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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 9


Chapter 9

Gupta Office 

Ruby Khanna stormed in Khushi Gupta’s cabin. She looked highly upset as she entered and made her way to the little cabinet where the Wine Bottles were lined up.

“Thanks for coming” Khushi smirked. “Though I expected you to at least call me before barging into my office like that”

“Oh really?” Ruby barked. “Don’t you see I am upset on you?”

“That’s why enjoy the free Wine babes” Khushi winked and continued to type on her laptop.

Ruby sipped the Wine and reached Khushi’s work desk.

“You hid such a big news from me? Nandakishore is marrying Lavanya Raizada and you didn’t bother to let your bestie know?”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“Who told you that?”
“Nandakishore himself” she replied sitting on the chair. “I met him at the Café today morning where I hang on usually to meet my clients. That’s where I met him with Lavanya Raizada. He told me they were getting married. How could you do this to me Khushi? I thought I knew all your secrets”

“You do darling”

“Nope” Ruby shrugged off Khushi’s arm when she tried to calm her down. “I tell you everything about my boyfriends and you skip such an important thing? Nandakishore is like my brother too and.. he .. he is getting married..”

“Will you keep blabbering or let me explain?”

Ruby flared her nose trying to control her anger.

“Fine. You got …10 minutes”

Khushi rolled her eyes and started sharing.

“Lavanya is pregnant”

Ruby choked the Wine she just sipped.


“Kishu wants to marry her and I am not going to come in his way. Lavanya is carrying my Kishu’s baby. How can I not welcome that woman?”

“That’s right. You should get them married before people get a hint”

“That’s the twist baby” Khushi smirked. “This is just not about getting them married. I see another opportunity here.. To teach that Raizada a lesson of his lifetime”

Ruby kept listening.

“No man ever has hurt me the way he has.. No one has challenged me the way he has. No one has insulted me like he has. And he is going to pay for it. I am going to shower upon him so many invisible slaps that he will beg for peace”

“Wait.. wait a second” Ruby interrupted. “You are talking about ASR. If you try to come in his way, he wont sit quiet. He can fight back. I am sure he will”

“Not if he has agreed to willingly lose every battle, we fight opposite each other” Khushi snapped.

Ruby’s head spun. That’s when Khushi told her what she intends to do with Arnav Singh Raizada. She told her about the 6-month deal. At first Ruby didn’t take it seriously but when she realized Khushi was stern about it, she collapsed on her chair again.

“He slapped me Ruby. How dare he do that?” Khushi fisted her fingers recalling that incident.

“Khushi, I know that’s wrong what he did. But you insulted his sister. Any man would react that way. And no I am not justifying his action but..”

“But you are still justifying him Ruby” she scowled. “How did you expect me to react knowing Lavanya’s pregnancy news? I didn’t even know Kishu was serious for a woman and the next day I get to know that woman is also pregnant! Not just that she is even the sister of the man I had started hating. How did you expect me to react? How would I believe that the baby she is carrying was Kishu’s? Why shouldn’t I believe it that the siblings were plotting against me and Kishu?”

Ruby knew Khushi’s temper and she was also aware how her friend was dragging that little misunderstanding for a lifetime.

“God save him” she mumbled. Arguing with Khushi Gupta was not a choice because every time they argued, Khushi won.

“Let me still warn you this is foolishness. Even if he agrees to do anything for his sister, what if he still comes out of this deal as a winner?”

Khushi was too confident that wont happen.

“I just don’t want you to be hurt Khushi. You have seen enough in the past. Now please, save yourself from additional tortures. You can just forgive whatever he did and move on. And to be honest he hasn’t done anything intentionally to hurt you”

Khushi was angered by her remark.

“I thought out of everyone in this world Ruby.. you will understand me.. you will fight for my insult.”

Ruby sighed in disappointment. However irrational it all sounded, Ruby gave up. If these stupid plans make Khushi happy then so be it.

“Okay… I am in. What do you want me to do?”

The grin on Khushi’s face was back. She opened the little drawer at the side of her desk and took the key out. She then handed it over to Ruby.

“These are keys of Prem Nivas”

Ruby Khanna was clueless why her friend Khushi was giving her the keys of Prem Nivas.

“Why are you giving me these keys?” she asked.

Khushi twirled the paper weight on her desk, her gaze fixed on the rotations it made.

“I want to check your photography skills babe” she replied.

Ruby frowned.

“I run a News Channel Sweetheart. This is not my job”

“I know. But tonight you will do this for me”

“What ..? Can you be little specific? I don’t know what you want me to do? Keys… Camera? Photographs? Whose pictures you want me to click in Prem Nivas?”

Khushi stopped the paper weight from rotating further and stared at Ruby.

“Arnav Singh Raizada and my pictures”

Ruby was stunned.

“What kind of pictures”

“Some pictures” Khushi didn’t exaggerate. “But they are not for everyone’s eyes.. Not yet. And as far as I know Arnav Singh Raizada.. he is never going to let it out in the media”

Ruby’s head spun again. She could sense it. Khushi Gupta was onto something big. When she heard the entire plan from Khushi she was utmost worried.

“Do you realize what you are doing Khushi? If this doesn’t work in your favor, these pictures might prove something you have never done. You are a woman, don’t risk your dignity only to revenge that man. It’s not worth it”

“I know the risk involved. Trust me” she winked at her friend so casually as if she was sure her plans will succeed.


Arnav Singh Raizada has just come back home. He was happy to see Lavanya making wedding plans with Nani. They both were deciding on the Guest list.

“ASR.. you are going to take me and Nani shopping. I want to buy some jewelry and yes, the bridal Lehnga”

“No Lavanya” Nani interrupted. “The Bridal Lehnga will come from the Guptas. I will talk to Khushi about it. I am not sure if she knows all these rituals but it is better to inform her prior”

“Alright Nani” Lavanya pouted. “And the rings? What about the rings? I have NK’s finger ring size”

Arnav was overwhelmed seeing his sister so happy. He sipped the hot coffee and was listening to all their preps when his phone rang. It was 08:00pm and he had strictly informed Shyam not to interrupt his family time with work issues until it was very essential. But the call wasn’t Shyam’s. It was Khushi Gupta’s number which flashed on Arnav’s mobile screen. He didn’t know why she called at this hour.. What next had she planned to spoil this wedding? He excused and walked out, to speak with her privately.


“Mr. Raizada” Khushi’s voice was calm unlike every other time he heard from her.

“I think we should start addressing each other with first names. We are going to be a family now”

He tried to be friendly, hoping she would shred her big fat ego too.

“I don’t think that will be necessary” she replied.

Arnav arched his brow.


“Because I have lost” she murmured sadly. “I have lost the battle for Kishu. You turned him against my wishes”

“That’s not true” Arnav argued. “I just taught him to take a stand for his love”

“He never spoke a word against my will and today..” she laughed in sarcasm. “Today he is marrying against my wishes. I lost this battle Arnav Singh Raizada. And now you will be the one responsible for what happens next”

Arnav froze. She didn’t sound normal. He recalled what this woman was capable to do when she loses. She hurts herself. Is that what she planned to do now?

“Where are you?” he scowled at her and strode towards his car. He wouldn’t let Khushi Gupta harm herself because of her foolish thoughts.

“Where it all started Mr. Raizada.. Where it all started” she answered. “Good bye”

The call got disconnected and Arnav almost ran to reach his car. He got inside and gripped tight the steering wheel trying to understand where she could be. Where did this start? Prem Nivas!! Yes. She had to be there. He started the car engine and drove speedily out of Shantivan.


Prem Nivas

Arnav repented for giving Khushi Gupta the spare keys of this place. If she was really here and hurting herself then he was not going to bear it. Why was she hell bent in punishing herself and the people around her?

“Khushi” he shouted from the living room. Everything was dark around. How could she possibly be here? He climbed the stairs quickly to check on the rooms upstairs. This place meant to be a happy home for his grandparents and he wouldn’t let Khushi Gupta ruin the essence by her silly actions. But she had sounded confident when she called. As if she knew what she had to do. How to hurt herself one last time. No!! He shivered opening the doors of the bedrooms upstairs, one by one.

“Khushi..” he kept shouting but didn’t hear her back.

He finally pushed another bedroom door which was slightly open already. As far as he recalled, he had shut all doors the last time he was at this place. So, she had to be here.. in this room. He turned the lights on but none of them worked. There was just a dim moon light in the room which came from the French windows. She was not here. He was about to walk out when he heard a sharp noise of something falling on the floor. The noise came from the bathroom. He rushed there and pushed the door open. He almost jerked witnessing the scene before. Khushi Gupta had collapsed on the floor, wrapped in a towel, with her wrist cut.

“Dammit” he cursed before rushing to help. Her eyes were open. This was definitely not a prank. She had tried to kill herself. Her hair was wet, her eyes dimming.

“What have you done?” he shouted carrying her in arms. She couldn’t speak. He took her to the bed and placed her gently on it. Her wrist was bleeding and he had to stop it. He fetched for a cloth to tie her wrist and when he couldn’t find anything, he took out his T Shirt, tore it and bandaged her wrist. That was the only option he had.

Khushi Gupta noticed it all. A weak smirk crossed her lips. She knew soon she was going to pass out and her plan had almost succeeded.

Arnav fished for his phone and decided to call a Doctor. But wait! She was not an ordinary woman.. neither he an ordinary man. She had tried to commit suicide and if this word goes out in the public, it would destroy not just their families but also the present ties between NK and Lavanya. He couldn’t afford to risk it. But he couldn’t risk her life either. All that matters right now was Khushi Gupta’s life. He dialed for a doctor and asked her to reach Prem Nivas urgently as there was an emergency.

“I won’t let you die” he groaned reaching back to bed and sitting next to her. “You heard that? I wont let you die” he said cupping her cheeks.

Khushi Gupta was already unconscious by then. He recalled all those ugly times when he had faced a similar situation in his past. He wanted to end his life too and tried to attempt such a foolishness but he couldn’t. Every time he tried, he recalled the faces of Nani and Lavanya because they were the only ones he was responsible to look after. He wouldn’t dare to hurt them again. Never!

5 minutes passed and they were the most critical minutes for him. Her heart was sinking, he could feel that. He dialed the doctor again to know her status. Had she even started or not and was relieved when the Doctor informed him that she would reach in another 15 minutes. He forced her to give the instructions.. any . any instructions which he could follow to keep Khushi Gupta alive until the Doctor attended her. He did everything possible to make sure she lives!! She will live!!

After 15 minutes, Dr. Preeti hurried in the room and treated Khushi’s wounds. Arnav Singh Raizada took a sigh of relief when she told him Khushi Gupta was out of danger and fortunately she hadnt cut the right nerve which could kill her almost instantly after the accident.

“But this is Police case Mr. Raizada. I attended her on your request. But we will have to inform the Police”

“No, we wont.. this.. this was a mistake. And I will make sure it never happens”

The Doctor stared at Arnav sarcastically and that’s when Arnav realized he was shirtless. He had tore his T shirt to bandage her wrist and stop the blood from oozing out. The entire scene.. him shirtless.. Khushi Gupta wrapped in a bath towel with her wrist cut and the absence of any other person in this house gave a wrong feeling to the Doctor.

“We are family friends. And I don’t think I need to explain this further. Thank you for reaching here on time. I will take care if it hereon” he stated clearing asking the Doctor to leave.

Dr Preeti frowned and walked away. Arnav Singh Raizada sat next to the bed watching this stupid girl who crossed every line today. He desperately waited for her to get up so that he can take out his frustration. Khushi’s phone kept ringing for a while and then eased off. Arnav decided to keep his mouth shut for some time until this woman wakes up and faces his wrath first.

To be Continued.



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Kajal never imagined in her dreams that her cousin’s fiancee, the shrewd Arjun Raheja would marry her on a gunpoint and her life would take a 360-degree turn. Will she ever find the reasons behind it? His known motive turns out to be the most bitter event of her life. And only when she decides to part ways from their already broken ties, the heartbreaking truth of his unconditional love for a 5-year old baby surfaces. Who is this baby? What connection does she have with Arjun? Will Kajal ever find out the other side of the man she hates? Where will this Imposed Knot lead them to?

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  1. Great update why is khushi like this.I don't feel angry on her but I pity her she is suffering from serious mental condition because of the things she has undergone in her childhood.She needs love and care.

  2. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I hope arnav. Gives khushi so much love that khushi become better person plzz tell khushi past I feel bad for both waiting for next update Luv it dear 🥰🥰😍😘😘

  3. Khushi is too brainless by tarnishing her own name. Arnav being too sincere in helping her but all this are set up by khushi. Awesome update

  4. So Khushi will blackmail arnav to marry her now or to accept her condition ? But why arnav wanted to suicide ? Oh god . Madhu you will really make us mad by thinking about this . To save Lavanya and nk marriage arnav will accept the condition. That doctor also is witness to this situation which looks like arnav Khushi are in relationship .

  5. By far this is the best story concept you have written. ... Though I feel like it for all your stories but this time THIS ONE has really reached that level. Thanks for putting out such a story.

    I have a request. If you could post like atleast 3 or 4 parts back to back of one story, so that we can enjoy reading one story for a few days before going to the next story for the next few days. This way we can absorb and enjoy each story ......
    Having to read the next part of a story after so many days kind of makes it loose the charm for a while ....

    It is exciting to wait and read the story in parts but atleast some parts being back to back would be a pleasurable ride of reading.

    Just an opinion I wanted to share as a reader. Which might be of others as well.
    I hope you consider it.
    I'd love to have a week full of lawful sins or the royal fling or your upcoming fictions.

    Meanwhile I'll continue rereading your old stories.
    Congratulations for your published books.
    Happy writing. All the best ��

    1. I agree with u 😍 plezs madhu can u post this ffs continue for thre or four days than the other ff soo we can enjoy each ffs 😍its a request 😘

  6. Awesome Update. Khushi too much manipulative here. The entire sequence of Khushi wrapped in a towel and Arnav shirtless doesn't gave a good feeling. Arnav though is trying to be friendly with Khushi but I feel Khushi's revenge with Arnav is getting stretched too far. Khushi let Ruby know that Lavanya is pregnant but she cares about NK and La but her only enemy is Arnav. Khushi's thinking about Arnav is absolutely absurd so is her misunderstanding. Her overconfidence is going to pay soon. Ruby gave a wise advice but Khushi rejected it her ego always comes in between. It's sad that Arnav has faced such a tragic times before and wanted to end his life. I feel Arshi's pain are somewhere interconnected. Hope Khushi didn't record this incident and blackmail Arnav. The doctor is already thinking wrong. Waiting for Khushi to really face Arnav's wrath . Thanks for the Update 😍

  7. Thank you for the two stories today Madhu.. hope we will get to read badatmeez back to back update
    When you will update he loves me not epilogue

  8. Khushi definitely needs some serious psychiatric assistance... She can go to any lengths to avenge her bruised ego.. She risked her life now for that & she may even take anybody else's life for the same, owing to her past I guess..

    All that is understood but she still has brains then can't she see how Arnav whom she insulted at every given opportunity, rushed to save her life at just one call of hers?? Doesn't that prove what a good & genuine man he is.. & she is gonna trap such a modest man in her vicious trap so that she can blackmail him with the pics where she is in a towel & Arnav is topless...

    The story is getting more & more interesting Madhu.. Thank u

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  9. In earlier part i was happy..i thought maybe it will not turn ugly but did turn into the creepiest thing ever.. disgusted all the more..was hoping to read something bearable..khushi's full of herself attitude n childish ego n hurtful revenge plans are sick

  10. Khushi is just impossible. In order to turn the tables she framed such a situation where she had cut her wrist and. Arnav in order to bandage her wrist became shirt less. Now this is how Khushi will turn the situation in her favour. Is She going to blackmail Arnav to marry her or became her slave. Arnav will have no option left in order to save Lavanya from disgrace. I don't like whatever Khushi is doing now. Khushi is too much into revenge that she didn't care about risking her life. Khushi is thinking that Arnav turned NK against her which is totally wrong. If she had really loved NK such situation would not have arised. This Khushi is totally mad just for a slap which bruised her ego she is doing all this. Hope she will understand her mistake and regret whatever she is doing now. Arnav needs to handle Khushi with care not anger.

  11. Honestly speaking I love the concept of a strong woman but this is not it. This khushi has some serious mental problem which started because of her bad past. But I never thought she would be this cheap. She manipulated the whole situation just marry him and torture him. And risking her own dignity. If she continues to be like this she will end up in a mental hospital. I’m so sure. Arnav has to be smart here and do something before she brings that stupid deal. She doesn’t understand the importance of a marriage and just to control him she is making a deal. Marriage is not a joke. Hope she will understand that!

    As always you are a brilliant writer sis! You make every story a masterpiece! Thank you for your time!! 😍

  12. Fabulous awesome update dear

  13. Wish their past gets revealed soon.

  14. OMG she is not Wat I thought to be.... I thought because of her ego got hurted she is behaving like this but no... She is going this much extend for her revenge then their is seriously something wrong with her... It's like her dignity as well as her life doesn't matter to her..... She seriously needs some help.....

  15. May be Khushi will try to make him accept her deal by blackmailing him of realising the pics. But if something turns out bad, they will have to eventually marry.

  16. When Arnav 'll realise its all prank/intentional, he 'll think twice before rushing out again to save her. This is biggest damage that could have happened to a relationship thats not even started. Not to mention, it has raked up his old wounds. To be brutally honest, more than love and care, Khushi needs to psychiatric help.
    There is need to understand her issues in technicality first and then go for love and care to support the medical help in right direction. She is not just abnormal but a mental patient.
    A person who can self-harm is dangerous not just for herself.

    And her logic for misunderstanding Lavanya is so stupid like that of Arnav in IPKKND, opening her mouth to abuse another person so heinously without even once verifying things. I 'll again say you deserved that slap and some harsh words from your spineless brother too who knows only to shove it but not how to stand up for the consequences of the act.

  17. A woman can be strong, I personally love and respect such kind of women but I don't like manipulation. Khushi is a manipulator.

  18. I dont want them to get married now, I dont want it to turn cliched where someone always blackmail the other to marry. I think it will be good if theme stick to deal like how khushi want arnav to be on her back and call

  19. Well that was very cheap and in humane on her part... let’s see what happens...and I do feel this will turn out bad and against Khushi...

  20. Khushi seriously needs a mind doctor.

  21. She needs help! She needs help for her mental state? She is suffering and has to reach out before it's too late!


  22. Plz plz plz if possible update this one sooner.❤️

  23. Can we have like Arnav stop talking to her? Like completely stop talking.. I think only that will make her understand...even if he had to do somethings out of Kushi's silly demands.. He mustn't talk to her... Completely cold treatment....

  24. Interesting update, waiting to see how things progress

  25. This khushi is insane. I thought she was just egoistic but no she's crazy here. This isn't normal. She isn't normal. She's creepy

  26. Why Khushi is like this??? I believe she has some really bad past to turn her like this. Feel pity for her. I hope Arnav is the only person who can heal her. And what Khushi is planning, I'm sure it's going to backfire her. Waiting to know.....

  27. This is worst what khushi did to herself as well as for arnav too 😠 ... I did'nt thought khushi will be more worst😠 cruel 😡and egoist 😈than Asr in any ffs she go more worst😡 She is mad she need medical help poor arnav came to help her and she had put him in trouble 😠 now that doctor has see the scene too and it look soo bad for anyone seeing it she has keep her respect and dignity on risk and also wantedly tired to kill her just to revenge arnav and bend him 😡 and also plot thinks against arnav in future if it will really happen with her arnav will never go to help her than the situation will be even more worst than this 😡 she will face asr Wrat soon 😡 never have seen khushi soo negative in any of the ffs i read it date 😠😡 She is spoiling arnav and her life for this misunderstanding she have for arnav 😢 ... She arnav should not fall in her trap infact she should fall in her own trap that will be the twist 😉 ... Plezs save arnav from her 😢post the next part soon plezs

  28. Madhu, u r really a great writer who has the best writing skills. This storyline is amazing as it's about a role reversal about them.

  29. I hope Ruby has not done what khushi hai told her.

    1. She will do just like aman who can do anything for arnav

  30. Nice update..seriously khushi is blind with rage she not ready to understand what she did was wrong now too the plan she made is so wrong..

    Poor arnav n his family
