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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

The Royal Fling - Part 16


Chapter 16 

Arnav lifts the dumbbells; his muscles stretch as he grips them harder.

“Stop grinning” he growls at his friend Angad who is doing pushups in the same room.

“How else will I react? When Suhani told me, I didn’t believe her. But when you confirmed, since then my mind is racing” he stops doing the pushups. “Bali? Honeymoon? And who planned it all? Not you but Khushi Gupta. Wow. She is fast”

Arnav puts the dumbbells down. Actually, even he was shocked when Khushi proposed for the honeymoon but then she cleared her reasons and they seem to be genuine.

“I heard she did some shopping for you too” Angad adds and when Arnav stares at him with frustration, he bursts out laughing. “Okay, sorry. I know you didn’t like those clothes. But don’t forget to pack a separate bag if that’s the case”

Arnav gets up.

“It’s not funny Angad” he snaps.

“I had warned you before marriage. Don’t take Khushi lightly. She is a fighter. If she could slip from her father’s strict rules, she is not going to let you control her either”

Arnav rolls his eyes. Shyam enters the gym room. “Arnav, what are we hearing?”

Arnav passes an irked expression towards Angad for being intruded by Shyam Singh Raizada. That poking attitude of Shyam and his wife has always annoyed them.

“How would I know what you heard?” he replies, starting the treadmill and walking on it, increasing the speed slowly.

Shyam lets out a fake laugh.

“You and Khushi are going on honeymoon?”

Arnav doesn’t respond. Why is everyone making a fuss over it?

“I heard it from outsiders. Seems Khushi has posted it on her social media. She has to learn some etiquettes of the family. It’s not good to share each and every moment of your lives so openly. You know the media is already hungry for news and not to forget we have enemies too. What if someone takes advantage of this information?”

“Shyam” Arnav interrupts him. “Thanks for the company.. I got to shower”

He slips out of the room leaving a fuming Shyam behind. Angad continues his pushups. The two friend’s gym frequently together. Apart from being Arnav’s close friend, Angad also manages the security of this Palace and the family.

“Don’t worry, Shyam” Angad exclaims. “I am taking care of their security in Bali. They will be safe. It’s nice to know that you worry for their safety”

Shyam fakes a smile and continues the workout.


Next Day

Khushi is all set to leave. She asks the servants to put her luggage in the car. Once he drags the trolley bags out, she looks one last time in the mirror. She is overly dressed for travel. Usually she prefers wearing denims but today she has worn a designer salwar only because she is the newly wed bride of a Royal. Anjali knocks the door and gets inside.

“All set?” she asks.

Khushi nods. She can clearly see jealousy in her eyes. But for what?

“You look fully prepared” she comes ahead and hugs her superficially.

Khushi meets her gaze.

“Prepared? For what?” Khushi asks.

“To start a family. I heard you book the tickets. This whole idea of honeymoon was yours”

Khushi smiles. So that’s why the jealousy?

“Does that even matter? All couples go out after their marriage. To get to know each other better. That’s what we are doing”

“Yea, but all brides are not shameless like you” Anjali taunts. “Ooops.. please don’t mind me calling you shameless. But that’s what it looks like to us” she touches the diamond earrings of Khushi as if to rest it properly on her ears.

“You seem very desperate for this than Arnav” she adds.

Khushi shrugs off her hand from her ear.

“That’s our lookout. Me and Arnav will see who plays what roles in our married life. You don’t have to poke but please feel free to judge as much as you want if that’s make you feel better. I won’t stop you”

Saying that Khushi walks out of the room. Anjali grits her teeth. She was rude.


Daadi blesses the couple who are all set to leave for the Airport. Even though the idea of Honeymoon so suddenly has startled her, she is not very hopeful by the two. She knows they share nothing between them yet. They are still two strangers and it will take time for the two to bond. But being the matriarch of the family, she desires her grandsons to soon give her the honor of seeing her great grandsons. Shyam and Anjali are nowhere in that list and now the secret is slowly being guessed by outsiders that one of the two is medically unfit for it. Though Akash’s wife is already pregnant, she has no much hopes if the couple will choose to stay here in this Palace and give her that right, leaving her only one option now – Arnav and Khushi. If they somehow accept their marriage, things might work out in her favor.


“I want the window seat” Khushi argues as they board the plane.

“I need the window seat too” he replies adamantly.

“But I booked the tickets”

“That’s the problem. If you hadn’t booked it, we would be flying to Bali in my luxury Private charter which had windows for every seat. We wouldn’t have argued like this. So, it is your fault”

He takes the window seat and clasps the seatbelt. Khushi holds her smile. She has no interest in window seat, she likes arguing with him, raising his temper for silly reasons. She purposely booked the tickets prior to informing him because if she hadn’t, he would have denied the whole trip. Plus, she also didn’t want him to flaunt his luxury so often. He might be a Royal but what’s the harm in living a normal life?

He shifts uncomfortably on the seat. He is not used to travel by flights other than the ones he owns. Khushi notices his discomfort.

“It’s a business class seat, don’t act like I am taking you to Bali in a bullock cart” she mocks.

“Thank God I didn’t let you make the Hotel arrangements in Bali. You would made me stay in a beach shack otherwise” he replies.

Khushi’s jaw drops at his sarcasm.

“You think I am a popper? I don’t have money?” she argues.

He doesn’t reply.

“I can afford you Mr. Royal Singh Raizada”

Now that sounds like a challenge to him. He turns to her.

“Really?” he teases. “You sure?”

“You bet” she defends her statement.

“Fine.. I wont spend a money there. You will be settling my bills, right from my drink … till the resort stay. How about that?”

Khushi’s mind goes in the calculative mode. It’s not like this trip is going to cost her fortune if she has to pay all the bills but it will surely wipe off her savings for last few months.

“Deal?” he stretches his arm towards her.

“Deal” she completes their handshake.

Arnav grins and looks out of the window. This should be fun. Khushi wears her earpods and shuts her eyes. It’s better she takes a nap now because tomorrow is going to be a big day for her.


Bali – Resort

Khushi is stunned as they enter the gates of the luxury resort. All the upcoming bills start flashing before her eyes momentarily.

“Scared?’’ he taunts. “You just have to say”


“That you are dependent on me.” he replies. “I will take care of all the payments”

Khushi swallows hard.

“I can handle this” she confidently declares and completes the check-in formalities.


“Presidential Suite?” she stumbles seeing their room. It’s a one-bedroom magnificent suite, flaunting royal tinge in every furniture that completed it.

Arnav makes his way inside and settles on the couch. He hadn’t planned to make her pay the bills of this trip when he booked this room but now that she offered to do so, he wouldn’t intrude.

“You okay?” he calls.

“Totally” she fakes normalcy and occupies the bedroom. He can tease her as much as he wants tonight, but tomorrow its going to be her turn, especially when he opens his bags after shower.

Arnav makes some quick call back home, informing that they have reached safely. The next call he makes to Angad.

“I have appointed a detective and explained him everything. If Akash or Payal are seen making contact with Khushi, they will inform you” Angad informs.

“I hope they come here, Angad. I don’t want to drag this for too long” Arnav answers.

They talk for few more minutes and then he hangs up. When Arnav returns back to the bedroom, he sees Khushi already asleep on the bed. They don’t sleep together in Shantivan because of her tyconda positions. But there is no couch in the bedroom where she can sleep otherwise. He reaches the bed to pick her in his arms and keep her on the couch in the living room but his hands pause. He might not have much emotions for her, but he has felt two of them very strongly – attraction towards her fighting spirit and pity when she sleeps on the hard recliner of his room. If not much, he can at least afford to let her sleep on the bed tonight.. .Just tonight!!

He gets back on his feet and occupies the other side of the bed to sleep. Khushi gently opens her eyes and smiles. This is 8th wonder of the world. He didn’t push her out of the bed!! Good!!


Next Morning

“How the hell did this happen?” he groans angrily staring at the clothes inside his bag. Khushi holds her laugh. Poor Raizada. After seeing those multicolored, floral shirts and shorts, he had packed another bag for himself with his regular choice of clothes and strictly instructed the Servant to dump that luggage in the car, not the one which Khushi had packed for him earlier. But Khushi being Khushi, swapped the bags and her Royal husband travelled all the way to Bali with her, having no idea at all. “Where is my bag?” he turns around to Khushi who fakes a similar surprise on her face.

“I don’t know..” she shrugs.

“What do you mean by don’t know?” he groans. “What the hell am I supposed to wear now?”

Khushi pouts and nods.

“You have no choice” she fakes a disappointed sigh but he can still see the grin on her face which she is forcing to hide.

He strides to her in just a white towel securely wrapped around his waist and water dripping from his freshly showered body.

“If you have freaking done this, then you are gone Khushi Gupta”

“Singh Raizada” she holds the locket of her Mangalsutra and flaunts it right on his face. “Ensuring the right bag is dumped in the car was your responsibility, not mine. And I understand you don’t want to wear these clothes, but then what else will you wear? My beach frocks?”

Arnav clenches his jaw and punches the wall behind her, pinning her in between his arms and the wall.

“Alright” she swallows feeling extremely intimidated about his posture. “Let me do something”

He doesn’t withdraw himself, just keeps staring at her in frustration. He can clearly read on her face, she is enjoying his state.

“How about you go out and shop some decent clothes for yourself” she suggests.

“How am I supposed to go out? In a Towel?” he snaps.

She knew it. He will not even touch those shirts and shorts she bought.

“Then you have no other choice” she shrugs.

Arnav groans in frustration.

“You are responsible for all this. If you hadn’t bought these silly clothes..”

“Fine” she interrupts. “I will.. I will go out and buy decent clothes for you. Happy?”

Why is she so happy about it? Arnav doesn’t understand. Is she planning something else too which he isn’t aware about? But if he has to know that, he should let her go.

To be Continued.




  1. Thanks for the update 😊
    1st to comment after many dayss

  2. Awesome update. Loved the khushi hndling Arnav. Their fights were cute. Khushi came for her shoot fooling him waiting to know how he's going to react when he gets to know that.

  3. Awesome Update. Khushi is leaving not a single chance to annoy Arnav. But this is just the beginning. Anjali is crossing her limits how dare she is to call Khushi shameless but Khushi tackled her in own way. SoShyam and Anjali couldn't give a heir. Daadi is quite positive about Arshi. Khushi is in full mood to trouble Arnav and the deal is going to cost Arnav. Arnav has an attraction for Khushi but somewhere love is hidden in it. Now let's see will Khushi really buy some decent clothes or Arnav will wear those colourful shirts . Hope Arnav find out about the whereabouts of Payal and Akash soon and bring them back to palace.

  4. Fantastic update. Please update one more part today

  5. Awesome update dear . Both arshi are cute when fighting with each other and annoying each other . Anjali and shyam crossing their limit.
    Waiting for the next update dear

  6. Nice
    Bills and she?
    Hope she pays no matter what!

  7. Awesome. I wish both of them will get closer. That would be so romantic. And I hope Khushi's secret shoot will not create a fight and a distance between them.

  8. Arnav will follow Khushi I guess. I think big fight is coming ahead. But Arnav should understand that Khushi can't cancel her contract just because he married her. And Khushi should make Arnav understand that she is a different person who have all the rights to make decision herself.
    Whatever the case, I am finding their nok jhok cute. But how long it will stay in the limit of harmless fighting i don't know. If stays like that and they gradually fall in love, than that's okay. But if their fight esacalates more, it will leave a broken relationship.

  9. Loved the cute fights and arguments. Beautiful update

  10. Awesome enjoyed reading it. Reminded me when in thecserial khushi changes her husbands wardrobe😄😄😄

  11. Waiting for the update what Arnav will do once he gets to know that she came for her modeling!! And how Khushi handles it..

  12. Arshi's cute nok-jhok is always a treat to read... Both r gonna gave upper hands at different situations in Bali... It's gonna b fun & exciting to read their further stay there

    Thanks for the update Madhu ❤️

  13. Nice update...whole.raizada clan is shocked surprised with khushi's HM trip..
    Loved the way arnav and khushi has answer shyamnjali...

    Haha still arnav have no clue why she is here...
    Oh god really khushi has to open her mouth for his life all this bill.make.a dent in her saving 🤦‍♀️..

    Looking forward

  14. Hahahahah Khushi you’re wonderful but better prepare your pockets 😂 very interesting update

  15. Loved this new Tom and Jerry with their fights...

  16. Its interesting and funny... Lets see where it leads...

  17. Loved the update. Looks like Arnav will follow khushi. Hope it doesn't get very serious when he finds out about her shoot. Dadi is positive on Arshi relationship. Like that. Hope they find Payash soon

  18. As Arnav said he doesn't want anyone else to ogle at his wife. Will he take the shoot lightly? Curious

  19. Nice update...hop khushi 's next step will not create more problems....

  20. Tom and Jerry update ..... let the fun begin

  21. I think Arnav will wear those Multicoloured Clothes to know what Khushi is upto...Waiting for Next Part...

  22. Loving khushi the way blasted Anjali.. good going Khushi..

  23. Arnav is gonna be shocked when he gets to know about his wifey dear's planning.. loved the update.. Thanks

  24. Can we get another update of this? This is finally getting interesting and Khushi is having the upper hand after a long time. Poor Arnav has no clue what's she up to.

    Cannot wait to see her next trick! Cheers

  25. Khushi must be going to her shooting on the pretext of buying his clothes I think 😀

  26. Wow wonderful update
    So beautifully Khushi planned now she can go for her shooting
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  27. Waiting for some romance between couple
