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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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He Loves Me Not - Part 16


Chapter 16

Time halts for Arnav Khushi as they protect the flame from the breeze, keeping their hearts susceptible to bruises again. The wind is blowing her hair too, making them tickle her face. But she is so lost in watching him, that she doesn’t bother. The flame touches Khushi’s finger, getting them out of their stance.  She hisses in pain. Arnav immediately pulls her arm and blows air on her finger. Aman notices all of this while the Raizada couple are busy talking to each other aside, having no clue what their son is up to.

“Sheetal” Revati suddenly shouts aloud with joy seeing her would-be daughter-in-law in the house and to welcome her. Sheetal’s smile diminishes watching Arnav healing Khushi’s wound. She is astonished to see Arnav giving so much attention to some other woman. Her body burns with jealousy. So far, neither Arnav nor Khushi have realized there are other people witnessing them.

“Is it still burning?” Arnav asks painfully to her.

Khushi though reads her pain in his eyes, she knows nothing of this is useful until he knows to speak his heart out. She shoves his hand and gets up looking around to check if anyone noticed them like that. Sheetal moves her gaze back on her mother-in-law.
“You could have come little early. The Puja just got over” Revati informs.
“Never mind Aunty. I will just be back”

She walks out again and Revati doesn’t understand why?

“What happened to her?” she asks her husband Ayush who has no clue either.

When Sheetal had drove to Shantivan, she had seen an unknown car parked, not at the guests parking area but the place where the family usually parks their private vehicles. Now she knows whose car it is. She comes out and calls out the security guard.

“That red car belongs to Gupta’s daughter?” she asks.
“Yes Ma’am”

She walks back to her car, starts the engine and speedily hits Khushi’s car from behind, breaking the backseat glass of Khushi’s car. A wicked smile pops on her face as she sighs in relief. When anyone messes with her, she knows how to throw them back at their right place.

“What the hell” Aman comes out barking at his sister. “What have you done?”

Sheetal gets down her car.
“She was messing with my fiancé”
“What?” Aman is confused. Did Sheetal get to know about Arnav-Khushi?
“It looks like while I was away, she was trying to get attention from Arnav. Didn’t you see how Arnav was healing her bruised finger? She has to back off Aman and I just ensured she would”
“You silly girl. Why did you break her car?”
“I broke her car today, if she doesn’t stop loitering around my fiancé, I won’t mind breaking her to such an extent that she wouldn’t even be capable of flying back to London again”

Aman is terrified by Sheetal’s choice of words. He stops her before she could get back inside.

“Do you even know what you are talking about? Arnav is your fiancé agreed but who left him here and fled to Maldives? YOU!! You got to trust your partner, Sheetal. And if you were so much bothered of someone else snatching your place, you should have stayed back. And one more thing sister, Love should be given…it should be felt. You cannot rule it or over dominate it with such rage. Remember that”

Sheetal shoves his arm and strides inside. She doesn’t care what advise her brother got for her. Aman mutters a curse for the situation his sister, Arnav and Khushi have landed into. This has to stop somewhere. If they keep doing what they are now, things will become uglier. The only person who can bring a change in this is Arnav. He has to accept his feelings for Khushi and put an end to his engagement with Sheetal.


“What happened to your finger?” Ayush returns back to Khushi and Arnav.

Khushi tries to hide her finger but Arnav explains what happened.

“The breeze was putting off the Diya, she saved it”
“Oh I see. You should have cared for your little finger as well Khushi. Let us get that bandaged before the pain worsens” Ayush mutters.
“No Sir. Thanks. I .. I will go home and dress it up”
“You sure?”

She doesn’t want to stay here anymore. Arnav and his mixed reactions are confusing her, breaking her own resolve to stay away from him.

“Arnav…” Sheetal comes back inside and puts her arms around Arnav’s neck. She even kisses his cheek.
Arnav freezes. Sheetal is back? Khushi feels her throat aching with pain seeing the two hugging. Though Arnav has not completed that hug, it still hurts her.

“Missed me darling?” Sheetal purposely asks trying to make Khushi jealous.
“Of course, he missed you Sheetal” Ayush replies on Arnav’s behalf. “we are glad you are back. Now take care of him. He seemed very upset without you these days”

Arnav grits his teeth. Yes, he was upset but that was nothing to do with Sheetal. Khushi feels suffocated.  She wants to go but Sheetal stops her.
“Hey Khushi.. How you doing?”
“Fine” she murmurs back.

Ayush leaves to check on his wife and Sheetal gets the perfect opportunity to warn Khushi.

“You are so fast Khushi. We had hardly met once, during my engagement and see now … you even got into my home.. I hope you are not trying to take my place here” she rubs her hand on Arnav’s chest, near his heart. Arnav grips her arm and gently shoves it back, not making it obvious that he is pushing her off.

Though Sheetal says this in a light way, Khushi and Arnav clearly knows she is mocking. Khushi is angered by her choice of words. This is her place that Sheetal has snatched. Wished she could openly say that to her. But by doing so, no one else but Arnav will be hurt. She doesn’t mind expressing her love openly to the world, but Arnav will have to face its consequences in his personal life which she doesn’t want him to suffer.

“I was invited here Miss Mathur. I didn’t come here intentionally. And if you really belonged here, you wouldn’t miss the Puja today, afterall this is such an auspicious day for your fiancé’s family, isn’t it?”

Khushi’s reply gets an unknown grin on Arnav’s face. He likes her bang on answer to Sheetal’s unnecessary accusations.
“Who the hell do you think you are?” she growls back at Khushi.
“Stop it Sheetal” Arnav interrupts. “Why are you getting so aggressive?”

Sheetal grits her teeth.

“Why don’t we talk about this elsewhere? It’s between you and me Arnav, I don’t think she needs to hear that”
“I was leaving..” Khushi pokes again. “It was you who stopped me. Anyways, goodbye”

Khushi heads out. Once again Sheetal feels insulted and Arnav is stunned at Khushi’s boldness. She knows to stand up for herself and others too if needed. He loves that quality in her. Is there anything he doesn’t like about her? Probably not!!

“We need to talk” Sheetal scowls at him.
“You have just arrived. Take the blessings of the Idol and the priest first”
“I don’t care Arnav” she shouts.
“Watch your tone” he snaps. “This is my house and no one speaks here in that tone. Go and take the blessings first, we will talk afterwards”

“Arnav” Revati notices their argument from far and reaches there. “What happened?”
“Nothing Mom. I was just telling Sheetal to take the blessings.. That’s all”
“Oh that’s okay if she doesn’t want to”
“No its not okay, Mom” Arnav denies. “You have done all of this with so much devotion. I don’t want anyone to disrespect it. This would be a direct disregard to your efforts and I will never let that happen”

Sheetal’s jaw drops. What the hell is wrong with Arnav? He is so much a Mumma’s boy? Does he even realize that Revati Raizada doesn’t love him equally? Revati is speechless because Arnav’s ways of protecting her honor is way beyond her expectations too. But again, this is not the first time he is doing this. He dotes on her and somehow she is still unaffected by that.. literally. !!

“I shouldn’t have come here” Sheetal groans.
“Sheetal please” Revati stops her. “Calm down. It doesn’t matter to me if you don’t believe the rituals and show equal participation. I had kept this Puja for you and Arnav’s better future though. I wanted you both to look happy together.. And seems like I have spoiled your mood.”

Sheetal is not touched by Revati’s idea behind the Puja but she knows if she leaves now, she wont be able to talk to Arnav and be with him for longer. She watches Arnav who is still persistent about respecting the occasion.

“Fine” she walks to the idol and takes the blessings without her will. Revati smiles.
“She is putting efforts too Son. Don’t shout her”

Arnav nods and then leads Sheetal to the guest room as she wants to talk to him privately.


“What happened to my car?” Khushi shouts nervously, seeing the condition of her vehicle. Aman had purposely followed her out.
“Uhh… I will drop you home in mine. Come”
“No.. wait. Who did this?”
“Sheetal” he replies remorsefully.
“What? Sheetal? Why would she do that to my car?”
“We will talk on the way. Come.” Aman grabs her forearm and leads her to his car.
“But.. my car”
“I will get it serviced. Free of cost. I promise”

Khushi doesn’t understand anything until she sits in his vehicle and he tells her what conversation he and Sheetal had when she broke Khushi’s car.

“Oh!!” she sighs. “So she saw me and him gazing in each other’s eyes? Damn!! No doubt she was so pissed at me”

Aman nods
“I would have been the same if I was her. I … I feel so dirty Aman.. I am Sorry.. I.. never thought things would extend this far. I…” she keeps apologizing as tears roll down her cheeks and at one point she cries.

Aman stops the car at the side and turns to her.

“Khushi.. What is this? You don’t need to cry. Come on.. You are stronger than that”
“No..” she sobs. “I am not… I wish I was stronger Aman. But I am not. I am a woman and I can understand what a woman feels like when she finds her man showing interest in someone else and not her. I never wanted to be a second woman in a man’s life. I didn’t realize when things slipped from my hand.. I should have stopped. I should have controlled my feelings for Arnav knowing he was never going to give up on his family. I feel so bad right now..”

Aman feels her pain and doesn’t understand how to make her feel better.

“Khushi.. Fate doesn’t work the way we want. At times we do exactly what we never expected ourselves to do. We have no control over a lot of things, trust me. It is not only you. We all are like that.. That makes us human.. We cannot be perfect”
Aman’s words might have made her feel better for now but she still cannot forgive herself. Now she knows why Sheetal sounded so frustrated with her? Aman passes her a tissue to wipe her tears. She takes it.

“Feeling better now?” he asks.
She plainly nods and wipes her tears. Aman starts the engine again. Poor Khushi. He knows she is not truly at fault. She just loves a man irrevocably and loving someone is not a sin. Though earlier she had tried her best to get Arnav confront his love for her, she failed and now she has given up that task because she realizes she is breaking other woman’s home by doing so. But is Arnav doing the right? Khushi knows what she wants and tried to achieve it. Sheetal knows what she wants and she is holding on to it. But Arnav? He clearly knows what he wants and yet he is misleading everyone. He is the one to be blamed. This has to stop!! Today for some minutes Aman had sensed jealousy in Arnav seeing him favoring Khushi so much and it is this means which he will have to work upon to make that man bend before his love than his family.

To be Continued.


To Read He Loves Me Not from the Start. Click HERE


  1. Thank goodness for the update.I haven't even started reading it.just saw the notification.

  2. Nice but i don't get it's as it's rotating around it will not go further till arnav won't take the lead here

  3. Rated Excellent just because I love this ff.but it was a short update.

  4. Nice updt bt it ws short madhu after all the days wait :(

  5. It's really a time for arnav to take a stand..

  6. Nice update. but Sheetal is just a spoilt brat! Hate her!

  7. Arnav has to take the initiative of expressing his love, I think Aman will try to make Arnav jealous

  8. Bang on...Wicked ASR’s Wicked “BFF AMAN MATHUR”🤣😂 now the game begins.😍😏

  9. awesome dear
    love it
    Looking forward for the next update

  10. Awesome Update. Sheetal is really bad her insecurities are understood but she is not worth of Arnav.And hearing her threats its understood she will be a villian in Arshi love story.It's really difficult to believe Aman and Sheetal are siblings .How can Arnav's mom select a girl like her. But one thing I agree with Sheetal that Arnav is fully controlled by his mom and he won't do anything to dissapoint her.Arnav should stop pretending being not affected by Khushi.He is very good at hiding his emotions. Khushi's attitude has changed she gave a fitting reply to Sheetal. Loved Aman and Khushi 's conversation she atleast opened her heart out infront of him.Arnav is the main culprit here if he had some courage to accept his love things would have been better. Aman has already sensed jealousy he will now show interest in Khushi to bring Arnav's real feelings out.Arnav's mom also doesn't care for him much but Arnav is bound by his parents. How this love story is going to progress.

  11. Like the update. Aman was right. Arnav has to take a decision now. Otherwise this is going nowhere. At the end everyone will be unhappy.
    Khushi understood the situation n I'm glad that she did. I think it's better if she leaves the country and then arnav takes the decision. Whatever it is. And if Aman wants to take out feelings from arnav only way is to be with khushi n make him jealous. Nothing can work for him as it seems.
    And Revati doesn't even love Arnav. So it's totally OK to hurt her. I mean if Arnav chose khushi she will be hurt. But it's OK. She should understand the meaning of parenthood. Parenthood is not making decisions for them but making the children happy. Give them what they want, of course not the bad things.

  12. I feel really bad for Khushi. Arnav dots his parents but Revathi is just taking advantage of Arnav

  13. Revati is a selfish woman...She never cared for Arnav,she only care for Money and Rich people even that person will insult her she will ignore...Feeling bad for Khushi...Yes jealousy will definetely make Arnav accept his feeling toward Khushi before everyone...And that time that sheetal wont be able to point finger at Khushi...SUPERB UPDATE Madhu waiting for Next Part...

  14. So much negativity in Arnav's life and it's suffocating. First his mom and now this Sheetal. She's way too much. How on earth Arnav agreed to marry her. They're poles apart. Nd Sheetal knows Revati doesn't love Arnav then why Arnav doesn't see it. It's fine that he's indebted to them but that doesn't mean he's going to sacrifice his whole life for them. Why it is so hard for him to understand that he won't be able to live in peace. Nd all those care and concern for Khushi is pointless and he should stop feeling for her if he can't say it loud. High time Arnav should take a stand. Awesome update

  15. Feeling bad for khushi Arnav needs to open his eyes

  16. Awesome superb excellent amazing luv it thanks 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  17. No words.. You r amazing madhu❤️

  18. Plz update next part soon..eagerly waiting..

  19. No words for Arnav 😡. What a great son and fiancée? 😡.
    Little relieved atleast aman there’s for Khushi . Poor soul suffering alooott .
    I can see Khushi going faces biggest Revati and sheetal 😞.
    Sheetal knew her Fiancée ASR is puppy in mom hand . Still planning to marry . I think she has her own reason 😏. Even Revati Raizada has her selfish reason .
    Waiting for next update dear.

  20. In a way Revathi and Sheetal are the same, they want everything that they like/need around them, be it things or people. If it's about people and emotions they care two hoots about the concerned person. All they need is that person has to be around them at their Beck and call.

    What souls! And Sheetal. What did she achieve by damaging her car? Khushi is a gem. Feels sorry for no reason.

    I'm glad Aman has found a link. I'm sure jealously is the best way to evoke sleeping feelings.


  21. Short update... but it was a nice part..

  22. Hope both rock head will melt for each other soon. No word can describe this aws upd! Thanks for upd

  23. God i love this Aman such a sweetheart waiting for the next

  24. Such a short update but Nice one

  25. I hate Sheetal and Arnav mom..His mom just love status.. Don't love Arnav truly.. I love to see Jealous Arnav.. Wonderful update.. di can u update next part tomorrow?

  26. Superb update..
    Totally hate sheetal..

    She is just marrying arnav becauzrof his wealth n success ..she is more selfish n materialistic than Revati..

    Loved arnav the way he respect revati n hold sheetal to take blessing..
    Though revati doesnt deserve his respect..

    Felt sad for khushi wish Aman could have slap sheetal for damaging khushi's car n thinking to harm khushi..

    khushi knows how to shut sheetalhope in future also she does that..

    Aman us right it's high time Arnav should buckle up n be a man ASR in personal life like he is in business world

  27. Very good updt sis bt short
    I feel sad fr Khushi hope Arnav does smthng soon
    Sis updt this tmrw as well plzz alrwdy waitin to see Arnav jealous

  28. Khushi is so hurt because of stupid arnav and arrogant sheetal it's good that she give up on arnav he doesn't deserve her

  29. Oh god Sheetal and Revati are getting in my nerves. Sheetal hitting Khushi's car made no sense at all. Just because she wants to get back at Khushi. And what she said to Aman when he reprimanded her of her action was so bad.. she is true evil.
    Revati doesn't even love Arnav, and Arnav is there thinking so much about her and her honour. It was good to see Arnav show Sheetal her place though. "Its my home and nobody talks in that tone." That won my heart.
    Poor Khushi there she is feeling bad for Sheetal when its Arnav who is doing everything. If he grows a spine and stands for his hearts wishes everything will solve on its own. Here he is ruining 3 lives just because he wants to keep his parents happy where his father seems fine but Revati is least bothered about him.
    I liked the way Aman consoled Khushi. He has finally found out a factor which can be helpful in saving these hopeless people. Aman should put his plan of igniting jealousy in Arnav into action soon. There longer Arnav takes to realize his feelings the more people are gonna be hurt.
    I really wish you update this tomorrow as well Madhu.. please please pretty please. I want to see the jealousy streaks in Arnav. And i am also quite curious what Sheetal has to say to Arnav. So please consider about posting the next part tomorrow itself.

  30. Frustrated to see so many negativity and selfishness of Sheetal and Revati as well as Arnav's cowardice attitude.

  31. Madhu still confused about Sheetal and Revathi .. they don't love Arnav but still.. did Sheetal marrying Arnav only because he is raizada ? Or because he is hot ? Did she know Arnav don't have share in raizada property? Will she get marry to him for money or for what ?. please clear this Madhu ... Also disclose about Arnav complete family and their behaviour towards Arnav ..

  32. Is there any chance that AR belongs to Arnav.. Arnav's parents knows it n that's y they feeds him this rubbish that he is indebt to them.. I m feelings something big is still missing between Arnav n his parents..

  33. loving each part of this beautiful story��❣️

  34. I felt like crying with Khushi and for Khushi .. Actually Revti deserve a daughter-in-law like Sheetal But Arnav does not deserve a wife like Sheetal.. Let’s see how story progresses

  35. Feeling bad for Khushi. Revati don't love arnav then why she is using him.

  36. Fantastic update. Hope now this Aman will put some sense in that foolish man's head.
    Seriously....why he is doing this??? For whom?? As far as I get to know these Raizada couple, his father loves him I think. But his mother!!! She has her own priorities and thinking. However hard he try, she won't be going to love him the way a mother does. I think she is doing this for her own benefits. For these people, he is ignoring his love, his life..
    Poor Khushi.... Now she is feeling guilty.
    Think now she's going to say yes to her marriage proposal without thinking.
    My only hope is Aman now. Hope he will do something before it's too late.

  37. I don’t like Revati and Sheetal...they both are same. Sheetal knows very well that Revati doesn’t love Arnav she still agreed for the wedding’s not like that she is in love with Arnav. Waiting to see how this story progress.

  38. Arnav deserves Sheetal's behaviour

  39. Too short :( arnav is still hell bent on respecting his mom. I feel that he knows he isn't loved as much. Maybe AR belongs to him which revati wants. Khushi feeling guilty was sad to see. She has been endlessly crying. And arnav is unaware of it all. But glad she spoke against sheetal. I want arnav to speak up. Jealousy should do that instead of arnav moving away

  40. Why revathi accepted to keep arnav in their home. What's her motive

  41. I m sure aman going to make Arnav jealous to bring him confess his love for khushi … sheetal is witch and riveti raizada another one just trying to impose on Arnav their favor of adopting Arnav in the name of love … I hope before sheetal do any harm to Khushi Arnav accept her love and fight back with everyone

  42. Soo there r two villain sheetal and Revati 😠😡 wat sheetal did was soo bad 😤 and the way she warned aman was terrifing 😠😰 .... Arnav is spoiling two girls life and arnav is such soo good son and Respects and love revati soo much but she is still not affected how stonehearted she is 😠😤 i feel pity for arnav and khushi 😩😢 aman is going to play Jealous game for arnav to make his feelings come out and he confess himm that he loves khushi ... Post it asap
