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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 34


Chapter 34

She cared. She cared for him. Her eyes proved it and so did her tears.
“You have lost some blood. Where is the Doctor?” Angad screamed before dragging Arnav to the couch and made him sit. “Stay here, I will bring the medical kit”

Arnav didn’t bother. His mind was replaying the scene again and again. Khushi’s worrisome face, pale eyes and tears in them witnessing his injury. So far he made her cry by his actions and his errant decisions, this time she cried for his pain, his suffering.

“Please hurry Doctor” Angad rushed in the room again with the Doctor and medical kit. The Doctor cleaned his wound. Angad was frightened because there was no sign of pain on Arnav’s face, not even when the Doctor put stitches on his injury. He was simply lost in his own world.

“Mr. Raizada. That’s was a bold move” the doctor mentioned. “You are lucky that the bullet just passed or else we would have to operate”
Angad rubbed his forehead with tension. The Doctor was right. Despite all the problems Akash put him into, Arnav still saved his cousin. If anything, major had happened, the Royals would be shattered. It was only Arnav Singh Raizada who had binded them all together despite of their individual identities. 

“Anyways, take good care of your arm. And please don’t stress it much. I will come again tomorrow to change that bandage”

“Thank you, Doctor” Angad appreciated as the Doctor slipped away.

“Arnav” Angad sat next to him. “For God’s sake what are you grinning for?” he shook him.

That broke Arnav’s stance.

“Nothing” he murmured.

“Nothing?” Angad asked. “You don’t seem to care that you were hit”

Arnav shrugged off his accusations because they were true. He didn’t care being hit because there was something positive about it.

“Tell me whats going in that head of yours” he urged.

Arnav decided to share.

“You were right Angad. Only a miracle could stop Khushi from leaving Shantivan. Akash’s abduction was that miracle”

Angad was stunned. Amidst all this stunt, Arnav was still thinking about Khushi? Does his friend even know that he was falling for his wife?

“After today morning’s Holi moment, do you think she will agree to stay back? I heard from Suhani she planned to head for Mumbai. She would have gone by now if Payal had not given that distressed call”

“I know” Arnav swallowed.

“What are these marks?” Angad touched the bruises over Arnav’s left arm.

Arnav smiled. He so desperately wanted to share that unforgettable moment of his wife scratching his arm, taking his support during that chopper ride. But nope, this was their moment.. their little secret. No one needs to know.

“Forget it. Just talk to the Police” Arnav roughly commanded. “Check if the goons opened their mouth and shared any details about the person behind this abduction”

Angad nodded.

“I will take care of that. You just relax for now.”

Arnav smiled again and pulled out his phone to dial Daadi and inform her about the success of this operation.


Khushi stood rooted to her spot. Arnav Singh Raizada was shot. Just today morning he was flirting with her during Holi and now… he … he needed medical help. So much happened today since morning. There were shift in her feelings towards him in the past few hours. At first, she was annoyed by his audacity in completing their Royal tradition. She froze when he had applied color to her and kissed. Then she needed his help in tracing Payal. She pleaded him to take her along in this mission. She took his support during their ride to Nainital. She feared for his life when he was out there freeing Akash from the goons. She was anxious for his return and when he came back, she was terrified knowing he was shot. All these mixed feelings churned in her body making her feel unusual… abnormal. She should be with him right now.

Payal introduced Akash to Khushi who was too disturbed right now.

“Payal always speaks about you” Akash stated. “Whenever you came on TV, she was glued to it”

Khushi faked a smile.

“I am sorry for taking her away from you all but the situation demanded so. It was either we being together or..” he added.

“Payal told me everything” Khushi intervened. “You both have no idea how much your decision had affected your families. It changed our lives. Nothing will be the same anymore”

Khushi didn’t bother mentioning the couple they were wrong. They could have faced their families, confronted about their love and unexpected pregnancy. Things would have been different then. She wouldn’t have to marry Arnav Singh Raizada neither he would have any excuse to bring her in his Royal life.

“Anyways.. you both are very tired. You should rest. We will talk tomorrow” she touched Payal’s cheeks lovingly and left the room.

Akash turned around to his wife.

“She sounded more like my brother’s wife than your sister” he mocked.

Payal got nervous again.

“In my worries, I forgot to ask her how is she coping up in her marriage. I am such a fool”

“Its okay. Ask her that tomorrow”

He was right.

“How is our baby doing?” he asked. “Did you eat?”

“I was forced to eat by my sister” she answered. “I am sorry Akash. I was so scared that I had to reveal our location to Khushi and your brother. I didn’t have much choice”

“I know” he cupped her face. “You did good. But right now, I feel so guilty for what happened out there. Bhai took a bullet for me.”

Payal was equally apologetic.

“I will always be in his debt. He saved you” she murmured.

“I should talk to Bhai.. he saved me but.. whatever we conversed on the way back here, was strictly formal from his side. I know he is still upset and I should really talk to him..”

“Not now Akash. He needs rest. Talk to him tomorrow morning”

She hugged him tight, absorbing their togetherness. Akash sighed and embraced his wife. She was right. His bhai needed some rest.


Khushi wanted to knock the door first but.. why so much formalities? She wasn’t intruding a stranger’s privacy but the man whom she was married to. It had been more than an hour that they were back saving Akash but she hadn’t seen Arnav again. Angad told her a while ago that the Doctor had bandaged his wound and he was resting now in his room. Khushi final decided to knock the door. It was already open so she stepped in. Arnav was on the couch, talking on the phone.

“I am sending them tomorrow to Shantivan with Angad” he said. “I will stay back for a day or two until I get some details about the investigation. Whoever did this should be arrested soon”

As soon as he saw Khushi, his voice slowed down. She tore her gaze from eyes to his bandaged arm. He was wearing a Half-Sleeved T Shirt, his right arm bandaged and left forearm had bruises left by her nails. Guilt poured on her face as she felt responsible for part of his pain. Arnav winded up the call with Daadi and got up from couch.

“You took a bullet for him?” she asked without talking in puzzles.

“I had promised you” he muttered. “To get them back safe”

Khushi’s mouth dropped in disbelief. A promise he gave her made him gamble with his life?

“I don’t want to break my promises henceforth” he added pointing out that he had missed keeping a few before. Khushi recalled which were those promises. Before marriage he had assured her never to mingle with her Modelling career yet he didn’t approve it after they were married, not until she got that panic attack and he decided to let her pursue her career further.

It reminded her of the shoot she had in Mumbai the next morning. She wouldn’t be able to make it anymore. A remorse filled her heart as she realized the gravity of postponing it to some other date in future. Amidst these family issues if she keeps pushing her work ahead, within no time it will all be over.

“You won’t miss it” he read her mind. “You can fly to Mumbai whenever you like”

Khushi’s heart pounded. He was letting her go to Mumbai?

“And don’t worry, I don’t mean to send you by the Chopper again. My Chartered plane is stalled at the airport. It will fly you there”

Khushi was unable to believe her ears. He was really doing all this for her? Though she appreciated his concern and willingness to let her go.. she couldn’t.

“I don’t think I can leave tomorrow. Not when I have just got my sister back”

“Then come back” he muttered.

It was not a request for sure, his tone made it clear. It was a full proof command. She met his eyes again. He meant no nonsense.

“Finish the shoot and come back for your sister” he explained.

Khushi was amused. So, he was letting her go, just for a day. He didn’t mean to let her go permanently. He never would!!

“They will leave for Shantivan tomorrow with my security. You can join them late night from Mumbai”

Khushi’s head spun. He was doing so much for Akash-Payal and now even her. She knew Akash’s sudden elopement had not gone well with the Royals. Yet he was ready to accept his brother again.

“And you? Who is there for you here?” she queried.

“I can manage” he shrugged his shoulders only to flinch in pain the next second as his right arm ached. Khushi instantly touched his arm.

“Careful” she yelled. “Sit here”

She dragged him to the bed and didn’t leave his arm until she made him lie down. Arnav was on the seventh sky seeing her affection. If he knew she would pamper him, he wouldn’t mind taking a few more bullets every day.

“Sleep” she commanded.

“I don’t think I can sleep. I will ask Angad to fix me a drink. That can help”

He was about to pick his phone which she deliberately snatched.

“You are on meds. Don’t even think of alcohol. You already had enough Bhaang today. Everyone in the Holi Party have seen its effects on you”

She hinted at the way he applied color on her… and kissed her in public.. Recalling that moment made her shiver in embarrassment and the color rising on her cheeks right now added more to it. But she didn’t want to give him any hopes. She was still not interested in taking this marriage forward like he expected. In fact, by tracing Payal he had eased her exit. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about her sister anymore. Payal will be safe once she and Akash start staying in Shantivan. But another drama was awaited once they reach there. Her parents had no clue Payal was married to a Raizada and seeing her back though her mother would be happy, she had no clue how her father would react. That man didn’t even speak about Payal all these years and considered she never existed in his life. Khushi decided not to let Payal handle it all alone. Until things settle down for her pregnant sister, she would stick to the Raizada family and this marriage.

She pulled the duvet over his body to allow him some rest.



“Akash? Akash was abducted?” Shyam yelled in anger. “Why wasn’t I informed?”

Subhadra Raizada shared the entire incident with Shyam and Anjali after Arnav’s call. She didn’t want them to be shocked seeing Akash back the next day.

“Shyam, everything happened so suddenly that Arnav didn’t get time to talk to you”

“Bullshit” he roared. “This is what I hate him for. First he messes with his brothers and then tries to get their sympathy back by looking for them, safeguarding them”

“Keep your blames to yourself Shyam” Daadi snapped. “And you should be grateful no one is hurt. Akash and his wife are coming back tomorrow”

“Wife?” Anjali froze. “he… he got married? When?”

Daadi exhaled.

“Yes.. he and his wife Payal”


“Khushi’s elder sister Payal” Daadi clarified.

Anjali was shocked. Akash married Khushi’s elder sister? The eloping of Governor’s daughter Payal Gupta had become a hot news during those times which the Royals had laughed about.

“I know you both are very upset right now for not being informed anything” Daadi said. “It was my decision to keep it all a secret. After Akash left this house, Arnav was frantically looking for him and during that time he got this news about Akash getting married to Payal Gupta. They were never traceable until today when Payal called her sister and informed about Akash’s abduction”

“Ridiculous. He is my brother and no one told me? “

“The less people knew about it, the less worry for us” Daadi answered. “In all these years we didn’t even know Akash’s life was in danger.”

“Its useless arguing with you Daadi. You have always taken Arnav’s side never mine”

He strode back to his room. Anjali sighed in disappointment and followed her husband.

To be Continued.


Precap for Part 35
“I think you are being very impulsive now”

His statement irritated her.

“My observation” he continued. “Don’t miss your shoot for this”

“I have got my sister back after 2 long years and in very unusual circumstances. I don’t think I can concentrate on work today. The Producer has agreed to reschedule my shoot after a week. No big deal.”

This wasn’t a lie but it was definitely half-truth. Staying with Payal today was important for her but more than that she wanted to support the man who saved her sister’s family. How can she work when her husband’s arm is next to broken? Not even 15 hours had passed since the entire fiasco, how can she expect to give her best at work? She deserved a week break. To settle her sister in Shantivan and by then she assumed Arnav’s injuries would be fine too. But never in her excuses she dragged this reasoning. She didn’t want him to have high hopes from her. She pretended to stay back only for Payal.. not him.

But Arnav Singh Raizada was sharp enough to read between the lines.

“Done with your questioning? Now let me go” she tried to leave the room but he blocked her exit by his other arm.

“So much concern for the person who left you and not even a tinge of affection for the man who never wants to let you go?” he whispered in her ears. “How fair is that?”


Ebooks @89 (Limited Offer) 

Ebooks @ 99

Combo Ebooks @149 (Limited Offer)

1) Imposed Knot + Cursed Bride + Stardom 

2) Two Cappuccino + Soul Laced + Bride Lost and Found

3) The Bride Series Complete Edition


  1. So arnav don't want Khushi to go away from him ? But will Khushi go back or ll stay ll arnav ? Who kidnapped akash then ?

  2. Awesome Update.Arshi's relationship has changed and Arnav is aware of it.Hole the care and concern Khushi has for Arnav will soon change into love. This incident seems to have left a deep impact on Khushi. Khushi needs to understand her feelings for Arnav. Liked how Khushi pointed at Akash and Payal's mistake. She is a very straightforward person. Akash and Payal should go back to Shantivan. Khushi should now be serious about the marriage. Khushi's guilt is the first step towards love. Arnav also gave her the permission to continue her modelling. Khushi's caring side is too cute . Khushi can't leave until Payal's life is sorted. Hope some miracle happens and Khushi stays back forever. Loved how Khushi recalled the holi moments. Now Arnav himself confessed he never wants to let go of Khushi. Waiting for Khushi's reaction. Thanks for the Beautiful Update.😍

  3. Arnav should find Akash's kidnapper soon. Shyam is really bad he has only hate for Arnav . He can be involved in Akash's kidnapping. After such intense dialogue will Khushi stay back🤔.

  4. Wow super ....want to see how arshi relationship moves aheaf

  5. Aww that's so awesome and adorable update

  6. I think Shyam is behind all this even about NK

  7. Superb update...
    Loved the way arnav is lost in khushi..he loves her , yet to accept it..

    Khushi too good beautifully tired to hide her feelings hit coundnt .

    Is shyam/shashi behind thos?

    Dadi should have waited for them to come.

    Loved teaser

  8. This story is very thrilling.
    Amazing update and precap.

  9. Arnav's stars r definitely siding him as Khushi is planning to postpone her idea of leaving RM yet again... Partially for her sis & partially for him... But he should take full advantage of this timely lifeline & try to woe his wife in the way that she drops the idea of leaving him ever...

    Anjali was shocked to know about Khushi's sis Payal marrying her brother in law... Don't know how she would react when she would know about Payal's pregnancy...

    Nice update Madhu...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  10. It was superb update it such a false thing u showed madhu that arnav did'nt feel pain when doctor stitched his wound no one can lost him in his thought soo much that they forget the sever pain they going in too like angad i was shocked too 😳😰 ....khushi is having concern on arnav but not read to show but arnav have guessed it 😄.... Post soon

  11. Wonderful Khushi is changing little little....precap is awesome 🤩 waiting for the next update

  12. Love it. It’s good that everyone is safe. I just hope even a man is still alive. Nice update

  13. Khushi is confused, she wants to leave Arnav but at the same time she wants to be with him. I hope and pray that Khushi will be with Arnav because he is very alone, except for Dadi no one cares about him

  14. Hmm! There's so much twists and turns here. Who is going to win? Should wait and watch!


  15. Arnav is already in love with Khushi and khushi is also affected by his romantic and caring behaviour but she don't want to accept it. Waiting to see the reaction of Shyam and Anjali after the arrival of Payal and Akash in Shantivan.

  16. May this incident will be the turning point for the relationship of Arnav and Khushi...

  17. Hmmm she doesn’t realize yet what she feels for him but I guess son she will. Loved the update
