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Badtameez - Should Khushi accept the marriage proposal?

What do you think should be Khushi's response to Arnav Singh Raizada's proposal in Badtameez? 

I know this is a very lame question. This is a fiction and all of us want to see our favorite couple together, no matter what!! 

But we cannot forget: 

Arnav misunderstood Khushi's character, ruined her career, and demoralized her confidence. He made her go through a hell of time where she thought she is being auctioned to men in the name of ramp walk. Though all of that was a set up and Arnav wanted to instill fear in her, is it still acceptable for Khushi to dump that past and move ahead with that same man?

He might not be entirely responsible for Garima's health issues but he instigated it after playing with Khushi's dignity and career. Are the favors done by Arnav Singh Raizada recently on Khushi and her mother enough to give him another chance? Should Khushi stick to the past or should she let it go?

This relationship started with lies. Garima, Dhruv, Daadi, the most closest people to these two leads have always been in the dark in terms of their true relationship. Dont they deserve to know the truth? And when they would, will they still expect them to tie a knot?

Arnav Singh Raizada is a man of mystery. Khushi can see his richness and power, but nothing from the man himself which reveals what he really was, is and will be in future. He has dated a chain of girls before, can she guarantee she will be his last choice?

Arnav has apologized for his sins to her but there was never any repentance period. Is that even necessary now? And if not, then wouldn't it be unfair? What kind of repentance is best for him?

The Brighter Side: 

The only positive ray of hope between them is their growing attraction for each other.

Arnav's true confession that he wants to make this relationship work and his heart touching proposal for marriage.

Possible Outcomes: 

1. Either Khushi denies and walks off - But will he let her do that considering his dominant nature? That will change things bitter between the two, wont it?

2. Forgive him and accept the proposal - But will it work for lifetime? Someone has to change. Either she has to bend to his way of life or he has to sober down to her ways. Or is there even a common solution to this?

I am very curious to know your opinions too. Please feel free to share your inputs.

This thread is open to all sorts of discussions on this FF so far :)


  1. I definitely say she says No and with the condition that he stops pursuing her. His repentance has to be strong only then will he know her worth.


  2. Khushi should accept but after knowing everything from arnav. His past and all his secrets, there should be transparency in them now. Everything should be cleared and than khushi should accept it

  3. I would be surprised if Khushi said yes esp given the manner in which he is forcing her. There is really no repentance in Arnav, he is still doing what HE wants! Pushing her for what HE desires. Just because he has decided he wants a life with her, she is expected to fall in line and agree?

    I wonder how can one forget all that Arnav has done to her. And I agree with you, you may brush it under the carpet, but it will resurface again and again particularly if Khushi capitulates now, Arnav will walk over her every time she disagrees with him.

    She needs to leave him, he needs to introspect and change himself to take into account her desires, her wishes and her opinions as his equal if they are to have a relationship in which they are BOTH happy. A successful relationship is between equals and right now Khushi is def the weaker parter. While a domineering forceful Arnav may sound attractive, in reality one cant live with someone like him without starting to get suffocated and resentful.

  4. First she should know all about his past. Arnav has already accepted his mistakes....aftet knowing about his past she can decide.

  5. Should accept proposal only after he cleared all her doubts....transparency should be there between them then only they can survive together against their enemies...

  6. Kushi should accept only if she have trust on him.

  7. Arnav has to be more open and forthcoming if he wants Khushi to take his proposal seriously and work on making their relation official. He has done many things in the past and with Adira also in picture things are quite complicated. Arnav is showing his sincerity to Khushi right now but how do we know its not to make her accept him after all he was been desiring her for a long time now. He might not be doing all this just to get her but Khushi needs an assurance that he won't leave her or get tired of their said relation once he gets her, she needs to know its not just an attraction but something that runs deep. He has the clock ticking maker her all angsty but if he really wants her to accept the proposal he needs to tell her what he feels for her and make her believe she will be getting into something permanent and she is not another girl in his list.
    As for the repentance part this Arnav is kind of dark so i don't have much of am expectation of him pining to get her forgiveness. Here, I go with what Garima has said a couple of chapters ahead. Khushi needs to put her past in the past and move on.
    Rest is all your choice. You know we will love the story no matter how you take things ahead and also you won't do injustice to your characters. :)

  8. Khushi should say yes after saying all her fears. Her apprehension about his past, her fear that he may repeat the mistake, her insecurity that he may not treat equally. In fact Khushi should tell the convo with kunal and Cindy to arnav. Please make this a mature understanding relationship. No need repentance track. Dating period will be a important one in thier relationship.

  9. Maybe khushi can accept the proposal.. but few things will pop up and maybe we can see khushi outburst as well and at that time she will empathize this is why i wanted to stay away from you . I would really want khushi to accept his proposal.. then arshi can have lots of fights , sort those.. Arnav has changed a lot because of khushi.. She can accept his proposal saying need some time.. because they need to have a real relationship, only then khushi can completely understand arnav also ASR needs to say lot on his past, so they need some time..

    I know khushi should walk off after what she went through, but still he needs a chance... so i would like arshi to be engaged and khushi taming arnav.. and arnav being himself .. all this can happen only if arshi are engaged.. else i will feel they will be back to square 1.

  10. Kushi accepting the proposal should be more interesting..

  11. I think Khushi should not accept Arnav's proposal too soon...She was interviewing Arnav at Rajsthan,wasn't she??I would like to see Khushi interviewing Arnav again and this time without any intereption...Khushi must have a clear idea avout Arnav and his inner mind before taking any decision and the interview can help her in this...I want Khushi to clear her all confusions by this interview and after that she can choose whatever she wants either taking more time to accept his proposal or accept it now...

  12. Khushi can accept the proposal but knowing his secrets and past and knowing future expectations she needs a helping hand

  13. Khushi should accept the proposal as all the mistakes of arnav was past and even then also the auction he plotted was not real so somewhere arnav of that time was sensible enough even though he was blinded by rage. Also in the present scenario also arnav has given khushi enough time and i belive no past should ruin any present

  14. It's not yet the right time to say yes to arnav for the proposal...
    1.they only have attraction towards each other(more in a physical way at least from arnavs side) even though he gets concerned and overprotective about Khushi but they lack understanding, friendliness,etc many factors in their relationship..(m not saying people don't get married due to attraction n lead a lovely life gradually but in arshis case it will b more like disaster with the negative characters looming around them).
    2.its hard to accept playboys having a colourful past where an insecurity or trustlessness will play it's wonderful part if the said couple don't have a solid trust..
    3.for repentance he drinks bottles of alcohol,asks forgiveness in drunken state,blames himself for his brutal act of past...bas Khushi should make him understand about the situations she had to live in as a consequence of his cruelty...n not say yes easily remembering the past where no one was there for her for support in her mom's crucial stage, destructive end of career...
    4. arnav takes care of Khushi-garima in every way possible but there's a long way to go for arnav for making a place in khushi's heart....

  15. Arnav should reveal all his secrets to kushi and then only she should accept his marriage proposal. At present arnav is a mysterious man Why shouldn't he bare his heart to kushi and then pressurise her for marriage?

  16. Like you said it's fiction and everyone needs Arshi together but Khushi was on receiving side who has gone through lots of pain and humiliation. Where as Arnav has layers of mystery and shades of character which Khushi is yet to uncover. So it's better Khushi walk off for time being and face Arnav's dominance, get reveal to his past and personality. For time being let Arnav face loneliness and be firm on his decision of marrying KHUSHI, but has true gentleman.

  17. Bad boys are so much attractive and Infatuating as boyfriends but the truth is they don't make good husbands! It's sad but true! Being in a relationship and marriage are two different things!

    Being a girl I don't think it's easy to forget everything and move on with the same man who was your culprit! Arnav might have regretted what he did but there was never any repentance in him! Their relationship might have progressed from fake to true but the reality is nothing is fair!

    Arnav is definitely a mystery man who is still hiding everything from khushi! And the worst thing about him is he is still very dominant about their relationship and wants khushi to bend as per his likes! That's sick! I don't think he has given khushi the necessary space and freedom in this relationship! He never understood that his dominance and anger might be suffocating for khushi. He is still careless and casual about his actions which might hurt others!

    It's equally true that we cannot ignore his efforts to start a new relationship with khushi but he needs to face the repercussions of his past mistakes! His past is painful and he needs healing but he just can't get away with everything wrong he has done to anyone in his anger!

    We want to see them together but I want proper redemption for arnav and if it's about change then I would like arnav to change more for khushi because khushi is fine the way she is!

    I also feel for khushi and want her to give arnav a chance because both of them needs the love of the other! But not before arnav come out clean with khushi!

    1. Yes. Despite his deeds.
      He have already apologized and is trying hard to amend things

    2. I think khushi should say No, and to arnav work harder and show us more his Badtameez said ��
      And over posessiv asr is always fun to read ❤��
      And I never felt that arnav really understood that he hurt her very bad or how much his one act really effecte khushi

  18. Dear Madhu you know the best yaar ..

    1. Hahahaha the best answer so no but seriously I wished to know your opinion hence raised it .

  19. I’m really want happy ending 🙈.

    Arnav’s mom second marraige and some past made arnav like this . Not trusting anyone . His uncontrollable anger and dominant nature made him to revenge Khushi .

    If you asked me , Like you said Garima and Dhuruv need to know the truth and Khushi need to say NO to his proposal just for now .
    Arnav need to change him as a perfect man for Khushi . Need to give her , her own space to accept him . Khushi want to accept arnav only by seeing him as his man not for his help or his past .
    But lastly I want ArShi 😍.

  20. Khushi might accept this because of her mom's pressure but she can make it clear to Arnav that its just a sacrifice she is making and Arnav, being Arnav will, through his words and actions, make her trust him again and khushhi would be able to see his repentance.

    i don't want khushi to say no and then Arnav being adamant and making pursuasive andd then taking some rash steps to make khushi say yes.

    If khushi says no, will arnav accept that as a true gentleman and will try to pursue khushi hrough his actions?

  21. I feel in relationship if there is any insecurity then it will not last long. She will doubt him whenever such situation occurs.. So in the story something should happen where she starts beleiving him and ready to accept him leavinh ignoring his past. Attraction will not help in long relationships..

  22. Arnav is only demanding his answr from khushi..he should first tell her everything that she should know about him or his past or complicated relationships anything that should be known..he has to do it without she asking for it.. right now its iike so som1 tells khushi smthing n he clrs her doubts..if he doesn't change that how is she supposed to be confident about him that yes this is my man and i know him..the way its going arnav will always be mystery for her and be told about him by outsiders

  23. Every person who r repenting ll deserve second chance in life .. I want Khushi to say yes.. but before that arnav should disclose every secret without filter.. without hiding anything from Khushi.. if Garima can love and trust shashi even he didn't consider her as wife and git married to another women .. and also supporting his legal daughter and protecting her.. but why can't Khushi forgive Arnav and move on with him.. who is repenting for his mistakes and also asked for forgiveness from her..
    By marrying Arnav Khushi ll be secured and ll get Arnav love..I don't think by saying no to him Khushi ll be safe .. Arnav ll protect Khushi from Kunal and adira ..

  24. Khushi should say yes . Arnav did a big mistake in the past from a girl's perspective it's very tough to accept such a man who has played with your dignity but Khushi has seen how Arnav has changed only for her be it taking care of Garima or taking Khushi to meet his Daadi . They were both faking the relationship but can't deny the strong bond which is just not mere attraction. Relationship works when both are willing to change why one will put all the effort .But Arnav is a mysterious guy he has to share his secrets so that Khushi understand him better and take a correct decision. Repentance is least expected from this Arnav as his character is really dark . But hope Arnav apologize to Khushi. Arnav is a guy who has many shades Khushi needs to know the real Arnav. Regarding the girls who were previously in Arnav's life was just a casual affairs . None was as important as Khushi. I am sure Arnav loves Khushi otherwise he wouldn't have proposed her for marriage . Arnav knows the value of marriage and Khushi's father never gave Garima the honour of his wife . For a man like Arnav marriage is a big decision who is least bothered about commitment. He is willing to enter this relationship. Arnav has a broken past where his mom left him and he has no idea why she did that after that he became like this but that doesn't justify whatever wrong he did to Khushi. Khushi should take her own time in knowing Arnav and Arnav has to be more vocal.

  25. In my opinion Khushi should convey her fears to Arnav before accepting his proposal...Because Kushi is someone who witnessed how her mother's life spolied by her father... How her father ditched her mother... So she also have that fear in her mind.. right now what they have between them is attraction,caring,supporting.etc... I think Kushi should accept his proposal when she feels he is loving her beyond the world..when she feels he will do anything for her..when he trust her more than him..when she feels she is the only one he wanted in his entire life and no other girl...and she equally feels the same love and affection for him.... At that moment she should accept his proposal..

  26. I want them together after being transperance

  27. Arshi together always..
    Khushi can say Yes to proposal and then Arnav start opening his past.. slowly and steadily let them build the relationship..

  28. Please give Precap of Wedlock.

  29. Just think if the things wat Arnav had done is actually done by a another person would we have asked khushi to say yes to that person....I don't think so....Is attraction or love is enough for a marriage to needs trust,understanding,so many factors which I am not able to witness here.... Does she knows anything about him...when someone says that they know dark secrets of him...she is literally blank... and do we expect his soon to be fiance to know about his secrets from the people outside... He ruined her career...infact she lost her confidence because of him..does his care,proctectiveness can retain all that...and he is asking her to accept his proposal by giving her a's her marriage not a deal..and is she 100%sure that she can trust him...I don't think so....He definitely deserves a second chance...and she can try to work out a relationship...not marriage as for Now....Because if she marries him now it will not last

  30. Both Arnav and Khushi needs each other.
    As both are literally haunted by a pair of enemies.Its highly possible that the Malliks can join hands with Shashi Gupta to destroy Arshi.
    And No one can secure Garima Gupta like Arnav does.After knowing the consequences of his own planned act in Garima Guptas life, he is trying very very hard to protect her life from the upcoming dangers.
    Even Khushi is aware of Arnavs life being in danger.
    It would be wise that Arshi gets married atleast for the sake of Garima Gupta.
    But Khushi shouldnt forgive him that easily.
    Also Arnav should shed his Oh I AM SO GREAT ATTITUDE and share his colourful deeds and painful past with Khushi.He should earnestly repent that he should a thorough background check of the enemy too before hitting him.

  31. She should say yes. People do change and we are seeing the change in arnav, but she should accept after knowing his past only.

  32. Yr.. I always love ur do wht u want... Bec u r theeeeeeee best writer.... And u know better wht suit to thiss ff😊😊😊

  33. A long heart to heart discussion is necessary right now last time it was intrupted by dadi.i guess after that only I will decide. Waise if someone is changing then we should accept them bcoz Garima only said in story past ki wjhaa SE future spoil nai honaa chaiye.

  34. She should accept his proposal only after knowing arnav's hidden secrets and part.Tmrw update the next part di.

  35. Madhu as a regular reader..... and am very fond of ur scripts..... thanks dat u realy think us dat capable to gv u suggestion on ur script....

    1. As a script writer u r aware of the coming up of the sequence of the story..,. So u know what's coming next.....

    2. A relationship needs to be clear and crystal like water.... there should be transparency..... a mairrage means joining of soul as 1... fr dat the relationship should be transparent

    3. My suggestion is
    @. First if arnuv realy loves khushi wants her back den he should call all his family members dat is Dadi dhruv and garima and both khushi and arnuv should sit and disclose the ramp show treatment to every 1.....

    b. Arnuv needs to share all his dark secrets to Khushi... b4 she asks him... dark secrets include all relationship with girls and y malick loves to see arnuv been shattered in love....

    C its important fr arnuv to open his secrets and assure khushi dat he will be one woman man

    d. Sirf bolne se nahi hoga.... he needs to proof dat he will be with khushi he needs to do some good deeds directly from heart to realize dat hes repenting ...

    e. very important part khushi was afraid of modeling arnuv needs to help khushi to bring her back in modelling make her fear go away... he even needs to disclose in Media dat it was not her fault but due to his fault she was a victim in modelling world.....

    I am sure the love and respect he showed towards garima proofs dat he is a human... not an animal so he must get a chance but b4 dat he needs to do the above things

    F. They both dat is arnuv khushi needs to stand to fight against all odds no matr what happens.
    I m sure she should accept Arnuv

    4. Madhu we readers are still not aware dat y arnuv thought dat khushi was always towards malick plzz reveal dat secret

    Do reply

  36. Khushi should accept arnav proposal. If she accept or not, but she also have strong attraction and feelings for arnav. And he already accepted his mistakes and repenting for that.. She must give a chance and if she ask arnav will definitely share his all secrets... Hope u will give a good ending... 😊

  37. Both are perfect for eachother and they need need to change their Outlook towards each other.They need a healthy and open conversation to understand each other.Spevialy for Khushi have to accept Arnav's past wholeheartedly.

  38. I agree arnav should repent and no secrets should between them

  39. I say no. Khushi needs to stand up for herself and be strong for herself. If Arnav is relly repenting he needs to let her go too.

  40. Yess she should accept it. In arnav pov
    If we see he is already pissed off with
    his step father and step brother when he came to know about the deal that karan said he got angry and wanted to punish the person who join handa with them though it is wrong but now he is
    Repenting it

  41. Khushi should accept the proposal n then the real badtameez dil would start. Here the ball will be in khushi's court.

  42. Khushi should reject Arnav's proposal. And let Arnav know why she did that?? If Arnav is being sincere than he will respect khushi's decision and will try to earn her trust respectively. That's the change we want to see in Arnav that he left all his past affairs and attitude to be with Khushi. He needs to show khushi his sincereness.
    On the otherhand Madhu, the way the plot is going with all the risk on khushi's life, from Aadira, from the malliks especially we don't know what they want from khushi. Besides Garima is unwell, dadi is involved in this farse. Amidst all of that is it fair to see Arshi get separated now!!!
    Besides, will you not tie the loose end for which Arshi are pretending to be a couple!! Exposing Malliks. When will you get back to that track.
    We know Arshi will be together one way or another.

  43. Should accept
    However need to know every detail of his life

  44. Madhu we readers are not aware y earlier arnuv thought dat khushi are with malick's... favourites and support mallicks earlier when will u reveal the secret..... plzzz rep

  45. Khushi should accept his proposal but not in his deadline. She deserves a heartfelt confession and repentense from Arnav and he should mend his ways and clear all about his past too. Then only there will be transparency in their relationship. He is stl adament about winning her. But he should understand that he has to win her heart with his love not with his stubbornness.
    And about Garima knowing their current relationship status, I think it's not necessary if the truth is going to hurt their loved ones considering Garima's health. If Arnav is going to correct his ways and they are going to start their relationship with love from both sides, then the truth not matters. I think if sometimes there is no need to tell all the things if the truth going to hurt our loved ones. Hope you will do justice to our Favourite couple and going to make all of us happy......

  46. Though I love the Arshi to come together but there are a few facts that needs to be lined up...

    a. We would like to know Arnav’s hidden past... why he wants to bring down his stepfather and family leaving Dhruv out of it.

    b. Khushi also has a past but are being revealed one by one.

    c. Why Shashi doesn’t wants Khushi to be closed to Arnav.

    d. Arnav needs to explain to Daadi and Garima on the real situation that took place.

    Building a relationship is hard but breaking them is easy. Arnav and Khushi must learn to trust one another and share their secrets.

  47. If Khushi says yes then it will be only for her mother but question will she be able have normal married life with Arnav whose has done so much bad thing in her life.I feel bad for Khushi in this story. Madhu please make her life easy little bit.

  48. I want arnav to repent but not that much that it starts to seem us as a repenting story...if separation happens than i think it will break the aura of story...there is also other ways to make arnav realize his wrong doings..and i think as great writter who u are..can easily create such situations...Bcz the one thing we admire about this story ver much is ASR controlling attitude and his protection towards to me if arnav will become weak thn there are the chances that story will lose the charm.....!!

  49. Few things are unclear about arnav still so can't say anything right now

  50. I agree that Arnav had made a huge mistake by ruining Khushi's career but it was out of mmisunderstandings...Arnav is very angry and dominant type of man but its the specialty of his character which i like most...Arnav may not be vocal but his actions are saying that he is sorry....Khushi should definitely say yes because this attraction may turn into affection and affection into love...and the mighty ASR and understanding Khushi can tackle each and every obstacles in their path by their unique ways of handling problems...its a high time I guess they should be together

  51. Hi Madhu, I would like to go with option 2 of Khushi - Forgive him and accept the proposal. All of us make mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. Forgiveness does not change the past she had to face, but it is definitely going to change her future by helping her to relive of the past and move on. She should forgive him for her own sake and move on with him. No one is perfect in this world, everyone has some flaws in them. Khushi should accept Arnav as-is with his flaws. On the brighter side, she should see that Arnav acknowledged his mistakes and is repenting for whatever he did to her, and also apologized to her. Repentence is not easy for him as well, it totally transforms you into another person. Khushi does see that Arnav is a totally different person with her now and is never going to hurt her in the future. He is already working on their relationship, trying to earn her trust and is also trying to be more transparent/honest with her. When she forgives him, she will be able to see the positive qualities of Arnav. I am sure Khushi will not regret her decision of forgiving him and accepting his marriage proposal - Realitytruth(IF User)

  52. Ohhh this is a mess! Either way Khushi has to face him at the end of the hour. Considering his feelings,it would be hard for arnav to let go. And even if he did there is always the Maliks at the junction and not to forget the Guptas ( the web is quiet messy,let her breath at least).And the point to be noted is Khushi hasn't analysed her feelings and opinions yet. The inevitable is bound to happen anyway, but let her take some time (for eg; Start with a proper date.)

  53. Khushi should accept his proposal but after knowing all his past and secret s and making him bend somehow softer for their relationship

  54. Whatever Khushi & v have understood Arnav till now, he is very secretive & little dark character.. He has still many things hidden of her past & present as well... Whatever those happenings were, have changed him into a person what he is now.. But still he has such emotions in him which have made him attracted & emotional for Khushi & her mother... He is definitely not that expressive in terms of emotions & feelings & that's what lacks in his relationship with Khushi.. He needs to express his feelings, thoughts, emotions to Khushi without hiding anything... But given his character, it seems difficult for now.. So I guess if Khushi is even a bit interested in Arnav then she really needs to understand him properly, needs to know about his past & present completely & for that to happen, she needs go closer to him with confidence but again on her own terms & not his.. I guess for that to happen she can get engaged to him for now without showing any hurry for marriage... This way she would b able to go closer to him yet could maintain desirable distance & utilize this time in knowing the real Arnav Singh Raizada with all his past & present which can help her to decide for their future together & whether she should marry him or not...

  55. I would say first Kushi has to open up about her feelings to Arnav and then explain her fears and insecurities to him...they both had a painful past and Arnav should let Khushi know all his secrets to wipe of this distance of insecurity and not only that first Arnav has to discover wether he is desiring her or loving her...bcoz a desire can end someday but not the love...
    According to me kushi should confess her feelings but should say no as of now and Arnav should try discover what he feels for her and then make her believe about his feelings

  56. My opinion is that if khushi is a strong personal she should stand for herself and talk what's in her heart. As a girl we don't forgive easily. But if we love that same person we will forgive him no matter what. That's a real fact. So if khushi is in love she should forgive and move or stop being a scapegoat. I'm tired of this khushi. I thought this story would be a passionate one. But this is so complicated. Not the one I guessed earlier. Now it's 41st part. When are we getting some romance?? After another 20-30 episodes this story will be end. I feel like story is still at the same place. It's really high time to something happen.

  57. I would love to c asr doing badtameez if Kushi reject his proposal now. I feel the title of the FF is not justified yet. The intensity of ASR feelings portrayed in the starting (pool scene when Kushi comes to meet him) is to be focused more. This is my opinion as a big fan of Arshi Madhu.

  58. I think kushi should first tell arnav why she is taking time in deciding.. Wats going on in her tots..should tell him all her fears n insecurities only then he can understand wats then issue n they both can try to solve it rite.. Coz as per my understanding arnav in this story has come across many women who were only after his money r fame... So he might not know what's in kushi's mind.. He can't understand what's going on with her... I really think he needs help than kushi here.. Coz he has suffered from loss of women's (mother r sister)love rite from his childhood, I wish kushi to fulfill everything... First she should confess her honest feelings about him to arnav

  59. Arnav should open up to Khushi..about his past life and also he should tell garima and dadi about their fake start of relationship and how serious he become about Khushi ...arnav should feel sorry for all the insult he caused her...and Khushi should also accept his apology and help him to come out of his past and should know what happen to arnav's mother and y she married to Malik.....

  60. You know the answer dear....but if you still wants to know my is yes. A second chance to be given to our hero but first he should clear all the mystery about him and his flings too. Thanks for asking our opinion.....I can see lot of comments regarding this question. Such nice gesture by all your reader.

  61. I think its too soon for khushi to accept arnav's marriage proposal...
    Khushi being auctioned for men is a serious crime I can't ignore or forget...
    doesn't matter it was fake or not, the trauma she went through is too much....
    Sorry I just can't accept yet that khushi should agree to marry the same man who didn't think twice to stage a ramp where
    girls are being auctioned for men!
    I know arnav has apologized but its not enough yet....wounds and memories of the trauma are too fresh to even forget....
    I wonder what would khushi's mother has to say about this as she was the biggest advocate about their marriage!
    I want to see her response after knowing this particular fact of their past!

  62. Firstly khushi should be sure about her feelings. What she feels for Arnav because she is still not sure about her feelings. I think there should be a scene where something happens or is going to happen to Arnav might be then she will be sure about her feelings. And then they both should get time all alone where they can over come their insecurities by understanding each others stance and then if khushi is satisfied she can accept Arnav’s engagement proposal and afterwards they can know more about each other. AND THERE IS NO NEED FOR ANYONE TO KNOW ABOUT THERE FAKE RELATIONSHIP ITS THERE CHOICE THEY ARE NOT HURTING ANYONE IN THIS but yes Garima should know that Arnav is the one Responsible for her daughter’s past. And this truth should come out through Arnav itself or khushi and no one else. And Arnav should seek sorry from her and repent .

  63. They should be married and after that they sort of there problems and work together on there enimies

  64. I think Khushi should say yes and tell arnav her fear,

  65. Agree with u Madhu... True he has somehow earn the trust n effection from what he's been doing like taking care of Garima & their safety BUT Khushi has been through the worst phase of her life bcoz of him...

    He played with her dignity by plan the fake auction which for Khushi thats a real event..

    How he been chasing via professional side...making her dance to his rhythm...mentally tortured somehow...and of coz dont forget what he has done in Hong Kong with her

    And now just bcoz he has repent n confessed his love for her Khushu should accept him??

    He doesnt deserved this...atlast not now...

    Would love to see his reaction if Khushi chose someone else over him..

  66. well my heart want them together but there are some which we cant ignore ,it has to proved from arnav whether its just attraction or he loves her,and his past what about his past
