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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Wedlock Epilogue



Two year Later – Delhi

“Ma’am, we have a lunch to attend with Mr. Williams”
“I do remember that. We will start in an hour”
“Sure Ma’am” Debby, Khushi Singh Raizada’s secretary headed out of the cabin.

Khushi looked through the glass walls of her Cabin, Delhi city was spread out everywhere her eyes roamed. She had joined as the Project Head of this Interior Designing Company, the one her earlier Client had offered her before leaving San Francisco and since then, things had taken a drastic change in her life. She got busy and busier as days passed to handle the work pressure of her new Role. It had been a year and half now that she stabled the reputation of this company like never before. She was even promoted last month. People who didn’t know her existence before had started to appreciate her efforts now and wanted to be a part of her life. All thanks to her husband Arnav for standing by her side, helping her throughout these months and never complaining for not being able to spend more time with him. In fact, he was proud of her that even after such hectic work schedule she still managed to look after every single duty of hers in Shantivan as the Bahu of Raizada family. She was a dutiful bahu when home, a loving wife to her husband and a caring aunt to two- and half-year-old Ruhi Jha.

Her intercom buzzed breaking her trance.

“Ma’am, you have a call from Dr. Minal” Debby informed.
“Yes, transfer the call here”
“Sure Ma’am”

Khushi sat back on her chair, waiting for the good news.

“Hi Khushi, how you doing today?” Minal, her obstetrician asked.
“I am doing fine Doctor. Just the morning sickness keeps me exhausted for an hour every day.”
“That’s normal. Do take the medicines regularly? Don’t skip them”
“I don’t, all thanks to my husband who sends me frequent reminders” she chewed the pencil in between her teeth to suppress the flashes of last night crowding her mind. She had skipped one of her shot even after Arnav’s reminder. When she came back home and realized, Arnav had been mad at her. He didn’t talk to her for 3 hours. She had a tough time convincing him she will never forget it again. And when he was convinced, they made love to each other like two hungry souls fighting for life. She was still in her first trimester of pregnancy and making love like that was still considered safe. But he had worried about it and decided to call Dr. Minal and check if that’s normal for Khushi and their baby. It was so embarrassing when he made that call to Dr. Minal, early hours of the morning. He accompanied her for a random scan to see if all is well. She had to re-schedule her first meeting for that sudden visit to the Clinic. But Minal had not arrived to the Clinic then. Khushi finished the necessary test whose results would be confirmed by Minal now over the call.

“Is all okay Minal?” she queried. “I mean.. the baby is fine right?”
“Absolutely” Minal informed. “You both are doing great. Inform that to your husband, I am sure he is being mad at himself”

No, he is mad at both of them for losing that much of control. Though she kept telling him it was alright. If it had been the end of her second trimester, it would be a matter of concern. Poor Hubby!!

“I will inform him. Thanks. I will be there for my next appointment on time”
“No problem Khushi, take care”

Khushi disconnects the call and types back an email to her beloved husband. The email communication has never stopped. It has spiced up, juiced up these days.

Dear To-be Daddy, 

Baby is fine. Just got it confirmed. Happy?

Your baby’s mother,
Khushi Singh Raizada 

After a minute she gets back a response

Dear Mommy, 

I am relieved, finally!! 

Did you eat the Salad I packed? 

Your baby’s Daddy, 
Arnav Singh Raizada 


Dearest Daddy, 

Salad was yum. Your culinary skills are improving. Can I expect you to make something spicy for me tonight? The baby needs Spice. 

Your dearest baby’s Mommy,



No spicy food for you until the baby is delivered. 

And no arguments. 

Your commanding Husband, 



Please. What about my mood swings? Who else will take care of them if not you? 

Your pouting sweetheart, 



Don’t lure me with your fake pouts. 




What should I lure you with then? 

How about kisses and hugs? 

P.s why am I yawning so much?

Only yours,



You need a good sleep. I recall we sleeping hardly for an hour or two last night. 

Now since you yawning because of me, I will reconsider your request for spicy food. And because Dr. Minal has allowed us to make love for some more weeks, I will be obliged to be at your command again tonight. Love you sweetheart.

Only and forever yours,

She blushed reading his sugar-coated reply. Another night of love making is enough to energize her for the next few days. She locks her laptop screen to head for lunch with Williams, their client when Lavanya’s call buzzes on her phone.

“Hey Mommy” Lavanya chirped from the other end as Khushi answered.
“Hello to you too Mommy” she replied.

Both the girls giggled like teens.

“I can’t believe we both are pregnant at the same time. Our delivery week is also the same. I wonder had Arnav and Rohan planned it that way?” Lavanya asked.
“I have that doubt too. Should ask them tonight. What do you think?”
“Yeah we should. Anyways, I called you because I need to go shopping. None of my clothes fit me anymore. I am running out of options”
“Same here. Lets go out and shop. How about tomorrow?”
“Cool” Lavanya agreed. “Just the two of us, like old times”
“Yeah, like old times”

Nothing was old times for Khushi anymore. Things had changed drastically in her life. If anyone had showed her this future some 3 years back, she would have laughed at it. This kind of life where she had a stable career, doting husband, loving in-laws, caring parents was her dream. She is currently living it and enjoying every second of it.


12 months later 

Khushi came in the kitchen looking for Nani who was filling warm water in the baby bottle.

“here it is” Nani offered her the bottle. “Is she asleep?”
“Not yet. Playing with her Daddy” Khushi replied with a giggle.
“He is such a good father already. I didn’t know Chotte had so many skills in him to look after such a small baby”
“He is good at everything he does Nani. And I love him for that”
Nani nodded in agreement.

“Go feed her some water before she falls asleep”

Khushi hugged Nani and wishing her good night she retreated back to her bedroom. As she opened the door, she saw her husband Arnav, kissing their baby’s forehead while she was fast asleep. Khushi stopped right there, not willing to disturb this moment. Ever since Aashi was born, it was hard to contain their happiness. Arnav had strictly taken 2 months work from home. And Khushi extended her maternity leave for another few months too. Until Aashi was one year old at least, she decided not to resume work. Aashi needed their attention and love and if they don’t devote it for her, who else will they share it with then?

Arnav wrapped Aashi comfortably before putting her in her crib. Khushi tip-toed inside and stood next to her husband, wrapping her arm around his waist, both admiring their little bundle of joy.

“She looks so pretty when she sleeps” Khushi mumbles.
“Just like her mother” he taps on her nose.
“And she snores like you.. soft” she adds.
“That reminds me, we should be off to bed too before she wakes up in the middle of the night feeling hungry”

Khushi giggles softly. That’s true. Every midnight, Aashi wakes up and she has to feed her again to put her to sleep.

“She is always so hungry” Khushi complains.
“Just like her father” in one swift action he sweeps Khushi off her feet. “And now… he is very … very hungry”

Khushi laughs beating his chest to put her down but he doesn’t accept her fake demands. He drops her straight to bed and joins her there after shutting the night lamps.

“You know half the time we wake her up every midnight because of our actions” Khushi protests.

He hovers over his wife, pinning her on the bed.

“Not actions.. That’s called moans baby, let me show you how that sounds”

Khushi giggles hard as he kisses her everywhere, but controlling her sound to ensure they actually don’t disturb Aashi’s peaceful sleep. That’s the last thing they would want.

“Happy Anniversary Hubby” she wishes him in between their love making. He meets her gaze and holds her securely in between his arms for a hug.
“Happy Anniversary to you too Wife” he kissed her forehead.
“Where’s my gift?” she shamelessly asked.
“How about one more baby? This time a boy?” he answers.
She pats his arm denying his request.
“I want a non-human gift”
“What do you want?”
“Umm” she takes a minute to think. “Just don’t be mad at me” she pouts.

Arnav takes a minute to think why would she say that? What did she do this time to make him go mad at her?

“Mind telling the reason behind such a request?”
She nods and cuddles him closer.
“I.. I have arranged a surprise anniversary party tomorrow for us”
He smirks.
“Why will I be mad about that?”
“It’s organized in Sheesh Mahal” she bites her lip, staring carefully at him.

Arnav rolls his eyes. Sheesh Mahal? Though she has already transferred the property on his name, he never stepped there all these years.

“Whose idea was that?” he snaps.
“Totally mine. It’s a beautiful place, Arnav and I really want it to be part of our lives. Please don’t deny”

That puts a weak smile on his lips.

“As you wish” he murmurs.
She is super excited by his approval and squeaks in joy.
“Now shall we please continue?”
“As you wish” she repeats his sentence exactly in his tone. The moment they kiss again, Aashi cries in her crib. The couple look horrified at that sudden cry and rush to soothe her down. That’s the beauty of their relationship. They have always been together in every little duty towards Aashi and it will remain so for the rest of their lives.


Sheesh Mahal 

“Kyle” Khushi hugs Kyle and then her father, welcoming them to Sheesh Mahal. “I expected you guys to come early. Do you both realize the party is about to begin?” she frowns.
“I was ready early. Shashi delayed” Kyle replies.
“I am so sorry baby” Shashi kisses her forehead. “But we will be staying in Sheesh Mahal for 2 days with you all. Afterall even we want to spend time with Aashi. Where is she?”
“With her father”

She points at Arnav who is holding Aashi in arms, taking wishes from the guests for the anniversary.

Khushi leads Kyle and Shashi inside.

“She is so delicate” Kyle takes Aashi in her arms and starts patting her gently. Arnav tells her about Aashi’s naughty acts while Shashi and Khushi admires them from far.

“Thank you, Khushi” Shashi mumbles. “Kyle have always missed being a mother. But now.. look at her.. She is also a mother but a grandmother too. She always keeps talking about you both. This has never happened before. She forgets my office schedule but nothing related to you… right from when the next vaccination should be given to Aashi. She is so fond of you both”

Khushi nods in agreement. During her entire pregnancy, Kyle took good care of her. She stayed in Shantivan from the last few weeks of her pregnancy till a month after Aashi was born. She always surfed the internet to learn what precautions have to be taken for the mother and child and ensured Khushi follows it. That period Khushi realized the changes in Kyle and her desperate need to be a mother to her.

“Happy Anniversary darling” the familiar voice of her best friend Lavanya interrupted their conversation. Khushi turned around and hugged her bestie.
“Thanks for coming. Where is Rohan and Ruhaan?”

Lavanya gave birth to a baby boy and named him Ruhaan.

“Rohan is babysitting Ruhaan and right now…” she points out towards them. “he is sharing his pain and joy both to your husband”

Khushi laughs aloud.

“They make such good fathers, you know” Khushi praises.
“That they are” she nods.

“Khushi.. Arnav” Anjali intervenes. “Lets cut the cake. Come on”

Everyone circles the table where the anniversary cake is waiting to be cut.
Shyam carries little Ruhi in his arms and makes her clap with the others. Arnav and Khushi grip the knife together and cut the cake.

“I love you” she whispers while feeding him the cake.

“I love you too dammit” he feeds her next and pull her for a tight hug.

Pic credit to uploader

The End


Taking a lift in the dark? Beware!! Sonia loved thrillers. Liked to Blog about them too. But little was she aware that it could all turn back upon her. How far can you go to trust a Stranger in the dark? A short story which explores the dark side of over trusting your instincts and making wrong decisions which can even take your life. 

Currently available on Payhip for PDF Purchase. Click HERE

Read on Amazon Kindle HERE


  1. Awesome . Gonna miss this ff

  2. Awesome superb excellent amazing 🥰🥰🥰

  3. Thank u so much for the epilogue Madhu.. keep updating the stories without that . I feel my day is incomplete

  4. Thank you very much for the epilogue now it seems completed beautiful ending

  5. Perfect epilogue with Perfect pictures. Thanks a lot madhu for this lovely story .Ipkknd and arnab khushi will alive through your stories .

  6. You are an amazing writer... Nice epilogue. Enjoyed the whole story... Keep up the good work....

  7. Awesome. Nice ending.
    Sad that it ended, but it has to happen.
    Loved this entire roller coaster ride of Arshi and glad to be a part of it. Another milestone in your collection. Very thankful to you for that. Recreating our most favourite Jodi in many forms. Hats off to you for that......will continue to read your stories till you continue to write about Arshi....😊😊😊

  8. Thanks for the epilogue and will miss this beautiful story a lot

  9. Very nice epilogue to an amazing story . The pictures made the update more perfect. Wedlock was a beautiful journey with Arshi . Khushi became a responsible woman who could manage both work and home with Arnav's support. Arnav's care and concern for her is amazing. Arshi's life is finally complete with the arrival of their baby . Kyle finally got the role of grandmom and she beautifully handled the responsibility. Wedlock was a beautiful story about relationships and the sacred bond of marriage.

  10. Awesome ending, thanks for the epilogue.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. So romantic. Am very pleased you gave us a nice prologue. The story ended in a good note ❤️❤️❤️

  13. oh my will miss this beautiful story. the epilogue was too good.

  14. Thank you for including my name as doctor.
    Awesome update .

  15. Beautiful ending
    Thanks for giving us such a lovely epliogue

  16. What a beauuutifuuuuuulllll epilogue Madhu.. Just looooovvvveeeeeddd it❤️ Only love & happiness in everybody's life & also in our readers' hearts after reading this...

    Thank u so much for this awesome story Madhu & with this u added one more feather in your cap.. U r a super amazing writer & ur stories are just awesomazing... Like the happy endings in ur stories, may u also get all the happiness in the world Madhu.. Love u dear ❤️

  17. Beautiful story Madhuri. Arnav & Khushi have come a long way from where they have started to where they are at this point. Very memorable journey. Congratulations !

  18. I just lived the ending.....

    Must appreciate u fr ur email chatting.... even in the epilogue u wrote it very creatively about the email chat

  19. Wow vrey lovely ending .thank u madhu for the beeeeeeeeutiful and awesome epilogue

  20. Such an excellent Epilogue....they both are madly in love.

  21. Shit, it ended...... 🙁
    I'm so gonnu miss it..... 😘

  22. thank u so much for the epilogue every relation understanding and communication is the most important thing and for this you have to trust each other ...and that's how relation can be beautiful ...loved it ...this story makes my day

  23. Thank you so much for this wonderful story. 😘🌹😘🌹😘

  24. Thank you for the epilogue.
    Arshi and their little world. All it takes to put the past aside and accept the present. Khushi has a large heart to forgive her father and Kyle who thankfully changed for the better. Arnav has been the perfect for her. He understood her and gave her space and now they have a happy married life with their little baby Aashi
    Loved this story and epilogue.

  25. Wow awesome madhu thank you beautiful epilogue it had every emotion in it love, care, family bonding, friendship and our aashi baby also . Cute epilogue and the picture is ice on the cake love it now only I'm satisfied and this my one of favorite story and ended little bit sad but epilogue gives enormous joy and satisfaction love you dear

  26. It's a beautiful ending. Loved it ♥

  27. Beautiful ending thanks for giving us an epilogue

  28. Thank u dear for the epilogue... Now it's complete...

  29. Lovele. The journey they travelled together was so beautiful. Another master piece from you. Awesome

  30. Wow so beautiful and perfect ending.. Thanks for amazing story di..Loved it.

  31. Beautiful epilogue.....
    Really going to miss this story.... one of my favourite stories...Actually na when this story started i never thought that it will turn to be my favourite.....your every story is beautiful

  32. Beautiful ending...And the picture you added is SUPERB...Waiting for New ArShi FF to begins...

  33. Jimsymol Johnson
    the ending was extraordinary

  34. Thank you so much for this lovely beautiful story ...I had happy tears in my eyes while reading ..
    It was amazing story .

  35. Beautiful ending.. but gonna miss this ff very much..


  37. Omg superb arshi ending love every chapter to ending of amazing plus I will totally will miss it hopefully we get season 2 soon

  38. Beautiful epilogue.. will surely miss this ArShi and their email communication.. Thanks a ton Madhu for this amazingly awesomely beautiful story.

  39. Such a Beautiful and lovely Epilogue 😍😘❤ I love this ff soo much ❤😘and i am going to miss it soo much 😒 ..... The Best Storyline👌😍 love this Khushi character and how u molded and gave life to her character and just part how u show arnav and khushi come together again after being distance to eachother love and enjoyed there email conversation soo much 😍😄😃 it gave they relationship life 😃😍 ... And love the way u showed arnav's character it was soo supportive caring protective soo loving soo much trust he showed on khushi 😍😘❤👌👌 and I also loved how kyle got changed in her behaviour and how khushi and kyle got bonded with eachother as mother and daughter and how khushi become soo mature in her thought and in her living .... And how shashi regreted his mistake he done as a father and how he again he come a loving and caring father to khushi i really the way to took this story forward and gave it a beautiful ending to this wonderful story wich will always be in our hearts forever 😍😘❤👌👌

  40. Lovely Ending ❤❤❤😍😍😍😙😙😙👏👏👏

  41. I have just finished reading this story for the nth time, and enjoyed it as much as the first time... both the lead characters are so beautifully portrayed

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Beautiful Storyline. I really feel that love always wins in every situations. I loved the story and plot is beautifully portrayed. Glad that all are happily staying with each other. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story with us and keep writing such stories for us.


  45. I reread this story again. Its just a lovely story.. totally hooked to it from past 2 days. Please do write more arshi stories soon lime this
