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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 6


Chapter 6

It was a terrible night. Arnav Singh Raizada got no sleep. That day’s events kept flashing before his eyes. Nani was suspicious seeing Lavanya back home in that condition. Arnav couldn’t hide the fact from his grandmother. Nani cursed herself for not keeping an eye on Lavanya during his absence in past 3 years. She cried helplessly and at the end retired to her room. Arnav tried to make Lavanya eat but she denied. But not today. His sister got to eat and this is why he woke up early than usual and cooked her favorite Cheese Omelet.
He knocked her bedroom door and found it open. Lavanya was sitting on the bed, still weeping over her state. Last evening while returning back to Shantivan, Arnav had told her the reactions of NK and his sister on knowing her condition. It shocked her to know that Nandakishore didn’t take any stand for her. He should have.

“Good morning” Arnav placed the breakfast tray on the bed, just beside Lavanya. “I don’t want to eat anything” she refrained from even looking at him.

“Not even for me?” he asked.

Tears sprung in her eyes and she started crying again. Arnav sat next to her and took her in his embrace.

“This is not going to work La.. You got to be stronger” he patted her back. “My sister is not a cry baby. She is a fighter”

None of his words boosted her spirit. She raised her head and met his eyes.

“I am sorry ASR.. I brought shame to our family. I shouldn’t have done this.. Mumma and Paapa will be so upset on me”

Arnav swallowed the ache formed in his throat.

“You accept your mistake is a good thing to start with” he muttered. “But just accepting it wont make any difference right now. You have to take a stand Lavanya”

She was confused.

“Did you speak to him?” he asked.

She nodded her head in denial.

“Did he even try to call you?”

“I don’t know. My phone is switched off. I didn’t want to talk to anybody. Not even him ASR. He didn’t take a stand for me. How could he… I loved him.. he loves me too yet… yet he couldn’t open his mouth against his sister”

“Sshh” he cupped her face seeing her losing calm. “Such men exists in this world who don’t take stand for their loved ones. They are fools and your NK is one of them”

Lavanya looked down in guilt.

“What should I do ASR? I don’t understand how should I live with all this?”

“Right now all you got to do is eat” he grabbed the plate from the tray. “I made you Cheese Omelet”

She smiled.

“Just like old times” she murmured.

“Yes.. just like old times” he cut a piece of it and fed her.

Once she finished her entire breakfast, he got up to leave.

“Call him” Arnav declared. “If he is ready to accept his responsibility, its fine. I will take things ahead with his sister. But if he denies this, I am going to kick him so hard, he wouldn’t have any more babies in his lifetime”

The possessive brother was back in his tone. Lavanya weakly nodded and picked up her phone to turn it on.


“Malaysia?” Lavanya screamed. “NK you cannot be serious.. I am pregnant. Do you understand what that means?”

Nandakishore was at the airport ready to board his Private Chartered plane.

“La.. calm down. You are hurting our baby”

“Our baby?” she snapped. “You realized it now? What happened to you yesterday in the clinic? ASR told me you didn’t even acknowledge you are equally responsible for my pregnancy before your sister”

“I know.” He sighed. “I should have fought to see you.. stay with you but ASR… he … he raised his hand on my sister La. Do you even realize what I went through? No one has ever done that. I know she shouldn’t have cursed or blamed you but.. it all happened in the spur of the moment. I didn’t understand how to react. I was… was stuck between them”

“That’s not an excuse NK” she cried. “You should have stood by me”

“I will.. I always will.”

“Seriously? This is how you plan to stand by me? Going to Malaysia? What should be more important to you now other than me?”

NK rubbed his temple.

“I am sorry La.. for bringing all this trouble on you alone. But trust me I have talked to Khush.. She is just shocked like we both are. She is not bad. She will agree to our marriage”


“Soon. Just give me a week or two. I will come back and we will marry. I will convince Khushi by then. I promise. I am breaking this promise. Please believe me”

Lavanya exhaled harshly.

“I want to believe you NK.. But if you delay more, it’s all over”

She hung up and curled back on bed, weeping.


Gupta Office

“Cheers” Khushi clinked her Champagne glass with her best friend Ruby Khanna, the CEO of a famous Business News Channel.

“Cheers” Ruby chuckled.

Khushi sipped the drink with a smirk on her face.

“I just love this” Ruby stated. “You know Khushi, whenever you call me at your office, its mostly for work. But I like this. Whats the occasion by the way? Why are we celebrating?”

Khushi leaned back on her chair and drummed her fingers on the armrest.

“You won’t understand Ruby. I have hit a lottery”

“Lottery?” Ruby giggled. “You run a billion-dollar company and still buy lottery tickets?”

“This lottery is not a ticket Ruby.. It’s a jackpot.. Arnav Singh Raizada”

Ruby coughed hard putting the glass on the table.

“ASR? What.. what do you mean?”

Khushi stayed quiet but her mind was already manipulating lot of things inside.

“Okay wait. You lost that Bid to him.. The farm house I mean. Did he give it back to you? Is that what you are talking about?”

“Oh Ruby” Khushi smirked again. “This is much beyond that farm house now”

Ruby smiled.

“Sounds interesting. Will I get a byte for my channel then?”

Khushi nodded.

“Soon. Let me first get enough material for you. Only then I will share it all”

Ruby could sense something big happening. She and Khushi studied in the same school. They were classmates, sat on the same bench, ate together. Whilst Ruby kept changing her crush every year, Khushi never even glanced at the boys despite they queuing behind her with roses and bouquets. Nothing interested Khushi except her own self. She was obsessed with herself. So much, that one word against her from anyone and she would spoil his/her entire life. And until that happened, she wouldn’t sit calm. Looked like ASR had touched her wrong nerve this time and he was soon going to repay.

“Khushi..But be careful. He is ASR.. Not any ordinary man whose life you can twist the way you want”

Khushi didn’t defend.

“That’s the fun, Ruby. You know how much I love challenges and this man…” she grinned. “This man is going to dance on my fingertips”

“Impossible” Ruby sipped some more Champagne.

“Come on Ruby, you know me since we were 5. You think I can’t do this?”

Ruby raised her arms in defeat.

“Okay, if that’s the thing, I would love to sit back and watch”

Khushi once again clinked glasses with Ruby and enjoyed the moment.


AR Group
After attending back to back conferences, Arnav retired to his Cabin. Shyam followed him in with the files. Arnav leaned back on his chair and shut his eyes.

“ASR” Shyam took a seat opposite to his desk. “You don’t seem good today. Any problem?”

Arnav didn’t speak.

“You didn’t even pay attention to what happened in the conference. Something is definitely wrong. Look I know you have met Nandakishore Gupta yesterday. Is this about him?”

Arnav still remained quiet; his eyes tightly shut recalling the moment when Khushi Gupta informed him about Lavanya’s pregnancy.

“I think I understand what you are going through” Shyam added. That undid him. Arnav pushed the files away from his desk and banged his fist on the table.

“You don’t understand anything Shyam. You have no idea what it feels like to know your sister is pregnant and that her boyfriend is not even taking stand for her. You don’t have a clue what its like to give her hope and stay strong despite knowing that the family she wants to be a part of is never going to accept her whole heartedly. You have no idea what I am going through.. Nobody can..”

Shyam jerked back on the chair. He took a minute to absorb the matter and feel the depth of it. Arnav composed himself and strode to the huge glass window of his cabin. He wanted to smoke.. Right now. He desperately fetched for it in his pocket but knew he didn’t carry it these days.. He had left it!! He had left it years ago.

“Damn” he punched the wall.

“ASR. Stop it” Shyam checked Arnav’s fist for bruises.

“I need to smoke” he barked at Shyam and strode to the door to leave the cabin. He wasn’t talking about the normal cigar but the weed smoke and Shyam knew it.

“You sure about it?” Shyam asked but he didn’t care. “You had promised ASR”

That surely made him stop. Yes. He had promised never to touch it again. Never. He fisted his fingers again and was about to punch the glass door but Shyam caught his arm.

“Don’t harm yourself. We all need you.. Lavanya needs you”

Arnav looked away. They needed him? Yes they did. That’s what had kept him composed all these years. He wouldn’t give up on their hopes.

“I am sorry” he exhaled. “I shouldn’t have barked on you.. I lost my control”

“It’s okay”

Arnav strode back to the eight-seater couch in his cabin and sat there with his face hidden in between his palms. Shyam was upset seeing him in this state.

“I don’t know what to do Shyam. Lavanya is pregnant.. Sooner or later people will know. It will be a mess. I don’t care about the world, their accusations but I am worried if she does something to hurt herself. She and Nani are all I have. She is my baby sister. How could I see her like this?”

Shyam sat beside him.

“What about Nandakishore?”

“He has gone to Malaysia. Business problems”

“Business?” Shyam was surprised. “That man has never stepped in his Delhi Office and he went to Malaysia to handle the problems there? Impossible”

“I know” Arnav nodded. “I am sure this is Khushi Gupta’s plan. To send him off while she tackles the problems here.. And I wont let her do that. She cannot play with my sister’s life. I will not let her take control over Lavanya and her baby”

“You are right” Shyam nodded. “But instead of assuming things, why don’t you both sit and talk? Clear it out. Tell her what you want. Listen what she has to say. If she has misunderstood you, it’s the best if you clear out. Only then the tension will solve ASR”

Arnav considered the advice. He cannot sit here and wait for Khushi Gupta to contact him. He had to take that first step and he will.

“Send her a note I am coming to meet her at Gupta Office. I don’t want the woman to be shocked by my arrival” Arnav got up.

“You going now?”

“I don’t want to delay this” Arnav picked his coat and hurried out. “And thank you for suggesting me this. I was nearly blank until I talked to you”

Shyam smiled.

“Anytime ASR. I will always be there for you”

Arnav passed a quick smile to his assistant cum friend and strode out of the cabin.


Gupta Office

Ruby and Khushi were still enjoying their Champagne when Mrs. Pinto entered the cabin to inform about ASR waiting out to see her. Khushi smirked hard looking at Ruby.

“I told you” she muttered

Ruby’s jaw dropped.

“Mrs. Pinto” Khushi snapped. “How many years have you been working for me?”

Mrs. Pinto fumbled with words to respond.

“5.. 5 years Ma’am”

“And you still don’t know I don’t meet people without prior appointments?”

Mrs. Pinto understood what she meant. Doesn’t matter who wanted to meet her, he cannot until she wanted to. Mrs. Pinto headed out. The moment she came out, Arnav strode to the cabin door thinking he got the permission to go but Mrs. Pinto stopped him.

“Sir, you … you cannot go inside”

“Did you tell her its ME?” he frowned.

“I .. I did. But she wants you to take an appointment first”

Arnav clenched his jaw. This woman was taking advantage of his helplessness.

“And you wont get her appointment until next 3 weeks. She is that busy. Should I mark your schedule for next month?”

One more month would make Lavanya step in her second trimester. Things were slipping from his hand more quickly than he thought it would.

“No. I am going to see her today. And that’s final. What time she leaves for home?”

“Cannot assure you that Sir and neither I can share her today’s schedule with you. I am sorry. You can still wait for her to come out”

Arnav gritted his teeth. Wait!! Yes.. that’s all he could do for now.

To be Continued.



Soul laced 

It is mostly said, we realize the value of a person only after we have lost them. But what if we get a chance to rekindle our relationship after crossing the barriers of life and death? Can you change your mindset about a relationship after touching the footsteps of death? What chances you have to fall in love with someone in your afterlife?

Alisha thinks she fell in love with someone in her after life. Is that true? Who is that mystery man? Read this Short Story to find it out.


“Wow. I am glad that the Creator chose you for me” I admit shamelessly.

He glances at me and then ignores my words. As if he knows I am flirting. Am I flirting? That too with the Soul Transporter? It’s insane, isn’t it? But I like his company, his way of making me understand where I stand, what I lost and what my future will be. I will be sent to Hell for sure. Committing suicide is a crime in the Creator’s eyes. I have misused the life he gave me. I have taken away my life, against his will. I am not going to Heaven for sure.

“I can recommend Heaven if you want” he reads my trail of thoughts again.

“No thank you. I hate recommendations” I giggle. “But seriously, can you do that?

“I can try”

“Why? Why are you going against all your norms for me?"

I desperately want him to reply. Will he?

Also Read: Other Excerpts on Soul Laced

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  1. Hating this khushi......she is a moral less girl...... I wish Arnav makes La take a stand and become strong and look after the baby alone......judging from Khushi's behavior, she is gonna slander LA's character in the media and its gonna make me hate Khushi some more..

  2. I thought I like this strong khushi, but I don’t anymore. I don’t like people behave without a sense. And that’s what khushi is doing right now. Arnav didn’t win that property unfairly it was her fault that she didn’t read the papers and bring cash. Without understanding her fault she is taking revenge on arnav. She doesn’t even love her own brother, if she did she wouldn’t have behaved this way. I guess this is the first time I’m hating khushi this much! Love the update!

  3. Thank u for the update.. Khushi is so cruel here.. nk is trusting Khushi a lot.. what is Khushi's condition? Will she let the world know that Lavanya is pregnant or ll she ask the raizada property and make arnav lose everything ? It's very intresting and can't even what there in your mind about this story.. please Madhu if possible try to update this story next part today or by tomorrow..

  4. Awesome Update. This Khushi is absolutely heartless. Can't believe such woman exsist in the society who has no compassion for another woman. Now she will deliberately make Arnav suffer and want to make Arnav and the Raizada family suffer. She is so damn manipulative and is playing with so many lives and celebrating. I really can't understand her character here. Khushi deliberately leaked Arnav's private family matter in the media. She is playing with fire and will soon get burnt. So much self obsessiveness is not good. Not only obsessive she is insensitive as well . Don't know how much she will stoop low in this dangerous game of revenge. Arnav crushed her ego so she is doing all this. Arnav is totally frustrated and shattered. Can't see Arnav in this state . Lavanya shouldn't have committed to a scoundrel like NK. Glad that Arnav has a friend like Shyam who can support him. Will NK be a man and support Lavanya ever.Taking Revenge on somebody is a different thing but Khushi is crossing her limits . Now will Khushi blackmail Arnav to marry her in order to satisfy her ego. How will Arshi relationship be . Next chapters are going to be interesting. Can't wait. Thanks for the Update.😍

    1. I totally agree with ur comment for the update...

  5. More than Khushi I hate NK . Absolutely spineless character . Both Arnav and NK love their sister but NK is totally a puppet of Khushi. He will keep dancing at Khushi's tune . He kept blabbering how Arnav did wrong. How can he ignore his sister's fault. NK is going to pay for trusting Khushi. Feeling bad for Lavanya😢

  6. Khushi is such a devil. Poor arnav.. Don't know what deal khushi going to make with arnav... Waiting for next update... Please update soon

  7. I don't want Lavanya to marry NK and suffer why can't she stand for herself .. let her abort the baby and lead her life or even she can grow her child being single mother..
    Madhu till now in all the stories we wanted to see arnav suffer but in this story we want Khushi to suffer for her mistakes.. like u did in imposed vows by sending arnav away from Khushi..

  8. Nk is the problematic person here. Spineless fellow.

  9. The role reversal of Arnav & Khushi is quite intriguing.

    1. The role reversal part Did feel intriguing but after a going through the background for why she wants to ruin him. This is nowhere near to role reversal bcz in the other stories where Arnav is dominant, there is some sort of fault or situation bcz of which he dominates Khushi. But in this story, it's like khushi literally behave in a way that we feel she just looking for problems :|

  10. Very interesting story

  11. Interesting but I don't like this khushi. If she revenges arnav I would understand but if she drags lavanyas image in this I would have her

  12. Dumb NK. He still doesnt understand why he is being sent away. Jerk as usual.

    I'm not liking this Khushi. Till last update she was tolerable but not now. I even don't like Arnav being so helpless. I think Khushi is being too much now. She should have been mature and not play such cheap foolish tatics in a serious matter like that.

    I personally did not like the characters that much. There is total dominance on one side and total helplessness on the other side. Had it been a little equally distributed, I would have enjoyed it.

  13. I dont know what to say . I hate this khushi . Hope after Nk and La's marriage Arnav will definitely turn the tables .

  14. We have seen khushi's character in old movies.. but still while reading we get so involved in the character that we hate this khushi.. I feel that's what magical writing skill you have Madhu.. interesting story.. looking forward for turn and twists..

  15. The idea of a strong female lead was exciting but after this few chapters I think it's not strong female lead but absolutely insensitive and mentally ill female lead. Understood that she don't like to loose but when you're thiss successful there is some sort pf common sense and self awareness required. She can't even differentiate between right and wrong behavior. The 3 mistakes of Arnav which she counted and for which she which she seeks revenge will never be valid whatever reasoning u give in future and the things she spoke abt lavanya are absolutely absurd, I don't know how one can fall in love with a person like that so arnav khushi love story in this plot will completely look fantasy.. I know this is also a fictional story but even fictions should be Li'l near the reality. All the best for this story.

    1. I agree with you. This khushi is insensitive and insane

  16. Pls never let Arnav down... Lavanya can be proud successful single mother....Arnav and Lavanya's success and pure happiness should be the answer to Kushi and NKs stupidity....

  17. Being a woman she is too harsh n rude...

  18. What kushi doing is wrong ...but I don't understand people's ok if ASR is arrogant but when it revised ...I am curious

    1. Its not abt arrogance or reversed roles.

      Anjali as in Arnavs sis may never have pointed at her brother's love,i.e, Khushi. Even if she had done it, Arnav had always stood by Khushi.

      But Khushi here is insulting her brother's love. And NK aint standing by his love,i.e, Lavanya.

    2. First thing- role reversal or not. Why should a callous behaviour of male/female lead not be called out? Khushi is behaving inhumane here and we do criticise Arnav when he does the same. So why should Khushi get special prvilege of being a woman. A cruel person is cruel- male/female doesnt matter.

      If she wants to be strong or omething why not defeat him through fair business tactics. I would appreciate a Khushi who is 4 steps forward to Arnav- take away his deals by her business mettle and all.
      Taking advantage of a sensitive situation like this is despicable and that's the reason so many ffs exist where Arnav pays for blackmailing Khushi for marriage.

      If Khushi can be insane enough to bring Arnav down by using lowest of low means then she is heartless and shall be called so.

    3. Who said we are not okay...story can have a female lead who is 'negative turn positive' but why no-bashing privilege?

      I m all for this Khushi but I wont hold back criticizing her if she is wrong - The same thing I do with Arnav.

  19. This Khushi literally sends shivers down my spine by her heartless & selfish actions. But she isn't gonna stop here. She is gonna cross all the boundaries in her baseless ego. On top of that she has friends like Ruby to inflate her ego more.

    Wanna know how would Khushi take advantage of the Raizada siblings' helplessness. Being a woman herself how can she use another woman's pregnancy as bait that too when the baby is her own brother's.

    Glad that Arnav told La about NK's cowardice in the hospital & La rebuked NK for the same. Talking about NK then he is absolutely dumb to not understand his sister's intentions behind suddenly sending him to Malaysia during such crucial period of his & his girlfriend's life. Didn't it occur him once that he doesn't know ABC of business but still his Khush is sending him to resolve a huge problem occured in business that too overseas then it has to be some game of hers.

    It was shocking to know that Arnav was a pothead. Good that he left that habit. Shyam knows all the secrets about Arnav. Hope he is actually trustworthy.

    Thanks for the update Madhu...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  20. This khushi is heartless but I strongly believe she is not that bad because when she met lavanya first she liked her but after knowing she is the sister of Arnav she started to become like this..... She seems to have a dark past it seems and I have to say NK is spineless...because lavanya and the baby is his responsibility.....its not enough that he keeps on saying he loves LA but can't take a stand on her

  21. I had never imagined this form of Khushi...she has so much cruelty in her heart...she is definitely going to make Arnav pay for that lost deal...but Lavanya shouldn't suffer in all these ego games between Ms Gupta and Mr Raizada...

  22. There are hardly any strong female characters and when one is, which is rare like this Khushi. She goes on to be worse. Pls let better sense prevail.

    And Nk doesn't deserve Lavanya! That's about it.


  23. Nice update
    But not liking it she is a woman how can she play with dignity of other woman

  24. More than Arnav n Khushi, NK n Lavanya are to be blamed solely.
    Falling in love maynot be in ones hands.
    But consummatting the relationship before a wedlock in the moment of pleasure is not a good thing.
    What is the harm of that innocent child in all the mess??.
    After this incident, Lavanya should have atleast discussed her love witb her Nani.
    And NK with Khushi.
    Despite knowing the temerament of his sister he went ahead and spoiled the life a woman.
    Even after knowing her condition, he is acting utter non- sense and is oscillating between sisters love and ladylove.

    I must say that Khushi is one bold woman who attacks her enemy with a warning and not back stabbing.
    She is taking advantage of his brothers critical situation at the moment.
    And Arnav should accept her conditions for his sister at the moment.
    Then he should play his part with an accurate precision.

  25. role reversal indeed.
    KKG is being as heartless as ASR was in other series.
    But to whom ASR promised he won't smoke?
    Any past love or was he from any mafia thing?

  26. Khushi is touching wrong nerve of arnav. Fabulous update

  27. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  28. Interesting update
    Let's see what Khushi will do now what deal she will makr for Arnav and before that how much she will make him suffer
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  29. Interesting but I don’t like khushi’s character she is merciless

  30. Khushi is not a strong character but a haughty, selfish and shallow one. Why not defeat Arnav through her sharp brain in business matters? Bring him down by taking away his business through fair means like better contract offers and sharp business skills, more hard work?

    Whose mistake it was to not read auction conditions properly?

    I like this story in the sense that we have a female lead who needs to redeem her behaviour and that is perfectly ok. And I m looking forward to how Arnav changes her into a good person, if that's the role-reversal here.
    I 'll be unique...looking forward to it Madhu dear

  31. If a woman want she can be much more crule than a man but that's not matter here because later or sooner khushi will realise her mistake. This story getting interesting day by day

  32. Seriously i want lavanya to stand for herself

  33. Just finished Breaking fast preyed and next thing is I am on it Blog Madhu please give us today's update

  34. Finally a role reversal story.. Loving the character of Khushi a lot, it's almost the same way as Arnav for the previous stories.. I have to admire the nature and character that is portrayed by Khushi, as she is too strong, stubborn, revengeful, and cruel.. She had to has a dark past for her present behavioural issues. Arnav's love for her sister La is justified.. La should have been a bit careful.. Overall Amazing and a truly different storyline.. Especially looking forward for Khushi's new motives and plans..

  35. Khushi is hard core and quite ruthless. NK on ther other hand is such a spineless jerk and coward. He is ruled by his sister. I actually feel sorry for Arnav and Lavanya. Superb chapter

  36. Like this far will khushi & arnav go. Arnav in his helplessness and khushi in her ego. In real life a woman can walk on another without any regrets though the other woman is a victim

  37. Now the game begins right khushi is wrong here but i didn't think she can do harm to la or her baby her target is just arnav . Here khushi is just thinking about her ego . Well just like other ff where arnav 's so called ego make him do wrong . But again baby is la n nk responsibility but nobody is taking stand for their baby.
