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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 25


Chapter 25


“Ridiculous” Khushi snapped. “He is doing this on purpose”

Khushi paced in the kitchen of the Farm House where Suhani had dragged her to seclude them from the rest. After Arnav’s unnecessary love confession, Khushi was going insane in the crowd. Whilst Arnav was busy taking wishes from his friends for being in love, Khushi was infuriated every time someone came to her and congratulated on the way she put up her love confession before everyone, which wasn’t true. The apology chapter was closed and a new one related to their love for each other was opened which annoyed her beyond control.

“You were right. We shouldn’t have come here.” Khushi stated. “He smartly twisted the whole apology into his favor and pasted this lie for everyone to see. How could he do this? I don’t love him, Suhani. I can never love him. He is not my type”

“And what is your type then?”
“Someone who treats me and my work as equal as his. I don’t need a man’s money and status Suhani. I can earn that for myself.”

Suhani sighed.

“The Royals don’t let their brides work. And Modeling is out of question” Khushi added.

“That reminds me, the Ad shoot which happened in Bali, when is it officially getting released on Television?” she asked.

“In a day or two”

The change of subject made Khushi more worried because when the Advertisement would play on the Television and if Raizadas watches it, she will be in trouble.

“Have you decided what excuse will you give them?”

“I will tell them the Ad was shot before marriage”

“You will lie?”

“Don’t they?” Khushi snapped. “The worst lie of my life was the one which Arnav Singh Raizada told to convince me for marriage. I thought Payal’s life was in danger which was not true. He just wants his brother to return for some reason. Only because he couldn’t find him alone, he is using me as a pawn to trace Akash and Payal’s whereabouts”

Khushi’s agitation was right and all this was taking a toll on her health. Suhani came closer and clutched her shivering shoulders.

“You will get a panic attack if you don’t relax now. Just breathe in and breathe out. Everything will sort out”

“Breathe?” Khushi scowled. “I wish to strangle his neck had he been here”

“I am here”

They heard Arnav Singh Raizada’s deep voice at the door. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking intensely at his flustered wife. Khushi clenched her fists.

“Umm.. I will go check on Angad” Suhani quietly slipped away. Khushi was glad she did because whatever she was going to do to her husband now was not worth for others to watch or hear. Arnav walked inside.

“You okay?” he casually asked. “I think the love confession has drained you out. Don’t take it to your heart if that bothers you so much” he mocked.

There he goes again. She hadn’t taken the confession seriously either but the way he was controlling her life wasn’t something she liked him doing. She gripped the jar of water and the moment he neared her; she splashed the cold water on him. Arnav froze as the water drenched his T shirt and sloped down his face.

“Now this..” she smiled. “Definitely cooled me down”

Arnav rubbed his palm over his face to wipe off the water while his eyes darted into hers. How dare she did this to him?

“You okay?” she teased. “Don’t take it to your heart if that bothers you so much. I was just chilling with my husband”

She grinned seeing his wet clothes and frowning face.

“And please change before you catch cold”

She turned to leave but the moment she reached the door she heard him calling her.

“Khushi..” he roared.

She stopped and turned around to respond but the moment she faced him again, water splashed on her face, soaking her clothes. Arnav Singh Raizada grinned back at her for repeating her actions. She coughed as the water choked in her nasal pipe. It tore him to see her in that state. He touched her arm but she shrugged him off.

“Are you out of your mind?” she scowled.

“Were you?” he snapped.

She breathed hard.

“I just repeated your actions” he stated. “When you cannot take a prank, don’t do it on others.. not even your husband”

Khushi swallowed. Her thoughts scattered as her body shivered by the wetness.

“And please don’t fall unconscious otherwise I will have to change your clothes again” he mocked. “Which … I don’t mind doing”

Her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. He shouldn’t have reminded her of that night in Bali. Arnav heard his friends voice nearing the kitchen. He couldn’t risk any other man seeing his wife in this state. So, he walked out. Suhani hopped back in the kitchen seeing Arnav leave.

“Oh my God. How.. how did you guys end up like this?”

Khushi didn’t respond. She was so frustrated and freezing.

“You need other clothes”

“We don’t have one” Khushi snorted. “I should get back home”

“I will come along”

“No Suhani. I got you here because you should stay with Angad tonight. I will manage to go home alone”

“Like this?” Suhani asked. “In such a state? I don’t think this is a good idea. Let us find something for you to wear first and then we will decide if you should leave or not”

Khushi couldn’t argue. She allowed Suhani drag her upstairs.


Khushi showered in Arnav’s bedroom. The farm house had enough rooms to occupy the present guests and unwillingly she had to lodge in Arnav’s room to change her clothes. Suhani told her to freshen up until she manages to find some clothes for her. When Khushi came out of the bathroom, she saw a pair of night pants and T shirt placed on the bed neatly. They looked of a man. Was that the best she could wear for tonight? Suhani was talking over the phone at the corner.

“I am coming.. give me few minutes” she whispered.

Khushi smiled. All that anger she had some time back mellowed down seeing the desperation of Suhani and Angad to be with each other. That’s how a perfect couple should be. Suhani hung up as she noticed Khushi.

“Whose clothes are these?” Khushi asked.

“What difference does it make now? You need them, wear them. Alright? And this is no time to drive back such a long distance to Shantivan. You should stay here tonight”

“I am not interested in spending the night here” Khushi declared.

“For me, Khushi. We can go back together in the morning.”

Khushi was adamant.

“Nope. Angad can drive you back home. I cannot stay here tonight and spoil my mood again”

“fine” Suhani mumbled. “Then I am coming with you. No arguments”

“No ways. You got to stay with your husband. He is the birthday boy”

“Then stay for me. Please”

Khushi couldn’t decline that request. Suhani returned back to Angad and Khushi changed into the night pants and T shirt which Suhani arranged for her. They were too loose for her but better than sleeping in a bathrobe. She wondered where did Suhani find these clothes?

It was almost 2:00 am when Arnav stepped in his bedroom. He wasn’t expecting Khushi to be awake yet she was. Khushi was standing alone in the balcony and watching the plush green lawn before the house. His heart fluttered seeing her in his outfits. She looked cuter in his clothes and the next time he would wear those pants and T-shirt; it would remind him of her. Damn!! He shouldn’t have suggested Suhani on giving his clothes to Khushi. But he couldn’t see her spending the night in those drenched clothes either.

“What a lovely mess” he spoke little louder to get her attention.

She turned around.

“I didn’t know you were waiting for me” he teased. “Otherwise I would have come early to bed”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“Why are you so mean, selfish and full of yourself?” she asked.

“Am I?” he strode to her.

“Yes” she nodded.

He stroked his stubble.

“If I was full of myself, I would have fought with you before your family when you made me eat that spicy food. If I was mean, I would have made you apologize before my friends. And If I was selfish, I wouldn’t have shared my night suit with you”

Khushi’s jaw dropped.

“These are… these are your..”

“My clothes” he laughed.

Khushi’s mind started racing. Did Suhani know? Did Arnav show his gratitude first in offering his clothes or was it Suhani who had to convince him?

“Awkward, isn’t it?” he poked again. “To fight and then take the same person’s favors”

“Shut your mouth before I shut it for you” she snapped.

That statement should have pissed him off but instead it turned him on.

“You seem desperate to kiss your husband and shut him up”

“That’s not what I meant”

Arnav undid her ponytail and shook out her hair. This was anything but normal. His gestures had changed towards her recently and she wasn’t comfortable. It tensed her. He buried his fingers in her hair and pulled her to him.

“Why are your lips trembling then?” he hissed.

She dropped her gaze from his eyes to his lips. They were closer.

“You are crossing your limits” she warned.

“I never restrict when you test my patience” he protested.

Khushi clenched her jaw. She didn’t know what he expected out of her hereon but she had her limits set. She pushed him hard and came out of his clutches.

“Good night Mr. Raizada. I think it’s very late for romancing your annoyed wife”

She tied her ponytail again and strode to the bed. She stuffed some pillows to draw a clear separation in their sleeping areas and lied down on her side. She never did that before until tonight. He had probably scared her too much to feel unsafe. Arnav massaged the back of his neck, confused. What the hell was he doing? Why was it getting so difficult for him to keep his hands off her? Why did his body ache when she put a distance between them? Why did he pant when she was closer? What was wrong with him? He clutched his chest and lied down beside her. This heady feeling had to go and he hoped by the next morning it would.


When Arnav woke up the next morning, the other side of the bed was unoccupied. When he came down, he saw his friends circling Khushi who was fully prepared to leave the house.

“Thank you so much. It was a lovely evening with you all” she said.

“Pleasure was ours” his friends replied.

One of them offered her a rose which she happily took. Arnav frowned.

“You are not leaving alone” Arnav declared.

Khushi tried her best not to react to his orders.

“I have some work to do” she lied.

“That can wait” he barked.

His friends moved away to give them privacy to talk.

“Let me prioritize that” she snapped and turned around. Another friend brought her coffee in a take away cup. She smiled at him accepting it.

“You guys are so cute” she said to that guy before he dispersed.

Arnav rolled his eyes. He wasn’t impressed by her attitude towards his friends because she was giving all importance to them and nothing to him.

“Bhabhi, the car is ready” another one informed.

“Perfect. See you all soon then. Bye”

She waved at the boys and made her way out. Arnav followed her. Before she could get in the car, he clutched her arm and pinned her to the car door. A primal force roared inside him for being sidelined by her.

“You know what it means to disobey me?” he scowled.

Khushi kept her anger controlled.

“Yes, I know. You will throw me out of your house. Do it” she replied. “I would happily part ways”

Arnav pondered over her rough reply. Throwing her out of his house or life can never be his choice.

“Our marriage is completely in my hands, so don’t try to test my boundaries Khushi”

“Boundaries?” she scoffed. “Do we even have one? Because I don’t see them anymore. You are deviating from your own plans Arnav Singh Raizada. You married me to find Akash. So, lets stick to that and trace them. Don’t ever try to find personal pleasures in this marriage. I am not interested”

His grip loosened and he finally released her. They had fought before many a times but this one today was different. She opened the car door and seated inside. Arnav didn’t stop her. She started the engine and in a minute was off the farm house perimeter. Arnav stepped back, trying to regain control over himself. Did he really have control over this marriage? It didn’t seem so.

To be Continued.



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This Edition includes the below mentioned Stories:

1. Bride Lost & Found
2. His Destined Bride

Bride Lost & Found

On the verge of getting married, Niyati elopes to fetch her lost life, only to be found again. They say when you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Is Niyati ending up in a hopeless situation by tying this knot or is this beginning of something sparkling?

The elderly woman makes her sit next to the groom. He is wearing a strong masculine perfume which she is extremely allergic to. She twists her nose not to sneeze. He grips her hand and leans towards her.

“If you do this mistake again, I will chop your legs” he whispers.

Her eyes widen in shock. She knew the Zamindar is an arrogant man but his strength and powerful words is infusing fear inside her already nervous body. But she won’t let him mistake her to be his newly hired slave. She has a fitting reply ready.

“How will you sleep with a woman glued to the wheel chair for her life then?”

She finds his grip on her fingers tightening more.

A twisted tale of an unforeseen wedding fiasco


Read the Reviews of Bride Lost & Found 

His Destined Bride

The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series)

Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?

A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


Read the Reviews of His Destined Bride


  1. Superb update,till when Arnav will back off from his growing feelings? When will he declare his interest in khushi openly? Please reply.

  2. Awesome Update. The last part was too good. Arnav is in love . He is too possessive for Khushi. Arnav lied to Khushi for his family and forced Khushi in this marriage but his feelings have changed.Arshi's water fight is too cute. Hope Arnav realize his feelings soon and win Khushi's heart.

  3. Wonder how Arnav is going to react seeing Khushi's advertisement considering his possessiveness for Khushi. Arnav didn't had any bad intentions he lied for the sake of his family but that doesn't justify he forced Khushi in the marriage. Arnav's feelings are pretty intense. Let's see what Arnav does next . Please give the next part soon.

  4. Lovely! It's time he gets rid of his Ego or whatever of the Royal crap. He's started it, I'm sure it will be completely off soon. We know Arnav has started feeling for Khushi for sure but, looks like a lot has to be done before she starts reciprocating which is very very correct considering their relationship dynamics. Cheers

  5. Awesome update.. Dint want it to end. I was expecting a kiss after the water fight.. Are we gonna get to read one soon? Please reply At least a yes or no?

  6. He is definitely so into khushi where khushi is so far from would be really difficult for him to win her

  7. Excellent update pls update next part tomorrow

  8. Really a beautiful update
    Loved their nok jhok to much
    Arnav is unwillingly falling for Khushi and she is far from this emotion it will be very difficult for Arnav to win her
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  9. Fantastic.... Now's that's called a lovely update... Waiting for more

  10. Hey Madhu... Hope all's good now at ur end... Hope u must have had a good Makar Sankranti...

    Coming to the update... Slowly & gradually Khushi is making way in Arnav's heart growing desires in him for her... But his dominating nature is not letting him accept his changing feelings I guess & on top of that Khushi's retort to his every commands is not helping either... Hope he would give into his feelings soon & this hate story would take atleast baby steps towards a love story...

    Thanks for the update...

  11. Wonderful I wish arnav finds a way to keep khusi into this marriage apart from payash reason

  12. Khushi's add is releasing in 2 days... Arnav surely gonna mad at Khushi...

  13. Wonderful update ❤️ Arnav started feeling for khushi 😍 loved it

  14. Please can we get long update tomorrow? In love with this story

  15. Love it
    Woried of ad.
    I don't think it will air or it will?

  16. I don't think Khushi will accept Arnav's feelings even if he confess,she will mock him .I can't guess what will happen next .Arnav is very patient here .
    Khushi has to mellow down a little .

  17. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  18. Arnav is so lost in Khushi that she has to remind him the real motive of their marriage.very good update

  19. I don’t think Khushi will accept Arnav’s feelings easily.

  20. Woowwww beautiful update. Hope Khushi sees arnav's attachment for her soon. He didn't make an issue for food. Didn't allow her to apologise before his friends. He is showing his caring side slowly... loving it

  21. When you are going to update the next part madhu... atleast leave a just checking ur blog every now and then

  22. Pls give kushi importance more as she need to win in this as Arnav was cruel in most so Arnav suffer more from kushi

  23. Superb update...
    Oh my god arshi are like north south pole..

    The way they argue n fight.

    Arnav really loves her or attraction?

  24. Hey madhu. I know you have been busy lately but really missing your regular updates. I keep checking your blog to see if there's any new update. Hope to read one soon

  25. Arnav Singh Raizada have unknowingly fallen for his wifey dear.. loved the update.. Thanks Madhu
