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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 26B


Chapter 26B

Arnav Singh Raizada sipped the hot coffee in the early hours of the morning. It had been 4 days now that he was in Mussourie, away from his home, his family and most importantly, away from the woman who was the reason of his sleepless nights. After their fight in the farm house, things had changed drastically between them. It was evident that he wanted a control over this marriage and she wanted to break it off the very next moment he even tried. It was a difficult tug of war he wished to end. Khushi Gupta was a fiery woman and she had captured his heart the very moment he had laid his eyes on her during Angad and Suhani’s marriage. But if she attracted him in infinite ways, she was also his worst nightmare. In all those teen years and adulthood, the one thing he wanted to have in life was control. And ever since Khushi Gupta stepped in, he feared losing it very often. He had gone out of his normal ways to protect her from humility, to comfort her from the people who disliked her and generously supported her in times of needs. Didn’t she see all that? Yet, she fought with him and pushed him away every time he tried to bridge a bond between the two. Forget being a husband, she wasn’t even interested to be in talking terms with him. He had waited desperately for her call to hear her voice. He feared so much attraction for her would shift him from track someday. He wasn’t able to focus on the major issues – finding Akash Singh Raizada being one of them.
The door knock broke his stance. It was anything but gentle. Couldn’t be the hotel staff. This was his Resort and people here feared to even knock their Boss’s room. Who would do that then at this time? He strode to the door and opened it to give an earful to the person disturbing him but the moment he saw his wife Khushi Singh Raizada standing there, his temper cooled down. It was unnatural to feel so blissful for him. The only times he would be happy by heart was when he succeeded in tasks which raised their Royal status.

Khushi walked in the room uninvited. She had worn a dark blue denim and a spaghetti top highlighting her curves. This was anything but decent from a travel perspective. She dropped her bag and phone on the couch and turned around. The distressed look on his face was worth watching.

“Why are you so underdressed?” he shouted closing the door.

She crossed her arms at the front unashamedly. Let him growl or howl, today she is the one who is going to have the upper hand.

“And… what are you doing here? Why didn’t you inform me you are coming to Mussourie?” he continued raising his doubts while she kept ignoring. “Who got you here? Mohan?”

She shrugged rolling her eyes. It irked him to see her so unaffected by his shock. Mohan didn’t get her here otherwise he would know. None of his drivers would drive her without his consent.

“You hired a cab?” he snapped. “In these clothes?”

When she continued ignoring him, he strode to her and clutched her forearms.

“Don’t play smart with me you understand?”

Khushi pushed him away with a force.

“Why? Did it hurt?” she scowled. “Did it affect your big fat ego that I wore such an outfit to travel in some unknown vehicle all the way here, stamping the big royal traditions of your family?”

“Mind your words Khushi” he warned.

“I wont. In fact, why should I mind anything that hurts you? Did you think the same for me? No… you didn’t”

Arnav had no clue what she was talking about. Seemed like she was here only to fight. The next moment, Khushi came closer and gripped his shirt so tight that he feared she would tear it off.

“You screwed my career Arnav Singh Raizada”

He got it. So that’s why she came here. He didn’t drop his gaze from her eyes.

“You ruined everything that I earned all these years. You had no right to do so”

Arnav stiffened.

“You call yourself a husband?” she growled. “Huh!! You are not even a man after this”

Now this surely pricked his big fat ego. He gripped her wrists but didn’t force her to move away.

“Don’t ever talk to me like that” he threatened her.

“I will. I damn will talk to you the way I like… Because that’s why you deserve. You stooped so low. No one ever has hurt me so much the way you did Arnav Singh Raizada”

The tears in her eyes pained him. If he stays quiet now, she would break down and he wouldn’t tolerate that. So, he explained his side.

“Modelling is a code red for my family status. I cannot let anyone lay eyes on you. I don’t have a problem with you working Khushi.. but not this profession…”

Khushi clenched her jaw and gripping his shirt tight in her fists she shook him harder.

“**** your insecurity” she groaned. “I cannot leave my career because you think its unworthy for you and your family. If it hurts your ego now… break our ties… Save your royal tag and save me from this forced knot. I don’t need you… I don’t need this marriage..”

She left her grip and walked away. She had said it.. Finally!! She felt so relieved that she could stand for herself this time. All these days she was worried for Payal and her safety. She still does. But not at the cost of her self-worth.

Arnav fisted his fingers. Did she just say that?

“How very selfish of you” he snapped. “So all that sisterly love… all that desires to find her and get her back in Raizada family with full honor and respect was a lie?”

“It wasn’t a lie” she argued. “I still wish the same and I can make it happen even without being tied to you”

Arnav was just holding up his anger. If he bursts out, none of the two would be able to control each other.

“I deserve so much better than you” she declared. “And I am done with this… done with you.. Arnav Singh Raizada. I have leaving that house… your family.. and you…”

Arnav stared at her annoyed. How could she decide that alone?

“That’s what I came here to tell you. I am not going back in that mad circus again where people like you are control freak”

She grabbed her bag.

“Good bye”

She took a step closer to the door, only to be blocked by him.

“You are not leaving” he warned.

“Dare you stop me” she replied in a similar agitated tone and took a step ahead.

Arnav snatched her bag and threw it away, scattering the things on the floor. When she saw her stuff from the bag broken and scattered, she gone more insane.

“You broke my things? How could you..” she started hitting him but it didn’t affect him at all. He could bear that pain but not the one which would erupt if she leaves this room right now.

When Arnav didn’t move an inch despite her assault, she started breaking things in their room. She broke the vase, then pushed everything off the table. During all this time she was continuously crying and mumbling hurtful words at him. It didn’t bother him but it would surely affect her health if she stressed so much.

“Khushi stop” he tried to control her but she pushed him away and kept messing with the things around. She was acting like a stubborn child who was denied for a candy.

“You are breaking things unnecessarily. .. this is not going to sort our problems” he shouted but she didn’t listen..

Her heart raced, hands shivered, head ached like it would burst out, she felt difficulty in breathing and her muscles drained. Yet she didn’t stop until her body finally gave up and she fell down unconscious.

“Khushiiii” Arnav yelled aloud rushing to her at once. She collapsed on the floor, almost lifeless.


Arnav stood behind the Doctor who was examining Khushi. It had been an hour that she was unconscious. Arnav called for the in-room medical help and the Doctor rushed within a few minutes of that incident. The rest of the room was still scattered and looked utterly disoriented. The Doctor injected some sedatives and then stood up.

“Is she fine, Doctor?” Arnav asked worried. “Why did she fall unconscious?”

The Doctor exhaled.

“Your wife got an anxiety attack, Mr. Raizada”

Arnav swallowed hard.

“Attack…?? An…anxiety attack?”

“Yes. This usually happens when the person is in stress from an over longed period. I don’t want to know what your relationship with each other has been but with what I see around myself right now and the symptoms you explained to me about how she reacted before falling unconscious, points out the same. Fortunately, it was a mild attack, not a severe one but if things don’t go easy and calm down in her life, she might get another severe anxiety attack which might not be good for her health. This is not her age to be so stressed over things. She is still young”

Arnav had no words to say. He still couldn’t believe Khushi had an anxiety attack and he was the one responsible for it.

“Anyways, I have given her the sedatives which should relax her body and mind. When she wakes up, make her eat something and take those medicines. The anxiety symptoms become gradually more intense over minutes days and years if not treated on time. Talk to her… see what she is going through and what is the reason of her pain. If that reduces, she would be fine soon. Eliminate the cause of her worry and stress and she should recover soon”

Arnav needed her pain to stop. He was pretending to be stronger this moment but he couldn’t fake it before the doctor who patted his back.

“Keep her happy. She will be fine soon”

Arnav passed a gentle nod and opened the door for the Doctor to leave. The moment he was gone, he shut the door and leaned behind. Whatever happened today, he was responsible for it. He was the one why Khushi was stressed. She was already handling her problems with Shashi Gupta who never treated her good. Then she met him in a very unusual circumstances and he forced her for marriage. She managed to elope but he caught her, lied to her and when the wedding happened, he didn’t let her live peacefully either. He snatched the most important thing from her life… her career. How would she cope up to handle all this pressure? If he had dared to protect her, he should have also protected her heart, her feelings, her attachments and her career. How could he do this to her? To the only woman in his life whom he was madly falling for?

He returned back to the bed. She looked pale and sick. There were dark circles below her eyes. Tears had dried away and left marks over her cheeks. Whatever happened today wasn’t a good sign. He sat next to her and held her hand in his. It was cold, lifeless and lack of energy. He bent his head and kissed the back of her palm. When he just realized that he wanted this woman in life… he broke her permanently in return… What a tragedy!!

To be Continued.



The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series Book 1) is finally HERE to all those who wanted to read about Niyati and Jahaan Singh's after married life - His Destined Bride (The Bride Series Book 2)

Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?

A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


“Such a royal discomfort” she murmured to herself.

“Indeed” he replied. “Wish you had a decent weight”

“Excuse me? I was the slimmest girl in my college”

“And how long was that? 10 years?”

She cursed something inaudible. How dare he teased her about her age?

“I am just 22. And let me guess, you are 35?”

He halted.

“45” he lied. “Does that satisfy your ego now?”

She wanted to argue further but when he lied his age to that extent, she couldn’t help but laugh.

“45? Hmmm” she mumbled. “Is this your wig then?” she touched his hair.

“Stop touching my hair. I don’t like it”

“As if I am dying to touch them” she frowned again and looked away from his face.

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  1. Omg! What a turn of events! You always surprise us with your writing madhu. Wonderful update. I hope Arnav will understand now and explain khushi nicely instead of ruining her career behind her back. He can let her do what she wants and then when she starts falling for him she will herself will make Arnav her priority. Love changes people. But not forcefully. Hope to see some love and care between the two now

    1. Why does a woman have to forsake a career and make her husband her priority? Does that mean that a man who works, the wife is not a priority?

    2. Exactly my thought

    3. It's not about forsaking her career... It's about "modeling career" That career demands you to show and reveal yourself quite much to the watchers which most husbands wouldn't like neither would the wives in case the husband is a model. Arnanv did not deny her to work. He just denied her to work as a model cause even though she would be doing it as a passion the onlookers will not be having the same intention as hers. And I know you people would question that why did He marry her then knowing about her career choice? Then as you've been reading so far there's a motive of finding Akash and payal plus something else yet to be revealed by the author yet. However Even after sorting the matter Arnav isn't ready to let go his wife or break the marriage. You agree or not but most 99% men wouldn't agree to their wife working as a model

    4. That must be amongst one of the most regressive things I have ever heard anyone say...there is an implied derogation and contempt of people who model.. so what if you do show off your body? There are enough men and women who are not models who wear fairly revealing clothes.. but that is ok?

      There is nothing wrong in being a model or even wearing risque clothing or flaunting what you have - the problem is with the mindset of the beholder! It is only insecure or small minded men/people who would get upset.

      So let me get this correct, it is ok for him to get married to Khushi by deceit and destroy her career because it is not a "good" career and because he had an ulterior motive which was higher than her freedom to chose what she wants to do with her life, her career?

      Its strange to hear comments like this in the country of the Kamasutra, Kajarao, devdasis etc.. a country of sexual permisiveness and understanding... The British with their Victorian morality really messed us up! And the funny thing is that we are still holding on the silly victorian morality while they have left it far behind.

  2. Was little emotional, felt sad for Arnav. But beautiful update

  3. Arnav already knew about her modeling career when he agreed her to continue with it after marriage then how can he tell her that he is okay with her working but not in the modeling field now...

    Doctor exactly described whatever Khushi was going through which led her to this condition...

    Good that Arnav analysed & accepted his own deeds which caused anxiety attack to Khushi... Also he accepted to himself that he is in love with Khushi & wants her in his life... But he will have to shed his ego & dominating nature to make way in her heart... Hope now he would try to find some middle way whereas he can give back Khushi her happiness & also stop her from leaving him...

    Thanks for the bit painful yet awesomely written update Madhu ❤️

  4. Finally Arnav realised his feeling for Khushi...but Khushi is totally is Arnav going to mend everything...very interesting story

  5. Awesome Update. Arnav's realisation was very much needed. Arnav should not have played with Khushi's career. Khushi is an independent working woman Arnav already knew that. Arnav is harboring deep feelings for Khushi but Khushi's allegations were correct . Hope Arnav will learn from his mistakes and won't prevent Khushi to pursue her career . Arnav has to win Khushi back but he has to change his dominative nature and support Khushi.

  6. Poor Khushi. If only she knows Arnav is falling for her. It will be good if Arnav sit and talk to her. Tell her why he married her, Akash and Payal and everything.

  7. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  8. I seriously don’t want them to break their marriage. It’s not a simple thing and not a thing that they can’t solve out. They can work out this thing. But only if khushi wants to. Can you ask something sis? Are they gonna divorce?

  9. I am not sure why Arnav is feeling devastated now.. didn't he know what career she had before he forced her to marry him? Then he did not think about "code red" for his family? But i was ok to lie to get married to him and then proceed to do exactly what . he had promised never to do.. His thoughts ring hollow because he has cheated her every step of the marriage, and now reduced her to this...

    ...and I dont understand why she has to give up her career.. he knew what she was befoe e married her.. love means accepting someone for who they are...not for what you want them to be...

  10. I actually thought arnav was innocent, how innocent of me

  11. So much happened in this one update. Poor khushi. She has to go through so much that she had an anxiety attack. Hope now Arnav will realise what he's doing to her. I was angry to know what he did behind her back regarding her career. If he wants her in his life, he has to shed his dominating nature first. Since the time they met, he's only doing that. How will she fall for him with this attitude???. Hope finally he got some brains with this incident. Don't know how khushi is going to react after getting conscious. Eagerly waiting to know how Arnav is going to behave from now on.....

  12. But I must confess it was a sudden twist in Arnav's perspective... you keep us surprised!! Well done

  13. Beautiful! I'm glad he has this side to him! That he realised his folly! I hope he'll change now at least. If not this is going to be bad.


  14. Arnav took it too far to a point where everything got out of his hands.... He realized he wants her in his life when she decided to end it......hope he makes everything better

  15. Here totally Arnav's interference leads to Khushi's condition... Hope he realizes the importance of her career

  16. Arnav do something before it's too late

  17. Superb update. Arnav is so mess up with his wife. Now he’s regretting. Hmmm he should pacify and pamper his wife. Talk to her and tell her the truth. Awesome

  18. How's he going to handle this situation and khushi.One hell of a mess.Reading this update i couldn't help but ask.It's been a good while now i requested you to write about a shy,submissive khushi and Arnav the ever arrogant and shrewd man falls madly in love with her.I don't like this stubborn khushi and a relented Arnav.It should be like,everything goes his way no questions asked.i have a lot to say but very little charge left so cut to WHEN?you said you will write.

    1. Really? Really?

      Are you a guy reading this? :-)

      Because I can't imagine any woman actually enjoying reading about a submissive woman and a rude arrogant guy ill treating her before he falls in love with her...

    2. Rude arrogant, shrewd for the world.. not for her.

    3. Why everything his way if i may ask n exactly wht ways? As far as i hav seen this seeway hems to be eager to own the love than earn it

    4. Hmmm... unfortunately submissive doesn't sit too well with me... the are enough women in the world who stay quite and mum and deal with so much crap because they are too scared to speak up for themselves because society conditions is too beleive that the man must be obeyed...or points fingers only at the woman when things go wrong...

    5. Ooh... whoever it is..guy/girl..u lost me at no questions asked

  19. Awesome update!
    Kudos 🤗
    Hoping kkg won't be joining in Shashis plan

  20. Wonderful update ❤️ loved it 😘

  21. Ohh such an unexpected turn of events. Hope no separation dear in future. I'm glad at last arnav realised that what his action behavior costing in their marriage life. I'm really hoping to see some changes in arnav’s behavior.

    Please no separation between arshi or Khushi joining hand with Shashi.

    Waiting for next update dear...

  22. Awesome. Hope he will change his thinking towards her work.

  23. Finally he realised it..
    Goes can he just take this decision that her career is red for his family.. didnt he think about it when marrying her..

    Let's see what he does to bring her back to normal..

    As he realised he is in love with her..

    P.S. why background shows black.. previous one was better..

    It is putting strain on reading

  24. I keep thinking I will mention it but get carried away with other comments ...and forget ��

    Arnav said something about making her to protect her, what is that about?

  25. Interesting update loved it
    So finally Arnav accepted his feelings but now he made her more sad and frustrated by his action
    Want to see how Arnav will heal her and make her fall for him
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  26. Waiting for update
