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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 1


Chapter 1


“Aarav” Arnav Singh Raizada gripped the receiver of his Intercom. “How is my Champ doing there?”

“Dad I won the painting competition” he exclaimed.

“I know that. Your teacher told me. I am so proud of my boy”

The door knocked and Sheetal strode inside Arnav’s cabin, with her laptop.


She paused seeing him talking over the phone. He gestured her to get in.

“Come back soon to Dad, Aarav. We miss you so much” he added.

“I miss you too Dad”
Sheetal smiled at the mention of Aarav’s name.

“Can I talk to him?” she mouthed a request which Arnav happily fulfilled. He passed the phone to Sheetal.

“Aarav, baby how are you? I miss our morning Yoga sessions”

“I am not a Baby, Sheetu” Aarav frowned. “I am a big boy like dad”

Sheetal eyed Arnav who was now sipping his hot Coffee.

“Alright big boy. Just come back soon and we will go to eat Pizzas together. Talk to your dad now”

“Aarav, you take the medicines on time?” Arnav started making other enquires.

“Yes dad” he pouted. “Can I skip it for one day? I don’t like the new tablet. Its bitter”

“Aarav.. we have talked about this, didn’t we?” Arnav snapped.


Aarav played with the cords of the telephone at the hotel reception when he saw Khushi again, talking to someone. She seemed to be striding to the elevator.

“Dad, she is going. I didn’t ask her name”

“Who is going??” Arnav was confused.

“Bye dad, please call me again later. Bye”

He dropped the call and rushed to Khushi. Arnav was totally amused when Aarav hung up on him. That never happened. This boy!!

“I think he has made a girlfriend” Sheetal teased Arnav who rolled his eyes.

“At this age?”

“He is fast than you” she bit her lip.

“Whom did he meet there?” Arnav leaned back on his chair. “I have to check with his teachers. Damn, I should have sent my guards along”

“Arnav… stop being so overprotective. He is a big boy now. He knows to make friends and he has your sixth sense. He will never connect with wrong people”

Arnav’s jaw stiffened. If Aarav was like him, he would definitely make wrong decisions and end up in bigger troubles. He didn’t want his son to face rejection and grief like he suffered so long.

“Anyways, we need to head for the meeting. The Mehtas are already in here” she informed.

Arnav rose to his feet.

“Lets go”

“One minute” she quickly touched his tie and adjusted the knot. Their eyes met and whilst she wanted his gaze to hold upon her, he quickly turned to pick his mobile.

“Come on” he muttered making his way to the door and Sheetal helplessly followed. Arnav Singh Raizada had never loved a woman and she was fighting a tough time to make him fall for her.


Khushi couldn’t hear her father’s voice. The network signal on her phone was bad and her phone battery was draining too fast.

“Dad.. I cannot hear you.. I will call you tonight and give you all the updates”

Khushi pressed the elevator button and disconnected the call when suddenly she felt those tiny arms wrapping around her from the side. She quickly looked down and saw Aarav. He had hugged her waist.


“I didn’t ask your name” he pouted.

“I know.. I was waiting for you to ask” she cupped his cheeks. He had Arnav’s eyes and for a minute, Khushi recalled the Volley ball championship of their college where she got to see those dark eyes so closely.

“My name is Khushi” she introduced.

“Khushi” he repeated with a smile. “Can I call you by your name?”

Khushi giggled.

“Why not? You are a big guy now. You can call me however you like”

“Dad says we shouldn’t call people by names”

Khushi was amused to hear that.

“Hard to believe, he used to call me by so many different names that… I had even forgot what my real name is”

“You know my Dad?” his eyes sparkled.

“I do” she nodded. “We studied in the same college”

“Was he like me?”

“Yes, he was ditto like you but not so cute and lovable. He was very naughty”

Aarav couldn’t imagine his father being naughty. He laughed heartily. The elevator pinged and the doors opened.

“Alright Aarav. Now head back to your teacher. She is waiting for you. Bye”

She was about to leave when he gripped her arm again.

“Will we meet again?” he hopefully asked.

Khushi felt an ache in her stomach as if that ache was directly connected to her motherhood somewhere. Ever since she had seen Aarav, she felt his dull ache in her body, which she didn’t know why? She leaned down and kissed his cheeks.

“We will meet again, very soon” she ruffled his hair and got inside the elevator. Aarav waved at her as the doors closed. Khushi felt something sticky at the corner of her eyes and when she touched it, she realized those were her tears. But why the hell was she crying?


Hotel Room – Same night

Khushi was lying on her bed when her phone rang. She was an early sleeper and hated late night calls but knowing it was her father, she couldn’t ignore it.

“Dad” she switched on the bedside lamps and sat on the bed, leaning to the pillow behind.

“You were sleeping?”

“I was trying to get sleep. I emailed you all the updates”

“I know, but that’s not why I called you for. Remember you got to meet Tanmay next week”

Khushi sighed in disappointment. Tanmay was her father’s friend’s son and he had recently travelled back from New Jersey to Melbourne, Australia to meet his parents.

“I remember that. But Dad, I don’t think I am going to travel there to see him. Besides next week is an important meeting with one of our client here in Auckland”

Khushi was in Auckland, New Zealand from past few years and she loved this place as her business had expanded just like they had expected.

“You just got to take a flight, meet him, stay for a day or two and return Khushi” Shashi Gupta insisted.

“If that’s so, I will see him in India” she replied. “he told me he is visiting India to meet his grandparents”

“NO” Shashi snapped. “You are not stepping in India”

She had expected her father to say something like this. Because that’s what he did every time she made this request. India for her was a completely restricted country to visit in her dad’s eyes and she wasn’t convinced with the reasons he kept giving her all these years.

“I miss you too Dad. I can come there for a week, meet Tanmay, check upon you and then head back here. It’s been so long I have been home”

“There is nothing here which can interest you anymore Sweetheart”

Shashi’s replies were not enough to convince her this time. She wanted to argue when suddenly she heard a loud noise outside her door.

“Dad.. let me call you back”

She hung up and tying her silky robe, she opened the door to check what the noise was.


She saw Aarav sleep walking in the lobby. And while doing so, he had just broke a huge vase kept at the corner, probably because he bumped into it.

“Aarav…” she hurried to hold him before he goes far away. Aarav kept walking. She touched his shoulders and turned him around. She didn’t know which room to drop him and even if she does, what if he sleep walks again? She took him to her room and put him on her bed. She patted his back to put him back to sleep. Once he started snoring softly, she dialed the reception.

“Connect me to the head teacher of Kidzy International school. They are staying in this hotel”

“Yes Ma’am”

Soon the call was connected.

“What kind of negligence if this?" she growled, making her way to the other room of her presidential suite. “A little boy is missing from his room, he was sleep walking and none of you know about it? He could have hurt himself”

“Is it Aarav you talking about?” the head teacher panicked.

“Absolutely” she growled. “This is the second time today he has been neglected. I am not going to tolerate it further”

“Ma’am. Aarav never sleep walked here in the past few nights. It’s rare and we had locked his room. I don’t understand how he came out”

“You don’t understand?” Khushi lowered her voice not to wake him up. “I am going to sue you people for what happened here. I am calling up his father, that’s it”

“Ma’am please, don’t. Give us a last chance. We are heading back tomorrow night to India. We will keep strict eyes on him henceforth”

Khushi wasn’t convinced. She had to take some action against such school and she would once she herself reaches India. She will speak to Arnav and was very sure he would side her this time.

“I will send someone to your room to pick Aarav” the head teacher stated.

“No that’s fine. I don’t want his sleep to be affected. He is sleeping here, so be it. I don’t believe you guys anymore. My room number is 1505. You can pick him up tomorrow”

She hung up frustrated and returned to the bed. The boy had sprawled on the bed, almost taking half of it. Typical Arnav!!

Wait!! She gasped. How would she know Arnav slept like that? She tried to remember but as usual nothing worked.


“wakey wakey Aarav” Khushi brushed Aarav’s hair to wake him up. It was 09:00 am and the boy had slept peacefully the whole night.

Aarav yawned and stretched but the moment he saw Khushi, his million-dollar smile was back. He jumped and sat beside her.


“Good morning”

“Morning” he smiled again and realized he was not in his room.

“You know you sleep walk?” she asked.

Aarav sighed in disappointment.

“Dad told me. I don’t remember”

“That’s fine” she kissed his forehead. “I sleep walked too when I was of your age.”

“really?” there was a hope on his face again as if he would soon be recovered from this syndrome. “How did you stop then?”

“Medicines and lots of love from my mom and dad”

The moment she said the word mom, Aarav’s smile vanished. She took him in her embrace.

“Wish I had my Mom, I wouldn’t sleep walk then”

“Aarav…” she gulped. “You have sent the letter to her yesterday. The ocean is so big. Once she gets it, she will surely come back to you”

“What if she doesn’t get my letter?”

“Umm..” Khushi gave a thoughtful stare. “Then I will personally visit her and get her back to you. Now smile.. smile…”

She started tickling his body and a laugh burst out from his mouth. He grabbed a pillow and started fighting with her playfully. She did the same. Their pillow fight continued till the doorbell rang.

“Must be your teacher”

She hurried to open the door. Aarav followed her out.

“I am here to take Aarav” the teacher politely mumbled.

“Your school better takes my warnings seriously this time or else I am changing his school and will get you all sued”

She had no clue on what authority she decided to change Aarav’s school. She was not his parent. But one thing was damn sure, Arnav would do the same. She knew how protective Arnav Singh Raizada was for his belongings. The teacher apologized again and held Aarav’s arm.

“we are going back tonight” Aarav told Khushi.

“I know” she kneeled down and gripped his forearms to pull him closer.

“So we wont meet again?” his eyes turned moist. Khushi had no idea if she would meet this little boy again or not but God knows she wanted to.

“Who said we cant? I will surely meet you again and we will go out on a date. How about that?”

“Date?” his eyes twinkled.

She kissed both his cheeks.

“Promise?” he stretched his palm towards her.

She placed her palm on his.


She didnt know if she would ever visit India again and get a chance to meet Aarav, but she will try her best. With that hope, Aarav walked out with his teacher. Khushi waited at the door until they got in the elevator. There was something in this boy which stirred all her motherly hormones. Poor lad, wish he gets his mother’s love soon.

To be Continued.



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This Edition includes the below mentioned Stories:

1. Bride Lost & Found
2. His Destined Bride

Bride Lost & Found

On the verge of getting married, Niyati elopes to fetch her lost life, only to be found again. They say when you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Is Niyati ending up in a hopeless situation by tying this knot or is this beginning of something sparkling?

The elderly woman makes her sit next to the groom. He is wearing a strong masculine perfume which she is extremely allergic to. She twists her nose not to sneeze. He grips her hand and leans towards her.

“If you do this mistake again, I will chop your legs” he whispers.

Her eyes widen in shock. She knew the Zamindar is an arrogant man but his strength and powerful words is infusing fear inside her already nervous body. But she won’t let him mistake her to be his newly hired slave. She has a fitting reply ready.

“How will you sleep with a woman glued to the wheel chair for her life then?”

She finds his grip on her fingers tightening more.

A twisted tale of an unforeseen wedding fiasco


Read the Reviews of Bride Lost & Found 

His Destined Bride

The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series)

Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?

A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


Read the Reviews of His Destined Bride


  1. Amazing start, quite an emotional update. Shashi seems to be villain here. I think khushi is Arnav's ex wife and arav's mommy who have lost her memory. Let's see what will happen next.

  2. So khushi haa partially lost her memory.. doesn't remember giving birth. .some unfortunate accident made her this way or she wanted to leave arnav n Aarav

  3. She is the mother isn't she? She's probably lost her memory and her dad has something to do with it! was he money minded? is this because, of him?


  4. Was he kkg soon and she don't know about it? Somehow I feel the same. What about ASR? Was he rejected by her? Or someone plotted on that way? Does asr know, asrav is part of khushi too. Lots of questions ah?

    Looking forward for next update

  5. I think khushi is arav's mother. Khushi's father have something to do with separation of arshi. Hope khushi will meet arnav soon. Amazing start. Looking forward for further updates

  6. So she is his mother... She knows more about Arnav... Seems like she lost her memory.... Her father is keeping her away from it or he is protecting her from getting hurt again

  7. Awesome Update. Arnav seems to busy and has no time for Aarav. Sheetal looks quite interested in Arnav. But she is very irritating . What happened between Arshi . What wrong decision and rejection Arnav is talking about. Aarav and Khushi's meeting was too cute. Khushi has probably lost her memories partially . She recalls her college moments with Arnav. Aarav is already so much attached to her. Khushi is Aarav's mom both have the connection between them. Why Shashi Gupta don't want Khushi to visit India and finding match for Khushi. Poor Aarav missing his mom so much and Khushi is too much caring towards him. Loved Aarav Khushi's bond. Khushi also promised Aarav a date. The motherly emotions are still there in Khushi. Will she find about her relationship with Aarav and Arnav. Thanks for the lovely Update 😍😘

  8. Arnav khushi are already married. Khushi forgot her memory,i.e her father don't want her come back to India.Is he evil? Arnav have some misunderstanding regarding khushi.arav is khushi own son. Hope arnav solve the mystery before thinking something negative about her. Fabulous update

  9. Thank you for posting this story...and beautiful update

  10. Yeahhh i am the first one to comment 😃😃😁😁 ... Amazing and lovely update 😍😘 ... Arnav and aarav talks were soo cute 😍 and aarav and khushi bond is soo lovely and cute and i think khushi is aarav's mother i think khushi lost her memory or something like that beczs of wich she don't remember anything and khushi father is not leeting her come to India and surely hiding somethime from here and she stay abroad from soo mamy years its a mystery y his father does'nt let her come india 😰 khushi said aarav abt her and arnav that they were in same collage 😄aarav and khushi have grown bond with eachother and how she protective him from his sleepwalk and she was also said she also have sleepwalk wen she was of his age soo it give a sort of hint that she may be his mother and she wen scold school teacher for the neglects of them to not cake of aarnav and she promised aarav to meet him again in India i hope it happen soon 😍 i am loving this ff alot❤😍 Madhu ur a great writer 😍👌👌😘

  11. No lawful sins today ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
    I was waiting for that

    1. We will have to wait 2 days for lawful sins

  12. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I

  13. Awesome. Is khushi aarav's actual mother? And she has lost her memory or something due to something happened in the past. Is that the reason shashi is stopping her from coming to india?

  14. I think something is seriously wrong here... Khushi is Aarav's mother... Her father also dnt want her to go to India... Bad motives... Update soon

  15. Madhu, we were waiting for lawful sins :(((((

  16. Somewhere I guess he is khushi's son circumstances were against her and she doesn't remember anything about past and of course arnav has misunderstood khushi as per his habit even if he loves her emensely

  17. If khushi refused to take Arav while she lost her memories then Arnav was wrong. If they loved each other then their love was weak. Well this is all if arnav knew about khushis lost memories. Since this is a short story hope their misunderstanding solve early and we will be able to see how their love story builds up. Arav is a lovely child and he seems to have lots of traits of khushi 😊

  18. Today's update almost confirm Khushi is the Mother here...But what happen exactly...And Arnav did he hate Khushi...Lots of questions...

  19. Today's update almost confirm Khushi is the Mother here...But What about Arnav did he hate Khushi...Lots of questions...

  20. I guess Khushi met with an accident & she has lost her memory... May b Sheetal & Arav's bua are behind her accident & that's y Khushi's father doesn't want her to visit India as her life might be in danger again there...

    But does Arnav know that Khushi is alive??

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  21. I believe she is Aarav's mother and wife of Arnav she might have lost her memory

  22. Awesome update. Did Khushi has any memory loss?. I think she is his mother. But Why her father is restrict g her from coming to India??? Waiting for the past to unveil.....

  23. Khushi partially lost her memory or Arnav's sister and her father made her to forgot past memories... so she forget about arnav and aarav ... loved mother and son duo
    I don't like sheetal but she is good here other than having feel for arnav .
    Intersting plot ..
    Waiting for next update dear

  24. Thanks baby(blows kisses for my evergreen writer Madhu baby) for continuing this one it a long time back on IF. Dont know why but the scene between Aarav and Khushi makes me wish these two cuties reunite soon and forever.

    I am amazed with the way we deal so differently with mother and father even in subconscious. If it had been Arnav in Khushi's place, dont know why but the jitters that I am having now like literally praying Khushi doesnt leave Aarav alone even for a moment doesn't happen in case of Arnav-Aarav thing.
    Dont know why?

    Love each and every story of yours.

  25. Interesting start
    Seems Khushi is Arnav's wife
    Or ex and Aarav's mom
    Looks like Khushi had short time memory loss that's why she remember Arnav but not Aarav
    Let's see what's coming next

  26. Lots and lots of questions...I know answers will come one by one .
    Very intriguing..

  27. New story ! Yeeee. Memory loss type,

  28. Waiting to see Arnav and khushi meeting...

  29. Wow new story...

    Aarav is arnav khushi's son?

    That's why shashi dont want her to go india?

    Looking forward

  30. So Khushi lost her memory .. waiting for next update

  31. I think khushi has lost her memory and arav is her son

  32. I think Arav is khushi’ s son shashi played some game

  33. Awesome story Shashi seems to be a villain here

  34. Awesome update. Loved the Aarav bonded with her. So she is his mom. Her father must have some connections with her partially lost memories.

  35. I am really happy that this story is a short one. Not because I don't find it interestin, rather wanted to know what happened between Arshi and want to see them becoming a happy family 😁😁

  36. Hmmm did something happened with Khushi?? Looks like she had forgotten some part of her life. She remembers her college days and her father denies her to come to India!! So Arav is Arnav and Khushi’s son. Superb update.

  37. Is Khushi, Arav's mother? Does Khushi have partial amnesia?

  38. Omg again other awesome story interesting concept amazing story interesting love it thank you 🙏 again

  39. Loved this chapter dear. I have a feeling Khushi is Aarav’s mother. But let’s see what happens
