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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Wedlock - Part 61


Chapter 61

A Week Later

“Hey Rohan” Khushi greets Lavanya’s fiancée.
“Hi Khushi. Finally, we get to meet. Lavanya had fed me so much about you, that I had started feeling jealous”
“That makes us two, brother” Arnav comes from behind Khushi and greets the couple. The two handsome men shake hands. “I feel the same way when Khushi talks about Lavanya when we are on bed”
“Arnav” Khushi pinches him for being so bold and disclosing their bedroom secrets.

Both the men laugh at their situation.

“La” Khushi interrupts. “Let the boys gossip about us while I show you the room. Come on in”

Throwing a warning stare at her husband, Khushi drags Lavanya inside the penthouse.

“This is such a lovely house”
“It is. Me and Arnav have decorated it our way… just feels like home now.”
“Indeed” Lavanya stops midway. “How is your shoulder doing now?”
“I am tired answering the same to almost everyone I meet. I am absolutely fine La. It was not a major wound”
“Glad it wasn’t, otherwise Arnav would have murdered both Vicky and Shagufta”
Khushi chuckles.

“What happened to them? Are they been deported back to India?”
“2 days ago. Delhi police have taken them in custody now. Arnav doesn’t update me much, but he is constantly in touch with them and that case.”
“That’s great. He really handled it well that day. Who would think Vicky would come after me? Had Arnav not asked Aman to keep a tab on me, I don’t know what would have happened”
“Its over now” Khushi reassures. “Lets not spoil this little time we have by talking about the past”
“Of course. And by the way, I heard Kyle and you are uniting? When did that happen?”

Khushi smiles confidently.

“Why? Shouldn’t we unite? She is nice, La. It’s just that we never happened to understand each other. She kept hating me, I did the same and there wasn’t any mature conversation ever. But now things have changed”
“Everything has changed Khushi. And I must say, Arnav is that lucky charm in your life likewise you are his”
“Very dreamy” Khushi flashes her eyelids.
“Where is Kyle and your father?”
“They left yesterday. Dad had work in India” she replies. “Come on.. we have so much to prepare before tomorrow’s party”

She takes Lavanya inside. They spend the day together. Arnav insists Rohan to stay in the same penthouse with them but he denies considering all his friends are accommodated in the hotel and they would need his presence too. Only Lavanya stays back with the couple.


“No” Arnav groans. “You spent the entire day with your best friend, spend the night with me”
“Arnav…” she starts fiddling with his T shirt, palming his chest. “We have so much to talk. Please baby”

He fakes a stony expression and when she really thinks he is angry, he smiles.
“Alright. Go sleep with your best friend tonight but don’t stay awake for late. I don’t want my wife to get dark circles”
She feels happy that he agreed
“What if I still get dark circles?” she innocently asks. “Will you stop loving me?”

Arnav pulls her closer to him and kisses her forehead.

“You know my reply, why ask?”
She bites her lower lip as he nuzzles his nose on her face.
“If you don’t stop doing this, I might drop my idea of staying tonight with La”
“I want that to happen” he keeps continuing his ministrations.
She finally has to push him away and run to the door to escape his charms.

“Good night” she blows him a kiss and shuts the door of his room. He sighs deep. Another torturous night without her!!!


Next Day 

“You are glowing” Lavanya admires Khushi top to bottom.
“I feel married”
“I can see that” Lavanya chuckles at her friend’s reply. “But seriously Khushi, I am impressed with what I am seeing here. Arnav’s eyes are always looking for you, whenever you aren’t around. The way he cares for you, loves you, shows these little gestures of devotion and dutifulness towards the marriage is incredible. You deserved it all right from the beginning”
“Rohan isn’t that bad either” Khushi teases. “He genuinely loves you and all your tantrums”
“Yea” Lavanya laughs. “He is a sweet guy and I hope he turns out like Arnav after our marriage”
“Sweetheart” Arnav enters the kitchen, making the two women conscious. “Rohan is waiting for the Salad”
“Oh yes, it’s ready” Khushi picks the bowl but Lavanya promptly takes it from her.
“I will go serve him” she winks at Khushi before leaving the room.
“Have you seen my wife?” he teases. “Ever since her best friend Lavanya is here, she is gone missing to me”

Khushi pouts at his complain. That’s true. She has been so busy with Lavanya that last night she and Lavanya dosed off in the same room, leaving Arnav all by himself. So, technically Arnav has all rights to complain.

“Oh, is that so?” she plays with his shirt, rubbing her palms over his chest again. She knows he likes it when she does. “Do you have a message for her? I will pass it on when I see her”

“That would be nice. Just tell her to be decent tonight. The way she looks these days, I am sure many men tonight in the party are going to eye on her. I don’t want her to pay attention to them at all”
“That’s a serious warning” she mutters. “What would you do if she still flirts with some? It’s a bachelor’s party after all”

Arnav grips her hard.
“Two can play the game harder Sweetheart. You don’t wanna see me flirting with others, do you?”
Her mood shifts. That’s so true. She is way damn possessive than he is for her. Any woman getting closer to him will have to go through her first.
“Good” he taps her nose and loosens his grip from her body. “Shall we go, La and Rohan must be waiting for us”


Bachelor Party Night

The party is hosted in a Pub which is booked exclusively for them tonight. Rohan and Lavanya are the attraction of tonight. Both of them are busy pampered by their friends, made to play those weird games which can put any other couple at shame. There is naughtiness everywhere around and Khushi wonders where her husband is so busy at? Being the host, he is the busiest man tonight, to ensure all is taken care of.

Whilst she tries to keep her eyes fixed on the to be wed couple, her mobile buzzes in her palm. It’s an email and the moment she opens it, her eyes sparkle with delight. Finally, she has managed to grab her husband’s attention. It is one of his complaining email. Their email conversations have never really ended. They still keep emailing each other while at work, to discuss their schedule for the night accompanied by some cheesy talks which spices up their relationship even more.

Mrs. Raizada

Isn’t that dress very short and skinny? And if I remember correctly, that one was supposed to be for my eyes only. 

Your annoyed Husband,
Mr. Raizada

She types back a reply not finding him anywhere around. The place is not very dark but the lights are flashing from every corner as it does in a disco. It’s hard to trace him in this light.

Mr. Annoyed Singh Raizada,

I am glad you at least noticed me. This is my best friend’s bachelor party and I didn’t want to upset her. She insisted I wear this. But I am wearing my wedding ring. That’s enough to keep the boys away. 

P.s I am missing you. 

Your Miserable Wife,
Mrs. Raizada


Mrs. Raizada, 

What can I do to change your miserable mood? 

Curious Husband, 
Mr. Raizada 


Mr. Raizada,

Just come to me. That’s enough. 

Dreamy Wife, 
Mrs. Raizada 


The moment she types the reply and looks ahead, he is already standing before her eyes. Everything around stops affecting the two. It is a very natural feeling. They close the distance between them and Khushi presses a kiss on him. It’s hard to believe they have been married from quite a long time now. They look like a couple madly in love, who cannot keep their hands off each other even for a short period. When they pull apart, he still looks intensely at her.

“Let’s skip the party for few minutes”
“Sounds fun” she nods. “But La and Rohan?”
“They are very busy to notice. Come on”

He drags her away, their arms tangled in each other’s.


2 Months later 

It’s Khushi’s last day at work in San Francisco. Her tenure with the Client has finally come to an end as she didn’t agree on extending the contract with them for another here. Arnav didn’t mind if she wished to stay here for a year longer, he would have made arrangements to ensure they don’t stay separate. He would do anything for her. Handling his own work remotely would be his choice had she wished to continue. But Khushi had other plans for them. She wants to return back to Shantivan and take over the responsibilities of his family there.

Everything is ready, their flight is stationed at the San Francisco airport to fly them back to Delhi tomorrow; today being the last day of the couple in this country. They are going to miss Di, Shyam and Ruhi very much. But looks like Shyam has his own plans to shift his work in India. He even took serious recommendations and advice from Arnav on where to start up and how. Obviously once that happens, the Jha’s will be closer to them again.

Arnav sees his wife getting out of the Office building with a box containing her stuff. As usual, he has come to pick her up from work, to give her some moral support too as he knows how much she would miss this workplace and the people here. He opens the car door for her and she dumps her stuff behind.

“I have a surprise for you” she doesn’t get in the car, instead throws her arms around his neck. “My client is soon starting their branch office in Delhi and they want me to operate as the Project head”
Arnav is delighted to hear that.
“Congratulations, Mrs. Raizada. You got a job to do”
“Yes, I don’t have to look for another. I have asked them to send me the paperwork. Can you please help me understand the agreement, I mean their terms and conditions? I am not very good at it.”
“With pleasure baby” he kisses her nose. “Aman will sort that out and Roy is there to look into any legal implications. But when do you have to start?”
“Not before 6 months. They are still renovating that office and it will take some time to set it up and attract some big shot clients there. Once that happens, I will have to take over”
“Perfect” he smiles. “I am so proud of you”
She takes in his sight. He himself is so much accomplished that when he says he is proud of her little achievements, it makes Khushi take pride in herself too. Lavanya was right. He is her lucky charm. Ever since he came back in her life, she got a new reason to stand up on her feet, get a stable career, good family and a healthy atmosphere which she lacked before. Everything is just perfect in her life now.


Next Day 

“Di, all this is too much” Khushi looks at the sweets boxes and gifts which Anjali wants to send them along with.
“Nothing is too much when it comes from family” Anjali replies.

Arnav is holding Ruhi in arms. She is being cranky today. Probably she too can guess it that her Uncle, aunt and Great grandmother (Nani) are heading back to India.
“Saale Sahab. We are going to miss you all. It’s going to be very boring without you all” Shyam sighs in disappointment.
“Jeejaji. We will miss you all too. But the good thing is you all are coming back to India in few months”
“Yes, that’s the only hope” he smiles and pats Arnav’s back.

Anjali and Nani talk to each other and then share hugs. Khushi kisses Ruhi’s cheek wishing her a goodbye. She doesn’t seem to like it and starts crying instantly. It takes another few minutes for Khushi to ease her down and bring the smile back on her face. Waving Goodbyes, the couple and Nani head to the Airport to begin a new journey of their life.



“Wait you both” Nani stops them from entering the house. After a long flight, all they want to rest but seems like Nani has some different plans. They halt at the entrance as Nani heads in and quickly gets out a Puja thali again. The servants join them at the door, greeting Khushi for coming back home. She is thrilled seeing their affection for her. Nani circles the thali around her and then with all respect she welcomes the bride of this house inside.

Khushi is overwhelmed at her gestures and can relate it to her past how things were totally opposite.

“Take this” Nani hands over the keys of the house to her again. The same which she had returned back to Nani while leaving for San Francisco.
“Nani, I think you should keep them for some more time.” She insists.
“No, these are your responsibility now.”
“It’s a huge one”
“You will handle it, I am sure. And I am always there to help you out”
Arnav witnesses their exchange of words and proudly admires her wife whose eyes brim with tears. She leans down and takes Nani’s blessings again.

“God bless you both and may you both soon give me the honor of being your baby’s great grandmother too. I don’t think I can leave this world without seeing one”
“Nani” Arnav groans “You have many more years to live”
“Hope so” she hugs the two of them. “My responsibility is complete. I had promised Arnav’s parents to look after him and this house until there is someone else who can take away my role. Now that you are back, Khushi, I can be at peace”

Life has circled back to peace and joy finally!!

As the couple reach their room and freshen up to have a long night sleep, Khushi removes some file from her bag and holds it towards him.

“Now what is this?” he asks.
“Why don’t you check it yourself?” she bites her lower lip.
He opens the file and finds some legal document in it. He reads a few lines and then raises his head to gaze back at her.
“I have told already, I am not ready to accept this”

Khushi comes closer.
“Arnav, Sheesh Mahal belongs to you. And not only because it was earlier your family’s asset. It’s because even my mother wanted her son-in-law to inherit it. The chain of life has got this property back to its real owner and I think you should have it. I want you to have it. Please”
Arnav keeps denying.
“This is the part of the reason I married you and the sole cause of our separation. I don’t want it, Khushi”
“It’s not your choice to make anymore” she keeps the file aside and hugs him. “It’s comes as complimentary with your wife. Now if you don’t want it, I will also have to stop myself from coming closer to you” she teases.

Arnav’s jaw hardens and he grips her back harder.

“I thought I would let you sleep tonight because we are tired. But after hearing this, forget it”

He sweeps her off her feet and throws her on the bed, joining her soon. The room fills with his laughter, her giggles and their love.




I am thankful again to all of you who have been a part of WEDLOCK journey with me. 😊  


Also Read - Two Cappuccino by Madhu

Khushi, a software Engineer is waiting at a Cafe Shop to meet the man her parents have selected through a matrimonial site. When Arnav, a banker, introduces himself as the same candidate she is here to meet, conversation begins and sparks fly over two cups of Cappuccino. Are they really meant to be for each other or is there a twist in the tale? A romantic tale which will make you fall in love with blind dates all over again.


On the verge of getting married, Niyati elopes to fetch her lost life, only to be found again. They say when you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Is Niyati ending up in a hopeless situation by tying this knot or is this beginning of something sparkling? 



  1. Without epilogue ? Madhu please give epilogue.. otherwise I don't feel story is completed.. same u did with lawful sins.. u wrote so many chapters but why r u saying no to epilogue.. very upsetting

    1. Madhu please update wedlock epilogue.. don't incomplete th story.. want to read more about Arshi life about their babies

    2. I knew it will happen again as usual! Everyone will start demanding for epilogue. I never understood why epilogue when it's always about pregnant Khushi and Arshi with their babies! What's new and what's interesting in this?

  2. PLz madhu di epilogue to banta hain na? dessert chahiyehi

  3. Nice Ending. Wedlock was one of the best fiction. Arnav once married Khushi for Sheesh Mahal also they pretended to be a couple for Anjali but as the story progessed both realised the importance of marriage and become a perfect couple. Nani also gave Khushi the responsibility of the house. Will miss this fiction.

  4. Madhu one more suggestion.. in blog we can't read the particular chapter.. can u think about this if I liked some particular chapter I can't directly go to that link and read the chapter I have to click all the chapters to read the particular chapter

  5. No epi?? Aww😞😞😞 anyway thanks for this beautiful story.. cant belief that it ends here.. will not wait for this story every evening... will miss this story very much

  6. Wow.... another awesome update and a happy ending too. Sad that this story ended. Will this Khushi and Arnav so much.....

  7. Beautiful story....Plz update a epilogue

  8. Beautiful journey of Arnav & Khushi's Wedlock ! Wonderful story Madhuri...full of emotions & life's lessons. Both have come a long way from where & how they started their journey of marriage. Along with them their elders too have evolved into what they are today, Nani, Shashi & Kyle.

    Another master piece,where Arnav once again turned out to be a dream husband & Khushi's lucky charm. With their child on the way , their journey would well grow into their later years ...if you are thinking about giving an epilogue to their story. Cheers !

  9. Beautiful story. you can say that this story of your is my favourite. I was waiting to see Khushi pregnant. lets see if we can getthat in epilouge

  10. Ended on a happy note...will miss it...

  11. pleasee write an epilogue about Arshi's baby, as they have so much teasing memories of them regarding their baby talks. It would be interesting to relate to that.

  12. Lovely story, a lil sad that its coming to an end! I really liked the Khushi in your fic.

  13. SUPERB UPDATE...Can believe this is the last chapter but beautiful ending...Madhu plzzz will we get another New Arshi Fictions soon here in this place...

  14. Wow it was a beautiful end to a beautiful story ..u r amazing mam ..thanks a lot

  15. Beautiful Ending...Loved it...
    PS. Pls make index of ur all stories it makes easy for us reader if we want to read PARTICULAR chapter.

  16. As the author you have every right to stop the story where and when you want ...I welcome wholeheartedly your decision for no epilogue ....
    Thank you sooo much for this amazing beautiful lovely and emotional story ....

  17. Loved this story as well... real good one

  18. @Madhu please you can’t just end the story like that, it’s so sudden. You can give us more by writing a long epilogue so that we as readers will have a feel that wedlock had ended. Give us more 🥺🥺🥺

  19. Love ❤️ your stories ❤️❤️❤️

  20. Awesome fabulous update plz epilogue madhu

  21. Please give an epilogue this end seems incomplete because Arnav Khushi were mostly alone and when they got together it ended with the last update having mostly La and the family.
    They both deserve to have a little family of their own and we need to see them. Please give an epilogue

  22. when you complete every story you always say that no epilogue but plz for this story make exception plzzzz...this story was amazing from the start..plz give an epilogue

  23. This is one of my most fav from your stories thats why I want an epilogue. I loved this story so much. The way Khushi was in the beginning and same with Arnav how they both were to where they are now has been a wonderful journey specially their email conversations were so wonderful. They had baby talks initially when they weren't even in love with each other. How Khushi was with Ruhi and how she was deprived of a mother's love and a family she would want that for herself so thats why I expected their journey to becoming parents too.

    It's your story and your choice to end it but please this once consider an epilogue.

  24. Without an epilogue means like having lunch without dessert... Toh epilogue toh banta hai... Please Madhu... Waise bhi ye story khatam ho gaya uska bhi toh ghum hai ����... Loved it

  25. One of my fav from ur books..... I will miss 😟😒😞😞😞😞😞😞

  26. Loved the ending from not trusting each to learn to understand each other to bonding and working to be independent and closer loved the ff.

  27. Ending of a lovely story... keep it up!

  28. Oh so sad wedlock was ended but plz madhu without epilogue and arshi babies how can you end it don't do this madhu it's feel like some hanging happening here plzzzzzz pouting

  29. Awesome story came to an end, but it felt incomplete without arshi's baby. Please update epilogue with only arshi and their baby.

  30. Awesome story. :) Hope you write epilogue. Will miss this story

  31. Beautiful journey thanks for the wonderful story

  32. Loved the journey but still going to miss the story.... but still wants the epilogue

  33. Awesome story 😍 Please write one more story like this or where arnav and Khushi are from middle class family had an arranged marriage .
    As always we have seen either one of them is rich . It will be different

  34. I'm really going to miss this..... Really love all your creations from the bottom of my heart.....

  35. Awesome journey of ArShi and loved it so much.. will surely miss wedlock.. Thanks a ton Madhu for this awesome story.. love it and all your works dear.. God bless you

  36. It was an amazing story. You could have made it a little bit longer if there is no epilogue. But anyhow it's a beautiful story.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.


  38. Beautiful ending !! 😍😍😍 lovely story it was... and you are an amazing writer, I enjoy every story written by you.

  39. Awesome update. Di please update epilogue

  40. Madhu dear.. Why no epilogue. . Pls pls the stoory won't complete without epilogue... Pls update...

  41. I enjoy every part of there journey, it was excellent story as always.
    Love you and thanks 4 the little wonderful time that you gave us

  42. Awww , I'm gonna miss it ������������ wish ur stories continue forever...or the star plus guys make ur stories into tv series with barun sanaya forever ....y can't someone Recommend ur stories to Star plus?

  43. Brilliant end! Gonna miss this! All loops cleared. Bliss. Cheers

  44. Awesome story. Will be missing it a lot

  45. Finally I found my issue solution and now I am able to comment. It was an awesome FF and I am happy and sad that it came to an end finally. It had everything Pain, hurt, Love, Romance, Betrayal, Friends, AMAN etc. For me.
    Thanks for this lovely fiction

  46. Awesome story... Am going to miss it...
    But I know you will us more such fabulous arshi stories....
    Thanks a lot... 😍😍🥰😘

  47. Madhu I was the part of the story right from beginning .... I really loved it. . I really loved the EMail chat..... I found it toooooo Romantic and toooo sexy.....especially the addressing part to each other like Mr Raizada, ur curious husband.... This aunty..... impatient wife.... I loves the salutation.... sounds too sexy and romantic
    I would apply it on my soulmate🤭🤭

    But as usual ur a fabulous writer and I really loved it

  48. Another beautiful story of Ur's comes to an end 😍😍 it was a beautiful journey😍😍 can't praise u enough 😘 but I can only effort to send lots of love ur way 😍😍 ur one of the biggest fan ❤❤

  49. Madhu a request plzzzzz kindly update an epilogue it will be more interesting plzzzz showing Anjali back to India rahi have grown big she s the naughty kid at home and khushi is successful and is expecting or u can show her dat she got a child as ur wish

  50. Beautiful ending 💓 going to miss this..Loved it 😍

  51. Thank you very much for this beautiful story Madhu. 💖💖💖

  52. Another beautiful story written by you comes to an end .

  53. I love happy endings. Thank you for a beautiful journey.

  54. I am seriously going to miss this e-mail romance story . It's really a cute simple romantic story which is very close to my heart.

  55. Ended beautifully.thank you for the very nice story

  56. Beautiful ending
    Wonderful story will miss it to much
    Thanks for giving us such a lovely story

  57. Another beautiful story ended ...this FF was really special for me... beautiful ending but wished for an epilogue yeh Dil mange more❤️🙈

  58. Perfect ending as always....👍🏼👌🏼

  59. Beautiful ending..
    Congratulations on completing the story..

    Going to miss it yaar every good thing comes to end do soon..
