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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

He Loves Me Not - Part 24


Chapter 24


“Where did he go like that?” Revati asks her husband after seeing Arnav rushing out.

Ayush is in a dilemma if he has to share it with his wife yet or not. He knows Revati is not going to take this matter lightly once she knows. And until Arnav sorts out the mess, he created it is better whatever they conversed today remains a secret between the father-son.

“What did you talk to him?” Revati asks again.
“Business talks. That’s all. You don’t have to worry” he pats her arm and then makes his way out. Revati apprehends he is hiding something big. And she has always seen Ayush doing this only to save Arnav’s back. Even during Arnav’s childhood, if he ever committed a mistake, Ayush used to cover it up from her. He is repeating the same now. But what has Arnav done this time?


Gupta Apartment

Khushi after finishing her dinner, gets back in her room and once again all the happenings of the day flash in her head. Sheetal Mathur accusations, her father slapping Sheetal, Ayush confronting them to know the real truth and her assurance that she is not interested in Arnav, everything keeps revolving around Khushi’s eyes as if it is all happening right now.

“Khushi..” Shashi comes back in her room. He is holding a bowl of Chocolate ice cream. “This is the best medicine for pain”
It brings a smile on her lips.

“That’s my dialogue dad and thanks.. I needed one”

He sits next to her and they start sharing the ice cream. After some general talks, Shashi decides to share his plans.
“I am thinking of putting my resignation papers tomorrow”
“Resignation?” Khushi jerks.
“Yes.. I cannot work there anymore”
“Dad, no” she puts the bowl away.
“You think I don’t have potential to work elsewhere?”
“It’s not about your potential, Dad. But you have given so many years to that company and you shouldn’t mix your personal and professional matters”
“I won’t mix them Khushi, but cannot guarantee they would think like us. One or the other day Mathurs may coax Ayush Sir to fire me. They can do anything and after today’s incident, I don’t have much hopes from Ayush Sir either”
Khushi sighs in disappointment.
“I messed it all up, didn’t I? Shouldn’t have come to India. I was better there in London”

Tears pool in her eyes again. Yes, this is all her fault. She was blind in love to see the after effects of her decisions of convincing Arnav to admit he loves her.

“Don’t blame yourself. You did nothing. I wish we could somehow return the debts of these Raizadas”
Khushi looks sarcastically at her father. Which debts?
“The Sponsorship for London” he sighs again.

Khushi shakes her head confused.
“What connection do they have with my Sponsorship? It was by my merit, my marks, isn’t it?” her pitch increases.

Shashi lowers his gaze. Seems like now it is time to reveal the truth to his daughter.
“Dad.. I am asking you something. What has Raizadas to do with my Sponsorship?”
“It was a paid Sponsorship” he admits.

Khushi feels aghast of that truth. Paid Sponsorship? Now she remembers why Revati Raizada always kept taunting her? What Sheetal Mathur was meant by the favors which Raizadas have done on her.

“They paid for it? Why?” she gasps.. Tears roll down her cheeks again.
“I thought Arnav wants to see you get good education. So he pushed his father to make that happen. They had ties with the good universities in London and during those days I thought they are doing this because they think us as a family. But I was wrong. These people keep a count of every single favor they do on others so that someday they can make use of it”

Arnav? She tries to absorb what she just heard.

“Arnav..he… he paid for it? Not.. not Ayush Sir?”
Shashi nods. It makes her stomach wince in pain. That man wanted her to go away from his life? Because he never cared.. he never loved her.. Hence he kept pushing her away. Every single time except that one night… the night on his birthday… Nothing was right about that night.. He was drunk and any other man who knew a girl likes him to that extent would take benefit of it in his intoxicated state. He was no different. He did what anyone else would do the next day when conscious. He shrugged her off like a fly. She feels broken. All this is too much to absorb right now. She was a fool to have hopes from him.. from that one night which changed her life.. forever.

“Don’t think much about all this now. Get some rest. We will find a solution to return their money. Okay?”

Shashi caresses her head and then taking the empty ice cream bowls he makes his way out. Khushi falls on the bed, cuddles the pillows and weeps silently. He broke her heart today. She will never forgive him. Wish she could rewind her life and take off his existence from it.


It was a bad day and it couldn’t get worse when she heard her phone ringing constantly. She was still sobbing under the pillows, hiding her face from the world outside who would call her a fool for wasting her important years of life in dreaming about the man who never cared for her love. The phone bell keeps ringing, forcing her to check the caller id. Arnav? Every time he tries to contact her, gives her a slightest hope that he has made up his mind. But tonight, she has lost all her hopes of their togetherness. He never loved her.. he never will. She disconnects his call. Within the next few seconds, her phone rings again, annoying her even more. She disconnects it again. After repeating the same thrice, she decides to finally answer and shut him off completely. She picks the next call.

“I am not interested in talking to you. Stop bothering me by your phone calls” she sounds disappointed and angered on him.
“Khushi.. Meet me once. I am waiting for you outside your apartment. Come down”

It shocks her. He is here? Why? Did he get to know what happened in the office? Is that why he is here?

“Return back to your family, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. I said I am not interested in having any conversation with you”

Her frustration is justified but he wouldn’t back down now.

“Come in 5 minutes or else I am ringing your doorbell. Choice is yours” he disconnects the call.
He would do that? Does he have that guts to ring her doorbell, face her father and speak before him whatever he has in his heart? Will he do that? No!! Not because he lacks that spine but because he loves his adoptive parents too much to disrespect their wishes. He will always hide his feelings, his pain, his likes for their convenience. And she hates that part of him the most.

She takes another minute to think what she has to do and then draping a shawl over her upper body, to cover herself from the extreme cold outside, she makes her way out.


He is standing by his parked car, on the other side of the road, which is deserted from vehicles and people, especially at this hour. A safe place for a secret talk, isn’t it? She groans at herself for even having that 0.00001 percent chance that he would have rung their doorbell. He wouldn’t!! She crosses the road and strides towards him. His eyes dart into hers with pain and longing, both. While hers, with dejection and frustration.

“You better have a strong reason to call me here at this hour. I don’t want your family to accuse me of being an opportunist now” she barks.

His face is thick with tension.
“You are quitting the job?” he silently asks.
“Yes” she replies confidently.
“You are running away? What happened to your fighting spirit?”
“You have no rights to ask me that” she growls back. “What do you expect? I should quietly suffer while your family and fiancée insult me?”
“You know I would never want that” he admits.
“I know exactly what you want Arnav Singh Raizada and that doesn’t include me.”
“I don’t want you to make any assumptions about my motives” he snaps.
“Yea, I shouldn’t. Because these assumptions have now been confirmed” she controls her tears because she wants to talk.. not weep before him and show her weakness. “You paid for my sponsorship?”

Out of all the topics already oscillating between the two, this was the last one he had expected them to discuss.
“We have enough mess to clear already, that being the last” he answers.
“Last?” she scoffs. “What the hell do you think of yourself. You were so tired of me that you literally paid to push me away forever?” she hits his chest angrily. He steps back. She is hurt and he dislikes seeing her grief-stricken. “Why dammit?” she hits him again. The third time she tries to do that, he holds her wrist and pins her to the car behind.
“I paid to give you a better life” he groans.
“Who are you to decide what suits me better? You are not my Godfather Arnav Singh Raizada. You have messed my life enough. Don’t ruin it any further”
“I messed with your life?” he snaps. “What are you doing with it then? Dad asked a proof that you would stay away from me and you gave him a bulshit excuse of marrying Akash? That too as soon as possible? How sick is that Khushi Gupta? You are playing with your life this time, not me”
“My life.. I will see what I have to do with it. I marry Akash.. have kids with him.. shift to London forever.. tumhe kya faraq padta hai?” (Why do you care?)
“Faraq padta hai dammit” he shouts at the top of his voice. ( I do care Dammit)
“Kyon? Kyon faraq padta hai?” (Why? Why do you care?)
“Kyon ki main tumse.. P…” he pauses (Because I.. )

The pause in his words make their hearts beat frantically. But when he doesn’t complete it, Khushi passes a mocking smile.
“You cannot admit it, Arnav. You cannot!!” she shrugs his arms and pushes him away.

Arnav looks down, feeling terrible for himself. Just three words, that’s all he has to say to stop her from whatever she is going through. And he cannot do that?

“Get back to your life.. your parents.. your fiancée. .Thats what suits you.. And consider this as our last personal meet. I have nothing to do with you or your family on a personal level henceforth.”

She walks off and he tries to stop her. The Shawl she is wearing is all he could get a grip off as she strides back to her apartment gates without it. Arnav fists his fingers, grabbing her shawl to his heart.


When Khushi pushes the door open to get inside, she sees her father standing right before her, looking stunned.

“Where had you been?” he painfully asks.

Khushi goes speechless for a minute, fishing for a reply which can remove all doubts from her father’s head but before she could find any, he blurts out what he saw.

“What was Arnav Singh Raizada doing here? At this hour?”
Khushi skips a heartbeat. That means he saw. Her father saw them talking.. No.. Correction.. He saw that arguing.. fighting.. pinning and pushing. Shashi takes a step towards a frozen Khushi and grips her forearms.
“Since when is this going on?” he asks in a hard tone.
“No” she denies. “There is nothing between us, Dad. It never was. I saw things which he never did.. And now I do realize I was wrong. There is nothing between  us anymore.. I promise”

Tears gush out from her eyes. Shashi embraces her, his eyes wet with similar tears. He never knew his daughter was in love.. One-sided love. Wish he could share her pain.. reduce it and make her strong to face a new life again.

To be Continued.


To Read He Loves Me Not from the Start. Click HERE

Books by Madhuri Tamse





  1. please try to update next part soon.. why arnav cannot accept his love nd finish all the problems. poor khushi... arnav is hurting her and lso himself... waiting for next....

  2. God I thought arnav will confess his love when I’m seeing his anger when he heard about office issue .
    According to me Khushi don’t forgive easily in future . Bcz of arnav’s love for his adoptive parents he tortured Khushi and Khushi go through humiliation , betrayal and heart broken all poor soul .
    Now let’s see Raizada’s and Mathur’s Dramas 🙄
    Waiting for next update dear. I’m really like to see arnav repenting to earn Khushi’s love back in future

  3. Desperately waiting for next update!!!! Update this only tomorrow also🤭

  4. Still messy. Arnav is still indecisive of what he wants & what he has to do. Things are getting more complicated & it will be worse once Revathi & Sheetal gets involved. It's high time Arnav has to take a stand rather than waiting foir situations to arise to get him out of the mess.

  5. Oh god why is arnav like this. I'm in love with this Shashi. The way he understood his daughter's love instaed of getting angry is really commendable. I think he should immediately resign. These raizada doesn't deserve people like Gupta. Selfish people. AYUSH may be good but looking at current situation I'm not liking how he is handling things. Aww my poor khusi had to bear so much. Loving someone is costing her so much. Why don't you send her to London away from all the trouble. Let arnav suffer too. Ok he is suffering but what could we do if he is hell bent on moving that way.

    How I wish I could read this only.
    Koi nai hum intajar karenge.
    What will you update next.

  6. Wonderfully written.The secret is uncovering finally.Khushi is very clear about what she wants,her love for Arnav,but what is Arnav doing is unfathomable.
    1.He loved her secretly and sends her abroad to keep the Raizada's happy.
    2.khushi returns and makes him realize his love for her,but he pushes her away this time even to the point of hurting her and making her back off.
    3.After the latest happenings at Office and Shantivan he's coming out in the open.
    How is he going to confront everyone?
    Khushi has backed off now he will be the one after her and she will be the one reminding him that he's indebted to the Raizada's for whatever he is?
    What a mess.Feel pity for khushi.

  7. No words to describe this FF on the whole. Beautiful, awesome update

  8. What an emotional Update...Feeling bad for Khushi...And Arnav what is he waiting for to say those three words...Waiting for Next Part...

  9. Arnav sirf Kuch pal k liye impulsive ho Gaya a way it is good he didn't confess his feelings before clearing other commitments to Khushi as it would've given her hopes again...Shashi Gupta is a wonderful father , thanks for the great update...

  10. Nice update.....waiting when arnav vll confess his love.....eagerly waiting for next update

  11. Awesome part arnavjii I want to curse him how much he punish her and himself in theprocess of making their adoptive parents happy it's so painful to see the two people who loves each other but didn't joint together

  12. Awesome superb excellent amazing arnav deserve this only

  13. Shashi understood his daughter and didn't question back. This is the meaning of a real parent children bond. Isn't it? However their relationship is they will forget when the time comes and forget the past. If they don't consider that relationship with their heart they will always remind it with the favours they have done.
    Anyway I never had hopes from arnav. He still doesn't have that strength. He wanted to stop khushi that's why he came. Not because he wanted to confess her. First he wanted to clear the mess. Khushis love is really strong and she will do anything for her love when compared to arnavs love. Does he even love her? Good that khushi came to know about sponsorship. I really wish that someday they could pay it. But if it's arnavs money he won't take it. And Shashi took the right decision about resigning from the company. I don't think ayush will want him to resign but it will protect his dignity. And we still don't know how will ayush react with Shashi. So it's better to resign.

    I really don't wish to see arshi separating in any story but here, I feel like khushi should go now. I mean to London. They were not in a relationship and there's no chance of having one at the moment until arnav get a grip on the situation. Till then khushi should go back.
    I won't mind if you post the next part again as back to back updates. If it's playing on television it will get the highest trp sis. Story is on its peak at the moment. Hope to read the next chapter soon. 😍😍😍

  14. What an update.. Wonderful one.. hope Arnav realize his feelings for khushi..My favourite ff.. Update soon..I can't wait 😍

  15. Awesome Update. Shashi Gupta and Khushi's bonding is the best part of the story both have an ideal father daughter relationship. His resignation is not shocking after how the Raizada's treat them . Khushi got to know about her sponsorship now she will back of herself. This rich people have small mindset. No wonder Khushi is devastated . Arnav don't know the worth of Khushi if he could have accepted his love all problems would have resolved. He also knows he loves Khushi but still can't take a stand for himself. Khushi's viewpoint about Arnav is totally correct. I love the Farak Padta hai sequence this phrase of Ipkknd is iconic and as usual Arnav couldn't complete it. Love the way you use Ipkknd epic phrase in the story. Khushi should go back to London and live her life without wasting time on Arnav. Distance is sometimes necessary in a relationship.

  16. Lovely update. Waiting for next part 😊😍

  17. Very INTERESTING story.💕💕💕

  18. Made me cry such an emotional update

  19. Awesome update..wish arnav could speak out his heart..can't wait for the next update

  20. Please make khushi engaged to akash.. Enough of pleading to arnav.. He doesn't deserve her. Let him plead and cry now. If khushi still gives him a soft corner now then she's a fool

  21. Really wish Khushi should get engaged to Akash n go back to London...

  22. Loved the update. Arnav got no guts to stand up against anyone. Such a coward. Hope Aman intervene in this matter for he prefers Khushi and Arnav to be together.

  23. In the beginning I found Khushi too much to handle so I almost stopped reading this story but then again thought to give it a try and trust me it was worthy enough... Last few chapters have been so interesting and I slowly fell in love with the story.It's awesome n Keep going. N plz post next part ASAP !!

    1. I know there were few more readers who told me they didn't like the way Khushi is portrayed and how the story had started. But as is.. a fiction develops slowly. It's hard to judge which route it takes.

    2. MADHUUUUU I have always loved this FF from the 1st prologue it is one of my favourite i wish if u could keep posting ds ff only

  24. I so knew it that he will never speak his khushi realized how foolish she was to run behind this guy...Now she needs to go's not running's just she is too broken now and she needs to sort it out.....I desperately want Akash to be with her but only as a friend because she needs a friend now...Shashi understands his daughter but she can't discuss this with her father...

  25. Lovely & emotional
    Good. Shashi should resign.

  26. best use f wrdss fff.... Awsm.,emotionl, beautful..............

  27. very emotional part. can't wait to read the next part.please post its next part ASAP..

  28. What an update..i am litterly feeling their pain. Too good ..speechless..
    Shashi is wonderful as a father..khushi is lucky to have a father like him..
    So much pain they arnav and khushi are undergoing..hope arnav will accept his feelings soon. I think aayush should be the one to reunite this two.

  29. Emotional update di hope u update this story tommorrw.awesome👏👏👏👏eagerly eating for next part

  30. Sry typo mistake. eagerly waiting for next part

  31. Khusi don't hurry with your decision to marry akash I m sure you don't want to hurt akash in future

  32. The update was amazing......
    It's high tym dat arnuv stands fr khushi and his relationship....
    Hes so possessive fr khushi dat he cannot see her with Akash.... silently hes making khushi his by upgrading her education....
    Hes so insane dat hes either not accepting his relationsip and accept khushi nor hes letting her to be free so dat she can marry Akash...
    Hes in pain and gvng pain to khushi...
    He even cant stand dat khushi will leave and go....

    It's high tym dat he accept his relationship with khushi and bashes sheetal.....and hope Revati understand his son.....

    I think fr khushi... I m feel dat it's better dat shashi should gv his resignation cz he was brutally insulted....
    I think khushi should slowly and gradually start paying the debts back to Raizadas.... cz shes enough educated to earn lump sums amount.....

    MADHUUUUU if I say u something den u will carry a Cane and run behind me to beat.....🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
    The request was to plz update chapter 25🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

    Anyway Madhu thanks a lot swthrt for updating back to back....

    Earnestly a request....
    When u will brk the ice ( maha update when khushi marries to Arnuv)

    A request plzzzzz update the story back to back at dat tym..... plzzzzz

    Do reply

    1. MADHUUUUU seriously speaking dear I have fallen in love with ds FF right from the prologue

      I always wish kash.... u only keep updating this ff I would be happy..... and every day I keep reading and reading over and over again...

  33. Shashi is such an understanding and caring father he is..

  34. Lovely does that mean Khushi slept with Arnav that night??? On his birthday?? If yes...Then why wouldnt she expected more from him...poor Khushi

  35. updated very emotional but the hero was Sashi Gupta, what a wonderful father and I fully approve his decision to resign. I really hope that Gupta will get out of this situation without being degraded by these rich idiots. Ayush has really disappointed Sashi, he will see maybe until Sashi is ready to go for his daughter and will understand what he and his wife have failed to Arnav, their son. please do not let Khushi or Gupta be forced to return favors to Raizadas or Mathurs.

  36. Khushi should really stop hurting herself for that worthless raizadas

  37. I really don't have much hope from Arnav. Let's see what happens now.

  38. Loved it.. sooo ���� i loved shashi ��

  39. I thought arnav will lash out on sheetal but he is not doing anything

  40. It's good that shashi is still supporting his daughter, I was afraid of his reaction

  41. Wonderful .....loved it ............

  42. Wow khushi seems to have lost all hope on arnav. His parked spot, him unable to say ILY to her. Any girl would feel the same. Good move to resign by both. The raizadas dont deserve them. They can relocate to London for abit. Happy that shashi understood khushi so well. I hope there is no marriage with akash tho

  43. More than Khushi feel bad for Arnav as Khushi have a very good father but Arnav have no one but only aman, who also is angry with him.. loved the update..

  44. That was one if a update where u r on edge , mist if the people are bashing arnavhere but please guys try to understand him from his point of view … he loves khushi more than anything but just see from his side ( being orphan and then someone gives you shelter it’s very natural you feel obligated) but I m sure now that things are different and khushi is as much hurt as him yes little distance will shape a lot of unsaid things between them … but I m sure after khushi leave now we will see Arnav who will be a just robot working … please madhu distance is ok but Arshi are forever … I want to see akash and aman be her side as friends ( aman bcoz in this way someone will be there to handle their distance) shashi is a great father

  45. Disappointed in arnav I at least hoped that he at least confess his love to khushi but he is a coward litterly how could he just see her in her father is also in pain and this is what she didn't want she tried but nevertheless her pain reached her father which she never wanted and all bcoz of just 1 person "ARNAV"

  46. 1. Arnav is coward, spineless and yet cute 😭
    2. Khushi should leave him, for the time being..
    3 "mission impressing khushi" should start, and helping him should be ayush and arnav. 😞
    4. Shashi should throw a chappal on arnav if he comes to him, seeking help 😡
    5. I won't mind if akash takes part in this rescue mission. Hehe
    6. If revati continues being revati, and sheetal continues being sheetal, both should recieve thappads from ayush and aman respectively 🙄😏
    7. It should cost arnav (khushi's sorrow * 2) before he gets forgiveness 😡 I am so pissed at him.
    8. Cherry on the top if Arnav screams at revati 😍 (I know silly wish it is though)

  47. Oh yes, I love Shashi for understanding her daughter. ❤️

  48. And last,I wish Ayush equally understands his son, and atleast now stop thinking about Sheetal or mathurs.

  49. 1 If ayush is supporting Arnuv den it's the best part....
    2.But sheetal the bitch needs to learn a lesson..... and only Arnuv Ayush and Aman can teach them a strong lesson... I want arnuv in ASR form to teach Sheetal a lesson
    3. Revati seriously needs a logical thinking and she should be mother to arnuv to understand him through her deeds and actions .... and she should stop being a acting mother who is lest bothered fr his son..... she should understand her son and find hs son happiness
    4. I think khushi should avoid arnuv fr tym being hope then arnuv will feel the same pain dat khushi have gone thru.....
    5. It will only happen if khushi leaves fr London without the prior notice to raizadas and I want to see raizadas especially Arnuv in shock if he comes to know that khushi have left fr London without hs notice....
    Plzzz madhu accept this suggestion

  50. Amazing update dear ...
    Even though everyone are giving suggestions I will say 'you know the best '.so just move with whatever you have planned and I believe that It will be rocking ....

  51. Madhu what exactly happened that night? Please disclose that .. did arnav and Khushi consummated their love ?

  52. Arnav is still not ready to accept the situation...he is going to repent badly and i will love to read that part

  53. Read it from the first today as couldn't come online for a long time. I absolutely loved the way this story is being carved. It is so intriguing. Beautifully weaved story. Hope arnav gets a spine soon. I love khushi's courage. She shouldn't break


  54. Good that Revati and Shashi Gupta had got an idea abt the Mess!
    Its better that Arshi gets seperated at this moment.
    Arnav cant tolerate even a small bad uttered by Khushi against his parents who had adopted him.Though he knew abt their attitude and character very well, he is and would be thinking abt their gesture of them giving a name n life to him.
    Similarly, Khushi wont tolerate the Raizadas ignoring the wishes of their so called obedient son.
    There would be meaningless fights if Arshi gets married now.
    Instead they should know abt the real motive of Sheetal now.
    And Revathi Raizada should know that Arnav wants a simple, Loving partner who would accept him as he is and not as a Raizada heir.

  55. The story is getting interesting as well as stressful. The only selfless thing that is in the story is Shashi's love for his daughter. I would've kept Aman and Arnav's relationship as well, however, despite knowing his sister is not good for Arnav, he Doesn't oppose the relationship infront of elders. That being saying that somewhere he is also thinking about his sister. Though its not selfishness, but he is not totaly loyal to his friend either.!!!
    I know its totally Arnav's fault that he wants to marry sheetal!! But despite knowing sheetal's characteristics Aman didn't confront his friend about that.

  56. What the hell happened that night that big which changed her whole life

  57. Awesome.....I thought Arnav will confess his love for her....but I think he is blinded with his parents love. I really respect Shashi’s decision.....he should give his resignation before Sheetal do some more harm in their lives.

  58. Awesome.. Still Arnav didn’t has the gut to confess.. He is waiting for what

  59. Awesome update and I hope you make Khushi to pay whatever Arnav sponsored for her study.Hope to have some leap period her by Khushi going to London. Please don't make Khushi character to do anything for Arnav due to love for him.there is always a limit in every relationship and I think Khushi now makes right decision to go back to London and earn.

  60. Very heart breaking scene...what on the Earth he is waiting for...he shouldn’t have get her shawl also 😏.
    I truly think khushi should take a wise decision and go back to London and become successful in her life and returns the favours of so called Raizada by paying on his face. 😏😕🙁😐

  61. Even Akash is known person for mathurs then how come Khushi agreed to marry him? I think Khushi should go back to London before that she has to repay her loan may be from the money she got for that software development.. and by selling some property if they have any .. hope here Shashi understand her situation and don't question her more.. Shashi should resign soon and not to listen Ayush words ..
    Arnav should break his engagement with Sheetal.. but Khushi or her family should not know about that.. and Arnav should get to know Khushi got engaged.. let's see how Arnav ll make Khushi fall for him again.. waiting to read the flashback..

  62. Pls make Khushi go away to London! Pretty pls! I'm serious. She's suffered enough at these fools hands. She deserves better.

    I hope he repents now at least.


  63. Oh my, it's so sad and Khushi in so much pain. Her life is such a mess. Awesome update

  64. Painful and messy update 😢😰 shashi is such an great and understanding father 😍❤i like khushi and shashi bond alot its like a blessing for khushi to have such a Best father 😍❤👌 ...i agree with Dis_arshi totally and i to think arnav has not importance of khushi in his life that y he cannot fight back for khushi and the love for her beczs he loves and repects his adopted parents alot more than khushi i like and know that khushi has got to know abt sponsorship that arnav have paid it has hurted her and broken her from inside and she has lost all the hope and love to for arnav and know i think khushi should again go to london and become successful and return there money and should all call his father and buaji to stay in london only .... Distance make things better sometimes ... Like wedlock ... And to wish shashi should resign ayush should know shashi's worth and wat to see will arnav do now ?? Have no high hope abt him but still wat to know it asap ...

  65. Woah ....finally Shashi knows the truth ..I thought he will get angry when he knows but he is so understanding yar. He supported Khushi in this too ...nd Arnav is giving no reason to like him. He had the opportunity but again he didn't make any use of it.
