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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 12


Chapter 12

2 days Later

The day had hardly begun, he had just woken up and showered when that message buzzed on his mobile phone.

‘Welcome to my world Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. I hope you are ready for all tortures and won’t run away in fear’
Arnav read the message from Khushi Gupta and clenched his jaw. Her patience had run out to make him dance on her tunes. But he wouldn’t give in that easily. He will make her regret all her actions. He didn’t type back a reply. The door knocked. It was Nani who stepped inside.

“Chotte, me and Lavanya are going to the temple. I want her to take blessings of Devi Maiyaa first before we all head for Gupta Villa”
“Sure, Nani”

His mobile buzzed again. He didn’t delay checking the message only to frown reading it.

‘What shall I make you do tonight?’
He read and threw the mobile on the bed.

“What were you saying?” he asked Nani, totally meddled with Khushi Gupta’s chain of messages. She was on a roll to annoy him for sure.

“Whose message?” Nani asked.

He was speechless for few seconds until he framed a lie.

“One of my old friend” he lied.

“Oh. I hope we haven’t left out calling anyone. I don’t want people to point us later for not inviting them”

Nani’s worry was genuine.

“Nani, it’s total upon us whom we wish to invite”

“You are right. And we never got much time to prepare. Everything happened so fast. I know we have to hurry with this marriage before its too late but I am not going to do this same mistake in yours” she came forward and cupped his cheeks. “In your marriage, I am going to ensure we don’t miss out anything.”

Arnav smirked.

“Can we focus on La’s marriage at the moment? We still haven’t found the right woman for me”

Nani chuckled.

“Are you sure you don’t have any girl in your mind whom you think can be your wife? Will you really do arrange marriage, Chotte?”

Arnav rolled his eyes. Nani had questioned him thousand times if he liked someone and would like to take things ahead with that girl. But he clearly had negated that thought. He had adored a few women when he was in College. It was too early for him to commit in those days and the past 3 years he couldn’t think of a partner considering he was fixing his own life.

“I am very sure. The woman you point out, who suits my expectations as a wife will be the one, I marry”

Nani was proud.

“Then be ready to meet one tonight”

“What?” he queried.

“I have invited the Chopras. Their daughter Dolly has returned completing her graduation”

Arnav took a moment to process this information.

“What’s her age?”


“No” Arnav snapped. “She is too young to me.”

“Age is just a number Chotte”

“I know but.”

“At least meet her. If you don’t think she fits.. we can always look for someone else”

Arnav didn’t want to deny Nani’s wishes so he agreed. But meeting Dolly tonight, in Lavanya’s engagement party around Khushi Gupta’s presence? It wasn’t going to be nice, for sure. His phone buzzed again. Nani could see the hesitation in his eyes to check the message. But he didn’t delay for long. He grabbed his phone and read the message.

‘Buy me a present for tonight. And you are going to gift me that before your Nani and Lavanya in the party. I leave it up to you to choose my present’

Arnav gritted his teeth. Why would he buy a gift for her? And what does she want to prove by accepting it before Lavanya and Nani?

“Chotte? Is all okay?” Nani asked.

“Yea, all good” he put the phone away. “Got some work to do. I cannot accompany you and Lavanya at the temple”

Nani didn’t argue. She knew Arnav had a lot to handle and she didn’t want to stress him more.


Gupta Villa

The whole Villa was decorated with lights and flowers. Media was kept out of the venue and were told they would get their byte once the engagement happens. Khushi Gupta was a busy woman tonight answering calls from her business associates who couldn’t make it up to this party and some long relatives who were given a very short notice to turn them here with their families. She had after all crushed the hearts of many girls who dreamt to be Nandakishore’s life partner. The guests had started coming but her eyes were fixed on the entrance for the Raizadas.

“He will be here… any time” Ruby Khanna whispered.

Khushi stared back at her friend.

“I am waiting for the whole family, not just that Raizada”

“Really? I thought only that man interests you among the three”

“He does” she smirked. “Because he is my new slave and I have specifically asked him to get a gift for me tonight”

“Gift?” Ruby sipped her Wine. “Why Gift? You have everything”

She had everything but she was curious to know what would he choose for her? What would he buy? That gift tonight will be the commence of their new secretive deal. It was too much fun for Khushi Gupta and she couldn’t wait for it to begin.

“They are here” Ruby alerted keeping the Wine glass away.

Khushi turned to the door and saw Arnav Singh Raizada, his Nani and Lavanya stepping in. The guests were already congratulating them, wishing the man and blessing his sister. Where was her gift? Why was he not carrying it?

“I don’t see any gift” Ruby teased.

Did he not buy? Damn!! This was her first task after the deal and he didn’t fulfil? Her eyes burned in anger which soon reflected over her entire face.

“Khush.. come on.. lets go meet them” Nandakishore dragged Khushi towards the Raizadas. Ruby followed slowly. NK leaned down to take Nani’s blessings first and then hugged Arnav. He raised Lavanya’s arm and kissed her wrist.

“Can I take her for a moment? My friends want to meet her” he urged.

“Sure” Arnav smiled letting the couple leave and then met Khushi Gupta’s stern gaze. She looked annoyed and was doing her best to hide it from Nani and others.

“Khushi bitiya, you have arranged everything so well” Nani praised. “In such a short time span. It’s really commendable”

“Naniji” Ruby intervened. “My friend could even arrange her own marriage preps in such a short time. She can turn impossible into possible. What do you think ASR?” Ruby winked.

“I am sure” he faked a smile.

“That’s my friend Ruby Khanna, by the way” Khushi interrupted, introducing Ruby to Nani and Arnav.

“Hello Ruby Bitiya”

“Hello Naniji. Why don’t you come with me? I will introduce you to some of Khushi’s guests” Ruby stated and took Nani away.

Khushi was glad she did so because right now she wanted to talk to this man alone.

“Where is my gift?” she pounced.

Arnav gazed at her warily.

“Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, we have a deal signed. I will not tolerate if you don’t obey my instructions. You know I can end this party now and never let the engagement happen”

“Stop freaking out” Arnav replied. “The deal will commence after the engagement happens.. And you will get your gift the moment the rings are exchanged”

Khushi recalled he was right. They had decided to let the exchange of rings happen before she could control him and his actions. Arnav stopped the waiter passing by and picked two glasses of Wine. He offered one to Khushi Gupta.

“For our deal” he clinked their glasses. Khushi was clueless why he was so casual about it?

“For your slavery” she replied clinking their glasses again and sipped her Wine.

The engagement mahurat begun. NK and Lavanya exchanged the rings happily surrounded by the cheering guests. Arnav took a sigh of relief seeing the joy on his little sister’s face. This joy had come up with a price which he had to settle for the next 6 months. It was going to test his patience, maybe even drain his mind thinking how to backfire the motives of Khushi Gupta, but he would do it all to keep his sister happy and contended. When he glanced at Khushi Gupta, she grinned at him. He could read the glint in her eyes as she tilted her head to convey the deal had begun. He nodded mutely and blended in with the guests. Soon, he made his way to the Exit speaking to someone over the phone. Lavanya was introduced to Gupta’s relatives who appraised her beauty and dimples.

“Are they artificial?” one of a jealous relative asked. Khushi frowned at the query but Lavanya chuckled.

“No, they are real. I got these from my mother”

“That’s right” Nandakishore added. “I have seen her parent’s picture. Lavanya is totally like her mother and ASR like his father”

Khushi sipped the Wine.

“That reminds me… Where are the senior Guptas?” the lady enquired. “Wont they attend their son’s wedding?”

Khushi fisted her fingers. Remembering her parents at such an auspicious moment was not worth it. Nandakishore saw the rage emerging on Khushi’s face and decided to tackle the situation.

“Aunty, wont you dance? Everyone is on the floor. So should you with Uncle”

The woman nodded and hurried with her husband to the dance floor. Nani and Lavanya who had witnessed this scene tried not to poke much.

“Khush.. don’t take her words to your heart” Nandakishore caressed Khushi’s arm.

“I am fine, Kishu” she mumbled.

“Miss Gupta” Arnav intervened. His hands were hiding something at his back. She composed herself and turned around. “I have brought you a gift”

FINALLY!! She raised her brows in pretense.

“Gift? For me? I don’t understand”

Arnav’s gaze darkened. What a fabrication!! First she asks him to gift her and then doesn’t even acknowledge.

“Absolutely ASR” NK added. “Engagement was ours and you are gifting my sister?”

“I think she deserves a gift” Arnav replied. “After all that she did for me and my family, I owe her at least this much”

He gently moved his hands forward and handed the little basket covered with laces and flowers at her. Khushi had no clue what that basket contained but as she took it and peeped, a small white puppy yawned and popped his head out of the basket.

“Puppy?” Lavanya giggled. Nandakishore was equally stunned and so was Nani. What kind of gift is that? Khushi’s eyes glimmered with disappointment and anger.

“Her name is Bella” Arnav mentioned staring at Khushi Gupta. “And she is yours”

Arnav deliberately chose to turn blind eye to her anger.

“She is hardly 3 months old and needs good care which I am sure she will get in your great Villa”

“She is so cute” Nandakishore caressed the puppy and in turn she licked his fingers.

“But ASR, why a Puppy?” Lavanya asked.

“I thought after your wedding to NK, you both will be busy and Khushi Gupta needs someone to hang out with. She needs someone who can lick her feet, dance on her commands and always follow her footsteps. She told me that once, didn’t you Miss Gupta?”

Khushi swallowed. Puppy? Seriously? She hates dogs!!

“I hope you liked my gift” Arnav tried to hold his laugh seeing her fuming. Khushi gestured a waiter who quickly rushed to them. She handed him the basket with the puppy.

“Keep her safe upstairs” she commanded.

The servant nodded and took the puppy away. Nani was confused. She could sense the cold war between her grandson and Khushi Gupta.

“No one ever gave me such a sensible gift Mr. Raizada” Khushi replied. “I will make sure to bond with Bella”

Ruby intervened them.

“What boring people you guys are. The dance floor is waiting for NK and Lavanya. Come on, you are the highlight of tonight’s party. Go dance” she almost dragged them away and pushed the two to the dance floor. Coming back to Khushi and Arnav, she sighed in disappointment. “You both want me to repeat the same again? Come on… stop being so boring. Fetch a dance partner and get on that floor soon”

Khushi shrugged the idea but Ruby couldn’t.

“Wait a minute, how silly of me? Let me ease down your problem of finding another dance partner.” She turned to Arnav and offered her arm. “Will you dance with me, ASR?”

Arnav didn’t mind.


Khushi fumed again when Ruby took Arnav Singh Raizada away and her frustration rose when Ruby purposely did it to annoy her. Nani found some family known to mingle with and Khushi Gupta stood alone, watching her brother and his fiancée dance at one side and on the other side, noticing Ruby flirting with her newly appointed slave, ASR!! How the heck is she going to control it?

“Dance?” one of the guest showed some courage to ask.

Without a word, she dragged the man on the dance floor, close to Ruby and Arnav.

“Ooooohhh” Ruby muttered. “That man got guts to ask Khushi for a dance”

Arnav glanced at Khushi Gupta once and smiled back to Ruby.

“By the way, I am Ruby Khanna. Khushi’s best friend”

“I know you” he replied.

“I was skeptical if you would dance with me because I am her friend. I know you both don’t go well with each other”

“I don’t judge people by their friends” Arnav stated. “What I don’t understand is how you manage to bear her tantrums? I heard you both are from same school”

“Same class.. Same Bench” Ruby added.

“That’s interesting. Not many get to have such strong friends”

“I will take that as a compliment ASR” she leaned her head on Arnav’s shoulder and looked at Khushi whose face turned red. She literally stopped dancing and came to them. She pulled Ruby away from Arnav.

“Sure you wont mind darling, if I snatch him for a dance” Khushi scowled.

“All yours” Ruby bit her tongue and hurried down. Arnav was not interested to dance anymore and so wasn’t Khushi. She was just here to warn him.

“You didn’t take my permission to dance with Ruby” she shouted. Her voice though loud, wasn’t audible to other as the music was high.

Arnav frowned.

“Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, I am not going to be so lenient every time. You are forgetting the terms. You owe my permission for every single action. And right now, I want you to make a drink for me”

She thought her task will piss Arnav Singh Raizada but it didn’t. Arnav smirked.

“What are you smiling for? I just assigned you some work”

“I heard it” he grinned again. “And trust me, its far better than dancing with you. I will get your drink Miss Gupta. You definitely need one”

Before she could argue even on that, Arnav slipped away. Khushi clenched her jaw. Tonight she couldn’t make him do more because Kishu was around but who would save him in the coming days?

To be Continued


  1. Wow... Loved the start of their deal. Rill now only Arnav is having the upper hand. Loved his gift to Khushi Gupta. It suits her. Hope she will be a little gentle towards that puppy. And waiting to see khushi's reaction when Arnav is going to meet Dolly.

  2. Awesome Update. Arnav's gift to Khushi was quite unique and it infuriated her more. Khushi's troubled past is the reason behind her rude attitude. What's exactly wrong between Khushi and her parents that they are not invited in the engagement ceremony. Arnav is very mature he willingly agreed to Nani's choice. But Khushi treating Arnav as her slave is too much to bear. Rubi infuriated Khushi's anger more and she gave a hint to Nani. Finally Lavanya and NK are engaged but feeling sad that Arnav payed a huge price. Waiting for Khushi Dolly meeting . Khushi is too possessive towards Arnav jealousy was evident in her seeing Arnav dancing with Ruby and their closeness. Loved Arnav's attitude though. Thanks for the Update 😍

  3. How Khushi is going to react when Arnav meets Dolly . Seeing her possessiveness it seems she won't take it lightly. It would be fun to read a jealous Khushi.😁

  4. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  5. Omg 😆 Arnav give gift to Khushi Dog 🐶..that’s so funny 🤣... thank you 😊 amazing updates

  6. A dog really? Man he has some guts really. What about Dolly? Where is she?

  7. Dog as a gift 😂😂....we know Arnav will do that in a sarcastic way..but she is damn into it... Unknowingly she is getting familiar with him and she is going to get tangled in it at the end

  8. That's such a cute gift one could get. Arnav being sarcastic but it's cute. Hope he starts understanding khushi and not judge her too soon. And khushi too so far hasn't been to bad.. Her ways to trouble Arnav are cute. She's already being possesive of him

  9. Wow he gifted her a puppy hope she doesn't do anything bad to the puppy waiting to see Khushi on dolly

  10. Awesome.... Very smart of Arnav.. Puppy as gift😁... Waiting to read what else Khushi wud make him do and how he will outsnart her..

  11. Beautiful update as always. Hahaha, puppy as a gift 😅😂. Arnav's way of handling khushi is really commendable 🤗😊

  12. O loved the gift hehe a cute puppy

  13. Lady needs help! I hope she doesn't make the puppy's life miserable! Cheers

  14. I wanted Nani and lavanya to know more about gupta parents. I guess khushi is like this because no one took care of her when she needed it. No one was there to give her attention. After reading today’s chapter I felt she is seeking attention, that’s why she wants to become first in everything. If there is someone to understand it and give her all love and attention she will change for sure. Yeah she needs to be punished. But what if she is an innocent girl inside her heart? Nice update!

    1. In that case even Arnav is innocent at heart in each and every story till now, no matter how much he troubles and tortures Khushi.. it was all because of his troubled past.. there we were all very happy when Arnav had to try very hard to earn Khushi's forgiveness and affections.. so why should it change now ? I for once want Khushi to grovel and work hard to earn Arnav.. it's just my opinion anyways..

    2. I didn’t say it should change. I just said she needs love. That doesn’t mean I suggest that her repentance should be easy! Moreover I didn’t say arnavs love will change her. All I said was she needs attention and if there is someone who can give her that she will change.

  15. Oh yeah I don’t want any harm to that puppy. Hope khushi will get along with that cute puppy.

  16. Khushi stop being so arrogant. Looking like tigeress. Awesome update

  17. Khushi do not underestimate Arnav Singh Raizada....he’ll turn all your slavery job to his advantage and start irritating you more just like getting you a puppy. Maybe Khushi might start taking care of the puppy and get attached to it😂😂😂

  18. What move ASR... Unpredictable ASR give puppy to Khushi.. let hope ASR teach how to overcome self injured n love our self,.. hope positive to Khushi life... Heal her disastrous childhood... The love will make a good life...

  19. I want to see khushi's failure, what ever is her past ,I don't care ,she deserves it .

  20. Khushi is falling for arnav. Awesome update

  21. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  22. What a gift.... puppy 🐶🐶🐶🐶 Let see who will dance in whose tune .😅😅😅😅 . Superb awesome update

  23. Puppy! As a gift.. Seems it gonna be a rollercoaster ride for khushi

  24. I just hope khushi dont harm that puppy to take little revenge on Arnav...

  25. Superb update 😍😘 arnav gave a puppy to khushi i thonk she need this this 😄😄😁 ... Arnav is very smart and know how to tackle the situation and khushi think she will make arnav's life hell but she will fall in her own trap very soon 😏😁 finally nk and la engagement is done 🎉🎊 plezs post it soon

  26. Wow..I'm so glad that Arnav has started the deal on a defensive note instead of being a submissive to Khushi's absurdness.. What beautiful gift Arnav gave to Khushi... She didn't like it that's a different thing but I'm sure she will start liking the puppy soon for sure as Arnav has gifted her...

    Thanks for the beautiful update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  27. Superb.

    Loved the way arnav handled khushi..
    Wow does he knows khushi hate dog? That's why gave puppy..
    Rubi too good making khushi jealous..
    Khushi trying to tame him but she forgot he is ASR..
    Looking forward

  28. Ecelent ecelent updade. Awesome chapter thanks

  29. Love the starting of their deal till now Arnav is handling everything very intelligently let's see what's coming next

  30. Love the gift and the explanation of the Gift. That was awesome. I laughed so much.
