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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Wedlock - Part 31


Gupta House

“Shashi.. Say something” Kyle insists. Its been an hour since Khushi has left and her husband has not uttered a word. He is shattered and in a completely different world. “Don’t take her words to heart. You know how she can get at times.” She adds.

Shashi swallows the lump of tears formed in his throat. Today, his daughter just showed him the mirror. She was holding up all of it from so many years? Why he failed to read her heart?

“She has got wings ever since she has joined the Raizada family again” Kyle snaps.
“Enough” Shashi shouts at her. “Not one more word against my daughter”

Kyle looks horribly at her husband. This is the first time he is behaving so mad at her.

“What wrong did I say, Shashi? You didn’t hear what all she thought about us? We gave her everything? You fulfilled all her demands and she still thinks we pushed her away? How many times has she embarrassed us before? Have we ever kept a count on that? No! But what did she do? She has measured and judged every single action of ours which was for her benefit only.”

Shashi gets up from the couch.

“What benefit Kyle? What did we do that benefited her?” he asks.
Kyle stands up on her feet.
“What every parent does, we did the same for her. We educated her, spent money on her lavish living, gave her the freedom Shashi and what did she give us in return? This? Slang words and underrated advices of counting our sins?”

Shashi grits his teeth.

“You still don’t get this, Kyle. My girl lost trust in me because I didn’t pay enough attention on her when she needed me the most. I pushed her away, overlooked her”

Kyle frowns.
“And just like she said, do you also think I am responsible for this? Do you think its me who kept you away from her?”
“You didn’t guide me to either to take the right measures for her” he snaps.
Kyle is stupefied.
“That’s a serious allegation you are putting on your wife Shashi”
Shashi rubs his forehead. He is stressed.
“Just leave me alone Kyle.. Please”

He heads for the stairs. Kyle doesn’t follow him to their room. Everything was fine until Khushi visited them today and created this rift between the couple.


AR Office

Aman keeps updating Arnav about the status of their projects while Arnav has no ears for it. He is lost. In 2 days, Khushi is leaving and he cannot do anything about it. She had left him and this marriage earlier too but there was no pain. He just thought marrying her was a wrong decision of his life and moved on. But this time he knows it was he who misunderstood her at that instance and probably gave more priority to the little perk which she got in her life even though she had left him forever. Her mother’s will!! He was biased.
The attraction towards Khushi was always there. He saw her once, they kissed and it ignited something within him to have this woman in his life. She is the only woman he has ever felt that magnetism with. How could he lose her? But he was dumb in this subject. Woman and Marriage was not his expertise. He has taken every decision in his life with much thought process and consideration. Marrying Khushi was not one of his usual approach. How could he possibly deny that? Instead of dealing it further with his mind, he should have used his heart. He could have avoided a lot of this pain today. If he had saved their marriage the last time, things would have been different today. She is not wrong to point him for the failure of their marriage. She had no clue of what he felt for her, she didn’t even know she had met him, kissed him. It was his duty to share that incident with her much prior to putting the marriage proposal to her father. He should have met her again, talked to her, understood her pain and reasons to agree for an arranged marriage. But he did none of this. Why? Was he so eager to get her in his life just for the Will? If the will was so important to him, why didn’t he ever encash it?

“Sir” Aman breaks his chain of thoughts this time.

Arnav breathes heavily. His mind is unable to process anything business right now.
“Aman, we will take this up later. I am going home”
“Are you not feeling well Sir?”
“No.. I am okay”

He picks his phone and leaves the cabin.


The next day Khushi gets her Visas and tickets. She has to fly exactly 2 days after Anjali and Shyam leaves to San Francisco tonight. She could have travelled along with them but she decides not to. She has her colleague Shikha with her whom she cannot leave back to travel alone. And she also has to shop some basic things before flying. All this needs time. Today, as she finishes her work early, she decides to shop something for Anjali and Shyam. She knows Arnav will never plan any such formalities. So, she will buy it and then maybe they can give it together.

She walks into a Gift shop and to her dismay, Shagufta Khanna is already here.

“Khushi” Shagufta fakes a smile on her face and reaches her. “What a pleasant surprise”
“Hi Shagufta”
“Well, I heard you are going to San Francisco”

How did she know? Who tells her all this? She must be having her own spies who keep a close watch on her favorite subject probably.. Which happens to Arnav Singh Raizada.. her husband.

“That’s great. You should go. I think every woman should stand on her own feet”
OH!! Why wont she like her going away? That will give her chance to lure Arnav again. But Khushi somehow trusts him not to fall in this woman’s trap.
“Thanks, will you please excuse me, I have to buy a gift”
“I can help you” she offers. “I know exactly what Arnav likes” Shagufta adds.
Khushi grits her teeth and passes a sarcastic smirk at her.
“The gift happens to be for his Sister. And I know what she likes, so thanks for your offer but I can manage to look on my own”

Shagufta frowns as Khushi turns around, ignoring her and starts looking for gifts.

“Looks like you and Arnav had a fight!!” she comments again. “Is he unhappy about you leaving to San Francisco?”
Khushi doesn’t reply. She keeps searching.
“Or is this about your mother’s will”

Khushi freezes. Mother’s will? She turns back to Shagufta with a confusion on her face.
“My mother’s will? What the hell are you talking about?”

Shagufta grins in her heart and then pretends to be sorry. She was fully aware that Arnav has not shared any such thing with her and she used the best weapon to kill whatever existed between this couple.

“Oh .. I didn’t want to bring this up. But.. That’s okay… It’s nothing. I am no one to talk about it. I thought Arnav might have told you and.. Anyways.. I should leave”

Khushi holds her hand.

“What do you know about my Mother’s will? What has Arnav to do with this?”

Shagufta pretends to be nervous still.

“Look Khushi, I don’t want to come between you both.”
“Stop pretending to be so nice and speak up” she scowls.
Shagufta nods.
“If you insist”
Khushi leaves her hand.
“Arnav has married you because of your mother’s will Khushi. You know he is business minded. He always was. He doesn’t do anything until he is not profited by it. I don’t know much about the will but it has a clause which can benefit the man who marries you. That’s what I know. The rest, you need to find out yourself”

Khushi feels like the world just ended. Can this be true? But Arnav said he was smitten by her and he couldn’t resist asking her hand in marriage. Something doesn’t match!! Did Arnav lie to her or is Shagufta lying?

“Find the will, Khushi. You will get to know everything”

Saying that Shagufta leaves the store. Khushi feels torn and cheated. If there is even one percent of truth in whatever Shagufta said, she is never going to forgive Arnav, she swears.



Khushi comes back home and starts assisting Anjali in her final packing. They are going to head for the Airport now. She is still not feeling good. The Will of her mother is making her curious. And she cannot wait to know the truth behind it. Should she ask Arnav about it directly? No!! Not until she finds the Will and read its contents.

“Khushi… where are you so lost?” Anjali clicks her fingers to get her attention.
“Nothing Di..”

Anjali sits next to her and holds her hand.

“Can I ask you something?”
Khushi curtly nods.
“I know this onsite job of yours is very important for you. Right now, this is what you want. And it is hardly a matter of one year”

Khushi keenly listens to her. She does not understand where this conversation is leading.

“And as Chotte said, people do handle long distance relationships well but.. I somehow feel its too early for you both to separate again from each other. You were already away from months after your marriage. And how much long did you stay together? More than a month, that’s all”

Khushi grips Anjali’s arm to calm her down because while discussing this topic, she sees how Anjali Di is losing her patience and becoming too much emotional.

“Di.. What is your point? What do you want to ask me?” Khushi comes to the point.
“Will you leave my Chotte again?”

Khushi has no reply to that. All this time they stayed together was for the Deal, to keep Di happy. Amidst all this faking came a turning point when Arnav confessed that he was attracted to her the moment they met for the first time. That Kiss.. meant something to him. Though Khushi had no such feelings equalizing his, she still could sustain that but whatever she learnt from Shagufta today, doesn’t make her very sure of their future anymore. If it has any truth, she will break their relationship forever. Not now.. maybe someday.. when Anjali Di can absorb that pain and respect her decision.

“Di” Arnav steps inside the room. “The car is ready. We have to leave”

Anjali nods. Khushi shares a quick glance with Arnav and gets up from the bed with Anjali. That’s when she notices a Red Saree lying on the bed, unpacked.

“Di. You forgot to pack this”
Anjali smiles.
“That’s for you. I Had bought it for you recently, as a good bye gift when I leave.”

Khushi takes it happily and they both hug each other.

“Have a Safe trip Di” she murmurs.
“You too. Just don’t forget anything here. Shyam will pick you up from the Airport”

Anjali smiles and pats her cheek. They come down. Nani cries.

“Nani.. You can come to see me when the baby is born. I will need you there for some time to assist me taking care of the newborn” Anjali cheers her up.
“I will.. I will definitely come when the baby arrives”

Arnav opens the backseat door for his Di to get in. He is going to drop them to Airport where his Private Jet will take them further aboard. Khushi waits at home. She waves her hand for Shyam and Anjali, hoping to see them soon again. Arnav drives out the Gates and Khushi heads back to their room. She has very less time in his absence to find that Will which Shagufta had mentioned.


Arnav comes back home after 2 hours. He is tired mentally. He was not prepared to see off his Di and Jeejaji so soon. He thought they would stay here for a month more which didn’t go as planned. And now, after 2 days Khushi is leaving too. How is going to survive all of this? He steps in the room, expecting Khushi to be asleep but she is not. The bed is vacant. That’s when he sees her at the dressing table. She is wearing the same Red Saree which his Di had just gifted her before leaving. She might not be wearing the Marital Chain or Sindoor, but she looks perfect. his wife.. Somehow the same emotions which ran inside him the first time they kissed, tickles his stomach again. She meets his eyes. He fails to read the pain in them from far. His feet automatically stride to her. Khushi swallows the lump of pain formed in her throat as he reaches her and palms her cheek. He is so mesmerized. Why did she dress like that? Is this some kind of hint that she wants their relationship to work? He doesn’t know. He can just hope for that.. He strokes her cheek with his thumb. Khushi shuts her eyes. It lures him all the more. He gazes her parted lips and strokes them with his thumb too. Is this really happening or is this just his dream? He wants to kiss her.. The moment he shifts his gaze from her lips and looks in her eyes, he realizes she has been crying.

“Khushi?” he tries to cup her cheeks but she pushes him back and shows him the Papers she had been hiding at her back.

"So, this is why you married me?" she asks tearfully.

Arnav is speechless. She found her Mother's will? How? It was locked in the closet in a very secret drawer whose keys he forgot to carry with him today at work, like he usually does.

"Khushi..  Let me explain" he tries to come closer but she steps back.
"All that was a lie? You smitten by me, that kiss meant something to you and all that?"

Arnav gulps.
"Don’t link them. They are two different things" he snaps.
"You lied to me Arnav. And this Will proves it"
"I lied?" he growls back. "Can’t you read my eyes Khushi? My body language the moment I see you? My expressions? Can’t you read any of these?"

Khushi swallows the ache again. Yes, that’s what she wanted to analyze. So, she chose to wear the same Saree which his Di gifted her.. his favorite color, see what effect it has on her. And somehow, she felt that intensity in his eyes… he gets drawn to her like a moth to a fire. It’s cannot be just for the Will that he married her, it’s also because he is attracted to her, doesn’t matter if she is totally opposite to the kind of woman he has always appreciated and been surrounded with. But it still doesn’t prove him sane.

"I am too hurt to read your feelings right now because of this..." she shoves the papers again before his eyes.
"This... Is a mistake" he admits.
"Mistake?" she snaps.  "A mistake which your best friend knows about and not your wife?"

Arnav narrows his eyes. Is she talking about Shagufta?  Did Shagufta tell her about the Will? Why is that woman so adamant in breaking their marriage when he has clearly shown her the red signal? But he will deal this separately. Right now, sorting Khushi's misunderstanding is important.

"I can explain it"

"This is self-explanatory Arnav. You married me for your monetary benefit.”
He comes ahead and clutches her arms tight.
“Allow me to explain” this time he doesn’t plead… he demands.

Khushi tries to shrug him off but fails. She looks mercilessly at him. She is not going to give him any chance to explain, just like he didn’t on the next day of their marriage. But she cannot be that cruel. She cannot repeat things which can tangle their relationship more. She inhales deep as if showing signs of listening. The moment she calms down, Arnav loosens his grip from her.

To be Continued




  1. I hope khushi listens to what arnav has to explain. The misunderstanding shld be resolved only then there will be a way to start a new relationship

  2. nice update .
    Shagufta is cheap woman

  3. Oh this is sad. I hate Shagufta. She had no right to come in between and pull that stunt. Yes, Khushi deserved to know about the will but not like this. I hope she listens to him atleast. I know its hard to forgive Arnav but she is going away from him in two days anyway, may be the time away will be Arnav's redemption time.
    A request Madhu.. please update this tomorrow as well. Please pretty pretty please. This is a cliffhanger and also I am not yet ready to see Raizada Gods ending. So pleaseeeeee.

  4. Oh..I want to read more..

    So it was Shagufta who told Khushi about her mother's will!

    Well it doesnt matter whether arnav used any monetary benefits from this deal but I am sure he had the intention of using it! He married khushi not just for her but for that will too! Keeping khushi in dark about such will was a huge mistake and its enough to break trust between the two. Arnav can explain whatever he wants but he hid the face is enough to hate him. I am glad khushi isn't immature like Arnav who couldn't give her a chance to explain after their wedding night but is still giving Arnav a chance to explain his side of the story!

    I want to hear what Arnav has to say! He may not be that selfish but he is guilty too! I want khushi to take a break from this marriage! It's too much mess now!

    And about Kyle can you please ask her to just shut up?

  5. Wow that girl just don't know when to give up and now i can bet any money that her friendship with arnav has ended now for good.

    I can't wait to hear Arnav's explanation towards that will and i hope khushi let him explain before making any harsh decision.
    Awesome update.

  6. Arnav was wrong. He didn't care when shagufta tried to get closer to khushi. It's good that she is leaving him. I was angry at khushi for taking decisions like that. But Arnav is a stupid, cunning man. Why is he telling everything to shagufta? And when khushi accused him for having an interest for her he accused khushi back. Arnav is senseless n stupid. Even thought he didn't do anything with khushis mothers will, he is an idiot. Khushi was right. If he had shared all the secrets with shagufta he should have married her. I hate arnav.

  7. nice update...
    i hope arnav will really TAKE CARE of Shagufta for what she has done...
    hope khushi will listen to arnav ... but she should not melt... go girl.. stand on your feet first...

  8. Awesome update.....I am glad that at least khushi gives a chance for him to explain....he once never gave her that....once again she proved that she is not like him.....He married her for the will.....and also he had some sort of feelings for him ...and now also it's about him only....
    But khushi she never had that sort of feelings before still she behaved accordingly...ofcouse she had made problems...but it's because of her selfish father and husband who doesn't see anything beyond their happiness... I want him to suffer because wat all he is going through is because of his doing...He had made a deal out a sacred relationship....

  9. I hope arnav have a good explanation

  10. This is getting more interesting...Madhu plzzz post the next chapter soon...Cant wait to hear what explaination Arnav will give Khushi...I love Khushi here for her maturity about letting Arnav explain himself...Unlike Arnav!!SUPERB UPDATE :)

  11. How conveniently Shashi blamed Kyle for his failure as a father to his daughter Khushi... He says she didn't guide him.. What are u ?? A 4 year kid?? For god's sake u were a biological father of a grown up girl... Kyle is her stepmother & a rediculously practical woman as well... More then her it was ur double responsibility towards ur daughter in the absence of her real mother to attend her, understand her, guide her, love her, care for her, make her feel secure... Instead of doing that u got a wife for yourself & a step mother for her in the name of responsibility who never understood her as a woman let alone as a mother.. U urself r responsible for the sorry state of the relationship with ur daughter Shashi & not Kyle... Atleast man up now & accept ur follies instead of blaming others...

    Coming to Shagufta, I guess she did right by telling Khushi about her mother's will as now Arnav will break even the last of the thread with his so called friend for trying to break more his already fractured relationship with his wife...

    I m glad that unlike Arnav Khushi decided to give him a chance to explain .. Just hope he doesn't blow it up badly this time... I feel, him still not using the money which he got due to Khushi's mom's will can earn him a few trust points in Khushi's eyes...

    Hope they have one last rational conversation before parting for 1 whole year...

    Wonderful update Madhu ❤️

  12. Nice update ...shagufta is creating more rift between them
    Hope Arnav takes care of shagufta

  13. Hope khushi listens arnav and take wise decision😞...shagufta is really cunning bitch... first time shashi thinks from khushi side... totally excellent update... waiting for what explanation arnav gives...

  14. Shagufta told khushi about the will and I take it positively because when Arnav knows about it he will never forgive her and will cut the friendship and some how khushi will come to know about the will in future ,better clear the misunderstanding now itself to start a new beginning .
    Amazing move yaar

  15. Awesome superb excellent amazing luv it 😘😘😘😘😍😍😍

  16. Nice update....hope arnav clarifies about the will and waiting to know as how he is going to handle shagufta in his ASRish way

  17. It's a good thing that the WILL has come up before Khushi leaves. Before she could develop feelings for Arnav & get more hurt knowing about it later. As she has already mentioned, Khushi is trying to be more matured and inspite of being heartbroken , giving a chance to Arnav to explain his take, Which he failed to do inspite of being older to her and supposed to be more matured. Hats off Khushi...she just doesn't talk but acts upon it. Proving herself to be much more better person than her so called parents & husband.

    Shagufta asking for if. Arnav has already warned her off. So she must be taking her revenge as well as trying for another chance at getting together with him. I'm surprised that for a successful businessman that he is Arnav turns out to be so dim witted so as not to anticipate this move from her, especially after she mentioned about the WILL & he wondering how she knew about it. He is aware of her motive of getting closer to him & he made it clear to her that he has no feelings for her. How foolish of him not to anticipate this move from her.

    Why he was so surprised as to how Khushi discovered the WILL? It has to come out one day or the other. As i've already pointed out in my feedback of the previous chapter..if he is really repenting his past deeds and sincerely trying to make their marriage work , he should come out clean with Khushi of all the reasons behind he marrying her. Instead he only revealed half truth of him being attracted to her. Was he seriously thinking that he can postpone the matter util Khushi develops feelings for him & stay in their marriage? Didn't it occur to him finding about it later might devastate her more as her feelings would be involved then? How selfish of him still thinking about what he wants even at this point. When is he going to learn that being honest & transparent is needed to keep their relation working along with love & respect towards each other?

    Now that Khushi is giving a chance to him to explain his side (unlike him) he must be planning to point out to her that though at that time he considered the benefits of the WILL to him marrying her apart from his attraction for her, later somehow his conscience never allowed him to use the money...thus admitting to his mistake.

    Now that Kyle is considering Khushi to be the reason for the rift between her & Shashi, wonder what she would do to take her revenge on Khushi. It doesn't look like she is going to accept her mistakes and own up to them. Atleast Shashi realised what damage he had done to Khushi so far. Better late than never..though i doubt whether it helps any way to mend their relationship now.

    Story is shaping up beautifully. Looking forward to what unfolds now. Cheers !

  18. Absolutely amazing hoping to read next update tommorow if u could pls

  19. I hope that Khushi give one last chance to Arnav. I am worried about three conniving women in their life, Nani, kyle and shaguphta

  20. I would its Arnav's fault that he didnt tell Khushi about the will, despite knowing that Shagufta knows about it and knowing that she is a vile woman who can use it to separate them too........ Why is he still friends with her, is something i dont understand...... why tell Khushi that she is his best friend ??

    Good that the final matter is also out now, and now they can only go forward in this relationship now... sometime apart will do them good, but best would be Arnav moving to San-Francisco despite it causing him loss, after all Khushi needs to know that she is above everything for him........ only then she might think of giving him a chance.

  21. Fingers cross 🤞🏼 I hope khushi does not repeat the same mistake which Arnav did.
    Wow madhu you are an awesome writer the way you have put the saree scene in the story is amazing i did not even think of it, Anjali giving a gift at the last moment and khushi to wear that and Arnav going smitten by her outstanding 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Just loved the whole thing 😍🥰😇

  22. I am so glad that unlike Arnav Khushi has decided to give him a chance to explain. I feel he has not taken a single penny from Khushi’s mom’s Will. Really want to know what is written in the Will. I knew it Shagufta is one who disclose this Will thing to Khushi. Why she is after Arnav, when he is not interested in her. Waiting for the next chapter.

  23. I hate shagufta..she is a bitch. I hope Arnav has a valid reason for this and Khushi listen him and as per that after analysing she should take a decision

  24. Finally khushi knows about the will...eagerly waiting to hear what arnav has to say about this!
    whatever he says, I want khushi to take her decide whether she wants to go back to arnav or move on without him...glad this trip happening will give both of them some perspective....eagerly waiting for the next part!

  25. Good Khushi got to know about the will before she left.. shagufta have done something good.. but lets see what will Arnav do about this good friend of his?? loved the update..

  26. Great this story

  27. Nice update..Kyle still not understanding a d blaming khushi..

    Shagufta calling ASR wrath on her..hope she gets it ..

    Khushi once again got hurt by seeing the will
