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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 17 B


Chapter 17 B

Resort – Bali

She didn’t care how people looked at her. What else were they supposed to do when she gave them a reason to ogle her that way? Her wicked husband had left nothing in her wardrobe expect the few night dresses, one of which she was wearing now. It was decent but definitely not an attire anyone would wear outside the bedroom. But she didn’t care. She had to come out of that room where she felt suffocated because of Arnav Singh Raizada’s presence. He had seen her leave the room in this nightdress but thankfully he didn’t intrude or else she didn’t know what she might have done to his face.

She entered the cozy Drinks corner of the resort and took a seat right at the counter, ordering herself a mocktail. She needed one to soothe her burning nerves. And this mocktail had only 20% alcohol which means she should be fine to head back to her room before it consumes her.

“Thank you” she sips the mocktail looking helplessly on her mobile screen. Apart from few social media notifications and messages from Millie, her assistant, there is nothing on the lock screen of her phone. What is happening in her life? Everything has turned upside down since she visited her town to attend Suhani’s wedding. If she had an idea of anything like this, she would have run away as far as possible from her town, promising herself never to return.

“One Vodka please” a woman of almost her age sits next to her, ordering for herself. Khushi doesn’t even have energy to look at others. She is so messed up in her life. “Drinking alone on your honeymoon?” the woman asks her.

Khushi raises her gaze and turns to the woman, passing her a get lost look!! She is not interested in talking to anyone right now.

“Sorry” the woman apologizes reading her expressions. “Didn’t mean to offend you. But I had seen you with your husband a while ago in the lobby. The way he was carrying you in his arms, told me a different story than what I am seeing now” she eyes her from top to bottom.

Khushi lets out a chuckle of sarcasm.

“Men!! They just know to mess with your lives” Khushi answers.

“Seriously, I agree to that” she raises her vodka glass to toast. Khushi passes a weak smile and then raises her mocktail too. They clink their glasses and sip their respective drinks. “Men.. have no emotions.. most of them” the woman adds.

Khushi sighs with a nod. She can relate to that. The two men in her life, her father and her husband have really no sentiments; at least towards her.

“But whatever it is, I hadn’t expected your man to allow you out of the room in a nightwear” she teases. “He looked quite into you.. like a possessive husband.. Why would he do that?”

Khushi puts her glass away.

“You seem to have noticed too much about us”

“Oh yes” she smiles. “I was very close to you guys when I saw you first. I was checking in the hotel that time.”

“I see” Khushi smiles. “work?”

“Yes, work. And you both on honeymoon?”

“Yup.. Apparently”

The woman laughs.

“Want to share what went wrong? I mean.. to your wardrobe at least. Doesn’t look like you packed only night suits unless your husband played with your bag” she chuckles.

“Ahh this!” Khushi looks at herself once. “He threw all my clothes.”

The woman laughs again.

“Seriously? He did that? Why?”

“Because I did somewhat the same with his. I didn’t pack his right clothes and he wouldn’t wear the ones I chose for him”

“Awww.. You seem to be one fiery feisty couple” she exclaims. “Arranged marriage?”

“Yes” Khushi continues sipping. “By the way I am Khushi . Khushi Gupta. Singh Raizada now” she adds rolling her eyes.

The woman shakes hands with her.

“And I am .. .Vani.” She introduces.

“Hello Vani.. It’s nice to talk to you.. I am feeling good”

“I loved talking to you too”

The two continue chatting for a while and Khushi seems to like Vani already. She seems to be a nice woman.

“By the way, whats your next action plan then?” Vani asks.

“Plan? For what?”

“To trouble your husband. He got to pay for his mistake, shouldn’t he?”

Khushi laughs.

“What do you suggest?”

“Me? I am not very good at handling such men” Vani replies. “But you are smart, I am sure you will plan something good”

Khushi smirks. She has a plan already. She would do something to attract his attention completely and then.. maybe show him his right place. Vani notices Khushi’s empty glass. She has finished the Mocktail.

“Want to refill?” she asks Khushi. “May be a Vodka this time?”

“No.. I am fine” Khushi refuses. “And definitely no Vodka. I don’t behave good when I am intoxicated”

“Who does? That’s okay”

“Nope, you don’t understand Vani. I tend to forget people. I don’t recognize even my own self if I look in the mirror. It’s weird, I know but that’s how it is. Thus hard drinks for me is a total disaster”

Vani laughs.

“It is actually weird. But that’s fine, I won’t insist you for a Vodka but how about another mocktail?”

Khushi continues to deny.

“Oh, come on. Just one more won’t affect you and this one will be on me”

“Why would you pay for my drink?” Khushi questions back.

“I thought we are friends now and this one is for friendship” Vani replies and orders her the same mocktail and a vodka for herself.

After few minutes, Vani gets up to leave.

“Got some work to finish. Have to go. But all the best to you and please let me know how things went, if we see each other again tomorrow”

“Sure” Khushi giggles. Vani stretches her arms to give Khushi a hug. Khushi is initially stunned by her actions, but then she doesn’t want to judge the girl. She gets up and gives a hug to her.

Once she slips away, Khushi focuses back on finishing her drink. She cannot wait here for long. She doesn’t want Arnav to show up here, again in his bathrobe, looking for her everywhere. What would people think they are doing?


Its been an hour since Khushi has left the room. He had seen her going out in the night suit but he didn’t intervene. His secret guards are already in the resort to keep an eye on them and ensure Khushi doesn’t leave the premise without his permission. But now its high time he checks upon her. But how? He is still wearing a bathrobe. He has already informed his guards to buy him some clothes tomorrow. Once they are got, he doesn’t have to think so much.

Considering its late night already, Arnav decides to go check upon his wife in the same attire. He looks for her in the lobby first and then heads straight to the bar.

“One more” he hears Khushi’s voice from behind. He turns around and finds her sitting at the counter, ordering another drink for herself. This was the last place he had expected her to be. He strides to her. Khushi is about to pick the glass which the bartender placed before her when Arnav snatches it away.

“What the” Khushi yells turning to him. “Give it back”

That’s when Arnav notices her carefully. She is drunk beyond her capacity. He looks at the mocktail the bartender made for her and sips it once. It’s fine. There is no much alcohol in it.

“How many of these have she consumed” he asks the bartender.

“Three, Sir”

That’s impossible. Just having three of these won’t get her in this state.

“Give my drink back” she tries to snatch the glass from him but he keeps it away.

“You have had enough. Now lets get back to the room”

She takes a minute to process what he said.

“How dare you?” she snaps. “You… why will I go with you? I am married, Dammit”

Arnav’s brow twitches.

“My husband will punch your face if he sees a stranger next to me” she adds.

Arnav has no clue why she is acting like he is not her husband but someone else is.

“Get lost” she shouts again.

“Khushi… enough”

She blinks rapidly, gazing back at him.

“You know my name? How?”

“That’s because I am your husband.. Arnav Singh Raizada”

Khushi bursts out laughing almost grabbing the attention of few others in the room.

“You.. and my husband? That’s joke of the day. You seem to be cute… you know” she replies. “And my husband… he … he is a .. a … a jerk”

Arnav grits his teeth.

“Jerk?” he rephrases.

“Hmmm” she blinks dozily. “He … threw all my clothes away”

Her mood shifts recalling that and she starts sobbing. Arnav gets restless. He has no clue how to handle her. He has never tackled a drunk woman, forget the one who is so messy like her.

“All .. all my favorite clothes are gone.. He… he threw them away.. how could he?”

Arnav rolls his eyes. She is still sobbing.

“That was a tit-for-tat” he answers. “You messed up with his clothes, didn’t you?”

She stops sobbing

“I .. I had to do it..” she pouts. “He is roaming in a bathrobe everywhere” she giggles now, tears due to her after sobs are still lingering on her face.

“Why? Why did you do this?”

“Shshhh…” she presses her finger over her lip. “It’s a secret” she whispers.

Arnav is totally intrigued. What secret is she talking about? Now since she is patiently answering all his questions, he is going to ensure she answers this one too.

To be Continued.



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  1. Madhu thank you for the update.. but please give precap of badatmeez .. tomorrow morning.. waiting to read badatmeez full chapter

  2. Once again you left on very interesting note...

  3. Awesome Update. Khushi calling Arnav cute as well as jerk. Khushi shared so much information with a stranger is not a good thing. Arnav is very protective towards Khushi. Khushi felt sad as she never got the support of her dad . Now what will be Khushi's answer.

  4. This Vani seems very suspicious to me.. I don't trust her. Maybe She is a Press , or friend of Anjali and Shyam , or friend of Payal ( I don't think so this ) Because Khushi was high which means That Vani definitely mixed vodka in her mocktail .

    Just imagine Arnav's reaction when he gets to know truth from Drunk Khushi.

    Thanks for the update. suspicious one but loved Khushi drunk moments with arnav.

    - Anash.

  5. Khusi you are in trouble or is it one of your plan to trouble arnav have to wait and see

  6. OMG is she going to tell him the truth? I don't think so.

  7. The way the so called Vani paused before introducing herself, (....Vani) itself indicates that it's not her real name and she must be definitely either from Media or planted by somebody like Shyam & Anjali. As Khushi has posted about their trip on social media, people are out there to take advantage. What Angad, Arnav's friend & his security chief , predicted has come true. When he already mentioned about the impending dangers after Khushi's social media post to Arnav, why he didn't find it necessary to have bodyguards follow Khushi not only outside the hotel but inside of it too? Then may be they would've kept an eye on Khushi and could've prevented the imposter Vani from spiking Khushi's drink.

    It's surprising how gullible Khushi can be to fall into the trap of imposter Vani , given that she is an independent career woman living on her own.Both Arnav & Khushi acted carelessly in this regard .

  8. Oh god Khushi going to split the truth . I don’t like vani from start onwards . Her name also not vani bcz she think for while and introduced her self .

    Waiting for next update dear. Let’s see how their second day of honeymoon going in ArShi life

  9. Hmm interest ing again leave us hanging what next if arnav know about khushi secret or some arshi nok jok? Curious???

  10. I'm not sure is it too early to judge this but I'm not sure about vani. She seems nice but she seems to have some secret too. Can she be that woman who stared at khushi at the wedding? Anyway khushi is going to tell everything to arnav. That's interesting. Let's see. Nice update.

  11. Vani....i definitely dnt trust her.....

  12. Hmmm 🤔 looks like this vani is not a good person. She’s getting information from Khushi and she’s blurting it out. Maybe Arnav going to know what Khushi had done behind his back. Fabulous update

  13. Interesting but want to know that if khushi is really drunk or just faking of being drunk

  14. Just can't wait for more ....And Vani seems to be a dangerous woman or is she sent by Payal ?

  15. Awesome update, but doubt Vani, do not feel good

  16. Wonderful update..loved there nok jok

  17. Awesome update. Poor khushi. She is going to let out all her secrets now. Eagerly waiting to what all she is going to do in this drunken state.
    And why did this Vani do that??? What is her intention to make khushi drunk???
    Something is not right. Hope she is not harmful.

  18. For a smart person like Khushi, she was acting dumb infront of Vani 🙄

  19. Arnav is going to know the secrets kishi wanted to hide. Interesting one. Waiting to read the next part

  20. This woman Vani is not what she is looking...It look like she's taking information from Khushi...Waiting for Next Part...

  21. Who is this Vani? Why did she get Khushi drunk? She definitely spiked her drink.

    And I hope Khushi doesn't reveal details about her Professional Career plan here to Arnav in this inebriated state.


  22. Awesome but ended in a cliffhanger

  23. Who is this Vani .. hope it’s not some tricks of Anjali

  24. Cute and lovely update
    But who is this Vani she definitely had added something in Khushi's drink
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  25. Awesome update,Vani is definitely a treats

  26. Awesome update,Vani is definitely a treats

  27. Khushi herself is gonna spills all the beans to Arnav in her drunk state.. sad.. hope that vani is not a trap of someone.. loved the update.. Thanks Madhu <3

  28. Nice update...
    Khushi howncan spill things about herald to a stranger..
    Is that girl deliberately came there?

    Now drunken khushi hope all goes well
