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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Wedlock - Part 37


Chapter 37

Arnav is mesmerized. Pink and Khushi is a naïve combination. She has done a recent haircut. Her hair length is midway between her neck and waist. She is holding a “To be Aunt” board in her hand and posing. How ravishing can a woman like her look in a simple Saree like that? He wants to reply back but he also wants to admire the picture more. She looks happy. Is it because she is away from him or is that glow on her face because they both are still in touch and slowly making way into each other’s heart?

“You didn’t tell me Anjali has sent more pictures of the Baby Shower” Nani intrudes his private space.

Arnav gets distracted but doesn’t shut his laptop screen.

“Just two” he replies. Nani comes and sits next to him on the recliner. Arnav first shows her the picture of his Jeejaji singing for Anjali Di who is sitting on the Swing and giggling.
“Ohh.. they look so beautiful. Anjali bitiya is glowing, isn’t she?” Nani asks.
“I think it will be a boy. What do you think?”
“A girl. I want Di to have a baby girl just like her” Arnav admits without thinking much over it.

Nani chuckles.

“Chotte… there is a huge change in you.” She replies. “You never liked kids, always ran away from them and now you are so sure what you want for your di. This is nice”
Arnav passes her a weak smile. His Di’s pregnancy got this change. And he cannot forget to give some credit to Khushi as well because he can never plan to have babies with any other woman than her. Damn!! Why are his hormones doing the talking again?

“Which is the other picture?” Nani interrupts his chain of thoughts again. Arnav shows her Khushi’s solo picture in the Saree.

Nani is astonished. Then a frown crosses her face.

“Khushi is wearing a Saree?” she mumbles.
“Hmm.. And she looks gorgeous, doesn’t she?” he asks directly without giving any other thought.
Nani stares at him while he is so busy admiring his wife’s picture again.
Arnav turns back to her.
“Who sent you these pictures?”

She gives him a shocked glare again.

“I thought you both are not in talking terms”
“We aren’t talking” he confirms. “Just emailing.. Keeping each other updated of whats happening in our individual lives. That’s the building block of every long-distance relationship Nani, isn’t it?”

Nani is still confused. She has witnessed Arnav’s inclination towards Khushi when she was here and she thought once Khushi leaves, he will be back to normal again. But looks like she was wrong. Arnav seems to be still interested in his wife.

“Is she even serious about this marriage?” Nani comes straight to the point.
“She is serious about her life now. And our marriage is not hanging Nani. I have a hope that she wont break it and neither me. We both have realized what this means to us only after we parted ways from each other”

Nani sighs and gets up.

“I don’t understand any of these modern concepts you people are sharing and living by. Our generation was so different.”
“Generations change Nani… not the roots of marriage, love, relationships are still the same”

Nani exhales deeply. There is no point in arguing with her Grandson. He seems to be in love.

“If this is what you want Chotte, then I won’t come in your way. I hope you both find that missing piece between you two and thus hold on to this marriage. Seeing you and Anjali happy in your respective lives is my only wish”

Nani leaves the room and Arnav is glad that she didn’t maintain her old stand about disliking Khushi from being her daughter-in-law. Arnav continues gazing her picture again and then in few minutes drafts the email reply.


Marvelous. I don’t have words to describe what I am going through right now. It seems like you are right here and I watching you Live.

I missed seeing you Live this moment. Wish I was invited for the Baby Shower

Your ‘Not so grateful’ Husband,

Khushi bites the corner of her lip. She can comprehend what he felt when he saw her picture. But yes, she is wrong. She didn’t invite him at all. How would she know he will be interested to come? He is so busy at work, isn’t he? She types back.

Dear Husband,

I presumed you would not make it for Baby shower. My Mistake.

But let me invite you for the Naming ceremony in advance. Cannot afford to let it skip from my mind.

Your Advance Planner Wife,

Arnav smiles as he reads her reply. She really has invited him well in advance this time.


I am impressed.

Let me schedule my plans accordingly and let you know. I really really wish to see you soon. And hope you feel the same.


Khushi’s fingers tremble while reading it. Is she really desperate enough to see him soon? Or does she need more time?

“TIME” Shikha gets in her the room. Khushi jerks as if she saw some ghost.
“What” Khushi scowls.
“Check the time, we have to go for Dinner” Shikha reminds

Khushi then recalls its their Dinner with the Client and she is not even ready. She quickly dresses up and then the two leave.


Day 80

Khushi is sleeping, dreaming something probably when someone bangs hard at the door. She wakes up with a jerk. It’s weekend again and she has been staying with Anjali and Shyam. She hears Shyam’s voice behind the door.

“Khushi… Khushi”
“Coming Jeeju” Khushi quickly wears her slippers and rushes to open the door. “What happened? Is Di alright?”
“No.. She is getting intense pain. We have to shift her to the hospital. I will get the car ready. Have informed her Doctor already”

Khushi doesn’t wait anymore. She hurries to Anjali’s room. Anjali is crying, holding her stomach and the pain isn’t easing.
“Di… Calm down..”
“Khushi… It’s terrible”
“I know” she keeps caressing Anjali until Shyam comes back in and carries Anjali to the car. Khushi locks the house and follows them out.



Khushi paces out of the ICU. Anjali has been taken inside for the delivery. Shyam is called by the Doctor to discuss her report. Khushi prays to God continuously. There are complications considering Anjali has had few failed pregnancies before. She wants to talk to someone… to share what she is currently going through.. to get some strength. Arnav.. She should call him and inform too. In all this they skipped calling up any of them. She picks her phone and dials his number but it doesn’t connect. What is wrong? Maybe the network. She dials Shantivan. It’s day time there and no wonder Nani will answer.

“Nani..” Khushi speaks almost instantly. “Di… Di got labor pain so we have admitted her in the hospital”
“Ohh.. How is she?” Nani asks in the same panic way.
“She is … fine.”
“But the due date was almost 15 days away” Nani questions. “Anyways, just keep me informed. I really want to be there right now”

Khushi can comprehend the panic in Nani’s voice.

“Nani… everything will be alright. Just keep praying. Di and the baby both will be fine”
“I hope so too” Nani wipes her tears. “I will inform Chotte”

Khushi disconnects as she sees Shyam coming out.

“Jeeju.. what did the Doctors say?”
“They are going to operate her now”
Khushi gulps the pain formed in her throat. They wait till the operation is over. Meanwhile Arnav calls up on Shyam’s number and keeps taking updates. In next 2 hour finally, their wait comes to an end. The doctors come out and give them the good news that both mother and the baby are doing well and it’s a Baby Girl.

Khushi jumps in joy.

“Congrats Jeeju” she gives him a side hug. Shyam is almost on the verge of crying. “Go meet them first” she pushes him.
“yes… I .. I am a father” he mumbles.
“You are and I am the Aunt” she happily chirps.

Shyam nods and rushes inside to see his wife and daughter.


Day 81

Khushi holds the baby for the first time in her arms and tears somehow moist her eyes.

“She is so tiny” she whispers.

Anjali palely looks at Khushi but there is so much satisfaction in her eyes.

“She has your eyes Di” Khushi continues admiring the baby. “And Jeeju’s nose”
Shyam chuckles.
“And the attitude she carries on her face matches her Uncle” Khushi adds earning a giggle from the other too.
“But she is slimmer like you” Anjali replies.
“Yea. But don’t worry, we will feed her enough to make her hefty baby”

The baby lets out a soft cry probably feeling hungry. Khushi gets panicked.
“Aww… hungry already?” she swings the baby gently.
Anjali and Shyam entwin their fingers. Finally, they got the blessing to be parents.


Day 90

Dear Baby’s Uncle,

The baby is doing fine. She looks pretty fragile but she has your strength. The other day she gripped my hair in her little fist and didn’t let me get away from her. She likes controlling people like you do.

On a serious note, the naming ceremony is up in 2 weeks, are you coming?

Lots of hugs to you from the Baby.

Baby’s Aunt,

Day 91

Hey Baby’s Aunt,

I might be controlling people, but no more my wife. I have seen the baby on a video chat the other day, she is really beautiful. Just like Di. And I like the Pink Woolen sweater she was wearing. Di told me you weaved it for her. Didn’t know you learned a new skill.

I don’t think I can make it for the naming ceremony. I apologize. But I am travelling to Cape town again with my father-in-law. The Joint Venture is in its critical phase. Cannot ignore it. I will reschedule my plans of coming to San Francisco and inform you.

Meanwhile, you help Di and Jeeju decide a name and also keep me up-to-date. Enjoy the naming ceremony and Miss me.

Lots of hugs and kisses back to the baby and if acceptable, to her Aunt as well.

Baby’s Uncle,

Khushi gets goosebumps on her skin as she reads about the kisses and hugs sent from him.

“Is he coming?” Anjali asks sitting next to her on the dining table and peeling the Pomegranate.
“How did you know I was reading his message?”
“You have a different glow whenever you think or read from him” Anjali pinches her cheeks.

Khushi blushes. Really? She never noticed. But isn’t it obvious?

“he is not coming Di. He is travelling to Cape Town again”
“Ohh” Anjali pouts.
“No problem. Let him come when he is free. I want him to stay for few days and not rush back for work when he is here”

The baby cries in the other room where she was sleeping peacefully so far.

“I will check. You eat that fruit” Khushi gets up to ease the baby’s cries. Anjali passes a satisfying smile. Khushi has taken most of her responsibilities, especially the baby’s. She will indeed be a good mother.


Day 105

Baby’s Uncle,

I am exhausted. The naming ceremony went well. Did you know already that Di and Jeejaji would ask me to name the baby? If you knew this and didn’t tell me beforehand then I am not going to go easy on you.!!
Well, I named her Ruhi. It means Soul. She is Di and Jeeju’s soul, isn’t she? Did you like the name?

Baby’s Aunt,

Day 106

Hello Ruhi’s Aunt,

I loved the name. I wonder how much innovative your brain is.. always full of bright ideas. I am stuck at Cape Town. Your father and I had a long talk last night. Man to Man Talk!! I will tell you about this when I get some free time. Off to work again.

Ruhi’s Uncle,

Khushi frowns. He is so busy ever since he is gone to Cape Town from a three weeks. He has no time for her emails. Something is not matching. She has never felt so much frustrated in the past few months. And what is it that her father and Arnav talked about? Is anything serious? 

Her phone beeps. And thinking its another email she checks it but sighs in disappointment. It’s a picture message from Anjali. She has sent Khushi’s first picture with Ruhi. And it’s so adorable. Khushi decides to put that as her profile picture on her social account tomorrow. Right now all she wants is some sleep.


Day 118

Khushi wakes up with a jolt in the middle of the night. The dream was horrible. Arnav was sleeping with another woman!! And it felt so real. She gulps some water and eases her wild thoughts. He cannot do this.. It was just a dream. Maybe he is not frequently emailing her which is why she is getting all such weird ideas in her mind. She cuddles back to the pillow and tries to sleep. 

Day 119

Khushi forgot to change the profile picture as she had decided to and now after coming back from work, she makes her mind to do it. She logs in to her social account and changes the image. She instantly gets few likes and all of her friends, including Lavanya are commenting on it. Lavanya is enjoying her Shooting and she and Rohan are seen in many photos together. Something has surely clicked between the two and she wants to know it desperately.

She is about to log off when another thought crosses her mind. She knows Arnav is not on any social accounts but she decides to check his company page for some updates or recent photos of him. She types in the URL and there on the first page finds some photos of him in Cape Town, in one of which he is standing next to a beautiful woman and his arm on her waist. What the hell is this? She becomes alert and her mind races thinking all the possibilities. Who is she? Why is Arnav standing so close to her? Is she the reason why Arnav is so busy in Cape Town? She downloads the photo and types the email. 


Who is that pretty woman with you? Looks like you took my single hood enjoyment advise seriously. Not that I mind, but I had this weird dream last night. You were cheating on me. I know it’s not what you will do but I am just forced to check the chances.

Khushi Gupta

She waits desperately after sending the email. He will not delay in responding to such an escalated email. And she won’t sleep until she gets her reply. Not that she distrusts him. But she needs his assurance. Long distance relationships are always scarce of trust and though they have been giving each other that immensely, such illogical dreams and thoughts scare you.  A dream can make such a difference in your life, she realizes it today.  It’s been 3 months now that they are apart from each other physically. Their email communication is good and every time she has read his emails, she has sensed his desperation for her. He will never cheat on her. But she needs to hear that from him. While she is busy waiting for his email reply, she gets one but through a phone call.  Her mobile rings and it’s her husband on line. This is the first time they would be talking after such a long gap. She picks the call and hears his voice.. Rough.. Strong… pained and mocking.. all in one 

“Never waste jealousy on real man, isn’t worth it”  

Khushi shuts her eyes. What does she feel so satisfied about? That he called? Or that she heard his voice after so long? Or that he gave her the assurance that she was wrong in spying his intentions for that other woman? She wants to reply, but words choke her throat. 

“I trust you implicitly, Khushi and I want you to do that too” he adds. 

Yes. She does. But her mind just got side tracked for a few minutes because of her dream.  

“Say something” he urges to hear her voice too. Her lips part and she try to finally speak to him…
“I am sorry” She murmurs. “I was just protecting what is mine” she bites her lip realizing what effect that one statement is going to create inside him. 

Arnav’s body stiffens with immense need to hold his wife and kiss her endlessly. This is the first time he feels that he belongs to her.. Only HER. 

To be Continued.




  1. Loved it waiting for them to meet��

  2. Loved it. It’s amazing. Hope they meet soon.

  3. Wow superb... Ruhi love this name as its my daughter name too.. Thanks dear for update but want more

  4. Omg !!!!
    That was just amazing ....especially the words khushi spoke to him pouring all her heart out in some words .
    Dear Madhu ,you really know well to quote lines that captures heart .excellent update dear .💜

  5. Awesome Update. Arnav is right trust is the foundation in any relationship. Khushi has started acknowledging their relationship. Arnav's views about relationship changed views about him. Nani is little negative but she only wants her grandchildren 's happiness. Arshi relationship is truely changing .Finally Anjali 's baby had arrived and it's nice to see Khushi taking all the responsibility . And Khushi 's last words cleared all the confusion. Now hopefully they will meet soon.

  6. What he still didn’t answer who was that woman with his arm around her .. Awesome story

  7. Awwwwww that's awesome........
    I really want them to meet soon

  8. Awesome update. Last part really got me.the way they both are getting serious for each other making their bond stronger. Thank God nani accept khushi due to arnav. Waiting for next part already.. Thanks for giving back to back update.

  9. Waiting for that to happen. Arnav need to kiss Khushi when they meet ..what is that men to men talk.?

  10. Beautiful update. I am loving how their relation is taking a beautiful path. The long distance did really help them get closer in a way they might not have thought while they parted ways.
    I cant wait to read rest of their conversation and how things progresses further.
    It would be wonderful if Arnav goes to San Fransisco after his work in Cape Town is done. It'd be a pleasant surprise for Khushi and he can also meet his di, jiju and the little Ruhi.
    Waiting for the next part already.
    Thank you for giving us two update simultaneously.
    Have a great weekend.

  11. What an amazing update ☺️

    Khushi has become a multitasker... She is looking after Anjali & her baby, her own work, also concentrates on her long distance relationship with Arnav... That's really amazing... Sometimes jealousy does wonders & here it definitely did .. Due to Khushi's jealousy, they both spoke to each other after almost 4 months & Khushi directly claimed him as hers making Arnav go crazy with happiness ❤️

  12. I am so happy that Nani is not imposing her decision on Arnav. She has given Arnav the freedom to decide what he wants.
    Aww I loved it when Arnav said not to waste jealousy on true man.
    I want to read more

  13. Awesome waiting for their meet

  14. Conversation of Arshi on phone was really awesome,

  15. Awesome superb excellent amazing luv it

  16. Great … I also feel it's always good to keep transparency so arshi clearing their doubts is good

  17. Awesome update...

  18. Wonderful lovely fabulous update dear when they r going to meet each other

  19. Amazing their relationship is going perfect track

  20. Why I feel this story is soon going to end may be another 10-15 chapters ?

    1. So which the next story u ll be updating and based on what concept. Can u give the prologue.. eagerly waiting

  21. AMAIZING UPDATE :) ...Waiting for Next part...

  22. This update was so soft and sweet love every moment of it. ❤❤

  23. wonderful update.... how arnav removes her jealousy is so sweet...waiting eagerly for next

  24. We are still there where you left us after the precap. Didn't get to know their full conversation for which we were eagerly waiting.

  25. But who was that woman who made arshi speak with each other?

  26. Beautiful 😄😍🥰😘😇 haapy

  27. Lovely update...

    Loved the way they are communicating with each other..
    Khushi taken responsibility of anjali so well..

    Oh arnav missed god bharai and naming ceremony too..

    Loved arnav reply to nani..

    Finally nani is neutral...

    Loved his call to khushi after recieveing her email.. khushi's reply wow..

    Now I am sure he will come fast.

    Looking forward

  28. Short of words to describe the feeling after reading this..🙈
    Superb writing...!
    And i love this email communication..🙊🙊

  29. Wow, very sweet update..
    Arnav's wish is also our wish..

  30. Awesome update.. can't wait for them to meet :)

  31. It is true that real man never looks at other woman with bad intentions even if she throws herself on him. But Khushi is not completely wrong in feeling insecure after seeing his picture with other beautiful woman closely to such extent that his arm is on her waist. Not only Khushi, but any other wife in her place who sees her husband so close to another woman feels the same. Its good that he called immediately but instead of mocking her, Arnav should've assured her and clarify his stance as to why & how it happened. If he happens to see Khushi's picture with another man with his arm on her waist, will he not feel jealous? outraged? angry? Doesn't it bother him that Khushi let someone take that liberty with her? Once you are committed to somebody, one should be careful in maintaining decent physical distance with friends & acquaintances of opposite gender. . More so if you are in a long distance relationship. On top of it Arnav & Khushi are trying to mend their estranged relationship. In this case it's all the more important to give each other that assurance & trust to have blind faith that limits will not be crossed come what may.Here Arnav is wrong. On top of it he let that picture be posted on his company's website. Not only Khushi but anybody who knows about his marital status will wonder. Didn't he misunderstand Khushi on their wedding night because of her inebriated, de-robed state ? There wasn't a man next to her...but he assumed Khushi to be of lose morals & accused her of having a long list of boyfriends with whom she might be behaving the same way. Now he feels pained that Khushi is trying to clarify with him to settle her insecurities? In fact even after they started living together under one roof, he was very close to Shagufta. Though it's her who always throwing herself on him...but he never did anything to stop her or maintain a decent distance...that too in front of Khushi. Now he feels pained? Double standards. Hope Arnav realises this and assure her that he'll be careful henceforth.

    It's surprising that Nani is willing not to interfere in Arnav & Khushi's married life very easily. Probably it's because she has been seeing Khushi's matured & responsible behaviour of late. Good.

    Wonder what's cooking between Shashi & Arnav.

    Looking forward to what unfolds next. Cheers !

  32. Wow. What an amazing update,you are the best Madhu

  33. Loved it...loving their email communication most....but why arnav has to hold another woman's waist which is not khushi? (I am sulking here to know about this) ...but in one go, loving their bonding time.....this is really good that they took this break and now they know what they are meant to be for each other and working towards it...loved it

  34. Their relationship has progressed in a good way.

  35. Awwww finally both r openibg their heart..... cant wait for their ftf meet @ San Fransico

  36. Excellent, can't wait to read next chapter.

  37. Awwwwww so beautiful 😍😍😍

  38. No words to describe.. End of the chapter was just too beautiful. .can't wait for next update.

  39. Amazing update. I think now Ruhi’s uncle will come to her aunt.

  40. Amazing update.Arnav you should tell her who's that woman and why this picture.

  41. Omg... just too good ... speechless

  42. the love evolved so beautifully. Huge change in khushi .SO sweet .Great story
    kEep it up di

  43. I am loving and enjoying this update and the email conversation too it soo cute lovely and i love ruhi name as well i am soo happy for anajli and shyam congrats to them on become a proud parents of baby girl ruhi👶😍😘 .... Any women in khushi place will be jealous if her husband is stand soo close and hands on the waist of the other women only would be but arnav should have not mocked her he should have made khushi understand abt the pic ... But i am happy that there talked with eachother after soo long and the last khushi said to him made him flattered and soo happy 😍😍😘😘 post it soon ...

  44. that was a wonderful update... with some really powerful dialogues.... it was so emotional couldnot help crying..
