food and bottomless mimosas soon have us feeling human again, and we're ready for our next adventure. We've booked a “Stripper 101” class at Planet Hollywood, and I can feel my cheeks burning as we enter the studio.

Our instructor, a statuesque woman named Candy, puts us at ease with her humour and encouragement. Soon, we're awkwardly attempting to swing around poles and do sensual floor work. Payal surprises us all by being a natural, executing a perfect spin that leaves us all in awe. By the end of the class, we're laughing so hard we can barely breathe, and we leave with a newfound appreciation for the athletic prowess of exotic dancers.

That evening, we decide to test our newfound skills at a male revue show. The Chippendales theatre is packed with screaming women, and we join in enthusiastically as the chiselled dancers take the stage. During one number, a dancer pulls Lavanya on stage for a lap dance, and we hoot and holler as she plays along, her face a mix of embarrassment and delight.

Day three dawns bright and early, and we drag ourselves to the Bellagio spa for a day of pampering. As I sink into a mud bath, I can feel the tension and excitement of the past two days melting away. We indulge in massages, facials, and mani-pedis, emerging hours later feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Feeling glamorous, we hit the shops at the Crystals and the Forum Shops at Caesars Palace. We try on outrageous outfits and jewelry we could never afford, posing for silly photos and pretending to be high-rolling socialites. Pam convinces us all to splurge on designer shoes, insisting that we need them for our night out at the high-roller clubs and La Parela casino we plan to visit today evening.


The glittering lights of La Parela casino beckon us like a siren's call as we step out of our taxi. The grand facade, adorned with shimmering gold and crystal accents, promises an evening of luxury and excitement. I smooth down my red sequined dress, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation as we approach the entrance.

“Ready to try our luck, ladies?” I ask, flashing a grin at Pam, Lavanya, and Payal.

“I can’t wait,” Lavanya smiles flashing her dimples. “I just hope we make some money here.”

“Or we might lose everything we have in our pockets at the moment,” Payal replies frowning. She is against the idea of playing anything at the casinos in the fear of losing but there’s no harm in trying one or two games, is it?

“Chill Payal, one hour and we’ll be out of here,” I assure before all we all stride into the casino.

As we step inside, the casino is a world of its own, filled with the sound of clinking glasses, soft music, and the excited chatter of people trying their luck. The lighting is dim and ambient, creating an atmosphere that’s both thrilling and glamorous.

We make our way to the bar first, ordering a round of colorful mocktails to calm our nerves. As I sip my drink, my eyes dart around the room, taking in the various games and tables. Roulette wheels spin hypnotically, cards flutter across green felt tables, and the constant clinking of chips forms a tantalizing background melody.

“Wow, this place is amazing,” Pam breathes, her eyes wide with wonder.

“I know,” I reply, feeling a rush of excitement. “Let’s try our luck!”

We wander through the gaming tables, taking in the array of games. Lavanya suggests starting with something simple, and we settle at a blackjack table. It’s exhilarating to play, and soon enough, we’re laughing and cheering as we win a few rounds.

As the night progresses, we move from table to table, trying our hand at different games. The mocktails keep flowing, and I feel a warm buzz of adrenaline coursing through my veins. That's when I spot it – a secluded area cordoned off with velvet ropes, where serious-looking players are gathered around a table I don't recognize.

“What's that game?” I ask a passing waitress, my curiosity piqued.

“That's our high-stakes baccarat room,” she replies. “Minimum buy-in is $10,000.”

I nod, impressed but not really understanding.

“I'm going to check out that game,” I announce to my friends, feeling brave.

Before they can respond, I'm already making my way towards the velvet ropes. A suited man stops me, asking for my player's card. I hand it over, and to my surprise, he nods and lets me pass.

The dealer, a charming woman with a confident smile, explains the rules quickly, and it sounds intriguing. The game seems simple enough, and I decide to give it a try.

I later realize that the high limit on my card, meant for our entire trip's expenses, was misinterpreted as my gambling budget. I take a seat at the baccarat table, feeling out of my depth but too proud to back out now. The other players barely glance at me, their focus entirely on the game. The dealer explains more rules quickly, and I nod as if I understand completely.

The first hand is dealt, and I place what I think is a modest bet, mimicking the actions of the player next to me. To my shock, I win. Encouraged, I bet again, this time a little more. Another win. The excitement is intoxicating, and I keep playing, the stakes getting higher with each hand.

It's only when I hear the dealer announce, “The lady bets $50,000,” that the reality of my situation crashes down on me. I've been so caught up in the game that I've lost track of how much I've been betting. My heart races as I realize I don't have anywhere near that amount of money.

“I... I'm sorry, there must be some mistake,” I stammer, feeling the color drain from my face.

The dealer looks at me impassively. “Ma'am, you've been playing at this table for the last hour. Your current bet is $50,000.”

“What?” I stammer, trying to keep my composure. “I didn’t know the stakes were this high.”

The dealer shrugs, her expression apologetic but unmoved. “I’m sorry, miss. The game was explained, and you agreed to play.”

Panic sets in as I realize I don’t have the funds to cover this. My card doesn’t have that kind of limit. The other players at the table are staring at me now, their expressions a mix of annoyance and pity.

“I need to speak with the manager,” I say, my voice shaky.

Within minutes, I'm escorted to a private room where a stern-looking man in an expensive suit is waiting. My friends have been brought in as well, their faces etched with concern.

“Miss Gupta,” the manager begins, his voice cold, “you've accrued a debt of $150,000 over the course of your play this evening. How do you intend to settle this?”

The room spins around me as I try to process the number. “There must be some mistake,” I repeat weakly. “I didn't realize... I don't have that kind of money.”

The manager's expression hardens. “I'm afraid ignorance is not an excuse, Miss Gupta. We have video evidence of your play. You'll need to settle this debt before you leave the casino.”

My hands shake as I reach for my phone, scrolling frantically through my contacts. There's only one person who might be able to help – my father. But as I dial his number, I remember our argument before the trip, his disapproval of my “frivolous” vacation plans.

The phone rings once, twice, three times before going to voicemail. I leave a desperate message, explaining the situation and pleading for help. But as the minutes tick by, there's no response.

“He's not answering,” I whisper, tears welling up in my eyes.

The manager sighs heavily. “I'm afraid I can't let you leave until this is settled, Miss Gupta. Perhaps one of your friends can assist?”

But I know they can't. We're all recent graduates, none of us with the means to cover such an enormous debt. The reality of our situation begins to sink in, and I feel as if I'm drowning in a sea of my own making.

This was supposed to be a fun night, and now we’re stuck in a situation I never anticipated. My friends gather around me, their support a small comfort in the face of this crisis.

“What are we going to do?” Payal whispers, her voice tinged with worry.

“I don’t know,” I admit, feeling helpless.

Just as despair threatens to overwhelm me, there's a commotion outside the room. The door swings open, and a man strides in, exuding an aura of authority and confidence. He's strikingly handsome, with chiselled features and piercing eyes that seem to take in the entire room at a glance.

“Sir,” The manager straightens immediately.

The man, he holds up a hand, silencing his manager and turns to us instead. “You are free to go.” he says, his voice deep and commanding.

“Really?” I blink in confusion, not quite believing what I'm hearing.

“Yes. The debt has been settled. So you ladies are free to go.”

Debt is settled? How? I blink in confusion, not quite believing what I'm hearing. 

“But... how? And who are you?” Lavanya asks him.

His lips curl into a small smile.

“You can call me NK. I own this casino.”

Our jaws drop. Lavanya is still not convinced.

“Maybe you own the casino but how are we allowed to leave when we didn’t even settle the debt?” she argues.

“La..” Pam pulls her behind. “What’s your problem? When the owner himself is saying its settled, why do you want to argue?”

“Because we need to know how it was settled,” she replies. “Or rather what nasty games he is playing with us. This is definitely his trick, Khushi. He wants us to leave now but maybe tomorrow he will come and blackmail us for something else to repay his debt? Some other favours.”

“What favours?” I ask innocently.

“Those kinds of favours, Khushi, the ones we read in books.”

I realize she is talking about the steamy mafia romance books we have been binge-reading a lot these days. The hero pays the heroine's debt and later asks her for physical favours. My face heats up with anger wanting to warn NK to not even think anything in those lines.

“How dare you?” I shout at NK. “Do you even know? Hum Shaadishu…”

“Shaadishuda ho?” (You are married) comes a reply but not NK but the man striding inside that room from behind him. And there he is – Arnav Singh Raizada, storming into the room like a force of nature. His eyes lock onto mine, filled with a mixture of anger, concern, and something else I can't quite decipher.

NK's lips curl into a small smile as he turns to Arnav. I stand there, frozen. What is Arnav doing here? As these questions swirl in my mind, I realize that this Vegas trip has taken a turn I never could have anticipated. With Arnav's unexpected arrival, I have a feeling that the real adventure is only just beginning.

“Hey Bro,” NK says giving a tight hug to Arnav.

Did he just call Arnav Bro? They are brothers? My jaw drops at that new revelation. Even Lavanya, Pam and Payal look at each other and then at the two men.

NK then turns to me.

“Arnav is my cousin and he is obviously the one who paid off your debt.”

My heart pounds. Arnav had a cousin in Las Vegas and wait… he paid my gambling debts tonight?

“So bhabhi,” NK continues, this time grinning. “Please tell your friend to read less romance novels. She took this to a whole new level.”

Pam and Payal chuckle at his teasing especially when he turns his gaze from me to Lavanya and winks at her. Lavanya frowns. “Whatever Mister. Now can we please leave?”

She grabs my elbow to lead me away and I hardly take a step when Arnav grabs my other elbow and stops me.

“You are coming with me.”

Now I’m even more surprised. I shrug off his hold from mine and cross my arms in front giving him a challenging look.

“What even got you think that I would come with you?”

His jaw hardens yet he manages to give me a smirk.

I paid your debt, Khushi. So now you are going to return the favour by either repaying me right away or you’ll do whatever I ask you to do without any ifs and buts. Am I clear?”

My jaw drops again at his audacity of thinking I wouldn’t object to his demand but before I can, Arnav holds my hand, this time even more firmly and then drags me out.

To be Continued.

NOTE: I have read all those comments in the previous post of this FF. All I want to say is no matter what you all think about me, my paid subscribers and my books. But the real sukoon I get is when I am able to post a chapter of my FFs here on this blog, even if its after days, weeks or months. Thanks friends. For everything. :) 


  1. Awesome Update. Khushi finally acknowledged her marriage is a great thing. I really like Khushi in this chapter. She is really a cute teenaged girl who wants to live life like other girls of her age. Nk is Arnav's cousin . I liked the way he addressed Khushi as Dhabi. Hope Arnav don't act rude with Khushi or say something harsh to her. Thanks for the amazing Update. Please post soon. I really like the story😍

  2. Awesome update.
    Now Khushi is trapped.
    Thank you for the update.
    Please update next part soon.

  3. Simpel ecelent update dead thanks. Please posible update soon

  4. Hii Dii, it's been some time. Hope all is well with you. Thank you for another update. Though the long wait for updates kills the suspense and curiosity but it's always great to read a chapter. See ya soon.

  5. Madhu I can’t find your ought to be mine 3 and Badtmeez in this blog or may I am missing something

    1. It is removed from the blog. Because they are now reworked and turned into ebooks.

    2. How do I access ebooks?

    3. Just message me on my instagram @madhuritamse and I will guide you :)

  6. Waiting to see more nok jhok
    Nk entry ohhh so kush bff soon or lakshman for arnav

  7. Arnav is smart, surely he has been tracking Khushi and NK being his cousin and owner of the casino made it even easier. Now, Arnav will surely know how to handle Khushi from here on…good one!

  8. Samanthi from sri lankaAugust 8, 2024 at 9:26 PM

    Madhu, please publish the book under both the names of Arnav and Khushi without changing the names of Arnav and Khushi while converting the books into ebooks. Then I can buy that book too. I remember you promised. Arnav and Khushi's stories are written only in this blog. But I like Arnava and Khushi's stories to be written in ebooks as well. If you write like that, I will definitely buy those books. Please don't change their names, this is a kind request from one of your loyal readers who has been following your stories for a long time.

  9. Hey madhu
    Waiting to see how the story unfolds as it is quite intriguing and interesting , keeping me hooked for the next chapters…..Pls do continue ….eagerly waiting for the next chapter….

  10. Awesome…🩵💜🩵💜🩵💜🩵

  11. Good. I do not specifically know why, but I am not liking the khushi in this ff. It shows how irresponsible she is to loose that amount of money without knowing anything.some people might think the party culture and gambling competing with men is cool. But it is the most dumbest thing to do. If one want to compete with men and show they are equal, there are many other ways like achieving something big or helping someone in need. But I trust your work madhu anad eager to read further.

  12. oh god!!! Arnav got his chance to take his wife with him.. even though on very wrong grounds.. Khushi should have been careful and now she should handle situation patiently.. loved the update.. Thank you Madhu for the update..

  13. Oh... I missed your updates... This is really interesting.. Arnav seems to like her secretly without realising... Does Khushi also like him... Waiting to know...
    Thanks Madhu for the update...
    Will wait for the next chapter... Thank you

  14. Congratulations readers we are completed one month waiting ....see you all next month...coz we all know that there won't be an update anytime soon

  15. Beautiful update thank you

  16. Came back here after an year --- only because #arshi stories written by you lure me. New story and good going till now. Hope to read the next chapter soon.

    PS: Unrelated --- BUT so happy that Sanaya & Barun are working for an advertisement after years.

  17. When will be the next update?
