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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

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He Loves Me Not - Part 27


Chapter 27


Revati drops the cup of Coffee from her hand as she hears her husband mentioning about Arnav and Sheetal’s breakup.

“What? Arnav broke the engagement?” she asks again to be sure she heard the right.

Ayush holds her hand and draws her away from the broken mug on the floor.
“Sit here” he insists.
“Ayush” she shrugs. “Why would he do that?”
“There was no match Revati” Ayush explains. “We have seen how distant he had become to Sheetal after the engagement. They were good friends but that doesn’t mean they can be a good couple as well”

“Don’t give me excuses Ayush. You have always put his mistakes behind. But not today. I will talk to him and see what went wrong. We cannot sit and watch them part ways”
“Revati” Ayush grips her forearms, stopping her from making any move.
“It’s no use. The damage is done. If you really want to do anything then support him.”

That infuriates her.
“Support him?” she scoffs. “You are talking as if he did something great”
“This is the first time he is doing something for his own self, Revati. And I am going to support him for that, doesn’t matter if you join us or not”

Revati is stunned at her husband’s resolve.

“You are talking as if he has fed your ears against me” she shouts.

Ayush is confused why would she say that?

“Arnav has never spoke a single word against you. We are his parents and he has always been a dutiful son, hasn’t he? Why do you think he will ever speak against you?”

That zips her lips. She doesn’t know what argument Sheetal and Arnav had when they broke ties. If Sheetal had told him anything about Revati’s interest in becoming the President of the Club.

“Nothing” she shrugs completely from Ayush’s hold. “It will take time for me to absorb this breakup”
“Yea, for me too. But we both have to stand with him. I am going to meet Raj now. Arnav wants to apologize to the Mathurs and he has every right to do so.”

Revati weakly nods.
“I would have come along but..”
“No” Ayush denies. “Me and Arnav will handle this. You don’t need to come”
“Thanks” she murmurs and makes her way out.

Ayush knows his wife. She is not very good in terms of apologies. And it is great if she doesn’t join them because that might put Arnav in an uncomfortable zone if Raj Mathur or Sheetal speaks ill to Revati. Arnav can sustain anything but seeing his parents being disregarded.


Mathur House 

“Enough is enough Ayush” Raj Mathur shouts at his best friend. “What have you and your son thought about us? I had so much hopes from Arnav and look what has he done? I don’t understand why he backed off now? What wrong has my daughter done to get his denial?”

Arnav realizes Sheetal hasn’t informed her father about his love for Khushi. He thought that would be the first she would broadcast.

“There is nothing wrong in Sheetal, Uncle” Arnav interrupts. “I don’t think she will be happy if she marries me. I don’t see her more than a friend”
“Oh really?” Raj shouts back. “Where were these views when you exchanged rings with her? We had given you enough time to think about this relationship, didn’t we? Why did you conclude she is incompatible to you now? Why not before? The entire country knows you both are engaged. The media is going to mess over too”
“Raj” Ayush intervenes. “The media will take the footage for some time and then it will all be over”
“Over for you, Ayush. What about my daughter? She is heartbroken”

Arnav and Ayush have no reply to that but someone else has.

“Heartbroken women don’t go to salon the next day of her breakup dad” Aman Mathur enters the living room. It’s almost late morning and Arnav had no clue he was home too.

Raj gives his son a sarcastic stare.

“What rubbish are you talking, Aman?” he shouts.
“I am talking a valid point Dad. Sheetal is not broken, she is strong and she knows how to handle her life. I met her before she left for the Salon today. She was upset last night but today I didn’t find her shedding a single tear. I have spoken to her and she is already over this”

Raj becomes quiet. Arnav cannot believe Sheetal left this matter so easily. She was in revengeful mood yesterday.

“I was already sensing their distances Dad and had advised Arnav to take a decision sooner than later. I am glad he showed that strength” Aman exhales.

Arnav smiles weakly at Aman for still standing by him.
“You knew it? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I wanted them to tell you. They are a mature couple Dad, they know what they are doing. And don’t think your daughter is any naïve. If she has taken it up so positively it is only because Arnav told her about his disinterest in Raizada’s property and company shares”

Raj Mathur is shocked. Ayush himself didn’t know Arnav discussed this matter with Sheetal last night.

“What? Is this true, Ayush?” Raj asks him.
“Yes, Arnav has cleared me and Revati on this much earlier and however hard I have tried to convince him on this, he hasn’t changed his will. But does that even matter? I thought Sheetal is genuinely in love with Arnav.”

Raj swallows hard. However hard he tries to fight for his daughter’s side, he knows Sheetal cannot lead her life without luxury. Arnav comes ahead to Raj and holds his hand.

“I would have given Sheetal the entire world if she wanted, I believe in my capabilities to let that happen. But this is not the only reason why I chose to reject her as my life partner. If I had married her and then realized my fault, it would be a terrible disaster. We would both end up unhappy with each other and it would hurt us both for the rest of our lives Uncle.”

Raj nods. He can now sense the consequences of it had Arnav not broke things now but later.

“Whatever it is” Raj exhales harshly. “I don’t think I can forget all this so easily. Best of luck Arnav for whatever you desire to do in the future. That’s all I can say for now”

Arnav puts a smile on his face. The matter didn’t go out of hand as he had feared it would. Ayush sighs in relief and thanks Aman and Raj for understanding and taking it positively.


Arnav and Ayush head back to Office. While they are in the car, Ayush decides to talk with Arnav on the next important matter; the sole reason why Arnav broke up his engagement.

“Have you talked to Khushi?” Ayush asks his son who is driving the car.

Arnav recalls the last night when he had been to Khushi’s place but couldn’t get the guts to step in her home and inform her that he broke up with Sheetal. He didn’t want her to think that because he has left Sheetal now, he wants Khushi in his life. That would be a mistake. He has hurt her badly, now its time he woes her.

“No, not yet” he replies, changing the gear.
“Why not?” Ayush snaps. “This is the right time she knows you have taken such a huge step for her”
“No Dad” he keeps rejecting the idea. “I have to ask forgiveness from her as well. Putting forth a proposal directly would be a mistake and injustice on her”

Ayush now apprehends his son’s point.

“You have to do something soon but. Shashi has already put his papers and Khushi is off the company too”
Arnav turns his head to watch Ayush.
“What do you mean she is off the company? Next week is her last. Dad”
“She preponed her last date in office. She finished all her duties, handed over the work and responsibilities to the team she was training and yesterday was her last day at AR. She is not coming from today”

Arnav grips the wheel of the car. Last day? And he wasn’t made aware of it? Why? It is his mistake again that he didn’t keep a tab on Khushi’s professional commitments ever since he got tangled with breaking up first with Sheetal. He missed speaking to Khushi? Doesn’t matter, he will call her the first thing he reaches his cabin.


As soon as they reach AR office, the media and cameras surround them.

“ASR.. we heard you broke your engagement with Miss. Mathur. Is that true?” one of the reporters ask.

Arnav feels unprepared to share it yet with the outsiders, especially when his hands and heads are full with other issues. He keeps pushing the crowd and walks inside with Ayush. None of the two address the media. The guards secure them and walk them in the Office.

“How did the media get to know this so early? We have just spoke to Raj an hour ago. Do you think Raj did all of this?” Ayush asks his son who clearly denies.
“Probably Sheetal. She is not going to take it easily even if her father and brother supports us”
“Women” Ayush mutters in frustration. “I will try to talk to Sheetal and make her stop blazing the flames in the media like this”
“No Dad. I will settle this matter. You don’t have to get into it anymore”

Ayush nods and strides in his cabin. Arnav dials Khushi’s number. If the media has already leaked the matter out, Khushi must have got to know it too. Khushi’s number is unreachable. Why? He keeps trying for the next 30 minutes.

“Sir” Pam knocks the cabin door and comes inside with an envelope. “Khushi asked me to give this to you”

She keeps it on the table. Arnav instantly opens it up and finds the cheque.

“When did she give you this?” he angrily asks Pam.
“Uhh.. last evening Sir”
Arnav fists his fingers and bangs on his desk.
“And you are giving me now?”

Pam fears his sudden change in the mood.

“Sir. Uhh.. you… were .. busy that time and I”
“get out”

Pam feels threatened. Arnav Singh Raizada has never lost his cool like that ever on his staff. What’s wrong? She quietly slips out. Arnav keeps the cheque back on the table. She wants to settle the amount he paid for her sponsorship? That’s why whatever money she received from her software, she paid it fully back to them, not even took a penny out of it. He picks his intercom and speaks to Pam again.

“Is Shashi Gupta at office yet?”
“Yes Sir, he is in his cabin”

Arnav drops the phone and heads out.

Shashi is not very surprised to see Arnav barging in his cabin.

“Where is Khushi?” Arnav stands opposite to Shashi’s desk. Shashi stands up.
“You can tell me whatever you wish to speak to her. She is not available to talk to you anymore”
“I asked you a simple question, where is Khushi?” Arnav tries to control his tone but fails. He has never spoken so harsh with his elders before and the least he expected to be so impolite with Khushi’s father. But the situation demands him to be so. Khushi’s number is unreachable and Shashi Gupta is not even ready to share her whereabouts.
“I don’t think you should know where she is and what her future plans are. Her tenure here is over. She isn’t responsible to this office or the people here anymore”

Shashi’s reply infuriates him.

“Let me decide why she is so important to me right now, Mr. Gupta. Please tell me where she is. I need to talk to her”
“You cannot”
“Because she doesn’t want to meet you again. And being her father, I would warn you the same. Free my daughter, please. It’s a request” Shashi literally joins his palms to plead which doesn’t go well with Arnav again. He stops Shashi from continuing to plead like that.
“I love your daughter, Mr. Gupta. I hope this is enough to let you tell me where she is.”

Shashi’s jaw drops. Did he really say that?

To be Continued.


To Read He Loves Me Not from the Start. Click HERE



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A very short and delayed update:(

  3. Awesome Update. Arnav finally confess his love for Khushi that too infront of Shashi Gupta. Better late than never. Arnav has finally realised Khushi's importance in his life. Revati is a very selfish lady to even doubt Arnav. Now will Shashi Gupta let Arnav know Khushi's location. Thank you for the update.

  4. This update is ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    I don't think Sheetal will leave thus matter so easily.. Nope.. Nada.. Nkt possible. She'll cone back I'm sure.
    Anyway loved this updatw madhu. Was waiting for the update since long.

    If possible, please update a little tomorrow too.

  5. Thank God he confessed.... Madhu it's not fair... Please update the next part of this ff tomorrow....

  6. Hi Madhu,
    Nice update. Finally Arnav got the guts to spill the beans. Looking into arnav's point of view, he is right in fulfilling his adopted parents' wish. But this is not the simple thing, it is the life of all the three . If he didn't take this step today, he will regret later. And everyone's life will be messed up. Glad he is acting according to his wish now. Khushi shouldn't forgive easily though. Arnav has to earn her forgiveness. Don't know what revati and Sheetal do in the future. Not all the parents love their adoptive children genuinely. But seeing Arnav character here, it is hard not to love him. Revati has some issues with Arnav , don't know what was that. May be her high class society mind. Aman has been a good friend for Arnav. I like Aman here a lot. So it is a lovely update. You are such an amazing writer Madhu. Great work :)

    Of course the delay in update frustrate us. But you also have a life, work and all. So I understand. What my humble request is don't quit writing or discontinue any stories. Ur work is marvellous. We enjoy reading Ur work. Thank you.
    By pinky.

    1. Pinky, quitting writing is not even the last thing in my mind. :)

    2. Glad to hear that Madhu, It's my pleasure reading Ur stories. Take care. Pinky.

  7. Great update.I knew the business side will be taken care and revati is a hopeless case.It's going to take her a long time to accept the fact and stand by Arnav.Loved Arnav's restlessness in looking for khushi.please madhu update the next part tomorrow.

  8. I really hope shashi give a slap to arnav I'm not liking over cool arnav he loses his patience with only khushi in this ff and for everybody he is so kind

  9. Okay so from 3 parts we haven't seen arshi face off.. Can we expect it in the next part please

  10. Awesome … I knew aman will support him and he did now sheetal can play all games Arnav will tackle her with aman help … revithi is no good mother only ayush is the one who takes Arnav as his son … and finally Arnav confession is cherry on the cake … I hope he can make shashi help him win khushi and can convince him that he will never hurt her … please update next tomorrow

  11. Wow amazing ... can’t wait to see what happens and where khushi is ... Im looking forward to seeing some arshi moments di ... thank you ...

  12. This is my most favorite story currently though all are fabulous but I don’t know this one makes me feel like you have pleasure but with pain … you are blessed madhu great expression in your work

  13. I hope sheetal will be a minor character after this. I mean even if she trouble them n create problem she shouldn't get a big space in the story. She will do something but she was not right for stand up against arnav.
    So Now arnav is going to taste his own medicine. Even if Shashi tells him what can he do now? Will he fly to London? It will confuse revati too. And I still don't like revati. Good one. And thank god arnav got the cheque.

  14. Loved the entire update very eager to know shashis reply

  15. Arnav hurt Khushi little more just to keep their adoptive parents happy . After giving hope to one girl and pushing her and her love , it’s too much to bear so He need to work hard to win Khushi . I thought I can get to know whether Khushi will go to London or not but in this update . Hope you update soon
    Waiting for next update dear

  16. Love it.
    As said, it is time for ASR to chase kkg.

  17. Awesome as always please update today

  18. Madhu post the next part tomorrow please? It was a short update and you left it right after the precap part :(

  19. I always knew that Aman will support Arnav and I also know sheetal wnt leave this matter soon.. Anyway Arnav confessed his feelings for khushi to shashi but I think she already left for london

  20. Awsome.. Please give the next part

  21. Loved it..can't wait for the next update...

  22. Interesting....loved it arnav taking the stand now

  23. Interesting !! Pls give next part as well

  24. Oh my god did he really say that 😄 that too before Shashi! Well done, man! Finally ASR is in action. Though Revati and Sheetal won't sit quiet, hope Arnav will be able to win Khushi against all odds.

    S. Anni

  25. arnav finally did it. I like aman here. Revati as usual self centred . Sheetal will do something big. Asr what u will do now? khushi gone

  26. I think sheetal is planning something big not to win Arnav but to take revenge ....hope Arnav's mom see the true colours of sheetal .Ayush is a sensible and good father ....
    Now Arnav run behind khushi ,serves you right 😀😀😀

  27. Amazing...loved Arnav confessing to Shashi about loving his daughter. I think this will be enough for him to tell about his daughter plans

  28. Wow SUPERB UPDATE...Revati is so selfish...Atleast Ayush is supporting Arnav here unlike his so called mother...Finally Arnav said it that he Love Khushi...But am sure Shashi will still not share Khushi whereabout with him which fair...Arnav will have to work hard now to WIN his LOVE Khushi back and also protect her from that sheetal...Waiting for Next Part...

  29. feels like Arnav will get his ASR mode with Khushi leaving. He already showed a few times how angry he gets. I hope it gets unleashed to revati and sheetal one day.

  30. Nice update finally he confessed his love and that too in front of her father and ayush support his son what will be the next move from revathi waiting because this lady is not sit quiet

  31. Amazing update 💗 Pls update next part tomorrow​

  32. I hate villains, who don't let you live your life simply. Animals are lucky than we are they don't cause mental pain, don't abuse physically and sexually. Human beings with got gifted brain, consince does. I hate all the negetive people in my life. I just wish I have a better father and mother with no relatives and two sets of maternal and paternal healthy grand parents. Sorry for the rant Madhu my lives sucks and this story is quite depressive Arnav was like a puppet in the hands of his foster parents how suffocating can it be. This character of arnav is so me in real life. I am glad atleast he standing and living for himself now. He was indebted by his foster parents. It's a relief that his father is understanding him and supporting him. Some people are not lucky in real life.

  33. Finally arnav has confessed his love for kushi. But we can't predict kushis actions because she is a wounded lion now

  34. Finally Arnav confessed and that too before her father ....but I still think sashi won't give full whereabout of Khushi ....what problem does revati has ? Y isn't she behaving like a mother. No matter he is adopted but still he lived with them from so many years ...not at least once she felt that motherly love for him?? All in all a beautiful update but a short one and you left a cliffhanger ....I wanted to read more .plz update next part today itself.

  35. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  36. Very short update yaar... bhuk nehi miti .. plz 1 more longggg update..

  37. Awesome superb excellent amazing finally arnav said it

  38. Plss give another update f this ff... Plz....if posibl then only😊

  39. Oh never thought evrything will be sorted so easily with his father,mother,Mathur and also Sheetal. much waited update and it was awesome and finally Arnav said it.

  40. I loveeeeee u Madhuuuuu for a wonderful fabulous marvellous update......

    1.I just loved the reaction of Arnuv wen he receives the envelope

    2. I loved the way he had courage up all the guts and told hs father in law about his feelings for khushi...

    3. I loved the way how Aman stood up fr Arnuv

    4.i realy liked ayush being sensible and making revati to understand that she should support arnuv....

    5. I THINK SHEETAL the bitch will tell Revati about khushi arnuv relationship... I hope revati does not create drama... she should stand fr her son she should be aware by now dat Sheetal us only fr money

    It will be enjoyable to see Arnuv reaction when he will come to know dat khushi flew away to London.... the bird flew away ab kya karega Arnuv

    2.. hope khushi and akash be to gether... den it will be enjoyable to see Arnuv reaction... and possessiveness fr khushi

    a LOVER
    C ASR MODE...



  41. He admitted it and professed it as well! Took him a while though! I hope she's already across the sea. It's his time to yearn for love. Cheers

  42. Awesome update. Finally he took a right decision. And it didn't make a huge issue as of now. Expected a lot of drama from Sheetal and Revathy Raizada and from Mathur's too. But the situation was not that bad. I hope nobody is going to make an issue about this anymore or will Sheetal do???🤔. And didn't expect his sudden confession to Mr Shashi Gupta. But it's too late right? He has a long way to go to win his Khushi back. Hope he's on his way to win her back.
    Did she left to London already???
    Waiting to know how he's going to win her back.
    Thanks for back to back updates😊😊😊

  43. Lovely chapter....Arnav confesses his feelings for Khushi in front of Shashi Gupta. Let’s see what is his reaction.

  44. Superb update 😍👌👌 i am glad that ayush is on arnav's side and supporting him in everything possible and he even handleded revati soo well and arnav ayushi and aman handle and made raj understood soo well and solve everything and sheetal she cannot change suddenly she has planned how to do and revenge arnav .... And i am glad that he said he love khushi to shashi i hope now he can think of helping him .... Post it soon

  45. Superb written love these Ff so amazing

  46. Superb update..

    Revathi real face is still not come out..

    Thank God ayush supporting arnav..

    Aman too good he truly is the next bestie the way he told things to his dad n how least sheetal is affected too good ..

    Shashi as a strong father stood for her daughter.

    Arnav has long way to go to woo khushi
