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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Wedlock - Part 36


Chapter 36

Day 18

Khushi is not sure of doing this. But the worry of her father being sick is killing her too. Doesn’t matter how he treated her in the childhood or now, he is still her father. She might not forgive him but she will also not do anything which can put him into trouble. She takes her husband’s advice on talking to her father, seriously and then dials Shashi’s number.

Shashi doesn’t answer her call and she realizes it why. He might not have recognized her number. But then her father suddenly rings her back. Guess he got the number was International and from San Francisco.

“Khushi” Shashi’ voice is weak yet filled with utmost joy.
“Dad” she replies. “How are you?”
“I … I am so glad you called. I … You …You have no idea how much I am thinking about you these days”

Khushi gulps painfully.

“Arnav told me you are not keeping well. So…” she pauses. “I hope you are not skipping medicines. Tell Kyle I wont tolerate her ignoring you at such crucial times”

Shashi’s eyes become moist.
“You worry for me so much.. You always did..” he replies. “You remind me of your mother. She also used to be deadly worried even if I sneezed”

Tears prick Khushi’s eyes. Her father and she had stopped communicating about her mother ever since he married Kyle.

“You still remember her?” she asks. “I thought you forgot her Dad, just like you forgot me”
“Oh Khushi” Shashi cries. “I .. I am so sorry baby… I cannot even imagine what I have made you go through by ignoring you all these years. I was so blind. I overlooked your real needs by stuffing your bank accounts with money and luxury surrounding you”

Khushi’s throat swells as tears roll down her cheek.

“I wanted you Dad. After Maa died, I wanted only you. And it never happened” she cries too.
Shashi fists his fingers around the phone.
“Khushi.. I wish I would change all that and give you all the happiness in the world” he sighs. “I really mean it baby. No one except me is responsible for your miseries. Punish me the way you want Khushi. I am ready. Just punish me so hard enough that fathers like me realize their mistake seeing my state.”
“Dad” she cries again. “Please don’t say this”
“Why not? I am guilty. I .. I don’t want anything now.. except my daughter.. And that’s… not going to happen.. You are gone away from me. I don’t know what to do” he yells.

“Dad calm down. You are shooting up your blood pressure” she shouts back.

Shashi exhales and tries to calm.

“I have not gone away from you forever. I will come back some day and we will then catch up for all the lost moments, how about that?”
“Yes..” he happily responds. “Yes Khushi. I will give you all of my free time nad attention when you are back. I promise. We will go skiing.. And hiking”

Khushi giggles. She recollects how her father used to take her for trekking and such outdoor activities when she was small.

“But dad, you cannot hike now. Look at you… Arnav told me you are weak”
“He lied” Shashi chuckles. “Don’t listen to him. I am fine.. And now that you called me, I will be alright soon”
“That’s the spirit, Dad. I want you hail and hearty when I come back and we will plan an outing. Just the two of us”
“We will.. We will Khushi. And I promise you won’t regret anymore”

Khushi smiles. All her tears dry away. She is glad that she talked to her father and sorted things. Forgiving him or not doesn’t matter anymore. She can feel her father changing and concerned for her. They talk for some more time and then she hangs up.

Shashi looks at his mobile screen and kisses it.

“My Baby girl” he mumbles.

Kyle had been eavesdropping their phone conversation and for the first time she has seen her husband so full of true happiness and satisfied. She won’t interfere if that makes him fit again.

Khushi instantly drops an email to her husband.


Spoke to dad. Never felt so relaxed talking to him before. Thank you for advising me. You made my day. I feel so light and amazing. I always wanted him to be so kind and concerned for me and I just felt that in his tone and words. You made it possible Arnav. I really don’t have enough words to thank you.


Arnav is at Office when he reads his email. So, she took his advice seriously and mended things between them. Good for her. He types back.

Wife (Hope you don’t mind me calling you that),

I didn’t do anything special. I am just trying to establish a path of happiness for you. You truly deserve it. Tell me something about your Childhood. You never shared it. Now’s the time.

Your husband,

Khushi smiles sheepishly at his reply. He wants to know her childhood memories? Then so be it. She has a list to share.


Estranged Wife is the right terminology to call me actually. But I leave it up to you again. You will be shocked to know how I was in my childhood.

1. My mother told me that the first word I started to speak was Dad and I am not surprised why. He was more around me than my mother.
2. I ate so many candies and chocolates that at the age of 6, all my milk tooth decayed. My father stopped getting chocolates for me for at least a year until I regained the other teeth.
3. My first childhood crush was Nikhil. He was my primary school classmate. We were made to sit next to each other. Same bench.. And since then I was crazy for him. But he suddenly changed the school and my crush drowned forever.  Before you ask me, he is now married and father of 2 kids. You can find him on my social account friend list. He is still cute.
4. Once when my father took me for trekking, I fell off the cliff. Yes.. That’s true. But I was hanging on a tree branch, just few meters down from the cliff top. After an hour I was rescued. I still hate to be suspended like that. Gives me goosebumps.
5. Now this one is funny. For a fancy-dress competition, guess what I portrayed? I draped a Saree and represented a MOTHER, with a baby doll in my arms. I got First prize.

And there are so many incidents like these, an email is not enough. Will share when we meet.. What about your memories? I am sure you might be a naughty kid. Very eager to read your list.

Your Estranged Wife,


Day 19

Khushi wakes up the next morning and before she can start preparing for her office, she checks her mailbox.

Wife (You are not estranged. We are going to unite soon. I like to hopeful)

Read your list. Was Intrigued. Do you know, I literally postponed my meeting to finish reading your email? Aman was clueless why I did that. This has never happened before. But he knows something of high priority must be the reason and that you are my priority woman!!

Coming back to your list.

1. No doubt you love your father so much. Girls are always more inclined to their fathers. I am very sure I will be able to see that bond growing between you and Mr. Gupta again.
2. I cannot imagine you with decayed teeth. Glad your father put that restriction on you of not eating chocolates for a year. Your present teeth are just fine.
3. Your so-called crush NIKHIL!!!! Let me ignore how much you liked that boy because it was in the past. But I checked your friend list in your social account. I didn’t find him cute anymore. His blown. But his wife is absolutely charming. He doesn’t suit her though.
4. Trekking? I didn’t know you were so fond of outdoor activities. That’s why you are so fit. I cannot imagine what would have happened if that cliff had no tree hanging to hold you in that situation. I will pay a visit there myself some day and thank that tree. How about a Grow Tree campaign on that Cliff? I can ask all my AR employees to do this on that cliff to save more Khushi Gupta’s like you in future.
5. You portrayed a Mother? Wow. It’s not an easy role. You will be a kind and generous mother Khushi. I am very sure about it.

Yes, I would like to learn more about your childhood when we meet.

I don’t have any such beautiful memories Khushi. I was too small when my parents died in an accident. All I know was that Di and I were broken and she and Nani handled everything to give me a good life.

Your husband,

Khushi feels his sorrow. What an emotional mail it turned out at the end. He missed fun in his childhood unlike her. She types back to him keeping a close eye on the clock ensuring she is not getting late for work. She first wants to cheer him up.


You found Nikhil’s wife charming? Really? No comments!!

Grow Tree Campaign cracked me up. But it’s for a good cause. Someone should take global warming seriously. But I thought you will be the last person to contribute for it considering how much heated words, arguments and hotness of persona you keep spreading around you.

I am not prepared to be a Mother Yet. I think it’s a huge responsibility. I will learn it from Di once her baby arrives and maybe my mind changes about this.

You are still a child at times… A pampered child… who is so fond of his Di. You can make memories even now. I am sure when the baby arrives, you can live your childhood moments through him/her.

Now I have to hurry. Might be late for work but don’t worry I won’t skip my breakfast.

Your wife,


Day 35

Khushi is totally engrossed in her new work and getting appreciated by the Client for her talent in décor. Apart from her official life, her personal life is equally smooth. Anjali is undergoing the mid of 7th month of pregnancy now and Khushi has plans for the Baby shower (Godhbharai)

“Baby Shower?” Shyam whispers to Khushi in the kitchen. It’s a weekend again and Khushi is staying with the Jha couple.
“Yes Jeeju. It’s your first baby, this has to be done”
“I know. But we don’t have anyone to celebrate it and what about the rituals to be performed? I have no idea”
“So do I. But we can always ask” she suggest.
“Someone elder. Look, we cannot tell Di about this as it is a surprise for her”

Shyam nods.

“Nani then” he suggests. “Nani is the best person to tell how to perform the Baby Shower”

Khushi gulps. Nani and her bond has never been good.

“Yes Nani” Shyam coaxes. “You talk to Nani tomorrow and ask her to find out the best mahurat to celebrate the function. We will do it as per advises”
Khushi pouts.
“Jeeju.. I don’t speak to Nani well. I mean, she doesn’t like me still”
“I know.. but this is all a woman talk. I cannot speak to her about all this”

Khushi sighs. She knows no one but her will have to take the lead. She will do this.. Only for Anjali. The next day Khushi dials up at Shantivan.

“I am Khushi, Nani” she speaks as Nani answers the call.

Nani is shocked to hear her voice.
“You? Why did you call? Is .. is Anjali bitiya okay?”
“Yes. Di is fine.. She and baby inside her are both doing fine.”
“Then why did you call me?”
“I need some information from you and even have a request”

Nani likes it when people give her importance.

“What request?”
“As you know Di is undergoing her 7th month of pregnancy. So me and Jeeju were planning to give her a surprise baby shower. But we don’t know when to do this? I mean the perfect time to celebrate this event. Also, we have no idea what rituals we need to perform. So, I called you up hoping you will help us in this”

Nani is surprised that Khushi is taking a lead of all this. She really didn’t expect Khushi to be so matured now.

“I wouldn’t show any interest in helping you but as this is for Anjali, I will” Nani replies.

Khushi rolls her eyes. Some people never change.

“Okay…I am listening and noting down” Khushi opens her diary and starts writing it as Nani’s explains her the process.


Day 50


I am really thankful of the way you celebrated Di’s baby shower. She couldn’t be happier than this. She is very peculiar about rituals and you kept all of this in mind while treating her with this honor. 
Undeniably, no one would have done that if not you. 

Your gratified Husband,

Day 52


Thanks to Nani for supporting my idea. It wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. Sending you the pictures of the Baby Shower. 


Day 54


Where is the picture of the woman who made this occasion happen? I can only see Di, Jeeju, Shikha and some of Jeeju’s friends. Where is my wife?

Your unhappy husband, 

Khushi had purposely not sent her picture in the attachments. She wanted him to ask, she wanted to see his desperation to see her. And she got it.

Day 55

Dear Unhappy Husband, 

Attached is my pic with Di and Jeeju. 

Hope now you are happy. 

Your obliging wife, 

Arnav opens the attachment in the hope of seeing his wife’s picture but soon he frowns. She has sent a picture of hers but only her back is visible. She has faced to Shyam who is singing on a mike for Anjali who is sitting on a Swing. That’s unfair. He replies back to her.

Dear Not so Obliging Wife, 

Though I like to admire your flawless back, I would still appreciate if you can send me a picture of your unique beautiful face. I will be gratified. 


Your Frowning Husband, 

Khushi bursts out laughing. She knew it. He wont settle for any less. He wants to see her and that makes her body burn with unknown desires. She wouldn’t name them yet.. Not yet. She attaches a picture of hers finally, a complete one in pink saree, the one she wore that evening and sends it to him, waiting anxiously for his next reply.

To be Continued.




  1. I loved it.. my heart slightly broke not finding the precap part.. but after reading the note, I felt better.. waiting eagerly for tmr 😄😍

  2. wow .So sweet .Lovey dovey . GOod t o see them coming close with so cuteness.Thanks di

  3. Thank u. I ll be happy if u give that update today itself please..

  4. Fantastic,wonderful lovely update.You are really a great writer.Hats off to you

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Awwww... Such a cute & beautiful update..I m so so loving this absolutely unique love growing through exchange of emails... Madhu the emails u gave in this update in the name of Arshi are just so so enjoyable.. I read almost all the emails 5 times till now... Moreover I m liking the way they r addressing each other at the beginning & at the ending of their emails.. This long distance relationship has proved like a boon to both of them giving a chance to the hidden love & understanding between them to flourish.

    Khushi's conversation with her father over the phone was very emotional .. But Kyle always confuses me with her behaviour... Sometimes I feel she is way to practical, sometimes way too cruel, sometimes fake.. But today I felt that if not for Khushi then her love for her husband is atleast real.

    Thank u so much for this beautiful update Madhu ❤️

  7. Wonderful fabulous lovely update dear

  8. Awesome Update. Loved the email conversation between Arshi. There is finally no hide and seek between them.Khushi proved to be a good daughter not matter how Shashi Gupta and Kyle treated her.loved the emotional moments between the father daughter. Shashi Gupta is clearly repenting. Kyle is also not that bad. Arnav is showing interest in Khushi is a good thing. Both sharing the incidents about their life is a clear progress in their relation. Khushi talking to Nani about Anjali 's baby shower may change her impression about Khushi and finally everybody can see the real Khushi and give her the love and respect she deserves. Hope Arshi meet soon .

  9. Oooh I love their email exchanges. Things are taking a good turn between them.
    Waiting for tomorrow already. [8->]

  10. Awesome!!! And I can't wait for the next chapter and to read Arnav's response! :)

  11. Awesome update........
    It was so Beautiful....Their emailing was cute and has a different charm all together.... Actually I was desperate to read the precap part but I am really content with the update and seeing the Note was cherry on the top.....

  12. Amazing update !! Eagerly waiting for the next part Madhu !����

  13. Awesome...... plz update soonnnnnn..... the twist and turns of the story is going on amazing

  14. Fabulous update and loved the conversation of Arshi through emails


  16. SUPERB UPDATE Madhu :) ....But Why playing with our EMOTION...Precap mein kuch aur update mein kuch aur...Anyway like their conversation through Emails...Waiting for next part...Your Frown reader,follower or whatever :p ;)

  17. Loved it... Waiting for more

  18. Really loving the email partial romance between Arshi ..
    Both of them are getting comfortable with each other ...
    Good job and wonderful idea of a unique Arshi romance

  19. Superb..
    Loved there mail chatting

  20. Aww that's wonderful update thanks for again updating tommorow

  21. Good that shashi and khushi are bridging the gaps....hope arnav and khushi do it too

  22. 😍😍 this was amazing and so cute. I love how slowly things are changing and that sence with shashi was really touched my heart it was perfect. What can i say nani will never change lol. Waiting for the next update now. ❤

  23. Because of Arnav, khushi is getting real happiness back in her life and she knows this. The email exchange is very beautiful

  24. Simply awesome . Eagerly waiting for tomorrow

  25. Cute and beautiful update
    Loved it too much
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  26. Beautiful update..loved the way khushi spoke to her dad and both are reviving their bond..

    So loving it arshi email communication

    They are knowing each other now.

    Khushi really planned the baby shower wow..

    Looking forward

  27. Love dis update Madhu it was cute and lovely I am liking their interactions,it's getting improved day by day

  28. Finally Khushi is happy having conversed with her father. They both are reconciling for good. Better late than never! Arnav is turning out to be a dream husband ensuring to pave way for his wife's happiness not only in his regard but also in her estranged relationship with her father.

    The necessary distance between Arnav & Khushi is bearing fruits & succeeding in bringing them together forever. They are cherishing this space by putting it to use rightly , opening up to each other and sharing their thoughts & feelings ...which in turn is cementing their relationship by making their foundation strong. Lovely exchange between them. Their growing possessiveness for each other is coming out in jealous streaks where other genders are concerned ...Nikhil & his wife , in this update and am sure will continue when Khushi sees his picture in social media with other pretty woman as per the precap . It's good in a way to know how important & valued they are for each other , as long as it's in healthy proportion.

    Nani & Khushi's relationship is also improving with Khushi's efforts, albeit unknowingly. I'm sure Nani will not budge so easily but after realizing how much Arnav loves his wife, she might give in for his & Anjali's sake. Surely she'll disapprove as usual Arnav admiring Khushi's picture on his laptop & will try to dissuade him initially.

    Kyle still is indifferent to Khushi ,true to what is expected of her. She is always concerned only for Shashi & their business. In spite of not having kids of her own, she never tried to care for Khushi in the past, nor will she soften up in future. she comes across as too practical for that. She might just bear Khushi's presence back in their lives & the growing fondness between father and daughter only for Shashi's sake.

    Looking forward to what unfolds next. cheers !

  29. chap 36
    omg... u have no idea... how much i enjoy this story...i am loving loving loving it..
