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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

The Royal Fling - Part 28


Chapter 28


Arnav Singh Raizada tossed on the bed, sleepless. The night was long especially when the flashbacks of that ugly fight between him and Aman grew worse. Wish he had calmed down that day. Wish he hadn’t allowed Aman to leave the house. That accident would never had occurred. Aman would have been alive today. Alive and kicking!! Though none of his people ever blamed him for Aman’s death, but that was still the truth. Aman died because he couldn’t give justice to Aman’s love for Avni. And all these flashbacks poured in his brains tonight because he confessed to Khushi that he lost Aman because of his big fat ego. Her reaction to his confession was still lingering before his eyes. There was a slight ray of hope in them. She had seen glimpse of assurance in his eyes that he would set things right. There was an unspoken promise which he wouldn’t dare to break. Modelling was her passion and if that’s what keeps her happy, he would never steal that from her. He got up from the bed. Khushi was fast asleep. The medicine doses were enough to put her to sleep early. There was a charm in the way she slept hugging the pillow which technically she kept to create a border between their respective sides of the bed. He had got used to her soft snores. He covered her properly with the quilt and walked out of the room. He needed to fix this and he would.

Next Morning

The harsh ringtone of her mobile phone woke her up. Who would call her up early morn? She opened her eyes to check the caller on her mobile screen and instantly rejected the call.

Arnav came out of the bathroom only in a towel, freshly showered, the same time. She tried not to pay attention but he seemed to want her eyes on him.

“Whose call?” he asked heading to the mirror.

“Nobody called” she replied looking for her hair bow.

He turned around.

“I heard the ringtone and I saw you disconnecting the call”

She exhaled roughly, trying to find some excuse. But why should she lie? He needs to know and she better doesn’t hide this from him anymore.

“It was my father” she replied.

Arnav shrugged.

“I should have guessed that. He is the only one whom you don’t like speaking to..”

“Add yourself second in that list please” she replied.

Arnav wanted to bully her for being so mean but instead he chuckled.

“I like your sense of humor”

“That wasn’t humor. It was the truth” she got down the bed and headed for the balcony. She slided the glass door open and stepped out. The morning cold wind tickled her face, moistening her cheeks. Arnav pulled her behind.

“Don’t be so reckless. It’s chilling out. Wear something thick or else you will fall sick”

Khushi frowned at his extra worry.

“I don’t have any woolen clothes. Didn’t get time to pack those”

Obviously!! The moment she got to know he had messed up her career, forcing her contracts to be withdrawn, she didn’t waste a single minute to reach him.

“And I love cold weather. I wont fall sick” she added.

Arnav didn’t want to believe that. He opened the closet and pulled out a thick woolen robe.

“Wear this”

“Whose robe is this?”

She checked the pinkish robe which obviously didn’t look like his.

“It’s a woman’s robe. A woman stayed in this room with you?”

Arnav was speechless.

“Seriously?” he asked. “That’s what you come up with? That I am having an extra marital affair at your back?”

“Nope” she sighed and gazed him once top to bottom. “You look more of a one-night stand type to me”

That definitely irked him and flamed his inner body, specially his heart. That’s what she thinks about him? She held her laugh. What a perfect way to ruin a husband’s morning? She couldn’t have thought of any other way to tackle his royal ego.

“Seriously. I am not joking. You look of a one-night stand type”

Arnav took a step forward, closing the gap between the two.

“I get it” Arnav answered. She stepped behind because he was invading her space right now. But the moment she hit the wall behind, he trapped her between his arms. His eyes darted into hers. “You are doing this on purpose” he added.

“what… what purpose?”

“You want to know about my Ex’s” he declared.

“What rubbish” she snapped. “Why would I have interest in YOUR Ex’s?”

“Because you are my wife”

She couldn’t argue. Not that she couldn’t think of a concrete and fitting reply to extend this sweet morning arguments but the way he was gazing at her made her weak. She had never seen him so involved into her like today.

“I have never slept with any woman before” It was a heart felt confession. She could feel her own heart thudding. Should she believe him?

“Guess I was waiting for my wife to be the one” he added.

Now this statement surely got butterflies in her stomach. It was not his words, his charm, his honesty at the moment responsible for that tickling inside her body, but his motive. She had felt him opening up his heart out to her from the past few hours and at times it scared her off because her husband had started building expectations out of her … out of this marriage.

He had expected her to struggle to get off his grip. But she didn’t. Khushi simply met his eyes and smirked.

“That miracle is not in your destiny with your present wife then” she answered. “Because women usually give that right to the man, she falls heads over heals for. And sorry, your Royal ego won’t let me ever …ever fall for the man who lied to me for marrying and ruined my career”

His arms automatically loosened and she took this opportunity to get off his grip. She hung the robe back in the closet and hurried in the bathroom. Arnav stared at her movements in horror. Whatever she said was true. Loving him was hard but not impossible.


After spending half of the day in the room, Arnav decided to take her out for some sightseeing. She declined his idea but he insisted her to accept his plans.

“The doctor said you need some fresh air.. you need to get out of the room and divert your mind. That would help you recover faster” he muttered.

When she didn’t show any signs of accepting, he shrugged.

“Fine.. I wont mind if we have to extend our stay here for few more days” he teased.

“No ways. You said two days earlier”

“I did.. But if you won’t recover fully, how can I let you go?”

He had a point. But sightseeing Mussourie with him was never in her list.

“Wear this and come down. I will check if our transport is ready”

After he left the room, Khushi unwrapped the box he had pointed at before leaving. It had a leather jacket inside. It was warm enough to fight the outside cold. Did he buy this? When?

She came down in half an hour dressed in blue denims and wearing the same jacket over her white fur top. Arnav was talking to the general manager of the resort. People here had enough respect for him and his Royal tag and that extended to his wife too. The moment she reached the lobby, she was greeted by the staff and a few even asked about her health. She replied casually to them and strode straight to Arnav.

Gazing her once in the jacket he chose, Arnav decided to get their ride. She was going to be shocked seeing it, he knew. But that was the fun of this entire trip. Wasn’t it?

“Lets go” he placed his palm over her lower back and led her to the portico where an international brand Motorbike was parked. Initially she thought he would get the car but when he removed the keys of the bike and settled on it, she was shocked.

“Motorbike?” she swallowed.


“No” she instantly denied. “Get a car”

“People prefer bikes at such places Khushi. We will get a good view and don’t worry I will ride cautiously”

It still wasn’t a good idea. In car, they would have space between them which would be wiped off if she sits on that Motorbike with him. He purposely chose this mode of ride, didn’t he?

“Come on… wear this” he handed her a helmet and wore the other one himself.

“I have a phobia” she lied.

“Phobia of bikes?” his eyes widened. He knew she was lying.

“Yea… yes..” she crossed her arms. “I feel as if I would fall. I can’t balance myself on it”

He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him.

“Don’t worry” he mumbled in her ears. “I won’t let you fall”

His assurance was more like a promise.

“Get on it. We will be late otherwise”

She chewed her lip displeased and sat on the bike.

“Late for??” she started wearing the helmet.

“You will know” he pressed the engine button and waited for her to hold him. When she didn’t, he exhaled disappointed.

“Hold me, Khushi. The roads are rough ahead”

Khushi clenched her fists. She badly wanted to get down and run back in the room but it would only draw unnecessary attention of the Hotel staff plus if the doctor really recommended her this way to divert her mind, she wouldn’t deny. She wanted to get well soon and get back to work. She placed both her palms over his shoulder, gripping his jacket gently. Arnav smiled to himself and rode them out on the streets.

The first five minutes of the ride was silent. The cool breeze hit their faces. Khushi instantly had a smile on her face. She wanted this.. a change… a change from her present stress. Nothing than a hill ride on a motorbike would have given her that. Suddenly her phone rang again and Arnav slowed down to allow her take the call. But the moment she saw it was again her father she disconnected and asked him to continue. He accelerated the engine again.

“Why is your father calling you so much?” he queried.

Khushi struggled to reply.

“He wants a favor from me”

Now that picked his interest for sure. What can Shashi Gupta ask from his daughter?

“What favor?”

“Why don’t you focus on the road?” she replied. “I will tell you when we get down”

Arnav didn’t force her. He kept riding towards the top of the hill. Khushi had to accept he rode carefully like a responsible man. It was hard to picture where a royal like him learnt such a good bike riding on hills specially? It definitely needed skills. As they reached the top, Arnav parked the bike and they got down. Khushi felt breathless seeing the view ahead of them.

“Sunset point” she murmured.

Arnav nodded.

“We are on time” he checked his watch. “They say it’s the best time of the day to visit this place”

“No wonder” she smiled moving ahead. The sun was setting slowly as if it didn’t have the hurry to hide.

“It’s beautiful” she whispered.

Arnav gazed at the happiness on her face.

“Beautiful” he repeated. That wasn’t for the sunset.. but the glow of which reflected on her face, making it more radiant.

Khushi realized that compliment was for her and tried not to give in. The best way to do so was to divert the topic.

“Where did you learn to ride such good?” she asked.

Arnav’s smile faded as he focused on the sunset again.

“Aman loved hills. I am more of a beach lover. But I used to join him on trips to Hill stations. He was crazy of bikes. We used to have races. Those days were… such fun”

Once again, he was opening up about his brother. Khushi didn’t stop him.

“I am sure Aman would have won the races not you” she tried to lighten his mood.

“I let him win” he confessed with a smile. “The joy on his face… after he used to win all those races was priceless”

Khushi stayed quiet.

“Wish he hadn’t … left” Arnav added looking palely at the sun setting. If only wishes like these would come true!!


After the sunset, they rode down the hill and halted at a small tea stall.

“here?” Arnav frowned.

“yes.. I want tea”

“We can have it at a better place”

“Why? Whats wrong with this?” she got down the bike.

Arnav stared at the condition of the stall. It was not in a good condition. There was hardly any ceiling and the walls had cracks everywhere. The door was half broken and there were hardly 3 – 4 worn out chairs placed inside for the guests to sit.

“Mr. Royal Raizada, the tea here won’t kill you. Come on”

She placed the order for two teas and waited for him to return, parking his bike at the corner of the road. Khushi sat leisurely on the chair whilst he feared if he did, the chair would break into two. The old man served them tea which his wife prepared in the back of this little room which was supposed to be their kitchen. The tea was amazing.. Anything unlike he had savored so far.

“You were telling something about your father.. What favor does he want?” Arnav repeated his query while sipping the tea.

Khushi took a moment and then replied.

“You know my father is expanding his horizons these days. I mean his political career”

Arnav nodded.

“He wants to fight for the CM seat in the next elections”

Arnav was stunned. Shashi Gupta wanted to become Chief Minister of the state?

“So? What does it have to do with you?”

“Not me.. this has to do with you”

“me?” Arnav was confused.

“Yes. He and Shyam have joined hands. Shyam is ready to join hands with my father and give him all the party support he needs to fight for the CM seat but only if…”

“If?” Arnav was desperate.

“If you .. give him his share in the Royal Property”

Arnav’s fingers fisted around the tea cup which he put down in anger.

“And..” she interrupted before he could bursts out. “And he wants you to divide Aman Singh Raizada’s property as well as he is no more alive”

Now that surely pissed him more. He controlled the fury burning inside him.

“They both want me to convince you on this.. As I am your wife now. That’s why my father has been chasing me for.. to know if I have done their work or not”

Arnav got up from the chair. It was nothing new to him. Shyam had put forth this request of splitting the royal wealth from years. But it was he who never let that happen. But this time Shyam crossed his limits. He wanted a split on Aman’s share too and that Arnav would never agree.

To be Continued.

Note: Sorry for the irregularity in updates. Work and travel are keeping me busy these days. :( Hoping to be regular soon and post daily updates like before. 


  1. Awesome Update. Arnav is guilty because he felt he is responsible for Aman's death. Arnav finally understood Khushi's passion loved the determination in him to set things right. Arnav is also changing his loving and caring gestures are too sweet. Arnav's confession about woman certainly earned him few points and it also gave Khushi a nice impression about him and though Khushi is right about Arnav's image and ego and also about forcibly marrying her still she can give Arnav a chance. Arnav needs to work hard to win Khushi's heart. Arshi's motorbike ride is really cute. Liked the way Arnav is opening about his brother and slowly coming out of his shell. I hope Aman comes back soon. Khushi did the right thing by sharing everything about what Shyam and Shashi are planning now let's see what action Arnav takes against them. Thanks for the Update.😍

  2. I'm so glad khushi was honest with Arnav despite of what he did to her career. So proud of her.. Now Arnav will realize what a true soul khushi is and hope Arnav starts showing more love to khushi that can change her decision of not falling for Arnav ever

  3. Loved Khushi's honesty... May be now Arnav atleast learn how to make Khushi happy and work something to fix the situation between them if he wanted to live his life with Khushi lifelong...

  4. Awesome. Please don’t stress take your time

  5. Loving the interactions between them. Happy that kkg saying truth to asr

  6. It's good that khushi said everything to Arnav......

  7. Is Aman really dead? I guess he is still alive and unwell. Living somewhere with Akash and Payal.

  8. awesoe di/ NO botheration about updates .Just keep doing whenever possible

  9. Khushi really impressed with her honesty. Hope Arnav starts rectifying his mistakes. Please take ur time and update whenever possible.

  10. Khushi is right that after whatever Arnav did with her it's hard to fall in love with him but he is also right that it isn't impossible too if he rectifies his mistakes & woes her properly.

    Their small yet important conversation & their outing has helped them to let out a few secrets which they really needed to reveal to the other.

    Arnav is definitely gonna give a tough time to Shashi & Shyam now, I guess.

    Thanks for the beautiful update Madhu ❤️

  11. Amazing...loving it..
    No worries ...take ur time updating...u know we will wait for u ..😘

  12. Khushi will take her time to reciprocate the feelings which Arnav has for her...its good that Khushi shared her father's intention with Arnav so there will be no space for misunderstandings...

  13. I hope Aman is alive somewhere ...
    It's a painful feeling reading Aman's tragedy .
    I wish khushi understands
    Arnav and same way Arnav changes his attitude .

  14. I feel bad for arnav now. He is going through so much. Hope khushi forgives him. Moreover hope he will give khushi a chance to carry on her work. I want them to have a passionate love. U know an intense one..

  15. Wonderful update. Arnav is taking every step to get his wife for himself soon. Good to see Khushi told her husband about her father’s motive.

  16. Thanks for the awesome update. Good that Khushi revealed her father's intensions.

  17. I don't think that aman is dead. He is going to return soon and going to free arnav from his guilty feeling

  18. Finally at least civil they are, to each other!

    Good start!

    Fall in love gradually!

    Those money looters can go fishing!


  19. Wonderful update loved it
    Glad Khushi told truth to Arnav about his father's intentions
    Hope Arnav will able to trust her more and love her more now
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  20. Awesome, even she does not want him yet but she is opening up to him

  21. Bike ride on hills....'s good that Khushi told the truth to arnav....hope Aman is alive...

  22. Superb the way arnav is opening up to khushi..
    Wished aman was alive..
    He loves his brother so much...
    Good khushi told him her father and shyam's plan..

    Looking forward

  23. Fabulous update. Arnav’s realizes that he has not not treated her properly. Just as he did with Amaan. He needs to let go
