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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 23


Chapter 23

Gupta Mansion

Shyam Singh Raizada and Shashi Gupta sat in the living room of the Gupta Mansion discussing their political moves ahead. Shashi Gupta had never shown any support to Shyam’s political party so far but then times were changing and also now he had a connection with the Raizadas after getting Khushi married to that family. Hence, he had personally invited Shyam over breakfast today, so that he could put forth his own ambitions towards the advancement of his political carrer which couldn’t be a success without Shyam Singh Raizada’s political party’s support.

“Governor Saahab, if we don’t think about each other, who else will?” Shyam stated to Shashi Gupta putting the cup of tea away. “The elections are on my head. A lot of campaigning is yet to happen. So, I needed to know whose side you are this time?”
Shashi Gupta smartly tackled this question.

“If I wasn’t on your side Shyam, I would never get my daughter marry to Arnav Singh Raizada” he replied.

“Now you are talking” Shyam chuckled. “So, what have you decided about my proposal?”

Shashi grinned. Just last night Shyam had discussed about a proposal with him through which both of them would benefit. But it was tough to make it happen, considering there would be two obstacles in between – Khushi and Arnav Singh Raizada.

“What proposal?”

They both panic listening Arnav Singh Raizada’s voice and turn around. He and Khushi make a way inside. The couple is shocked to see Shyam here in Gupta Mansion; something which was seemed connectionless so far.

“Arnav” Shyam got up to greet him, though his face clearly showed his terror. “I didn’t know you both were coming here”

“I didn’t expect to see you either” Arnav taunted.

“Well” Shashi Gupta came forward. “I hope my daughter isn’t creating troubles to you, ASR”

Khushi rolled her eyes whereas Arnav frowned. It was evident that Shashi Gupta was trying to change the subject.

“You don’t need to bother about that Mr. Gupta. I am there to handle her and all her troubles. And I am still waiting to know what is Shyam doing here?” Arnav stared back at Shyam.

“Political discussions” Shyam answered. “You shouldn’t get into this ASR. Neither you should get in my way”

Arnav clenched his jaw.

“You are the one standing in my way” Arnav snapped.

Shyam grinned. That’s true. This is Arnav’s in law’s home and he has every right to come here.

“Khushi” Garima came outside the kitchen. Khushi hurried to her mother and hugged her. “It’s so nice to see you here, I thought you would never come”

Shyam glanced at Shashi Gupta as if gesturing him it is time he leaves.

“I will drop Shyam till his car. Arnav, please make yourself comfortable”

“I will” Arnav smirked and headed to the couch. Something was being plotted between these two wicked men and he was desperate to know what that was.


Garima insisted Arnav for having lunch with them.

“I don’t think he can wait. He is a busy man” Khushi interrupted before Arnav could decide.

Garima sighed whereas Arnav could sense Khushi’s edginess in pushing him out of her house.

“Not really in a hurry now” Arnav declared gazing back at his wife.

“Don’t lie” Khushi faked a smile and stood between him and her mother. “You have a boy’s night out to plan”

“That can wait” he replied and glanced behind her where Garima was watching the two with confused eyes. “I will wait for lunch” he declared.

Garima was elated.

“What will you like to eat then? Sorry but I don’t know what your choice of food is”

“I will tell you” Khushi turned to her mother. “I will tell you exactly what he likes and how”

Garima was happy. Seemed like the two had started bonding which was good. She asked Arnav to be comfortable while she would prepare the food as quickly as possible. Khushi followed her mother in the Kitchen. Arnav exhaled seeing her grinning at him while heading to the kitchen. She is definitely going to mess up with his food as she doesn’t seem impressed that he stayed for lunch. Even he couldn’t apprehend why he agreed? He could have gone away. He really had a lot to prepare in terms of tonight’s party. It was Angad’s birthday tomorrow and like every year, he had planned to throw a small night out with some close friends of Angad and him. But somehow when Garima so fondly asked and Khushi so wildly declined that opportunity, he couldn’t resist to oppose her decision and agreed on staying for Lunch.

“ASR.. sorry to keep you waiting” Shashi returned. “I heard you are staying for lunch. It’s a wonderful idea. That way, we can also talk”

“Regarding?” Arnav asked straight to the point.

“Nothing specific like that” Shashi smirked. “Actually, to be honest, I don’t rely on my daughter’s deeds much. She is such a naughty woman. I just wanted to check if you both are doing fine in your marriage”

Whenever Shashi Gupta brought that up, Arnav recalled the argument he had heard of the father-daughter. It was enough for Arnav to know Khushi wasn’t in good terms with her father and she was not at all responsible for this. If someone had to be blamed, it was solely Shashi Gupta. Before marrying Khushi, he had done a background check of her bonding with the family. She loved her mother, hated her father and she was upset with her sister Payal for eloping.

“Where are you lost ASR?” Shashi asked.

“We are more than fine” Arnav lied. “She is a perfect wife to me and you might have seen that already in the picture which was posted on social media”

Shashi’s face turned red with embarrassment. Yes, just like others he had seen that picture too which was later deleted from the social media. He was agitated on Khushi for her openness.

“That picture should have been a closed-door moment, Arnav. I am very against such public display of affection unnecessarily. But Khushi… huh!!” he sighed. “She is just used to all this. After all she is a model. Such exposure doesn’t count for her. She takes it all very lightly”

Though Arnav agreed to the modelling part, he wouldn’t say that Khushi did it all on purpose. They were not even aware of someone clicking their photo.

“In a marriage, Mr. Gupta” Arnav leaned back. “Both husband and wife are equally responsible to decide what part of their lives should be exposed and what should be hidden. If you are blaming Khushi for this, I am equally to be blamed”

Shashi was stunned at Arnav’s continuous attempts to take Khushi’s side. Seemed like Khushi had circled her magic wand on her Royal husband. In one way, he was happy about it. He will just have to convince Khushi and then she would in turn convince Arnav to get his proposal forward.

“Well… I am glad that she is accustoming to you and your family. That’s what every wife should do, isn’t it?”

Arnav was not very interested in discussing his wife’s duties with his father-in-law. So, he purposely asked what he wanted to know.

“What is going on between you and Shyam? I am sure he wasn’t here for general talks”

Shashi gulped the tension and was about to deny that possibility but Arnav interrupted him.

“Don’t lie to me Mr. Gupta. I wouldn’t appreciate it”

“I would tell you soon, ASR. After things are concrete”

Arnav clenched his jaw. Shashi Gupta hiding this matter indicated it was big.


Kitchen – A while later

Khushi put some extra green chilies in the gravy which she was separately cooking for Arnav.

“Khushi, what are you doing? So much of spice?” Garima tried to stop her.

“He needs a lot of spice Mumma” she held her laugh imagining what Arnav Singh Raizada would go through tasting the curry.

“Seriously?” Garima asked in worry. “This much of spice can burn this mouth”

That was true. But Khushi didn’t care. She stirred the gravy one last time.

“We are ready to serve now” she said to her mother.

“Why are you in such a hurry? Let Arnav sit for some more time”

“No Mumma. I told you he has work to do. He cannot stay here for long”

Garima frowned. She could read something cooking in Khushi’s mind.

“Khushi, I hope you are not troubling him”

Khushi pouted.

“Do I look like the troubler?” she made an innocent face.

Garima was too naïve to acknowledge her lie. She suddenly blushed recalling the picture on social media.

“You and him look great together. You know when you told me you are going for a honeymoon; I was so scared. I knew you were against this marriage from the beginning. But when I saw that picture, I couldn’t control my joy. Seems he has managed to win your love by his charm”

Khushi’s jaw dropped. Everyone thinks so, but she hadn’t expected her mother to think like others. Either Khushi is too good in hiding her real feelings or there is no one here who can read what she is going through. Wish she could tell her mother that marrying Arnav Singh Raizada was her only option to get Payal safe. Should her mother know about Payal and her pregnancy?

“Khushi, lets go and serve lunch. Your father and Arnav must be hungry” Garima shook her and then taking the bowl of curry, she left out.


“The food looks delicious” Shashi happily muttered.

“Khushi has assisted me in cooking” Garima replied hoping her husband would be happy to know their daughter’s progress but nothing like that happened. Shashi served himself and the started eating. Khushi didn’t bother. She was busy waiting for Arnav’s reaction when he would eat the extra spicy curry.

“Arnav, Khushi has made the food separate as per your choice. I am sure you will like it”

Arnav was skeptical what it meant. He stared back at Khushi who was bemused by her mother’s statement.

“Really?” he queried, smirking at Khushi who plastered a fake smile. “Then she deserves to taste it first”

“No” Khushi instantly snapped.

Arnav raised his brow quizzically.

“Why? What’s so wrong about it?” Shashi asked Khushi. “He is your husband, not some stranger who is feeding you poison. And aren’t you the one who cooked it? Then why are you hesitating?”

“Dad please. Don’t talk in between us”

“Only because I am taking his side? Not yours?”

“No” she laughed. “Because you are always inclined towards other’s priority and choices than your own daughter”

“Khushi.. please. And Shashi, you shouldn’t take up this argument here” Garima mentioned. “Our Son-in-law is here with us. We should show some manners”

“She started it” Shashi argued.

“And you had no reason to intrude” Khushi replied.

Arnav was shocked at their bickering. These two could never be on the same side, can they? He ate a morsel from his plate and the next moment he started coughing. Both Shashi and Khushi stopped fighting and looked at him.

“Arnav. Are you okay?” Garima immediately rushed to him and soothed his back while he gulped water.

Khushi didn’t enjoy it either like she had expected to.

“I knew it” Shashi snapped angrily. “Khushi has purposely spoiled his food”

Khushi kept staring at Arnav apologetically. How could she mess with his food? She wasn’t acting normal. She was behaving bad.

“The food is perfectly alright” Arnav lied. “I just realized I had taken a medicine which doesn’t let me eat heavy meals. Probably, this cough was the side reaction”

He lied!! Khushi watched him confused. He could have easily complained to her father or the best he could have shouted her for doing this silly thing. But he didn’t do any of it. He hid her lie so brilliantly.

“I think I should leave now. We can do this Lunch date some other time” Arnav got up.

Garima didn’t believe Arnav neither Shashi. But they didn’t stop him. Arnav strode to the door, without even looking at Khushi which just stirred like a fire in her body. She ran behind him to apologize but by the time she came out, he drove away in his car. She felt truly guilty for doing this to him. Damn!!! When she returned back inside, her father was all set to argue with her but she wasn’t interested.

“Dad, please. I am sick of our arguments”

“So am I. But for a change, I am not going to argue now with you. All I wanted to say is, you should consider yourself lucky that your husband is on your side” Shashi mentioned. “He never spoke a word against you. In fact, he covered up your mistakes too. I don’t think you should be worried anymore if I take his side than yours. Because you already have him at your side”

Khushi swallowed the lump formed in her throat. Poor Raizada. He really got hurt bad!!


Khushi tossed on her bed in the bright daylight. She was still at her home to spend some time with her mother but whatever happened in the afternoon made her lock herself in the bedroom and spend time alone, pondering over what she did with Arnav Singh Raizada. She could have easily avoided this lunch disaster. She had harmed him and there was no apology for that. Yet, when she will meet him again, she decided to ask for his forgiveness.

Her phone buzzed drawing her attention on the mobile. It was Suhani’s call.

“Hey” Khushi answered.

“Hi. .Uhh.. Are you at staying at your mayka? If yes, then we should catch up. I don’t want to be alone for tonight”

“Wait” Khushi got up. “It’s Angad’s birthday tomorrow, isn’t it? Then why would you spend the time with me tonight?”

“Because he is not spending the time with me either” she replied. “Arnav has thrown a party for him at the farm house of the Royals. And since it’s a boys nightout, I am not interested in going there and cheering up my husband or wishing him in that crowd.”

Khushi felt bad for her.

“But you had made so many arrangements Suhani and you were so excited about it. Why did Angad go? He could have denied Arnav” Khushi stated.

“He would never deny Arnav for anything. And it is all my fault. I should have checked Angad’s plans before doing all this. Arnav always celebrates Angad’s birthday in similar way from so many years”

Khushi didn’t agree to that. Arnav should have considered Angad’s marriage and should have left him to celebrate this day with his wife instead of their bunch of friends. Could she do something about it? She thought for few seconds. She wanted to fix her mistake, ask for Arnav’s apology and also give Suhani some justice. Suhani should be able to spend the time with her husband tonight.. no matter what!! An idea popped up in her mind and she decided to make it happen.

“Get ready Suhani, we are going for a drive” she informed.

To be Continued.



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  1. Nice Khushi should really apologize for messing with arnav food,is kind of childish

  2. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  3. Awesome Update. Shashi Gupta and Shyam both are opportunist. Arnav made his entry at the right time. Shashi Gupta is not at all concerned for Khushi but Arnav supported his wife and answered quite smartly also gave a fitting reply to Shyam. Arnav and Khushi both are opposites but opposites do attract. Liked the way Arnav stayed back for lunch. Khushi wanted to irritate Arnav. Shashi Gupta is trying to portray a negative image of Khushi but Arnav knows Khushi well and deliberately lied. Arnav is earning perfect points as a husband. Shashi Gupta is against Khushi's profession but he should be have said those things.Arnav ate the spicy curry and also took Khushi's side. Now Khushi has to earn Arnav's forgiveness and also ensure Suhani and Angad togetherness. Waiting for the next part.

  4. Arnav deserves an apology... Arnav already has started to fall for Khushi

  5. I didn't like kushi spoiling arnavs food. This is a silly thing to do with any living thing in the world

  6. Khushi should apologise for her childness. Hope Suhani gave her some ideas. Arnav is falling for Khushi but will Khushi really leave after finding Payal.

  7. Kkg is going to gate crash their party !!! Hahaha

  8. Nice update. But I don’t like what khushi did with arnavs food. It’s rude. It’s okay to be naughty and annoy him but no one should mess up with anyone’s food. She should be ashamed of herself.

  9. I don't think Shyam and Shashi's plan can ever be anything good,just hope that whatever they intend on doing doesn't pose any threat to Arshi's union.Angad agreeing to Arnav's plan of an all boys night out birthday celebration at Arnav's farmhouse for his(Angad's) birthday without his newly wife is quiet inconsiderate of him.I can understand that it has become almost a norm for him and Arnav to celebrate his birthday alone with their male friends,but he's now a married man for crying out loud and should understand that his new wife would love to celebrate his first birthday after marriage with him,at least he should have carried his wife with him to the all boys night party since he is the celebrant,i.e if he cannot stay to cele
    brate the planned suprise Suhani has made for his birthday at home or whereever it is,and it's not like he can't even invite Arnav and the rest to his wife's own planned birthday suprise for him.Khushi's act to trouble Arnav was so childish. Great how Arnav handled Shashi.Thanks Madhu

    1. Waiting to see how Khushi helps Suhani to be a part of Angad's birthday celebration. Arnav was all defensive for Khushi during his discussion with Shashi whenever he (Shashi) tried to point out Khushi, which to me is one of the signs of someone who loves and respects another. I can't wait for him to realise it already.

  10. Can you post the next part tomorrow?

  11. Khushi shouldn't have done what she did with Arnav.. For her it might be just a prank to irritate Arnav but it was actually a stunt to jeopardize with Arnav's health which is very wrong... But good that Khushi realised her mistake & is ready to apologize to Arnav for the same...

    Arnav is indeed proving himself a good husband.. No matter how many differences Arshi have between them but Arnav taking her side & covering her mistakes is what makes him a good husband otherwise he had a fair chance to embarrass or insult Khushi in front of her parents but he didn't...

    So Khushi is planning to take Suhani to her husband's b'day party which is all boys party... She wants her friend to be able to celebrate her husband's bday & herself wants to apologize to Arnav... Her intensions are good but hope she doesn't mess up as always...

    Thanks for the update Madhu... Looking forward for Badtameez ❤️

  12. Waiting to know how khusi would apologize

  13. Hope they don't find any girls at the party...that would create more problems between Arshi & also between the other couple...Angad & Suhani.

  14. Hope Khushi won’t messed up arnav party . Arnav supporting Khushi infront of everyone which he showed his affection to Khushi openly .

    Waiting for next update

  15. Nice Arnav supporting Kushi and she has to apologise to Arnav

  16. Arnav supported khushi ,it was so sweet of him .khushi will have to try hard now to get his attention .
    Waiting for the farm house nok joke

  17. Arnav deserves an apology from Khushi... Let's see what Khushi's plan...

  18. Khushi should rectify her mistake. Khushi is right Arnav should understand that his friend is married no longer a bachelor. Awesome update

  19. Superb update.

    2 evil S are plotting against arshi..

    Hope arnav will be on

    Pike the way he took khushi's side infront.of.shashi.

    Khushi is guilty now

    Yes true arnav should have think since his friend is married

    Looking forward

  20. Lovely update! Now for Khushi to seek his forgiveness! Let's see how this works! What's Shyam and Shashi upto?


  21. Wonderful update loved it
    Khushi did a very childishly thing by spoiling Arnav's food he deserves an apology from her
    Loved the way he had taken Khushi's side in front of her father
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  22. Want to see some ruthna Manama between ARSHI
