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Precap for Yaadein Part 13

“I didn’t know you were coming early to work today” Sheetal mocked keeping the files on his table.

“I am the Damn boss here and I can be here whenever I want” Arnav scolded.

Sheetal was surprised by his raised tone.

“What’s our schedule with the Bhandari group?” he exhaled.

Sheetal frowned. She took a seat before him but didn’t respond to his query. Instead she tried to focus on the problem between them.

“Ever since Aarav’s accident.. I know you have been trying to avoid me. I should have been more vigilant during the ride in the fair but trust me Arnav, I didn’t do anything intentionally. I love Aarav and I too hate to see him in this state”

She reached for his arm and held it over the table but Arnav instantly shoved her off. He seemed to be determined about something. She swallowed meeting his scorching gaze upon her. 

“I didn’t want to bring this topic ever again but now that you initiated.. let me be very clear Sheetal. I never trusted people to take care of my son. I have been a hands-on father myself. But that day the situation itself was so tricky that I couldn’t take him along. And today…” he clenched his jaw. “I regret. I regret asking you to look after Aarav in my absence. This mishap would have been averted because this one accident has caused so much more damage to my personal life which you would never understand. But lets not get into that now. We are two professionals here and we better act like one. I hope we never bring this topic again and now…” he exhaled. “Give me the status update on the Bhandari project”

Note: Will post this part tomorrow. 



Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 











  1. I really hope Arnav wouldn't give much importance to Sheetal personally from here on and that she won't come between ArShi��

  2. Waiting for Full update

  3. Hope arnav will show Sheetal her place . Please update it tomorrow morning itself..

  4. Eagerly waiting 😍 Sheetal thinks herself as very important. Hope Arnav won't give priority to her😜

  5. Waiting for full update!!pls Update in the morning itself di.

  6. Woooooh i like the way Arnav behave with sheetal...But even then i feel he's trying to point that due to sheetal carelessness Khushi got a chance to enter his life again and he's getting angry due to this reasons only...Waiting for Full Update...

    1. That’s true. Arnav only knows to get angry on khushi. He never got angry with sheetal when Arav fell. It was her responsibility. I don’t like this arnav. He doesn’t know how to look at clues. Just judging the whole scene and blame only one person. That’s all!

  7. Madhu, Can we have no villain in this story?
    Can Khushi be wrong in past without any evil deeds of Anjali or Sheetal plans. I mean there are women who take time to mature up...she may have taken that abortion decision in panic, hatred for Arnav or something like that- like her sole decision. In many stories, Arnav makes the mistake of suggesting Khushi to abort or refuses to take responsibility of baby coz he isn't prepared. Can we have something on same lines here for Khushi?

    I want to see a flawed Khushi maturing up into a beautiful person. Dont some mothers in real life too, try to abort babies but later decide to give birth? Dont we condemn their behavior and when they change, we forgive them? The scene where Khushi tries to flee the hospital with baby can be something on those terms?

    From so many comments on this story, I concluded readers want her to be spotless, maybe pampered girl but they cant digest Khushi who may have wanted to abort Aarav. They believe that there has to be some misunderstanding between Arshi, a villain like Sheetal or Anjali at the back.
    Can we have it just as problems between the couple n their child in question without third person involved? Why is it so hard for people here to digest a Khushi who may have wanted to abort Aarav coz she wasn't mentally prepared. Yes, with that thought of not wanting to have baby, she doesn't deserve Aarav but dont we forgive Arnav in so many stories where initially we think he doesn't deserve Khushi.

    Why do women readers here want Khushi to NEVER commit sins at all? Should 'these type'(Khushi who may have wanted to abort a baby, Khushi who isnt virgin, Khushi who may have been married before to someone else other than Arnav, Khushi who maybe as ruthless as Arnav) of women be hanged till death?

    Why are we so harsh on our own sex? When we accept a repented, transformed Arnav who initially seems to be biggest asshole in world than why not such type of Khushi?

    Yes, we may dislike her, condemn such behavior but shouldn't these type of women also be given a chance?

    I loved the Khushi of Lawful sins two. I hated her abusive behavior towards La and Arnav but I am so loving her transformation. The way her demons are slowly and slowly put to rest.

    Fellow Readers,
    When we see Arnav undergoing huge transformation in most of the stories than lets give a chance to Khushi too. Let us a flawed mother change into a wonderful one. Have read many stories, where Arnav is given such a chance. Would really want to read the one where Khushi goes through it too.
    For once, I want to read that Arnav 's anger on Khushi is not misplaces, he hasn't misunderstood her but here he is simply a single father, whose wife was more at fault in whatever happened in past.

    1. Didn't mean to offend anyone. Please take it just as a take on the story and nothing else. Just wanted to see a right Arnav. Yes, I acknowledge : he has been hostile, rude and indifferent to Khushi's health but can we have deep wounds given by her as the reason behind it? His suffering of years without a wife as the reason? His bringing up Aarav as single father as the reason? Instead of Sheetal/Anjali playing victim?

      I just wish to see a repentant Khushi for once and an Arnav who is as righteous as Khushi of other stories. Let them change places for once.

    2. I m all for personalities transformations..but why does everyone keep saying that when a woman wants to abort a child..she should be given a chance..why so judgmental..why is it taken as a sin for not wanting a child.. nobody knows circumstances..are u people saying no matter what she should give birth n then not love her own would she if she was not ready n was forced into that..then those very people are the ones telling that child ur mother didn't want you so she left.. planting the horrible feeling of being unwanted in that innocent child.. pathetic

    3. Hey Anonymous, By 'should be given a chance here', I meant a chance to revive the connection with the child, she herself didn't want. Fathers who don't want child are judged world over! Called cruel souls and what not!

      Why would a child naturally love the mother who didn't want him to live, not because of any medical condition but simply because she wasn't prepared? Why would I naturally love my mother if she wanted to kill me? Isn't not fed by anyone but natural feeling to not like someone who doesn't want you. I am not judging Khushi here. It was her and Arnav's choice whether to give birth to Aarav or not.

      Many men want women to abort the child. Do you think mothers 'feed' hatred against fathers into minds of those kids? No, its natural to feel sad that this person didn't want me.

      Mind my words, Aarav 'll feel it someday and Khushi 'll have to face that too, no matter her decision was right or wrong.

      She made a choice, she cant escape consequence. And if she thinks she is right, all she needs to do is explain her viewpoint to Aarav. What other thinks about their bond is immaterial.

      Second thing. I am not judging any woman who wants to abort ONLY bcoz she isn't prepared. Just like I say for men, I feel same for women. Should have taken all consequences into account before jumping into bed. Why not use '72 hours' type of contraceptives? Why not keep a tally of her periods/cycle?
      Why let a life grow and then kill it, in most merciless way? Do you even know that each limb of the child is torn off with sharp forceps, part by part as most common method used in MTP? Isnt that heinous? Why not take precautions to not get pregnant? 70% of abortions in India are repeat abortions and I dont need to say more about why?

      There is reason why Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act allows abortion only on these grounds:
      When continuation of pregnancy is a risk to the life of a pregnant woman or could cause grave injury to her physical or mental health;

      When there is substantial risk that the child, if born or dead would be seriously handicapped due to physical or mental abnormalities;

      When pregnancy is caused due to rape (presumed to cause grave injury to the mental health of the woman);

      When pregnancy is caused due to failure of contraceptives used by a married woman or her husband (presumed to constitute grave injury to mental health of the woman).

    4. Abortion simply because you don't want baby IS inhumane and I don't need to judge you for that! You must know that you first allowed a life to grow inside you in your carelessness and now want to kill it brutally.(Most methods used to terminate a baby are heartlessly brutal. I can bet, you cant steel yourself to see those pics). Dont want to give birth, atleast ensure from your side that you don't conceive.

      Khushi in this story doesn't look like an illiterate woman who had no knowledge of contraceptives - many of are after hours(72-120 hrs) and before implantation.

      And the most imp. thing people forget is - child that is made out of consent, both inebriated has two parents. Mother and father. Both have rights to decide if child should take birth or not.

      And Arnav is natural to feel hatred for Khushi, if she wanted to abort their baby, whom he wanted to take birth. Same stands true if case was opposite.

      Ever tried to think why women normally hate those partners who want them to undergo abortion coz they refuse to take responsibility? Bcoz that feeling is natural!

      But hatred is not a permanent feeling. And thats how real life/ reel life stories are made. Men do forgive such partners, so do women.

      Not wanting a child isn't sin. Its your choice but aborting one just for the sake of maah life maah rulezz isn't something feminist or appreciable either! Atleast in POV of your partner who wants that baby.

      If women want men to respect their emotions, they must respect those of men too. Aarav, just coz, was in her womb doesn't mean, he is only her child, her decision.
      Decision should be made out of consensus and they did it for their accidental child. Khushi didn't want the baby, she got that choice through contract. Arnav wanted him, he got him through the contract. I dont consider Arnav or Khushi wrong there. But Khushi cant simply waltz back into Aarav's life and say to Arnav, "lets share our responsibilities now. Let me love him like a mother."

      Only a proper repentance 'll melt his heart.

    5. I m not talking about khushi or arnav either..and my opinion was on account of the 4th reason u mentioned when law allows in this case no one knows yet..n m not taking khushi's side here at all..i only talked about not being ready to have a one should be judged for feeling like that..for all we know..the woman wants to have babies.. loves them..but she knows her life is not gonna be same ever again..and she thinks its unfair to kid as well that the kid won't get the love and life it deserves..hav seen something like this to a very close i knw how devastated person becomes..its never an easy decision.. pregnancy is a blessing absolutely.. but the issue here i was talking about is smthing else..not wanting a child is not smthing a woman should be hold guilty for neither she needs anyone's forgiveness except the partner and vice simply means she is not in stry khushi is arrogant n she putting all blame of pregnancy on arnav is not right either.. but again as u generalized the perceptive i did too

    6. Thats what I said. You always mentally know if you're ready for a child or not...if not the four abv mentioned cases.

      And if you know then you should try from at least your side that you don't conceive. Its not that hard! And even that's okay when you qre in first month n both u n ur partner dont want baby...but after gets tough for all stakeholders. Work at a hospital. Know more than 10000 cases...where people don't bother abt contraceptives at all! And come here to get it done...And docs do it coz at least girl's life is safe in medically assisted abortion.

      They don't even bother to keep check of their periods... something that is taught in 10th class books!

      You are highly mistaken if you think u r answerable to only ur partner. You ll alwz have to answer that child...born or unborn. And u may have right reasons that the child may understand.

      When the person is so intelligent that they know their life won't be same again, it won't be fair to kid than why not go for precautions? there us something called as reversible tubetocomy. Why insist on killing the child so much? Why it is hard to admit that its your fault that you got pregnant when you shouldn't have? Why can't you feel a pinch of guilt for snuffing out a life? Its not like someone is going to kill you for it. Its your decision but you must accept that you went careless somehow nd another person is going to pay for it by his/her life.

    7. Judging is the universal statement u made that women love babies. There are many who don't and its not a crime to not love babies. Hating them may be wrong.
      Many don't want to become mothers and they ensure that.And thats their right,their choice.

      Problem here is your idea that Khushi who didn't want to give birth had to do so...coz Arnav didn't want abortion.

      If the woman is right then why should she fear condemnation of others? Why should she fear what that unwanted kid thinks about her?

      Not wanting a baby is completely cool and I would be foolish to feel guilty about such a decision but aborting a baby thats already growing inside me should make me feel a bit sad, guilty for killing him/her even though it maybe unwanted.

    8. Hey stop that...i never Went on use the word 'abortion' that's how much it disturbs me.. i may not be aware about all these medical terms..but definitely knw that contraceptives are not always effective..n definitely talking about tracking early signs when nothing major needs to be done..even i wouldn't want to kill a life that has already grown women arnav khushi whoever it is..i could not be less bothered with it

    9. What are you, five? If you are so shuddered abt using 'abortion', why even get into the argument with me, when all I have written from first sentence is qbt abortion?

      Didn't I say its just my viewpoint?

      Again, I think you have some grasping problem. I have already talked abt contraceptives failed n all.

      It was nice discussing with you. Please don't bother responding.

  8. Madhu please update yaadein

  9. Post long update of yaadein pls..waiting since morning madhu

  10. I'm tired refreshing the page
