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The Royal Fling - Part 7


Chapter 7

Engagement Day 

Anjali tries to contain her frustration seeing Arnav Singh Raizada and his fiancée Khushi Gupta posing for pictures.

“Careful Rani Saheba” Shyam warns. “You are not supposed to envy them. We are family, remember?”

She sips the soft drink, unable to take her eyes from the newly engaged couple.

“I must say, they have a nice chemistry” she murmurs.
Shyam, bewildered looks in the direction of the couple and finds the two sharing some heated glances to each other.
“She isn’t interested in Royals or does she have special disliking for Arnav only? What do you think?”

They have been good analyzers. And right now, their task is to find out why this marriage is even happening?

“She must be a fool not to like the Royals. People die to be a part of this family and increase their social and political contacts” Anjali replies. “And your brother is too handsome to be rejected as a husband” she adds.
“Is that so?” Shyam’s tone changes, showing streaks of possessiveness.
She knows how jealous her husband can get over other men whom she praises unnecessarily.
“Not as handsome as my husband” she teases. “But coming back to my initial point, there can be only one good reason why she is still disinterested in this alliance”
Shyam keenly waits for her to tell. Anjali leans to him and whispers.
“She must be having an affair”

Shyam gives her an appreciative nod.

“Could be. Her sister fled for the same reason. No one know with whom or where she is now”
“I see. Then what do you think? Will Khushi repeat that? Will she be the famous runaway bride?”

Shyam chuckles.

“You wish that desperately, I know. But we have to wait and watch Rani Saheba. Because the question is, even if she tries to run away, will Arnav let her escape?”
“Oooohhh” Anjali rubs her palms. “This is going to be more fun”
“We are going to be entertained” he mutters happily.

They share a laugh and continue to gossip.


Khushi is tired posing for pictures. And the media is yet to click them. Being linked to a Royal family is going to cost her all this which she is totally unprepared.

“I need a drink. Excuse me” she moves away from Arnav to fetch herself something which can energize her again for another round of pictures.
“Khushi..” Daadi grabs her hand and pulls her in the group she was chatting with. “He is Mrs. Nandini, the crowned queen of Kanakpur”

The Princess is a middle-aged woman, having a very presentable aura which suits Royals like them. Though disinterested in meeting and sharing pleasantries with any Royals, Khushi learns the criticality of the occasion and decides to warm up.

“Nice meeting you Nandiniji”
“My pleasure, Khushi. You are truly beautiful. Subhadraji, you have really picked a diamond”

Daadi takes the compliment.

“She has” Khushi mutters faking a smile at the old woman. “I heard you were a Model before?” Nandini continues to probe.
“Correction, Nandiniji. I am still a Model. I don’t have any plans of quitting my career”

Nandini looks amused at her plans but likes her confidence.

“You should pursue what you like doing. Having an independent identity should always be a priority. I myself teach the same to the people of my town. You must visit Kanakpur with Arnav. We would love to host you both there.”

Whatever Nandini said doesn’t seem like she faked her sentiments. But in the world of Royals, she cannot judge anybody that soon.

“Thank you. Please enjoy the party” Khushi walks away.

So far, she never had the thought of discussing about her career plans with the man she is getting married to but looks like if she has to do it soon before he makes it difficult for her later.

“Can I draw him away for a minute?” Khushi joins the crowd of high-class men Arnav Singh Raizada was busy talking to.
“He is all yours Ma’am” one of the gentlemen replies to her request.

Arnav excuses his personal social circle and follows Khushi away from the crowd.

“I was talking business with them” he snaps at her. “A three hundred crore deal… until you chose to interrupt it”
“How would I know what you were talking and please.. this is not the time or place to have business talks”

Arnav roles his eyes.

“What do you want?” he groans.
“What have you told your guests about my career?”

Arnav shows no change of expressions.
“Nothing. I have told them nothing, why did you ask?”
“Because I have this vague guess that you and your family are expecting me to quit my job, which I won’t. Not by any means.”
“Fair enough” he shrugs “I will talk to the concerned people of my family and ensure they don’t interfere. Is there anything else?”

He handled it well or probably she made him handle it well. If she doesn’t stand firm in her choices, why would he support?

“Ma’am, your drink” a server brings a glass of juice for her.
“Thank you” she takes the glass and sips some. “What is this? It tastes different”
“Cranberry juice Ma’am” the server replies and bowing his head, leaves.

She sips her drink again. Maybe because she is so pissed off with the developments in her life, she is disliking even the taste of a juice.

“My job needs me to be in different places at times. I hope you don’t mind me travelling without taking your permissions every time I want to leave”
“Why are we even discussing this? Nothing is really going to change even if I deny accepting your conditions. This marriage has to happen and what happens after that, is really not my concern now”

Khushi finishes the drink. She keeps the glass away.
“I don’t understand what is your motive behind marrying me? Are you my fan? Probably you have seen me modelling and… just like every over pampered kid does seeing his favorite toy out in a shop, you asked your Daadi to put forth the marriage proposal to my family. Is that how it happened?”

Khushi knows it’s a suicide mission to provoke Arnav Singh Raizada but it is far less than the torture he and his family are giving her at the present.

“Badhai ho.. ASR” Shyam and Anjali intrudes their little argument. While Shyam hugs Arnav and pats his back, a gesture he fakes to show how much he cares for him, Arnav puts no new expressions on his face.
“We haven’t been introduced officially” Anjali glares at Khushi. “He is Shyam Singh Raizada, Arnav’s cousin and I am Anjali Singh Raizada, Shyam’s wife”

Khushi unwillingly smiles at them. Wickedness pours in their eyes and tone which she easily picks up. Is there even one person in this family who is nice hearted?
“Anjum would have suit you more” Anjali mutters to Arnav with disgust in her voice.
Khushi has no clue who Anjum is but she can understand what Anjali is trying to do. Probably she wanted another suitor for Arnav, and not her.
“Anjum is Anjali’s younger sister” Shyam clarifies putting a fake smile.
“I would love to meet Anjum then” Khushi replies coldly. “And believe me, if she really happens to be better than me, I would happily leave my seat for her. Please let her know that”

Arnav gives Khushi a scorching glance.

“We have to see the reporters. Excuse us” he grabs Khushi’s arm and takes her away. She laughs, joyously.
“I was looking for an alternative to free myself from this task and I got one. Who is Anjum?”

Arnav doesn’t say anything but keeps walking with her outside.
“Oh my god” she squeals in his hold. Arnav stops dragging her. “What did you put in my drink?”
“Excuse me?” he gives her a quizzical look.
“I .. I am… I can’t balance myself”
She grips him tight not to fall down.

“What the hell are you talking? Is this is some sort of excuse to fail my family today then..” before he could continue to warn her to act normal, she collapses on him.


Khushi wakes up feeling a strong ache in her head. It’s like her head is going to burst out if she doesn’t tend it. Whats wrong?

“Khushi… thank God you are fine”

She hears her mother’s voice and feels secure even before she can open her eyes.
“Damn, it hurts” Khushi sits on the bed, rubbing her forehead hard.
“Drink this” Garima offers Khushi something which she gulps in one go. That suddenly recalls what had happened. She had sipped cranberry juice, probably spiked with something unknown which led her to fall unconscious.

She keeps the glass away.

“Why did you drink so much? It severely pissed off the Royals yesterday”
“Yesterday?” Khushi checks the watch on the wall and then the sunshine from the windows which seems to be of early morning.
“Yes, you were out for more than 12 hours” Garima replies.
“That explains” Khushi mutters pressing her forehead again. It seems like she had been sleeping since ages.
“Subhadraji’s anger and disappointment towards you was palpable”

The door opens and her father Shashi Gupta barges inside.

“The sleeping beauty is awake finally” he shouts. Garima looks nervously at her husband.
“She has a bad headache. Please don’t bring this up now. She needs rest” she requests her husband.
“She brought all of this upon us, Garima. The media is already making stories why she and Arnav couldn’t give an exclusive interview last evening, as promised. This girl is going to tarnish my image”
“I didn’t tarnish your image” Khushi growls. “Somebody spiked my juice. I am not to be blamed here. I think its Arnav, only he can do this”

Shashi tries to believe her but he is not convinced Arnav can do this.

“Why would he do it?”
Khushi cannot tell her father how she suspects the Royals to be behind Payal’s sudden disappearance. Because she knows he won’t believe it. He is blind by the thirst of power and Royal tag which will never let him think negative of that family.

“I don’t know that. But I didn’t do it either.”

Shashi and Garima are both tongue-tied. Can there be someone else who did all of it? Of course, there are so many people who don’t want this alliance to happen.

“I will talk to the Royals and tell them it’s not your fault. Meanwhile, I believe you should visit them too and apologize for the inconvenience they faced”

Khushi doesn’t reply. She is lost in some thoughts. While her mother decides to bring her some fresh breakfast and leaves out, Khushi takes the chance to ask Shashi.

“Do you think Payal’s disappearance can have any connection with the Royal family?”

Shashi stops and turns back to her.

“I don’t want to hear her name ever in this house, didn’t I make it clear?”
“Ignoring her talks will not sort anything, Dad”
“What do you imply?”

Khushi gets down the bed and reaches him.

“I have heard Arnav Singh Raizada talking about Payal to his best friend Angad” she answers. “Maybe he knows where Payal is”

Shashi feels threatened and its clearly noticeable.

“So?” Shashi snaps. “So, what if he knows? We don’t want to know anything about her. She is dead for this family, Khushi. The earlier you accept it, we all can live in peace”

He strides to the door.
“She is still your daughter, Dad. She has your blood. How could you not worry about her? Dad!!” she keeps screaming but the door shuts as he leaves out.

Something is wrong and fishy. Someone is hiding something big. Until she finds it out, she hopes it not very late. In all this wedding drama, she cannot waste her time in finding Payal’s whereabouts and as decided earlier, Shantivan is the best place to start with.

To be Continued.


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  1. Awesome update.. It's Anjali and shyam would have spiked her drink. I think Shashi knows where payal is😕

  2. Now we got a clue why Khushi is going ahead with the wedding but what about Arnav???What is his Motive here...???We are still clueless...Waiting for Next Part...

  3. May be its shayam and anjali who spiked her drink

  4. Awesome Update. Anjali and Shyam has already started creating problem in Arshi life .They spiked Khushi's drink just because Arnav rejected Anjum and Shashi Gupta without knowing scolded Khushi. If Arnav reveal the reason behind the marriage Khushi can surely understand him. He is hiding something. Shashi Gupta knows about Payal .Khushi
    will surely find out her whereabouts. Arnav giving permission to Khushi to continue her career is surprising. Khushi is taking a huge risk.

  5. Th story is interesting with its mysterious characters and their doing .

  6. Like it.
    Hope Asr learns that KKG drink is spiked by someone.
    Also I want ASR to tell the truth to KKG before marriage.
    Loved, Kanpur queen

  7. Amazing but it's twisting arnav is desperate to marry khushi shashi is hiding something khushi's drink being spiked and shyamanjali has altogether different motive none of them are clear and of course payals mystery?

  8. I hope khushi will not be a runaway bride. And I guess whoever spiked her drink is behind payals disappearance. Or payal ran out with a son of raizada family.

  9. Very INTERESTING story. I always like this type of story's. Royals ,palaces, mystery. 💖💖💖💖

  10. Who could have spiked the juice? Maybe anjali?

  11. Madhu I really loved the updates...
    I think its anjali or shyam whu spiked the juice so dat a scene will create where khushi will do the bla bla infront of media and the reputation of guptas and raizadas will go down and arnuv will kick khushi out...

    But aisa to kuch Hua nahi...

    I think arnuv brought khushi home and arnuv will really find out the reason why spiked the drink

    Madhu plzzzz gv another update on ds FF tomarw

  12. Another update on this chapter... plzzzz

  13. So basically, this week has been about 2 updates for all stories I guess. Why leave this one😅. The update was good and like always invokes the greedy side of us,always asking for more.

  14. Nice update...
    Khushi has to be alert all time, she is surrounded with so many mean ppl.

    Shyamnjali are evil.

    Really arnav doesnt want to marry but is forced..
    Hope payal is alive?
    Shashi knows something about her.

    Looking forward

  15. Lovely chapter....May be Anjali is the one spiked her drink.

  16. I hope arnav find out who spiked Khushi's drink

  17. Loved d update...Interesting....i think Payal's whereabout is connected to Raizada family...

  18. Interesting update
    Loved it too much
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  19. Who would have spiked Khushi's drink? waiting to see how Khushi will find her sister?? loved the update.. Thanks Madhu

  20. Arnav let Khushi to continue her modelling . Why is that ? Why he want to marry Khushi ? What’s the motive 🤔? It’s very difficult to life with two snake in same house . Already they started their work .
    Waiting for next update dear
