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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

The Royal Fling - Part 17 A


Chapter 17 A 

Studio – Bali

“Millie” Khushi calls for her assistant who is busy talking to the Director of the Ad shoot.

It’s been 2 hours since she is out of the resort, giving an excuse to Arnav Singh Raizada that she will buy him a set of decent clothes. That excuse will cost her a lot if she he gets to know she is out to shoot for an advertisement whose contract she had signed before her marriage. Though he hasn’t called her yet to check upon her but he might do that any time.

“Yes, Ma’am” Millie returns to Khushi.

“Millie, how long will it take for the last shot? I cannot wait for long. I have to get back to the hotel”

“I understand Ma’am. But the baby is not yet ready. She is little cranky” Millie giggles.

Khushi sighs. The shoot is for a baby product and even though most of the scenes have been shot with her, there is one last one pending with the baby. She checks her watch. It’s not good. She has to return before Arnav becomes suspicious. She strides to the Director of the shoot to check if this last scene can be shot tomorrow.

“That’s not possible, Khushi. The whole crew is paid only for today. This shoot cannot be shifted to tomorrow”

Khushi is disappointed. Looks like she has to think of a Plan B now.


3 Hours later

“Sir, Ma’am has reached the resort” one of the guards duly set for the Royal’s security here in Bali, informs Arnav over the call. Arnav is still in the presidential suite, patiently waiting for Khushi to return.

“Bring her in the room” he snaps.

“Sir, she … she cannot walk by herself”


“Yes Sir, she has hurt her leg”

Arnav grits his teeth and disconnects the call. Hurt her leg?

When he reaches the lobby of the hotel, he finds Khushi talking to the Duty Manager of the resort who wants to assist her to get back in the room. Her left foot is plastered.

“Thanks Nico, but I can manage to get back in the room. A wheelchair should work” Khushi exclaims.

“Oh, there he comes” Nico smiles looking at Arnav Singh Raizada who reaches them. He is in a bathrobe. Still!! Khushi bites her tongue for not being able to get him clothes. To be honest, bringing him his choice of clothes was not her motive at all but she really cannot see him in a Towel or bathrobe all the time. Pity him!!! But right now, she has to show some fake pity for herself.

“Ouuuchh” Khushi bends to touch her plastered feet to soothe her fake pain.

“Ma’am, you alright?” Nico shouts.

Arnav’s brow twitches high at his unnecessary intrusion and concern.

“She is fine” Arnav snaps coming in between the general manager, Nico and his wife.

“But Sir, she looks in pain”

“I can look after my wife’s concerns. You may leave”

Khushi frowns. What should she call this attitude of his? Jealousy or In-sensitiveness? Once Nico slips away quietly, he focusses back on her. It’s hard for Khushi to read his expressions. The next instance, he reaches her and sliding an arm around her waist, he takes her off her feet, her in arms. She hadn’t expected him to do so.

“What do you think you are doing?” she shouts. “Put me down”

“If I recall, you just said you cannot walk by yourself”

She bites her lip. Yes, she said that to gain his sympathy not this. When she focuses back at him, he is still staring at her.

“And I don’t mind taking special assistance services from the Hotel, it is you who is going to settle the bill, not me” he reminds.

She calculates how much it might cost her to take such services in the Hotel though the wheelchair assistance should be free of cost, she cannot take that risk. Having read her decision in her eyes, Arnav strides back to their presidential suite. The couples passing by in the lobby are fascinated seeing her carry him like that.

“How romantic” one couple who passes by murmurs to each other.

Nothing is romantic in this gesture, its pure need of the hour!! As they get inside the room, he puts her on the couch. She decides to blurt out before he starts questioning.

“I couldn’t buy you clothes…”

It is obvious she hasn’t bought him clothes. He passes a wicked grin.

“You like seeing me without them, don’t you?” he teases. Her eyes widen in surprise. “Come on, admit it” he leans over her. Before she could stop him from almost hovering on her body, he picks his mobile phone placed next to her.

“No..” she snaps. “I am cursing the time I bought those online clothes for you”

“Are you now?”

He sits next to her, maintaining a little distance. Is he mocking? Though he is being all calm, why is she sensing some threatening vibes radiating out of him?

“What happened to your leg?” he interrupts her chain of thoughts.

“It’s a long story” she pouts realizing she has to focus on the fake pain too. “Oucchh” she purposely fakes another yelp.

“I am all ears” he exclaims, leaning back on the couch.

“Uhh?” she gazes back at him confused. He really wants to know? Well… in the short drive from her studio to the hotel, she just got time to plaster her leg, not decide a background story.

“Actually, I was… I was out in the mall but my leg slipped at the escalators. I .. fell down..” she lies.

Arnav keeps listening, intently.

“And…an elderly woman… she helped me. Took me to the hospital”

She sweats despite the high AC inside the suite. Arnav hands her a tissue paper. She reluctantly takes it and wipes her forehead sweat.

“Daadi says, when people lie they tend to sweat a lot… even in chilling weather” he exclaims.

Khushi looks away. Does that mean he knows she lied? What else does he know? Is he even aware that she had been to shoot an Ad?

“I think the Doctor didn’t dress it properly”

Khushi instantly withdraws her feet as she finds him now kneeling down the couch.

“What are you doing?”

“The plaster” he replies.. “Its coming out.. let me fix it”


She pulls her feet away with a force; the same leg which she said is hurt.

“Impressive… Looks like your feet never got any sprain” he comments.

“I… No.. I mean.. its paining..” she continues to lie.

Arnav grits his teeth and pulls her feet off the couch. She is about to fall but he balances her by one arm while the other pulls away the plaster from her feet which shows no signs of any bruises or scar.

“There you go.” He throws the plaster away.

Khushi is shocked by his sudden actions.

“You lied to me?” he scowls. “That’s something I can never tolerate”

“Seriously?” she snaps. “And what about you lying to others? Practice what you preach Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. When you cannot handle others lies, don’t lie to them either”

She is talking about the false promise he made her to continue practicing her modelling career even after their marriage.

“I lied to you for a good cause. It didn’t harm you. You have married to the most eligible royal bachelor of the country who is not just handsome but wealthy enough to keep his next 7 generations rolling in money and luxury.”

His reply infuriates her.

“Money may be important for you, not me. I believe in being independent but guess what, people like you will never understand. So, I wont be wasting time in that”

She gets down the couch and strides inside the bedroom. He doesn’t follow her, he knows she will come back out in a minute, which she does.

“Where the hell are my clothes?” she yells at him.

Arnav shrugs.

“I threw them”

“What?” she storms to him. “Threw? Threw them? Why?”

“How would it look Khushi if your husband roams around in a bathrobe or towel whilst you wear your casual outfits?”

She feels like smacking his face. His smirk is annoying her. Apart from her nightwear and some basic clothing, she didn’t find anything in her bag nor in the closet. Did he really throw all her luggage?

“How could you do that?” she yells back.

Arnav exhales with a cold shrug.

“For whatever reasons you didn’t buy me clothes today, because of the same reasons you wont be having any to wear either. Lets enjoy the vacation without them” he comes closer. He can feel her body burning in rage. That heat is almost emanating out and touching his.

“Give my clothes back” she retorts.

Her face reddens in fury.

“Apologize, fight or plead. Do anything you wish but I am not going to change my mind” he answers.

“You are insane”

“A bit, yeah”

He has started liking their arguments. She is something extraordinary… exactly his match.. her anger, fighting spirit, arrogance, ego, everything matches with his. He wonders how he missed meeting her before despite they stayed in the same town? She gazes him with the same madness for few more seconds and then locks herself in the bedroom.

To be Continued 

Note: Got busy yesterday and busier today so short part but will post the Part B of this tomorrow. Hopefully before evening, if not then as usual like today .. at night. :(


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  1. Oh this was fun! Can't wait for the next one. He did get back eventually. But, loved how she got herself some Me time and shoot time as well. Why is he such a chauvinist pig? I mean why can't she be independent? I want him to also he attracted to her. If there was jealously when the manager tried to tend Khushi, I'd be the happiest.


  2. Awesome Update. So Arnav accepted that Khushi is his perfect match. Arnav is too proud of his royal lineage but Khushi is very different here. She is an independent woman. Khushi is continuing her modelling career without Arnav's knowledge but what will happen when Arnav will come to know about it. Khushi is really funny and her ways of irritating Arnav is too cute but she is right in her own way. Arnav also cares for her but always hides . Hope love story begins soon.

  3. I knew it Khushi plan will backfire...He's ASR afterall...But Khushi you are KKGSR now so dont lose hope...Waiting for Next Part...

  4. Interesting and cute update
    I knew it that Arnav will definitely caught her lie
    Really love their little nok jhok to much
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  5. He is a guy who is full of himself with too much obsessed of his lineage

  6. These two craziest couple . I loved their fighting spirit . More in Khushi . Look like arnav start to like Khushi and her attitude .
    Cute update dear
    Waiting for next update dear

  7. I love their fights. It brings them closer. But I don't want khushi to continue this lie. They shouldn't be the same. Khushi must show that she is honest and she went to the shoot. And most importantly they should discuss their future. Whether they want to continue their marriage, their careers and all. Nice update.

  8. These two are meant for each other....they fight like crazy but guess they will fall for crazily as well.....matter of time!

  9. That was superb.. so Arnav doesn't know about Khushi shooting an ad when she went out.. waiting to see what he have to say about that.. but superb update.. so tit for tat couple they are.. loved it.. Thanks Madhu <3

  10. Very very entertaining 😂👏👏👏👏

  11. Hahahah Khushi you’re very bad at lying 🤥
    Interesting 🧐 update

  12. Their relationship need to further now ...

  13. Nice update..

    Khushinshould have think about some solid plan.. arnav her
