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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 37


Chapter 37

Gupta House 

Garima cried seeing Payal back. Khushi had informed her on call about Payal’s return and also explained her the reasons why she had to elope with Akash. Garima was shocked and highly disappointed that her daughter could commit such a mistake. But the moment Khushi and Payal came home to meet her, Garima’s anger subsided. She hugged Payal and cried her heart out.

“Maa I am sorry” Payal sobbed.

“Why Payal? Why didn’t you tell me anything?”

Shashi Gupta who was now informed about this drama came out. Khushi became alert. She had no clue how her father would react. Will he be happy that his elder daughter was also married to one of the Royal or will he continue to blame her?

“Waah” he clapped. “I cannot believe you even got the guts to come here and meet us”
Payal stood frightened.

“And Garima what happened to you? You are rejoicing for her return? Did you forgot how much trouble she put upon us by eloping?”

Garima looked down nervously.

“We looked for you for a week Payal” he continued. “Your mother didn’t sleep for nights. And I had almost considered you dead. I still do”

“Dad” Khushi interrupted.

“Don’t you come between us” Shashi shouted.

Khushi stopped moving to her sister but she didn’t zip her mouth.

“This is not Payal’s fault entirely. We all are equally responsible” Khushi exclaimed.

“What nonsense are you talking? She fell in love with someone, got pregnant before marriage and then fled. How are we responsible for any of it?” he asked.

“We are. We all are. Look at us, Dad. Look at Mom. Your raised voice is enough to drain her courage. Even if she wishes to support us, she cannot because she fears you so much. And don’t even ask about me and Payal. Since our childhood, have you ever took us in your embrace and tried to understand our problems? Did you ever check upon us if we are fine or not? Why would you? You didn’t want us. You wanted a son”

“Don’t try to divert the main subject Khushi” Shashi replied.

“I am not diverting anything. I am just explaining you why Payal didn’t confide in anyone of us. She couldn’t tell Mom about it because Mom is afraid of you. She didn’t tell me because I was busy in my own modelling dreams. And talking to you was always out of question”

Shashi frowned.

“Now she is back. She realizes her mistake. I think we all should put the past behind and forgive her”

“Khushi is right” Subhadra Raizada stepped in the house with Akash Singh Raizada.

Both Payal and Khushi were surprised to see them here. When they left for Gupta House, Akash was not at home and Daadi was busy planning the upcoming party to welcome Akash-Payal’s return.

“Subhadraji, it is very easy for you to say this. But they are my daughters. I have to face the world.. give them answers” Shashi argued.

“Don’t worry about that. Your daughters are married to my grandsons. That is enough to shut people’s mouth. And you should be grateful to have them back safe and sound”

“Uncle” Akash came forward. “Please forgive us. We have learnt a lesson already for being so negligent”

Shashi exhaled.

“Fine. If you all think we should put the past behind us, then who I am to argue?”

“Great” Subhadra instantly muttered. “So, let me invite you both to the party tomorrow. And Garima, we also have to discuss about Payal’s baby shower. We Royals are going to celebrate this in a grand way”

“Of course,” Garima answered. “I will be there whenever you need me”

Khushi was glad that the conversation didn’t stretch. Her father’s anger cooled down and Payal was forgiven. Now she had to assist in tomorrow’s preps for the party. She couldn’t wait for people to know that Payal was part of the Royal family.


Khushi woke up early the next morning and found the other side of bed vacant. Didn’t Arnav return in their room last night? Before she could react to that, the door knocked. She wore her slippers and hurried to the door. It could be him.

“Good morning” Anjali greeted.

“Morn… ninggg” Khushi looked behind Anjali to see if Arnav was seen anywhere.

“Whom are you searching for? I am here”

“I know. What happened?”

“I just wanted to let you know that today’s Party theme is red for the Royal ladies. I have informed Payal the same. Thought you should know too before you decide to wear anything else”

Khushi had no interest in the theme but since she was still a part of this family she agreed to it.

“And. One more thing..” Anjali pressed Khushi’s arm. “Arnav is in the drawing room. He slept on the couch last night”

Khushi’s heart pounded. Anjali noticing their distance was not good.

“Did you both fought?” she asked.


“Okay, sorry. You don’t have to tell me. I just asked because I am confused with your On and Off chemistry. At times you guys look inseparable and the rest of the times you behave like strangers”

“Thanks for mentioning where Arnav is” Khushi interrupted. “Now If you don’t mind, I have to shower”

“Why not!! Don’t forget the theme!!”

The moment she was gone, Khushi locked the door and headed for shower. God knows who else had seen Arnav sleeping in the drawing room last night.


When she came out showered, Arnav was already in the room, trying to change the bandage of his injured arm. It was obvious he wasn’t able to do it by himself. He needed assistance. But why couldn’t he wait for the Doctor to arrive? She tightened the knot of her satin robe and rushed to him.

“Let me do it” she sat on the bed, pushing the first aid box away.

Arnav didn’t resist when she took the charge. His eyes automatically shifted on her face. He studied her for few seconds until she talked.

“Anjali saw you sleeping in the drawing room last night”

Arnav didn’t care to reply.

“Akash.. Shyam.. Payal.. Daadi… or the servants. God knows who else saw you there.”

Arnav still remained quiet.

“If not for them.. at least you could have shown some mercy to your injuries. How could you sleep on the couch with your injured arm?” she snapped and this time her tone was completely pissed. 

When he still didn’t answer, her nose flared.
“Say something. I am talking to you”

Instead of earning a reply, she found his thumb touching her neck and rubbing gently the drops of water sliding down her neck from her wet hair. Goosebumps rose on her skin as she kept her eyes glued to his. She could practically read his agony in those eyes.


Payal’s voice at the door broke their trance. Arnav snatched the ends of the bandage from her fingers and knotted it on his arm. Before Khushi could react at his ignorance, he got down the bed and opened the door for Payal.

“Uh.. Khushi?” Payal asked.

“She is in there” he replied and walked out.

“Khushi.. I hope not to have disturbed you both”

Khushi wiped the water from her neck and faked a smile at her sister.

“Today is my first Rasoi in this house” Payal exclaimed. “I wanted to know each one’s likes here so that I can cook accordingly”

“Cook?” Khushi snapped. “You are definitely not in a condition to cook Payal. You need rest and..”

“No Khushi. You don’t understand. I had enough rest and this is now my Sasural. I have to fulfil some responsibilities here”


“Yes. Haven’t you done all those?”

Khushi was blank. What would she reply now? That since her marriage was not as per her will, she hardly cared to know what each one of this family likes, forget cooking for them? Seeing her blank, Payal dragged her feet towards her.

“Khushi. I wanted to ask you this since we met again, but never got a chance. Why did you marry Arnav?”

Khushi was still speechless.

“I know you. He is not your type. You love freedom and he likes to bind people. How did you even accept this proposal? Did he … force you to marry him? Was this because of me and Akash?”

The horror in Payal’s eyes even imagining that she could be the reason why Khushi married Arnav was palpable. Khushi clutched her sister’s forearms and pressed them gently.

“You are simply stressing”

“I am your sister, Khushi. I need to know you are happy or not in this marriage”

“Do I look unhappy?” she smiled. “I am absolutely enjoying this phase of my life”

“Really? Then why was Arnav in the drawing room last night and not with you?”

Khushi swallowed. Damn!! Looked like the whole family knew it.

“Don’t give me fake excuses now. I saw him and so did Akash. We were shocked”

Khushi exhaled. She wanted to tell her sister that this marriage was just a step to find her whereabouts and though its completely legal and real, she had no plans to extend it. But she worried how her sister will react.

“Let me help you cook today” Khushi diverted the topic.

“Khushi, I need answers”

“And you will get them but not at this moment. Look at me. I still haven’t wiped my hair”

Payal sighed in disappointment.

“Okay, but don’t think I will not bug you again. I will do that until you tell me the truth”

Khushi smiled nodding in agreement. She was glad to get some time to think what story to frame.


Daadi was impressed seeing Payal and Khushi cooking for the family. As the lunch was served, she was the first one to taste all the dishes and her heart filled with extreme joy.

“You girls really cook well. I didn’t know that”

Anjali frowned. She had hardly stepped in the kitchen and it never bothered her until now when the other two brides of this house were praised for their culinary skills.

“Now since you two have delighted us, it is my duty to gift you both” Daadi turned to Anamika who was standing little away from the family. She quickly reached Daadi and handed her the box. Anjali was curious.

“This is for Payal”

“But… why do you need to gift us?” Payal retorted.

“Because that’s our tradition. We always gift the Bride after they complete their first Rasoi tradition”

Anjali leaned back on her chair, focusing on her painted nails. She recalled the time when she was asked to do the same and instead of even putting the efforts in cooking, she had ordered from the best restaurant in town. Not that Daadi didn’t get to know she cheated but despite that she had earned her gift that day. Daadi gave her an old-fashioned necklace.

Payal took the box from Daadi after taking her blessings again. It was a necklace.

“It’s beautiful” she murmured. Akash was happy seeing his wife getting the dignity she deserved.

Arnav was missing so far. He had been busy talking to the Nainital police and taking updates on the abduction.

“And Khushi, this is for you”

The box which Daadi gave Khushi was smaller. She took it and when opened found a bunch of keys. Anjali’s eyes darted out.

“Royal keys?” Anjali snapped.

“Yes” Daadi smiled. “That’s the right of every eldest bride of this family. Now even Payal is back. Khushi can full time focus on this family and take over the responsibilities”

Khushi was about to deny but before she could, they heard Arnav’s voice. He just stepped in the dinning room.

“Daadi wait”

Arnav reached Khushi and took the keys from her. He then handed it back to Daadi.

“We should not burden Khushi with this responsibility” he declared.

Shyam – Anjali glanced at each other and then back at Arnav. None of them had any clue why he said that.

“Arnav, this is her right” Daadi argued.

“It is, but we should also not forget that she is a working woman. She has her profession to take care of apart from the duties of this family. She is already juggling to manage both of it and by taking the entire set of responsibilities of the Royal keys, she will have no time for herself. I don’t want that to happen”

His justification weakened Khushi’s knees. This was first time he didn’t care of his Royal traditions but her wellbeing.

“but Arnav, why does she have to work? And Modelling?”

“That’s her choice and I am going to respect it Daadi”

The way he put forth his points stunned everyone at the table.

“And what about the society?” Daadi argued.

“They mean nothing to me before my wife and this family” he said loud and clear.

It zipped everyone’s mouth except Khushi’s whose jaw dropped in shock witnessing the changes in her husband.

To be Continued.




Read as Ebook PDF

Two Cappuccino - Khushi waits at a Cafe to meet the man her parents referred from a matrimonial site. Arnav introduces himself as the same candidate. Conversation begins, sparks fly over two cups of Cappuccino. 

Bride Lost & Found - Niyati elopes from her marriage, only to be found again. When you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Will this knot ruin her life or is it beginning of something sparkling?

Soul Laced - We realize the value of a person only after we have lost them. Can you change your mindset about a relationship after touching the footsteps of death? What are the chances to fall in love with someone in afterlife? Alisha thinks she fell in love with someone in her after life. Is that true? Who is that mystery man?


  1. Nice update Madhu.. hope we get to read the stories daily.. please update regularly..

  2. Awesome update. Loved it. Arnav is changing for good. Hope Khushi too understand that and consider his feelings. She has some feelings for him, but she is stubborn to accept it and reconsiderabout their marriage. Hope that will change in the upcoming days.....

  3. Arnav is trying his level best to be a good husband by supporting Khushi in every way possible, by respecting her decision of continuing her modelling career & giving her all the liberties & not tieing her in any kind of responsibilities that could be hindrance in her career...

    Khushi would not be able to ignore his efforts for long...

    Thanks for the update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. Glad that Arnav is finally supporting Khushi in her modelling Carreer and now he didn't care about the society as well. Hopefully seeing his change Khushi now will be considering to give this marriage a chance. Good to see this change in Arnav. Now Khushi won't be able to ignore Arnav's efforts . Please don't separate Arshi. Thanks for the Update 😍

  5. Every girl wants to have husband who will support her and consider her feelings...he has done a great mistake to force Khushi for marriage but he is really changing his attitude for good...Khushi really should forgive him...he deserved it

  6. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  7. Awesome Update. Can't believe the change in Arnav. Shashi Gupta is unchanged but loved how Khushi took a stand for Payal. Khushi always support the right and also made Shashi realised his mistakes. Khushi cares for Arnav this care has love hidden in it. But Khushi is too stubborn to accept. Arshi romantic moments were awesome. Now that Khushi understand Arnav's feeling she must change her decision. But who kidnapped Akash. Daadi gave Khushi the keys . Loved how Arnav has turned supportive towards Khushi's profession. How long Khushi will resist Arnav. I must say Khushi must acknowledge the change in Arnav who was once so proud of his royal lineage now doesn't care about the society. In this update Arnav stole the show.

  8. Arnav is so understanding and loving. He is the best in his role here.

  9. Superb update...

    Anjali poked her nose in everyone matter..

    Khushi is strong bold enough to raise her voice against shashi

    Loved the way khushi deny saying anything to payal about her n arnav's marriage..

    Arnav stand for khushi was icing on cake for this update..

    Looking forward

  10. Very interesting update .❤️❤️❤️

  11. Super ...hope they work on the marriage give it a honest cahnce

  12. Woww the Best Update till date of this ffs awesome 😍😘👌👌 Shashi and garima forgive payal and accept her because of dadi and khushi well said to her father and i love it the way arnav supported khushi it shocked everyone specially khushi 😳😍 ... Post it soon

  13. Please make khushi start feeling for Arnav. I feel so sad seeing Arnav like this.. It's high time khushi falls for Arnav. Poor guy

  14. He is putting his effort in this marriage...He is willing to change and he deserves a chance.... Everyone does

  15. Arnav is changing and accepting in front of the family

  16. Fabulous awesome update madhu

  17. Kya baat hai!!!! It's terrific... Arnav is hell bend on proving himself a good husband for Khushi...

  18. The chemistry between arshi in this ff is getting cold day by day.

  19. Woha! Whatte twist in the tale! Lovely indeed!


  20. I am just loving this story. Awesome update as always
    Thank u Madhu

  21. Khushi should understand arnav feeling. Fabulous update

  22. Madhu can we have the next update

  23. Hope arnavs efforts will have some good return gift to him. Khushi is not going to change soon. She still wants move out. Rather than commenting on what’s should happen im going to watch. Nice update!!

  24. Arnav Singh Raizada is on full on mode to win his wifey dear.. amazing update.. loved it.. Thanks Madhu.. take care and stay safe <3
