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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 7


Chapter 7

Gupta Office

1 hour. 2… 3 and that’s it. Arnav Singh Raizada got up from the couch and strode to the reception.

“Is she still busy?” his voice conveyed his anger but Mrs. Pinto could do nothing about it.

“Sir, I have told you she has denied meeting you. It is upto you now if you wish to stay or leave”

Arnav clenched his jaw.

“She is doing this on purpose, I know” he growled banging his fist on the desk. “But tell her Mrs. Pinto. She doesn’t know me yet. I will make sure she meets me and listens to what I have to say”

Mrs. Pinto swallowed the lump of nervousness formed in her throat. Poor woman had no clue what was suddenly brewing between ASR and her Boss. She could feel the fire between them and wondered if this continued, it would burn down every single person who tries to intervene. Arnav Singh Raizada walked out of the Gupta Office.

Khushi Gupta grinned watching him leave. She was closely monitoring him through the CCTV Camera on her Laptop Screen. That man had lost his patience. She loved seeing him so helpless because that’s exactly how she felt when he had slapped her. He was going to pay big time.


Gupta Mansion

When Khushi drove back home, she saw a car parked already. Someone was here to meet her but who? She didn’t recall Mrs. Pinto informing her about this. She strode in and before she could call her Servants to check who the guest was, she saw him. Arnav Singh Raizada was sitting on her Couch, in the living room, waiting desperately for her.

“How dare you come here?”

“Just like you dared to ignore me at your office” he replied throwing the magazine he pretended to read, on the table and rose to his feet.

Her brow twitched high and strode ahead.

“You are not important to me Mr. Raizada and I don’t waste my time in entertaining such people”

“Neither I” he muttered. “But this is not about us anymore. I am here to talk about Lavanya and Nandakishore”

Khushi reached the Couch and folded her arms at front.

“My Brother has nothing to do with your sister” she declared.

Arnav chewed his teeth. How can she dismiss their relationship like nothing happened?

“Nandakishore doesn’t think so” Arnav snapped. “He has promised Lavanya to convince you for their marriage”

“His promises are meaningless without my approval” she clarified. “And he knows that too. Otherwise why would he go to Malaysia?”


“Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada” Khushi cut his words. “I suggest you quit having hopes from my brother”

Arnav’s body shimmered with rage. Why was she being so cruel? But he was not going to lose his patience. He recalled Lavanya’s state and he wanted to give his sister justice, not shatter her dreams.

“Are you really so arrogant not to realize the gravity of the situation or are you blind by the hatred for me?” he asked. “And why do you hate me on the first place? Only because I got the ownership of Prem Nivas? I am ready to change the ownership. You can have that place and do whatever you wish to do there. If that’s what you want”

“Now you are talking” she mumbled with a grin.

Arnav didn’t understand what made her say that?

“Coffee Mr. Raizada?” she casually asked.

Seriously? Just a few minutes ago she was frustrated seeing him in her house and now she was offering coffee?

“No thanks”

“Maria” Khushi shouted and the next instant a woman wearing a Chef Apron came out from the Kitchen. “Two Coffees for us”

“Yes Ma’am” she bowed her head and slipped away.

“Have a seat Mr. Raizada”

Arnav was still clueless. He had denied for the Coffee but she didn’t care. This woman was so full of her own wishes.. her own tantrum and her own rules.

“So what were you saying?” she asked again. “You are willing to sell me Prem Nivas?”

“If that makes you approve Lavanya and Nandakishore’s relationship” he replied.

“No..” she shrugged. “Its too cheap compared to everything that I had to go through past few days. Raise the stake Mr. Raizada. Impress me” she muttered wittily.

Taking a deep breath, Arnav processed what she just said.

“Impress you?” he shot back.

“That’s the only way this will work. Otherwise the door is right behind you because I am very tired to extend this conversation” she faked a yawn.

Arnav frowned.

“What do you exactly want Miss Gupta?”

“Hmm” she cleared her throat. “Now that you have asked me to the point, let me define my needs”

Arnav felt himself caged with a shark. For the first time ever, he realized to be in an unprepared situation where he knew victory was impossible.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT?” he scowled back forcing her to speak to the point.

“I WANT YOU MR. RAIZADA” she replied. “Everything that you see.. everything you touch.. everything that belongs to you.. I want all of it … for the next 6 months”

Arnav jolted by her sharp reply. What was that supposed to mean?

“Practically speaking” she continued. “I want you to dance on my fingertips. To do what I say, to honor my every silly need, to accept my every single demand without raising any ifs and buts” she smiled.

Arnav froze. She better be joking!!

“I want a hold over you and your business, both. You will remain the face of AR Group but the decisions in your Company will be mine. I want every right on your house and your assets. You might be busy anywhere in the world, but never for me. If I call you somewhere, I want you there before I lose my interest. You will never leave the country or the city without my approval. You will eat what I like, you will sleep when I allow you to sleep. You will wear clothes of my choice. You will meet people, friends or family, only after my approval. If you ever have to address the media, your replies will be crafted by me”

Arnav swallowed. He didn’t know if he was nervous or annoyed.

“In more simpler terms. I want you to be my slave willingly for the next 6 months Mr. Raizada”

The chef brought two cups of Coffee, placed it before them and left. There was a pin drop silence for few minutes. Arnav’s gaze pierced through her eyes but she didn’t care. This was expected. He wouldn’t agree to any of this for now. But technically if he wants his sister’s happiness, he will abide.

Arnav Singh Raizada rose to his feet.

“You know what?” he passed a sarcastic smirk. “You need a psychiatrist. Find one.. Get your crazy brain treated. You have lost it completely”

“Have I?” she mocked. “But so would you, in the next coming weeks when the society will notice your sister’s baby bump and question her. I thought you love your sister very much and this little demand of mine would not be a problem for you. But” she sighed. “I understand. It’s easy to slap somebody but equally tough to payback. I won’t give you any deadline to decide on this proposal. You can take as much time as you want but remember one thing. Every single day delay in your approval is going to cost your sister’s happy life ahead with Nandakishore. All the best and please GET OUT”

Arnav gritted his teeth and made his way out. Khushi picked the mug and sipped some hot coffee while watching him leave. He was going to come back.. SOON!!



When Arnav Singh Raizada returned home, Lavanya knew he had been to meet Khushi. But noticing his bad mood, she realized the meet didn’t go well. She felt bad for her brother. She was guilty. He didn’t eat dinner properly and retired to his bedroom early. The next morning, he skipped his breakfast and head to work early. She tried to ask him multiple times what conversation he had with Khushi Gupta that had pushed him to such a state but he denied revealing anything. The next two days passed the same way. ASR was behaving completely unusual and she hated to see him that way.

That night when she, Nani and Arnav were eating dinner, she decided to put a break to all this once and all.

“ASR, I don’t want this baby” tears rolled down her cheeks as she forced herself to take the decision.

Nani’s fingers shivered and she dropped the spoon in the plate.

“What? You don’t want this baby? What are you talking Lavanya?” Nani shouted.

“Nani.. I cannot see ASR and you like this. People will not just blame me but you both too and it will kill me to see your heads bowed down because of my mistake”

“And killing your baby wont make you any less guilty?” Arnav asked. He knew she didn’t want to do this.

“ASR but..”

Arnav held her hand over the table.

“Lavanya, you have already committed a mistake by crossing lines with a man who cannot take a stand for his own self. Don’t commit one more by hurting your baby. Do you think me and Nani are so cruel that to save our heads we will push you in hell?”

“No” she cried.

“Then trust us. Even if Nandakishore doesn’t marry you, we will always stand by you. You will give birth to this baby and we will raise it with pride and love”

Nani gulped her tears and smiled admiring her grandchildren. If they were together, they would fight the world.


It was late night and Arnav was about to get on the bed when Nani knocked the door and came inside.

“Chotte.. I want to talk to you”

“Sure Nani. Please come in”

Nani and Arnav sat on the couch to converse.

“Whatever you promised Lavanya today at dinner was praiseworthy. I have seen siblings fighting for property, money and rights on their parents but then when I see you both, I value your bond. I am sure nothing can harm Lavanya and her baby anymore. You will always be there as a strong support. Your parents have really raised you well”

Arnav smiled.

“Not just them, you too have equal share in making us what we are today Nani. You are our light. I don’t think I could be so strong without you”

Nani caressed his face lovingly.

“But I am worried Chotte. Ever since you returned talking to Nandakishore’s sister, you have lost your smile. I am sure she must have asked something horrible from you in return to get Lavanya married to her brother”

Arnav exhaled rubbing his face.

“She is gone insane and I am not going to give in to her silly demands” he declared.

Nani felt his pain. He was exhausted fighting for his sister’s right.

“Nani, I am capable enough to take care of both Lavanya and her baby. I don’t want to force Nandakishore to take their responsibility. I can look after them till I am alive and will secure their future even if I am dead”

“I know you will” Nani replied. “But what about the world? We live in a society where single mothers are still not looked with pride. No one sees their pain. People backtalk. They leave bad comments. I know you will handle it all. But Lavanya? Is she that strong enough? And the baby? Why should the baby suffer without his father when he/she already has one? Why should you let Nandakishore to spoil other girl’s life? It is his mistake too and he should be equally sharing it with Lavanya. Why should his sister take the pride of seeing you lose? Someone has to crush her ego, teach her that she is not always right. Every time she will watch Lavanya struggle raising the child, why should she enjoy?”

Nani’s words swelled his heart.

“What should I do then? Accept her filthy demands? She will ruin us Nani”

“She can’t” Nani answered. “No one can ruin you until you accept defeat. And you are a survivor Chotte. You have worked hard on your issues and came out victorious. You cannot be defeated. I trust you completely. If you can bring the world down for your sister then why cant you win from Khushi Gupta’s insane proposition? I have seen people like Guptas. They pretend to be perfect and in that ego they tend to commit a mistake. You have to pick that up and use it to teach that woman a lesson and in turn give justice to your sister and her baby. I am sure Nandakishore is not a bad man, he is just blinded. If Lavanya has loved him, there has to be some goodness in that boy. Now it is your responsibility to open his eyes and make him see the reality, to ensure he doesn’t remain spineless forever and take a stand henceforth for his wife and child”

Arnav exhaled. All this was too much to digest. If he agrees to Nani’s advice, there would be a whole lot of change in his life which he was not ready for. But for Lavanya, he decided to re-think.

To be Continued.



  1. Arnav has to teach Khushi a lesson for life. & as Nani said, should bring her truth infront of her brother's eyes to make him develop a spine.

  2. So Khushi didn't propose arnav to marry but asked him to be her slave .. nani suggested correctly.. hope arnav ll crush Khushi ego and please make Khushi suffer and realize her mistakes..
    Make everyone punish Khushi and she should realise her mistakes.

  3. 😡😡😡😈
    Khushi is a devil here

  4. She is totally insane...and Arnav is rethinking?God please...khushi is definitely wrong here hope she realizes it soon...

  5. Awesome Update. In each Update my anger on Khushi is increasing. Khushi is horrible and cunning so is her demands.She wants to make Arnav her slave. Enjoying someone's helplessness is giving her happiness and satisfaction. Both have fire in them. Seeing Arnav so helpless makes me sad. Khushi made Arnav so weak that he is ready to give her the ownership of Prem Nivas.I completely agree with Arnav that she needs help.Taking advantage of someone's vulnerable state is not good. On the other hand poor Lavanya is devastated and wants to abort the baby. All this happened because of the spoilt brat NK. Nani gave a sound advice to Arnav but don't want to see Arnav bending in front of Khushi ever. Hope Arnav will teach Khushi a lesson soon. Please give another Update of this story. Thanks😍

  6. Khushi's demands from Arnav for NK & Lav's marriage are absolutely preposterous... She doesn't even realise that she is trading her own brother in the process....

    Nani's advice & suggestions are wise but would be equally difficult to follow for Arnav if he adheres to Khushi's absurd conditions... He would practically be her slave in every which way for whole damn six months...

    Let's see how Arnav faces this situation...

    Thanks for the update Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  7. Though Khushi may act as a devil, she isnt one.Like us, she may have been through a horrible childhood.
    Infact time n circumstances had turned like this.
    I had loved the way she had put forward her conditions in a clear way before Arnav.
    Every coin has two sides.Like dominant men, few women are dominant too in this society.
    Agreed, for a person with an elephant ego,Khushis wish is like a dynamite.
    Unlike her spineless Brother, Arnav has a sensible n smart thinking Nani.
    I dont know Why the creators had butchered such lovely side characters in the IPKKND so mercilessly.
    Like the clever Jackal, Arnav should agree for her conditions without any agreement.
    Let NK and Lavanyas marriage.
    Here Arnav should find out that one thing which can turn her arrogance like a dirt.
    Also make her understand the pain one undergoes in helpless situation.
    There,Lavanya should encourage NK to think sensibly and be a supportive hand to his Sister.And not be her Puppet.

    1. And her 'supposed' horrible childhood gives her default right to walk over people? Why shouldn't she get treated? She clearly is insane. I dont understand this logic of defending criminals by some bad past experiences. A wrong is a wrong no matter the reason behind it. Atleast acknowledge it, if nothing else! Rapists,murderers; most of them have some disturbed past life, do you want to sympathise with them?

      There is whole lot diff. between dominance and insanity. Forcing someone for six months contract -marriage/slavery is insane not dominance. Its not some crazy bdsm shit! Even there willingness of both parties is crucial.

      This insane behavior either of bad boy or girl is bloody WRONG!
      In reality Bad boys/girls bring hell to you!

  8. Khushi is too arrogant, in her revenge she is forgetting that she will loose everything

  9. Why do I feel like khushi will fall for Arnav hard while he agrees to her demands and is around her for 6 months? Will she?

  10. I dont get why people are hating on her ? Shes the same as arnav in other stories and I dont see people hate him as much as they are hating her now only because shes a "women" 🙄 its obvious she wont stop the marriage as she loves NK too much, shes just using that as a excuse to take revenge on Arnav for the slap because she knows he will do her bidding. Before judging her so harshly and wishing she loses everything and calling her names lol, let's see what happens next ! Its obvious more light will be shed on her character and honestly, I dont want her to change at all. Yes I want her to recognise her wrongdoings but I dont want her to become weak and soft spoken like in other stories. In this one , roles are reversed and I'm loving it!

    Well done to Madhu for coming up with this idea.🙂

    1. Noone cares if she is a woman or a man..i hated arnav in he loves me not for how he behaved and also in royal fling so much..and about khushi here there's difference between being strong and being rude..

    2. Loool if you read the previous comments on previous chapters you see people being like oh why shes heartless being a woman etc etc. I'm just tryna make a point when it's male, not majority of people show reactions like they are doing now🤷‍♀️khushi is being impulsive here but so was arnav when he slapped her so obvious she gonna take revenge lol

  11. I have never been so disgusted before i think..why is arnav's sacrifice necessary..why can't he tell nk that his sister is demanding such things..n opn his eyes then n there..if nk cares about lavanya n baby he should come with a solution by himself.. shouldn't he be worried wht will be baby's n lavnya's future..n if he is not concerned he can sure go to damn hell..arnav can just send lavanya abroad whr no one cares if she is single mother or whatever..n if khushi tries to make trouble here for arnav, they should all go..why unnecessary sacrifice for such disgusting people

    1. I agree with u arnav should'nt agree for it y unneccessary sacrific and destroy ur life agree to khushi baseless and nonsence there r many ways to deal with it and he is a rich person too not a poor or middle class that he cannot do anything with the power of money he can do many things and he should tell nk abt all this what all khushi said to him .... And make nk realise his mistake 😏😏 ... Madhu i don't what this ff to turn like a tv serials were all this happens and like khushi is demanding we all cannot do anything abt it there we have to watch it no choose but here in ffs we have we can talk to the writer here and she akso hear us and also reply to us soo plezs u cann change it or make arnav to strong in this and he should backfire her plan or he should keep his demands too that she don't harm his business and his family and house and it respect .... We all r helpless in case of tv serials but we can share ous view her in ur ffs ...

  12. As expected Khushi has put condition which is very hard for Arnav to fulfill but nothing is impossible for ASR.
    Nani's advice will help him to tackle the situation.

  13. Tables going to turn when khushi fall on love with Arnav and she will have to face the evil side of Arnav

  14. Khushi is simply an arrogant bitch.

  15. I never expected her to be this harsh but truth to be told... She is not that bad.... If yes then she would have done something to separate NK and lavanya forever... Her enmity is with Arnav only... She is just using the situation to manipulate Arnav into doing it.....
    That's it....she seems to have a ugly past... When she loss she gives herself pain... Means she never got any love and no one was their to guide her and teach her Wat is right and wrong....
    Wat ever she is now is because of herself... She took care of her brother from a small age it seems.... So obvious that he is depend on her.....
    But wat ever it is she is not right... She needs to learn and I think this 6months will change her

  16. Well i like the demands of khushi..if we can accept same if arnav was in place of khushi than why not the vice versa...also, there is this whole enigma called khushi,whose ideology is still underwrapped around what she is doing...more to see of this khushi...hope there is more than what is veing said for khushi in the further chapter....

    1. I'm supporting your point women... Because all story man scale woman ... If woman done anything blame woman n her family...

  17. Khushi is mental period.I really hope Arnav doesn't give in her demands

  18. First of all, I hate NK. Lavanya should never be with such a spineless guy. If he can't stand up for lavanya and for his child, then he can go **** himself. Lavanya and her baby is better off without him anyway. And I really don't know if he can gain respect in anybody's eyes henceforth!... and Khushi is awful here and I would be really disappointed if Arnav bends to her illogical and psycho demands. But I guess thats the story plot here. So lets see how the story unfolds in future.

  19. Very interesting story. Khushi is ppsycho i think Arnav will teach her a good lesson .

  20. Khushi in ASR avtar in this FF.intersting and curious that how story proceeds.I am sure you again amaze us with twist in the story as you always does.thankyou souch Madhu for your efforts in writing daily updates for us.

  21. Arnav will treat Khushi really nicely and make her feel bad and guilty for her behaviour

  22. This khushi is disgusting. Never have I hated any Arnav or khushi so much as I have hated here. I can't see anyone loving her ever.... And Arnav and Nani are insane to think of entertaining her filthy demands. Nk needs to stand up for lavanya and if he can't, then it's better lavanya marries someone else cause he doesn't deserve to be with her and her baby....

  23. Let me ask you one thing sis. Is this khushi has some ugly past? Is that why she behave like that? She seems like a mental patient.
    When arnav was rude in a story he always had a reason behind it and at the end of the story his character was justified. Is it going to be same for khushi? If not it will be biased and unfair for khushis character.
    I can’t say anything about khushis character at the moment. I don’t know whether she is good at her heart or she is really a rude and a heartless woman. All I feel is anger when I read it. Is it too early to judge?
    Anyway I must say sis you are an amazing writer who can make us this intense feelings in the reader while reading the story. Hats off to you!!! 😍😍😍
    Thank you very much for writing these stories and let us read us for free. These stories take me away from the real world for a moment and forget me all the problems I have to deal with for a moment. Thank you!! ❤️

  24. Man has ego it is not k ..woman has it is not ...why should he crush her ego why not make her get the logic...
    If it was the other way most would be it have a problem.
    No person man or woman no matter what deserves any kind of abuse physical or mental
    Make nk convince her with some natak
    No person can be totally bad ...most people are grey

  25. Nice update .... I am not angry with khushi s behaviour...arnav exactly done this with khushi in serial....I m sure there must be some reason behind her arrogant nature.... waiting for next update

  26. Wonderful fabulous update madhu

  27. Nice update....
    Loved nani's understanding and support to arnav...

    Liking the role reversal story ( all.story its arnav which hurt khushi here its khushi)..

    Looking forward for their 6months adventure

  28. I'm in love with Khushi's character. I really adore her character in this story. In other ffs, Arnav has the same character, then no one opposed, as he is a guy. Infact, Arnav was much more cruel in some of the ffs. This is how our society thinks and works. They also want women to be soft, docile and submissive. I'm absolutely justifying Khushi all about her. Hope so she falls for Arnav in this Six months and have the tables turned around once again.
    Thank you so much for this amazing storyline that u have drafted.
    Awaiting for the next post eagerly.
    Love, Nirvi 😍🥰

  29. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I love this khushi u r my favorite evergreen writer dear 🤩😍🥰😘😘😘

  30. Firstly, I did not like Arnav slapping Khushi at all! whatever it is, he should not have done that. He has not right to do so. She is not his property. I am not supporting her but no woman should ever be assaulted like that by any man. Whatever it is he should have warned her verbally, not slap her.
    Seems Arnav doesn't even want to accept that he too committed a mistake by slapping her. He is not even ready to apologise atleast for courtesy sake. That is why Khushi has gone to extremes. A sinscere apology from his side might have made a difference. This Khushi's demands are so so so stupid. I did not like her from the beginning, but i dont loathe her as yet.

    Here Khushi is exactly the same as ASR from IPKKND. Perfect role reversal! Using sister's relationship for blackmail, using media to defame the other. ASR has done exact same things in serial too! But i dint see him getting as much hate as Khushi is getting in this ff. That was looked upon as smartness and heroism! But here Khushi is called cunning. I dont understand the bias! I dont think Khushi is that cruel, otherwise she would have never agreed for NK-Lavanya relationship in trade for anything. She is only using that situation to her advantage. She clearly knows her enemity is with Arnav and not with Lavanya!!!

    Waiting to see what happens next. Please update more regularly.

    1. It was 2012 and it is 2020 now. Society has matured up much more in past 8 years. We all know what ASR did in IPKKND is absolutely horrendous. We hate him for that. Come out of Mills & Boons world. Good people have no need to suffer at hands of bad ones. It isnt sexy anymore, not it makes man/woman sexy. It is not sign of your strength infact weakness.

      Those who considered is behaviour heroic need to get their mental checkup done and those who think its okay for Khushi to behave in similar way need it too. Why shouldnt both ASR from IPKKND and Khushi from this ff get bashed up for their wrongs?
      Past hold little significance.

      Everyone applauds a female lead when she slaps the male calling her or her family characterless why shouldnt Arnav do the same. Women cat be assaulted but men can be? Why special privilege to women?

      Did she say sorry for abusing her own brother's baby in worst manner. Did she even feel sorry? Arnav atleast acknowledged it with himself that he shouldnt have slapped her.

      Khushi here is horrible n she 'll be called so. Feminism is about equality not privilege.

    2. Well never will man or woman be equal that is reality n i don't think that anyone saying that khushi did right she did wrong but why can't they be compared because both are doing same thing as both didn't think about opposite person n just wants to satisfied their ego only . N about equality how much society can mature but there will be drawback which difficient between man n woman that's why arnav is thinking to accept khushi 's wrong condition.

  31. Khushi has gone mad. Fabulous update

  32. How I wish Khushi will go through what lavanya is going through now then she will know how it feels I believe arnav will teach her a lesson

  33. I just hate khushi soo much she is very horrible cruel and pysico i just hope arnav should not give in her demands and make lav stand for herself and make him realise his mistake and arnav should say all this too nk and and make him realise to stop being spiceless and behave responsible person if he want lav in his life and nani advice are wise but very different and compicated to imply on it for he have accept khushi demand but we don't want all of this i just want arnav to act smartly and deal with it and i have writen by comment up too plezs have a look to it
