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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Stardom Book Excerpt

The party was on full swing. Arjun just finished his conversation with some Models and then turned back only to get the Shock of his life. Kashish was standing behind him, folding her hands, waiting for him to finish. He was meeting her the second time today and she still looked the same like she was before few months. He raised his eyebrow just in order to be sure she wasn’t in a mood of fighting again.

Arjun: Before you start, let me warn you, we are been watched. By the spectators and the media too. So be as much as formal as you can. !!!
Kashish: (Faking a smile): You behave informally with me and expect me to keep myself calmed?
Arjun: Informal?? Towards you? When??
Kashish: Such a hidden personality you have Mr. Arjun Chopra. What do you think? Sending me flowers every day, and that idiotic messages, you would be successful in winning my heart??
Arjun (Totally confused): Flowers?? Messages? Are you Drunk Princess??
Kashish: You must be drunk (She said getting irritated). How can you act as if you never gifted me all those.
Arjun: Gifted??? Wow. What are you trying to do Princess?? Show the media that the rumor about our affair is actually true?? Well I don’t have a problem with it, until you are fine. I am actually enjoying all of this. Know why?? Seeing you irritated only pleasures me.
Kashish: Shut up.!! (She said in a little loud tone for her mother Gauri to hear)

Gauri was just passing by from there and she saw her daughter and Arjun speaking something, almost arguing.

Arjun: You are the one to start this. Better shut your mouth first and then I would be silent forever.
Kashish: You won’t agree you gifted me those flowers and Cards right??
Arjun: When I didn’t do it, I won’t agree for it.  (he said crossing his hands on his chest )
Kashish: Fine. Now you just wait and watch Mr Arjun Chopra, what happens tomorrow morning. Hope you won’t faint. And even if you do, who cares??? Good Bye. See you soon.

She was about to turn when he grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him. She was surprised by his actions especially in a party where everyone had eyes on them.

Kashish: Leave me.!! (She said struggling)
Arjun: If you do anything which is against my likes, it won’t take me long to make the matter worst. So think twice before you do something tomorrow.

Gauri saw a Media person taking a photograph and she immediately walked to Arjun and Kashish and pulled her daughter away from him.
Gauri: Behave Arjun. You guys are being captured.
Arjun: She started it.
Gauri: And now you better end it.

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