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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

He Loves Me Not - Part 30


Chapter 30 

When Khushi comes back to Office the next day, the Clients have already arrived. Her colleague tells her they are in the Conference room with the board of Directors. Everyone around is so nervous for the floor walk of Client which is going to happen in an hour from now. She takes her seat and logs onto her Office laptop to start her day. Something isn’t right. She can feel it. And then she saw him. The man whom she keeps chasing in her dreams. Wearing a grey suit, he stepped out of the Conference room, holding a steady watchful gaze on everyone he was been introduced to on the way. He was no longer that suave man who would spray an aura of comfort in the hearts of people he met. Instead he had a foxlike feature, sharper eyes, making it impossible for even her to read his mind. Withdrawing herself from their past memories, Khushi focusses on him with only one question in her mind. What is Arnav Singh Raizada doing here at her Office?

“Guys, please meet our Client Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. We have just signed the deal with them” Katherine, her manager, announced from the center of the floor.

Client? He was their Client and she didn’t even bother to know? Arnav scans the crowd around him, his eyes searching for her. As soon as she realizes this, she tries to hide herself behind one tall colleague of hers. That’s the best way she can handle herself in this situation now. Facing him itself is going to be terrible forget facing him before her coworkers. Somewhere inside, she could feel her heart pounding like a teenage girl who just got to know her crush is going to propose her tonight. That excited she felt everywhere within. He came back for her? Or has he been doing only Business? Does he know she works here? Did he keep a tab on her? Damn!!

When she raises her eyes, planning to sneak at him again, she realizes his stark eyes already on her from a distance lesser than before. Her tall colleague is missing. She didn’t even know when she was exposed to the man she was hiding from. There is no surprise, no hidden anxiety in his gaze on her. It’s plain, cold yet aggressive enough to handle for her. What is wrong with him? Why can’t she read his mind, his heart, just like she used to before? Is it her therapy or he has started shielding his feelings even from her? What’s wrong?
After another minute of his long powerful gaze, he says something to Katherine and makes his way out.

“Alright guys, ASR has got some other commitments to fulfil, so the floor walks and presentations from you guys stand cancels”

Khushi takes a sigh of relief. But he really left? Just like that? Ignoring her? Again?? Before she could draw a few more conclusions, her phone buzzes. It is Arnav’s call. She had his number all this time but she never dialed him nor messaged back in the past 4 months. Seeing it on her phone screen again makes her heart flutter. She is messed up, isn’t she? Just two days back Payal had asked her how would she react if he comes back to her someday. Who knew that day would come so soon? Whilst she is still thinking what to do with his call, it stops ringing and then a message pops up on her screen.

‘I am waiting for you in the car. Come out NOW’

He wants to meet her? Alone? Is that why he left urgently? Screwing the floor walk? His work?

“Khushi, I need to check your presentation again” Katherine interrupts her chain of thoughts.
“Yea, sure”

She grips phone in her palm and walks back to her desk to show the presentation to her Boss. Katherine wants to make some amendments and she asks Khushi to do that, letting her no time to even think about Arnav and his message.

The day passed with lots of more work. She felt glad that Arnav Singh Raizada didn’t intrude her again. She has no plans to meet him because if she does, she might forget the boundaries she has self-created between them and wants it to remain so forever.


“Akash? What are you doing here?” Khushi comes out of the office building where Akash is promptly waiting for her.
“Do I need a reason to pick you up from work?”
She smiles but her eyes wander around to see if he is anywhere here. But why would he wait for the whole day before her office building only for her to become free and meet him? She is over thinking. Akash clicks his fingers.
“You don’t seem happy to see me or did you expect someone else?”
“Lie” he frowns. “You know Khushi, anyone can read your face. Trust me. You are like a mirror. You can never hide your inner feelings?

She knows that too. Her feelings were always out there, open for Arnav Singh Raizada to read. But he never gave a try.

“Come on, tell me what happened at work? I am sure its related to your work”
“Will you ask me everything here?”
“Naah!!” he chuckles. “Let’s sit in the Café. Come”

Holding her hand, he drags her to the nearest Café Shop. Once settled with their respective Coffee mugs, he asks her again.

“So, mind telling me what has screwed your mood?”

Khushi exhales.
“Arnav Singh Raizada is here”
Akash doesn’t show any signs of distress. He seems fine with it.
“So?” he asks.
“Akash.. he is my new client”
“So?” Khushi snaps. “You don’t see anything odd in this?”
“It’s called coincidence Khushi. Either its that or he is specifically here for you”
“I don’t believe that he is here for me”

Akash promptly listens without intruding or poking her much with his own questions.

“He saw me in the office, but he didn’t react. But when he went out, he messaged me to come down and see him”
“Did you go?”
“Good” he sips the coffee again. “Must say the therapy is working then”

She doesn’t know if its working or not. Can a 4 months therapy and counseling control heart? Feelings? Love?

“You are lost again, Khushi”
“I am not lost. I am trying to understand what went wrong with him? Dad said he and his family is facing some issues between them”
“Good for you”
“Hmm. He left you for them, so now he deserves that rift, doesn’t he?”

Khushi gives him a frustrated look.

“Akash, I am not someone who would draw happiness by other’s pain”
“I know” he keeps his cup aside and holds her hand over the table. “That’s why I am worried for you. He is here to snatch your peace of mind again, don’t let him do that. You have moved on. And it’s a big change. Don’t turn back and let him affect you again. You will enter a loop otherwise; things will repeat itself and you will be the one who would be left hurt and dejected at the end. I am sure you don’t want that to happen. Neither your close ones, like Buaji, your father and me will like to see that”

He is right. But why isn’t she convinced?

“And Aman told me something has happened. I knew that already” he adds

Khushi is shocked. Aman and Akash are in touch, she knows. Because Akash’s family treats Mathurs as their Godfathers.

“You knew it all the time? Then Why didn’t you tell me?”
“This is why I didn’t tell you” he replies. “This..” he points at her “ This sudden breakdown and anxiety that you go through after getting to know anything about that man”
Khushi sighs in disappointment.
“I am not like before, Akash. I know to draw lines between me and him now”
“That’s great”
“Whatever. Tell me what Aman told you”
“Arnav is moving out of Shantivan. That’s all I know. Aman didn’t give me reasons neither I asked. It’s their personal matter. How could I get involved? And in fact, all this is on the social media too.”

Khushi goes back in her thoughtful mood. No one will tell her what went wrong but the man himself. Only if she could go straight to him and ask. They finish their coffee and come out. A posh black car halts at her feet. The chauffer gets down.

“Miss Gupta?” he asks.
“Mr. Raizada wants to meet you. He has sent me to pick you up”

Words choke in her throat. Seriously? Now he is desperate to meet her that he is sending his car to pick? Akash clears his throat.

“He is waiting for your reply Khushi” Akash murmurs.
Khushi nods weakly and takes another minute to decide. She wants to go and see him, know why he has made such freaky plans to quit his home? What went wrong? What is haunting him? Whats the reason behind all this? But doing all this would wipe off the thin line she drew between them. And doing so might hurt her and everyone related to her. She cannot risk it. Not now!!
“Tell him, I am not interested to have a meet and greet with him”

The chauffer hadn’t expected that kind of a response but considering it as her final decision, he doesn’t bother her again. He gets back in the car and drives away.

“That’s the spirit” Akash pats her back. “You look very promising when you make such decisions. I am happy”

Khushi fakes a gentle smile. Why isn’t she happy? Did she miss the only chance she had to know Arnav’s current grief?

Akash drops her to the apartment. She presses the elevator button, waiting for it to show up when suddenly someone turns her around and pushes her to the wall beside. It’s him.!!
“I came here all the way for you and you don’t have a minute for me?” he snaps in anger.

Khushi takes few seconds to absorb whats happening. He is still in his grey suit and looking extremely dangerous by his expressions. He has even managed to grip both her wrist and somehow her body is pinned down by his own, his entire weight on her and the wall behind it. This is not what she had expected. He was in her residential complex waiting for her to show up from work?

“You sound desperate and insecure, Mr. Raizada. None of which you were before for me. Now please back off” she shouts.

He is startled, horrified by her denial to express her joy of seeing him again, but not for long.

“I was waiting outside the office, I sent you a message to come out. Why didn’t you come to see me?”
“I work there and have no plans to lose my job”
She is handling this great.
“After work? I sent you a car to pick” he continues.
“Don’t you get it Arnav? I am least interested in meeting you?”
“Heck you are” he shouts back.

Khushi swallows her nervousness.

“I have made myself very clear to you. I don’t want anything from you Arnav Singh Raizada, love and relationship being the least”

He fights for air to breathe. He had broke her before, the effects of which is still lingering in their lives.
“I don’t know what is left of me to offer you either. But whatever there is… is all yours Khushi.. I have come a long way for you this time. And there is no turning back”

His confession makes her want to sob. She cannot hide the violent contractions happening inside her body. She can feel it now.. He is broken.. Just like her. But why? What went wrong in his so called happy life with his adoptive parents?

To be Continued.


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  1. Awesome. Good that he is chasing her now.

  2. lovely update...wish it was more lol!

  3. Madhu what happened with Arnav life ? It's going to be hectic for Khushi to face him everyday and work in the same place where she ll see him..
    But ll Arnav force Khushi now to accept him ?

  4. Yayyyyyyyy! Just as I requested we got to see the ASR in Arnav in this story.. Just loved it.. Need more of ASR please... This pinning and pushing is give me goosebumps���� love it

  5. Awesome update.....I really wanted him to be desperately behind her like khushi did...and I am happy too but he is totally changed....wat happened with his parents that he completely changed

  6. Awesome Update. Finally Arshi meet . Khushi is ignoring Arnav but Akash is confusing may be he cares for Khushi too much. Khushi is correct in her place. All this years she wanted Arnav's love and care but he never showed but now he has finally understood her she is pushing him away. Arnav needs to convince her . Loved Arnav's attitude and determination but Something major have happened at Shantivan . Arnav and Khushi both need each other .

  7. Arnav and his adoptive family got rift bcz arnav choosed Khushi ? Or any other past . Oh god I can’t control without knowing what’s the reason for arnsv coldness 😢. And akash having feeling to Khushi . I’m just praying Khushi WON’T choose akash just to move from Arnav and To her family happiness .
    And these Arnav behaviour changes (ignore khushi , wishing Khushi to keep in his life ) taking a stall on Khushi emotions . Hope this silent war end soon .

    Small doubt . Still Arnav working in AR . AR is a new client ?

    Waiting for next update dear. Story take new dimension. Interesting....

  8. Madhu, pls don't start any new stories until one of the three stories ends - RealityTruth

  9. MADHUUUUU darling I really loved the update loads of live and kisses 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 to u swthrt

    I loved My khushi very strong...

    Madhu dont let khushi melt too fast arnuv needs to mend a lot fr broken relationship

    A request plzzzzz plzzzz update again tomarw next chapter

  10. Always lv asr than arnv.... Now stry becomes more amazingg...

  11. Awesome... Now the chasing...

  12. That great for starters, loved her spirit! I hope she keeps it up! Cheers

  13. I think that Arnav and his adoptive family got rift bcz arnav choosed Khushi

  14. It looks most of the people here happy that khushi is doing this with Arnav . Sorry guys but sometimes u have to understand others situation too … he is suffering now he was suffering in the past but all worried how khushi felt but guys Arnav suffering more and I m sure when madhu reveal the truth we will agree on this … if khushi loved him how can she see him suffering

  15. Can u fall in love with a story over n over again?!.... For this story I would say yesssss..... It's just getting btr and btr..... U feel all the different emotions and always feel like just keep reading it again and's too much to ask but sincerely I wish that u keep posting this story 😍😍

  16. I know it's too much to ask madhu , but pls give back to back updates of this story....biting my nails as to what happened bn arnav and his adoptive family...may not sleep think what might happened there...can u give weekend Maha update? Pretty please :)

  17. Madhu Di, When will Arnav or Khushi will reveal what happen on Arnav’s 22nd Birthday. Waiting eagerly for that part...

  18. Amazing update ...
    Loved the transformation of Arnav to ASR ...please give more of Asr and I wish khushi gets to see and feel it .

  19. Awesome update. . What happened in arnav kife? Why he s moving out of his house?... Why u always stop in imp point.. 😅 Pls update next part tomorrow. ..

  20. Madhu plzzzzz give one more update plzzzzz... U just showed us a glimpse of ASR n ended it... Plz one more update

    Entry of ASR was bang at the end... I got the goosebumps.. N next moment u ended it... Not fair plz update next part yaar plz..

  21. Mind-blowing update but curious to know wat want wrong is it becz of his mother last time I read was Aayush was supporting Arnav den wat happened I too felt Arnav is broken I don't want Khushi to not understand him and repeat the same mistake he did before and regret later

  22. Very interesting. Waiting the next part

  23. Have so many questions. We havent got the answer for that birthday night. Now we have this new mystery. Whats with khushi allowing Akash to hold her hands ? Like she said will 4 months of counselling stop her feelings. Dont get me wrong. In fact, im glad she did the therapy and helping her to stay focus on her work and not on her feelings. But she seems to be punishing Arnav. Well he is ASR now. Im glad he said he isnt offering relationship or love because he is so torn. Hope they make it up even if she makes him toll but she should first not give any fat hopes to Akash

  24. I never liked Khushi's suffering nor will like Arnav's suffering. If you think it is needed for their love to be stronger than its okay to me. But I strongly feel it should have been their own things. Khushi's family have a say in this, but Akash's interference is too much to me. Its like Akash wants to impose his decision on Khushi. He doesn't have that right, how much a great friend he may be to Khushi, or may be he developed feelings for Khushi. If that's the case some blames lies on Khushi also. Because the way Akash now is exercising his rights on Khushi, she didn't tell him off. And may be that's why he thought he has a chance. And I don't understand if Khushi loved Arnav so much how come she wasn't clear her stand with Akash and shut him off that it strictly between these two. If Arnav is at fault than Khushi will see to it, others specially Akash doesn't have the right to judge Arnav what he did, why he did.
    Between Arshi he is a third person, and I would appreciate, if it stays like that.

  25. Wonderful and interesting one ❤️ loved it

  26. It’s my personal thought if you love someone whole heartedly you love whether you get love back or not so here I m if khushi lived him how come you see him in this state just to show him and to prove yourself and others that you moved on then it’s no love

  27. U wont believe madhu I read today's update 8 tyms just lived this entry if ASR.......
    I really want another update tomarw 0lzzzzz would live to see arnuv begging khushi back let him feel dat he had broken his khushi from hs own hands

  28. Wow! Such a huge turn in the story... Madhu...are we going to read their about the night on Arnav's bday? The one that Khushi's been dependant her feelings on after come to India..

  29. Excellent madhu , what an update! So much mystery? Arnab and his foster parents rift , his 22nd birthday mystery , may be arnab's real parents death mystery . Anyway you solve these problems and we will enjoy.

  30. Awesome update, hope Kushi understand him

  31. Nice update..

    So he is the expected khushi is showing strong stand denied to meet him..

    Like the way he came to her apartment complex..

    Hope now they will talk.

    Please update it soon

  32. SUPERB UPDATE...But what went so wrong in Arnav life that broke him so badly that he became ASR...I mean he's totally different now...But like the way Khushi handle herself,she still need to be a little more stronger than she's showing right now...Waiting for Next Part...

  33. amazing update much mystery?what happened with arnav now he is broken from inside like khushi ...very much eager for next part

  34. Amazing u know however much lengthy chapter u update it's always less its not enough .and what a great scene we got to see the typical
    "THE ASR " that was the treat in the update to see him in full are form and about khushi however much time she takes the therapy she wouldn't be able to turn blindeye or heartless to arnavs pain or broken heart.

  35. “I don’t know what is left of me to offer you either. But whatever there is… is all yours Khushi.. I have come a long way for you this time. And there is no turning back”

    winning part for me, of today's update! loved the way arnav conveyed his submission! <3 :-)

  36. Finally the most awaited meeting happened. It was short, but really touching. Waiting for next part eagerly.
    And what happened that Arnav took such a huge decision to move out from santhivan????
    He was ready to sacrifice his love, his life for them. Then y now??? I think something major has happened in their life, otherwise he won't take such a decision. And he really is broken it seems. He really needs Khushi now. Hope it will happen...
    And y is Aakash trying to instigate Khushi against him so much? Is he fell in love with her in this period??? Is that the reason he's trying to demotivate her??? Or is it his genuine concern as a friend???
    Eagerly waiting to know what has happened in his life in this 4 months and Khushi's reaction to it....

  37. I feel bad for arnav torn between parents and khusi

  38. I feel bad for arnav Now. But it's his fault too. I don't blame him for not accepting khushi. I blame him for giving feelings for khushi. It was his fault. Something he could have avoided. They are suffering because of their own faults. And I think there are lot we should know. Even their past which made khushi crazy in love is yet to exposed. I feel it should have came out the day khushi left. Anyway good update.

  39. Oh finally they met and it was like much waited episode to see..nice and very interesting update.thankyou for such a lovely and different story

  40. What happened between them that he is moving out of his house. Is he choose khushi over his adoptive parents

  41. Wow! This story just gets better and better. One question though: is Arnav representing AR at Khushi's firm or he has established his own company?

  42. Wonderful update loved it
    So why Arnav is leaving his adoptive parents
    Waiting for next update eagerly
