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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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He Loves Me Not - Part 60 (Last Part)


Chapter 60 (Last Part)

As he opened his eyes, he saw his wife watching him with admiration. It was their first morning together after marriage and having her by side was what he needed to get used to.

“Morning” he huskily wished pulling her close. “When did you wake up?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I didn’t sleep at all”

Though she told that in good terms, Arnav was worried.

“What is cooking inside this head, tell me” he kissed her forehead.

“We are in love… married with happy beginnings…” she murmured. “Is this all even true or am I dreaming?”

Arnav relaxed. So all this was still hard for her to believe. His hold around her waist tightened.
“Its all true. Every bit of it..” he assured. “We are bind together for the rest of our lives. We took vows and promised to abide by them. And if all that’s its still less” he nuzzled his nose with hers. “We are two souls.. one body”

Khushi giggled as he kissed the tip of her nose.

“And if you still don’t believe” he said authoritatively. “I can prove it in better ways”

The hint of mischief glowed on his entire face and she knew he wouldn’t leave a chance to use these early morning hours in making love to her again.

“I think I believe it now” she stopped before he could advance and pounce on her.

“Excuse me?”

“It’s morning Arnav and lets not forget, Aman has to catch a flight” she reminded.

“Damn!!” he tossed back on his side of the bed. “You show me hopes and then push me away, not fair Mrs. Raizada”

Khushi got down the bed and rolled her long hair into a bun. Mrs. Raizada sounded formal yet romantic from his mouth.

“Keep your fantasies on hold until tonight. I have a lot to catch up before that” she blew him a kiss and rushed for shower. Arnav cuddled a pillow and tried to get some more sleep until she comes out.


An hour later they came down. The rest of the family were having breakfast.

“Love birds are here” Aman teased buttering the bread. Payal was sitting next to Raj Mathur who had developed loads of affection for her. He seemed to have liked the girl’s simplicity and honesty. And listening her daily routine with vivid types of patients amused him.

“Breakfast without us?” Arnav taunted.

“We didn’t know you would get up that early” Ayush replied glancing at his wife who gestured him not to tease the newlyweds.

“Aunty… isn’t Arnav looking different?” Aman mocked. “Like.. glowing”

Khushi’s blush could even shame a tomato. Aman was too much.

“Stop teasing my kid” Revati snapped. “Aman don’t forget your days are not very far”

Aman shoved his arms in defeat.

“Thanks Mom” Arnav mouthed.

“These parathas are yum” Khushi praised. “Arnav’s favorite”

Revati waited for Arnav to eat and the moment he shut his eyes briefly to savor its taste, she knew he liked it too.

“That’s.. not made by the chefs for sure” he turned to his father. “Dad.. did you?”

“Oh come on.. Though I love cooking it at times.. I wont take my wife’s credit. Revati made the breakfast for everyone today” he proudly informed.

Arnav was stunned. His mother had never stepped in the kitchen forget cooking.

“It’s delicious, Mom. I would give anything to have those again”

Revati’s blinked her eyes to avoid tears.

“Darling Son” she cupped Arnav’s face. “I want nothing from you except your love for now… and dozens of grandchildren for us to be occupied later”

“Dozens? Wow” Aman laughed. “Aunty is planning to open a playgroup I think”

Everyone laughed at the joke.

“Don’t tease my innocent son. Let him eat well” Revati frowned at others and then caressed Arnav’s head. It was a moment worth capturing on the camera if only anybody amongst them had seen it coming. Khushi’s eyes stuck on the joy on her husband’s face. He was finally getting everything he deserved. He always had father’s love. Now he owned his mother’s affection and warmth too, something he always yearned to have from his childhood. They say time changes people, but in their case it was not just time.. it was his sincerity, his infinite respect and love for his fostered parents which had changed his equation with them… especially with his mother.


Raj and Aman Mathur were ready to leave for the Airport.

“Did you talk to her?” Arnav asked Aman dragging him to the corner.

He just blushed.

“Aman stop blushing like a girl”

“Boys blush too. You do. For Gods sake I have seen it myself”

“Shut up and stick to the point. Did you talk to Payal about your interest in her?”

“No” he sighed becoming serious again. “But… we have talked a lot last night and that’s enough right now to know she is equally interested in me. We need to take this slow Arnav. I don’t want to rush. I have promised to come back here next month and until then we will be touch on phones”

Arnav was happy with that too. Aman was not a guy who would take thins slow. He always wanted fast results but seems like he wouldn’t adopt that policy in his love life.

“Next month I am seeing you again?” Arnav faked a remorse.

“I can punch you for that”

“Don’t even try” Arnav snapped.

The two then broke into a laughter and hugged each other.

“I will miss you man” Aman patted Arnav’s back.

“I will miss you too”

Khushi cleared her throat. She and Payal were here to inform the boys that the luggage was loaded and they were called out.

“Payal.. have you ever seen men missing each other and confessing it by such a bone crushing hug?”

“Never” Payal admitted holding her giggle.

“Stop being jealous you two” Aman said. “And for your information.. you are just Arnav’s soulmate.. but we are soul brothers”

“For eternity” Arnav added with a tinge of possessiveness in his tone.

“Aww. Now come on.. lets go”

Khushi and Payal headed out.

“Thanks for backing up” Aman exhaled.

“Any time” Arnav winked and both followed the ladies out.

Payal was nervous waving goodbye to Aman. She could already feel their connection and didn’t want it to fade away that quick. But she knew Aman would come back for her. Currently he had important things to handle in India. Arnav and Ayush both went to see off the Mathurs till the Airport. Payal left for home as she had to resume back to the clinic today. It was Revati who considered taking Khushi for her Pag Phera to the Guptas. It was far better than staying at AK Villa when none of her family members were around.

Shashi and Madhumati left nothing to treat Revati well though she kept mentioning it was Khushi’s day and she should get the importance than anyone else. Khushi spent some time with her father while Madhumati and Revati bonded over a cup of coffee. Khushi heard her mother-in-law giggle like a teenage girl over Buaji’s comments which surprised her.

“I have never seen her so relaxed and down to earth type” she said to her father.

“Neither I. And that makes me relieved that my daughter will not be harassed by her in laws”

“Dad” Khushi gently punched her father’s chest and hugged him. “I am very happy with them.”

“I can see that. And I wish this happiness would grow in the coming years”

“It will” she said touching the mangalsutra around her neck. It was a silent promise she made to herself of keeping her husband and in laws happy forever.


It was night when Arnav came looking for his wife. He hadn’t seen her from past an hour as he himself was busy attending some official calls. AR Group was back on track but there was still a lot to be focused on at AK Software. He needed a backfoot support from someone who had handled such responsibilities before and he had even made his choice. Just that he had to talk to Khushi about it. When he came looking for her, he found her with his mother in their bedroom.

“Seriously, this one is amazing. But wait, don’t wear it with those pants. I think the dark blue denims would suit better” Khushi picked a denim from the closet and showed Revati who was impressed.

“Yea. Why didn’t I think of it before? You have a great choice in clothes and fashion”

“Thank you”

Seeing them bond, Arnav couldn’t help but smile in relief. He always wondered how his mother and Khushi would react around each other. Seemed like Khushi had found a way to impress her mother-in-law.

“Why are you hiding there Lover boy? Come inside” Revati saw Arnav at the door and welcomed him in.

“Whats going on here?” he sat next to his mother.

“Khushi was helping me pack”


The smile on Arnav’s face vanished.

“Where are you going?”

“Back to India” she muttered not very happy about it.

“So soon? I wont let you both go. I have told Dad already”

“arnav…” Ayush came inside. “We would have loved to stay here with you both but… you know how much work is pending there”

“I can handle it Dad”

“You can but I don’t want you to stress over work now. You both are newly married. Go for a honeymoon. This is the time you guys will remember for your whole life. Don’t ruin it for work. Trust me”

He patted Arnav’s cheek gently.

“Khushi” Revati interrupted. “Where do you wish to go on honeymoon? Ayush and I have decided to sponsor it for you both”

Khushi glanced at Arnav to know his reactions over it. He was thrilled but she knew something was still lingering in his mind. And keeping that in mind, she replied.

“Mussourie” she replied.

“Mussourie?” Revati wasn’t very impressed with Khushi’s simple choice but Arnav knew exactly why she chose that place. He wanted to visit the old age home where his biological mother took her last breath and that happened to be in Mussourie.

“Revati..” Ayush interjected. “She has made the right choice. Anita lived there in her end days”

Revati got emotional too.

“And if that’s the case… then I think we should all go together to India. Shashi and Khushi’s Buaji will also get a ride in our charter plane. It will be fun flying back together. What do you think Arnav?”

Arnav’s eyes grew shiny with tears. He couldn’t have agreed for a better place to take his wife along.


Mussourie – Old Age Home

Dropping Raizada couple and the Guptas at the Delhi Airport, Arnav and Khushi continued their journey to Mussourie. They checked in at a resort and headed to the Old age home with lots of gifts, sweets and essential items for the old people who lived there. Arnav was very nervous driving to that place. She could notice that on his face. It wasn’t easy for him neither her. But she had to stay strong to support him in his vulnerable time. The manager of the old age home was already informed about their arrival and she welcomed them inside.

“We are so grateful that you both are here. Nobody usually visits a place like this” Sudha exclaimed.

Arnav’s eyes glued to the pictures of some old women on the wall. He focused on each one of them, trying to find the one he was here for.

“These pictures are of those who stayed with us and unfortunately who passed away in the last few years. We always frame their photos to honor their memories with us”

“Anita Raizada…” Arnav muttered. “She … she used to stay here.. where is her… her picture?”

Sudha smiled.

“The moment we were informed that you are coming, I got the hint by your name. You are .. Anita’s son, aren’t you?”

Arnav’s eyes grew heavy. Khushi entwined her fingers with his to give him some strength.

“Yes” he nodded.

Sudha was overjoyed and emotional at the same time.

“Please come this way…” she took them towards the other room. “Anita was a very simple woman.. the day she joined us, I knew she was here to stay forever. Until her last breath. Initially she was aloof from others.. not very social and always busy knitting. Then slowly, she started socializing and we were all like a family after that”

It was good to hear something about his mother whom he never met, yet he felt connected to her somehow.

“She suffered from cancer.. But even for a second I never saw that fear in her eyes.. the fear of dying early. She was very brave Arnav” Sudha opened the lock of another room and pushed the door open. “That’s her… Your mother”

Arnav saw the picture of Anita Raizada hung on the wall. He moved ahead. Khushi didn’t follow him. This was his moment.. she would give him that. She waited behind with Sudha. Arnav couldn’t take his eyes off the picture. She was wearing a simple white saree and devoid of any jewelry on her.. not even a pair of earrings. Her face glowed with simplicity and affection even in that lifeless photo frame. He touched the photo with his shivering arms. Mother. His Maa.. She saved him from his father… gave birth to him despite being imprisoned and when she had got the opportunity to raise him as her own, she denied that possibility and instead let her brother-in-law Ayush Singh Raizada adopt him. Why? Only because she knew she was dying? He had all rights to stay with her… why didn’t she let him? His heart sank as his eyes became heavy with tears again. Khushi came forward and touched his shoulder. Arnav wiped the corner of his eye and pulled Khushi closer to introduce her.

“That’s .. that’s my mother” he murmured. His voice was nothing like normal. He was in pain.

“Yes.. Yes Arnav” Khushi cupped his cheeks. “You have got her eyes.. You are like her…”

“Am I?” he was happy to hear. Damn!! It hurt him still.

Sudha exhaled heavily and came forward. She opened a drawer at the left and handed him an envelope.

“She left this for you..” she gave Arnav the letter. “She probably knew some day you would come looking for her.. and hence she left you this letter. I kept it safe.”

Arnav immediately opened the letter to read.

Arnav… my son.. my baby.. I don’t even know how to write this.. If you got this letter, means you got to know about me.. you came looking for me… And that’s enough to put my soul to rest. You might have innumerous questions for me.. why I left you.. ? Why I didn’t keep you with me..? Wish I had a reply to any of those. All I want to say is, I wished to see you getting all happiness you deserved. A father’s support, mother’s warmth, a happy shelter and a good surrounding, none of which I could ever give you Son. I have full faith Ayush and Revati have given you all of that and you will continue treating them as your real parents for the rest of your life. My love and blessings will always be upon you and I promise that in my next birth if I become your mother again, I will keep you glued to my heart and soul.. I will never let you go away from me no matter what. I love you my son. You have always been in my prayers, even when I am alive… even if I am dead.

The letter ended. Arnav pressed the note to his heart. Khushi swallowed the ache formed in her throat and embraced him. She wanted him to draw all her strength and let this phase pass.

Once he felt better and focused on Sudha again, the lady had got a bag for them.

“These are all the sweaters and woolen stuff she had knitted. We kept them safely for you”

Arnav took it.

“They might not fit you now” Sudha teased with a smile. “But your babies will get to wear them.”

Khushi smiled back. Arnav’s mood lightened when Khushi squeezed his hand. Yea!! He cannot wear them but his babies surely will.

After gifting the stuff they had got for the other oldies who stayed here, spending the entire day with them and signing a cheque for the old age home, Arnav and Khushi headed back to the resort. It was a day spent well. A part of Arnav’s life which was always under the dark had finally opened up and he had no more remorse in his heart. He had accepted the past and learnt to live with it.


Arnav and Khushi stayed in Mussourie for two weeks, romancing in the hill station. Khushi would forcefully drag him for sightseeing and shopping during the day time. They would even go hiking and trekking and at nights, spend their time in each other’s arms. Despite wishing to stay longer, they returned to Shantivan where Arnav handled the business with his father. And soon after that they had plans to return London and get Khushi on board of AK Software tech officially. Arnav was already teaching her all the basis she needed to handle the role. Plus, he had convinced Shashi Gupta to support her in handling the other official matters because he had the expertise of it. Khushi was skeptical at first to drag her father again but Shashi was more than willing to assist. And since he agreed, Khushi was convinced too. It would keep her father busy again and she knew how much he loved working.


One month later
When Arnav came out of the bathroom, he saw his wife lazily tossing on the bed. She was checking her phone and smiling. He tiptoed to her and before she even knew, he snatched her phone.

“Arnav. Wait..”

“Let me see what is my wife so busy looking at?”

Khushi sighed because she knew his reaction wont be good knowing she was checking Akash’s social media profile.

“Seriously?” Arnav snapped. “Akash?”

“Idiot” Khushi patted his chest. “Akash is in my friend list and I got a notification of his relationship status change. That’s what got me intrigued”

Arnav had no clue what was so good about it. Khushi seemed to be very excited. She showed the relationship status of Akash’s profile. It mentioned Falling in love.

“Falling in love?” Arnav repeated. “Looks like he got a partner”

“Arnav” Khushi exhaled. “You are so unconnected to the social media. You are never updated on whats happening around you.. in your friends lives”

“Excuse me?” Arnav snapped. “I know very well whats happening. Aman is getting hitched with Payal. They are almost dating now and very soon he is going to join us in London. We four are going to have a gala time there”

“And Sheetal? What about her?”

“She is busy handling Mathur Industries, assisting her father and brother”


Khushi pinched his cheek.


“Look at these”

She opened Akash’s profile and showed him the photos of Akash – Sheetal which he had posted. There were many of them.

“Sheetal and Akash?” he asked surprised. “They know each other.. so what?”

“Arnav… did you forget? Sheetal had shown willingness in Akash. They know each other from quite a long period. And after she realized the seriousness of a relationship, she was the first person to ask for Akash’s new number. They started bonding since then and here they are..”

Arnav finally understood.

“Everyone around us.. is in love. Isnt that great? “Ever since you have come in my life, my world rocks. I have nothing more to ask from life.. no more wishes.. no more desires”

Arnav loved that compliment. A smile teased the corner of his lips as he cuddled her closer.

“And ever since you came in mine, I stood up for my feelings” he gasped. “You are my default, Khushi Singh Raizada. I can live without anything.. but not without you.. You are the first person I wish to see when I wake up and the only one I can snuggle to my heart. You…”

Khushi shut his lips by her palm. He would have went on with his heartfelt confession like every time but she stopped him.

“I do appreciate to hear your take on my presence in your life… but it makes me crave for you even more”

“I know how to ease your cravings then” his mouth quirked wryly as he lifted her off her feet.

“But I still don’t understand how I will handle AK Software Tech” she argued as he placed her on bed.

“We have each other… we can figure out the rest” he promised.

Relief coursed through her. He would keep that promise, she knew. The once separated silent lovers had crossed every hurdle and come together. Their lives were back on track and its pace had quickened.


Note: It was too long to draft hence the huge delay guys. Thanks for being a part of this fiction journey. I hoped you enjoyed it. Lawful Sins – Season 2 replaces this fiction hereon.


  1. Thank u Madhu for the update.. hope u end the story with arshi babies.. waiting to read lawful sins 2... Please update badatmeez

  2. Beautiful was really an unique one

  3. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  4. Good one ! Lovely story . Congratulations !

  5. Awesome Update. Arshi are in so much love. Aman and Payal are about to get married.This story wasn't just Arshi's love story but also a beautiful story on family and friendship. When the story started I was really angry on Arnav for always hurting Khushi and rejecting her love but as the story progressed I realized anybody at Arnav's place would have done the same thing. Ayush Raizada is the best father and Revati Raizada has changed thoroughly and she really bonded well with Khushi's family can't believe she was the one who was once concerned about her social status. Knew Khushi would suggest Mussoorie as Arshi's honeymoon place as Khushi knows Arnav has his mom's memories attached to that place. Loved how Khushi supported Arnav when Arnav got to know about his mom. It was a very emotional moment. Arnav's mom was a brave woman and her letter to Arnav was heartwarming.Loved how Arnav embraced his past. Arnav taught Khushi business and also involved his father in law. It's one of the most unique love story of Arshi. Thanks for the beautiful journey. This story will always have a special space in my heart. Thanks for the beautiful story😘😍. Will miss it very much😢.

  6. Great story. Please update Royal fling. I'm in love with that ff. Please post soon.. Ur writing makes me not wanting to stop reading

  7. This beautiful story deserves an epilogue. It will be great if you can give one🙏.

    1. A short epilogue maybe..will let you guys know when

    2. Thank you Madhu.m take ur time but please update badatmeez

    3. Thanks Madhu... Lovely update and yes epilogue is must for such a lovely story...

  8. Will miss this beautiful story a lot

  9. It ended.. so sad.. will surely miss this amazing story. Thanks Madhu <3

  10. Dear you can even season 2 of jiya jale, wedlock etc

  11. Wow it was emotional and happy ending....literally I was crying when reading the Arnav visit to old age home and his reaction to his mother photo.super update and going to miss this story.thankyou

  12. Emo story with love friendship bonding ...almost a picture perfect love story

  13. thank you very much for this beautiful story .eagerly waiting for the epilogue . 💐💐💐💐💐

  14. Beautiful story it was nice, finally they are together, thanks once again for this wonderful story dear writer

  15. Awesome ending..can we expect an epilogue??

  16. Finally Arnav got what he deserve.....Anita part is emotional.... Awesome ending....pls can you give an epilogue with revati dozens grandchildren wish 😉

  17. I loved this story alot 😍❤ will misss this arnav khushi alot 😢how she loved arnav soo much finally she got him after soo many hurdles 😍I really love 😍and enjoyed Aman's😍👌 nature this teasing his friend for arnav and always he supported arnav in every damm thing and love arnav and aman's friend this Best thing of the story 😍😘 i am soo happy that arnav got his mothers love wich he alway carved for revait changing was miracle only 😍😇 i am happy that arnav got his parents love and khushi both that best thing 😍❤hey madhu u did'nt show the romatic scene yar ... I will miss this story alot

  18. Lovely end! All loops closed. Sweet! Cheers

  19. What a beautiful ending to one of the most beautiful Arshi stories...

    Khushi's love & compassion finally won & she got her Arnav who loves her & understands her equally...

    Aman & Payal too are heading towards forever togetherness ...

    Shashi also got back to work where he will get to spend more time with his daughter & son in law...

    Ayush was always a wonderful father & now Revati too reached to Arnav's expectations of an ideal mother...

    The best part was Arshi's visit to the old age home in Mussoorie where he got all the remembrance of his biological mother in the form of the sweaters she knitted for him which now his children would wear as the blessings of their grandma & the emotional letter his mother left for him... It was so heartwarming & filled with mother's love... All these was so thoughtful Madhu...

    Loved the update very much & this story definitely deserves as epilogue...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  20. True love wins .. Awesome story

  21. The update was first happy ,then very emotional and then again happy .
    Perfect update with all loops closed with a happy ending

  22. So beautiful im going to miss this 😍😍😍

  23. Congratulations on completing one more marvellous story..
    Going to miss it cant believe its over

    Loved the way allfallin place for arshi

  24. A beautiful ending to a beautiful story. It had all type of mishaps I guess. But their love overcome and now they are happy!! Thank you for such an amazing story!!

  25. It was really a beautiful ending
    Thanks for giving us such a lovely story

  26. Its a very beautiful ending as always. Good work Madhu Di....

  27. Thank u madhu. lt's a beautiful story.l loved reading it.

  28. Hi madhu how are you ? I am sure you and your family are fine . Stay safe dear. Madhu your stories are just like Weiss in this lockdown period . I just completed this ff, and as usual an awesome story coming to an end .

  29. Khushi’s love finally won . Very happy for ArShi . Arnav got his parents love and lady love too. I loved Arnav and Aman friendship more . They are truly soul brothers . Sheetal and Akash also going to have happy ending . They deserved that .....
    Now all are settled ArShi going to handle they married life and professional life with being each other and being for each other .
    Loved to read about ArShi babies ...
    any plan for epilogue dear .....
    beautiful and awesome journey of ArShi

  30. Thank you so much for this awesome story. Was so sad for Wrnav when he read his mother’s letter. So heart breaking. But he had his Khushi with him. Loved this story Madhu.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Beautiful Storyline. Her unconditional love for him forced him to come out of his web and insecurities. Love always wins on every situation. Glad that they both are in love and togetherness. Finally, they both are happily married couple ever after with each other and with their families too.

  33. Ecelent story ❤️
