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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

The Royal Fling - Part 1


Chapter 1

“Who wants to talk to me you said?” Khushi Gupta, the youngest daughter of Shashi Gupta, the present Governor of Jodhpur, asks her maid who came in her room to pass on this message.

“Your father wants to talk to you” the maid repeats seeing no reason the Princess couldn’t understand it at the first instance.

Khushi throws her Veil on the bed which is scattered by her Lehangas. It is her best friend, Suhani’s wedding today and the only reason why she has come back to Jodhpur, taking a few days off from her Modeling Shoots.

“Tell him I am not available to talk now. And even if I was, I am not interested to discuss anything with a man who said he doesn’t take me as his daughter anymore”

The maid bows her head and hurries out. She might sound rude but she has all rights to be upset with her father. What was her mistake if her elder sister Payal Gupta eloped and married some stranger? She didn’t help eloping her sister, neither she knows where Payal is now. Payal made no contact with her and she stopped trying to look for her after 7 months of failed attempts. Payal is a ghost to the family now and even taking her name in her father’s presence, spoils the mood and decorum of the entire house. Payal got to lead a life she wanted to, with the man she loved and Khushi had to bear the punishment behind. For 2 months her father didn’t let her move out of the house without his tight security, in the fear that even she would run away from them. But that didn’t let her suppress her ambitions. She utilized this opportunity in practicing Modelling in her closed room. She attended some online courses, even enrolled her name in a modelling institute in Delhi and finally informed the same to her father. It wasn’t easy. He did all he could to stop her from leaving to Delhi against his will and when she still didn’t bother, he passed this horrific statement that if she steps out of the house that day, he will consider he never had a child. She will be forever dead for him just like Payal is. The drama continued for one more hour, her mother Garima Gupta did all her best to explain her husband but she couldn’t change his mind neither Khushi’s. She was determined to leave the family behind to fulfill her dreams. She shifted to Delhi.

It was hard for Khushi to stay away from her parents, lead a common man life unlike the princess life which she led in Jodhpur. But her hard work paved off and soon success and fame kissed her feet. She bagged some good contracts and took Modelling as her full time Career. She even got movie offers from some renowned Producers but she denied them. She is not an actor. She doesn’t want to try things she is not confident of succeeding in. Her interviews, her photo shoots and every little gossip kept hitting the Page 3 of Magazines. During all this She secretly was in touch with her mother and when Shashi Gupta got to know it, he tried to cut off that final link between the mother-daughter too until Garima argued for her rights by fasting for almost 3 days which made him accept her conditions and allow that much privileges to Khushi of at least visiting their home whenever she wants and meet her mother.

It is one such visit of hers in Jodhpur which she wants to make quick and easy. Talking or even meeting her father is the last thing in her mind. So, when the maid informs her that he wishes to talk to her today, she denied the request.

“Get a grip Khushi Gupta. Dad is just messing with your mind. There cannot be anything he needs to talk to you except leaving your career and come back home forever” she mutters to herself, looking in the mirror. “You are a Star and your responsibilities are much varied than this family and house. You don’t belong here anymore. Attend Suhani’s wedding and run back to Delhi before he plans anything to stop you”

“Khushi” her mother Garima comes in the room.

“Mother..” she turns around and smiles. “How am I looking?”

Garima admires her daughter from top to bottom.

“No less than a princess” she replies.

“I am no longer a Princess Maa. I am a Diva.. A Sensation to the Modelling Empire. Do you know, no one there knows I am the daughter of a wealthy Governor”?

“Nobody knows that? Why didn’t you tell?”

“Because I didn’t want them to treat me royally. I am tired of being given attention for the tag sake Maa. I want to earn it on my own now, by my hard work”

“Modelling is not a good career Khushi. Not for girls of reputed families at least. What pleasure do you get displaying yourself in front of people?”

“You need to change your old beliefs Maa. People will watch me even if I am not a Model. Anything beautiful and bold, people like to stop and notice. What is the harm in that? And I am not doing any cheap shows. I know my limits and will never take part in anything which can make you disgusted about”

Garima doesn’t argue.

“Your father wishes to speak to you. It is important”

“Oh.. So, he sent you now to convince me”

Garima sighs in disappointment.

“I don’t know what is wrong with him from past one week. He looks serious all the time. He wants to share something but he is not willing to tell me either. Today he said he will share it only in your presence. I insist you hear that too. Please, for me”

It gets hard for Khushi to turn down her mother’s plea..

“Okay, I will hear him out. But tonight. I am getting late for Suhani’s wedding”

She picks the Veil from the bed and wears it.

“But the wedding is in the evening”

“Yes, but I have promised to accompany Suhani to the Salon. She has no one else to join her there”

Khushi hugs her mother and kisses her cheeks.

“Don’t worry, I will be back immediately after the wedding and then we can listen to what Dad has to tell. Okay?”

Garima nods waving a quick bye to her daughter. She really wonders where Khushi gets all this confidence from? Payal was so opposite to her. She was shy and reserved. Never even in dreams Garima thought Payal would elope like that. She is still angry on her daughter for taking such a harsh step but as a mother she wishes Payal a good life wherever she is.



“Now you look like a typical Bride” Khushi hugs her friend Suhani. “It will awe your groom seeing you in this attire. It’s a beautiful Lehnga Suhani”

Suhani fakes a smile.

“You don’t seem happy” Khushi quickly reads her friend’s mind.

“Nothing, I am just a little nervous”

“Who doesn’t become nervous on their wedding, Suhani? But don’t worry too much. I am sure the groom will keep you happy forever. I heard he is the son of a wealthy Zamindar”

“Yes” she pouts.

Suhani’s phone rings again. It’s the fifth time in the past 10 minutes but she continues to ignore.

“Whose call is it? At least check once?” Khushi asks.

“Just an old friend” she lies and picks her purse. “We should leave back”


As soon as they come out, a white SUV parks before them with a loud shriek. Two men dressed in black get down the car and drag her friend Suhani inside. Khushi Gupta calls out for help and even punches one man hard but he is too strong to even flinch.

“Leave her” Khushi shouts.. “Help… Somebody help”

In the attempt of calling for help, her gaze falls on the sticker of the car. This is not a common design. It is special and owned by the Royals of this Town. The Raizada Royals…But why would they want to kidnap her friend whose marriage is in few hours? Before she could analyze further, they drag her in the vehicle too.

“What the hell… who are you guys? Leave us…” she screams again and before she could react further, they tie a scarf to shut her and Suhani’s mouths. The vehicle speeds up towards the old highway. Both the women keep struggling but in vain. They are too powerful and none of the two knows why they are abducted and under whose commands.



The men drag Khushi and Suhani out in the temple. It’s an ancient temple where you hardly can find people around. Built at the outskirts of the town, no one visits here except during the yearly fair which happens mostly in December. They force Khushi and Suhani to climb the temple stairs and as they get closer, Khushi notices the Priest sitting and chanting Mantras before the Holy Fire. Their surroundings are decorated as if there is some wedding happening here. But whose? There are also few men guarding the place with guns. All of them wearing that special attire with the Raizada Royals logo on their arm.

Someone pulls the scarf from Suhani’s mouth first.

“Angad?” Suhani shouts seeing the man sitting before the Priest performing the ritual. “What is all this?” she screams. “Why have you got us here? It’s my marriage today”

“That’s right Suhani” Angad replies. “It is OUR marriage today”

Suhani’s jaw drops and she tries to step behind but the men don’t let her move away.

"I am marrying the Zamindar's son Mohan, not you. My family is waiting for me at the altar. Leave us alone. Please"

Khushi has no clue how Suhani knows this man who is waiting to get married to her by hook or crook. She breaks free of her tied arms and pulls the scarf covering her mouth.

“Who is he Suhani and what is happening here?” Khushi shouts.

“You must be her best friend” Angad asks. “Good you joined us here. We need someone to be a proof of our wedding”

“Shut up” Khushi snaps. “You cannot marry my friend forcibly”

The moment she says this, someone puts a knife on her neck from behind. Khushi freezes. She feels a strong masculine scent of the man who has pointed the sharp knife on her neck. If she even moves an inch, the knife will pierce her skin. The man leans closer to her ears.

“You are a guest, so act like one” he mutters clenching his jaw.

“Take this knife off my skin and I will show you what actions I can take” she snaps back in confidence.

Suhani can see the man standing behind Khushi and she gestures her not to argue or fight back. Khushi doesn’t take her warning seriously. She in fact provokes him even more.

“What happened? Scared to tackle a woman?” she mocks.

The next instant, he twirls her around with a force, their upper bodies collides along with their breathes. He grips both her wrist at her back, disallowing any further movements for her. She has to widen her eyes to see him properly; they are that close. He is taller than her, his nose sharply inhaling her fragrance. His eyes have the ability to light fire, his broad lips inches apart from hers. He hasn’t shaved his beard, and that gives him the perfect villain look, enough to scare any other woman but her!! She has seen strong men like him before, but none from so close, none who could create a ripple in her body which she hates to feel.

“Kya hua?” he asks. “Bolti bund?” (What happened? Got speechless?)

His voice is intimidating, just like his personality.

“Break me lose and I will show you what I can do” she scoffs.

There is a gentle smirk on his face as if he has never tackled a woman like her. Obviously not, because she is one of a kind.

“Get Suhani seated for the rituals” he shouts, without leaving his gaze from Khushi’s.

Suhani struggles but is forced to sit next to Angad and perform the marriage rituals. Khushi tries to run to her friend and save her but he holds her hands.

“Your turn will come to wish her, until then you got to stand here and watch them become husband – wife”

“Shut your mouth and stop this wedding. You have no idea who I am”

His brows narrow.

“And you have clue whom you are misbehaving with girl” he shouts back.

“You are spoiling a girl’s life. You have no rights to do that. I will ask my father to sue you all. He is the governor here”

His eyes suddenly sparkle with an unknown light.

“You are Shashi Gupta’s daughter?” he asks.

“Yes.. I am his second born and trust me, when I put a word against you all, he will send you behind bars”

He smirks again, this time gazing her face leisurely. There is something wild in that stare, she couldn’t even name it openly but any man who looks at a woman like that has just one intention.. To consume her..!! He might have handsome looks but she will not fall for that if he thinks in those lines.

The priest continues chanting the mantras. Suhani weeps silently. Angad tries to hold her hand but she waves it off. Khushi keeps struggling to go but two guards block her way. The one she was arguing with, walks to the Priest and when asked to, he ties the sacred knot so that the bride and the groom can start the seven pheras.

“Leave me” Khushi shouts seeing Suhani take the pheras because Angad has held her hand tight and poor girl has no place to escape. Another guard is shooting everything on his Phone. Within next few minutes, Angad ties the Mangalsutra on Suhani’s neck and applies the Sindoor too. The priest declares them as husband-wife. Angad passes a happy smile and leans down to take blessings of the same man whom Khushi had argued with. He forces Suhani too.

“You don’t have to touch my feet Angad.” He exclaims.

“Thanks Arnav. All this wouldn’t have been possible without you”

Suhani weeps continuously. Arnav turns back to Suhani.

“This happens when people break promises Suhani. This is my place.. my kingdom and my people. If anyone breaks commitment.. they will have to face my wrath”

Khushi pushes back the guards and runs to her friend.


Suhani hugs Khushi tight and cries her heart out.

“I won't leave you” she pounces looking at Arnav.

“You don’t have to” he smirks. “Now Suhani will go to her Sasural with Angad. You decide if you wish to come to your Sasural now or later?”

Khushi looks annoyed at him.

“Looks like you have lost your mind”

“Looks like your father didn’t tell you yet” he interrupts, huffing a humorless laugh. “You are getting married to the eldest son of Raizada Royals in 2 weeks…” he replies. “which is ME…. ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA”

Her jaw drops. Her father fixed her marriage to the Royals? Without even letting her know? Is this what her father wanted to share with her today? Darn!! How will she handle this situation.

Arnav Singh Raizada wickedly smirks at her again and calls out for his guard.

“Arrange the vehicle for Suhani and Angad to get back to Chandanpur and another one to drop my would-be Royal bride at her Mayka (father’s home)”

Khushi’s head spins. Is he serious? Marriage .. .with HIM?

To be Continued.


Books by Madhuri Tamse

FREE Amazon Kindle Unlimited Romantic Books


  1. Awesome story. Loved the beginning. Eagerly waiting for the next part

  2. wow what a awesome start

  3. Wow!! Awesome... It was like watching some Telugu movie... Really it was so visualizing... Waiting for next part eagerly...

  4. This is so exciting ....
    Amazing start 👌👏👏👏👏👏

  5. Awesome Update. Beginning is so interesting. And the way Arshi meet is so thrilling. Now waiting for the next part.

  6. Man!
    So ASR started liking KKG already
    cool dear

  7. Owesum start.
    Can't wait for the next part.

  8. What a terrific start with Arshi's strong tussle Madhu... Here Arnav's character seems to b somewhat like of THE RAIZADA GODS.. I guess Suhani & Angad loved each other & had given promises of marriage but may b Suhani broke it due to her family's pressure & that's y Arnav said that no one can break promises in his kingdom.. Angad is his friend I think...

    So the tussle of both the royals, Khushi & Arnav has started to turn into a royal fling...

  9. Very interesting one ❤️ loved it lot..I can't wait for next part.

  10. What a start. “You don’t have to” he smirks. “Now Suhani will go to her Sasural with Angad. You decide if you wish to come to your Sasural now or later

  11. Awesome starting...
    Waiting for the next chapter

  12. Interesting.... Wow... No words...

  13. Very intriguing start. Tussle between two very strong minded people. It doesn't look like "OPPOSITES REPEL"...more like they are of same kind. But then again you know the characters you are going to may be opposites in future in their beliefs .

    Looking forward to see how the story unfolds. cheers !

  14. Wooooow awesome update Loved it

  15. What is this Madhu...???So much happened just in first chapter...Wow then the upcoming part will be dhamake daar...Waiting for Next Part...

  16. Too good to be first update of a fiction. Already a fan of this❤️

  17. I love Royal family drama
    Loved Raizada Gods n eagerly waiting for another Royal Ride

  18. I already love the story and characters. This story really is gonna be one hell of a ride.

  19. Yet again difference and interesting concept madhu ❤ im sure I'm going to fall in love with this story as well..

  20. Super start Yar.....Khushi is a khatarnak and Arnav is fire wow super

  21. Wow .. awesome start.. can't wait for more..

  22. That's awesome start.. Khushi is shocked.. loved the start..

  23. Why Khushi's father fixed her marriage with Arnav without letting Khushi know about that proposal? Also is Arnav a dark character in this story ? Is Payal also related to raizada family?
    Please give precap of badatmeez.. I want to read the next set of Khushi's questions for Arnav and how arnav ll answer to her

  24. I think suhani is angads lover. Eagerly waiting to read the upcoming parts

  25. Will you post precap of badtameez today? Please update it really eager to know the next set of questions

  26. I can already see a dark arnav and fiesty khushi

  27. Fling means affair, right??? Wondering is it like love affair or mwabs incidents..!!!
    It can't be love affairs as Khushi would never, not at least now start an affair with Arnav, as they will be married before that.
    And if its like Khushi is interested in anyone else, than let us beforehand. I would be very disheartened.

    1. Fling = a short period of enjoyment or wild behavior.Lets see what they think its short cuts off at the right time or will it extend for lifetime. But definitely no one among them will be interested in anyone else after this..

  28. Awesome superb excellent amazing luv it

  29. Superb mind blowing😍. Please update soon

  30. wow... superb start.. loved it... dark arnav and feisty khyshi.. oh yeah.. we are really gonna enjoy this story

  31. OMG that was a dhamaka episode

  32. Uffffff wow what a masaledar thika update😘😘😘😉I just loved Madhu u are really awesome I was somewhere doubtful to read bcoz I not fond of reading something new unless it's completed but I are an exception in it u rock it lady I loved it

  33. Damn awesome 👏🏻. Arnav and Khushi attitude , no words . I loved it when Khushi argued back with arnav under knife .
    Both Arnav and Khushi impressed and made me in first update itself .

    Can’t wait for next update . But have to ....
    how Shashi going to convince Khushi ? I’m very excited

  34. The story sounds interesting.....
    Hope dare s no pain and tears.... I want to see khushi strong and Arnuv a caring lovely husband

  35. Interesting n I loved it. Don't know how it will go. I like the stories where the marriage happens first and solving their matter later. Hope the fling will turn out to be a long lasting relationship!

  36. Amazing start reading to rock and roll

  37. Wow what a dhamaka update and what an entry
    The update was simply wow

  38. Wow, just loved the update

  39. Very very interesting madhu u are d best

  40. Interesting concept can’t wait for more updates

  41. Intestinal start...
    Khushi seems to be a strong girl

    Nice entry of arnav..

    Looking forward

  42. Wow what a dhamakedar starting of the story
    Loved it too much
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  43. Oooohi love arshi stories where royalty is included

  44. I love it when Arnav sensually corners Khushi��
