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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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He Loves Me Not - Part 49


Chapter 49

Having a quick lunch, Arnav and Khushi strolled through the streets of Paris, hand-in-hand, taking in the scenery. There was art everywhere they looked around. They took a walk through in a famous museum and grabbed a table at a famous Café-Bar sipping a fresh homemade ginger-lemonade. The street entertainment was no less. There were live musicians, street entertainers and clowns which couldn’t be missed.

Arnav was thrilled to see so much of excitement on Khushi’s face. The place had rejuvenated her, brought the liveliness back which missed all these years. When one of the street dancers pulled her for the dance, she didn’t hesitate to shake her leg with him. Arnav shoved his arms in the pockets, admiring his girl dancing freely and limitless. Every time she grooved, she hadn’t missed that gaze of his – that raw carnal gaze which was enough to prove how much he wanted to take her right then and there. She had missed this. Now that his eyes were all on her, and just her, she couldn’t be more thankful to their stars for making it happen. More than her, he deserved this change of life. All his childhood and early days of adulthood had gone into work and pressure of handling the Company, fulfilling the dreams of his father and taking in the tantrums of his mother. Now with her, here, he looked liberated.

The thrilling balloon ride came as a surprise for her. It was one of the unusual things she had planned to do. One of her fantasies which she had built in her mind watching and reading those endless romantic movies and novels respectively, to kiss her partner inside the hot air balloon, admiring the panoramic views of the city, had finally come true. The ride lasted for half an hour and their frequent kisses in between, created some endless memories for both.

Shopping at the best boutiques and at the local street markets had never been that fun. Arnav picked almost the best brands in everything – right from elegant bags, classy shoes, sassy dresses and gorgeous accessories. Khushi picked a few vintage articles, classic hats and a pair of designer earrings for someone she knew would never accept her so soon, Revati Raziada. But when she could buy a little of this place for almost everyone related to him and her, she couldn’t miss the woman who still legally was Arnav’s mother.

Dropping all the shopping bags in the hotel, Arnav finally took her to the most romantic monument in the world – the Eiffel Tower. Khushi was awestruck as she saw the tower up close. Thousands of gold lights hugged the tower and sparkled every hour, enticing the lovers to visit this place and propose their love, which was one of Arnav’s agenda tonight. Whilst Khushi hugged his arm, admiring the tower’s beauty, Arnav was helplessly lost in her beautiful eyes. With his left knee touching the ground and his right knee up, Arnav opened the box of ring from his right hand. Khushi froze. She hadn’t seen that coming. Arnav was proposing her for marriage? That was irresistibly romantic.

“Khushi Gupta, I want you to be with me forever. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?”

That was unique and creative for a man of few words like him. Her eyes sprung with tears of joy. Nothing else mattered than him at this moment. No approvals, no confusions and no arguments could have a place between them anymore. She was almost trembling. It was a big blur to her. Not wanting to let his knees hurt anymore, she quickly nodded her head followed by a quirky reply.

“Yes” she replied as butterflies tickled inside her stomach.

There was incredibly special about this man kneeling before her, showing his vulnerability and emotion. She could see his eyes glittering with love at her obvious reply. All these years she had been complaining to herself that ‘He loves me not’ and today he has guaranteed her a life-changing experience and promise to hold her until her last breath. What else would she pray for?

Arnav slid the ring in Khushi’s finger with the Eiffel tower glittering with lights and pride in the background. She was his every hope, every fantasy and every beat of heart that he needed to survive. And now she was His. Standing back on his feet, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed his fiancée.


“Good going my Son” Ayush congratulated Arnav over the video call.

Arnav and Khushi were just back in the hotel when Aman dialed them and decided to talk to the two and wish them for this beautiful romantic proposal.

“Where is Khushi? I want to wish her too” Ayush demanded.

Khushi was standing opposite to Arnav, away from the mobile screen, unable to hide her shyness. Arnav gestured her to come to him and when she still kept shying, he walked to her and took her in embrace. Khushi finally faced his father on the mobile screen.

“Congratulations, Khushi. Welcome to the family, child”

“Thank you” she murmured. Her voice had choked. Though happiness had enveloped her and the Raizada family were welcoming her with all grace and love, she couldn’t forget her father was yet to agree for everything. She hadn’t even asked his permission before coming to Paris with Arnav. Arnav sensed her tension and allowed her to let go off his embrace. The moment his grip loosened, she walked away.

“What happened to her?” Ayush asked.

“She is worried of her father. I will go check on her. Will call you back, Dad”


He hung up and strode to her bedroom. She was siting on the couch, alone, hiding her face within her palms.

“Khushi..” he sat next to her and the moment he did, she wrapped his arms around him and sobbed. “Hey…” he stroked her back.

He let her sob. That was the only way she could take out the grief from her.

“I wish he agrees to this” she pulled away and rubbed the ring Arnav had slid in her finger today. “To us”

“He will” he rubbed the tears off her eyes. “Don’t you trust me?”

“Fathers” she scoffed. “Especially for their daughters are very possessive”

“But he loves you and so do I. He would never disagree that we won’t be happy together. Last time I met him, things didn’t go as planned but I promise you, this time I won’t leave your house till he agrees for us”

That brought a smile back on her lips.

“What if it takes weeks for him?” she teased.

“I will stay for weeks in your apartment then”

She broke into a laugh. Arnav took her back in his embrace and kissed the top of her head.

“You need not worry sweetheart; I am taking care of everything this time”

She hoped so.

“Your father must have felt bad that I ignored conversing with him” she asked next.

“No, he wouldn’t worry of it. He just wants us to be happy and you can talk to him any time”

“I will meet him personally once we are back in London” she promised.


“Or maybe I will call him tomorrow”

“Even better” he smirked.

Khushi giggled at his one phrase replies.

“You are a man of few words, aren’t you?” she teased again.

“A man of few words and plentiful romance” he answered with a grin on his face, drawing her closer.

“Romance?” she giggled again. “What’s with this place? Its’ changing you to something I always desired you to be”

Arnav gave her a ghost of a smile.

“Are you complaining? Or are you genuinely happy?” he shot.

“Both” she pulled him closer and nibbled his cheek. He groaned in pain.

“What the”

Her bite left a reddish mark on his cheek which obviously wouldn’t go for the next few hours.

“That’s for keeping me on the edge of love and hate all these years” she remarked.

Arnav frowned. She pouted and drew him closer again.

“Did that hurt?” she softly rubbed the bruise.

“These little moments hold the most love” He drew her palm away and kissed it. “I feel alive when I am with you”

She couldn’t fetch an answer to that. She felt the same for him. She entwined her tiny fingers into his large ones and gripped him.

“Can we just cuddle and forget about the world?” she mumbled.

Arnav blushed at her openness in asking.

“With pleasure” he tucked her and lied down on the broad couch, cuddling her like never before.


Khushi was the first to wake up. She and Arnav had still cuddled each other and they spent the night on the couch. Despite having two huge bedrooms, none of them were given the honor of occupying them. Khushi propped herself to look at his sleepy face. He looked calmer than he did all these days. They had their share of problems still lingering outside their love life, but they would take care of it together. She showered and made them two strong coffees before waking him up. He wanted to stretch, get comfy again and spend the rest of the day with his fiancée in the room but she wouldn’t let him do that. She patted his chest and pulled him to wake him completely.

“This is unfair” he complained as she handed him the coffee mug.

“We are not on a honeymoon” she reminded him. “And we have a flight to board this evening”

“Thank you for reminding” he sipped the hot coffee which was just that he needed and as per his requirements. “But it’s a private Jet. Know what that means? It takes off when you want to it to take off. Not otherwise. We wouldn’t miss it anyhow”

She laughed.

“Get ready, I have the agenda set for today” she finished her coffee and gave his thigh a pat.

“You planned?”

“Yup. First we will have a breakfast in the nearest Café outside, then cycle around in the city. After that we will head to the temple of love”

“Temple of love?” he repeats.

He had never heard of that.

“What did you think? Only you would do a thorough research and be the best tourist guide for me? No ways, Mister. I have done some too” she answered.

“uh huh” he sipped the remaining coffee while she explained him further.

“It’s a must visit for die-hard romantic couples. It stands on a little island made of two branches of river, in the middle of the irresistible beauty of the Versailles field. Couples from all over the world visit the Temple of Love in Paris to renew their wedding vows and propose to each other”

“Which I recall we have done already” he interrupts. “The proposal, I mean”

She frowned for being interrupted.

“Alright.. Sorry. Please go ahead and finish whatever you were saying” he apologized.

“The biggest belief is that sharing a kiss at the center of the temple strengthens the couple’s love and relationship” she bit her lip.

Arnav’s eyes glint with mischief. He had never heard of kissing in a temple but if that’s so, he would love to do so here.

“So, what do you say?”

She waited for him to confirm if he would like to visit there. He kept the mug away and palmed her cheek.

“I don’t see a reason why we shouldn’t go there” he replied.

She knew it. She brought his palm to her lips and kissed it.

“Good. Since we will be returning back late, I think we will pack everything before we leave”

“Absolutely” he replied.

“Can I pack your bags too?” she lovingly asked. “Just like a wife would?”

Damn! Can she be any cuter than that? Arnav couldn’t resist her charm if she would ask her such innocent questions. He pulled her and kissed her hard. He tasted like coffee!! Her favorite beverage right now!!

“Go ahead and please let me know if you need help” he answered. “I will shower till then”

She happily got away and hurried to their room to pack the bags.

After almost an hour she finished his packing and was focusing on hers. Arnav had freshly showered and dressed. He leaned and sat behind her, helping her pass the clothes and other stuff they shopped yesterday so that she could dump them in her bag. She was a decent packer. She fitted things perfectly in the bag, using all the corners and space. He picked the pair of earrings she bought.

“They are beautiful. I didn’t see you buying those”

Khushi smiled.

“You were busy checking hats for Aman and your dad that time”

He recalled and nodded.

“When are you wearing them? How about today? In the temple of love?”

She stiffened.

“They are not for me”

He didn’t understand.

“I bought it for Revati Raizada”

Now that shocked him.

“You think she will like it?” her voice was hopeful. He glared at the earrings again and nodded in agreement.

“She fancies such artistic work. So, yeah, she will like it”

Khushi kept the box in the bag. Arnav was lost again. It was hard to impress his mother and he didn’t know if he had to. Gods knows he had always tried being a good son, it was she who never noticed, never cared. His phone buzzed. He checked the message which was from his personal assistant back in India. His mother had received the papers of the club presidentship today. Finally!! He could try to give her what she really needed. At least that will make her happy.

To be Continued.



Note: The Second book in the Series of Bride Lost and Found will be out this Christmas!! Jahaan and Niyati's Story after marriage. 

On the verge of getting married, Niyati elopes to fetch her lost life, only to be found again. They say when you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Is Niyati ending up in a hopeless situation by tying this knot or is this beginning of something sparkling?


The bustling sound of the vehicles didn’t stop her from running fast. She pushed people out of her way to escape from the busiest street of Chandanpur, a small town, few miles away from Delhi. People watching her might be surprised to see a woman in late 20’s, wearing grey jogging shoes in stark contrast to her Maroon Bridal attire. Running away from her family is inevitable. Sometimes you have to make difficult choices for yourself, to keep you safe from your own people. She had luxury touching her feet from childhood, servants walking around and fulfilling every demand she puts forth, but only when she grew up, she got the taste of her fate. All this extravagance had a price, all the moments she has spent with her foster parents had a price. And she was not ready to pay it their way.


The elderly woman makes her sit next to the groom. He is wearing a strong masculine perfume which she is extremely allergic to. She twists her nose not to sneeze. He grips her hand and leans towards her.

“If you do this mistake again, I will chop your legs” he whispers.

Her eyes widen in shock. She knew the Zamindar is an arrogant man but his strength and powerful words is infusing fear inside her already nervous body. But she won’t let him mistake her to be his newly hired slave. She has a fitting reply ready.

“How will you sleep with a woman glued to the wheel chair for her life then?”

She finds his grip on her fingers tightening more.

A twisted tale of an unforeseen wedding fiasco. 

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  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  2. It was lovely , amazing and beautiful update

  3. Can we get another update of he loves me not tomorrow absolutely loved it.

  4. Lovely! Beautiful! It was very very sweet and romantic! Nice!

  5. Awesome Update. Arshi are enjoying their togetherness. Arnav is finally living a carefree life . Arnav's proposal to Khushi is heartwarming. Khushi's dream came true. Ayush also became a part of their happiness. Arnav assurance to meet Shashi Gupta and Khushi's teasing is really cute. Hope Revati will acknowledge the gift Khushi bought for her. Very romantic update with lovely Arshi moments.

  6. Very lovely 😊 and beautiful way of proposing. Awesome update

  7. Awwww........I'm blushing already, can it get anymore romantic Marriage proposal at the Effiel tower, intending plans to visit the "temple of love" The story got me emotional towards the end concerning Revathi Raizada, that woman has always proved very difficult to please. Just for the sake of Arnav and his numerous efforts towards her, I just hope she comes around soon enough, if not he(Arnav) might be affected emotionally (not like he isn't already)Thanks Madhu

  8. Temple of love really fascinated me. I couldn't resist and even googled it. Thanks Madhu for keeping your readers informed and about the update. Needless to say it was awesome like it always is. Waiting to see Revati Raizada turn over a new leaf and dote on her new bahu N beta.

  9. It’s wonderful to see that old khushi. Full of live and innocent. Her love was always innocent. Love the update.

  10. Arnav finally gave Revati the club president ship position . Hopefully Revati will now understand Arnav worth after seeing his efforts and will come around soon. Waiting for the next part.

  11. Loved it... Arnav and Khushi rocks always...

  12. loved it....their chemistry is really cute

  13. Superb update..
    Wow next is 50th update congratulations 🎈🎊🎉🏅🏆🎖🥇..

    Loved the way he proposed her n the whole day did things for her..
    Wow she shopped for ravathi too. Thays selfless khushi..

    Beautiful arshi timing..
    Looking forward for the day trip which khushi has planned.

  14. Romantic and cute chapter....he proposed her in Paris. I hope Revati and Shashi both agree to their relationship.

  15. Such a romantic & beautiful update...

    Loved the cute romance between Arshi & the details of their even more romantic stay in Paris... The proposal was like icing on the cake...

    So Revati got what she desired the most & ironically she got it from the same son whom she was ready to trade from fulfilling her same desire... Hope this opens her greedy eyes towards the love her son has for her..

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

  16. A beautiful update with tons of romance .
