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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Wedlock - Part 33


Chapter 33


Khushi comes back from work and starts completing her packing. She knows Arnav is not home and according to his letter she is aware he won’t be seeing her before she leaves. But it somehow frustrates her. Is he again doing the same? Ignoring her? Like he did after they got married? No. It’s different this time. He is ignoring her to stop hurting her, not to hurt her. He is giving her choice the priority this time. He wishes her success and she knows he will always keep an eye on her this time, no matter she likes it or not.

She completes her packing dwelling in the same thoughts throughout. Tomorrow morning, she has her flight and before that she has to complete one more task. She opens her purse and takes the keys of Shantivan which Anjali entrusted upon her. She has to return them to Nani. She does not want to have any argument with that old lady. She will try to keep their conversation as low as possible.

She knocks Nani’s bedroom. Nani is reading some holy books. She knows Nani is aware of her departure next day. Nani frowns seeing Khushi in her room.

“These keys” Khushi keeps the keys on the table before Nani.

Nani smiles sarcastically.
“I knew these keys are going to come back to me soon. Didn’t know it would be so soon” Nani taunts. “I don’t understand what Anjali saw in you”

Khushi clenches her teeth.
“Di is too naïve. But you are too matured, you have seen so many years, so many people you might have encountered in your life and yet you couldn’t see what Di saw”

Nani gets up from her chair.

“What is your point?” she scowls.
Khushi rolls her eyes.
“That’s my point Nani, doesn’t matter what I say, what I do, you will never change your opinion about me. So, whatever I explain now, its not going to make any difference. So, let us not waste each other’s time. I am leaving tomorrow. I hope you take care of yourself and your grandson. Good night”

Khushi heads out of the room, leaving Nani stunned.


Arnav returns back home midnight. He purposely stayed back till late at Office. He didn’t want to intrude Khushi at any cost. He knew she would be busy in packing and preparing for her departure from Shantivan. That’s the best thing for her to do right now. He is himself surprised at his own behavior for putting Khushi’s wishes above his. She might think it’s a sudden change in him, hard to believe he has feelings for her now when he didn’t show up even a tinge of it during the initial few days of their deal, but he knows why this happened. He had hidden his attraction for her deep into some corner of his heart when she separated from him after marriage. But when she returned and they got this deal between them, he saw her changing, he saw her being a better woman than he thought she is. He saw her cry.. he saw her fearing the nightmares, he saw the real woman inside her which he never realized existed. She is a good human being, a pure soul and has a golden heart. She was pretending to be casual, unfocussed and disrespectful. Staying with her in Shantivan, under one roof, pretending to try mending their marriage before Anjali made him realize what he was losing so far. That one week after she got busy in her job and totally ignored having any communication with him, gave him intense opportunity to revisit his own faults in their marriage. That’s when he decided to give this relationship a chance, to tell her he had some feelings for her before and he can feel streaks of it again as they are staying together. That’s why he proposed her for accompanying him to South Africa. But then it didn’t work. She got more pissed for his errant behavior of not confessing his interest in her before and making attempts to connect with her before proposing her parents for her hand in marriage. And the last connection between them broke when she got to know about Sheesh Mahal from Shagufta and not through him. She is bound to hate him.

With all these thoughts running in the back of his mind, Arnav showers and wears his night suit. He does all of that in the guest room. He had picked a set of his clothes in her absence and placed it here so that he doesn’t disturb her privacy. It helped. But he is getting restless every minute reminding himself that in few hours she will be gone. For one damn Year. He wants to return back to his room where he knows she will be sleeping by now.. her last sleep in this house… in their bedroom. He chooses to go with his heart.

The urge to see her once before she leaves this place gets Arnav back in their room. She is sleeping peacefully. Her bags are packed and placed beside the closet. He feels the void in his heart already. He cannot do anything to stop her. Did she read his letter? Not that he was expecting a response from her but he just wants to know if that note could lessen her anger, her hatred for him even a little.

His feet unknowingly makes way to the edge of their bed and a sudden desire to touch her once brews in his mind. He has no intentions to wake her up. He is not prepared for any more conversations between them. He is glad she has taken a huge step towards her own mental peace and she is not alone in this. His sister will always be around to look after her whenever she longs for that moral support. He sits next to her sleeping form and gently tucks the hair strand behind her ear.

Admiring her for another few more minutes he finally walks out of the room.

Khushi opens her eyes as she hears his footsteps out. Her eyes prick with tears again. Why is he doing this? What is he trying to prove? She knows he is not prepared to see her leaving this time. His feelings for her, are clearly visible now unlike in the past when she thought he married her only for some unknown prize. He couldn’t resist seeing her one last time before she leaves, could he? She cuddles her pillow to analyze one more time. Is she taking the right step? Is this separation really needed? And every time her heart and mind are in sync. YES!! It’s inevitable.


The next morning, Hari Prakash tells Khushi the car is ready downstairs to take her to the Airport. Her luggage is all loaded in the car too. She thanks him and then for one last time scans the room. She has lived her for hardly one and half month but she had some great moments to remember. She had those endless arguments and fight with Arnav Singh Raizada after all. And that poolside will always be in her heart. She always wanted to get in that pool and spend some lonely time but it never happened.

She gets down the stairs with a heavy heart. Nani is in the living room, as if purposely waiting to see her leaving the house. Khushi gives her a curt look and then makes her way to the main door. She knows he is home. She had asked Hari Prakash and he said Arnav has not left for work yet. He must be watching her from somewhere If he is awake. She makes her way to the car. The Driver opens the door for her and she purposely raises her head to see the window of the Guest room. She finds a shadow slipping through the window as if someone was watching her so far but when she raised her head, the person hid behind the window pane. It’s him. She knows. She sighs with feelings unknown and gets inside the car asking the Driver to drop her to the Airport.

The moment the Car leaves the gates of Shantivan, Arnav comes in front of the window again and watches the car join the main street. She is really gone. There is no hope for him that she will stay back. After spending another few minutes at the window, memorizing the moments he spent with Khushi here, he makes his way to the bedroom. That’s the last place she has stayed in and wants to lay on that same bed and spend some time alone until he revisits his heart and mends it with another hope that things will be fine in future, if not now.

He finds the same envelope which he had sent his letter into for her through Aman. What is it doing here? He comes straight to the bed and picks it up. It has a note inside and this is definitely not the letter he had written. It’s her letter… to him.


Yes, you hurt me. A lot. Your secrets, your careless ways of handling our relationship, your cold and hot behavior.. your presumptions about me.. everything has hurt me beyond repair. But I am not any sane either. I have made mistakes too. And I am not saying this to make you feel any better. It’s true. Relationships have scared me.. ever since my mother passed away. But I cannot take it as an excuse for ruining my own life. How many children out there who are orphans, become like me? Not all. Not even a few. They know the value of life.. And I only chose to ignore it. In the attempt of punishing my father, my step mother for making me feel unwanted, I made the worst out of me. Boozing. partying… wasting time and my father’s hard-earned money was all that I knew doing until you … yes Arnav.. until YOU showed me the mirror. You told me where I stand in this race of life. I stood nowhere. I had no existence. Who do you think got this spirit inside me to stand on my own feet? It is You and I am thankful to you in countless ways. No one would know my worth if I had not taken your advice seriously and fetched this job. Whatever changes you are seeing in my life today is somehow connected to you and I will always owe you that.

And I ask you one more favor now. Give that Shagufta some real stuff that can put her in the right place. I don’t want her to think she won by separating us. If we have parted, its for analyzing what we want from each other, not because she created a rift between us. I am sure you will find some ASR way to deal with your so-called best friend.

And Sort yourself..  No one wants to see you the way you are now. Not even Aman!! Get a grip because world is not ending. We are going to be in touch. Someway… Either through Di… or your damn annoying secret spies on me who will keep giving you updates if I am safe and of course, if we both really want to then we can directly talk to each other or share an email at least. I am sure that’s going to happen.

Thanks for understanding my need to go and achieve my dreams. That means a lot to me. Now coming to the most serious part of this letter. Our marriage!! I will think about it. I don’t know when.. how… but I will surely give it a thought. I liked it when you reminded me what depth and respect this term carries in itself. I won’t be disregarding it either.

And last but not the least… I don’t hate you.. I mean it, Arnav. I may not love you… but I don’t hate you for sure. And you are right… this separation will help us figure out if we really are meant to be together someday. We cannot think anything constructive for us right now if we stay together. So, this distance is must.

I want to see you smiling, happy and contended too, Humesha!!


Arnav finally breathes. He cannot express what this letter means to him. He holds that piece of paper to his heart. It felt like his heart had stopped ticking and now he can see this small ray of hope again. She is a good writer. Whatever they both couldn’t express in words to each other, their letters did. He is so glad that she doesn’t hate him. It’s enough for him to sustain until they make their way back to each other. And her idea of being in touch, yes, he wants that too. He might not straightly jump and call her but they will be in contact of each other through so many ways. She is ready for that and he cannot feel more better than this. She is so right to guess about the spies he would keep on her. It is for her own safety. She knows him that much. This time he is not going to vaporize from his life. He is going to observe her from other’s eyes until they are ready to meet again.



“What? How many more surprises have you planned for me, Khushi?” Lavanya asks.

Lavanya has come to see off Khushi at the Airport and meet her once before she can fly to San Franciso.

“Come on La.. Don’t give me that surprised look” Khushi sighs. She told Lavanya about her letter to Arnav and how she is really going to revisit her thoughts about this marriage.
“Alright.. I don’t know what to say but I hope whatever you are getting into is good for you” Lavanya exclaims. “Now give me a hug before that colleague of yours comes and drags you away from me”
“Awww” Khushi hugs her. “I will miss you”
“I will miss you too”
“Lie” Khushi pulls back. “What’s up with you and Rohan?”

Lavanya shies.
“That means I am right” Khushi states. “You are falling for his charms”
“Not completely yet. He is one crooked fellow. He has just comes out of a broken relationship, I don’t think he is prepared to get into one again.”
“Oh” Khushi pouts. “I am sure your charms will work on him some day”
“Yes I hope that too. Or else I have some one else too whom I can eye upon. For a temporary fling” Lavanya teases.
“Who’s that one now?”
“He is the God of handsomeness. He too is going through some rough time with his marriage but I will manage to grab him for some time with me”

Khushi realizes she has been talking about Arnav Singh Raizada.

“Dare you do that” Khushi pinches her. “He is my husband.”
“Oh wow” Lavanya giggles. “Somebody is not ready to lose her marriage tag this soon”

Khushi rolls her eyes.
“If I decide to dump him, you can pick him for sure” Khushi teases back.
“We will see that. Now bye. Shikha is waving at you from the departures entry. Dont let her take my place in your life. I am feeling jealous of her already. She gets to stay with you for one whole year?”

Khushi chuckles.

"No one is stealing your place. You get that? Come to San Francisco soon with your Rohan. Will we party.. But.. Unlike before.. .It will be a decent party. What say?"

The two quickly hug each other again. Khushi then drags her bags to embark on her new journey. But she will miss this place.. this country… this city… Shantivan and… HIM!!

To be Continued.




  1. Mind blowing update!!!!I was waiting for this since morning!!!

  2. Hmm next part will surely leap very interesting please clear the issue with fb I love your fb page please

  3. Kavita WadnerkarMay 4, 2019 at 6:56 PM

    Damn .. What an emotional update Madhu.. I literally had tears for Arshi but frankly saying, more for Arnav... I could literally feel his pain during the scene where he goes to see Khushi once before she departs the next day & also when he is hiding near the guest room window & watching Khushi leave him, but for her own good or say for their good...

    Nani is a complete gone case... Not a tinch of maturity as per her age..

    Thanks Madhu for giving Arnav's pov regarding his changing feelings for Khushi as I was actually thinking that how & why did Arnav's feelings for Khushi change so drastically in such small period ... His pov answered my curiosity ..

    Khushi's letter is like an oasis for Arnav in the hot dessert & the hopes she has given him through her words in the letter would be his solace in her absence..

    I somewhere had this feeling that Khushi will defo go & meet him once before leaving but she broke my heart alongwith Arnav's ... Anyways hope this distance will give a new start to their relationship & they will become good friends first before embarking on their journey as a couple ...

  4. Hope this distance will make them more closer

  5. Awesome Update. Khushi letter to Arnav is really heart touching.Always knew Khushi is mature.Khushi made mistakes but she had the courage to admit them. Arnav finally understood Khushi.His emotional moments with Khushi is really heartbreaking. Hope this separation makes them understand each others importance in life


  6. irwinMay 4, 2019 at 7:27 PM
    these letters make me cry okay.... it was intense, heart touching... had a soothing feeling... i also have hope now....
    in the letter, the main point which made me soooo happy was... asking him to deal with his so called best friend... i am soooo waiting to see that ASR way

    loved this update.

  7. waiting for the next update...

    ( sorry for the deleted comment... was using my husband's mail )

  8. I am very bad in words for describing the update....but is a wonderful update.

  9. Awesome... Like the way khushi managed the situation... You've expressed their relationship very well. Loving the story

  10. Hopefully from next part itself Khushi will start missing Arnav.Awesome story

  11. Awesome update. both of them were able to share their feelings in the letter. I am glad that Khushi asked ASR to handle Shagufta, and I am sure ASR will teach her a lesson, he can't deny Khushi's wish right? Hopefully Arshi start talking to each other soon. Looking forward to next update - RealityTruth ( IF User)

  12. Nice. So they are separated for now. I hope it will be limited for few chapters. They will learn the importance of a relationship. Specially khushi. And it's not that we haven't seen what arnav has seen in shagufta. But we haven't seen he rejected her too. Before starting the proper marriage with khushi he should clear that too. And I really hope that khushi won't change her childish nature. When I started to read this story I really loved khushis childishness. Most of the time khushi is not romantic n serious. Even in raizada god's she became a matured one and lost that nature. I really wish even though she fulfills her wishes her innocence will be intact with her.

  13. 😭😭😭😭Arshi separation I can bear .will they date and start again in a better way .???
    Hoping for the best happening in this one year .

  14. That letter that khushi wrote was everything she really had a way with words and it's mind blowing actually you have a way with words and it's mind blowing so many emotions where felt throughout this entire update and i love it.

    Lavanya and Khushi friendship is so pure and cute i love them both. Also i love how khushi put nani in her place at her old age and she still can't see the good in khushi or is it that she just don't want to see it bcuz khushi is a modern kinda girl.

    Marvelous update loved it

  15. I truly believe that what we cannot talk face to face we can express that feeling by penning down as the words from heart flows freely madhu I loved this letter conversation the most even in the msg n chat days the letter we write v have a vanurable place in a life good going madhu lovely n awesome update

  16. Grt update. Khushi's lettet tell so many things ftom her prospective. I hope they both mend their relationship soon

  17. Emotional update....I am sure this separation will make them come closer......and I love the way khushi asked Arnav to show that so called bestfriend of his her real place...and I really want Arnav to give a reality check to Nani too...khushi may have left the house but not from Arnav's life or heart....

  18. Fantastic update . too emotional

  19. I do want a short separation, I don’t want them to be apart. What do I really want?🤔😥

  20. I wanted khushi to be independent and now she is moving towards success which is commendable...though this separation is needed still it hurts somewhere...

  21. Very nice update.though iam sad that they part ways I know u will bring them together.khushi's letter is very expressive and emotional.iam glad that she replied him.waiting 2see them together. Please don't make us wait long.its sad that in all 3 ffs arshi's relation is at stake.but I have full faith in ur writing skills u will make the 3 atrshi couples as ideal couple with ur extraordinary writing skills.thank u so much for this nice update madhu.and iam more thankful to u for creating this blog for us.u don't know how iam going to survive without ur stories had u not created this blog for us as fb is notbworking.iam glad u did this.

  22. wonderful update,please make it short separation

  23. Beautiful and mind-blowing update... Madhu u r an amazing writer the way you have portraited their emotions towards each other juz touched my heart this update actually was little emotional for me
    Let's see how this gap of 1 year passes between our Arshi eager to read their emails which dey definitely would do as well as dis long distance relationship

  24. Dame I loved you're excellent madhu

  25. Loved ever bit of your writing
    Beautiful letter, But separation does something to my heart... can’t imagine them being separate.😁😛🙈

  26. Khushi letter was emotional where she mention how everyone make her feel unwanted...Hey Madhu really want to know about Khushi nightmares which she keep getting...want to know on this matter...And that shagufta i Hate her waiting to see what Arnav plan for her...SUPERB UPDATE :) waiting for next part...

  27. Oh this makes me sad. Arnav now has realised where he went wrong and how deep his feeling are for Khushi, whereas Khushi on the other hand is yet to realise what she feels for him or if she feels of him at all. It'll be interesting to see what their future hold for them and how they pass this time away from each other. I am also very much looking forward to see if they try to be in touch or not. Arnav wants to give her sometime but this is also his time to woo her so he should make his advances. Maybe sending some sweet messages which can later lead to exchange of flirty exchange?�� Distance does wonders afterall so I am very much looking forward for that theirs will lead them to.
    Also, you have made this story so interesting that I only feel like reading this one. I love the other two on-going stories as well but this one somehow has me more hooked up and i am greedy to read more and more of it. �� so needless to say i am waiting for the next part already. ��

  28. I want Shagufta to come in Raizada nansion to gloat so that ASR can show her place in ASR's way in front of Nani. In that way Nani too can understand where Khushi stands in his life. Cause be frank not only Shagufta, Nani too needs to be shown the real picture. What say madhu, two birds with one stone. I don't want you to give them much screen space. They are not worth it.

  29. The much needed confessions....
    Waiting hw new journey goin to be...
    Really want to see hw arnav goin to show ASR side to her so called best friend... 😂

  30. Wonderful I loved the way khushi told arnav that all is not over and live his life and stay put to that shagufta

  31. Khushis Character is beautifully shaping up and seems very realistic.
    Compared to her, Nani n Arnav are more matured and had met persons with different personalities.
    But the case of Khushi is the worst.She had lost the beautiful guidance of a Motther at an early age.
    Her Father n step Mom had left her all alone to deal with that emotional mess.
    Tjough she had the company of a lovely friend Lavanya, she couldnt shape up her life.Since Lavanya is yearning for the proper guidance, love n care
    And Money was not the issue for these two girls.So they had opted Boozing n Partying as the Convenient means to gorget their pain.
    I must say Anjali was the only person who could see the real khushi and identify her talent.
    Somehow,Khushis fighting spirit, smile n positive attitude had literally forced Arnav to focus upon her plus points.Though there was a big internal emotional fight, he could see the golden hearted girl.
    I had loved the way Khushi had learnt her lesson from her past mistakes and want to have her own identity.
    Eventually she would give a chance to her marriage too.
    She had beautifully shown the Mirror to her parents, Nani and even to Arnav.
    And had cleverly pushed Shahuftas part to the shrewd ASR.
    This is what is happening with the pampered kids nowadays after marriage.

  32. Loved this update very much. Loved this version of khushi and her letter... She not only owned up her past mistakes but also maturely handled this situation....glad they are communicating maturely trhough letters now...I agree this separation is a must for their own good...and I hope they will find their way to each other soon... loved the way this story is progressing :)

  33. Superb update...

    Like khushi's reply to nani..

    Arnav is so lost...

    Wow such a emotional letter these 2 are good in writing hope soon they will vocal too for their feelings for each other..

    I like the way khushi said to give that S in ASR style..looking forward for that...

    She is open to talk to him that's great..

    Hope Arnav wont miss this chance..

    La khushi too good bonding..

    Looking forward for her life in San Francisco

  34. Wow such a emotional letter. now both are realise there mistakes. Waiting for the next part. Please update soon.

  35. Well articulated.. so nicely scripted ❤️

  36. Very emotional chapter...finally you are able to separate them. I want a very short separation not a year or two. They both should realise the value of their can come afterwards😊. Love Arnav point of view and Khushi wrote a very mature letter to him. Nani is toh gone case...she can’t show her maturity.

  37. Very emotional update... this shirt separation will good to analyse their feelings for each other and can their marriage withstand the test of time. Looking forward to the next update on Arshi separation and also how the so called best friend is being dealt by ASR..

  38. this is too touchy madhu dhi.Plz update fast

  39. Superb and Emotional update ..... I liked the way khushi gave nani answer abt her words she said to khushi and The letter which khushi wrote has everything and every emotion and clearance which khushi want to say to arnav .... letter is the best thing wen we cannot express thought our mouth the words written give's it 😍.... I loved wen khushi said arnav to teach shagufta lesson in his ASR style 😏 .... Khushi is right she have seen the worst of relationship and her beliefs on them has gone and regarding there relation distance between them will solve it ... And i like wen she said there can communicate with eachother wen ever they want to ... She said right beczs of arnav she understood her worth and want become someone in her life ... D
    She beautifully shown her dad kyle nani and arnav they mistake want they did to her ... I just hope they release what they did to her ... Post it soon

  40. ArShi wrote very emotional letters to each other but good to see both agreeing on certain things.. loved reading updates.. Thanks Madhu
