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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Wedlock - Part 60


Chapter 60

Shashi and Kyle visit Khushi at San Francisco soon after they come to know about the recent threat she faced. As expected, none of them had any idea of her past connection with Vicky. It was a total surprise to the couple that Khushi had faced something so horrible during her college days. Arnav briefs them about the incident which happened before allowing them to see Khushi in the hospital. He doesn’t want the couple to go meet Khushi unprepared. Plus, he himself is upset on Shashi Gupta especially, for never involving himself in Khushi’s life, taking her responsibility fully as a father. Whatever mishaps his wife has faced so far is due to lack of responsibility from her father and then him. Though they have now corrected their ways and apologized for their mistakes, incidents like these bring back the pain they have given so far to her.

When Shashi and Kyle visit Khushi in the room, Shashi bursts in tears.

“I am such a bad father” he sobs. Kyle is equally hurt and takes the blame entirely on herself to have kept Shashi aloof from his fatherly responsibilities.

“Dad, I am doing fine now” Khushi holds Shashi’s hand to soothe him down. “And we cannot change the past. It’s gone”
“You are too selfless to forgive us Khushi. But I don’t think me and your father will ever be able to cope up with the sins we did towards you” Kyle replies.
“Kyle, please” Khushi insists. “This is not the time to play the blame game again. I am saved by another mishap. And that’s all that matters”

She cups her father’s face.

“Dad… smile. I cannot see you in tears ever. You still have a very strong image in my eyes, please don’t weaken it”

She comforts her father who is speechless and in pain.

“Hey” Arnav steps in the room, interrupting the Gupta family. “I have to go out for some time. Will you be okay till then? The guards are there and Di is on way to look after you”
“I will be fine” she smiles.
“We won’t go anywhere either, Arnav” Kyle assures.
“Thanks” he reaches his wife and kisses her forehead, without caring the presence of the Guptas. “I am taking you home tonight” he whispers.

She is dying to get away from this atmosphere. The hospital bed is too small to accommodate Arnav next to her. She wants to sleep in his embrace, draw his warmth because only that can recover her faster. He makes his way out. She wonders whats so important that he would leave like that? Otherwise so far, he has never left her side in the hospital.


When Arnav Singh Raizada storms in the police headquarters, Mike shakes hands and escorts him in the questioning room. Mike is the Senior officer of this place and currently handling Khushi’s abduction case.

“We have his confession recorded Mr. Raizada and it is enough along with the earlier proofs you provided to build a strong case against Miss Khanna and deport her immediately to India.”
“Thank you, Mike. Pratham, the deputy commissioner in Delhi will takeover this case from there” he acknowledges. “When is Vicky and Shagufta’s flight to India?”
“Tonight. We have a team of officers who would hand over them and the case files to the Indian Police”
“Good. I want to meet Miss Khanna”

Mike nods at his request.
“She is with her lawyer right now completing the deportation formalities but of course you can meet her once she is done.”

Arnav waits patiently for his turn. There is so much hatred scorching inside him for whatever she did to his family. When her lawyer leaves, Arnav steps in the little room where Shagufta is stationed.

“Arnav” her face glows the moment she sees him coming inside. She gets up and tries to reach him. “I knew you would show up. Look what Khushi did to me? She raised a false complaint against me. She… she doesn’t like me in your life. She might be your wife but I am also your friend… your best friend.. She should know I have a special place in your heart. She couldn’t… she couldn’t bear that.. That’s why she got me arrested? I didn’t do anything. This is all her conspiracy”

Arnav grabs her wrists before she can touch him.

“Stop your drama, Shagufta” he scoffs. “You still think I will believe you?”
She frowns.
“And Khushi didn’t complain against you. I did” his tone thickens. “You played a very nasty game Shagufta… not once but twice. You put Di’s life in danger and now Khushi’s. Both the women who are very very important to me!!” he steps forward.

Her heart pounds seeing the anger in his eyes. There was one last hope she could turn the act against Vicky and prove herself innocent in Arnav’s eyes but seems like that’s not happening. Her back hits the hard wall behind, putting her in a corner where she cannot run from.

“Arnav..” she tries to speak again.
“Don’t!! Don’t you dare take my name from your filthy mouth”
She swallows hard.

“I always gave you chances, one after another but instead of utilizing it and amending your mistakes, you kept doing more. I told you I love Khushi. She is my wife and I loved her the first instant I met her in Cape Town. And I have never seen you more than a good friend. What was so hard to understand in this?”
“I cant” she mutters, which tears in her eyes. “I can’t convince my heart that you don’t love me, Arnav. All these years we have been so close, you shared every little detail with me. When she left you and eloped after marriage, I was the one who gave you support. I .. I was with you in thick and thin time. Even after that, why did you chose her over me? I cannot accept that, Arnav. Is she more beautiful? Leaner? More soft spoken than me? I will change myself in every way” she cups his face. “I will change myself as per your likes. I promise. But please… please don’t leave me for her. Please”

He pities this woman but she has really got herself wrong this time. Arnav shrugs her arms away.

“I am married” he snaps.
“I know you are married” she shouts. “I don’t mind that you are married. I will still love you and you will always have a place in my heart, Arnav. Please get me out of here. Help me” she tries to touch him inappropriately and this time Arnav doesn’t keep quiet. He draws himself away from that woman.

“Enough!! You need help Shagufta. Some serious help. I will ask the Police Officials in India to arrange a psychiatrist for you once they take you in custody. That’s all the help you can get from my end. This is the last time we are seeing each other. Next time you hurt my family, you won’t even like to know what I would do to you”

He stares back at her with a visible, heated rage again and heads out of the room. She rushes behind him and bangs the closed door.

“Arnav… please come back.. I will change… I promise I will change” she keeps yelling but he doesn’t stop. He strides out of the place closing this chapter forever from his life. He didn’t mean to be so harsh with any woman, Shagufta drew it all upon her by hurting his family. She left him no choice.



“This feels so nice” Khushi breathes the familiar air of her home where she is back from the Hospital. Arnav watches her intently, holding her hand. Almost 3 days she wasn’t here and the house felt nothing but soulless. Now that she is back, they will make it live again with their memories and love.

“Welcome home” Anjali and Kyle come out from the Penthouse kitchen holding the Puja thali. Khushi is surprised. They were here? She was thinking where else can they go when she is been discharged from the hospital.
“What was the need for all this Di?”
“Of course, there is a reason why we are doing this. You came back from a critical problem. None of us would want anything like that to repeat in your life again. So, we want to ensure this wish of ours is ritually sealed”

Khushi smiles letting the two women circle the Thali before them. Arnav sweeps her off her feet the moment it is done and takes her in. The Jha family stays with the couple for dinner and then heads back home. Nani goes along with them while Shashi and Kyle stay back in the Penthouse.
“I will show you both your room” Khushi tells Kyle.
“No, you don’t need to. Arnav has already done that and we have settled in with our luggage there. Thank you for making such a great arrangement for us”
“Kyle” Khushi sighs. “This is your home too. Unless you don’t treat me as your step daughter” she mocks.

Kyle frowns. Her expressions becoming serious.
“I treated you as my step daughter so far, not anymore. I think that’s why God never gave me a child of my own even though I desired” she exhales. “I was never a mother material.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Kyle” Khushi presses her hand.
“I know” she seals her hand by placing hers over. “I just want to say that I want to be a mother to you. I don’t know how.? I don’t know if you will allow me that… but… I really wish you treat me as you would to your mother”

Khushi becomes speechless. Shashi and Arnav who are sitting around them are equally confused with their conversation.

“I am not rushing you, Khushi. Things have been pretty complicated between us all the time so it is not going to be an easy decision, I know. But please think about it” she presses her palm over Khushi’s cheek. Khushi gives a gentle nod.
“I will”

Her assurance brightens Kyle’s face and lightens everyone’s mood. Kyle hugs her and then she and Shashi head back to their room to rest. Khushi turns to her husband who is sitting opposite on the couch.

“huuhh” she exhales deep. “So much is happening around.. .so many changes” she mumbles. “Good ones though”
“Whatever happens from hereon will always be good” he promises coming back to her. “time to sleep Mrs. Raizada. Feels like ages we slept together”

She giggles heartily as he picks her up in arms again and carries her all the way to their bedroom.


“Where had you been today morning?” she comes out of the bathroom changing into her night dress while Arnav is busy making their bed ready. He pauses his actions to look at her.
“Had to take care of something” his chest expands on a deep slow breath.
“Met Shagufta?” she comes ahead.

Arnav doesn’t know how she got to know this but he does not deny.

“How did she react to her arrest?”
“She is going mad, Khushi. She wants me still. Doesn’t matter I am married to you, love you. She just… wants me. She has lost her mind”
Khushi is glad he let it out.
“I can relate with her feelings” she slides her arms around his neck. “Any sane woman would want you”
“I am serious” he replies. “She has become insane and that’s what worries me”

Khushi understands his concern. Shagufta and Arnav were childhood friends and even business partner so far. After knowing someone from such a long time, it wont be easy for anyone.
“Owwwww” she hisses in pain, drawing her bruised arm away from his neck.
“Damn!! Khushi you need to remember your shoulder is still hurt. You cannot make such movements” he shouts and makes her sit on the bed. “Let me see”

She leans her head to the other side while he caresses her neck and shoulder gently.

“I heard you are hosting Lavanya’s bachelor party here?” she diverts the subject.
“Hmm. You okay with that?”
“I love that” she stops him from massaging her neck.
“I thought so. Because you and Lavanya are so close friends, I knew you would do something like this for her had you been in India. So, I took the initiative and called her, Rohan and few of their friends here next week for the party. Aman has booked the hotels for them”
“Can La stay here with us? Please?” she puts a request.
Arnav smirks. He knew she would want that too.

“If you keep pouting like that how can I deny?”
She squeals when he pulls her close.
“We complete each other, don’t you think?” she asks.. “I wish for something and before I can demand it, you fulfil it for me”
“That’s what I believe true love is” he mumbles leaning behind with her, to lay on the bed.

After 3 long days and the horrible events that happened before, Khushi is finally able to cuddle back in her husband’s arms. He too can spend his lifetime like this.. just cuddling her like she is his only lifeline.

To be Continued.



Note: The Precap posted earlier will be in the next part which also happens to be the last part of this FF.  Will post the last part of Wedlock back to back tomorrow. 


Also Read - Two Cappuccino by Madhu

Khushi, a software Engineer is waiting at a Cafe Shop to meet the man her parents have selected through a matrimonial site. When Arnav, a banker, introduces himself as the same candidate she is here to meet, conversation begins and sparks fly over two cups of Cappuccino. Are they really meant to be for each other or is there a twist in the tale? A romantic tale which will make you fall in love with blind dates all over again.


On the verge of getting married, Niyati elopes to fetch her lost life, only to be found again. They say when you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Is Niyati ending up in a hopeless situation by tying this knot or is this beginning of something sparkling? 




  1. Awesome Update. Very sad wedlock is ending. Shagufta is really mad. Finally Kyle and Khushi bonded. Kyle understood her mistake and want to give motherly love to Khushi which she was devoid of. Shashi Gupta also apologized. Though he has done mistakes but Khushi forgive him. Khushi's character in this story is the best . Finally Arshi are together.

  2. Loved it but I am very sad it’s coming to closure

  3. Finally khushi is getting all the love she missed. I hope that precap part comes in the beginning of the next chapter.

  4. Sad this story is ending ,but something should end for a new beginning .....I know this story will give way to new interesting stories .

  5. Owe nice update and one of my favorite story ending soon is hurting me (pouted) but I wish some leaps and arshi babies in last part it's happen isn't it?

  6. SUPERB UPDATE...Cant believe this is going to end...Will we get another New ArShi Fictions here Madhu...Waiting for Next Part...

  7. Lovely update Really shagufta is insane and Kyle glad that she opened about her willings to be a mother figure to khushi

  8. Any kind of obsession is bad and what Shagufta is doing is same. I am glad Kyle is maintaining her relationship with Khushi and wish that she treat her like her mother. Lovely chapter.

  9. Awesome update im gonna miss this

  10. Beautiful update...

    Loved the way shashi kyle have changed and they are thinking n caring for khushi now..

    Arnav too good... evil S seriously needs psychiatrist..

    Wow he has arrange La'd party here n hosting them..

    Indeed khushi deserved all this love and happiness..

    Cant believe one more beautiful arshi journey is reaching the end...

    I am sure you have more stories in your magical writing..

  11. Awesome but short update, going to miss this ff. When will you update next part?
