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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 8


Chapter 8

3 Days Later
Nandakishore was not answering her phone and that really surprised Khushi. What kept him busy for a whole damn day that he didn’t even get time to call her once? But now she had left him a voice message. He would call her for sure. Khushi paced in her living room thinking the possibilities when suddenly she heard his voice.


Khushi turned behind and her jaw dropped in surprise. Nandakishore was back home.

“Missed me?” he asked striding towards her and hugged her tight. “I missed you too you know”

She pulled back and looked frantically at him.

“What are you doing here? I sent you to Malaysia for a reason Kishu… I .. I mean the work there .. Its”
“I know.. I know” he clutched her arms. “We had problems with the marketing and its sorted”

“Sort..sorted?” she reconfirmed. When did that happen? “How? I didn’t even intervene yet”

“You didn’t have to. I had someone there with equal expertise who sorted the issue like it never existed”

“Someone?” she queried.

“Yup. And there he is”

He pointed at the door where Arnav Singh Raizada was standing proudly with a winning smirk on his face.

“Shocked right?" Nandakishore asked. I was shocked too when ASR came to Malaysia last night” Nandakishore continued to explain. “We had a few drinks together and discussed about Lavanya and my further plans of marriage. He is right. I should be here with my lover and our baby. Not there in Malaysia. But how could I skip your assigned work and responsibilities to me? So I discussed the problems with him and he gave me solutions. It worked Khush.. And so.. here I am.. I came back with ASR.. Straight to you and now after a clean shower, I am going to go see Lavanya. I cannot wait to meet her”

Khushi swallowed the anger and faked a smile at her brother.

“And till you freshen up” Arnav interrupted. “I will chit chat with your sister. Then I will drive you to Shantivan. How about that?”

“Perfect idea, ASR. Got to make it fast Khush.. excuse me”

Saying that Nandakishore rushed to the stairs. Arnav took a predatory stride to reach the couch where Khushi Gupta was fuming in anger.

“Wont you ask me for Coffee today?” he queried.

Khushi fisted her fingers, her eyes darted into his. How easily he manipulated Nandakishore and got him back to India. She had no plans to get NK back until Arnav Singh Raizada bends to her demands. But this man ruined it all.

“Maria” he commanded loudly. The chef rushed to them. “Two coffees for us please and make it strong. Your Ma’am head is aching for sure”

Maria nodded and hurried back in the kitchen.

“So, what were you saying?” he circled around her, slowly, taking his own sweet time, testing her patience. “You will not let NK marry Lavanya. That your brother has nothing to do with her. He wouldn’t approve anything until you give a nod?”

Khushi clenched her jaw.

“You were wrong, Miss Khushi Gupta” he stopped behind her and whispered in her ears. “I got him back home. I made him understand what his place in Lavanya’s life is. I convinced him to marry my sister as early as possible before the world points out their mistake. And you know what the best part in all this is?”

He stood before her and met her sharp gaze.

“He agreed to all of this.. without your NOD!!”

Khushi fisted her fingers so tight that her palms bruised by her nails.

“If you think only you can manipulate things, I cant then you have not researched me well. I am in this game from long Miss Gupta. Have seen world at least a few years more than you. I know the rules of this game even before you joined it.”

Khushi pressed her lips tight to hold herself from wincing over the pain caused by her nails.

“And this time.. it is beyond a game. It’s about my sister’s future and I will turn the world upside down for giving her happiness. Doesn’t matter how many obstacles you throw at me”

Maria came out with the coffee mugs, placed it on the table and left. Arnav picked one and sipped the coffee.

“This is good” he smirked. “have it.. You badly need this”

When he offered her the mug, she pushed it hard. The coffee spilled on the floor and the mug rolled away.

“Oh Gosh” Nandakishore rushed down the stairs. “Khush... you okay?”

Khushi immediately put a weak smile on her face and turned around.

“The mug slipped from my hands” she replied. “Don’t worry, I am fine”

She hide her bruised palms behind which Nandakishore missed to notice, not Arnav. It really shocked him whenever he saw her hurting herself for her crushed ego. Doesn’t she feel her own pain? How can she be so destructive even to her own self?

“Can I go see Lavanya?” Nandakishore lovingly asked.

“Of course, Kishu” she answered. “And give my regards to her as well”

“I will. I love you Khush” he hugged her tight. Khushi stared back at Arnav whose eyes were fixed on her bruised palms which refrained from staining Nandakishore’s shirt.

“In fact” Khushi pulled away. “Why don’t you invite her here tonight? I will be glad to host a dinner for her”

“Seriously?” Nandakishore happily asked.

“Yes. I want to clear out our differences too. It’s best to bond with her now that you are planning to marry her”

Nandakishore’s joy reached the sky.

“She will be very happy to know this Khush. You are the best sister in the world. I owe you my life”

“Ahh” she snapped. “Never say that again” she scowled.

Arnav was just observing the two. He has no clue why she acted so sweet suddenly? Why was she inviting Lavanya for dinner? What was her plan? What if she hurts Lavanya, not physically but her tongue and her disgusting thoughts were enough to torture Lavanya to the core. He wouldn’t let that happen.

“Miss Gupta” he intervened. “I hope you don’t mind me and my Nani joining the dinner here with Lavanya. We can discuss the marriage plans as well”

Khushi’s brows twitched high.

“Great idea” Nandakishore replied. “Right Khushi?”

“Hmm” she murmured. “Please be our guest tonight, Mr. Raizada. I will be more than honored to look after you”

Arnav could sense the danger already.

“And its my pleasure to ensure you don’t miss that honor” he grinned. “NK, lets go”

“Yup. Bye Khush. See you at evening”

Nandakishore and Arnav Singh Raizada walked out of the Gupta Mansion and the moment they were gone, Khushi Gupta slumped on the Couch. Her bruised palms hurt, ached but she paid no heed to them. Time was short and she had to think big!!!



Nandakishore took blessings from Nani the moment he stepped in the house.

“Nani, please forgive me for this situation. I assure you I am never going to step back from my responsibilities. I love Lavanya and I will always look after her”

Nani passed a gentle smile to the lad and patted his back.

“She is upstairs. Go see her”

“Thank you Nani. You are the best” he kissed the back of her palms and ran towards Lavanya’s room. Arnav waited with Nani downstairs.

“I am so proud of you Chotte. You really made it possible. He is here and he knows his responsibilities”

“No Nani. This is just the beginning. There are going to be a lot more hurdles than this”

“What do you mean?”

“Khushi Gupta has invited us all for dinner tonight. She wanted just Lavanya but I couldn’t let her go alone. So, I ensured she allows us too on the pretext of the marriage talks”

“I see” she sighed. “You did good. We will keep progressing ahead, let her do anything she wants”


Lavanya was shocked seeing Nandakishore in her room. The moment he reached the bed where she had lied down, tears burst out her eyes.

“Hi sweetie” he kissed her forehead and took her in his embrace. “How’s my baby doing?”

She pulled away and punched his chest.

“Tell me you will never go away again”

“I promise” he cupped her cheeks. “Khush wants you all for dinner at my home. Marriage talks baby”

“What?” Lavanya was surprised. “She agreed?”

“She cannot deny my choices. She loves me too much Lavanya and she knows I love you.”


“Sshh” he interjected. “Don’t talk about anyone else. We are going to be parents dammit and I don’t even know what that means”

Lavanya smiled.

“Neither do I” she pouted. “But we will figure it out”

“We will” he added and hugged her back.


The Raizadas reached on time at the Gupta Mansion and as soon as they got down the car, Nandakishore was out to receive them. He took Nani’s blessings, hugged ASR and kissed Lavanya’s cheeks before taking them all in. Nani was impressed by his gestures but she knew it were all vain if this boy couldn’t stand up for his rights.

“Khush…. The Raizadas have come” Nandakishore voiced out and Khushi came out from the drawing room where she was busy so far on an official call. She wore a black gown with long slits on either sides, showing off few inches of her milky legs. Not being charmed by her was tough for any man, including the great Arnav Singh Raizada. But being charmed by her beauty was one thing and bearing her hazardous tantrums was another.

“Pleasure meeting your family” Khushi passed a faint smirk at Nani. “How is your health Lavanya?”

Lavanya was over surprised by her concern.

“I am good. Thank you”

“Please come” she welcomed the family who took their seats on the couch.

“What happened to your palms?” Nani asked seeing the bandages tied around her palms.

Khushi’s eyes automatically fixed on Arnav Singh Raizada who already had his gaze on her. It was her little secret, hurting her own self for losing and now unwillingly Arnav Singh Raizada was part of this secret too. He had caught her bruised wrists some days ago and today morning he witnessed her hurting her palms.

“Khush was in the kitchen and she tried to pick a hot vessel. It bruised her palms” Nandakishore replied.

What a lie! Arnav sighed in disappointment. Did it mean, NK was unaware of her self hurt policy? Is that the story she made to him? And he believed?

“You should be careful bitiya” Nani replied.

Bitiya? Khushi flinched. No one had ever called her out with so much affection.

“You can call me Khushi, Devyaniji” she replied.

Nani smiled.

“And you can call me Nani like the rest of them”

Khushi couldn’t find suitable reply to that.

“Nani is too good, Khush” NK added. “Wish we had such affectionate grandparents alive”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“Anyways” Nani continued. “Now since we are here to talk about the marriage, it is better we don’t delay this”

Khushi’s lips pressed into a thin line. She was losing the control over things too quickly, wasn’t she? Marriage of her Kishu and Lavanya was on the cards and she was yet to bend the mountain called Arnav Singh Raizada at her feet.

“I am the eldest in this family. Arnav and Lavanya’s parents died few years ago. So, I am the only one who can initiate these talks. What about your parents? Are they aware of all this?” Nani asked.

The moment Khushi was reminded about them, her toes curled, the expressions on her face changed. It was like she recalled all the bad times she had to face in her childhood. Arnav was sharp enough to notice all of that on her face. But before he could interrupt her, NK did.

“Nani, our parents are separated” he replied. “I mean… they aren’t divorced but they have different lives now. And … we won’t be including them in this conversation”

“Oh” Nani gulped. “But.. wont they even attend your marriage?”

“No” Khushi snapped. Her temper was rising. “They have nothing to do with us”

Nani was clueless and she was about to dig further but Arnav held her arm gesturing her to end this topic then and there. Khushi noticed his gestures and was glad at least he showed that much of decency not to intrude further in their past lives.

“Fine” Nani muttered.

“Dinner?” Nandakishore asked. “Lets eat first. What do you think?”

“Sure” Arnav nodded and got up with his Nani. Khushi was the last one to get up and follow the group at the table. Arnav slowed down his pace to walk with her and the moment they walked side by side, he asked.

“Tum theek ho?” (you alright?)

Khushi was stunned at his unnecessary mercy. She pasted a confident smirk on her face again and looked at him.

“Until you give me the next 6 months of your life, how can I be okay Mr. Raizada?” she replied.

Arnav frowned.

“In your dreams Miss Gupta”

“I am known to turn my dreams into reality, Mr. Raizada”

His brows rose. She was being unrealistic.

“Bringing back Kishu from Malaysia, you have deepened my desire to see you lose hard. I think I am going to revise that deal now” she declared.

The two of them were not even aware they had stopped midway and having this conversation, privately while the other three had already seated at the table and waiting for them.

“Revise the deal?” he asked trying to understand what she implied.

“Yes” she came ahead and stood just a feet away from his sparkling face. “Not 6 months, I want you for this lifetime now” she added. “At my mercy… dancing on my fingertips.”

Damn!! She was so heartless. Arnav let out an exhale and smiled.

“You know what Miss. Gupta. I was wrong. You don’t need a psychiatrist. You need a Husband.. Zoru ka Ghulam type (Wife’s Slave type). The one who will stand if you command, sit on your command and dance on your commands too. And though I am looking for prospective brides for myself, you are not even close to it. I suggest, instead of wasting my time and yours, why don’t you put an article in the newspapers with your requirements. Who knows? You might find your Mr. Right?”

His suggestion fumed her more but soon a grin replaced it. Arnav hadnt expected her to take it for fun. So, what made her smile?

“I just realized something” she said reading his unspoken query. “When you agree the deal between us, I will have the sole rights to choose your bride too”

Arnav gritted his teeth.

“And guess what?” she became serious again. “I will make sure you hate her and are yet forced to marry her. It will be such a funny life ahead. Mr. Raizada and Mrs. Raizada’s hateful marriage written and crafted by Miss Khushi Gupta”

“Khush.. ASR” NK called them out. “The Food is getting cold. Come on here”

Khushi was about to walk away when the slit of her gown stuck in her heal and she stumbled. Arnav easily supported her from falling down. His arm slid around her waist and drew her closer. Their breaths collided, eyes darted on the other’s face. Khushi had never faced this situation before. She was always in control but right now at the mercy of Arnav Singh Raizada’s strong arms. She tried to shrug off from his hold, but it only tightened around her waist.

“Let me go” she scowled.

“First learn to balance yourself Miss. Gupta and then decide to craft other’s hate marriages”

Before she could retort, he unwound his arm from her waist and strode to the table.

To be Continued.


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Kajal never imagined in her dreams that her cousin’s fiancee, the shrewd Arjun Raheja would marry her on a gunpoint and her life would take a 360-degree turn. Will she ever find the reasons behind it? His known motive turns out to be the most bitter event of her life. And only when she decides to part ways from their already broken ties, the heartbreaking truth of his unconditional love for a 5-year old baby surfaces. Who is this baby? What connection does she have with Arjun? Will Kajal ever find out the other side of the man she hates? Where will this Imposed Knot lead them to?

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  1. Oh. Everytime u update this story I feel like to read it more.. keep updating Madhu .. now since badatmeez is going to end can u give back to back update of badatmeez ?
    In this story will Khushi propose arnav to marry her as now she want him permanently. As the title itself is lawful sins . Also Khushi had some bad past what about her parents where they are . What happened with arnav in the past ? Is Khushi and arnav are connected for other than prem nivas ?

  2. Awesome Update. I believe only love can change Khushi. Khushi just knows how to control things. Khushi is a lonely soul who has been burdened with responsibility from a young age but she is on a revenge spree. Some bad memories are attached to her childhood and her parents separation affected her deeply. Khushi seems to be very angry on her parents . Until and unless her past is clear it's not possible to understand Khushi. Such things create a negative impact on child. Liked Arnav's concern for Khushi. Arnav genuinely cares for Khushi but she took it in a different way. Khushi again proposed Arnav to be her slave but Arnav gave a fitting reply. Maybe this marriage and Arnav's family will change Khushi's life. When Nani affectionately addressed her Khushi liked it. Hope Arnav understand her and give her all the love she deserves. Thanks for the Update.😍

  3. Can you please update the next part tomorrow Madhu.Feel like reading more and more of this fiction.

  4. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  5. Why NK remembered his responsibilities after Arnav reminded him. Khushi is too much self destructive. Arnav is very sharp he accurately took the right decision. NK is too much dependent on his sister . Will he ever be free from her . Arnav is somehow charmed by Khushi.The little moment of Arshi's closeness already affected Khushi. Arshi's Idea of choosing bride and groom is unique. Hope this six months deal really turn into lifetime.

  6. Madhu can we expect you to give precap of badatmeez today ? Please Madhu want to read who will save Dhruv and Trisha ..

  7. Khushi's behavior can't be changed by breaking her ego.... She gives herself pain and do something big... Something is too wrong with her past.... Only through love she can be changed

  8. Okay now I'm sure the deal will be about them getting married. The way Arnav turned the tables is great.. Seeing Arnav so vulnerable before was not what we're used to.. The ASR is back and bow we're talking Madhu ;)

  9. Awesome update. Loved the way Arnav solved this issue. Hope he will do that in every step of their life. Arnav is right... She needs a husband, not to dance on her tunes... But to teach her how to love. And I'm sure only ASR is the right candidate for her. Eagerly waiting to know how Arnav is going to tackle all the hurdles thrown by Khushi.....

  10. At least khushi is having a bad past and it’s still going on. Arnav is going to heal her in the future. Whenever arnav is rude in a story and he wants something he always get it. But when it comes to khushi she seems to lose. I don’t like this khushi much since she is not playing fair and square but if she did one day hope she would win. I’m not so interested in nk and lav since they are too cheesy. Love smart arnav though! Nice update!!

  11. Excellent madhu u r great and love u 😍😘❤ u listens us and Arnav soo smartly played his role in getting nk from malasiya u r clever asr and madhu u too😍👌👌 and khushi has hurt herself and arnav saw this 😰 ... Saw khushi has a bad past of her parents there r alive and still there don't stay with both them and r seperated too but not divorced what does it meant ?? I hope arnav can heal khushi with his love plezs post it soon

  12. Wow what an update Madhu..

    So Arnav is giving word to word & standing head to head against Khushi... That's The ASR we love to read... But this Khushi manages to stun me more & more with every new update by her actions, reactions & her manipulations..

    Khushi is definitely an enigma which Arnav has started to understand & decode a bit... Her tormented past which involves her parents somehow is the reason behind Khushi's arrogant, egoistic & heartless yet self hurting attitude I guess..

    Let's see how Arnav manages to unravel each layer she has created around her..

    Thanks for the awesome & a longer update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  13. Man! Now that's how he bounded for life time!

  14. Khushi will choose herself as the bride of Arnav nd then their hate marriage will happen.

    Love the way how story is progressing.

  15. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  16. Arnav is still being so polite with Khushi but she keeps on rising the stakes.. now she wants Arnav for life time instead of 6 months.. lets see who is the said bride for Arnav.. loved the updates.. Thanks Madhu for updates.. Take care and stay safe..

  17. Wonderful excellent superb .......really amazing

  18. Thanks for the update. Loved it.

    I read your story soul laced from kindle. You've done a great job madhu.

  19. Oh Khushi's parents are alive but they live separately, interesting. ASR is so cool I am really in love with him. He is not giving into Khushis stupidity

  20. Yes Khushi definitely needs a husband but not a joru ka gulam type...but like Arnav who will tame her and bring the real khushi out which I love to read about...

  21. Great going!
    Gosh I am just loving this version of Khushi.
    Atleast she is portraying her true yourself before Arnav.
    So sad that her parents have neglected their own children.
    She must have been through a tough childhood.No one to share her inner turmoil and emotional ups n downs.
    I couldnt even imagine the way she is hurting herself n spoiling her life.

    Yup.Arnav is a tough contender to Khushi.
    Be it professionally or tactful plannings
    I am just loving the way he notices the good n bad things in her

    Finally the spineless NK has gained some sense and willing to go ahead in life with Lavanya.
    Let his roller coaster ride stabilises soon.


    Lets see How the race continues without losing ones self respect.
    Khushi wants Arnav to dance on her tunes.
    Thats her wish.To some extent she is taking advantage of his brothers helplessness.
    Its wise that Arnav accepts her condition so that he can safeguard the unborn child.
    Then he should play his share of game with her.

  22. Madhu! How is the Covid situation in and around your area?.
    Sort of controlled?

  23. Thank God, this khushi was bearable ,didn't boil my blood .
    Arnav was amazing as usual .he is my favourite 😊

  24. Simply superb..
    Loved the way arnav as of now turn the table and saved La..
    Wow arnav noticed khushi's hurted hand ..
    Nk is so fool really

    Loved nani n her support for arnav..

    Its khushi past who made her like this

    Looking forward

  25. See needs help! She destroys herself and people around her too! I hope she recovers soon!


  26. Fabulous update. Khushi is testing arnav limit.something has happened in past that is why khushi is rude. Hope arnav solve the problem.

  27. Wonderful update
    Loved the way Arnav handle the situation
    And I think Khushi is like this because of her past and parants
    And she need someone who can change her with love
    Let's see how she is going toake Arnav band before her deal now
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  28. Please please don't prolong it so much make it a fast track story.

    Otherwise I am afraid that I might fall out of it because Khushi is going hard at it and she is even thinking about getting Arnav married that is damn shxt.

  29. Hope you are fine. Waiting for an Update.😇

  30. Awesome written concept amazing story... can u make season two for these FF plz thank you

  31. Arnav and Khushi are actually perfect for each other here....her character can only go well Arnav Singh Raizada....what an irony!

  32. I like arshi ffs where characters grow as they learn.. I read too many stories where Khushi is shown as Mary Sue and Arnav is made the bali ka bakra.. bad past cannot make up for the wrong doings of present, either be it for the hero or the heroine, gender is not the issue here.. your parents living separately and you facing parental issues in past WILL NOT give you the right to abuse your brother's own child.. someone wrote they hope Arnav gives Khushi the love she deserves in this ff.. I just hope she grovels enough with all the people she did wrong with, before that whatever deserving love part starts.. please Madhu, don't take this ff to a direction where all wrongs that Khushi did in the beginning whether they are small or big, are all forgiven and forgotten, just because she has a bad past.. love is deserving only when you realise and repent enough.. she MUST repent..

  33. Hi madhu I buyed e-book of your IK, SD , CB. Thease books are oesis at this boring lock down period .
