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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 4



Chapter 4

Lavanya paced in the balcony of her bedroom. This was the tenth time she was trying to connect to him since evening but he wasn’t responding to a single call. It worried her.

“Please NK.. pick my call” she murmured.

His answered this time.

“La, whats the matter with you?” Nandakishore Gupta scorned. “I told you we will talk at night. I am busy with something”

“Busy?” she snapped. “What are you busy at? Work? Business? That’s not possible because you haven’t yet stepped in the Office yet. Whats keeping you so busy then?”

Nandakishore gestured the chef to take over his task and headed out of the kitchen.
“Was that a taunt? That I don’t go to office?”

“No NK” she calmed her tone. “I just meant you need to be more responsible now. You should join your business. Assist your sister in running it. You have still not come out of your College days. Biking, clubbing, parties, all this has to take a backseat now”
Nandakishore exhaled roughly taking a seat on the couch.

“I am trying Lavanya. And whats so hurry? The world is not ending”

Lavanya rolled her eyes. She was sick of NK’s carefree nature. He was still behaving like a teenager when he should be taking up some responsibilities on his shoulder.

“Have you talked to your sister about us?” she asked.

There was a long pause.

“God, NK. When will you?”

“Soon” he promised. “The present situation is not right. All thanks to your brother”

“Excuse me?” she snapped. “Only because my Brother won some bid and your sister lost, doesn’t make him wrong”

“Do you realize how Khush reacted? She locked herself for hours.. She … she cannot accept defeat Lavanya. And had it been someone else, I would have still calmed down but for God’s sake she lost it to your brother. How do you think I will talk to her about us? Should I tell her that the man she lost Prem Nivas is brother of the woman I love? She will.. she will go mad. I don’t even know how she will react”

Lavanya chewed her teeth in anger.

“Don’t give me excuses. And as far as I know she loves you too much. She will surely understand”

“I hope so” he sighed. “That’s why I am cooking her favorite meal tonight. That’s what I was busy at. If her mood is good, I will talk to her about us and see how it goes”

It brought a smile on her face.

“I hope she agrees”

“Fingers crossed baby” he assured putting a smile on his lips too.

Suddenly, Lavanya felt her mobile phone been snatched. She jerked finding her brother Arnav Singh Raizada disconnecting the call and throwing the phone on the bed. She had never seen him so frustrated before.

“ASR.. What’s the matter?”

“We need to talk” he growled dragging her to the huge picture of their parents hung on the wall.

“Whatever I am going to ask you now, I need the truth. I know you will never lie before our parents at least. No more hiding La”

Lavanya gulped nervously. She got an intuition what he was supposed to ask her. Did he get to know about her affair?

“You are having an affair with Nandakishore Gupta?” he asked in a serious tone.

Lavanya felt her entire body tremble.

“ASR.. I ..”

“YES or NO?”

She looked down in pain nodding her head weakly.


“Since when?”

“2 years”

Arnav’s brow arched. 2 years his sister dated this man and he didn’t know? If he hadn’t employed Shyam to keep an eye on Lavanya’s personal life outside the house, he would never get to know it.

“Is he serious too?”

“Yes ASR. We love each other. He is a good man. You will like him”

“Like?” he scoffed. “How can I like a man who doesn’t even earn on his own? What the hell is he doing? Spending his ancestor’s money? Living on the imported gifts from his sister? That’s your choice Lavanya? I expected better from you”

The taunt didn’t go well with her but it was the truth. Despite all her efforts in making NK realize the importance of him joining their family business, nothing helped. He was cocooned in shell by his sister’s love and over pampering.

“He will change ASR.. Just give him time”

The tears in her eyes melted his heart. He softened his tone.

“Has he talked to his sister yet? About you?”

Lavanya swallowed the lump formed in his throat.

“No” she whispered rubbing the tears from her cheeks.

“Wow” he snapped. “You guys are in a relationship from 2 years and none of you yet told your families. How were you supposed to take it forward then?”

“I just spoke to him ASR. He is going to talk to her today”

“Today?” Arnav gasped. “He better doesn’t do that mistake”

Lavanya was confused why he judged that. But Arnav didn’t care to inform. What would he say? That he offered Khushi Gupta the spare keys of Prem Nivas and she mistook that he wanted to sleep with her? Damn!

“Listen” Arnav clutched her shoulders and pulled his sister close. “Tell him I want to meet him.”

Lavanya was thrilled. How would that meet go? ASR’s brotherly concern and NK’s childish ego could clash.

“Fix a time with him tomorrow.”

“Okay. I will talk to him and we can go meet”

“Just me, Lavanya. Not you.”


“I wont eat him” he assured. “Just grill maybe”

Lavanya was clueless if she should be worried about it or laugh at that statement. But it was really high time their relationship progresses

“And next time, no more hiding things from me. You get that?”

She nodded and hugged him tight. She had full faith her brother would fix things up.


Khushi was delighted that Nandakishore cooked her favorite meal. Though she was in no mood to dine, she couldn’t break his heart.

“This is good” she appreciated.

“You liked it?”

“Yes, I didn’t know you can cook so amazing”

“I tried” Nandakishore blushed at the compliment from his sister. “Khush.. you… okay now?”

She slowed down eating.

“I mean.. you were not in a good mood since yesterday so..”

“I am absolutely fine” she lied. “Things go up and down Kishu.. But I am fixer. I know how to get things back on track, in my favor” she chewed the spoon almost and then placed it down.

“Yes you are” he smiled little hesitating to talk.

“You want to say something to me?” Khushi read his face.

“I?” he gulped. “No.. I mean.. Yes”

“Kishu” she touched his arm. “However worse my temper is, you don’t need to worry about that. I will always have my eyes and ears on you. Speak up. What is it? What do you want this time? A new imported bike? Latest edition digital watch? Or a vacation with your friends to some exotic beach location?”

She seemed to be in a good mood so Nandakishore took the opportunity in his favor.

“Khush, I don’t want any of that. This time what I want from you is priceless… something connected to my heart”

Khushi’s brows twitched.

“Heart?” she reiterated. “Is this something to do about a woman?”

He nodded.

“A very special woman in my life, apart from you”

Khushi was intrigued. She had never spied on her brother’s friend circle. She knew he was wise enough to choose his group and the people he wanted to be closer to. He had been with girls before, dated a few of them in his early college days but in the past two years he never mentioned anything serious. She thought he was still looking for the right girl to come in his life and she was in no hurry but seemed like he had found one.

“Who is the lucky girl?”

“Not like this” Nandakishore denied mentioning name. “You will first meet her. I am sure once you meet her you will instantly like her Khush. She is that cute… simple and very charming”

“I am sure” Khushi muttered. “Okay, so tomorrow? Send her to my office tomorrow. I will meet her. At least tell me her name”

Nandakishore thought for a while and replied.


Khushi smiled.

“Nice name. I am sure she will be nicer than that” she patted his cheek and continued eating. She decided to ask Mrs. Pinto to free up her schedule tomorrow to meet this girl.


It was decided that Nandakishore would meet Arnav Singh Raizada at a club the next evening and Lavanya to go see Khushi Gupta at her office by 05:00 pm. The only problem was Lavanya forgot to mention her brother about it. She wanted to tell him but as he was busy in some conferences, she dropped him a message on his social media account forgetting that he hardly checked them.


Gupta Office
“How long Mrs. Pinto? I gave you 24 hours to trace all his details. I want them on my desk by 5:00” she scowled at her secretary who was informed to run a check on Arnav Singh Raizada’s personal and professional life details. The man himself was so popular yet secretive that it was impossible to get his minute details in such a short span but Mrs. Pinto still worked on it.

Her mobile buzzed forcing Khushi to wave off at the secretary so that she could take this call.

“Kishu, I am working. What is it?” she answered.

“Khush. Don’t forget Lavanya will be in your office sharp at 05:00”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“I know. I will meet her”

“Great. Until then I will go see her brother. Wish me luck”

“wait…” she paused. “Where are you going?”

“Uhh.. To meet Lavanya’s brother. Just like you want to see Lavanya, he wants to meet me”

“Kishu what the hell?” she snapped raising from her chair. “Why didn’t you tell me your plans? And… you don’t need to meet anyone. Not until I talk to Lavanya and we discuss this further. You are Nandakishore Gupta, Khushi Gupta’s brother. That’s enough for her family to approve of you”

“Khush” he chuckled. “You are too obsessed by our name. Don’t take it to your heart. Just like you are concerned for me, Lavanya’s brother is concerned for her. And most importantly I want to do this. I will call you once I meet him”

“Who is he? Whats his name?” she enquired.

“Nope. I won’t tell you that. Not before tonight”

“Kishu don’t hang up on me. I need to know....”

“Bye bye bye.”

He disconnected. Khushi pressed her forehead which ached suddenly. She didn’t get a good feeling about this meeting arrangements.


It was sharp 05:00 when Mrs. Pinto knocked her cabin door.

“Ma’am” she kept a black file on the table. “That’s all the details you need to know. Our sources have traced most of his information and family details. I will get you more once we have it with us”

Khushi happily drummed her fingers on the file cover.

“And .. a girl named Lavanya is waiting outside. Should I send her?”

Mrs. Pinto though had collated details of Raizadas through her sources, she had not seen or read any of its contents it. This was purely for her Boss’s eyes only. Neither she had any clue the girl waiting outside was ASR’s sister.

Khushi checked her watch. The girl was punctual. But she desperately wanted to read the contents of this file.. get some insight on her new enemy. But.. this could wait for some minutes.

“Send her in”

Mrs. Pinto left and within a minute Lavanya entered the cabin. She wore a simple black Chudidar. Black? Nandakishore must have told his girlfriend that Black was her favorite color. Impressive that Lavanya adhered to her likes. Khushi leaned back on her chair to admire her brother’s choice. She was fair, tall with dimples on both her cheeks. By her outfit Khushi guessed the girl belonged to a high-class family. Though right now she didn’t care even if Nandakishore had selected a middle-class girl for himself. She had all the money and power in the world to secure her brother’s life, why would she care if the girl he marries has money or not?

“Hi..” Lavanya murmured in a shivering tone. “I am Lavanya”

Khushi rose from her chair and strode to her.

“Khushi Gupta” she stretched her hand. Lavanya shook hands with her. She hadn’t thought it would be so formal. “Kishu told me..” she paused. “I mean.. Nandakishore told me you were beautiful. He was wrong”

Lavanya was offended.

“You are gorgeous Lavanya” Khushi admitted. “No wonder Kishu lost his heart to you”

Lavanya failed to hide her blush. She had heard Khushi Gupta was egoistic but it didn’t seem so right now.

“What will you have? Coffee? Juice Or wine?”

“Coffee” Lavanya replied.

“You don’t drink?”

“I do.. but.. these days I don’t feel like. Even having a cup of coffee makes me feel full. It’s very unusual though”

“Going through any stress?” Khushi asked. “Is Kishu bothering you?”

“No..he…” Lavanya giggled. “Yeah.. he does at times”

Khushi smirked hard taking that as a compliment. She then picked her telecom and ordered two coffees.

“Kishu didn’t tell me anything about your family”

Now Lavanya stiffened. It was decided between her and NK that they wouldn’t reveal it yet to Khushi. Not until she approves of her first.

“Relax. I won’t go into the details because Kishu doesn’t want me to.. But I can ask you some general questions. Hope that’s fine with you?”

“Of course,”

“Good. So, who do you have in your family? Parents? Siblings?”

“My parents are no more. I stay with my Nani and brother”

“Brother” Khushi picked that. “He… he runs some sort of business or?”

“Yes, he does”

Khushi nodded. Mrs. Pinto came inside with the Coffees and left placing the tray on the table. Lavanya’s phone buzzed hard.

“Its my Nani.. I need to take this call”

“Sure” Khushi gestured her to answer the phone call and meanwhile she flipped the black file to quickly check the summary of Arnav Singh Raizada’s personal life. She would waste no time. Every second costed her millions at work. Her eyes darkened as she saw the first picture of him with his family.. It had Lavanya in it and an elderly woman alongside. She picked the photo in hand and then gazed back at Lavanya who was still on call. This was freaking insane!! The girl whom Nandakishore loved was … Arnav Singh Raizada’s Sister? What kind of risky coincidence was this? Did that man know? Is that why Nandakishore refrained from sharing Lavanya’s family details to her? Did… Did Arnav Singh Raizada ask him to do so? Now that was annoying.

“Sorry” Lavanya kept her phone back in the purse. “Nani never remembers where she keeps her reading glasses”

Khushi shut the file close and came to the point.

“Whose idea was this?” she asked. Her tone was dangerously weird. “Who planted you in Kishu’s life? Your brother?”

Lavanya was shocked.

“What are you talking about?” she snapped. “Why will my brother do that?”

“I don’t know..” Khushi shrugged. “you tell me that Miss Lavanya Singh Raizada”

The moment she took her full name, Lavanya jerked behind. How did she know? Just few minutes back she had no clue about it and talked so well. Khushi rose from her chair again and strode to the chair where Lavanya seated.

“You looked innocent but looks can be deceptive. Your brother wants me to sleep with him and you are already doing the same with my brother. Whats your plan?”

Lavanya was totally offended. She pushed back her chair and got up on her feet.

“You seem to have misunderstood us. Me and NK are in love. And my brother has no interest in you. For God’s sake he doesn’t even know you”

“He Doesnt? ” she growled. “Then ask him why he gave me the farm house duplicate keys yesterday? Ask him… why he wants me to pay a visit there any time I like?”

Lavanya was stunned. When did this happen?

“Initially I had this vague feeling he is plotting something to ruin my business, but now I think he has more in mind. He has involved my family Lavanya.. my brother.. My Kishu.. which I can never tolerate. Tell him, it wont work”

“You are mistaken” Lavanya pleaded with teary eyes. “NK and I love each other”

“NK thinks he love you.. I will change that thought.. I will make him realize he is just attracted to you and he can get a better woman. I will make sure that happens.. No matter what” Khushi threatened her.

Lavanya felt her body heavy.

“Don’t do this to us.. Please. I beg”

“Beg?” Khushi let out a laugh. “Its not you who I wish to see begging before me now.. It should be your brother.. I will make sure he kneels before me… begs.. pleads and kisses my feet one day. I will torture him that much”

“Enough” Lavanya screamed. “Not a word against ASR.. He..he” her vision blurred.

Khushi kept watching her expressions thinking she was acting to fall weak. But when Lavanya collapsed on the floor, Khushi knew she wasn’t faking it. She lay on the floor.. unconscious..

To be Continued.



Precap for Part 5

“I am not her family Doctor” Khushi growled. “Neither interested in becoming one”

“Oh. Then we need someone from her family to disclose her medical status” the Doctor replied.

“Stop wasting my time” Khushi threatened him. “And tell me whats wrong with her? Why did she faint?”

The doctor was tensed seeing her frustration and let the news out.

“She is 3 months pregnant”

Khushi froze.

Ebooks @ 99

Ebooks @ 99


  1. Now that's intense . Can't wait for chapter 5. That's not fair to tease us with precap 😭😭. Want an update too.

    This Khushi is so Fire and full of herself. May be some past made her hard. Nk depending on Khushi for everything , he is damn pampered but he is such a good boy I think so.

    Arnav's anger on Khushi is right but he did wrong too ,like who gives the backup key to his opposition? He might thought about her sister's love that's y he gave her key but she took that in a wrong way.
    Thanks for this.lots of Love.

    - Anash.

  2. Khushi seems to like lavanya at first but of course after knowing about Arnav Singh raizada she got angry... Moreover his yesterday's stunt cause this.... Now khushi will use this situation

  3. This is not fair Madhu again cliffhanger ? Want to read next chapter
    .. what ll arnav tell to nk ? Will nk listen to Khushi and ditch Lavanya? What conditions ll Khushi tell to arnav to make nk and Lavanya marry ?

  4. Awesome Update. Lavanya fainted and as per the Precap Khushi will come to know about Lavanya's pregnancy. first and now she will manipulate the situation. Arnav concern for La as an elder brother is correct . Both Arshi have only one thing in common that is their love for their siblings. Lavanya did a mistake by not informing Arnav about her meeting with Khushi. NK's life is fully controlled by Khushi. Don't know why Khushi is considering Arnav as her enemy may be because he gave her the keys of Prem Nivas . Khushi has already formed a negative image of Arnav in her mind. I am afraid that Khushi is now becoming a threat to 3 people's lives. Khushi's attitude and temper is really high . Until Khushi's past us revealed it's not possible to judge her. Thanks for the Update😍. Now Arnav's future is in Khushi's hand🤔

  5. Oh wow! Back-to-back updates :D This FF of yours seems incredibly promising! Hooked to it already.

  6. I m loving this story's pace..keep it up madhu.. would love to see some fast happenings

  7. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I hope arshi get married

  8. This story looks hell promising!!!!
    I'm lovin it♡♡♡♡♡

  9. Oh God Khushi is not only taking Arnav wrong but Lavanya as well.. She thinks Lav trapped her Kishu for some selfish reasons & now Arnav is trying to do the same with her... She has already made up her mind to not let Lav & NK unite... I'm glad that Lav stood up for her brother infront of the Gupta siblings...

    This Khushi will definitely fulfil her wish of seeing Arnav beg, kneel & plead at her feet as Lavanya herself presented that opportunity to Khushi by getting preggy before marriage...

    Thanks for the update Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  10. Khushi n her misconceptions... God what will happen it's worth to watch...

  11. Interesting.. Update next part soon

  12. So Khushi is the first person come to know about Lavanya pregnancy. Now she will surely use this to take out her anger on Arnav....poor Lavanya

  13. Awesome update as always.. Awaiting for Khushi's reaction now about the entire marriage fiasco..

  14. I just want to know about Arnav 's caractor . Is he a weak person or as usual shrude ,arogant ,ruthless and dominant business man. Because i dont like innocent, helpless Arnav . please madhu give me a clue .

    1. I too really wish he is the typical ASR.

  15. Mind blowing update. Don't have word to describe. Please update next part tomorrow

  16. Oh,m so happy I kind of guessed abt the pregnancy from the time of prologue and m happy it was right he he, can't wait for how this unfold

  17. Nice update..

    Both loved their siblings...
    Arnsv seems more sensible
    Khushi is looks more cruel..

    She misunderstood arnav first now la too..

    Looking forward

  18. The line when she said she will make him kiss her feet one day.. Tho that was said in a normal context.. It sounded romantic to me

  19. Khushi is crossing her limits. If she really loves NK she should allow him to marry lavanya. What she is doing now is pure revenge. And her enmity with arnav can’t even justified.

  20. Now my point is here that when Arnav is Khushi's place everyone take Khushi's side and blame Arnav only before knowing his past and now here in role exchange everyone are waiting to know her past before blaming her now it doesn't look fair at all

  21. Whatever past is that doesn't give her that right to act like this when he is only one right in all way and true gentleman after all

  22. Is la like pregnant or something??

  23. Great.
    But next update, looks like things get changed in 4 lives
    NK is quite a rude and spoiled brat

  24. So this is how Khushi is going to blackmail Arnav! I hope tables don't turn against her soon but the path she's walking will surely be responsible for her downfall. She doesn't think and reacts first... Reaches own conclusions. Not a good trait! Waiting to see how Arnav tackles the situation.

  25. Oh god Khushi! You and your brains! I mean I'm all for strong will woman! But, this is heights accusing people of their conduct even without knowing them!

    Great to add on Lavanya is fricking pregnant! And I don't think Khushi is going to take this lightly. She'll assume it's another plan!🤦🤦


  26. I don't feel this character as khushi .
    Intriguing character.

  27. Superb chapter. OMG 😳 the cat is out of the bag. She will use this pregnancy to get back at Arnav. Don’t like this Khushi much. Yes I like an empowered Khushi. But she was s something else.
