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The Royal Fling - Part 38


Chapter 38
Arnav’s decision on letting Khushi continue her modelling Profession didn’t go well with Shyam and Daadi. But when Arnav was so strongly supportive for his wife’s choices, none of the two could argue further. When the dinner was done, everyone had left the table except Arnav and Khushi. The food was indeed very yummy. Khushi had done eating a while ago but her gaze was fixed on Arnav Singh Raizada who savored the food like he had never eaten such tasty delicacies before.

“I didn’t know Models can cook so well” he teased. “You are a Model… a fine actor.. a good cook.. damn!!” he laughed. “What other qualities are you hiding Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada?”

“Stop calling me that” she snapped.

“You mean I should stop calling you a Model?”

“Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada… Stop calling me that”
Arnav frowned.

“But that’s what you are Khushi..” he muttered. “You may be a Model.. actor… cook.. but most importantly you are my legally wedded wife. The whole world knows that”

“I am not going to be here for long. The world might not know this but you know it very well”

“And I am not letting you go anywhere. The whole world knows that and so do you” he argued.

Arnav wiped his lips and was about to get up and leave but Khushi held his arm over the table. She had seated opposite to him.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked.

Arnav shrugged.

“What am I doing?” he asked.

“This.. being a dutiful husband, balancing my career and my role in this family. All this wont work Arnav. I am not going to change mind about my future. Payal is back and she is safe in this family. I have no other reasons to stick to this marriage because I never planned to over commit in this relationship. This was purely for my selfish reasons and yours too. You found your brother.. I got my sister. That’s it. It is over. Why cant you get that in your head?”

Arnav removed his arm from her hold.

“You should concentrate on your shoots Khushi. Leave the rest of the things here for me. I will handle them. When do you want to leave for Mumbai? My plane will drop you and get you back when your shoots are over”

Khushi clenched her jaw. He wasn’t prepared to break their ties.

“I am not interested in coming back. How many times should I tell you that?”

“Infinite” he shot back. “But even then, I wouldn’t accept it. I am not breaking this marriage Khushi Singh Raizada. Doesn’t matter how far you go, I am going to get you back”

He pushed the chair to get up and left the room. Khushi leaned back on the chair, helpless. How was she going to convince this man?


Arnav hadnt even composed from the argument with his wife over their marriage, that Daadi called him to talk privately in her room. He knew she was still upset with his decision on letting Khushi work.

“What has happened to you Arnav? I have never seen you flouting the royal culture. A Royal’s wife is supposed to look after the family. Even then I am letting Khushi work because she wants to. But modelling? Never. If she wishes to keep herself occupied, offer her to assist you and Akash in the family business”

Arnav rubbed his temple briskly.

“Daadi, I have made up my mind already. Khushi is going to continue modelling until she wants”

“I see” Daadi muttered. “She has totally brainwashed you”

“Rather she has opened my eyes” he argued. “Made me see what I was ignoring from past so many years”

Arnav clutched Daadi’s forearms.

“Traditions… were made to bind people together… by heart and soul. But the ones we have been following so far under the Royal tag has made our loved ones go against us. First Aman… then Akash… And now Khushi. We got Akash back… We lost Aman forever but I won’t let Khushi go away” he admitted. “I am doing this to make our marriage work… to keep her happy and contended. That’s the first vow of every marriage, isn’t it?”

His explanation amused Daadi.

“You are doing so much for her and what is she doing? Making you sleep on the Couch?”

Arnav exhaled. He really hadnt done that on purpose. He was deeply thinking about how to woe his wife back and didn’t realize when he dozed off on the couch last night.

“Don’t give me any excuses now” Daadi added. “I don’t understand what is wrong with my grandsons. Each one of them is in control of their wives and they are forgetting the values of this family.”

Daadi walked out whereas Arnav sighed in disappointment. He was sandwiched between his wife and Daadi and even then, he believed to make things work. How?


Few Hours Later
Suhani entered Shantivan early to meet Payal and also assist them with the preparations if any. She was about to take the stairs to reach the first floor when Arnav Singh Raizada stopped her.

“Suhani wait”

She halted, little confused what he wanted to talk. Arnav passed her a box.

“Give this to Khushi. Don’t tell her its me who bought her this” Arnav informed.

“What… what is this?”

“Bomb” Angad came from behind.

Suhani frowned at her husband.

“It’s a Saree” Arnav replied. “I want Khushi to wear this Saree tonight”

Suhani smiled.

“Fair enough. But why don’t you give her yourself. I don’t think she will mind”

Arnav rolled his eyes. Wish it was that easy.

“Just do as told Suhani. Make her wear this Saree for tonight’s party” he coaxed.

“Okay. I will try” she smiled at the two men and rushed upstairs.

Khushi’s eyes sparkled seeing the designer Red saree which Suhani bought for her.

“This is beautiful”

“I know..” Suhani admired the product.

“But I cannot take this. It looks expensive”

“This belongs to you” Suhani exclaimed hiding the other half of the truth.

“But why?”

“What do you mean why? You have done so much for me. Please wear this tonight in the party” she pouted.

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“I wouldn’t turn down your request. It’s that beautiful. Let me dress up”

As Khushi started dressing, Suhani took a sigh of relief and messaged her husband to inform Arnav Singh Raizada that Khushi was wearing his gifted Saree tonight.


The party begun. Arnav Singh Raizada stood at the center of the Hall to address the guests. The Guptas were standing at the front with Subhadra Raizada.

“Ladies and gentleman, thank you all for being a part of our happiness tonight. Ever since the invitations were sent out, there were a lot of gossips about whats the special event? Most of you speculated that my wife is expecting a baby. That’s the coolest gossip I have heard so far but let me make it clear that’s not true”

Khushi looked down and for some unknown reason her cheeks turned red. Did that really happen? Did people think she was pregnant? Was her tummy blown? Nope!! She was perfectly in shape. But she decided to start working out in gym from the next day and keep herself fit. She was a model after all and she had to maintain her body.

“We have hosted this party for my brother Akash who has returned back in the family and that too not alone. He has got married 2 years ago to no one else but my wife Khushi’s, elder sister, Payal Gupta.”

As soon as he said this, the spotlight flashed on Akash and Payal who made their way from the stairs to the Center where Arnav was announcing. Everyone cheered for the couple. Khushi clapped seeing her sister getting her place in the family.

“And there is one more good news” Arnav added. “Akash and Payal are soon going to be blessed with a child”

The crowd cheered even more loudly and started congratulating the couple. It was the best moment for Khushi. Since the time she had known Payal was married to Arnav’s brother, she had wanted to see her settle down in the Royal family and earn her rightful place here. Today, it happened and the way Arnav Singh Raizada and his Daadi planned to let the world know, was commendable.

Arnav popped the Champagne bottle with Shyam and the brothers made Akash drink it first. The music was turned on and everyone gathered on the stage to dance. Daadi led the Guptas away to introduce them to the rest of their relatives. Anjali was desperately waiting for someone and when she saw her coming, her joy was uncontainable.

“Anjum” she rushed to her cousin and gave her a tight hug.

“Anjali.. I missed you so much. You look lovely” Anjum replied pulling away.

“So are you my pretty sister. Red makes you look hot”

Anjum sighed in disappointment.

“Wish your brother-in-law thought the same. Where is he?” Anjum scanned the people around to find Arnav Singh Raizada. She saw him talking to some people and her eyes sparkled.

“he looks so hot in that black suit!! I would have been his wife if that Khushi Gupta hadnt come in between us” she stated.

Anjali sighed.

“Stop running after him. He is married now”

“Where is she? That Khushi?”

Anjali pointed towards the other corner where Khushi and Suhani were talking.

“She is so skinny. What did Arnav see in her?”

“Stop it Anjum. Lets find you a suitable partner to dance”

“Nope” Anjum argued. “I will select my partner myself”

She walked towards Arnav who was still busy chatting with other people.

“Hi Arnav” Suhani touched his shoulder to make him turn around.

“Anjum” he murmured giving a quick glance at his wife who was staring at the two. Probably Suhani had told her who Anjum was and it had really brought Khushi’s attention only on them.

“Met Akash and his wife?” he asked.

“Who is here to meet them? I am here for you” she shied.

Arnav smirked. Anjum had always been very vocal about her interest in him. It was he who avoided her.

“Dance?” she pleaded.

“Not yet” he sipped his drink. “Why don’t you have a drink and please don’t forget to taste the starters. Your sister Anjali has organized them specially”

He led her to the table and forced her a glass of Wine. Anjum flashed a cheesy smile back.

“I am really upset ASR that you rejected me and got married to that Governor’s daughter. Look what she has done to you… I heard she is not ready to quit her career. I would have given my life to you”

Arnav rolled his eyes.

“You met her?” he diverted that subject again.

“I don’t want to”

“You should” Arnav dragged Anjum to Khushi who immediately shifted her gaze elsewhere.

“Khushi…” Arnav called out. “She is Anjum, Anjali’s cousin and Anjum.. this is my wife Khushi Singh Raizada”

Khushi passed a boiling glance to her husband before fixing her eyes on Anjum.


“Hey.. I hope you don’t mind if I ask your husband to dance with me?”

“Of course, not” Khushi smiled.

Anjum was elated.

“ASR.. Now you cannot ignore. You have her permission too”

Arnav fought the urge to scold his wife for being so reckless in agreeing for this.

“Suhani… why don’t you take Anjum to Akash and Payal. Get them introduced until I talk to my wife in private?”

Suhani understood his problem. He was clearly avoiding Anjum and since Khushi didn’t help him do so, he wanted to speak to Khushi alone.

“But I don’t want to meet them …” Anjum protested. “I mean… not now.. later”

“Later they will get busy” Suhani replied dragging the fancy woman away.

Arnav flattened his palm over her back and pulled her closer. Khushi placed her palms between their bodies to avoid contact.

“She loves you” Khushi admitted.

“I don’t..” he replied hoarsely.

“You should not waste time on a woman like me when you have another choice.”

“Correction” he interrupted. “I am spending time with my wife… not wasting. And I am hardcore committed to her.. just her”

Khushi felt her body stiffened. Every time he reminded her how much this marriage meant to him, she felt selfish.

“I can’t handle this” she murmured struggling to free herself from his hold. “Let me go”

“That’s an avoidance, not a solution to our problems” he gripped her tight.

“You are hurting me” she warned.

“And you are breaking me” he argued but his hold on her loosened. He would never hurt her. Never!!

Khushi exhaled stepping back.

“You don’t take me as your husband, fine. But you have no rights to push me to another woman. I am not looking for your backup”

His voice was anything but soft. It was like a red warning which he wanted her to take seriously.

To be Continued.





Read as Ebook PDF

Two Cappuccino - Khushi waits at a Cafe to meet the man her parents referred from a matrimonial site. Arnav introduces himself as the same candidate. Conversation begins, sparks fly over two cups of Cappuccino. 

Bride Lost & Found - Niyati elopes from her marriage, only to be found again. When you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Will this knot ruin her life or is it beginning of something sparkling?

Soul Laced - We realize the value of a person only after we have lost them. Can you change your mindset about a relationship after touching the footsteps of death? What are the chances to fall in love with someone in afterlife? Alisha thinks she fell in love with someone in her after life. Is that true? Who is that mystery man?


  1. Brilliant!! Can't get enough of this ff, i wish u would update this ff everyday, its that good.

  2. Will jealousy works here???? Arnav is like one woman man though Khushi is pushing him to other woman... Stubborn woman... Atleast give a chance to him...

  3. Arnav is right... If Khushi doesn't want to stay as his wife then its her choice but she has no rights to push him towards some other desperate woman who is interested in him but he isn't at all...

    Hope Khushi takes his warning seriously & doesn't make any foolish plan with Anjum to unite her with Arnav & get herself free of him & their marriage... That might not end well for her only...

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  5. Want to know what happen to Aman .. what her girlfriend do now... Dadi's caretaker.

  6. Loved this update, thanks Madhu

  7. There is so much in this story..all the characters are way too exciting than your previous work...this is my favorite ongoing story.

  8. Superb update...
    Loved the way arnav is vocal about what he wants and the way he try to make dadi understand too good..

    Anjum so irritating...
    Khushi is strong arnav will have hard time to make her understand

  9. Why is Khushi so stubborn? I agree Arnav was rude , but he has changed a lot

  10. This story is shaping up brilliantly..keep it up madhu☺️

  11. Awesome Update. Now that Arnav clearly admitted his feelings for Khushi she must give this marriage a chance. So much stubbornness is not good Khushi must understand. Arnav now appreciate Khushi and accept her as his wife that he doesn't care for traditions also. Anjum is clearly insecure and I feel her interest in Arnav will make Khushi realise her hidden feelings for Arnav. Love Anjali's support. Marriage is a sacred relation hope Khushi understand that and don't make any foolish attempt of uniting Arnav and Annum.

  12. Fabulous awesome update dear

  13. Khushi is doing foolishness....i hope she doesn't regret it later

  14. Khushi is being stupid. Looks like only jealousy will work here maybe. Hope she doesn't hurt Arnav more.

  15. Perfect update lovely and loved the conversation

  16. Lovely! Glad green monster didn't turn up! I thought Khushi might be jealous! But, I guess there's time for it now!

    Nice. Cheers

  17. Now khushi annoys me. I mean it’s okay if she wants to separate but she is pushing arnav away in a disgusting way. That doesn’t suit for a woman like her. She is not selfish but she needs to realize the importance of the marriage before getting in to it. Since the title is called as royal fling they can’t have a serious relationship right? I’m sure anjum is going to be a pain in the future. Nice update!!

  18. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  19. Superb. But poor Arnav. Why Khushi is this much stubbor??? Arnav has to take Suhani's help to see his wife in his choose dress. And now she's trying to pair him up with other women.... Why can't she give him a chance. Waiting for the moment when Khushi will realise his feelings and value in her life....

  20. Superb update. Khushi stop being too stubborn on your decision. Give a chance to Arnav.

  21. 👌loved this Arnav so much .I'm hating khushi,
    Hope Arnav teaches khushi a good lesson of love .

  22. Glad to see a different version of Arnav

  23. Why khushi is acting like idiot? Can't she understand after soo much happened then also she is stuck with one thing only. Awesome update

  24. Khushi is being very salfish here
    But soon she will realise that she will not get a man like Arnav
    She will miss him when she will go away
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  25. Agree with Arnav why Khushi is doing so pushing another woman towards him even after knowing she is in love with him and he is avoiding her.. I don't get Khushi's problem here.. What she wants from her life and is it so easy to break a marriage by just walking away from it.. isn't she being like her father here whom she hates a lot but she is behaving like him only.. surprising.. loved the update.. Thanks Madhu

  26. Why can't arnav show his love openly instead of telling marraige and Mrs stuff ? I felt arnav need to show his love more openly to win khushi love and trust again . Khushi is very strong in her decision . Love this determined khushi who is more strong .
