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NO ONE LIKE YOU (An Office Romance)

One Hellish Desire - Releasing July 2024


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

The Wait - Chapter 21



I step out of the warm shower, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Drops of water trickle down my skin as I wrap myself in a soft satin robe, the fabric caressing me like a gentle touch. My hair is damp, and I quickly reach for a towel to dry it as I look at the wall clock and let out a soft sigh. I'm already getting late. Dhruv's welcome party is tonight, and there's still so much to do.

"Already getting late, Khushi," I murmur to myself, a tinge of worry in my voice.

I quickly rub the towel over my damp hair, trying to dry it as much as possible. My mind is filled with thoughts of the party, making sure everything is perfect for Dhruv's welcome. I want him to feel welcomed and loved, just like any family member should. The family is too excited about this party. Drops of water fall on the tiled floor, creating a small puddle around me. I shake my head, trying to get rid of the excess water, but it seems to be a never-ending task.

"I should have taken a quicker shower," I chide myself, my brow furrowing in frustration. I always lose track of time when I'm in the shower, and today is no exception. But I can't help it; the warm water is so comforting, and it's the perfect way to relax after a long day. And of course I want to look my best today for Arnav. His words from yesterday morning still echo in my mind, especially the way he looked at me when he announced the honeymoon plans still makes my heart flutter.

I set the towel down in the laundry bag and reach tie the sash of my black satin robe around my waist securely. I'm actually feeling a little nervous about the party. It will not be just Dhruv’s welcome party but also the first time people will see me and Arnav together after our wedding. I love parties but not this big and definitely not when I’m the spotlight. I've always preferred staying in the background, but now, as Arnav's wife, I have to face the attention and expectations of being a part of the Raizada family and their long list of guests.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

“It's just a party, Khushi. You've done such parties before,” I remind myself, trying to muster some confidence.

I take one last look in the mirror, adjusting a loose strand of hair and giving myself a reassuring smile.

"Alright, let's do this," I say to myself, trying to sound determined. With a newfound sense of resolve, I turn away from the mirror and open the bathroom door to come out.

I can't believe it! Arnav is sitting on our bed, reading something! Of course it was to be something related to his work. His workaholic attitude is not going to leave him anytime soon. I try to keep my cool as I head straight to the dressing table,

"Arnav, don't you want to get ready? The guests will start coming any moment," I say, trying to distract him.

He doesn't reply immediately, just flips the page of whatever he is reading, and then I hear his voice.

"No one other than Arnav looks hot in custom-made three-piece suits."

My eyes widen in surprise. That's what I wrote in my diary! How did he know? Did he find it accidentally? My heart starts racing, and I turn around to face him. And that’s when I realize he is reading my private diary. Where did he find it? In the hurry to get showered and ready, I probably forgot to put it in the closet and left it on the bed.

My heart pounds, and I can feel the blush creeping up my cheeks. Arnav is grinning mischievously, and my suspicions are confirmed. He's been reading my diary ever since I’d been to shower! I can't believe it!

"Arnav, how can you read my diary? Give it back!" I scold him, trying to take the diary from his hands.

But he doesn't budge. Instead, he flips to the next page and continues reading.

"Making pancakes for Arnav has now become my most favorite task of the day."

He looks at me giving me ‘Is it?’ smirk. Oh no! This is getting embarrassing! I reach the bed and try to snatch the diary from him, but he holds it out of my reach, teasing me.

"Arnav, please! That's private!" I plead, feeling utterly mortified.

But he just smirks and reads another line.

"Today, Arnav came out from the bathroom in a towel, and I think I forgot how to breathe?"

Oh, this is too much! I can't handle the embarrassment anymore. I try to grab the diary from him with all my might and stumble instead and collapse on the bed, upon him.

Arnav chuckles and holds me close, still not letting go of the diary.

"You know, wifey, you write beautifully," he says, his voice low and teasing.

I bury my face in his chest, too embarrassed to look at him.

"That's not the point! Give it back!" I protest, trying to sound angry, but failing miserably.

He finally relents and hands me the diary, but not before planting a soft kiss on my forehead. "I couldn't resist reading your thoughts about me," he admits, his eyes filled with affection.

I playfully slap his arm, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"You are impossible, Arnav Singh Raizada," I say, but I can't help but smile. “You invade my privacy and embarrass me to no end."

He smirks, "Well, get used to it, Mrs. Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada. You're stuck with me.”

I wrap my arms around him, "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

I don’t know what got me admit that to him but the moment I say it, a teasing smile pops on his lips. He caresses the soft tendril of my hair falling on my face. My heart races as Arnav's touch leaves a trail of fire on my skin. The way his fingers graze my cheek, trailing down to my neck, sends shivers down my spine. I'm equally lost in his touch, feeling the warmth of his breath against my lips as he leans in closer, his eyes locked on mine.

And then he kisses me. It’s a soft kiss, pouring out his desires for me. As he kisses me, I feel a rush of emotions flooding through me. The world around us fades away, leaving only the two of us in this intimate moment. Arnav's lips are soft and tender, and his kiss is filled with a mixture of passion and tenderness that makes my knees go weak. We haven’t really gone too other than kissing but today with us on bed and Arnav on top of me is creating havoc to my senses.

He gently pulls me closer, and I can feel the intensity of his desire for me. I find myself responding to his touch, my arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him even closer. My heart beats in sync with his, and I melt into his embrace.

Arnav's hands explore my body with a gentle possessiveness that makes me feel cherished and loved. His fingers trace the curve of my waist, and he slowly starts to open the sash of my robe. I grip his shirt, holding on this anticipation of his touch that sends a rush of excitement through me. I’m wearing nothing except my inners inside the robe and if Arnav happens to undress me, there will be no going back after it.

Just as I'm about to completely surrender to the moment, a soft knock on the door breaks our spell. Arnav curses under his breath, clearly annoyed by the intrusion. Reluctantly, he lets me move away to open the door.

I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself, my heart still racing from the intensity of the moment we shared. As I open the door, I see Nani standing there with a smile on her face.

"Khushi, beta, you are not ready for the party yet?" she asks, her gaze gentle but knowing.

I nod, trying to hide my confusion and embarrassment. "Nani, I was just getting ready. I'll be down soon."

Nani's smile widens, and she pats my cheek affectionately. "Take your time, dear. We'll be waiting for you."

As Nani leaves, I close the door, my mind still reeling from the passionate moment with Arnav. I can't help but wonder how I let myself be carried away like that. It's true that we're married now, but everything is still so new and overwhelming.

I lean against the door, my mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Part of me is thrilled by the growing intimacy between Arnav and me, the realization of our love and connection. But another part of me is afraid of how quickly things are progressing, how easily I'm letting Arnav into my heart and my life. At this rate, I think we might actually consummate our marriage in Scotland, during our honeymoon.

As I stand there, trying to gather my thoughts, I know that I need to talk to Arnav about this, about the depth of my feelings for him, and how it scares me. I need reassurance and time to process everything that's happening, especially with Dhruv around and the fact that he clearly is unable to digest the fact that I am his twin’s wife now.

Taking a deep breath, I compose myself and return to the dressing table. Arnav has gone in the bathroom to get ready. Tonight's party might be a celebration for Dhruv, but it's also an opportunity for Arnav and me to strengthen our bond and understand each other better.

I'll let the romance and love between us blossom, but at my own pace, with the assurance that Arnav will be patient and understanding. And as I look at myself in the mirror, I can't help but smile, knowing that I have a husband who loves and cherishes me, and I'm ready to explore this new chapter of my life with him.


The party is in full swing, and the mansion is filled with laughter and joy. Dhruv is at the center of attention, surrounded by guests who are happy to see him back and safe. He's clearly basking in their admiration and pampering, and I can't help but smile at his antics.

I'm wearing a beautiful red designer saree, and as I walk through the crowd, I can feel the eyes of many guests on me. It's a bit overwhelming, but I know they mean well. I spot my parents, and my heart leaps with joy. I rush over to them, and they envelop me in a warm hug.

"Khushi, my dear, you look stunning!" my mother exclaims, admiring my saree.

"Thank you, Mumma," I reply, feeling a bit shy under her gaze.

“Looks like Arnav is keeping you very happy then” she teases in a murmur.

“It’s the other way round, actually,” Arnav says, joining us in no time. “She keeps me happy. It’s my joy radiating on her face,” he adds before smirking at me.

I hold my smile and watch him as he takes blessings from my parents. He leans down, touching their feet with utmost respect, and I can't help but swoon at the sight. Arnav then stands up and hugs them, making small talk and charming them with his wit and charm as usual. Dad and Mom seem thoroughly impressed, and I can't blame them.

“So, we have heard that you two are going to Scotland next week?” Dad asks.

“Yes we are,” Arnav replies looking at me. “Khushi picked that destination for our honeymoon.”

I just shrug when Dad and Mom look at me.

Suddenly we all hear a loud cheer and laugh from the other end. The party is in full swing, and Dhruv is playing the perfect host, making sure everyone is entertained. He has taken center stage, grabbing the microphone with confidence. He is cracking jokes, the guests cheering and clapping, filling the atmosphere with laughter.

“It’s so good to see him back,” Dad mentions. “I heard he has joined the business too now?”

“He has,” Arnav nods. “I hope he shows some consistency there.”

“Hey Arnav,” Dhruv steps up to the stage. My heart skips a beat, unsure of what he's about to say.

He takes the microphone, and for a moment, there's a tense silence in the room.

"I just vanished from your lives, and you all assumed I was dead." He begins, his voice calm but with a hint of intensity.

Some of the guests gasp at his directness, but he continues, "And while you should have mourned for the loss, you got a chance to snatch my best friend, Khushi, away from me."

My eyes widen, and my heart races. I never expected Dhruv to bring this up in front of everyone. I can feel the intensity in the air, and I know this moment could turn into a confrontation between the two brothers.

Arnav’s smile fades slightly, and he meets Dhruv’s gaze. "Oh, come on, Dhruv," he replies, trying to keep it light but there's a touch of bitterness in his tone. "Are you jealous?”

"Maybe," he says, his voice low and controlled.

Arnav's jaw tightens, and I can sense his anger rising.

"We were close, Arnav,” Dhruv continues. “You know if I’d never gone away, Khushi would have been mine instead of yours."

What is Dhruv doing? He is creating unnecessary drama in the party. The tension in the room escalates, and I can feel everyone's eyes on us. I glance at Dhruv, and then at Arnav, both of them holding their ground. My heart once again aches at the thought of being the cause of any dispute between them.

"Let's get one thing straight, buddy," Arnav continues, a teasing glint in his eyes as he tries to lighten the mood. "Your best friend was meant to be mine. Destiny had other plans."

I feel a mix of relief and amusement as Arnav's words ease the tension in the room. Some guests chuckle, and I can see Dhruv trying to hide a smile too. It's typical of Arnav to defuse a situation with his wit.

“He’s drunk, friends,” Arnav continues addressing the guests. “Hence the unnecessary drama. And of course, with a wife like Khushi, any man would want to have one like her.”

He slides his arm around my waist to prove his point. The guests cheer us and the family joins in too. Dhruv picks another glass of drink and gulps it down.

As the night goes on, the atmosphere becomes more relaxed, and the guests continue to enjoy the party. I find myself by Arnav's side, feeling grateful for his ability to handle difficult situations with charm and confidence.

Arnav pulls me aside to a quiet corner. "I'm sorry if I made things awkward earlier," he says sincerely.

I smile and cup his cheek gently. "It's okay, Arnav. I know you were just trying to handle the situation."

“I don’t know when Dhruv is going to accept this,” he mutters.

“Dhruv?” an unknown woman calls Arnav, standing behind him.

We both turn to her direction. As I stand there, witnessing this unexpected encounter, a mix of emotions swirls within me. The woman, is stunning, with her modern and stylish attire, and her dimples make her smile all the more captivating. But I can't ignore the pang of jealousy that surges through me as she hugs my husband, mistaking him for Dhruv.

"Dhruv, you look so different and damn handsome in this suit. You should wear them often," she gushes, her eyes clearly admiring him.

Arnav stops her just in time before she kisses his cheek.

“I’m not Dhruv but his twin brother, Arnav Singh Raizada.”

I can see that the situation is a bit awkward for him too, but he handles it with his usual composure.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I really thought it's Dhruv,” she pulls away. “Anyways, I am Lavanya, Dhruv's friend from Greece," she says, shaking hands with Arnav. Her tone is friendly, but I can't help but feel wary of her.

“Hey Lavanya,” Dhruv joins us, exclaiming in joy at seeing Lavanya. He pulls her into a hug, kissing her cheek affectionately. My heart clenches at the sight, and I wonder what kind of friendship they share.

"Lavanya, meet my brother Arnav and that’s Khushi," Dhruv introduces us and there’s no doubt why he didn’t like mentioning me as Arnav’s wife in the introduction.

Lavanya's smile weakens a bit when she looks at me. "So you are Khushi," she says with an almost displeased tone.

"Hello, Lavanya," I reply, trying to keep my smile friendly, even though I feel a knot of discomfort in my stomach. “Nice meeting you.”

“Same here,” she gives me another confused smile before turning to Dhruv. “I’m so damn tired. The Journey killed my sleep. But I’d to come. For you.”

“That’s like my girl.” He kisses her cheek again and me and Arnav both give a glance to each other. Something is not right. I can sense it. Dhruv’s public display of affection like this looks too fake.

“Let me introduce you to the rest of my family. And I’ll ask the servants to place your luggage inside.”

“She is staying?” Arnav is the first one to ask his doubt.

Dhruv grins. “Of course she is. Lavanya will be staying with us for a few weeks. Right La?”

“As long as you want, Dhruv,” she giggles and then pulls him away with her.

“Now what is this new drama?” Arnav mutters, before rubbing his temples.

Arnav senses my unease and subtly wraps his arm around my waist, offering me comfort and reassurance. "You okay?” he whispers in my ear.

"Yes, I am,” I swallow. “She's doesn’t look like just an old friend of Dhruv."

“Why should we bother?” he asks coolly. “Dance?”

I don’t know if I want to dance but when Arnav pulls me close, on the dance floor, I sway to the music with him, lost in our little world.

But as the night progresses, Lavanya sticks close to Dhruv, and I can't help but observe their interactions closely. They seem quite familiar with each other, and it leaves me feeling uneasy. I try to brush it off, reminding myself that they are just friends from Dhruv's past, but the uneasiness lingers. I can't help but wonder what kind of history Dhruv and Lavanya share, and if their connection might cause any issues in our own relationship.

To be Continued

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  1. Awesome Update. Khushi is quite excited for her honeymoon. Arnav read Khushi's dairy where she penned down her thoughts and complimented Arnav. Loving the way Arshi's relationship is progressing. Arshi kissed but Nani interrupted their romance. Arshi are very romantic. Khushi is excited for the honeymoon. Arnav is a sweetheart. Dhruv again ruined everything by his drama but ASR managed him in his own way. Dhruv should accept the reality Khushi being Arnav's wife. Lavanya is the new character who is Dhruv's friend. But looked like she deliberately hugged Arnav. Khushi also feeling something odd.Hope this Dhruv along with Lavanya don't create new problems for Arshi.. Arnav and Khushi must stay together. Thanks for the Update😍

  2. stupid Dhruv maybe he brought in Lavanya to make Khushi jealous

    1. But Why is She thinking about him, just forget Him and concentrate on ur Man...
      Arnav is really being so calm and sensible in handling things with Dhruv......
      Lovely Movement between Arshi in Room and in Party also....
      Thank you for this lovely Update and looking forward for the next one......

  3. I think whatever Dhruv eill do it. Will make Khushi and Arnav come closer .. It’s ranogill here

  4. Wonderful update. Khushi is so shy and so adorable. Loving Arnav's character in this ff. He is very sensible and calm.Dhruv is definitely upto something stupid.

  5. Wonderful fabulous update dear

  6. I think Lavanya will try to create rift between arnav and Khushi

  7. nice update plz admin I am searching in this blog about stardom ff but it is not open how can I read it? thanks in advance this is me Nadin from Egypt 🙂

  8. Maybe Dhruv will act as Arnav to trap Khushi

  9. Dhruv and his immature tactics. Love to see the progress between Arshi

  10. He is playboy khushi that's the reason your father did not like him.just concentrate on relationship with arnav

  11. Waiting for the next update

  12. When is the next update....

  13. Please update soon. This story is very interesting

  14. It's been 10 days worst response from author

  15. Madhu please update its so long please update once week I know your busy your other books.. please we are loyal Fanz always be with you so long

  16. Please update soon

  17. Please update my noble request
