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NO ONE LIKE YOU (An Office Romance)

One Hellish Desire - Releasing July 2024


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

The Wait - Chapter 22



As the party comes to an end, the Raizada family gathers in the living room, the air still buzzing with the excitement of the evening. Dhruv's announcement that Lavanya will be staying with us for a while surprises everyone, but Nani, Maami, and Maama seem to instantly take a liking to her.

Nani's warm welcome echoes through the room, "She is most welcome to stay here until she likes."

Maami is more interested in her fashion tips and Lavanya promises to teach her a lot more about fashion during her stay here. Akash is already sensing it like me and Arnav that Lavanya is more than a friend to Dhruv.

As the family members disperse to their respective rooms, I exchange knowing glances with Arnav. It's clear that there's something more to Lavanya's presence than what Dhruv has shared so far. The four of us, Arnav, Dhruv, Lavanya, and I, remain in the living room, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air.

Dhruv exchanges a tight hug with Lavanya.

“It’s been a long day,” he says.

Lavanya pats his cheek affectionately.

“You have no idea how much I missed you! We definitely need to catch up. How about the gym tomorrow morning?”

“See you at 6:00 then,” he grins back.

I offer to show Lavanya to the guest room, and we start heading towards the stairs. Her friendly demeanor doesn't put me entirely at ease, but I try to remain cordial.

As we reach the guest room, Lavanya starts talking. Her questions catch me off guard, especially the way she probes about my feelings and situation.

"So, how does it feel? Being a bride of the Raizada family?" she asks.

I offer a smile, my response measured. "Blessed."

"And becoming the bride of the wrong brother?" She mockingly asks.

Her words hit me like a cold gust of wind. I am momentarily stunned, but I quickly regain my composure. I won't let her words rattle me.

“Don’t mind that I asked this. But I genuinely wanted to know. I mean,” she continues. “Dhruv has told me that you were his Ex.”

"Whatever Dhruv has told you is right,” I reply with conviction. “I'm his Ex. And I didn't marry the wrong brother. I just married the man my father chose for me. And I am happy that he chose Arnav. Dhruv and I had a past, and it was over when he left for Greece."

Lavanya weakly nods, her expression inscrutable. I can't help but feel that she's trying to prod into my emotions, to gauge my reactions. But I won't give her that satisfaction. I've made my peace with the past, and I won't let anyone cast doubts on my choices.

Just then, a knock on the door interrupts our conversation, and Dhruv walks in, his gaze first on me and then on Lavanya.

“You? Again?” she grins playfully. “You couldn’t stay away from me for even a minute, right?” she teases

He enters the room.

“That's my problem. When I want something, I don't stop until I have it,” he replies.

His words hang in the air, and Dhruv’s gaze lingers on me. Confusion swirls within me. What does he mean? Is he referring to me, or is there something more to his words? I can't deny the tension that's building in the room, and I can only hope that whatever dynamics are at play, they won't disrupt the peace and understanding Arnav and I have carefully built between us.

“Actually,” Dhruv continues,” I was just came here to check if you liked the room or not.”

Lavanya rolls her eyes and giggles.

“What if I'm not comfortable in the room? Will you offer your bedroom?” she asks openly.

I look away unable to take the direction this conversation is leading.

I clear my throat to get their attention.

“If you need anything, Lavanya, please let me know. It’s the first room on the right. Good night.”


As I turn to leave, I unexpectedly spot Arnav by the doorway. Lavanya and Dhruv also notice his presence.

“Oh wow. I think it's just the twin gesture. Raizada brothers checking up on their respective women,” she teases. “Dhruv came to check on me, and now Arnav came to check on Khushi. No wonder you two are twins.”

Arnav gives a weak smile. Dhruv seizes the moment to provoke Arnav with his usual sarcastic banter.

“Arnav likes copying me. He has his eye on everything I like.”

He looks at me again. That’s when Arnav enters inside and counter replies.

“It’s actually the other way round, isn’t it?” Arnav mutters. “Stop lying Dhruv. You forgot who was copying my dressing style from yesterday? Suits and all?”

Dhruv shrugs not replying to that.

“Dhruv and suits?” Lavanya chuckles. “Since when did that happen?”

“A lot is happening in this house these days,” Arnav adds on. “Now that you’ll be here for some time, you can see it all for yourself.”

She giggles some more but Dhruv glares at Arnav. I sense the growing tension and decide to step in.

“It’s time for everyone to retreat to their rooms. Lavanya needs rest and so do we.”

“Ahh! With Dhruv, I can talk all night.” Lavanya tugs at his arm.

I don’t even bother to react to that and hastily take a step towards Arnav when my heel gets caught, and I nearly lose my balance. Arnav's swift reflexes prevents me from falling, and he steadies me.

“Khushi, are you okay?”

I wince in pain. “My heel... I think it's sprained. I can't walk.”

“It’s alright, I’ll carry you.” Saying that, Arnav leans down and carries me in his arms. Dhruv and Lavanya exchange glances, their playful banter forgotten as they watch our intimate moment. My cheeks flush when Arnav says good night to the two and then carries me out in his arms towards our bedroom.

“Arnav…” I softly say.

“Shh, just relax.”

I wrap my arms around his neck, my heart racing with this proximity. A mix of embarrassment and tenderness fills me as Arnav pushes the door open and lets us inside. He gently places me on the bed.

“There you go.”

Before I can thank him for his gestures, Arnav kneels down before me and gently places my hurt feet over his thigh.

“What are you doing?” I try to withdraw my feet but he grips my ankle not letting me do that.

“I said relax. I’m just helping you,” he scolds me before lowering his gaze on my feet again and presses his fingers over my heel. “Where’s the pain? Here?”

To be honest, seeing him so engrossed in easing my pain, has made me forget where the actual pain is.

“Here?” he presses the other spot. This time I wince in pain realizing that’s where its aching me bad. He uses his fingers to trace the area and then looks at me. “It’s a sprain. I’ll twist your ankle and you should feel better.”

“Twist my ankle? No way,” I try to withdraw my feet again but Arnav stops me.

“Stop acting like a child. You want to walk again or not?”

“I do but not with twisting my ankle. And how do you know twisting the ankle will relieve my pain? You are not a doctor.”

“But I’m a husband,” he interrupts. His expressions stern as ever. “And a husband knows everything related to his wife. More than she thinks she knows herself. So, just shut your mouth and let me help you.”

I quickly grip his shoulder.

“Arnav don’t. It will pain.”

He inhales deep and then looks into my eyes.

“Just keep looking at me, and you wouldn’t even come to know when I twist it.”

I clench my jaw.

“Stop giving me false assurances.”

Arnav loses his tie.

“Do you trust me?” he asks sincerely. All my doubts ease as I look into his eyes. He acknowledges that too. "Good. Now keep looking at me. Okay? Three... Two..." His grip tightens, and my breath hitches. "One." He twists my ankle gently to the left, and a sharp gasp escapes my lips.

The pain is undeniable. Then he twists it to the right, and instinctively, I clutch his shoulder to bear the discomfort. As he lowers my foot, I can hardly believe it—the pain has vanished.

“Better?” he asks.

I test my ankle gingerly and find it no longer aches. I can't help but smile gratefully at him.

“Yeah. It’s good.”

Arnav stands up, and his sarcastic smile intrigues me. I want to know what's on his mind. I rise too from the bed.

“What’s that smile for?” I ask.

“Nothing,” he is about to turn around but I hold his hand not letting him get away like this.

“Say it,” I insist. “Why did you smile so sarcastically? As if you had some kind of thought.”

Arnav holds his grin.

“You sure want to know my exact thoughts?”

I nod.

“Yes, and unfiltered.”

That makes him grin all the more and this time his eyes have a sinister glint too.

"I was thinking, if this is your reaction to a small ankle sprain, how would you react when we..." He pauses, and his eyes never waver from mine.

“When we?” I am still confused. What does he want to infer.

Arnav rolls his tongue inside his cheek before completing that remark.

“When we consummate our marriage.”

His words land like a feather at first, and I'm about to brush them off with a casual reply when realization dawns, and a rush of heat floods my cheeks. I'm left momentarily speechless, unable to hide my blushing embarrassment.

I start to turn away, mumbling an excuse about changing my saree, my heartbeat drumming loudly in my ears. But Arnav isn't about to let me off that easily. He pulls me back, and suddenly, my back collides with his chest. His warm breath tickles my skin as he nuzzles his nose against my shoulder, and I can sense his anticipation.

He whispers huskily into my ear, his words sending shivers down my spine, "It will be one hell of a night."

I squirm slightly at his teasing words, my breath hitching when he lightly nips at my earlobe. But before things can escalate further, I gather my wits and gently push him away, hastily stepping towards the bathroom.

I can hear him chuckling softly behind me, and I'm sure my face is a bright shade of crimson. As I enter the bathroom, I lean against the door, my heart racing. It's both thrilling and intimidating to be in this new phase of my life, where intimacy with Arnav is no longer a distant concept.


As I wake up and find the room bathed in the soft glow of morning light, I stretch and yawn, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The events of the previous night play in my mind like a movie reel, making my cheeks flush. Arnav and his ways of bringing out a side of me which I never knew existed. With him, I’m always at ease and yet he manages to create ripples of desires in my body like no one else. It's still so new, this married life, but I’ve started liking the momentum its taking slowly.

As I step out of our bedroom, I'm greeted by the gentle gurgle of the pool and the sight of Arnav pacing by the poolside, his phone pressed to his ear. His brow is furrowed in concentration, and he seems deep in conversation. I can hear snippets of his discussion with his assistant Aman, and the name "Lavanya Kshyap" catches my attention.

Last night, we were too exhausted to even talk it out but now that I hear his conversation, I can’t help know what he thinks of Lavanya who has suddenly popped up in the house as Dhruv’s friend.

Once he ends the call, I approach him curiously, my bare feet making soft imprints on the cool tiles. I clear my throat to announce my presence, and his gaze shifts to me.

“Good morning,” I greet him as he picks the coffee mug and sips once.

“Very good morning.”

He pushes the mug towards me as if hinting me to take a sip of it. I am overwhelmed.

“What?” he asks. “You have a problem taking a sip from your husband’s mug?”

“You don’t?” I ask him curiously. “I mean, Dhruv didn’t like sharing his stuff. He wouldn’t tolerate anyone drinking from his mug either. He was so possessive about his things. So, I thought ..” I pause realizing I shouldn’t have brought up Dhruv’s name and behaviour in this conversation. “Sorry,” I add, feeling completely out of place now. “I didn’t want to compare you two but it just happens when you do something totally different from him, something which touches my heart like it never did when I was with him. So…”

My eyes tear up. Arnav instantly takes me into his embrace.

“Relax…” he strokes my back. “I understand where you come from. Being married to your Ex’s twin is not easy. Unknowingly, comparisons ought to happen.”

Before I can wipe my eyes, Arnav strokes away my tears and then kisses my forehead.

“And now comes the answer to your question,” he continues. I look into his eyes. “I’m more than possessive for my stuff, like Dhruv. But when it comes to sharing them with you, I don’t mind at all. You are my better half, Khushi. Everything I have, is yours. A couple tend to come closer by sharing, not by keeping their lives and possessions discreet from each other.”

I am awed again. Everything that Arnav says or does has a charm.

“Tell me honestly,” I reply, with a glint of mischief in my eyes. “Did you ever enroll in any ‘how-to-charm-your-wife’ classes before our marriage? How can you be so perfect?”

Arnav chuckles. The family said his laugh is rare. But with me, I always find him at ease. And I do agree that kind of chuckle is rare. It’s mixed with joy and purity.

“The classes you are talking about, I don’t need to enroll. I’m the one who invented them.”

Now that remark from me makes me laugh.

“Very funny.” I push his chest gently before composing myself and coming back to the topic I wanted to discuss with him. “I heard you speaking to Aman now. Why were you asking Aman about Lavanya?" I inquire, genuinely intrigued but also a bit wary.

Arnav shrugs nonchalantly, a casual façade that doesn't entirely convince me.

"Why not? It's always good to know about people beforehand."

I roll my eyes at his vague answer. "Arnav, you could have just asked Dhruv or even Lavanya herself if you wanted to know something."

He shakes his head objecting that idea.

"Sometimes, people don't reveal everything when you ask them directly. They hold back, consciously or unconsciously. But if you dig a little deeper, you might find the answers you're looking for."

I frown, sensing there's more to his words than he's revealing.

"What are you trying to find out?"

His lips quirk into a half-smile, and his gaze meets mine. "Isn't it strange? One day, Dhruv is trying to get your attention, and the next day, he's inviting his friend from Greece here, who acts like she's already his girlfriend."

I nod slowly, recalling the shift in Lavanya's behavior.

"Yes, I found it odd too. It's as if something changed overnight."

Arnav's gaze intensifies, and he lowers his voice.

"Exactly. Something is amiss here. Lavanya's sudden interest in Dhruv doesn't sit right with me. That's why I want to find out more."

His words resonate with my own thoughts, and I can't help but feel a sense of unease. Before Arnav can sip his coffee again, I take the mug from him and sip from it. And I instantly make a face.

“It’s so strong. There is no sugar.”

“I like my coffee and my woman… both strong,” he says, pinching my nose. His playful tone is enough to break the tension, and I can't help but smile.

“How’s your ankle?” he asks, his eyes warm with concern.

Gosh! I exactly know he is teasing me again, because I threw tantrums last night over my sprain. I watch him grinning again. Not wanting him to tease me more, I snatch the coffee mug from him again and sip some more coffee from it, suddenly started liking that strong sugar-free coffee he is having.

“Leave something for me,” Arnav teases, trying to snatch away the mug, but I don’t let him get it.

“You offered me first, now you can’t stop me,” I retort, a playful gleam in my eyes.

I take some more sips, purposely wanting to finish his coffee. Arnav realizes that and tries to take it from me. I giggle and continue the tug of war when finally the coffee mug twists, and the coffee spills on both of us. The moment we see the coffee soaking our clothes, Arnav and I both laugh hysterically, the tension from before completely dissolving.

His laughter is infectious, and I find myself laughing freely, the sound of our shared amusement echoing by the poolside. Our eyes meet, and it's like an unspoken connection passes between us, a reminder that even in the midst of uncertainty and new challenges, we can find moments of joy together. As our playful banter continues, I can't help but marvel at how easily we can shift from deep conversations to light-hearted moments. It's a reminder that our connection, our bond, is evolving just as our relationship is.

Arnav shakes his head, his wet hair glistening in the sunlight. "You are something else, Khushi."

I raise an eyebrow, still holding the now-empty coffee mug. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

He steps closer, his smile a mixture of affection and mischief. "You turned a simple coffee moment into a full-fledged coffee war."

I shrug playfully, meeting his gaze. "I have heard you've dominated everyone in the family so far with your attitude. Now that I'm here… It's time to keep you on your toes."

“Ah huh!!” Arnav's eyes shine mischievously, and I know by that look that he's planning something. Before he can take that step towards me, I turn around and dash inside the room again, with Arnav hot on my heels. Laughter bubbles between us as I feel like a mischievous teenager, fleeing a playful scuffle.

I run into the bathroom, not having any other place to go. But before I can close the door, Arnav barges inside. There's a gleam in his eyes that sets my heart racing. He advances, and I retreat, and even the large bathroom feels small, and I soon find myself with nowhere to run..

My back touches the cool glass of the shower cubicle, and I try to suppress my giggles as Arnav keeps coming closer. He corners me against the glass wall, and the water from the showerhead cascades over us, drenching us both.

For a moment, time seems to stand still. Our laughter echoes in the small space, and our eyes lock, the atmosphere charged with a mixture of playfulness and an underlying intensity. Droplets of water cling to his hair and eyelashes, and I'm captivated by the way his wet clothes cling to his frame, accentuating every contour.

Arnav's hand reaches out, brushing away a strand of wet hair from my face. His touch is electric, sending shivers down my spine. The air between us is thick with anticipation, the proximity between our bodies creating a magnetic pull that neither of us can resist.

He leans in, his lips hovering over mine, his breath warm against my skin. A tingle of excitement courses through me as his fingers trace a wet path down my arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. As our lips meet, it's like an explosion of sensations, a mixture of water, desire, and the undeniable chemistry between us.

Under the steady stream of water, our kisses deepen, each touch igniting a fire that's been smoldering between us. My fingers find their way to his wet hair, and I tug gently, deepening the connection between our mouths.

The world outside fades away, and there's only this moment – the sensation of our lips moving together, the press of our bodies against the glass, and the rhythm of our breaths as they merge into one.

To be Continued.

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BOOK 2 of the Political Romance Trilogy - THE MAZE - Releasing in 2 to 3 days from today. 


  1. Wonderful update .. I just love this Arnav and Khushi too . They both so genuine people.

  2. loving the romance with Arshi… nice update

  3. They are coming close day by day .. arnav is right to keep tab in druv and lav

  4. Loved the update please update frequently

  5. Loved the chapter very much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Awesome Update. Arnav is so caring towards Khushi. Loved their chemistry. Dhruv is just too much. Arnav carried Khushi in his arms. He is very smart as well. Arshi's relationship is getting stronger day by day and their romantic moments are amazing. Arnav is also keeping tabs on Dhruv and Lavanya and will soon find their motives. Thanks for the amazing Update. Waiting for the next part😍

  7. Nice one it is good dat Arnav is keeping tabs on Lav. Love Arshi's romance 🥰

  8. Love the connection between arnav and khushi and i think dhruv is overdoing it with his jealousy of arnav and the relationship between arnav and khushi

  9. Arnav and Khushi's relationship is progressing very well. Lavanya seems quite suspicious. I think Dhruv asked her to come to make Arshi apart. Loved the coffee romance. They are so cute.

  10. Awesome part. Loved it. I think Dhruv is trying to make Khushi jealous. That's why Lavanya's sudden entry. Happy to know that it's not affecting our dear couple much. They are in their own world... Happy... Hope they can go for their honeymoon without Dhruv 's cunning interruption. Loved the coffee war.... Hope to see more lovely moments between them.

  11. Lovely update I need more😍

  12. Amazing.. ArShi and their moments are so intimate at the same time playful.. love the progress they are making.. loved reading this amazing update.. Thank you Madhu for update <3

  13. Loved 😍 arshi moments ❤️

  14. Wonderful update . Eagerly waiting for next one

  15. Worth the wait loved it thank you.

  16. Am loving the Arshi romantic moments since few previous chapters... and I love that Arshi are getting closer with each other with trust and honesty in working together on their marriage. Dhruv has been a pain in the arse ever since he turned up and using manipulative means to squirm his way back again in Khushi's life and disrupt the beautiful marriage of Arshi. Whatever it is, I hope Khushi will not be influenced by Dhruv's games. Looking forward to the next update and the time when Arshi will finally consummate their marriage. That would be the icing on the cake and a slap for Dhruv.

  17. Fabulous update.. Good to see Arnav and Khushi getting closer day by day..

  18. Awesome…💙💙💙💙💙

  19. Awesome wonderful update dear

  20. Superb written love ❤️ arshi coming close.. just scared of D what he has his mind I hoped he doesn’t harms arshi 😟. Arshi moments 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  21. Waiting for the next part

  22. When is the next update??
