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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 11


Chapter 11

Her desk was messed up with papers she had to go through carefully, very carefully. Advocate Kamal was standing right before her desk, waiting for her to speak up for any necessary amendments which he thought she would ask him to make. Every single term in the defined contract was dipped in poison. She could be little lenient, show some compassion before sending those officially further. But when she picked her pen to sign them, he interrupted.

“Ma’am. Are you sure about this?”

She pressed the nib of her pen on the hard table, bending and breaking it badly. Kamal took a step back when her gaze drifted to him. There was something in that look which told her how much she wanted this deal to happen.

“Mr. Kamal. You know how many best lawyers this city has?” she got up from her desk swiftly, moved around and stood before the man himself. “I don’t change my decisions once taken neither tolerate people questioning them.”

Sweat beads slipped down Kamal’s forehead which he wiped off with his shivering fingers.

“It wouldn’t take me a minute to change my Lawyer, Mr. Kamal. So next time before you think of interrupting my work, recall this threat”

“Ye…ss… ess yes Ma’am” he nodded.

“No Apology Mr. Kamal?” her fingers gripped the edge of the wood table where she had leaned. Her knuckles cracked with the strain. Yet she showed no signs of pain on her face.

Seeing her bustling with anger and not willing to lose his job or maybe his entire career, Kamal obeyed her demands and apologized. But there was no content on her face even after the apology. She just walked back to her chair and without any delay signed the papers with another pen whose nib she broke again in the similar way she did with its twin a while ago. The deal was sealed. The end to a new beginning was soon going to arise. She just wrote the dreadful fate of Arnav Singh Raizada binding him in the chains of her slavery for this birth. It had to be fun!!

Collecting the papers, Kamal strode out to get them legally registered. She watched the clock tick, second by second, patiently for the next one hour 38 minutes until her phone rang. This was it!! She picked the receiver and held it to her ear.

“I have signed the papers” Rage simmered in his voice as he declared it but did he have a choice?

Khushi Gupta shut her eyes wanting to freeze the moment. After few seconds of terrible silence, she replied.

“You just saved your sister’s dignity then. Tell her the marriage is happening before her baby bump is noticeable to others”

No more words, no more assurances, this was enough for him to disconnect the call. Khushi Gupta put the receiver away and leaned back on her chair smiling in victory. How the hell was she going to celebrate this? It was so Huge. She took a sip of the Wine placed on her table touching her left cheek.. the same cheek where he had slapped her once. She felt her face heat. That one slap was equal to his slavery forever. Arnav Singh Raizada was now her legal property.


“Forever?” Ruby queried. “How can he be your slave forever when he has just signed it for 6 months?”

Khushi smirked hard. She was still in her cabin. The signed deal from Arnav Singh Raizada was back to her office with the necessary seals and stamps. The sin was stamped lawfully and she wanted to celebrate.

“Ruby, you know me since my childhood. I don’t believe in short term results. I aim for long term”

“I know but how? Arnav Singh Raizada has already challenged you that by the end of 6 months you are going to regret it hard. How do you think he will dance on your tunes for his entire life?”

“Leave that on me. It’s a surprise” she blew a kiss to her friend. “Wine?”

“No thanks. I have to go work. Lavanya and Nandakishore’s wedding news is going to be big news for my Channel”

“I want to read the Article before you release it and also amend if necessary”

“Sure” Ruby got up to leave. “Just call me and I will make the amendments. Bye Darling”

She gave a quick hug to Khushi and walked out. Khushi stared at the deal papers again.

“What should I make you do, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada?” she spoke to herself picking the papers. “Lets the show begin”


AR Office

“Congratulations ASR” Shyam wished him the moment he stepped in the cabin. “I cannot believe Lavanya is getting married. After all the mess you could still convince Miss Gupta”

Arnav had leaned back on his chair, having no joy on his face. Obviously, who will be happily stepping into hell? When Khushi sent the deal papers to him, he went through each and every clause and it really blew his mind. Though his 3 conditions were also included, he was still skeptical if she was going to follow them strictly. Lavanya and Nani should never know what he signed. And apart from the three conditions, he had also made it clear that she wouldn’t enforce the deal until Lavanya and Nandakishore are engaged. Whatever she wanted him to do for her, he will, only after their engagement happens. So technically, he had 2 more days of freedom.

“You don’t seem fine” Shyam replied. “Any problem?”

Arnav didn’t want to share it, didn’t want to add one more person in this mess and complications.

“What got you here?” he asked diverting the topic.

“The Staff is happy. They just read the article and everyone wanted to congratulate you”

Article!! Yes, he read that too. Khushi Gupta’s friend Ruby published that article on her business channel blog. It had their Company logos on it. Both Gupta Industries and AR Group logos along with a picture of NK – Lavanya together.

“So the engagement is after 2 days?” Shyam asked.

“Yes. And I wont be coming to office for a week Shyam. Call me in case there is anything that needs my attention”

Shyam nodded and was about to leave when Arnav realized something.

“One more thing, Shyam”

He stopped and turned around.

“I want you to keep a close eye on every management decision that happens. Nothing can surpass my ears. No contracts, no deals, no clients. Even the smallest change in the Company affairs has to be brought to my notice. Am I clear?”

Shyam was suspicious but he agreed and left out. Arnav raked his fingers in his hair, frustrated. He was very sure Khushi Gupta would try to get into the skin of AR Group and he wouldn’t let her do that. The reputation of his company should never fall.



When he returned home in the evening, he was surprised to see the Gupta siblings in the living room talking to Nani and Lavanya. Khushi Gupta was once again in a formal attire – a knee length black skirt and a casual white top tucked in. She sat crossed leg beside NK, talking something to Nani.

“ASR” Lavanya happily got up. “I was about to call you”

She dragged Arnav in while he kept his eyes glued on the Gupta woman. The way she looked at him reflected he was in danger very soon.

“Hey ASR” NK got up and hugged him. “I am so glad you and Khush sorted out the differences and are willing to get us married this week”

Arnav faked a smile.

“Kishu” Khushi interrupted. “If things were possible, I would get you both engaged like right now. What do you think Mr. Raizada?”

Her eyes sparkled with joy.

“Whats the hurry Miss Gupta? And 2 days are not very far enough. Have some patience”

“I am running out of patience” she said biting her inner lip. Arnav exactly knew why she was so hurrying. She couldn’t wait to see him obeying her silly demands.

“I cannot believe this” NK intervened. “Its our marriage and our siblings are losing patience to see us married. So good to know” he teased.

Khushi turned back to Nani.

“Now that your grandson is here, lets get to the main point” she stated.

Arnav took a seat on the couch, his eyes focused on Khushi Gupta only.

“The engagement will happen in Gupta Villa. And only between some close friends and relatives”

“We are okay with that, what do you think Chotte?” Nani asked.

Chotte? Khushi smirked.

“As you say Nani”

He didn’t care where the engagement happens.

“But Khushi bitiya, the pre marriage rituals will happen here in Shantivan. I mean the Sangeet, Mehndi and Haldi”

“I have no issues” Khushi replied.

“And obviously the wedding will also take place in Shantivan as decided” Nani added.

“I am okay with that too” She replied then turned to Arnav. “Have you informed your Nani that she is going to stay with us in Gupta Villa?”

Arnav hadnt spoken to his Nani about it. Both Nani and Lavanya were surprised.

“Chotte? Why will I stay there?”

“Nani… Lavanya needs you. Someone has to look after her”

“Naniji..” Khushi addressed. Arnav hadnt thought she would call Nani as Naniji… adding so much respect for the old woman. “Your grandson doesn’t believe I can look after my sister-in-law”

“That’s right” Arnav snapped.

It shocked the others and when he realized that, he softened his tone.

“Nani, Miss Gupta has no idea about dealing with someone’s pregnancy. The way you can take care of Lavanya, no one else can”

He had a point.

“But Chotte.. what about you? You will stay here alone?”

“Don’t worry on that Naniji” Khushi interrupted. “I will keep him occupied”

Arnav swallowed. Did she realize she was infusing some wrong ideas in their family’s eyes about them?

“Nani, please don’t deny” NK pleaded. “Its our first baby and I don’t want any complications. If you stay with us, we will be at ease”

Nani sighed.

“That’s not a problem Nandakishore” Nani replied. “But my responsibility doesn’t end up with Lavanya’s marriage. You know we are looking proposals for Arnav too. And the sooner this happens and he settles down, I will be at ease”

Khushi stiffened. She could visualize an unknown woman touching Arnav Singh Raizada inappropriately and he didn’t mind her doing that. Only because that woman had a right over him. But how can someone else have a right on him when for the next 6 months he has given her the rights? Though he had strictly put a condition already that she wouldn’t interfere who he dates or marries, she still couldn’t adjust well with that fact. Why? Her body gave her mixed feelings right now.

“Nani, we can find a girl for ASR from Gupta Villa too” Lavanya suggested. “And then get him hitched with her” she giggled.

Arnav rolled his eyes. He had no plans of marriage so soon until he knows his sister is happy and settled in her life.

“What kind of a girl are you looking for him, if I may ask, Naniji?” Khushi suddenly enquired.

Arnav gritted his teeth.

“That’s none of your business Miss Gupta. Because I am sure the woman I like can never be in your circle”

Khushi didn’t like his reply. Even NK and Lavanya were confused why he got annoyed?

“No No.. that’s not the point” Nani tried to cover up. “Arnav’s choice for his wife is very simple. He doesn’t like today’s high society girls who have no regards to relationships and commitment”

Khushi raised her brow.

“Interesting. Very rare breed to find” she mocked.

Anger coursed through his body.

“What happened to your wrist Miss Gupta? Any accident?” he purposely asked.

Khushi was speechless for a second.

“Uhh.. yea. Another accident” she lied and then they glared at each other.

“You got to be careful next time. Not every accident can save you every time”

She adopted a serious face.

“I am not scared of death Mr. Raizada. But I will be careful from next time. And in fact just today I have signed a new insurance. It’s the best I have dealt with so far”

Only she and Arnav knew she was talking about the deal and not some life insurance. Khushi rose to her feet.

“We should leave now. I will see you all on the engagement” she said to Nani.

NK quickly took Nani’s blessings and then whispered something to Lavanya. Arnav, Khushi and Nani didn’t wait for them to finish. They kept walking out.

“Oh.. I had some sweets packed for you. Let me get them” Nani left hurriedly to the kitchen. Arnav and Khushi continued walking to the door.

“You deleted the photos?” he roughly asked.

“Yep” she smirked. “Though I liked a few of them.. they were like perfectly shot. How about I show them to whoever you plan to marry in future?”

Arnav stopped and so did she. He glared down at her, his mouth set in a grim line.

“Don’t play games with me, Khushi Gupta”

“You cannot say that Mr. Raizada. You have sold your next 6 months to me. I can do anything I like. But..” she smiled. “I wont show our pictures to anyone. They are OUR SECRET” she leaned closer and whispered.

What the hell was she doing? Arnav clutched her forearms and pinned her to the wall behind.

“Have you DELETED the pictures or not? That was the deal Khushi. I sign.. you delete them forever. And you know I will back out if you don’t follow this”

He calling her ‘Khushi’ sounded so good. Khushi was perplexed why she got these unusual tickles in her body when he called her by name and not ‘Miss Gupta’. Something was surely wrong with her. Either she was too elated by her win or it was more than that..

“Your Nani is coming here” she murmured unable to take her eyes off his frustrated look.

“If I ever see those pictures again, you know the consequences” he barked and left her arms.

Khushi neatened her dress before anyone could watch her so messed up. Pin, pull, push was a serious NO for her. She termed it manhandling.. And it was a strict No. Anyone else doing that to her, she would have sued him by now.

“Khushi bitiya. That’s for you and Nandakishore” Nani handed the sweet box.

Arnav looked elsewhere. Anyone could guess he was annoyed. It was all over his face.

“Bye” she said the old lady and got in the vehicle. NK soon followed. Lavanya waved at them as the car drove out.

“I am so happy ASR” she hugged her brother. He wrapped his arms around her.

“Me too”

Lavanya could be blind to Arnav’s turmoil but not Nani. Something was fishy and she decided to find out.

In the car, NK kept on blabbering his plans for the engagement and what he was going to gift Lavanya but Khushi had no ears to him at all. She unlocked her phone and glared at the only picture of her and Arnav Singh Raizada from Prem Nivas which she had not deleted unlike the rest. That one picture, her finger ached to delete but not her body. That one picture which was still enough to screw a lot of things between them. That one picture which made her insides coil and clench. The feeling whenever she saw this picture was out of the world. And even though Arnav Singh Raizada was presently her biggest enemy, he was also the only one who could bear to invoke that kind of feelings inside her. She locked her phone again and put a smile on her face. 2 days and he would dance on her tunes.

To be Continued.





  1. This is getting intense interesting. Thankyou for writing such good ffs.❤️💕

  2. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  3. Love to read a different Khushi

  4. I kind of feel pity for khushi. She has no one to share her pain. I guess she took care of nk like a mother and the absence of a mother in her own life made her like this. I just wish they won’t go far with the contract while hurting each other. I mean I wish khushi will learn something much earlier and get out of this deal. Even though her act is cheaper we should give her one chance to change. Nice update!!

  5. Khushi is already falling for Arnav and showing her possessiveness.

  6. Woah!! That was something!! Hope khushi doesn't pinch Arnavs wrong nerve. Looking forward to some pin and pull

  7. Awesome Update. When one picture is evoking such feelings in Khushi what will happen when Arnav will marry her. Khushi is very manipulative and calculative. Arnav being the mature and sensible one I have huge expectations from him. Khushi is a complicated character hard to understand. Khushi will soon madly fall for Arnav. Arnav presence will change her. But she must repent and regret for her deeds. This deal is for lifetime. Lavanya 's and NK's character are weak in this story. I guess this is going to be a passionate Arshi lovestory.

  8. I don't think she will leave Arnav after 6months...if she fall in love with him then surely she will keep him with her by hook or crook

  9. Khushi said deal is forever and also she said it's for 6 months .is she planning to get marry to arnav ? Hope she won't use arnav for her physical desires. Now arnav also signed contract so he can't do anything than accepting her wish . What happens next Madhu ?
    Madhu when you will epilogue for badatmeez?
    Will the next story be swept memories which you will update ?

  10. If they have signed the deal for six months then y was Khushi boasting to own Arnav for a lifetime in front of Ruby?? Has she tampered with the clauses of the contract unknown to Arnav??

    Arnav's touch has started affecting Khushi... The thought of some other girl touching him rightfully burnt her insides.. That's definitely a good sign for the starters but still both have a long way to go to know who actually immerse as a winner at the end of the deal...

    Thanks for the update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  11. looks like kkg planning something. looking forward for it

  12. It's getting interesting
    Loved the update to much
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  13. Am i the one who is thinking khushi is lusting over Arnav. I am sure future updates will be full of Khushi's cheapness and selfishness. In reality boys should stay far away from girls like Khushi. What a retard khushi is... I dont pity her the term "bitch" suits her better.

  14. So interesting.. Waiting their nok jok

  15. I am still with Khushi .. Arnav has no right to slap her when his own sister could not control herself. It’s one thing to have sex before marriage but to get pregnant is big no in Indian culture even now.

  16. wow Khushi said its for forever what's her hope she doesn't play with AR groups it's arnavs hard work what she gonna make arnav do eagerly waiting

  17. Looks like khushi will fall hard for Arnav but he will turns her down. Which she going regret big time. Fabulous update

  18. Awesome. It's getting interesting day by day. Khushi started getting effected by Arnav now itself. Don't know what's going to be her state after knowing him fully in these 6 months??? And how she's going to control him for his lifetime??? Did she added any clause without his knowledge??? It's not possible!!! Nobody can cheat ASR just like that.... Then how??? And is there any chance of another girl's entry in his life which is of his type?? If yes, then Khushi gupta is going to face a tough time..... Can't wait to know how she is going to control Arnav in the coming days.....

  19. I just love this khushi, so confident intelligent and powerful...

    But Arnav charm has started to affect Khushi..

    Waiting to see how she will make him dance on her tune...

    Thank you for updating....but wanted to read more...if possible can you update the next part tomorrow..

  20. Oh god she seriously need help and love! She lacks it. It's just that!


  21. One day Ruby is going to leek this pics and going to make a big misunderstanding between Arnav and Khushi

  22. She has fallen for arnav. Awesome update

  23. I love how you are making Arnav 's character very neat and clean in this ff for once.. otherwise in others like in Doli, even though Khushi does wrong to Arnav, it is compensated by some wrong done by Arnav to Khushi, like him going behind her to London and harassing her there.. one request Madhu, I for once hope that Arnav will have a clean chit and be the good guy, whereas Khushi repents (something like role reversal of what happened in My new boss 1).. eagerly waiting for next update..

    Excellent work Madhu !!!!

  24. This is going really good..let's see how Khushi and Arnav handle each other.

  25. Fabulous lovely update madhu

  26. This my favourite Ff love character so different plus just love every chapter madhu post .. so amazing... always wait for next updates... just love it .. arshi character so different that why Ff wonderful 🙏👏

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I love and admire this khushi a lot, so confident, intelligent and powerful. The role reversal in this update is very different and beautiful. Awesome Update as always. Khushi is surely going to experience a lot of new feelings with Arnav. I guess the tables will be turned around soon. One picture is evoking such feelings, what will happen when if they'll stay together due to some circumstances. Arnav being the mature and sensible one. Khushi will soon madly fall for Arnav. Eagerly awaiting for the next update.

  29. Can’t wait to read what Khushi have in store for ASR.....interesting....

  30. I must say I cannot wait to hear what Khushi has in store for Arnav. It’s gonna be explosive

  31. I must say I cannot wait to hear what Khushi has in store for Arnav. It’s gonna be explosive
