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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 5



Chapter 5

The club was little distant from AR Group but Arnav Singh Raizada had purposely chosen a secluded place like this where he and Lavanya’s boyfriend Nandakishore Gupta could talk privately. He had already tolerated the tantrums of Khushi Gupta so far and hoped that her brother was not like her. Shyam had shown him the picture of this boy and that’s how Arnav recognized him in no time as he entered the club.

Nandakishore pulled his jacket neatly and scanned the area, looking for Arnav whom he found standing at the Bar counter, gazing straight at him. He prayed this meet goes fine. He didn’t want to lose Lavanya.

“Nandakishore” Arnav addressed as he shook hands with the Gupta lad.
“ASR… Nice meeting you” he replied, clearly nervous. “I hope you don’t mind calling you ASR. I mean that’s what La calls you.. So”

“I don’t mind” Arnav answered instantly without letting him drag that topic.

“Good” he laughed. “And I wouldn’t mind if you call me NK.. you know.. the short form of my name? That’s what my friends and La call me too”

Arnav rolled his eyes. The boy was something… childish?

“Lavanya told me nothing about you” Arnav began the topic. “And I am not someone who will form an opinion about a person without even meeting him/her. That’s why I set this meet up. To see if you are actually good enough for my sister”

NK nodded.

“You can ask me anything”

“Are you even serious about Lavanya for marriage?”

“Of course. I have never been serious for any other girl before her” he replied. “Look ASR. Its not that I didn’t date anyone earlier. I did. But it was long time ago and ever since Lavanya came in my life, things changed. I cannot see anyone else with me other than her. I want to marry her. In fact, I have even promised her that we will make it happen this year”

“And what about your sister?” Arnav queried. “Do you think she will want the same?”

“Why not?” he shrugged. “She loves me and she will love anyone whom I love”

Arnav was not very convinced about this.

“NK, I have met your sister and to be honest, we don’t seem to like each other much”

NK laughed.

“Easy ASR.. we are talking about mine and Lavanya’s marriage. What does it have to do with your and Khush’s rapport?”

“You don’t understand this” Arnav growled.

“Trust me I do” he placed his arm around Arnav’s but the moment Arnav gazed at him coldly, he removed his arm and stepped back. “Sorry.. I thought we are friends now”

Arnav took a deep breath.

“Okay the point is..” NK continued. “I will talk to Khushi. I am very sure she already likes Lavanya by now”

“Wait” Arnav snapped. “What do you mean by now? You.. you haven’t introduced her to Lavanya yet”

NK was confused.

“Didn’t La tell you?”

“Tell me what?” Arnav roared back. His gut feeling said there was something wrong. His sister was in trouble.

“It was decided between me and her that I will come to see you and she will go see my sister at her office”

Arnav was too shocked to react. NK stared back at his worried face.

“She said she dropped you a message on your social media account.. I think”

Arnav angrily pulled out his phone to check. If that’s so, if Lavanya has really gone to see Khushi Gupta and tells her that she is a Raizada, things would turn ugly.


Private Clinic

After Lavanya collapsed unconscious in Khushi Gupta’s cabin, she had cursed herself for even wasting her time in meeting someone so fragile. She would have asked someone from her office to take Lavanya to the Hospital but she didn’t prefer doing so. Lavanya was not an ordinary girl. She was Kishu’s girlfriend and whether Khushi approved of it or not, she didn’t want her brother to worry. So she decided to take this situation in her hands and with the help of her driver, got Lavanya in this Private Clinic. Until she was brought here, Lavanya was still unconscious. What could have happened? Dehydration? Stress? Or was she faking all of it to gain some sympathy. Damn!!

Khushi paced before the Doctor’s cabin, waiting for him to come out and highlight about Lavanya’s condition. Soon she realized she hadn’t told anything to Nandakishore yet. He should know. She also remembered that he might be with that Raizada at this moment. God knows how he treated her brother. She pulled out her phone and texted him about Lavanya’s condition.



Arnav just checked Lavanya’s message on his social media private inbox and groaned in frustration. Why couldn’t she leave a general message? Why not call? If he had any idea she was going to meet Khushi Gupta, he would have prepared her for the worst.

“Shit” Nandakishore shouted reading some message on his phone. “Its Khush!! We need to go right now. Lavanya has fainted. Khush has taken her to the clinic”

Arnav’s heart pounded. Fainted? Both men rushed out without wasting time.



The Doctor came out in few minutes. Khushi blocked his way.

“How is that girl?” she asked.

“She is stable now. But seems like she was not prepared for this. It came to her as a shock when I told her about her condition”

“Condition? What condition?” she snapped.

The Doctor gazed back worryingly at Khushi.

“Is she your family, Miss Gupta?”

“I am not her family Doctor” Khushi growled. “Neither interested in becoming one”

“Oh. Then we need someone from her family side to disclose her medical status” the Doctor replied.

“Stop wasting my time” Khushi threatened him. “And tell me whats wrong with her? Why did she faint?”

The doctor was tensed seeing her frustration and let the news out.

“She is 3 months pregnant”

Khushi froze.

“Preg…?” she curbed the words in her mouth.

“Yes. We need to do few more tests to confirm all is well with her child. There is no reason to worry as of now"

As the Doctor slipped away, Khushi’s fingers formed a fist. Lavanya Raizada was pregnant? Before Khushi could meet her, Lavanya was taken for the tests. Every minute delay in confronting Lavanya about the pregnancy was building a storm inside Khushi.

“Khush..” she heard Nandakishore’s voice from the lobby. And as she turned around, she found him rushing to her with Arnav Singh Raizada. The mere sight of that man irked her.

Nandakishore clutched her arms.

“What happened? Is Lavanya Okay?” Nandakishore queried.

Khushi fixed her gaze upon Arnav Singh Raizada whose eyes never left hers. When she didn’t respond, Arnav lost his temper.

“Where the hell is my sister? What happened to her?”

“You don’t know?” she snapped.

There was a chilling annoyance in her voice.

“The Doctor said she doesn’t know either. But I seriously doubt. I am pretty sure you both have conspired for all this”

Arnav lost his cool. He punched the wall behind her because he couldn’t punch her. Despite being in such a tensed situation, all she did was blame him and his sister? And for what?

“Stop beating the bush. Just tell me what happened to my sister?”

“She is pregnant” Khushi blurted.

Arnav stumbled. Nandakishore’s grip on Khushi’s arm loosened. Pregnant? Khushi had no time to check upon her brother’s expressions because she was busy manipulating Arnav’s. He stepped back.

“No” he murmured.

“3 months” Khushi added gritting her teeth. “What a pretense” she said sarcastically. “So, this is your plan? To push your sister forcibly into my brother’s life and get a control over my business?”

“Shut up” Arnav scowled.

He couldn’t fight more.. couldn’t argue. His mind didn’t support him to frame any words to defend his sister. Pregnant? How could Lavanya take such a big risk? Agreed she is in love but everything has to be in limit. But she was not the only one responsible. Arnav shifted his gaze on Nandakishore who was standing pale at the corner. Within few strides Arnav reached him and grabbing his collar, he pushed NK to the wall behind.

“How dare you to do this to her? How dare you?” he groaned. The pregnancy news didn’t help Arnav calm his mind. He wanted a total control over this situation. It was matter of his sister’s dignity.

Khushi reached there and forced Arnav to move back.

“Don’t you dare touch him” she lashed out standing between the two like a wall. “And don’t you dare put that blame on my brother”

Rage simmered in the back of Arnav’s mind. What was that supposed to mean? Did she even know what she was talking? Khushi didn’t stop her accusations even after this. She continued.

“This is all your conspiracy. Ask your sister first whom she slept with before blaming my bro…”

Before she could even complete that statement, Arnav raised his arm and slapped her hard on the cheek. She tested his limits. He would never… never hurt a woman like that… but he would never let anyone point out at his sister’s character. Lavanya and Nandakishore were in love. Things went out of their control and such a thing happened. Why couldn’t Khushi Gupta understand it? Why was she spilling dirt on Lavanya’s character?

“How dare you” Nandakishore punched Arnav’s chest but it hardly affected him. Instead when the next punch came, Arnav pushed NK away with a force. He almost collapsed on the floor. During all of this, he never took his eyes off Khushi’s. The gentleman in him wanted to apologize for slapping her but the brother inside him was still adamant in doing so. He was hurt.

“You” Arnav stared back at NK. “You should have slapped her for saying something so cheap. Because she didn’t curse my sister, she cursed the baby inside Lavanya’s womb who unfortunately is yours”

NK felt that invisible punch on his heart. Yes.. that baby was his.. He and Lavanya were madly in love. They crossed the lines and… the baby.. the baby was his.

Khushi stood immobile, her chest heaving, eyes burning at this mistake committed by Arnav Singh Raizada. The third and final mistake she had to bear. Not anymore. He would have to pay a price for this. She promised to change his world hereon.. his fate… his arrogance..

“Get the hell out of here before I do something horrible than this” Arnav warned the siblings, furiously and strode to the Doctor’s cabin.


The tests were done and Lavanya came out. The moment she saw Arnav, she couldn’t control herself. She ran into his arms and hugged him tight, weeping, begging him to forgive her. Arnav stood rooted to the place, without embracing her. No! He cannot forgive her for what she did. How can she… ? How.. ? Damn! Her tears soaked his shirt, her pleads pierced his eardrums. He had promised their parents never to turn away from his sister. And he would keep that promise. He would support her. That’s the least he could start with. He wrapped his arms around her petite form and soothed her back.

“It will be okay, La. I will make it okay” he promised kissing her head. He didn’t have a clue how he will fulfill this promise but he knew he will. At any cost!! Even at the cost of his own life!


Gupta House

Khushi had sat on the rocking chair, looking blankly at the picture of hers and Nandakishore hung on the wall of the drawing room. Ever since she had returned back from the Clinic, she hadn’t uttered a word. Nandakishore himself had locked in a room for some time and then he had come to check upon her. He even confessed that he and Lavanya had crossed the lines in their relationship and now that she was expecting his child, he wanted to set things right. He wanted to marry her. Make it all legal. Somehow.. before it was too late. But whilst he stated his plans, Khushi hadn’t spoken a word. She was cold as ice though her body flamed. That slap from Arnav Singh Raizada was not imprinted on her cheek but her brain. Men avoided to argue with her so far and this man… he raised his hand. She will never forget it. The desire to get Arnav Singh Raizada on roads, make him beg and plead to her, became even more dangerous. Only screwing his business wouldn’t soothe her heart. She will do more. So much more that he will have to shed his ego and beg for forgiveness. She wouldn’t forgive him still. Not in days… months.. years … Not in this lifetime.


Nandakishore had tried to call Lavanya many a times since last night but her number was Switched off. He couldn’t even imagine what she would be going through. He should have been with her. But things went out of control when Arnav slapped Khushi and even NK couldn’t bear that insult. Everything happened so fast that he didn’t get time to think who went wrong..?

When he came down for breakfast the next morning, Khushi was already having hers. She was all set to go to office. He rushed to her and sat on the adjoining seat.

“Morning Khush” his tone was softer.

“You work up early?” she asked casually, piercing the fork into the cut fruit.

Nandakishore smiled. Yesterday, Khushi didn’t speak a word but she was talking today and that too so normal. He was glad.

“Khush.. I am sorry for what happened”

“Kishu” Khushi interrupted. “I need a favor from you”

NK was confused. Favor?

“Our Malaysia head office has some issues with the Marketing. I want you to go there and handle the matter. Sort it out and come back”

Nandakishore was shocked. Malaysia?

“Khush.. Me?”

“Why not?” she asked. “Who else can I rely other than you?”


“Kishu” Khushi smirked. “I know you are inexperienced in handling such business crises. But don’t worry. Chang, our Managing head will be there to assist you. And I will be attending the video conference with you and the Malaysia head office team once you are ready with the reports. You know how much stuck I am here. I cannot go. You are my only savior”

Nandakishore swallowed the lump of nervousness formed in his throat.

“But.. La”

“We will talk about it when you return”

“Khush.. it will be late”

“It wont be late. I promise. You will get what you want. Have I ever denied you for anything?”

Nandakishore was elated to hear that.

“You are the best Khush.. I love you” he hugged her. She hugged him back. But this was not over yet. She knew Nandakishore wouldn’t go beyond her words and decisions but she had to check again. When they pulled away, she palmed his cheek.

“If I deny for your and Lavanya’s relationship, what would you do?” she asked.

“What kind of question is that? Why are we even discussing it?”

“Kishu” she stressed. “Tell me”

He became serious.

“You know how much I love you Khush. You mean everything to me. I can never cut your words. Never go against your decisions. But I love Lavanya too. And if you don’t let me marry her, I wouldn’t hurt you. But I will never marry any other girl either. And that’s a promise”

Khushi clenched her jaw. The matter was serious but she could still control it. She patted his cheek.

“Eat and pack your stuff. You will have to start for Malaysia tonight”

Nandakishore plainly nodded and continued eating. Khushi exhaled finishing her breakfast and wiped her lips. The time has come. For Payback!!

To be Continued.


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1) Imposed Knot + Cursed Bride + Stardom 

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3) The Bride Series Complete Edition


  1. Madhu please tell us what the deal is between arnav and Khushi ? I think Khushi ll ask arnav to marry her ? So that she can torture him in his personal life also..?
    Madhu please next part today only .. pleaseeeee

  2. So this is why she is going to make sure contract that he is going to be her to control for all the life

  3. Bastard NK... He couldn't bear Arnav slapping his sis which she absolutely deserved for demeaning Lav but didn't had guts to go & meet the girl whom he got pregnant... He doesn't do anything without his sis wish or won't do in future as well then why that bastard dared to fall in love with Lav & slept with her making her pregnant without asking his egoistic sis... Just to make his sis happy how conveniently he agreed that he won't marry Lav if Khushi refuses but didn't think for once that what would happen of Lav & his child she is bearing... How they will face the society?? Him promising Khushi that he won't marry anybody else if not Lav doesn't change the fact that he would leave Lav & his baby without a second thought if his sis asks him to do so...

    Anyways I guess v r heading towards witnessing the role reversal scene from the show IPK where Arnav had blackmailed Khushi to marry him keeping her jiji's marriage as bait... Here Khushi would blackmail Arnav to marry her keeping her sister's marriage as bait... But I'm sure the consequences of this game are gonna b more destructive here... But I'm damn eager to see Khushi Gupta in grey shade

    Thanks for the update Madhu...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. Awesome Update.Lavanya should have informed Arnav earlier. She did wrong by leaving a message on social media. Khushi already dislike Arnav now she denied Lavanya as her family. Khushi thinks both the Raizada siblings have trapped NK for wealth. Arnav on the other hand is blaming NK. Situation is totally messed up . Khushi being a woman shouldn't have accused Lavanya when her brother is equally involved. Arnav slapped Khushi in the heat of the moment.No brother can stand someone pointing at his sister's dignity . Arnav is right NK should stand up for his and Lavanya's relationship.Arnav is bound by their parents promise . Now Arnav has challenged Khushi's ego by that slap. Khushi purposely sent NK to Malaysia so that she can plan her revenge. Waiting for Khushi's next move. Seems like she will manipulate the situation and make Arnav pay for this. NK won't go against Khushi if she denied his and Lavanya's relationship. If NK can love Lavanya he must support her . Lavanya is in delicate situation now. Waiting for the next part.

  5. such a coward NK is!
    Considering ASR and KKG story, the ending is quite predictable. But wanna know how NK will be a man in real sense

  6. Nk is a very weak character here . I hate such men who had no guts to stand for themselves. Now Khushi will force Arnav to marry her where Arnav would have no choice but to give in orderto save his sister. I am loving this. How this hate will turn into love .

  7. Awesome.. Arnav done mistake by hitting Khushi. No matter what she said it’s never done to hit some one ..

    1. What if Arnav was the one passing such comments to Khushi's sister?
      We would then have wanted Khushi to slap him.
      Dont be a Neha Dupia~com'on

      Such people should never get slapped but punched in face instead.


  8. Fabulous awesome update madhu

  9. Super
    intersting update
    Very much Exited for next one

  10. nk didn't think before jumping into the bed..n also didn't think of la n baby before promising khushi that he can leave them..i so wish la knows this n decides to raise the baby by need of such a coward as father of a baby

  11. Khushi is heights.. She should think before speaking about some girl like that.. Arnav did the right thing by slapping her.. But i hope she doesn't do something which she will regret later

  12. I think La is good without this NK
    If he can't stand for his love ....he lost the respect
    La could be a single mom ....

  13. I don't think blaming nk here is fair.. I've seen many boys who can't take a stand for themselves and their love due to family pressure. But even though nk seems khushi's puppet here he still made it clear to her that if he doesn't marry la he won't ever marry any other girl which I think in it self is a stand enough

    1. Sorry but this isn't stand enough! Here is a baby involved whom he abandoned without a second thought. Its no longer about love but a family now. He isnt doing a sacrifice by remaining bachelor is case his sis. refuses.
      If he was oh so righteous man, shud have gone for platonic relationship! doesnt he know sex can result in baby even with all the precautions!!!

    2. Even la should think about her family here both have mistake then even now she wants arnav help to sort out her life but even she didn't inform about nk to her family n vice versa n if arnav was in place of khushi then he will do same because that is their nature its just arnav knows before.right khushi shouldn't say about la like that but la should discuss about her health with nk . Just like la depend upon her brother nk also depend his sister . In 2years relationship la should try to make responsible but she also didn't try hard. Now their siblings have to suffer .

  14. Arnav claims himself as mature which he is not, khushi is no doubt wrong with her words, but arnav is also not right with his action

  15. Khushi is so cruel.. She is telling NK to go to Malaysia and planning so evily... Poor arnav...i think she is going to get all his property and going to make as her slave... Please tell in next update what is that deal...

    Waiting for next... Please update tomorrow...

  16. kushi is playing with fire .she thinks by sending NK out of the country she can control the matter.She wants to take revenge against Arnav.But she is not realizing in her anger shes destroying two lives NK and La's both are responsible for the pregnancy

  17. Nice update and I have a request please make khushi fall for arnav before he do!!!

  18. I don’t like what khushi is doing here. Her revenge with arnav is a different thing. Why drag the family in to this? She must remember she is also a girl. I really hate such non sensible girls. She claims to love nk. But I don’t think so. She is just a mean woman who deserve hatred from everyone! Nice update!

  19. OMG, this NK is getting on my nerves now. How can he just accept his sister's words without even thinking about his love. Khushi should get more punches in face. These kind of women put down other women. I hope she changes by time and regrets her behaviour.

    Even if La & NK get married, I wish La doesn't behave all normal with him. She should know what the love of her life had once committed to his beloved sister.

    Arnav looks sensible though, but I want him to be strong and not bechara types.
    I wish he teaches khushi a lesson if they get married(if khushi marries him via contract). Also, It would really upset me if Khushi ever looks down at him.

  20. Continuation to above��
    That was a lovellyyy update.
    I had such intense feelings reading the update. That proves what an incredible writer you are.
    You make us fall in love with characters, their bonds & also hate some of them(lol, the villains I meant).

    I've read many stories but tbh I've never felt that connection which I feel with ur stories.

    When I just started reading ffs, I came through an update in india forums and loved it. I was like this work is gr8 just like Madhu's. Then later I came to know that those were ur earlier

    Keep writing guurrll!!!
    We love u♡

  21. It's too dangerous tomarry man like NK bcoz it's like when the problems come in marriage surely he will blame La. Die to EGO , misunderstanding going and I think that's what happens with rich people. The update was good and feel bad for Arnav in this story.

  22. Omg khushi is soo cruel😠 i have never seen like this khushi in any ff before 😠 ... She blamed lav soo much without thinking that she is telling to his brother baby😠 and to a women 😤arnav had heard enough aligation on lav and slapped khushi she deserved it and nk is he is fit for nothing i get boys like nk do cannot stand for there love and for the person they love 😒😣😏 Khushi is being soo evil she is sending nk to malayisa and this nk can now say that he won't go leaving lav and but on that he promise khushi he will not meet lav and will not marry any one how far is this on his part now it time to show his true love and support to lav but he is backing off from that too 😡😠he did'nt even thought of lav how she will face the society and how she will handle this baby 😢😠 i think lav should leave him and become a single mom ... What evil khushi has planned to destroy arnav omg god save arnav from khushi its soo strange to hear right this beczs its always khushi who suffers it in all the other ffs but here its arnav it soon

  23. Khushi has crossed all the limits

  24. Arnav shouldnt beg for lav and her baby, NK should stand for them if he cant how wants that kind of husband

    1. Arnav should support La in becoming strong for herself and her baby.(I wont consider baby as NK's any longer coz he promised Khushi to abandon the baby in case Khushi doesnt agree)
      Arnav and La have power in society so least they can do is lead people to a good example of staying strong rather than giving into clutches of evil sis-bro duo

  25. She has no heart does she? While no amount of reasoning Will justify the slap Arnav have her. (It is wrong, I won't accept it) but, what she said was equally wrong. Her ego has clouded her thoughts brains and sections. And Nanda Kishore needs to man up. Technically he should have defended his kid and put a stop to what Khushi was saying. But, he's too a chamcha for standing up on his own for anything. Even now he couldn't understand what his sister was doing. I hope he realises this one step is going to cost him huge. And poor la is in soup.


  26. Di awesome and interesting update.
    Madhu di please update this ff tomorrow please di

  27. Khush is definitely going to take revenge against ASR. The sparks are goi g to be explosive and who will get burnt is anyone’s guess. Fabulous absolutely fabulous chapter

  28. For a change , NK is over emotional and spineless in this story tillnow.
    Lot of madness n circus going on.

    Agreed that a stranger shouldnt hit a woman and that too in a public place.
    But a woman shouldnt spill mud on anothers woman character under any damn circumstance.

    Arnav has spoiled his sister a lot.
    In the name of love,she had lost her dignity without bothering abt her upbringing and familys reputation.
    And the Mad Nk,his sisters puppet didnt think abt the consequences of his sizzling act.

    As usual Arnav has no control over his anger and no filter on the words jumping out of his Mouth.

    So He has to repent for now.

    Poor Khushi ! is under the impression that the dynamite Arnav would be dormant forever after signing that deal .
    Lets see How Arnav protects his self dignity this time.

    1. Really? Spoiled his sister?
      Thats what you call?
      What abt NK?
      Is he not spoiled?
      Damn spoiled, I think so.

      Why should only a girl think about the reputation of family? Its high tym men start taking it as their responsibility too.

      But I agree with u that This NK shouldnt have done the sizzling act if he didnot have the spine to bear the consequences.

    2. Spoiled his sister? Which age do you live in? How is family reputation linked to La having sex? And why doesn't the same reputation thing apply to NK? Are men still some demi-gods?

      Arnav did the right thing by slapping Khushi.If she can forget being a human then why cant he? If she can call La names in public place then why cant he slap her for the same?

      We expect women to stand up to men who call them dirty names. Applaud them when they slap such men coz they truly deserved it. Then why doesnt same apply here?

  29. Both ego is going to clash.khushi should understand the situation fabulous update

  30. How could Khushi just blame La. Which century is she livin in? And not to forget what non-existent conspiracy is she trying to find.

    I felt NK should have been given a slap too. I mean, like does he even truly love La. Seriously NK? He said he loves Khushi and La both but then he cannot hurt Khushi....mannn what abt La? When Khushi was blabbering He should have stood by La. But nope!!

    These sibblings deserved a slap!!!

    Awesome update btw :)

  31. Nice here the real story start..
    Khushi did wrong by accusing arnav n la then questioning la's character. As a brother arnav did right by slapping her but didnt expect nk not to question khushi..

    Now she is playing by sending nk out..

    Looking forward

  32. Khushi deserved that slap but first Arnav should have slapped NK first... Let's the drama unfolds...

  33. Khushi sending NK out of country so she can handle ASR

  34. Please make Lavanya bold...Let her be successful and that will teach Kushi and NK a good lesson.. Please don't let Lavanya and Arnav surrender to the situation...

  35. NK the spineless bastard has got d*** to get into La's bed but no balls to stand for her! Why didn't he slap Khushi before Arnav did? He felt insulted that Arnav slapped his sister but not once he asked that bitch - how dare she blame Lavanya? He didn't once say that its my baby. How dare you insinuate him/her to be a bastard?
    I wish La(who already has an idea of him being irresponsible kind) comes to know that he has agreed to abandon her & baby if his sis. says so.[Did he ask his sister b4 sleeping with La? No. But he 'll need her permission to marry her. Sicktard!!]

    Khushi here is worse than ASR of Ipkknd and deserved that slap. Those talking about violence and all forgot that she pushed him away from that NK first! She completely deserved that slap for outraging modesty of a woman.
    Hope Arnav n La stay strong. Single mothers is no longer a stigma. Hope Arnav here turns out to be progressive and helps his sister to be strong-willed. What 'll La anyways get marrying a toad like NK?

    It is better to live life of respect n dignity rather than spending it with a spineless bastard who is as mentally crippled as his sister.
    Arnav dont bend in front of KG aka ASR or there wont be any diff. b/w Khushi Kumari Gupta of Ipkknd and you.Another righteous character surrendering before a raging mad unscrupulous one!

    Let good defeat evil from day 1 itself forcing it to realise its mistakes!

    1. No arnav in ipkknd done worse than this here la have no relation with khushi but there he claim to love her say worse than this not only one time but many time n even after knowing truth he never stand with khushi n here khushi got slap but there nobody say arnav anything n even khushi always listen him silently. I am saying that khushi did right but just she is not worse than him.

  36. Hope Arnav(KKG of ipkknd) tears up the dirty contract and throws it on the face of Khushi(ASR of ipkknd).Hope La takes a stand for herself and she has her brother to support her. No need of spineless boyfriend and his jerk sis.

    BTW Khushi I m glad Arnav slapped you. Your brother should have done the same. You deserved it. If I could even I would have.

  37. Madhu don't make khushi's character with full of negativity that we going to hate her . She is strong , egoistic , confident it's ok but this type of narrow and nasty minded - really can't take it . In real show and in all your stories arnab was just like her but not cheap and nasty minded . Till now this khushi is a shame in the name of woman .

    1. I'm sure she must have thought something and planned the story.
      Every story is not the same and neither the characters are.

      I guess she won't make us hate Khushi. Even Arnav may have been cheap for some stories. But we overcame our hate for him as the story progressed.

      Its just the beginning of this ff. Let the story breath. If we feel hate towards Khushi, it only proves what an excellent writer Madhu is.


  38. Interesting story.
    Characters reversed

  39. Looks like a reversed force marraige senario

  40. Interesting update
    Khushi is being very insensible by bringing family in between her revange with Arnav
    Hope in next update we will know what contract Khushi will make for Arnav
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  41. Awesome written concept amazing story interesting

  42. Here i am seeing role of arnav in ipkknd in khushi she have all trait of him with some addition. But here arnav is strong not like khushi who have to take all the trouble. N arnav give reply to khushi in the form of slap. Here both siblings of khushi n arnav are weak n depended on their siblings . Didn't like how nk didn't take stand for la n their baby n also la should think about her family before her relationship became serious that can nk will become responsible or not because there is both mistake n they should take stand but again they are depend on arnav n khushi .
