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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fing - Part 15


Chapter 15


“Millie calm down” Khushi paces in the room, holding her mobile to her ear. “I will talk to Bakshi. And no, your job is not at risk. I am not removing you from work because I won’t get a Professional Assistant ever like you”

Millie, Khushi’s Personal assistant has called her again to inform about their Client Bakshi. Khushi had signed a contract for a baby care product with them and she is required to shoot for the same next week. A lot of money has already been taken in advance and even if she has that amount saved with her, she does not want to pay it back and cancel the contract. She is not someone who can quit her career only because she is married.

“Ma’am, thank you. I will send you Bakshi’s details.”

“Thank you, Millie,”

Khushi hangs up and takes a sigh of relief. She might have sorted Millie’s nervousness but what about her? Bakshi is not going to be easy to handle.


“You faked it?” Arnav snaps at his grandmother when she tells him she is absolutely fine and she had to fake being unconscious in order to stop Khushi from leaving the house.

“What else could I do? When you cannot control your wife, someone has to do something about it”

“Daadi” he groans. “No one has to tell me what I need to do. And Khushi is not a 5-year-old kid who can be controlled. She is one heck of a woman who knows how to play her cards”

He is right. Subhadra Raizada sighs in disappointment.

“I am worried what she is planning next. Here I thought, Gupta’s daughter will make life for us easy and instead she is creating havoc in this family” she mutters. “Is there any trace of Akash?”

“Not yet. But I am working on it. Trust me, I am the first person who wants him to come back here and sort the mess he created”

Daadi nods.

“And after that? Will you forgive him?”

Arnav tightens his lips.

“Forgiveness is earned… not spent like charity”

“But he is a son of this house.. this family is where he belongs”

“It’s not my duty to bind him to this family if he doesn’t want to. I am his brother, not father”

His thoughts surprise Subhadra but she doesn’t argue further. Akash has broken his trust and he deserves to be upset with him. Only when he is back, things can move forward.


“Who?” Khushi asks the maid again who came to her room and informed about her father’s appearance downstairs.

“Your Father, Madam. He is here to see you”

Khushi rolls her eyes. Now what is this new drama? Her father can never want to even interact with her without a purpose. The maid leaves and Khushi soon follows her down to inspect what got him here. Shashi Gupta is sitting leisurely on the couch, having snacks and tea with the Raizada family. They all are talking and laughing except her Royal Husband Arnav Singh Raizada who is busy on his mobile phone, texting someone. He doesn’t have many friends, only Angad is close enough to him. Then who can keep him busy the whole day? By calls and messages!! Why is he always so attached to the phone? Does he have a girl friend? She shrugs that thought from her mind and joins them in the living room.

“There she is” Shashi gets up from the couch to welcome her. Khushi’s brow raise. Her father is so fake to show this respect to her. “How is my daughter doing in her Sasuraal?” he almost slides his arm around her shoulder and pulls her lovingly as if he couldn’t stay without her even for a day.

Khushi tries to shrug his arm but he grips her tight. That’s exactly when Arnav notices her discomfort and gets up.

“You are suffocating her, Mr. Gupta”

His words are enough for Shashi to withdraw his hands from around Khushi. THIS !! This is what she is unable to understand. Why does he show so much sympathy for her at times when he clearly doesn’t like her? Even during their wedding day, she was hungry, he insisted his family to serve the dinner before playing any post marriage games. Not many but he has shown some signs of inclination towards her pitiful state. Should she appreciate it or feel disgusted because he has still tricked her into this marriage?

“So, shall we leave then” Shashi asks her.

“Leave? Where?”

“Pag Phera. It’s a ritual Khushi. Every bride must return to her Mayka the next day of the wedding. Don’t worry, we won’t keep you for long. Your mother has prepared so many sweets, all your favorite. Wont you like to savor them?”

Khushi sighs. What an acting!! No one will say this man never wanted daughters and neither he participated in their upbringing ever.

“Arnav will come to pick you back in the evening” Daadi adds.

Arnav looks at his grandmother for fixing that without his permission.

“It’s a tradition Arnav” Daadi mentions with a smile.

“Of course,” he mutters unwillingly. “Can I talk to my wife for a minute?” he stretches his arm towards Khushi.

“Sure” Shashi steps back. Khushi has no clue what he wants to speak but she walks with him away from the rest of the crowd.

“What?” she snaps at him. “Don’t tell me you are going to miss me?” she teases back.

Arnav clenches his jaw. She has no bone to her tongue. She can speak any rubbish and he must tolerate it for the sake of getting back Akash!! He is about to say something, but she interrupts him again.

“Alright. I got it… I will pack some sweets for you too which Mumma made”

Arnav fists his fingers and before she could continue blabbering, he shuts her mouth with his palm, pinning her to the pillar behind.

“Shut up and listen to me” he sounds furious. “Any hint about Payal when you are at your home, I should be the first one to know. If they are around, Payal will try to contact you. So, keep your eyes and ears open”

Khushi breathes hard and pushes his palm away from her mouth.

“Now YOU are suffocating me” she concludes and walk away.

Though she equally wants to find her sister and bring her back in this house, she cannot tolerate Arnav Singh Raizada’s bossy nature. He is so full of himself and only bothers about his priorities. She really wonders why he wants Akash back.


Gupta Mansion

Khushi visits her home, meets her mother and enjoys the sweets and a delicious lunch cooked for her. She couldn’t have asked more. She spends the whole day with her mother. At evening Garima makes her some coffee and fresh cookies which are again Khushi’s favorite.

“This is exactly what I needed to think clearly” she stuffs the cookies in her mouth.

Garima lovingly looks at her daughter. She has always been foody and keeps getting hungry all the time.

“I wonder how you eat so much and still not grow an inch of extra flesh?” Garima raises her doubt.

“Genes, Mumma. You too were slim like me in your younger days, weren’t you?”

“I was. But after Payal and you were born, I couldn’t maintain my shape. All of that doesn’t matter anymore when you have your babies around you to keep you busy all the time”

Khushi smiles. Her mother was always so full of energy and love towards both. She wished her father too would have showered some affection on them but its waste expecting anything from him. Shashi joins them at the table.

“How is it going with you in the Raizada family?”

She leans back on the chair.

“You really wish to know?” Khushi breaks in. “Did you ever care how I am, where I am, how I am adjusting?”

Shashi is frustrated.

“Why are you faking to be a good father now?” she queries. “I understand you did this before the Raizada family because you wished to portray being an excellent father to me but here? There is no one to judge you. So just stop pretending”

“This is what I dislike about you” Shashi shouts. “You have no manners to talk. I wish your mother would have taught some to you”

“Why her?” Khushi gets up. “Why just her dad? You could have taught me too. In fact, I always wished to learn things from you than her since I was a kid. I adored you. But you never had any feelings for us.. Because we were not your Sons.. but daughters.”

“Khushi please don’t fight.” Garima gets up and tries to make her understand. But she doesn’t obey.

“Why didn’t you kill us the same day we were born? At least we all would have saved each other from this torture” Khushi claims openly.

Shashi stands like a hard rock unable to react. Khushi throws the napkin away and rushes upstairs to her room. Garima calls her back but she doesn’t return. When they turn around, they find Arnav Singh Raizada inside the house who has witnessed all this drama silently.

“Arnav..” Shashi composes his mood. “Please come. Garima.. get some tea for us”

Arnav doesn’t say a word. It is their family and their family problems. He is no one to intrude.

“Khushi is.. little emotional. You know how it is..” Shashi lies. “You came early. We were expecting you by 07:00 pm”

“I have other things scheduled at 07:00” Arnav replies. Shashi nods and continues talking to him, but he is totally disinterested. Garima gets Khushi down in some time after Arnav finishes his tea with Shashi Gupta. Khushi has a small bag packed again to carry it along with her while Garima is holding some gifts.

“Don’t forget to give these to your family there” Garima instructs.

Khushi nods and hugs her mother tight and without even looking at her father, she walks out with Arnav Singh Raizada.

In the car, on their way to Shantivan, she is all quiet and it works for him; but not for long.

“I thought I was the only one whom you like fighting with” he exclaims.

Khushi who was looking outside the window so far glances at him.

“Don’t give so much of important to yourself. No one can beat my father. He will always be at the top in that list”

“What list?” he asks

“The people whom I love to fight”

Arnav smirks and looks back on the road. A call on Khushi’s number breaks their present conversation. She takes the call.

“Please send the envelope home” she informs. “No..not in Gupta mansion. Send it to Shantivan. And have you received your payment?” she pauses. “Great. Thank you”

She disconnects and smiles. Now begins her first round of trouble to the Eldest Raizada.

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It’s night when a travel agent gets an Envelope in Shantivan which Anjali happens to collect it on Khushi’s behalf as she is not around.

“Travel agent?” she tries to check if anything is mentioned on the envelope which could tell her about its contents but that’s when Arnav snatches it from her.

“That’s come for Khushi” he snaps.

“Yes.. I was just about to give”

Arnav rolls his eyes and walks upstairs. He is equally curious as to what the contents of this envelope will be? Should he sneak in? What if Khushi is making another plan to elope from here? No!! It is better he checks it first before handling it to her.

He tears open the cover and finds two flight tickets of Bali with his and Khushi’s name mentioned in it. What the hell is this? Why will she book tickets for them to Bali? He pushes hard the door of his room and barges in only to find Khushi packing her bags and his too.

“What the hell is going on?” he barks.

Khushi turns to him and then notices the torn envelope in his hand. So as expected he received it and even checked its contents. Cool.

“The tickets came ? Wow. Have you told the family about it? They should know” she happily addresses.

“Know what?” he is confused.

“That we are going to Bali in 2 days”

“Bali? Are you out of your mind?” he snaps at Khushi, who shows no botheration to his denial. “We are not going anywhere until I find Akash. Do you hear that?”

Khushi stuffs some dresses in the bag and then picks her favorite one. What surprises him is that she has neatly packed his bag too.

“This is my favorite beach wear frock.” She shows a green long maxi dress to him. “And guess what? I have ordered some online beach wear shirts and shorts for you too. So silly of me, I forgot to pack them in your bag. Wait a minute”

She hurries to the closet and gets few multicolored shirts and matching men’s shorts. Arnav is speechless seeing her choice and why the hell did she shop online for him? None of these shirts or shorts are likable, forget wearing them.

“You will look nice in them” she holds her laugh noticing the weird expressions on his face.

“Shut up. Throw these out right now. I don’t wear such outfits”

“That’s because you never camped at Beaches. You will need them this time. Trust me. And don’t worry, we won’t share the pictures in social media if you feel you will look like a clown. Happy?”

Arnav clenches his jaw and strides towards her.

“You are crossing your limits Khushi Gupta”

“Singh Raizada” she interrupts, flaunting her Mangalsutra at him. “I haven’t even started drawing my limits yet. You have no choice Arnav than to accompany me in Bali. I have already posted we are going for honeymoon in my social media accounts. Do you realize how many likes it has got? And my fan following is increasing at a triple rate every day. Now if we don’t go, the media will get another opportunity to question our relationship and I am sure you don’t want them to dig more. We are Royals, remember? What happens in the family.. .should stay in the family”

Arnav wants to punch something for being in this situation. Why is she doing this?

“Don’t worry about Payal and Akash. If they really wish to contact me, they will do it when I have less people around me. If I am trapped in Shantivan and will always be surrounded by your guards, how will Payal make a move to me?”

She has a point.

“So, we are going to Bali and they will definitely follow us there” she adds.

Arnav’s anger calms down.

“How can you be so sure of that?”

“Social media” she mutters. “It has a huge power. Payal is a passive surfer. I know her. She used to create fake profiles without mentioning her real name and she surfed about her favorite people and celebrities. I am sure she still monitors those accounts and she has always kept a tab on me. That’s why she will read the post about our honeymoon which I put today, and she will surely make a plan to follow us there”

Arnav is impressed. How did he not think about it? He is about to say something but she doesn’t let him.

“No need to thank me. I know I have a sharp brain than you but its okay. I don’t want to take that credit”

Arnav frowns. She does that purposely doesn’t she?

“I am not wearing those” he stresses annoyingly looking at the flowery multicolored shirts and shorts and walks out.

Khushi grins in victory. He has no idea why she is going to Bali. When he knows, he will be mad. But she will handle it then. For now, saving her contract with Bakshi is important. Though she gave Arnav Payal’s excuse, she is unsure if Payal will really follow her there? She hopes that it happens. She is dying to know about Payal’s safety. If Arnav Singh Raizada is so worse as a husband, God knows how Akash Singh Raizada will be? After all they are brothers!!

To be Continued


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  1. Hahaha! Gosh this Khushi is a Total Dhamaka.
    Gosh! How cleverly she had convinced both Arnav n Bakshi?.
    Cant even imagine Arnav roaming around in Multi coloured shorts in Bali.

    A kids grooming should be from both His or her Father n Mother.Just because Payal n Khushi are daughters, Shashi Gupta had done a crime of snatching the best childhood from them.
    Somehow Khushi had come out of all the mess in her Maayka and was making a name for herself in her career in a dignified way.
    Then the royals had once again butchered her dreams.
    Atleast this Khushi shouldnt be like the dumb one from the serial.
    She should ensure that Payal comes back to this family and lives happily everafter
    But not at the cost of sacrificing her self respect and becoming a scape goat to theirs.

  2. Awesome Update . Hope Khushi's plan to find Payal works. Khushi is a strong woman who is so witty and humorous . Why Arnav is so negative about her. Khushi has already started making some changes in Arnav's life. Hope Arnav wears those colourful shirts. Arnav is much too much disciplined and he wants a familial bond between his brothers . Hope Arnav realise Khushi is a very genuine person and keep her happy. Shashi Gupta's behaviour is turning worse but Khushi made him understand his fault . Like those colourful shirts Arnav's life will also turn colourful with Khushi's presence.

  3. Nice one.. So Khushi is trying to hit two birds with one stone.. Completing her contract with Bakshi & annoying Arnav by taking him to Bali & if Payal really contacts her there then it would b like icing on the cake for her..

    I love the way Khushi is showing her pain in the form of anger on her father which she has been storing inside since childhood.. Shashi deserves all of that..

  4. I liked how khushi tricked arnav for her Bali project.I don't know they will find any clues of payal there or not but I'm happy that khushi don't want to sacrifice her career for anyone.she already sacrificed huge by marring arnav who lied to her for his own agenda but now at any cost i don't want her to sacrifice her career for anyone it's should be solely her decision what she wants to do with her career n no 3rd person can decide it behalf of her.and i hope she don't sacrifice it under the pressure of arnav or anyone

  5. Khushi u go girl 😙 . Dont forget to torture other Raizadas too . I loved khushi fighting spirit with shashi and arnav .

    Waiting for ArShi honeymoon 😜 specially to see how khushi going to irritate elder raizada

  6. Awesome. No words for this khushi. Bang on girl

  7. Awesome khushi tricked him and when he knows he will be raging bull

  8. Khushi is really a beauty with brains ....loved the way you used the flowery shirt scene here ...
    Bali honeymoon will be interesting ..

  9. Wonderful update.. loving this Khushi alot

  10. This khushi seems fun. I want her to continue her career and arnav should give her permission too. If he can lie and marry her why can't he let her do her job? They have been so unfair with khushi. So she deserve it right. And Shashi, I guess khushi told everything to her father. I wish someday arnav would understand her love her so she forget her father's injustice for her.
    On a serious note, what happens after they find akash and payal? Will arshi get a divorce? Nice update.

  11. Khushi being clever here, lets see how it work oput ..loving it

  12. Wow interesting update. Khushi successful in her plan. So honeymoon at Bali 😜

  13. awesome
    But I would really say ASR should understand in this trip that his wife KKG career is her life and he needs to give that freedom for her for sure.
    Hope we can see what actually happened with ASR and Akash
    and I agree with others dear.
    Yes, story is very slow.

  14. Wonder what Khushi has installed for Arnav. 🤔

  15. Thanks dear
    Really upset,you hadn't reply for the plot i share on arhi ff (through Contact us ).

    Anyways, Is there any chance of wedding between arnav and payal. And Akash flew with payal which make arnav trust broken. And what about aman ?

    1. Bonny this skipped my mind and emails too. Will read it and reply for sure.

  16. Arnav agreed for bali.. Khushi is really smart.. loved the update.. Thanks

  17. This is getting interesting now...Little funny too...Actually what if Arnav really wear those multicoloured shirts and shorts before Khushi someday...So they are going to Bali...Waiting for Next Part...

  18. Love love love this Khushi!!

  19. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  20. Beautiful loved loved it love this khushi

  21. I loved this Khushi... Full of surprises and at the same time witty and smart.. waiting for more... U Rock Madhu

  22. I love Khushi most in this chapter

  23. Arnav should share the reason of his marrying to Khushi. She seems an smart person. I am sure she will acheive the goal without being se tense all the time better than Arnav

  24. Superb update...
    Loved this strong khushi..

    But why arnav married her?

    The way she handle her father then easily make arnav agree for bali...

    Looking forward
