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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Wedlock - Part 28


Chapter 28


Anjali wakes up in some time and she notices Arnav and Khushi sitting next to her.

“When did you both come?” she tries to get up but Arnav doesn’t let her move.
“Di, you need to lie down. Please.”

He holds her hand and kisses her fingers..
“How are you feeling now?” he asks.
“I am perfectly alright. But you and Khushi were supposed to come after 2 days, then how?” she suddenly realizes what must have happened. Seeing her in pain, Shyam must have informed them getting panicked. She turns to her husband who is standing beside the bed. “I told you Shyam, not to disturb them”
“Why?” Khushi interrupts. “Aren’t we a family?”

Anjali notices tears in Khushi’s eyes. She understands how much her brother and his wife must have freaked listening about her health condition.

“I didn’t want you to come back like that. Your time with each other is important than anything else right now” Anjali tries to explain. She is the only one who thinks that and now Arnav too has joined that group secretly. Arnav also wanted to spend time with Khushi, away from their daily routine but they can never overlook Anjali’s health.
“Di” Khushi comes closer to Anjali. “We don’t need to tell you what you mean to us. So, please don’t feel sorry that we had to come back. We can travel the oceans just to see you”

That brings a smile on Anjali’s face.

“I know that”
Anjali asks Khushi to come closer and then kisses her forehead. “I am so lucky to have you three in my life” Anjali hugs Khushi but her eyes are fixed on Arnav. He seems to be in a different zone. As if something is bothering him.

“Rani Saheba, give such warm hugs to your husband also some times” Shyam teases.

Khushi pulls back from the hug and notices the blush on Anjali’s face.
“Jeejaji” Khushi interrupts. “Stop complaining. You are going to get enough hugs once you both head back to San Francisco. Because me and Arnav won’t be there and Di will be all yours. Right Di?”
Anjali chuckles and hits gently Khushi’s arm. Arnav smiles too but Anjali recognizes its superficial.
“Oh yes” Shyam recollects something. “I have to ask the Travel Agent to book our weekend flights”
Arnav stops him.
“Jeejaji. Have you both taken a final decision on leaving back?” he asks.
Khushi understands what must have started haunting this man. Now that Di and Jeejaji will go back, she has no reasons to stay here and continue acting. That’s what he is not prepared for, considering he has full plans to give this marriage another chance.
“Chotte” Anjali speaks. “I would have loved to stay here forever, but my Doctors there know my History, about my earlier miscarriages. They are the best to help me deliver this time.”
Arnav weakly nods, giving his agreement.
“Fine. I will ask Aman to make all the necessary arrangements. Take my Jet”
“But Arnav, you might need it for your Business travel” Shyam interjects.
“I don’t have any travel plans this weekend Jeejaji and even if I had to, it can wait”

Shyam nods with a smile. Khushi counts the days. Just 4 more days and they will leave to San Franciso. She is going to miss them badly.

“Di, I will get the soup ready for you” she gets down the bed.
“No Khushi. I am not hungry”
“Of course you are not. But your baby is..”
“How do you know?” Anjali giggles.
“The baby just told me” Khushi replies. “It’s a heart to heart talk.. From the baby directly to its Maami”

The moment she completes the statement, she and Arnav shares an eye lock. Did she just  call herself the baby’s Maami(Aunty)? Well, her current relationship with Arnav makes it so but they are soon going to part ways, aren’t they?

“I .. I will get the soup” she fiddles with her phone nervously and rushes out.
“And I will check if Hari Prakash has got your medicines or not” Shyam also makes a move out.

Arnav is still passive and lost. Anjali holds his hand.

“Chotte” she interjects. “I have been noticing you from long. You don’t seem fine. What is bothering you?”

Arnav tries to fix his mood.
“Nothing Di. I am fine”
“Don’t lie to me. You and me are like two sides of a mirror. We see through each other’s heart. None of us can hide pain from the other. If I guess, this has something to do with you and Khushi. Am I right?”

Arnav swallows. He doesn’t want to share his problem with anyone and definitely never his Di because she is too weak in health to comprehend it. She won’t like to know that he and Khushi had an agreement between them to stick together until she and Jeejaji are here.

Anjali touches his cheek to get back his attention.

“Have you fought with Khushi again?”
Arnav rolls his eyes.
“Di.. Didn’t you teach me to take the responsibility of my actions?”
Anjali nods.
“Then leave it on me”
Anjali sighs. Arnav holds Anjali’s hands in his.
“Thank you, Di. If you hadn’t insisted me to give a chance to my marriage, all this wouldn’t have been possible. I have realized the biggest mistake of my life and I am trying to fix it. I just need your blessings. That’s all”

Anjali has never seen Arnav so vulnerable and open about his feelings or mistakes. Earlier he was so adamant about every decision he took, whether thoughtfully or not he didn’t bother to accept his mistake. She realizes something huge is going on between him and Khushi which has made him so low at this moment.

“My blessings are always with you” she kisses his forehead. “Chotte, relationships are like a piece of glass, once broken, you cannot fix it back and even if you do it, the mark will always remain. I understand you and Khushi are facing a rough time at the moment but don’t rush. Give some time to understand each other before expecting things to turn up in your favor”

Arnav gulps. He knows the best advice he could get about relationships is from his Di only and no one else.
“I will fix things Di, I promise. But you don’t have to worry anymore. I want you to take full care of yourself and the baby and give us the good news soon”
A bright smile pops on Anjali’s face.
“I want you and Khushi to hold my baby first after its born” she declares.

Arnav smiles weakly.
“I would like that too.”
“Great. So whatever happens, you and Khushi will be in San Francisco during that critical week of my delivery. Promise?”
Arnav has no intentions to deny. He does not want to calculate if Khushi will be agreeing to this or not. He wants to see his Di happy and if this is her wish, he will fulfil it. Anyhow..
“I promise” he keeps his palm over his, sealing their promise.


The next 2 days pass in a blink of eye. Khushi resumes her work after the default holidays she had taken for her South Africa trip. She and Arnav have been on talking terms but she has kept herself secluded for most of the time. As she has so much to think about, plan and implement too. The first thing to consider is her staying arrangement after Di leaves. She does not want to continue her stay in Shantivan neither she wishes to be a load on her father and face his and Kyle’s mounting questions on her and Arnav’s marriage status. Plus, she wants to do something for Di and Jeejaji before they leave.

Her phone rings at the same time. It’s Lavanya’s call. She answers

“I was about to call you, La”
“Don’t lie. It’s been 2 days since you back and you didn’t think of calling me once. I can see the future of our friendship.. its dying” La replies remorsely.
“Aww.. La.. Please. I am sorry. Don’t be so sad about it. You have no idea in what situation we had to return back from South Africa”
“I know Darling.. I got your message last night. But I was still expecting your call”
“I said I am Sorry”
“Fine… Apologies accepted. By the way, I want to give you a big news” La chirps.
“I am listening”
“I got a Modelling contract”

Khushi’s eyes widen in joy.

“What? That’s . great.. How ? Had you given the audition somewhere? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Will you let me answer all your questions one by one?”
“Sure.. Go from the start”
“Alright.. I met this guy called Rohan a month ago. He is dad’s friends son. Nice guy, handsome, single” La bites the corner of her lip. “So, he runs a Modelling school and he has some tie ups with great agencies. On my birthday night when he called to wish me, after you left the party, he gave me this breaking news that a Foreign fashion company is looking for a fresh model to advertise their collection. I immediately agreed. They are offering me decent price too. Can you believe Khushi, me Lavanya Kshyap will be earning?”

Khushi is thrilled to know all these new details.

“That feeling is mutual La.. I am soon going to get my First Salary and I cannot wait to see it in my bank account. For the first time, I feel so nice and less guilty.”
“Exactly my thoughts” Lavanya replies. “I got this idea from you Khushi. Seeing your efforts to become self-independent, I was motivated. Thank you”
“You should thank Arnav Singh Raizada. Because he is the one who showed this new light to me. If he had not told me where I stand, I wouldn’t have bothered to earn myself”
“Hmm” Lavanya agrees. “He must be very low these days considering his Deal with you is coming to an end shortly”

Khushi doesn’t reply.
“Did you both discuss whats your future after Anjali Di goes back?”
“Not yet”
“Then when Khushi? In 2 days, Di is leaving. If you don’t talk now, when will you?”
“I know” Khushi sighs. “I will talk to him today and clear things out”
“Do that”
They talk for a few more minutes and Khushi hangs up. She really has to take this matter seriously. Avoiding it cannot be the solution. She next messages the man directly.

‘As you know its ending, I have some serious talks to do’ 

She sends the message and continues her work, her eyes continuously glancing at the phone screen, waiting for his reply. The message buzzes on her phone.

‘We will take this up at home today evening’ 

His reply kind of startles her. Does he know what she is going to speak? Is he prepared for that?



“Oh My God, Chotte what is all this?” Anjali asks seeing her favorite fruits and sweets which Arnav has specially ordered for her to carry along in San Francisco.
“Di, you won’t get it there. And it’s not right to avoid the cravings of a Pregnant woman”
Anjali giggles.
“Awww. You will be a good husband when your wife is pregnant” she teases.
“That means I am no good now?”
Shyam decides to reply that.
“Saale Sahab, even now you are a fantastic husband but little lesser than me” he gives a side hug to his wife who nods patting his chest gently.

“I am home” Khushi says putting her bag on the couch and coming to Anjali.
“You came early today, I am so glad. Is this because I am going to leave in 2 days?” Anjali asks.
“Do you have to remind me that?” Khushi pouts.
“Okay, I wont but that wont change anything. Arnav told me the Jet is fueled and ready to take us back. And your Jeejaji has taken all appointments with my Doctor there. Plus, he has enrolled us both in some parenting sessions.”
“Oh wow Di. You have a huge agenda reaching there”

Anjali nods.
“And I am going to leave you here with some too” she replies.
Khushi doesn’t understand what’s that supposed to mean? Anjali walks to Nani and asks her to give the keys. Nani stares at her to see if she is really sure of doing this and Anjali just nods again. She has never be surer on this matter like today. Khushi and Arnav are clueless. Shyam knows but he decides to keep mum until his wife explains everything to the couple. Nani hands over the entire house keys to Anjali.

“Thank you, Nani”

Anjali then comes to Khushi.

“I want you to take the responsibility of this house, this family, Nani and my Chotte once I move back to San Francisco”

Khushi freezes. That’s the last thing she wants to do. Arnav is not unhappy but just surprised that his Di could think so much for Khushi in such a short period of time. He knows Khushi will never accept it. She wants to be free and taking the responsibility of this family entirely would bind her forever to him and this house. Though he desperately wants her to accept it, he knows it will only burden and hurt her. Marriage, relationships and love is the last thing she wants right now.

“Di” Khushi murmurs. “I.. This .. this is huge responsibility. I .. I don’t think I can”
Anjali clutches Khushi’s arms.
“Every Woman of the house takes this responsibility some or the other day. Till when will Nani handle all of this? Now you are back and you and Chotte can easily work with each other to make it happen. I trust you both completely. Consider this as my return gift from you both before I leave”
Khushi looks at Arnav once. After all this house is his, these are not just plain keys. They have the power to rule this house and she cannot mislead anyone by accepting those and showing even a bit of rights on it, because as soon as Di will leave, she is herself going to step out of this house. Arnav reads the confusion in her eyes and gently nods at her, gesturing her to take it. Khushi swallows hard. She will take it for now.. She has no choice. They cannot upset Anjali at any cost. She takes the keys slowly from Anjali and fakes a smile.

“That’s like my Bhabhi” Anjali happily chirps and hugs her. Khushi hugs her back. She has to really speak to Arnav before Anjali Di decides to put her in more troubles like this.

“I have one more wish” Anjali mutters the same instant in her ears.
Khushi pulls back from the hug and looks cautiously at her. She hopes it’s not as bad as this one.
“I know you are of modern culture, different thoughts and so on.. But in our tradition, a married woman always adores herself with Mangalsutra and Sindoor. I want Arnav to put those on you before me.”

Khushi grips the keys in her fists. That’s the least she had expected!!

To be Continued.




  1. Amazing update yaar ...
    So many questions to be answered and the most important one is, how is khushi going to handle these ?
    I'm confused with Arnav's behaviour ...does he really have any hidden motives behind keeping khushi as his wife ?
    What is khushi's mom will ?
    Waiting for the answers in coming updates .

  2. Brilliant update....So, now Khushi is fixed. What will she do. Anjali is so good human being. I am happy for Lavanya. Waiting to know what ARSHI will discuss about Khushi’s leaving Shantivan.

  3. Well played Anjali......I really don't know how khushi is going to manage it....she is not ready now..... until and unless Arnav comes clear about their relationship I don't want khushi to wear that mangalsutra from him.... because without both of them's full consent it doesn't mean anything

  4. Awesome superb excellent amazing luv it

  5. No no nooooooo Madhu how could u stop there :( not fair...Want next part Soooooooon...SUPERB UPDATE :)

  6. Anjali is too much! She is making things difficult for Khushi. I don't think it's right to do when you actually know your brother and his wife are not on good terms. Anjali is right at her place but I don't want Khushi to take decisions under any external influences now. She married for her father. She agreed to Arnav to fake Thier marriage. She accepted to stay in shantivan for the sake of Anjali. Now just because Arnav realizes his mistakes or Anjali want them to be together Khushi should accept her marriage? It's not fair. Khushi should be free to take her own decision now. Her mother's will is another mystery. I think Arnav shouldn't put Khushi in more difficult situation when he knows Khushi isn't ready for it. Is khushi a puppet for Arnav to bend her as per his own and anjali's wishes? Khushi has a big heart but it's just getting too much. Arnav isn't fair. More than Khushi I want to see how Arnav handles this situation. Because that's what keep respect for him intact in his khushi's eyes.

  7. Amazing update. Hope these little things help in getting the estranged couple to come closer

  8. I think Anjali knows they are going to seperate after she leaves thats why doing all these things...

  9. Oh! The update ended at a cliff hanger...

  10. Anjali is really forcing khushi

  11. Very brilliant move from Anjali ans us the only way to stop Kushi...

  12. Both Brother and sister making it hard for Khushi to leave .. I hope Khushi take the bait and stays

  13. Why Anjali is doing this ? I don't want to Khushi to hurt again .. why this emotional blackmail? I want khuKhu to know why Arnav married her..

  14. looks like kushi will stay back much to the annoyance of nani

  15. I really wish after their much awaited talks they will decide something good for both of them. If they decide to divorce they should do it n if they decide to stay married then they should it in the right way. Not staying separately. Khushi might not have any feelings for arnav. But she should understand that marriage is not a game. If you don't want it you can leave or if you want it u can stay and make it right. I don't believe that staying apart will sort out matters. Sometimes I feel that Anjali knows their secret deal hence doing all this drama so they will stay together always. Let's see

  16. Superb update... Waiting for khushi's response to anjali wish... Pls update soon...

  17. Isn't Anjali asking for too much?!! she is really forcing Khushi now.... looking forward to see Khushi and Arnav's response here...loving this ff
