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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Wedlock - Part 30


Chapter 30

“No Khushi, No” Khushi speaks to herself in the mirror. “This is your only chance to set your life back on track. You cannot miss this golden opportunity”

After sharing the news with Anjali, Khushi suddenly started thinking from the other point of view. What will happen when Arnav Singh Raizada gets to know this? Will he be happy? Will he use his power to cancel this offer and make her stay back in India? But .. if he likes her and wants her to aspire her dreams, he will let her take this one step. He cannot be that selfish!! But everything is far in love and war. What if Arnav uses this one line to set happiness in his life at the cost of her missing this opportunity? No!! He can’t do that, can he?

“Whatever happens. I will not step back now” she shows some strength. “I have decided to move out and this is it”

She again looks in the mirror with extra confidence.
“Don’t be scared Khushi. This is your life and no Arnav Singh Raizada can snatch that from you” she repeats. She decides to practice her lines well so that when she has to have this conversation with Arnav today, she will be prepared. She slides to the closet and takes out his Suit and wears it. She now pretends to be Arnav Singh Raizada and gets a frown on her face.

“What The!! San Francisco? No ways, tell your Boss to find someone else. I won’t let you go and work away from me” she screams faking his voice and taking off his suit, she stands opposite now.
“Arnav.. I am not asking you this.. I am telling you. This is my dream job. I will go”

She again wears his suit to pretend being him. She fakes clutching her forearms, assuming that’s what he would have done to her in anger; clutch her arms and drag her closer.

“Don’t you ever talk to me like that” she yells faking his voice again. It’s like she has memorized all his dialogues, this one being one of his signature lines whenever she has argued with him.
Taking off the suit again she becomes herself. She fakes a yelp considering he has clutched her forearms.
“That’s a great idea. Let’s stop communicating after I leave to San Francisco. That way you won’t lose your temper and even I would be able to work without your pressure”

She laughs at her own self for being so confident and arguing with an invisible Arnav Singh Raizada. She is having fun by doing it. Suddenly she feels a gust of wind blowing on her face. It’s a totally new feeling. She has never felt this before. She turns around and finds the man she was pretending to be, a while ago, is leaning at the door, watching her intently. Oh No!! Did he witness her entire drama? She hopes not. She gets speechless and picks his suit from the recliner.

“Uhh… I.. I was cleaning the closet.. and . realized this suit is dusted. I .. I will give it for laundry”

She takes the suit and makes her way to the door. She reaches him and waits for him to give her way to move out, but he doesn’t. He takes his Suit back from her.

“This Suit was dry cleaned yesterday” he replies.

Khushi’s jaw drops. Couldn’t she find any other excuse? Not that he asked her one!! But, what should she do now? Give up? Or play hard again to get what she wants? Just few minutes back she was so confident and now when he is actually here, she is fishing for words?

“So..” she clears her throat “You.. got to know about my Onsite Offer?” she asks.
“I saw you switching roles” he replies.
Khushi gulps.
“So… ? What have you decided?” she asks him again.
“What would you do if you were me?” he cross questions. “If your husband whom you have feelings for was going to walk away from you, for a year, would you let him do that or not?”

Khushi is clueless. Why is he asking her that? She cannot take this decision.

“I don’t know. And I can never think in that angle” she snaps. “Because I cannot feel something which I don’t feel at all. So, don’t put me into this web, Arnav. Just say what you think about me going to San Francisco and end this”

Arnav sighs. His gaze never leaving hers.
“Is my decision going to change anything?” he asks. “Will you give me that power to stop you from going away from me?”

Khushi feels the heat between them. She is unable to meet his eyes because there is so much hope and need of assurance in them. He wants to desperately control her fate and she is not going to let him do it this time.
“No” she spats.

Arnav smirks. He had expected a similar reply. Who says she is fickle minded? He sees her as a strong woman who knows to take decisions for herself, who puts forth her choices before people without any remorse. She is not what she used to be one. She has developed and he is very confident that she can take care of herself hereon. He gently holds her hands. No more pinning, pulling or pushing. It’s a simple hand hold.

“If you ask me this again, I might never let you go, Khushi. But I respect your decision because that’s what every good husband would do. My motive is never to stop you from touching skies, I just want to be beside you and watch you live with joy. If only you give me this chance ever in future”

Khushi is overwhelmed.

“Achieve whatever you want.. stand on your feet… earn yourself.. get your confidence back to live independently… Get every wish fulfilled of yours.. because at the end of all of this… when you sit back alone and think.. you will realize the need of having someone to share this joy.. someone who can pat your back, praise you, guide you and celebrate with you. I will wait for that day when you actually start missing the importance of relationship, marriage and love. I want to be the only person you think about that day, Khushi”

Her heart beats louder. She can feel it beating in her ears, its that loud. Her voice is stuck and she cannot take her eyes off his. Why? What is happening to her? Is this his plan? To distract her and make her stay? But… The moment she thinks in this angle, he leaves her hand and heads inside the bathroom to freshen up. She finally breathes again!! Was that a Yes? Has he agreed to let her go to San Francisco? He just wished her all luck, didn’t he? She smiles and suddenly the smile fades away. But.. why did he say she will some day sit alone and think about him? Want him to be beside her.. That she will want this marriage to work? Will this happen in future? She shuts her eyes to stop her brain from overthinking. Right now she has to celebrate his approval and start packing. She also has to give her final confirmation to Prem who will then make further arrangements for her. She cannot wait to go away. From this place.. From her father who never cared for her.. and from her husband who has left her currently in a very confused state. She is unable to decipher where their relationship stands exactly and where will it be after one more year? How long will they drag this?


At the Dinner, Arnav shares his decision of acceptance to let Khushi work in San Francisco. Anjali is shocked to hear that. She thought Arnav would oppose it considering he seems to be serious in Khushi now.

“Chotte, I understand you want to support Khushi in her career but what about your relationship?”
“What about it, Di? Everything stays as is.” He replies.

Khushi shifts uncomfortably beside him. As is? What is that supposed to mean?
“Long distance relationship works these days, why can’t long distance marriage work for us then?” he asks.
Khushi swallows the food and keeps chewing the next morsel. Maybe he is saying this to keep Di’s heart.

“Why can’t you shift in San Francisco too?” Shyam interrupts.
Arnav sighs.
“Wish I could. But I have business to run here. Plus, the new joint Venture between Raizadas and Guptas will need my presence in South Africa too in between. And most importantly” he turns to see Khushi. “I don’t want to overcrowd Khushi there and meddle with her work”
Khushi glances at him. He has been taking her side too often lately. What is all this? The practice of becoming a good husband henceforth?

“Hmm” Anjali smiles. “Khushi, you will be staying with us then”
“No Di” Khushi denies. “Shikha will be there too. So, the company is making arrangements of our stay. I have suggested them to look for something which is nearby your residence so that I can visit you and Jeeju frequently”
“What? We will stay in same city and not together? That’s unfair” Anjali argues.
“Di.. Please understand. Why I am doing all this? Why am I taking up this offer there? To be independent right? Then how will I be independent if you and Jeeju constantly make me feel like home? I promise I will spend the weekends with you two”

Shyam agrees. Anjali’s agreement is still On hold. But thinking from Khushi’s perspective she ca understand her need of staying away. That way she will be more confident and handle things on her own.  Nani doesn’t utter a word in between. She is so happy with the changes here. Finally, without doing anything much, Khushi is going to be very far from their lives, especially Arnav’s. What else does she want?


Khushi shares the news with Lavanya who is shocked at first but happy that Khushi is shaping up her career beautifully. They promise to see each other soon when one of them is free to travel and meet the other. Khushi comes back in the room and notices Arnav working on his laptop. She has no words to describe how much relaxed she feels right now, because he has given her that support to go away from this place and work independently. If nothing else, she has to be thankful to him at least. She doesn’t know if she will miss this regular good husband-wife acting which they do, after she reaches to San Francisco. Maybe she will miss it for some time and then forget it and move on. The same can be expected from him too. He might be feeling all that for her today, but who knows, he might stop having those feelings later and she hopes that happens. So that she will not have this slight ache anymore in her heart for hurting someone’s emotions and walking away. Now that reminds her of some other important topic. She has to inform her father too about it before she leaves this place. She just hopes he doesn’t argue much because it’s not going to have any effect on her.


Gupta Residence

The next day Khushi comes to Gupta house early morning before her father can leave for work. She wants to speak to him and not his wife alone about this.

“Khushi.. what a pleasant surprise. Come in.. What will you have for breakfast?” Shashi asks keeping the newspaper away. He gets up and hugs his daughter.
“No thanks Dad. I had mine before coming here”
“Okay.. sit”

Kyle comes out from the Kitchen. She has no clue Khushi is here.

“Darling.. Your favorite French Toast is ready” she keeps the plate on the table and that’s when she notices Khushi.

Khushi glances at her. Whatever this woman is, at least she takes care of her husband, loves him, so what if she couldn’t love her husband’s daughter? If her father is happy, she is happy too. Doesn’t matter if he ever cared for her real happiness or not.

“Khushi?” Kyle comes ahead.
“Khushi” Shashi breaks her chain of thoughts. “What got you here so early morning? Is everything fine in Shantivan?”
“Yes” Khushi nods. “All is good. Di is leaving back to San Franciso and so am I”

Shashi and Kyle, both get confused.

“I have got an onsite offer from my company. To work in San Francisco for a year. I have accepted it”
“What?” Shashi snaps. “But ASR? Did he agree? I am sure he must have gone mad listening about this”
Before Khushi could clear his doubts, Kyle pokes.
“I am sure you have argued with your husband again and came here to help us convince him. We are not going to do that Khushi. It’s your personal life now, we cannot interfere”

Khushi throws an angered glance to her.

“I don’t remember if you both ever cared about my relationship with him. And even if you did for 1 percent, it was only to make your Business alliance with Raizadas up-to-date.”

Both Shashi and Kyle are struck by her sudden downpour of emotions. Khushi gets up.

“Anyways, I came here to inform you that I am leaving Dad. And the Raizadas support my decision. I am not running away this time.”
Shashi is still skeptical.
“What is the need of doing all this, Khushi? You have a family now, a husband and house. Concentrate on that instead of trying to prove something”

Khushi laughs sarcastically.

“Dad… You must be the first father who doesn’t want to see his baby doing things on his own. Why?” she growls. “Only seeing your daughter living a lavish life is not enough Dad. Only throwing money at her for her needs is not enough. She has other needs.. other dreams.. other wishes to fulfil and I don’t know how but you always missed seeing them in my eyes”

Her eyes become moist. She was not prepared for this conversation here with Shashi but somehow she couldn’t avoid it now.

“I needed more, Dad.. I needed You.. Your time.. Your love. And you missed giving it to me at every step. I loved Maa.. I mourned for her when she died. And the only person who could get me out of that misery was you. I needed your support and what did you do instead? Found another Mother for me and gave me a Surprise. I wasn’t prepared. It was your duty to prepare me. You know when you married Kyle, what I thought?” she comes forward. “I thought you were waiting for Maa to die so that you can marry again”

Shashi is angered.

“How dare you Khushi?”
“Yes.. How dare I think that way?” she snaps. “I was misled by my own mind and heart and it was your responsibility to show me the truth. But you failed. Can’t blame you.. You wanted to give all love and respect to your new wife and the ultimate goal of yours to get happiness in your daughter’s life was crushed by your own foot”

Kyle is speechless just like her husband. But she still doesn’t keep quiet.

“Don’t think we didn’t love you. We got you married to the best man but what you did? Ran away the next day, letting people laugh at us” Kyle taunts.
“Oh Yes.. Marriage” Khushi now turns to her. “Right. So, tell me one thing Mrs. Kyle Gupta.. If you had a daughter and she was misled, would you still get her married away to a man whom she doesn’t even know? You would get rid of her, like forever? Is that what you would do? Is marriage the only solution for treating every over pampered and stubborn child? Tell me. because.. If that’s what you think it is, then I am glad you and my father never made children because his or her life would have been spoiled too just like mine”
“Khushi” Kyle screams at her in anger and even raises her arm but Khushi holds it at the right time.
“Another mistake, Kyle.. Watch yourself!! You have been making a series of mistakes and don’t even have a count of it. Don’t be like me.. I have been doing the same in my life so far. But now, I have learnt. I know to take responsibility of my own sins and even have the guts to bring a change in me. I wish, you both could also learn this skill someday”

Saying that and giving Shashi a final glance, Khushi walks out of the house.

To be Continued.




  1. Oh God I was waiting for this father - daughter confrontation since long & Khushi did it today... Still I feel she has so much to pour infront of her father but this is good for the starters... Atleast Shashi will start thinking where he lacked as a father for Khushi... I hope we will get more of Khushi's outburst scenes on Shashi & Kyle... Also want one such scene between Khushi & nani where Khushi shows nani who is actually a better person between them... Arnav is trying hard to become a good & deserving husband but guess its late to b acknowledged now from Khushi's side... Let her concentrate on her career & achieve whatever she desires... If Arnav's love is true then she would definitely comeback to him...

    Wonderful update Madhu ❤️

  2. Wonderful fabulous update madhu

  3. This confront was needed but yups I missed Arnav there, coz may b Shashi, Kyle n Arnav konpta chal jata how much they have spoiled her life.. Best part was where Khushi said I have learned to rectify my mistakes hope u guys will learn too.. Waiting for next.. I think story will take leap now of 1 year or we r going to witness Anjali's delivery too coz that part is highlight which lead Arshi together..

  4. Finally kushi has poured out her feelings. Shashi should patch up with kushi. What is the use of all the wealth with out his child's love? Awesome madhu

  5. Glad Khushi show Shashi the Mirror...He's really disgusting as a Father sorry to say this...N bout Khushi she's right at her place about leaving to SanFrancisco but she'll definetely miss Arnav a looooot...N seeing Arnav behaviour toward Khushi he'll keep protecting her hereon...waiting to see both realising their Love for each other...SUPERB UPDATE :)

  6. Liked this update but why is she softening towards Arnav I want khuKhu to know about her mother will . Before she leave to San Fransisco .. so that she can show Arnav what he did

  7. Great she spoke the truth on their face.

  8. One of my fav story just love it 🥰 😍

  9. Khushi is on right path and Arnav supported her. HAope this distance make them come closer. Awesome story

  10. Shashi..Wat a Pathetic Father...actually disgusting will be the right word....and I feel happy about khushi leaving this Selfish people..... even that include Arnav too....He once belonged to the same category... Yar He is changing but whether it's constant or temporary..only time will tell that....let's see how Arnav is going to handle it.. supporting your wife in her career only doesn't make him a Good husband...Their is so much,care,Respect, companionship.... He should first stop everyone who interferes in their relationship whether it's Nani or khushi's so called relatives... sorry I can't use the word family or parents for them because they dnt worth it

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The Best Part of the story so far...

    I wish khushi could have opened her heart earlier and showed all her pain and hurt to her father she could have been saved from unnecessary trauma and emotional torture. But it's better late than never! Khushi said so much today but not all and many things still remain unspoken. But I want her to speak it and empty her burden. At least she can get rid of her poisio in her system!

    Honestly I don't bother nor I want khushi to patch up with her parents again. They are good people but relationships are beautiful when unspoken things are undersooun! relationships are like a clay pot! once broken cannot be undone and no matter how much we want or try scars always remain. Also the pain and bad memories associated with it are impossible to forget. The only thing we can do it to forgive and move on!

    About Arnav I loved what he said to khKhus and it was so genuine and honest but I didn't like one thing what he said. And it was khushi rralizire importance of marriage, love and relationships one day! I didn't like it at all because it sounds like khushi is the one who is at fault! Khushi's life has been full of mistakes. Agreed! But why the hell arnav couldn't understand all this things himself when he married khushi? Where was his wisdom which he is giving to khushi now? He didn't bother about when khushi left him and he let her go hurting her with his cruel words then why he couldn't realise the importance of marriage and relationships that time? Because if he really cared for it their marriage would not have turned this ugly! Arnav should check with himself first and then advise someone! Khushi understands and respect relationships much better than Gupta's and Raizada's! She proved this by staying in Shantivan for the sake of Anjali and her parents also.

    She loves Lavanya and Anjali too...and about relationships like husband and wife I don't think Arnav gave her any good reason to hold in to him in the past. Khushi was honest about admitting her own mistakes but at least she hasn't enetred this marriage with any hidden agenda! Arnav needs to earn her forgiveness first otherwise trusting him is impossible!

  13. I love this story so much. I wish , we could get a double update of this one ;)

  14. I still couldn't get the trust in Arnav.. coz he is still hiding Kushi's mom's will.. somehow still not able to trust him.. only feel like he is trying to be "Nice" for his own advantage... :( very first time getting this feeling about Arnav...

  15. Arshi will be separated for one year ????😭😭😭

  16. Wow. Wonderful chapter. Happy about the confrontation Khushi had with her parents.

  17. I was waiting for this confrontation....and I happy that she is able to express herself in front of his father....I know there is more to say but the start is good. I feel like slapping her step mom. I love what Arnav told her and wishes her for her new assignment. Why nani is so happy, I am Arnav is not going to forget Khushi and will not marry any other woman. Love Khushi’s craziness in the starting. Such a brilliant chapter.

  18. the best was part of today's update was the father-daughter duo convo….glad Khushi took this step to talk to them...I was actually waiting for this...also am happy to see Arnav supporting Khushi....glad to see him willing to try long-distance marriage with her.....but when I was reading about Arnav giving advise to Khushi about marriage, good husband, love...couldn't help but remember that so much advising to a characterless girl, isn't it! … but anyway....people change...Khushi is changing for good...time will say what they should do...for now I am just happy Khushi is taking her life seriously and willing to work towards step at a time! :)

  19. Yeaah go girl. Both her father and kylie needed to get schooled by khushi. Im sure she will miss arnav when she is away and hope both will get back together on the same page.

  20. Wow khushi i have been waiting on you to have this discussion with your dad and his wife and show them how bad they have hurt you and hopefully if they really care about you they would try to change and make things better.
    With this update i have a new level of respect for khushi and i can't wait to see what else she does as she said to kyle she made mistakes and she has learned from them and that takes a lot for a person like khushi to admit to.
    Fantastic update loved it ❤

  21. Superb update..loved the way Arnav
    Accepted n encourage khushi tofilfill herdreams..

    Loved this confident khushi the way she handle gupta too good

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Wow...Brilliant update ! And long pending. As Khushi has righly said she is learning to own up to her mistakes, face them & correcting herself. In all this, she is really becoming strong & matured.Probably this is the reason she is able to show mirror to her father & so called step mother who never really cared for her. So far she has only been running away from all these people , parents & so called husband, who failed her hide her pain & longing to be loved & cared for. Now that she is correcting her life, she wants others to correct themselves too , at least where she is concerned. Fair enough.

    The audacity of Kyle to try slapping Khushi. Hats off to Khushi to put her in her place . So far she had been taunting Khushi about being irresponsible. Good that Khushi has finally showed her that she is no less...infact worse ,considering her age & supposed role of a step mother . Hope they both had more coming their way.

    And now Khushi needs to confront nani too and show her exactly where she stands & what she did and doing in this fiasco called marriage. Yes, it's Arnav's mistake to leave Khushi alone in the hotel & go back running to his nani telling the tales like a spineless coward , based on that she has decided along with her grandson that Khushi is characterless. Where as she should've reprimanded Arnav for his deed , send him back to get Khushi home immediately and resolved the matter.As an elder, she should guide them. Instead she herself stooped down too low.

    As far as Arnav is concerned..yes, he apolozised and trying to rectify his mistakes, learning to improve their relationship . But Khushi is too hurt. Arnav has delayed too long. So it takes time. More over Khushi is right in taking a firm stand now on how to shape up her life & career. Though it hurts him, but Arnav started to respect her mental strength & her determination. As he realised he should wait for her to comeback. But before that, now is the time for him to come out clean about his other reason for their marriage...that is her mother's WILL. If he is thinking that disclosing it now will affect Khushi's decision to remain in the marriage, he is thinking wrong. After a year if & when Khushi decides to trust his love and give their marriage a chance, and if this WILL matter comes out in the open then, she might be heartbroken & retreat into her shell forever. Or during this separation period if the cunning Shagufta somehow brings this matter in front of Khushi just to show her that Arnav doesn't love her, but his reason to marry Khushi & trying to stay in this marriage is purely this secret....then the situation will blow up out of proportion surely. So if Arnav is really serious about amending their bond, it is the right time for him to come out completely clean with Khushi & then let her take her time to decide what she wants to do about it.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Loved the update. I loving that khushi is not the one who is being easy for anyone. She has her own voice. She knows what is right for her and she is not the one to trust anyone or arnav easily, this is because of the circumstance she had face. She should take her own time understanding her relation with arnav.
    Loved the update. Waiting to see what is stored for them now.

  26. Wow what a confrontation... guess the Guptas least expected such a outburst from Khushi... Arnav still owes an explanation big time - Khushi mother's will.. hope when truth surfaces he has a valid reasons for his doings... Fantastic update

  27. Loved the confrontation between khushi and the guptas. Glad to see shashi face his mistakes... I hope he learns ftom it
    . Khushi staying away from arnav....will she realise the depth of their relationship

  28. I support khushis statement about shashis second marriage because if he done marriage for khushis sake then he can't be overshadowed by keyles love.
    And according to me second marriage for child is just excuse for man.True man never leave his responsibilities with wife or without wife If he truly loves his wife and children. I seen many such
    Examples where children raised by single father .I don't think that shashi deserve khushis forgiveness.

  29. was a brilliant brilliant brilliant update....
    if it was a film... i would have whistled...( during khushi's encounter with her so called parents.. ) kyle should be lucky that arnav was not there..when she raised her hands.. . but our khushi managed it so well... i loved it...

    oh... that starting scene was so cute...i can imagine that smile of Arnav....

    this was a wonderful wonderful update... thanku.. thanku...

  30. Kind of knew Arnav won't stop Khushi.. but loved the way Khushi answered her father and kyle.. she have opened her heart.. loved the update.. amazing.. Thanks Madhu
