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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 19


Chapter 19


The CCTV camera footage of the Bar doesn’t give them the desired info. The angle in which the unknown woman who called herself Vani, sat with Khushi, ensured that her face isn’t visible in any of the cameras surrounding that area. She was well prepared for hiding her identity. Thus, the only other way to find out about her was to check with the Resort manager if anyone named Vani has checked in here or not.

“Sorry Sir, but there is no one named Vani checked in at this hotel. I am sure there must be some mistake” the resort manager informs Arnav Singh Raizada.

Both Arnav and Khushi glance at each other.

“I was with her last night in the bar. Please check your database again” Khushi urges.

“Ma’am, firstly we do not reveal information like this to anyone. We maintain secrecy of personal details for each guest in this hotel. But only because ASR has been a Royal Guest of this Resort from past few years, we decided to help you. But we surely cannot do more because the name you told, does not match our database” he adds.

Arnav fists his fingers.

“Are visitors allowed to use the same bar like the checked-in guests?” Arnav asks.

“No Sir. The bar where Madam was last night is only for our residing guests not outsiders”

“Then whoever this woman was, had a reservation here. Or maybe still has in case she has not checked out” Arnav makes his point.

“Maybe. But we don’t have the right name. We have more than hundreds of guests checked in at the hotel in the past 2 days”

Khushi nods in disappointment. Her goodness in believing a stranger has turned out to be a mistake; foolishness in Arnav’s words! As the manager leaves, she meets his eyes. He is pissed off.

“It can be a coincidence too” Khushi mumbles.

“Coincidence?” he snaps.

“Yes. What if she hid her true name because of someone else? She could have her own problems with people around here. Who knows what she was here for? Maybe not for us. She didn’t look bad to me”

“But she spiked your mocktail. Which woman having good intentions for you would do that?”

That’s right!! She is sure her drink was spiked by Vani, or whatever her name is. That’s why she was so intoxicated and out of control. If she meets her again, Khushi swore not to let her go before paying for that deed.

“We will find this other way” Arnav mentions. He has still not accepted defeat.

“Other way? How?”

“Every guest who check in here have to provide their identity proof. Since you have seen that woman’s face, it will be easy to recognize her and get her true details”

Khushi is impressed but confused how would they get into the identity details of all guests.

“But will they let us to sneak into the identity proofs of every guest? I don’t think so and that’s unlawful” she argues.

Arnav doesn’t react to that neither argues further. He dials Angad and asks him to hack the server of the resort and get him the details they need. Khushi is stunned.

“You can’t be serious. You cannot hack the resort’s database. This is a crime.”

Arnav shrugs.

“Wouldn’t have done that but you didn’t leave me a choice”

He starts to walk away when she blocks his way.

“Arnav, I know this is important but not this way.”

“Then which way, Khushi? I am not going to misuse the information. Forget misusing, I am not even going to care for other people’s details. All I want you to do is recognize that woman’s photo and then we will copy only her information. That’s all we need to do”

Khushi frowns.

“It’s still a crime. I do not support it”

“But I do. And this isn’t the first time I am doing something like this”

“Seriously? Who gives you the permission to do so? Only because you have money? You are Royal?”

“Yes, I am a Royal. I have the power to defend my family tag and I will do that no matter who comes in between” he scowls.

Khushi is speechless. How can someone be so obsessed with their Royalness?

“I can argue over this the whole day but I don’t want to waste my time. Hope this dress is comfortable” he grins glancing at her top to bottom.

The sudden change of the subject chokes her words and also changes the color of her cheeks. On what grounds he is asking her that? Ever since he confessed to her about changing her dress last night, his behavior is altering too. That’s not very tolerable to Khushi.

“It’s perfect. Must commend your people for their choice and accurate measurement” she answers.

Her reply was meant to irritate her and it indeed does. He slides his arm around her and the next moment she is cocooned between the arms of Arnav Singh Raizada. Their faces are inches apart and its extremely tough for Khushi to decide how to react?

“What if I say, I am the one who chose it for you?” his murmurs.

Khushi swallows the lump of uneasiness formed in her throat. He is behaving insanely romantic which is not needed at the moment.

“I wouldn’t believe that” she answers, trying to get off his grip.

“Why is that?” he smirks hard, loving the awkwardness she is facing.

“Because these clothes are really good to be your choice” she mocks.

Arnav presses his lips into a thin line.

“Don’t’ forget you too are one of my choice” he reminds.

“Choice? I thought I was your last option”

Arnav tightens his hold on her waist.

“I thought after last night, I would go little easy on you, but seems like you are not interested”

Khushi clenches her jaw.

“Last night changes nothing between us” she dictates.

He could have fetched a reply to that if his phone hadn’t rung. His grip around her loosens. She uses the opportunity to shrug him away. Arnav answers the call from Angad and a bright smile touches his face. They are able to hack the resort database.


An hour Later

Arnav opens the file which Angad has hacked from the database of the Resort.

“These are the ID proofs of everyone who checked in the hotel in the last 2 days. I want you to go through all the pictures and tell me who she was” Arnav mentions to Khushi who doesn’t seem very impressed by his work.

But she cannot deny because she is equally desperate to know why that so-called woman is so interested in them. She sits next to Arnav while he starts presenting the photos one by one on his laptop screen. Almost 50 plus pictures and the woman is still untraceable.

“That’s it?” Khushi asks him as she finishes all the pictures. “She is none among these”

“You sure?”

“yes I am. I can recognize her instantly. There is no way I could skip her image from my mind”

Arnav thinks for a moment. Even after so much of efforts, they could reach to no conclusion. Khushi notices Arnav engrossed in his own thoughts again.

“What will you do now?” she asks. “Don’t tell me you will check each and every room of this resort to trace her” she chuckles at the mere thought of he doing something like this.

“Not funny” he snaps.

Khushi raises her arms in defeat.

“Didn’t mean to demean you but… she is smart” she adds.

“She must have deleted her check-in records” he mumbles.

Khushi is enthralled by the woman’s efforts.

“I am overwhelmed by her hard work. She has taken care of all the technicality. Right from angle she was sitting in the bar, away from the cameras till her deleting the records secretly from the Resort database. She is definitely a spy”

The moment she utters this, Arnav Singh Raizada’s mind juggles to connect the dots. He then takes his phone out of the pocket, opens a picture of a woman and then shows it to her.

“Is she the one?” he inquires.

Khushi takes the phone from him and gazes at the picture carefully.

“yes.. she .. she is the one.. She is Vani..”

There is a relief in her tone to have actually found the woman but Arnav’s eyes widen in shock. Seeing him so stern and rigid, Khushi’s excitement slopes down and her mind is full of queries again.

“You know her?” she asks. “And… what is Vani’s picture doing on your phone?”

Arnav clenches his jaw.

“Her name is not Vani” he replies. “She is Avni”

Khushi is speechless. Who is Avni? She puts some pressure to her mind and recalls where she has heard this name before. On her Haldi ceremony, she had read a suicide note from Avni placed on her bed. She had even confronted the same with Arnav, they had fought that night and she had almost called off their wedding. But Arnav Singh Raizada used his witty ways and tricked her to marry him.

So, is Vani the same girl? Avni? How had almost forgot to ask Arnav later anything about Avni after their marriage. And today, this matter has come up from like nowhere.

“She is alive?” Khushi murmurs. “I … I thought … she is dead..”

“She is very much alive” he snaps.

Khushi rubs her temple.

“Wait.. What connection does she have with you?”

Arnav doesn’t care to answer that. He redials Angad.

“Avni is here” he walks out of the room, leaving a confused Khushi behind.


Next Morning
Khushi comes down in the lobby of the resort looking for Arnav because after last evening, she hadn’t seen him yet. Something was fishy. Why was he so much involved in this girl? Who was she to him? His Ex?

“Ma’am” a guard stops Khushi from leaving the resort. “You are not supposed to exit the premise”

Khushi grits her teeth.

“Where is Arnav?” she groans.

“Sir is busy”

“With?” she immediately snaps.

“Excuse me?” she hears his thundering voice from behind.

The guard leaves the scene as Khushi turns back to him. He is finely dressed and for a change looking normal too.

“Whom do you expect me to be busy with apart from you on our honeymoon?” he mocks.

“I don’t know…” she shrugs. “Maybe with Avni Sen”

“Shut up” he rants.

“I will keep my mouth shut but not until you give me the answers I need”

“What answers?”

“About Avni..”

“What about her? She is not so important to anyone in my family”

“Really? Why do you have her picture on your phone then? Why were you worried she is here in Bali? Why is she hiding from us and even trying to interfere in our relationship?”

Arnav smirks whilst gently tucking a hair strand from her forehead away. He feels her hot breaths from her nostrils on his palm.

“Jealous?” he asks.

“Jealous, my foot” Khushi groans.

“Sshhh.. You will let the whole resort know we are fighting. Let’s get out of here”

“I don’t want to go anywhere with you unless you tell me everything about Avni”

“I will.. But not here. Come on..” he drags her out.


The Shack at the beachside is very secluded with hardly couples here and there. With the sound of the waves in the background, Arnav opens up about this little part of his life which she wants to know.

“Avni is a spy, a local spy in the town. She and my brother..” he swallows to hide the pain he feels at the moment recalling his brother.. “Aman singh Raizda.. were dating. I didn’t approve their alliance and Aman got against me. He left the house, met with an accident”

Arnav’s hand shivers. Khushi gets numb. Accident?

“The police didn’t find his body. He fell off the cliff” he adds with a painful tone.

Khushi feels breathless listening to this side of his life. The way he is narrating these incidents does reveal how much he cared for Aman. As far as she has learned about the Royals so far, she has got to know that Arnav and Aman were real brothers and Shyam and Akash are their cousins.

“Everyone believes he is dead. Even Avni” he rubs his palms over his face to regain his lost strength. “Avni tried to suicide, putting the entire blame on me. I saved her fortunately barging into her room at the right time. She didn’t retry her suicide attempts after that but ever since then she is behind me and the Royal family to break us apart, to expose our cruelty to the world.”

Khushi joins the rest of the dots. So Avni wants revenge from Arnav and the other Royals for Aman’s death. This is that harsh decision which Avni mentioned in her suicide note that led her life towards destruction.

To be Continued.



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  1. Finally some insights abt his life...awesome update...happy to see a update from u��

  2. Very beautiful. Thank you so much for the update. So vani is Avni and wanted to take revenge from arnav and royal family. Hope Aman is fine,so we can see him romancing. But then what about Payal and akash.

  3. Wonderful update
    So finally we get some insight of Arnav's life
    Is Aman really dead or he will be alive somewhere
    Hope with time Khushi will able to understand Arnav if he let her in his life
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  4. Where is Aman ? Is he with akki
    Any reason Avni does not know he is alive

  5. OMG this royal family is too much complicated...can't find one good relationship between someone there....too much obsessed with the so called royal tag

  6. Awesome Update. So Vani is Avni and Avni and Aman were in a relationship which Arnav didn't approve and also Aman meet with an accident so she wants revenge. But I think Aman is alive somewhere. It's good that Arnav shared this incident with Khushi and Khushi also saw a new side of Arnav. Now their relationship will surely be better. Hope Khushi understand Arnav and romance will soon bloom. Also Payal and Akash are missing Arnav will surely bring them back to palace.

  7. Royals are cruel I am with avni in this situation

  8. Chalo one mystery is solved about the bar girl. This Royal family has too many secrets and we have to wait till the time will come. I hope Aman is alive.

  9. Nice update..

    Like the way arnav trace about the lady..

    Arshi dont leave a chance to argue with each other....

    Aman reallydead?
    Finally something are getting clear to khushi

  10. Wonder ..what will Avni be doing with the information she got from Khushi...sell the details to media to make a mockery of their marriage? Thus ridicule Royalty??? How Arnav & Angad are going to stop the mishap from happening. Hope Aman is alive somewhere.

  11. Awesome update. So much happened in this royal family. Hope Aman didn't die.

  12. So that's the reason why Aman & Akash hate Arnav as he didn't accept their relationships with their respective partners as they weren't from the royal family & due to that Akash eloped with Payal, Aman lost his life & Avni, his gf is set to take revenge from Arnav... But hope Aman is alive

    Now the title THE ROYAL FLING is kind of getting well suited & understood as well..

    Thanks for the update Madhu

  13. Awesome update. Finally aman mysterious revealed . Only akash left .
    Waiting for next update dear

  14. Oh
    Aman dead!
    So much of obsession on royal tag

  15. Oh but arnav you did wrong why were you against their relationship

  16. I feel like Aman is alive. Let's see. I like to see together moments of arnav and khushi. I hope they take their marriage seriously. If so they can come closer. Nice update.

  17. What a major twist!!!! Loved to

  18. The story is getting interesting ....insight to some past connects the dots .
    Amazing update and very thrilling to read .

  19. Awesome and big part probably story progress is so much interesting. .. And thrilling tooo. .. . Waiting

  20. Phew. Finally some details about his past. It's kept hidden so well it really gets annoying to read everything from Khushi's pov. She hardly knows anything. Glad some of this came out. Looking forward to the entire story and loved how you threw in some romantic moments here and there. Cheers

  21. I dont think aman is dead.... im confused abt avni.... she may knw aman is alive

  22. FF is interesting.... Avni details are clarified.... nice update

  23. Good to know some of the past. But there's still a lot of confusion about the whole Story. Why does Arnav want akash back? If he knows he is safe then he shouldn't be behind Them. And why dint he accept Avni with Aman? I don't think not being Royal was the reason. Arnav can be more than that. He isn't a person to go on class in such things

  24. Hmmm 🤔 little truth is out about the Royal. Since the body is not found Aman might be alive. Awesome 😎 update

  25. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  26. Another twist .. interesting story

  27. Hey awesome update as arnav is not involved in someone's murder or suicide.
    Please try to update daily and update badtameez today.

  28. Hi Madhuri, I am fan of ur stories and following it since 2012 IF days, Since u created ur own page in 2012 dec..I have bought all of ur books in amazon and no doubt they are good. But in recent past I observed ur approach is now more of commercial . You removed your Facebook page stating Facebook removed it so that people would move to the blog. Then these advertisements and not updating regularly and keep on promoting your books in place of updates. I understand as a writer your work need to be reached to wider group. But I would say with current approach you are or you might loose your fan’s interest. I would suggest you to move to apps like inkitt or dreame where each chapter you would buy either by points or wait to get unlocked. Stories like your would never be waited but points would be bought to read next chapter. It would help you and user also as they get bulk chapter by points or each chapter a day Or more by waiting . It’s advertising free and more readable. Please don’t misunderstand. Just trying to help you

    1. I too felt d same...sometimes she updates info abt her books but not mentioning anything abt not updating tat day..

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. How many skeletons are buried in royal's life?? Khushi is getting to know somethings now.. nice update.. Thanks Madhu

  30. when will you update? now its monday night

  31. Badtmeez part 60 link is broken or something? Its going to the post about e books

  32. Link of Badtameez 60 is not working

  33. With Badtameez 60 is taking me to a different website. I have been restarting my phone thinking the phone is the cause till I read comments of the link not working. @madhu I am really a fun of your fictions but of late am really not enjoying the pace you’ve been posting. Wish your page on Facebook get back on.

  34. Link of Badtameez is not working

  35. Okay so now link to the new chapter of Badtameez is taking you to the link where you can buy the Author's book. Isn't it wow. We are continuously refreshing the page to go to the link to buy the books.

    1. Maybe clear your cache and try the link again? I didn't face this problem. In fact I read the chapter last night itself and I can still access the link to it.
