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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 21


Chapter 21

Angad’s early morning call disturbed Arnav’s sleep. But it had to be urgent otherwise Angad wouldn’t bother to wake him up this early. He answered the call, walking out in the balcony so that he could talk privately.

“Arnav, Sorry to wake you. But this was urgent. I am sending you a link. Check it”

Arnav took a brief yawn whilst Angad finished saying this.

“What link?”

“Social media link. Someone has posted a picture of yours and Khushi in Bali”

“What?” Arnav snapped.

“Yes, I think that someone is Avni considering the events that took place in the last 2 days. She is the only one who could have taken that shot”

“Dammit!!” Arnav brushed his fingers in hair. “Send me” 
He hung up and waited for the link which Angad texted almost immediately. It was a picture of him and Khushi in the pool at the Bali resort. The same night when Khushi was intoxicated and had slipped in the pool. They were both drenched and he had carried her in arms, his eyes piercing into hers while she gripped his robe. The picture clearly showed their chemistry, something which he had felt from long and today got a proof of it too. They looked like a dynamite together, ready to explode, if given a chance. It would surely leave an impact on the viewers imagination what would have been the night following this intense scene. But does he want the world to see this? However true or fake it is, he cannot let his wife be ogled. Not when she is in the most vulnerable state. It needs to get wiped off from the media. Right Away!!


She opened her eyes at the sound of the door. It was Arnav Singh Raizada getting back inside their presidential suite. She rubbed her eyes and checked the clock.

“Where had you been this early?”

He removes the Bluetooth earpiece and throws it away on the side table. Suddenly the picture of theirs which he saw in the social media today had invoked unknown sensations within him. He couldn’t explain it as his possessiveness for her but one thing he had to admit, he had never felt that way for any other woman before.

“To sort your mess” he replied jumping on the bed again to lie down.

She moved away but remained seated on the bed.

“My mess? What do you mean?”

“Avni posted our sensual picture on social media”

“Avni? Our picture? Where did she get our picture?”

“You gave her one darling” he removed his phone from the pocket and showed it to her. The picture almost made her jerk back.

“That’s.. that’s disgusting”

Is it? That’s what came in her mind first seeing the picture? So opposite to what he went through when his eyes ran over it.

“This is morphed. We were never this close” she continued arguing.

Arnav smirked.

“We were” he snapped. “We were closer than what it looks in this picture”

“Shut up”

“Why? Because it’s a damn truth?”

“I don’t recall any of this happening”

“Then let me help you recall it”

He sat with a force, almost making the bed bounce.

“Remember that night when you met Avni? And she spiked your drink? I came to pick you in the bar. You didn’t recognize me, started walking away. I tried to get hold of you but you fell in the pool. I joined you too. Took you in my arms and got you back in the room. And obviously I even had to change your dampen clothes to ensure you don’t fall sick” he finished all that explanation in one breath. “Rung the bell in your mind now?” he adds.

Khushi swallowed hastily. Why does he always remind her that he changed her clothes? Does he do it to make her uncomfortable? Or to intimidate her?

“But that’s okay, isn’t it? What did you tell me yesterday? That a wife’s every sense should be on her husband … Somewhat like that” he muttered. “So, the same goes to husband too”

He was freaking her now. She tried to get down the bed to dump this conversation here but he was too fast to drag her back and this time she landed straight into his arms with a force, making them both lie back on the bed, with Khushi on top. This was so unnerving for her.

“So” Arnav’s husky voice stole her breath away. He pulled her palm and made it touch his eyes. “My eyes..” he continued sliding her palm on his face.. “My nose…. Ears” he kept making her touch his every sensory organ.. “skin” he made her rub his rough stubble and finally landed her palm over his lips. “And tongue.. are going to be on you sweetheart.. like happily forever” he added.

His gesture, his words and the way their hearts thudded at the moment scared her like hell. She pushed him away and rolling on the other side of the bed, she got down and shut herself in the bathroom. Arnav smirked at his devious behavior and her innocent plight. She deserved that after the stunt she pulled last night but why the hell was he so turned on right now? He shut his eyes to calm his racing nerves. He cannot be serious for her. Can he?


“He is just playing with your mind” Khushi repeated to herself looking in the bathroom mirror. “And your confidence Khushi. Don’t let him win. Just don’t let him win”

She had showered and was trying to gain some confidence to step out of the bathroom. She couldn’t sit here for the whole day. She had to face him and she would do that with pride and honor. If she shows her timid side, he will take more advantage. She came out and saw him eating fruits.

“You are early” he checked the time. “I thought you wouldn’t come out until afternoon”

She rolled her eyes. He was teasing her and she wouldn’t show she was affected. The best thing to do right now was ignore. As if nothing happened between them. She turned to the corner and found their bags loaded.

“What are our bags doing there?” she asked.

“We are checking out today”


She didn’t understand. They were here for another 2 days but looked like he cancelled the plans. Not that she minded.

“Enough of the mess created here. Its time we head back and sort the real problems. Like finding Akash”

Khushi nodded. Why did he want to find Akash? Why was he so desperate? Akash was just his cousin unlike Aman Singh Raizada who was his real brother. If he could never care for Aman’s feelings why would he care if Akash exists in their family, in the Palace or not? She had to do some serious homework to get those answers. He wouldn’t give it to her if asked directly neither she trusted him.

“But what happened to that post? You.. you said you took care of it. What did you do exactly?”

“Got it removed and permanently deleted from the servers too”

Well, he could do that since he had that power and money. It kind of made her feel powerful too. This man could rule even the boss of Internet.

“And what if she uploads it again?”

“Her account is banned right now and it wasn’t her real account. Avni created a fake one to upload that picture. She is a mastermind in all this. She has done things like this before too. That’s why I know its her.”

Khushi sighed. In the Royal’s mess, her life is getting unnecessarily complicated. He troubled Aman, now Aman’s girl is troubling him and Khushi is being dragged for no reasons.

“You should have let the photo be there” she teased. “I would have got million likes over it. People know me, love me and my fans would have trended it everywhere. I missed a golden opportunity here”

He clenched his jaw.

“That’s a personal picture”

“Nothing is personal between us” she snapped.

It irked him. He strode to her whilst she stayed rooted at the spot. If she had the guts to play with words, she could handle the consequences too.

“You are Arnav Singh Raizada’s wife – a Royal’s wife and I don’t care about your fanbase but they definitely are not going to get such sensual bite of yours.”

She crossed her arms in the front.

“You are talking as if you own my trademark”

“Guess what?” he asked. “I do” he snapped and walked away.

Khushi was highly disappointed the way he was domineering her. he couldn’t win every single conversation, every argument and every fight only because he was good at words and powerful in actions.


With a heavy heart, Khushi came down to settle the Hotel bills. She had checked her accounts again to ensure they had enough balance in it so that her card is accepted. It would be such a royal mess if her card gets declined. It was she who had brought this challenge of paying all the bills here, now there was no turning back.

“We are checking out” she told the Manager at the lobby.

“Yes, Ma’am. Sir is already completing the procedures” he replied turning to Arnav who was at the bill desk, swiping his card.

Why was he doing this? It was decided that she would pay. She strode to him.

“Thank you, Sir. This is your copy of the bill” a tall English woman handed him the envelope.

He gave her a gentle smile and turned to leave only to be blocked by his wife’s presence.

“Lets go”


“No? You wish to stay?” he smirked. “Not that I mind if you put on last night’s good wife show”

“You…” she pointed a finger at him to stop blabbering.

“Yes Baby” he shoved her fingers with his. “Me. Its only me you can put such a romantic show for”

“I am not doing any of that. Neither I wish to stay here. Why did you settle the bills?”

“Because I bloody can” he groaned. “And watch your tone. A honeymoon couple fighting in the lobby of the Hotel, doesn’t suit”

Before she could argue he grabbed her elbows and led her to the car.

“Get in. We can fight all the way to the airport”

He pushed her in the car and followed her back inside. She was annoyed. Their car took off for the airport. Khushi didn’t speak a word. He was terribly messing up with her and each of her plans. She wouldn’t tolerate it for long. Her patience was fading.


Shantivan – Evening

“This is heights of shamelessness. I don’t understand who can do this” Anjali Singh Raizada mocked at the picture of Arnav-Khushi which was on social media a while ago. She too was woken up by some notifications of her friends who were commenting on that picture. At first when Anjali saw the picture, her cheeks flushed. Not that she and Shyam had never been so intense with each other but the passion which reflected in the state of Arnav and Khushi, it was something out of the world. If without loving each other they could look so hot together, what would happen if they actually fall in love? But soon this feeling of hers was swapped by jealousy. She is no more the talk of the town for being a Royal’s wife. Now Khushi has replaced her.

Subhadra Raizada was quiet. She hadn’t uttered a word about it but seen the picture before her grandson Arnav got it removed from everywhere.

“Daadi, even me and Shyam had been on honeymoon but we didn’t show any public display of affection like this which could ruin the name of the family.”

Daadi didn’t added up her anger or frustration over this topic. Shyam Singh Raizada returned back from the political meeting.

“It was such a chaos today” he slammed, sitting on the couch.

“You mean even the Party people asked you about that picture?”

“Picture?” Shyam queried.

“Arnav and Khushi’s honeymoon picture” she replied.

“Oh that” he sighed. “No, none of them talked about it and that’s not my concern as of now Rani Saheba. I am worried if the party will have to dissolve. We need more funds for the upcoming elections rally and.. ”

“I already told you how you can arrange the funds from” she cut his words.

Subhadra Raizada exactly knew what suggestion Anjali must have given to Shyam but she didn’t intrude them neither participated in their talk.

“The Royal couple have returned” Hari Prakash rushed inside the house to inform.

Subhadra got up on her feet. Arnav didn’t even inform they were coming. Anjali and Shyam were equally surprised. Arnav and Khushi entered the house together.

“Welcome back” Anjali pasted a fake smile at them which none of the two returned. “Shyam” Anjali continued “don’t you see how refreshing they look together?”

“Of course,” Shyam gets up and gives a hug to Arnav. “They were on a honeymoon after all. How was it?”

“Mindblowing” Arnav replied sliding his arm around Khushi’s waist. She stiffened. He didn’t had to put up a show here before the family of being a happy couple. Everyone around here knew what their story was. Why pretend?

“Yea, we saw that in the picture. You should have some control over it, Brother-in-law” Anjali mocked. “See how much your PDA has costed all of us now?”

“I don’t care” he shrugged.

Khushi slipped away from his arms.

“I am tired. See you all at dinner”

Without waiting for them to even respond to her statement, she made her way to the bedroom. She couldn’t stand this fake family. None of them were true to even their own selves. They were dysfunctional.

To be Continued.


Also Read: Books I recommend reading (Revised 19th Dec)


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  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  2. Mind blowing romantic (though fake) update. So arnav is falling for her but khushi is clueless about their love. Will arnav completely fall for her and realize it before khushi can understand their chemistry, please reply. And then what will arnav do? He will trap her for the entire life or let her go so that she can come back herself for forever.

    1. He is too egoist to let her go. Lol. Arnav will fall first and badly.

    2. Wow!! excited to see that.. Please dont change Arnav in this Story.. I just love him. Eager to see how he falls for khushi. This is My favorite Fiction of yours.

    3. Thanks and arnav falling for her first and badly is lovely.

    4. Hoping to see some passionate love scene like these and also scenes where their egos clash with each other

  3. Awesome Update. Arnav's possessiveness and care for Khushi is increasing also Arnav accepted that their chemistry is too good and it's evoking some new feelings in Arnav . Arnav is concerned for Aman but Arnav probably knows about Akash's whereabouts . It's good that Arnav took care of the picture and Khushi's teasing regarding the picture is cute. Arshi's fight are really funny. Anjali is in her jealousy tried to degrade Khushi but Arnav remain unaffected. Khushi is right regarding Arnav's family hopefully she will rectify the family members soon.

  4. Loved this nok joke Arshi couple ....
    Both of them will not bow .

  5. Nice update..arnav is possessive about khushi.
    Wow he settled the Bills..

    Shyamnjali are evil.

    Looking forward

  6. Kkg needs to set limits for asr domination. It's heights.

  7. Fantastic update. Ooooh Arnav falling for his wife badly. Interesting 🤔. Anjali such a big mouth 🤨

  8. Interesting. What I have deduced from updates updates of the royal fling is that Shyam is either quite gullible or is love stricken. I mean so far he's not made any bad 'evil' decision, but has only implemented or supported Anjali in her every decision, like in the case of Anjali wanting Anjum (Anjali's sister)to marry Arnav. The update today was as always awesome with a little bit of comedy.

  9. A possesive Arnav is always a treat to read & that's the most I love about his character... His reasonably egoistic behaviour & sarcastic one liners just add to his charm in this story...

    Khushi's account got saved from getting washed ��...

    Though all her plans & thoughts never got their ways but one thing she is absolutely right of is that THIS ROYAL'S ARE INDEED A DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY & coincidentally BARUN has worked in one such web series named as THE DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY...

    Thanks for the update Madhu ❤️

  10. Khushi is far away from the thought of love but Arnav is on the verge of falling in love and it seems dangerous for khushi as for now because his possessiveness is getting more

  11. I hate his guts! He acts like she's a toy that he can use/throw protect/destroy at his will! I hope he realises she's a human and her true worth. Khushi be strong, don't fall for him easily pls! Let him earn your love. Cheers

  12. This arnav little too much dominating , waiting to see Khushi taking the charge and trap the royal 😏.
    Arnav start to fall for Khushi without his will . Let’s see , I loved to see romantic royal Arnav

    Waiting for next update dear

  13. Loved Arnav's possessiveness over Khushi... Waiting for next...

  14. Arnav is falling for khushi. It’s so interesting!!!

  15. Superb... loved it.. Thanks Madhu <3
