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The Royal Fling - Part 30


Chapter 30


Anjali Singh Raizada welcomed the couple half-heartedly. She had no joy on her face seeing Arnav and Khushi return in fact she had loads of doubts why they were so distanced from each other. When the Royal car parked at the portico, Arnav had got down first and whilst he waited for Khushi to get down too, so that they could walk together, she chose not even to look at him and hurried inside. It was only after few seconds and strides that he matched her speed and reached the entrance door at the same time. He stole her glances at regular intervals but Khushi didn’t even care to check him once. Anjali had watched all of this very carefully and realized something was fishy.

“You look pale” Anjali instantly interrupted the two. “Were you unwell?”

Khushi chose not to reply because she didn’t want Anjali or others to know about her panic attack. It would create unnecessary fright and even raise innumerous doubts in everyone’s mind.

“Anjali” Shyam joined them. “They were on their second honeymoon. Obviously, they both would be tired”
The tease didn’t go well with Khushi though she passed a weak smile at the poking couple.

“I will see you both later” she said in a hurry and left for the stairs.

“She really looks tired” Anjali concern wasn’t fake this time.

“Where is Daadi?” Arnav changed the topic.

“She has gone to temple. Should be returning any moment now. Oh my God, I forgot. She had asked me to ensure her fast meal is ready before she returns” Anjali recalled and rushed to the kitchen to check on the meal arrangements.

Shyam was about to leave too when Arnav blocked his way.

“I need to talk to you” Arnav stated. He looked very serious.

“Sure” Shyam nodded. “I have a meeting with my political team now, will speak at night?”

“Night then” Arnav reiterated with the same disinterested look on his face.

“Uh.. All okay?” Shyam asked. “I mean… is something wrong?”

“Stop being so innocent Shyam” Arnav snapped. “Only because I didn’t hear your demands, you spat it out to Shashi Gupta, huh?”

Shyam clenched his jaw. So, Khushi told him then. But did she even convince Arnav? He was clueless.

“What … what are you talking about?” Shyam continued to pretend unaware of the matter.

“The split of Royal property” Arnav answered without beating the bush. “That’s what I am talking about”

Shyam smirked.

“Oh.. that”

“Yup” Arnav’s jaw hardened. “That” he added in the same tone. “I thought you are smart enough to keep the Royal matters within these four walls. Probably, I mistook you. Expecting the unexpected out of you has become a trend now.”

Shyam could read the sarcasm in his words.

“We will talk about this tonight. I am sure you won’t be late for the discussion. It’s after all for your own benefit” Arnav taunted and made his way to the stairs. Shyam was thrilled. Seemed like Arnav had made up his mind which could be positive for him. If that’s so, he wouldn’t delay either. He decided to wind up his political meets and return home soon.


An hour later when Arnav came to know Daadi had returned from the temple and was in her room, he decided to go meet her. The moment he stepped in her room, he saw Daadi relaxing on the arm chair while a maid like woman kneeling before her and pressing her feet.

“Daadi” Arnav voiced out.

Daadi immediately opened her eyes and was delighted to see her grandson.

“Arnav” she got up. The woman slowly moved away from the arm chair. “when did you come? Why didn’t anybody tell me?”

Arnav touched her feet and took her blessings and then his eyes caught the woman standing aloof.

“Who is she?” he asked.

“She is … Anamika” Daadi replied. “Anjali recently appointed her as my caretaker”

“caretaker?” Arnav asked. “Why wasn’t I informed?”

The woman gripped the edge of the table she was leaning at.

“What’s there to inform? I needed someone to assist me in my chores. You know Anjali gets pissed doing my work and Khushi…” she sighed. “Well.. she has no time for me. She is not even cordial with me or in talking terms. Whom else could I rely on then to help me with my wellbeing. I told Anjali and she managed to find this good woman. She takes good care of me. She…”

“Who verified her?” Arnav interrupted. “And why the hell is she covering her face with a veil?”

Daadi sighed by his serious interrogation.

“Arnav.. She has recommendation from Royal family of Chittor. Stop spying on everyone”

“Daadi, let me do my work” he said and looked at the woman. “Remove that veil from your face”

“Daiya daiyaa” Anamika stepped back touching her cheeks. “I cannot show my face to anyone but my future husband” she turned around with her back facing them.

“Excuse me?” he snapped. “Do you realize you are talking to a Royal and..”

“Arnav” Daadi interjected again. “It’s their tradition. Girls of their caste have a special way to impress their deity for getting a good husband. She is bind by that ritual”

Arnav was already suspicious.

“Which caste are you?” he asked.

“Ambarti” she replied.

“I have never heard about this caste before”

“Because our people are not from around this place. And most of them have got converted long long ago”

Arnav was still doubtful.

“Is your interrogation done?” Daadi asked. “Here I have to talk to you so much and you are stuck questioning a maid’s identity?”

“Daadi wait” he frowned and again focused on the woman. “Your voice… its familiar”

Anamika cleared her throat.

“Maybe you have heard my accent before.. our caste people have..”

“Not your accent” Arnav interrupted. “Your voice.. I have heard it before”

Anamika was tensed. She curled her toes to suppress her worry. If this interrogation continues, her identity would no longer be hidden.

“Arnav, you are scaring her” Daadi poked again.

Arnav rubbed his forehead. Probably he was but at this point of time, he couldn’t let any stranger be a part of his family without proper verification.

“Fine.. You cant show your face to us.. but we need your picture. Any picture clicked in the past. That should be enough for now”

“Photo?” she asked. “I have a photo clicked a year back.. I will get it tomorrow”

Arnav wasn’t entirely satisfied but he chose to pause this matter here and turned back to Daadi.

“Good you and Khushi came before holi. It’s going to be your first festival together”

And the last too if he doesn’t do anything to stop her. Arnav mouthed to himself.

“I have some important things to discuss with you Daadi. See me in the drawing room in a while”

“Important? Regarding?”

Arnav didn’t want to give her any hint, not before her caretaker.

“I will tell you there. Have your meal and come down”

He strode out. Anamika took a sigh of relief. She was too close this time to be caught and like always, god helped her.


Angad was skeptical initially why Arnav called him to meet so suddenly in the Palace. And since Suhani was invited by Khushi to meet, the couple came together and met their respective friends in different rooms. Khushi was in the bedroom with Suhani whereas Arnav and Angad at the backyard garden.

“Oh” Angad sighed. “So, she has given the ultimatum to you. So very typical. I had told you Arnav. She isn’t going to take things lightly. Not when you spoilt her career”

“I fixed it back for her. She got all her contracts and even then, she isn’t willing to stay back”

Angad smiled.

“You gave her back what already belonged to her. In fact, if you hadn’t played with her career, she would have still stayed in this marriage but…”

“Quit your bitching. I haven’t called you for that” Arnav snapped.

“Well” Angad cleared his throat. “Then why have you called me for?” he grinned. The frustration of a woman inattentive towards his feelings was bothering his friend.

“To help me fix this”


“Yes” he groaned. “I don’t want her to leave this marriage hanging”

Angad was getting his point but he wanted to dig it further… especially to know Arnav’s feelings towards this whole relationship.

“Why do you want her to stick to this marriage in the first place?”

“What kind of question is that Angad?” Arnav roared. “She is my wife.. the whole world knows it. If she leaves, the media will mock at the Royal family and very soon the others too. You know very well how much the Royal tag means to me. I won’t let people splash dirt on it”

Angad rolled his eyes.

“That’s all? Is this the only reason why you want her to stay back in this marriage?”

Arnav shrugged and turned away.

“Of course,” he gulped. Why would Angad ask him that? Did his face reveal something else? Did he look desperate to stop his wife from getting away from him? Was it so obvious in his eyes.. in his actions… in his tone?

“Friend” Angad placed his arm on Arnav’s. “Hope you haven’t told her that. I mean these reasons..”

“I have” Arnav stated.

Angad wanted to call Arnav the biggest fool right now but he couldn’t.

“Wow!!” he yelled to himself. “If that’s the case… then only a miracle can stop her from getting away from you after Holi”

Arnav was mad. Miracle? As if he ever believed in it!! He was Arnav Singh Raizada.. a Royal.. and he wouldn’t keep hopes on miracles to come sort his problem. But did he have a choice now?


Shyam was well prepared to discuss the split of Royal properties. Daadi and Anjali Arnav were already seated in the drawing room to have this conversation but Arnav was yet to come. This would be the first time the entire family would converse on this topic healthy. Otherwise so far Arnav had always pushed this matter away and shown his sharp disagreement in splitting their share.

Khushi was in her room, reading a book when Arnav reached there.

“I had sent the maid to call you down” he stated. “Why didn’t you come?”

“Because I don’t deem it necessary to be a part of that conversation. I have nothing to do with the Royal property. You know after Holi I am leaving. So why should I waste time?”

Arnav suspected she would say something like this. But he wasn’t going to accept it. He strode to the recliner where she sat and snatching the novel from her, he gripped her arm and made her stand.

“What are you doing?” she snapped.

“Taking you along.. Now you decide if you want to walk or should I carry you in arms?” he asked.

“You wouldn’t do that?”

“Try defying me” he said taking a step closer.

There was no mischief in his eyes but pure dominance.

“Holi is 2 days away and tonight you are still my wife.. I have every right to keep you beside me while I make some concrete decisions for my Royal family” he elaborated.

Khushi’s heart fluttered. What a husband!!

“So” he asked again. “In my arms? Or you will walk?”

She gritted her teeth. If he thinks he scared her, he is wrong. But challenging him at this vulnerable state wasn’t right. So she decided to do as per his orders. She strode ahead and he followed her.


The round table of 8 was occupied by the family. Arnav began the conversation.

“My father and yours” he looked at Shyam. “have always wanted we brothers to stay together under one roof, collectively. Splitting the Royal assets never came in their minds. But it is always not necessary that the decisions which our ancestors have taken so far should be dragged through generations, especially when those decisions are bringing enmity in the family members. Me, Arnav Singh Raizada being the eldest grandson of this family have made that choice. To give my brothers what they always deserved. Though one of them..” he paused to gulp. “Aman Singh Raizada is no more with us, his share would be still considered”

Daadi’s eyes teared recalling her lost grandson. Khushi’s eyes fixed on Arnav’s. Pain of losing Aman reflected on his face. All this time he might have never confronted openly that he made wrong decisions for his younger brother who might have been alive had he assisted him upright, but the guilt of losing him always lingered on Arnav’s face. Anjali and Shyam desperately waited for him to come to the point and give what belonged to them without making much fuss about it.

“After talking to Daadi about it today, we both have come to the same conclusion. All the Royal assets, factories, palaces, Company shares and bonds will be divided equally between we four grandsons. Shantivan will never be split. It belonged to Daadi and until she is alive, she doesn’t want to split this house. Staying under one roof is no longer a restriction to any of the Raizada sons though. But each of them will have to attend all the family rituals, traditions and other festivals which will happen only and only in Shantivan, along with their wives and future children”

Anjali liked the idea but the thought of not being able to have children of her own, pricked her heart. Khushi was startled how deeply Arnav and Daadi had formulated these new clauses.

“Our family Lawyer will be advised to make these clauses legal on papers and distribute it between each of us. Unless, anyone has questions” he said looking straight in Shyam’s eyes.

“Why are we even considering Aman’s share. He is dead” Shyam blurted.

Arnav clenched his fist.

“He belonged to this family and his share will always be his. If you disagree, I might have to terminate the entire splitting decision”

Anjali clutched Shyam’s arm. She didn’t want him to argue over it. Whilst Shyam took his seat back, Daadi interrupted.

“We are not even considering Akash’s mistakes, Shyam. If we keep counting all of this, we would never come up with one decision” she commented.

Shyam gulped some water and nodded in agreement.

“Fine” he replied.

Anjali was happy that her husband didn’t create a fuss over it. Khushi on the other hand was confused. Akash’s mistakes? What mistakes? Why wasn’t she aware of them? Arnav never spoke about it. And Payal? Did she know it at least?

“Once Akash’s whereabouts are traced, we will convey the Royal split procedures to him” Arnav added. “Meanwhile you have a week time to decide Shyam, how you want the assets to be split between you and Anjali”

Shyam nodded to that too.

“But I have made my decision already” Arnav finally gazed at his wife Khushi Singh Raizada who was amused by his sudden stare at her. “All of my property will be divided equally between me and Khushi and then with our future children when they are born”

Khushi’s jaw dropped. She doesn’t want any share in this Royal property. But looked like he didn’t care to know. And did he just say .. Their children? How very hopeful of him.

To be Continued.


Note: The Picture precap I posted earlier will come in the next part. 


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This Edition includes the below mentioned Stories:

1. Bride Lost & Found
2. His Destined Bride

Bride Lost & Found

On the verge of getting married, Niyati elopes to fetch her lost life, only to be found again. They say when you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Is Niyati ending up in a hopeless situation by tying this knot or is this beginning of something sparkling?

The elderly woman makes her sit next to the groom. He is wearing a strong masculine perfume which she is extremely allergic to. She twists her nose not to sneeze. He grips her hand and leans towards her.

“If you do this mistake again, I will chop your legs” he whispers.

Her eyes widen in shock. She knew the Zamindar is an arrogant man but his strength and powerful words is infusing fear inside her already nervous body. But she won’t let him mistake her to be his newly hired slave. She has a fitting reply ready.

“How will you sleep with a woman glued to the wheel chair for her life then?”

She finds his grip on her fingers tightening more.

A twisted tale of an unforeseen wedding fiasco


Read the Reviews of Bride Lost & Found 

His Destined Bride

The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series)

Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?

A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


Read the Reviews of His Destined Bride


  1. Awesome update.....
    Arnav should convince khushi to stay

  2. Awesome update
    Will see how will Arnav convince Khushi
    I also think Anamika is payal or Anam gf

  3. Hope kushi stay with arnav nice update waiting for next update

  4. Awesome Update. Hope Arnav convince Khushi to continue the marriage. Arnav is willing here is a great thing but he should reveal his real feelings to Khushi otherwise how would she understand . Though Arnav is behaving he is doing all this for the Royal tag his heart beats for Khushi.Arnav can show his rights but can't accept his feelings for Khushi . Khushi on the other hand understands Arnav's pain of loosing his brother. It's good that Arnav gave Khushi a right in his property and also did family planning. Hope Arnav wins Khushi's heart. Holi is going to be a major turning point as revealed in the Precap and Arshi's life will change. Thanks for the Update😍

  5. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  6. Good that Arnav decided to divide the property between the brothers... Atleast Shyam will stop scheming with Shashi in that matter & Shashi would stop harassing Khushi for the same...

    Arnav is too confidently foreseeing his future with Khushi alongwith their children... That's good but right now he needs to find a good excuse to stop her from leaving him after Holi...

    Thanks for the update Madhu ❤️

    Kavita ❤️

  7. This Anamika is Avni. If Daadi didn't interfared her real identity would have been out. Arnav almost caught her. Hope Holi bring Arshi closer am waiting for the Holi part eagerly.

  8. Awesome. Hope kushi change her decision

  9. Is Anamika Aman's girl friend who is out to seek revenge? Looks like it's her.


  10. Your stories r really helping me survive these lockdown days♡....

  11. Poor arnav. He is trying hard to win khushis heart. Hope he will bring out his feelings just like angad wanted to. Nice update. Hope you are fine and safe sis!

  12. Awesome update. "writer" can we get next part from this ff as a next update please?

  13. Badtameez used to be my favorite story here... now Royal fling topped that :D .... I like this feisty khushi the most... I sooo want to see how arnav get his wife back, with romance of course :D

  14. Damn. Fierce update. Loved it.
    Future children ??

  15. Let see how Arnav will reveal this Anamika....waiting for Holi....

  16. Superb update. Arnav wants Khushi to not leave him. His friend can see he loves Khushi. Ana Mika is either Payal or Avni.


  18. This Arnav's attitude is thrilling ,please never change him ...his dominating character reminds me ipkknd .

  19. More secrets more issues... Holi waiting...

  20. Awesome update and fantastic arnav

  21. Superb update..
    Why anamika is here?

    By any chance aman is alive?

    Like the way he wants khushi in his life but only he realise n accept his feelings

  22. Superb update i like the way arnav and dadi deep and thoughtfull decide on spitting all the property and there rules 😊👌 how hopeful arnav is for she khushi 😄
