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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 10


Chapter 10
Prem Nivas

Arnav didn’t realize when the sunshine lighted the room until he heard her some soft whispers. He opened his eyes. Realization dawned when he noticed the place he was at. Prem Nivas!! He might have dozed off on the Couch last night. Where was Khushi Gupta? She wasn’t on the bed. And he was still Shirtless. But that was the last thing he had to worry about. The whispers turned out familiar and he strode out of the room to know if Khushi Gupta was speaking outside on the phone.

“No, don’t bother. I am fine” she said to someone over the call. “I will see you tomorrow. Bye”

Arnav felt like a fool when he saw her so casually speaking to someone. Last night the woman had cut her wrist and at morning she behaved like she came here for vacation?

As soon as she turned around disconnecting the call, she saw him.

“Mr. Raizada” she stated confidently. “Very good morning”

Arnav clenched his jaw.
“Had a good sleep?” she further asked. “Why are you roaming Shirtless by the way?” she teased.

“How can you act like nothing happened last night?” he groaned.

“Last night” she intervened. “Yup.. that” she checked her bandaged wrist and sighed in disappointment. “It really hurt”

Arnav was annoyed by her twisted talks. He strode to her and pinned her to the pillar behind.

“Have you lost your mind?” he asked. “No wait.. you cannot lose something you never had”

Khushi frowned.

“You committed suicide?”

“Ahh!” she paused him again. “I didn’t commit suicide.. I acted”

Arnav was stunned. Acted?

“Now you will ask me why I acted? But by now you should have the answer Mr. Raizada if you are so intelligent. Look at me” she urged. “Do I look so weak to commit such a silly act?”

Arnav froze when she smiled back at him. What the hell was she saying?

“You acted?” he asked throatily. “Why?”

“Damn” Khushi muttered. “Now seriously where have you lost your mind Mr. Raizada? You forgot my deal?”

Arnav was still clueless how all of this connects.

“You were not ready to sign the deal… And until that happened, I wouldn’t let Kishu marry your sister. So I needed something to either cancel this marriage or get you convinced to be my Slave willingly for the next 6 months. So I acted.. This was all my plan.. And you..” she poked a finger in the middle of his chest. “you became a fool Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada”

Arnav’s body clenched. She acted?

“But I believe in real stunts. So I cut my vein… But not the one which could kill me. I pricked the knife gently enough to ooze some blood.. that’s all. And I did it exactly when I heard you entering the room. Not a second before… not a second later”

She crossed her arms at her front.

“And poor you… you carried me in your arms.. tore your T shirt.. Called the Doctor and got me treated. Don’t worry, I will pay you the Doctor’s bill. I don’t like my enemies spending on me”

Arnav wanted to strangle this woman.

“And in all this.. I framed the necessary proofs” she added with a satisfied smile on her lips.

“Proofs?” he gasped.

“Oh yes Mr. Raizada. Proofs. Let me show you”

She unlocked her mobile phone and showed the pictures to Arnav. He fumed as she kept swiping her finger to show him all the pictures one by one. They were clicked last night. First picture showed how he carried her in arms to the bed. She was in the towel. The second one was where he was shirtless and staring at her from the bed corner. He recalled that might be clicked just after he tied her wrist by his T Shirt. But the pictures were taken so carefully that no one would know her wrist was bruised. The third one was when he cupped her face in his palms sitting next to her on the bed. That one picture was enough to turn things ugly.. Though in reality he was just giving her hopes that he wouldn’t let her die, when it was clicked.

Arnav snatched her phone before she could swipe further and threw it on the floor breaking into pieces.

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“That was very mean of you” she teased. “I have backup of these pictures too. But anyways, I wont charge you for damaging my phone. I can understand what you might be going through seeing yourself in such a vulnerable position with me”

He angrily clutched her arms and pulled her closer.

“What have you done dammit?” he roared. Now she became serious.. very serious.

“I tricked you Arnav Singh Raizada. I told you I am born to win. You thought getting Kishu back from Malaysia you have won? That brainwashing Kishu against me and forcing him to quicken the marriage preps will make me lose? No” she shouted. “I have turned the tables and now… I have enough reasons to make Kishu cancel the wedding. I don’t need to tell you what stories I can frame out of these pictures. He will believe me even without these proofs. And he will never marry the woman whose brother used his beloved sister for..”

“Shut up” Arnav didn’t let her complete those lines. “Shut the hell up before I … lose my temper”

“Lose it” she challenged. “Lose it all Arnav Singh Raizada. But you won’t get anything. I have crushed all your dreams.. I have closed all those doors which led to Kishu and Lavanya’s marriage.” She pushed him away with a force.

Arnav fisted his fingers.

“You wont do this” he scowled. “You cannot be that silly to tarnish your own dignity like that”

“Try me” she dared. “I can go to any extent to ensure everything is in my control. So the only thing you can do right now is agree to my deal”

Arnav looked away. He felt disgusted.

“You still think you can come out of this mess?” she asked. “Fine.. take your time and don’t forget the clock is ticking not just for you and me.. but also for Lavanya..”

“I regret” Arnav stated gazing back at her. “I regret to know my sister is in love with your brother. I regret Miss Gupta that I came here to save your life. You didn’t deserve my attention. I regret even knowing a woman like you right now. So listen to me very carefully, do hell with you and your deal. Even if Lavanya has to raise her child without your brother, I don’t mind. Because instead of being a part of your family and stay under a roof with a toxic woman like you, I prefer she remains a single mother”

His words felt like a slap on her face again. The intensity in his voice made her heart flutter. Despite all these attempts, he still didn’t care to accept the deal?

“We will see how long you stick to this resolve” she scowled back. “I am giving you two days. If you don’t agree, I will show these pictures to Kishu, frame a story and then I don’t have to tell you what Kishu would do. He will break all ties with Lavanya then and there. And even if you still turn things in your favor, get Lavanya married to Kishu.. don’t think I cannot break their marriage after. I wont stop any of this.. until you accept my deal. And thank your stars Mr. Raizada that I am just locking you up with me for 6 months. Don’t make me extend that. If you are so confident of winning every situation, why are you afraid of submitting your routine to me for the next 6 months?”

Arnav didn’t break his gaze from her. How casually she was asking him to be her slave like it didn’t mean anything. She came forward.

“I am ready to leave Kishu and Lavanya out of this.. Only if you approve my terms. Let them stay happy.. I promise never to interfere in their love life. My problem is with you.. And until I see you dancing on my tunes, I will not stop. So like a good brother, accept the challenge and give your sister some peace. Think again.. You got 2 days”

Saying that she stormed out of the house. Arnav Singh Raizada was too blank at the moment to react. She had meddled with their lives too badly.


Arnav returned Shantivan but he didn’t tell anything to Lavanya or Nani. They looked very happy with the wedding progress. Nani had called the Priest and even decided the suitable date for the wedding. She was soon going to convey it to Khushi Gupta as well. Lavanya had begun her shopping. She had even decided what color Lehnga she was expecting from Guptas for the wedding day. All of this would end right now if he tells them what happened in Prem Nivas. Lavanya would understand. His Nani would support him. And if he doesn’t do that, Khushi Gupta would frame some random story of that night and fool her brother into thinking that he and Khushi spent the night together. To the worse he wouldn’t be surprised if Khushi blames him to force her that night. That woman can do anything. She had crafted her plan very nastily and she could go to any extent. Though Lavanya and Nani would believe him, what would he achieve? Lavanya’s tears? Her solitude? Her loneliness which will then be passed on to her baby? And What about the Guptas? Nandakishore might marry someone else without any remorse and his cruel sister would keep torturing people who defy her. This had to stop. But why should he sacrifice? Where did he go wrong all this while? Breaking Lavanya’s marriage he would lose his sister’s happiness and agreeing to Khushi Gupta’s 6 month deal, he would lose his own happiness. What was more important to him? Obviously, his family!! Their comfort and their joy. Was there any other way? He could try find one but did he have that much time? No. So the decision was made and now he only had to inform the same to Khushi Gupta.


Gupta Villa

“My heart went in my throat when Arnav Singh Raizada got you out from the bathtub” Ruby stated. “I thought you were going to pretend. If I knew you were actually going to cut your wrist, I would never agree to help you”

“That’s why I didn’t tell you” Khushi smirked checking the bandage on her wrist.

“But I got to tell you Khushi.. he really was sweet. The way he took care of you.. his despair seeing you in that state was worth appreciating. I don’t think he treats you as a competitor or an enemy. No one would do so much for a woman he hardly knows and especially the one who is hell bent on making him her slave”

“I hate it when you take his side” Khushi muttered.

“Anyways” Ruby shrugged. “These pictures..” she started checking their photos one by one. If I wasn’t there, I would really think you both were lost in the moment of love.. Check this out.. See the intensity in his eyes..”

Khushi was forced to look at the picture and for some seconds she was lost in them too. Arnav Singh Raizada was a handsome man with good physique. His broad shoulders, bright eyes, sharp nose, chiseled body and clenched jaw highlighted his appeal.

“Greek God, isn’t he?” Ruby praised.

Khushi’s fingers subconsciously grazed over his picture. The man was fire in himself. Ruby noticed her reactions and chuckled.

“When was the last time you felt so for a man?” she teased.

Khushi was slightly embarrassed by her own reactions to his picture.

“Shut up Ruby. You know he is not my type”

“Whatever” Ruby argued. “If by any chance he accepts your deal, you will get 6 months to change him to your type. Or wait.. who knows if you change to his type.”

Khushi pushed the Phone away and rose from the couch.

“I don’t have time for your silly talks” she headed to the dressing table and brushed her hair. She had some important work at Office and she couldn’t wait to finish them. Tonight the 2 days time she had given to Arnav Singh Raizada was going to end and she also had to decide how to leak these pictures to Nandakishore and break his marriage. Though somewhere in the corner of her egoistic heart, she was afraid to hurt her little brother. Was there any other way to get him married to Lavanya and also control that Raizada lad?

Her phone buzzed for an incoming message. She opened it and her eyes shone with relief.

‘I have few points to discuss before we enter the deal. Meet me at Prem Nivas in an hour. Sure, you won’t be late’

He agreed!! Khushi breathed in pure pleasure. The thought of making decisions for him for the next 6 months and seeing him lose, unraveled her. Finally!! She typed back a reply.

‘On my way’


Prem Nivas
When Khushi entered the house, it was same as she had left it 2 days ago. Dark!! But the man she was here to see was sitting on the green leather couch, having no tinge of suffocation in his posture. He still behaved like he had nothing to lose. His eyes blazed frostily at her as she came inside. He picked the file from the table ahead and pushed it for her to read.

“My 3 conditions” he said dangerously.

She didn’t pick the file.

“Who said I am willing to negotiate?” she reasoned.

“You will” he glared venomously at her. “I want you to keep Nandakishore and Lavanya away from this deal. I don’t want my sister to know she is building castles for herself stamping my freedom”

Khushi kept listening. Despite knowing she had the upper hand in this deal, he still had that audacity to bring his own conditions kind of surprised her.

“Since Lavanya is pregnant and I don’t believe she will be safe in your family with you around, my Nani will stay with her in Gupta Villa until her pregnancy tenure”

“Never” Khushi snapped. “I don’t want an extra member hindering my space”

“Fine. Then NK will stay with Lavanya in Shantivan after marriage”

She frowned.

“Kishu won’t stay with his in-laws. Never”

“Choose one, Miss Gupta. That’s the only way to keep this going”

Khushi clenched her fists.

“And your third condition?” she scowled.

“The woman I date or marry will be none of your business. You will have no say over that”

She swallowed. The man had plans to marry!!

“Is that all Mr. Raizada?”

“All” he replied sternly without breaking their eye lock. He rose to his feet and made his way to her. “One single mistake in these conditions from your end and the deal will be over then and there” he added.

Again that was fair enough for her.

“And I don’t have to tell you I want those pictures deleted forever” he warned.

“After you sign the deal, they will be erased” she promised.

He was skeptical if he should trust her on this. She read his query.

“I am very loyal to my hatred and words. You will know that during the course of these 6 months Mr. Raizada”

Arnav frowned.

“I don’t know what you will get doing all this” he snapped. “But I promise you one thing Miss Khushi Gupta, by the end of it, you are going to repent it hard. VERY HARD”

She smirked rolling her eyes at him and picked the file.

“I will contact my lawyer, get this drafted and we shall then take the marriage preps ahead”

“I will be waiting” he murmured, his tone wary.

“I can’t wait either” she couldn’t keep the exasperation out of her voice. Her joy was unmeasurable. This felt like another feather of victory in her crown. She was going to control the life of the great Arnav Singh Raizada hereon. It was fun!! Too much fun!

To be Continued.


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This Edition includes the below mentioned Stories:

1. Bride Lost & Found
2. His Destined Bride

Bride Lost & Found

On the verge of getting married, Niyati elopes to fetch her lost life, only to be found again. They say when you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Is Niyati ending up in a hopeless situation by tying this knot or is this beginning of something sparkling?

The elderly woman makes her sit next to the groom. He is wearing a strong masculine perfume which she is extremely allergic to. She twists her nose not to sneeze. He grips her hand and leans towards her.

“If you do this mistake again, I will chop your legs” he whispers.

Her eyes widen in shock. She knew the Zamindar is an arrogant man but his strength and powerful words is infusing fear inside her already nervous body. But she won’t let him mistake her to be his newly hired slave. She has a fitting reply ready.

“How will you sleep with a woman glued to the wheel chair for her life then?”

She finds his grip on her fingers tightening more.

A twisted tale of an unforeseen wedding fiasco


Read the Reviews of Bride Lost & Found 

His Destined Bride

The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series)

Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?

A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


Read the Reviews of His Destined Bride


  1. Hmmmmm one thing I can khushi is going to regret it

  2. Thank you so much for the update

  3. Khushi is just raising her bars of being cruel & vicious towards Arnav for her so called bruised ego.. But I'm glad Arnav stated his own conditions before agreeing to her disgusting deal... I m so so sure that Arnav's words of Khushi regretting bad for her actions at the end of the deal will turn out to be true & I seriously can't wait to see Khushi defeated & head over heals in love with Arnav but don't want Arnav to accept her until she redeems...

    Thanks for the update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  5. I want to read some light hearted and heartwarming stories of arshi could anyone suggest me plz

  6. May be at the end of contract Khushi want arnav to accept her, but will arnav do that. Also he added that she should not interfere in his marriage . So what will Khushi do next to torture arnav?
    I think arnav will gift ar to nk and Lavanya so that Khushi do nothing damage to ar?

  7. Madhu please give back to back update of badatmeez

  8. I don't blame Arnav being angry. I want him to be like this even after the deal is over . Khushi should learn that hatred can never win over live

  9. Hey nice update. But in the prologue you have written of life time deal but here arshi are making 6 months deal. Plus we thought she will bind him in marriage but you are saying it as deal now. what will happen only the slavery deal or deal marriage? Please reply.

  10. 😂...good to read Khushi having upper hand and controlling Arnav and not the cliche other way round..😜

  11. Awesome Update. This Khushi is just crossing her limits for a revenge . So much manipulation is not good. In her ego to make Arnav bend she is going too far. Every word that Arnav spoke is correct. Hope Arnav teach her a lesson. Arnav is totally helpless and giving in the situation. So sad that Khushi's evil plan worked. After such situation I don't think Arnav can ever fall in love with her easily whereas Khushi is already attracted towards him. Khushi on one side has fears for NK. Khushi is going to loose in this game very badly. Arnav is equally sharp he accurately made the deal. I feel a woman's entry can change Arshi's equation since Khushi will be jealous. I want Khushi to regret badly and repent hard. Arnav should heal Khushi but not until she realizes her mistakes. Khushi is flying too much that she is going to gain control over Arnav. Let's see what happens next. Thanks for the Update 😍

  12. That was awesome I hope khushi realizes soon...

  13. Wow. Back to back updates. Thank you. Love how things are moving in fast forward.

  14. Now waiting for their deal.. .. Awesome

  15. Why this khushi is so unfair?? I can’t stop comparing rude arnav and rude khushi in each story. But when it comes to arnav his demands, his manipulations, his deals and his obsession made the story somewhat romantic. But this khushi is so rude, nonsensical and mad. I felt that she lost arnav. He won’t fell for her. But I hope he will see her problem and try to fix her at the end of sixth month. Hopefully! Nice update!

  16. Urgh! Yes she's toxic! That's all that I can make out! And I don't even read it with a smile! She disgusts me! I hope the change in her comes soon! Urgh!


  17. Khushi is confirm gone crazy. Like what Arnav said she will have to repent. Superb update

  18. Awesome update as always Madhu. Khushi will be going to repent after these six months. Arnav is way too smart to frame his conditions beforehand. Looking forward to the next post eagerly.

  19. Khushi's emotions now are that like of a kid who is happy coz he's got the toy he wanted.

    PS-Thanks for the back-to-back updates :)

  20. She lose childhood because her parents.. she scare to trust people... Arnav make a kind of and I think jealous she can get what she want. I think past scar make Khushi win win battle... Hope arnav make Khushi see her life different angel...she scare loss because childhood lose life.. hope arnav make her live her life every small happiness when you sacrifice...the story will awesome 👍. or woman scar make mould them...but if good hand or bad hand....

  21. Khushi is going to lose hard this time. Fabulous update

  22. ah! that's a fresh plot!! dangerous sparky romance on the way!! ohooo!! can't wait for the story to unveil!! :-D but silly heart not liking to see our hero so helpless!!:-( :-P :-P

  23. Omg..... Desperate for the next part

  24. Nice game begin now as arnav accepted her deal but loved the way he put the 3 conditions..
    Looking forward

  25. Thank u for the back to back update 😍😘 Arnav agree for khushi nonsense and cruel deal😈 but i am happy that arnav stated his deal wishes too and he said it true she will repent HARD VERY HARD 😤😡... for what she did with arnav 😒 ... I Just this khushi sooo much 😤😡 ... Plezs post it soon

  26. Admin can u plz tell me y khushi is so arrogant y she is filled with so much of hatred what's the reason can u plz update a chapter about khushi hatred reason
    2. I really want that Arnuv date a lady.... ds will make khushi go mad bcz she cant brk the clause.... I doubt shes going to fall un love with Arnuv very hard.....

  27. Hope this mad Khushi realizes she 'll lose NK at the end and not gain anything at all.
    I wish she revenged Arnav with her wit, diverting AR clients to her company - a legal and genuine competition to bring him to his knees and all using her wit but she is just another psycho!
    NK, another spineless brother!

  28. Nice update revenge hatred game started loved it

  29. Khushi going to fall and regret really bad.

  30. Wonderful awesome update madhu

  31. Khushi's plan was really very ugly
    But loved the way Arnav didn't band before her without his conditions
    Let's see what Khushi will do now as her deal is on now and how will Arnav handle all her sillyness
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  32. Awesome. This thirst to win over arnavis neither revenge nor ego but something else. I do feel khushi is not that psycho that she show to the world. If she has love for her siblong then love is there in hers cvered with layers

  33. One condition will not maintain when khushi will see him with another woman in her jealousy because at that time she will fall in love with her Mr.raizada. Anyway eagerly waiting for next part.

  34. Did Asr regretted anything in ipk. he was still same. even in Sheetal track too. Why there is differents rule for woman. Ithink they will fall hard for each other. Arnav won't be able to walk away =, let alone marry someone else.

  35. Wow I love how you have reversed the roles of your characters. But what I like is that Arnav is no doormat. Khushi being hardcore will come back to bite her. Let the games begin

  36. Arnav is always easily forgiven... even in ipkknd
    why should khushi regret or pay ?Why can't she be easily forgiven ?
