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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 3



Chapter 3

Gupta Mansion
“Prem Nivas, one of the picturesque and alluring farm house of the City whose auction announcement made headlines last week has finally been sold. There were controversies of Miss Khushi Gupta, the CEO and Chairman of Gupta Industries trying to get hold of this property but unfortunately despite being so close to it has lost the bid to the powerful Business Magnate and the stylish heartthrob of the country Arnav Singh Raizada”

“Shit” Nandakishore muted the television. Khushi lost the bid? That was mere to impossible. And to his dismay she lost it to a Raizada. That surely wasn’t cool!!

He was about to dial Khushi but it was not necessary as he heard a loud shriek of the Car outside. Had to be Khushi. She strode inside like a storm, keeping her eyes glued to the stairs.

“Khush. Wait. I just saw the news.. how did it happen? I mean.. you were well prepared and..”
Nandakishore kept following her to the stairs. She didn’t stop until she reached her bedroom door.

“Kishu” she snapped. “Leave me alone for some time”


She didn’t wait for his argument and shut the door on his face. Nandakishore was upset by her behavior. But that’s how it had been all the time. For her every single defeat, Khushi reacted the same way. She secluded herself for some hours and then behaved like nothing happened. Probably, just like every other time, he should give her some privacy.


The cold water ran shivers in her body as she stood below the shower, clothed. Every single moment of that bid when she was insulted played before her eyes. Arnav Singh Raizada!! Who the hell was he? His confidence, smirk, grin on his face when he snatched the bid from her, everything flashed in her head. He will have to pay big time for messing with her. She came out of the shower and opened the drawer below the dressing mirror. She picked a rubber band and wrapped it around her wrist. It was time to remind herself what it meant to lose. Stretching the band with her finger, far enough to hurt her, she left it to snap back to its elasticity. Her wrist became sore by the pain but she didn’t stop. She continued doing this till she recalled failure can never be her fate.



Arnav took the blessings of Nani who was proud of his achievement.

“I knew you would buy that house” she stated. “If your Daadi and Daadu were alive, they would be very happy today.

“So what if they are not there with us? We will still celebrate” he assured.

He scanned the room and found Lavanya busy texting on her phone. She looked nervous and in a mood of argument.

“Lavanya” Nani called. “You wont congratulate him?”

Lavanya jerked on the couch and plastered a smile on her face. Arnav instantly read her problem. She must have got to know from her so called boyfriend that they lost that Farm house to us.

“Of course,” he strode to Arnav and gave him a hug. “Good work ASR”

“You don’t seem happy” he asked.

“No, I am happy”

Her phone buzzed again which drew her attention to it.

“It’s okay” he smiled. “Go chat with your friend”

“Thanks… ASR”

She rushed back to the couch and picking up her phone she headed to her room.

“What happened to her?” Nani asked worried.

Arnav didn’t reveal anything to his grandmother. He wanted things to be more concrete before he tells her about Lavanya’s affair.


Gupta Mansion
It was dinner time. Nandakishore didn’t touch the food. He was upset and not hungry at all. The servants had requested him to eat but he didn’t. How would he when his sister upstairs is grieving for her loss. And upon that his girlfriend Lavanya was apologizing over messages. It was not her fault but that didn’t change the fact that Khushi was upset. He had to ease her down.

“Kishu… dinner time”

He instantly turned around and saw his sister serving their plates at the dinning table.

“Khush” he rushed to her. “you okay?”

“I am always okay” she brushed his concern off with a smirk. “But if you skip meals, I might fall sick”

“Oh Khush” he hugged her tight. “I love your spirit”

Khushi hugged him back but there was no joy on her face, but pure rage. Arnav Singh Raizada would pay for this.

“You know what I think?” Nandakishore made her sit. “You should visit the Maa Durga temple tomorrow. Whatever has happened this time wouldn’t happen again if you take her blessings”

Khushi rolled her eyes. Nandakishore had a strong belief in that temple. He frequently visited that temple. Khushi accompanied him too at times but it was only to keep him happy.

“Please Khushi” he pleaded. “I know you hardly believe in all this but I do. Whenever I go to that temple, I feel blessed and get my share of peace. You should go there too. In fact, tomorrow. You should go there tomorrow” he declared.

“I have meetings to attend” she argued.

“Cancel it.. reschedule it.. I don’t know. Its my wish you go there and seek the goddess blessings”

Khushi wanted to argue but she didn’t. If her brother wanted this, she will do it to bring a smile on his face. She can give him that much.

“Okay, will go. Now eat” she raised him on his feet and served the plate. She will visit the temple to get peace for herself and snatch the same from the man whom she lost the farm house to.


AR Group – Next Morning

“Congratulations” Shyam wished Arnav and took a seat before him in the office cabin. “How did it go? Met her?”

Arnav leaned back on his chair and grinned sharply.

“Met her.. saved her from falling, argued over the property ownership, yet won the bid and my Grandfather’s house” he answered.

“uuhhh.. sounds scary. She is a wounded lioness now, sharpening her claws to pounce back”

“Anytime” Arnav roughly exhaled. “Though I think she wouldn’t mind it much because technically speaking, she hasn’t lost much”

Shyam was confused. Clearly Arnav had won the bid and Khushi Gupta had lost it.

“What do you mean?”

Arnav removed a box from the drawer.

“I meant this” he pushed the box towards Shyam who caught it before it could slip from the table. He opened it and found a Key inside.


“Yup. Key, Shyam. This is the backup Key of Prem Nivas”

“Okay.. so?” Shyam didn’t get the point still.

“I am going to give her that”

There was a long pause because Shyam wanted to understand why would his Boss give the keys of his recently owned property to the woman from whom he snatched it? When Arnav explained further, things became clearer to him. It would be interesting now to see what Khushi Gupta’s reaction to these would be.

“If that’s the case” Shyam got up. “You should give them yourself”

“Not a bad idea” he agreed. “Fix up a meet with her”

“I will, Boss” Shyam grinned and walked out. Things had started heating up. Shyam hoped the two don’t burn each other in that flame.


Khushi climbed the stairs of the Temple. This place being miles away from the main city hardly had visitors. The beggars lined up at the corner of the temple hoping someone would serve them food or offer a penny or two. Avoiding their pleads, she headed inside. The Devi Maiyaa Idol shined bright in the Red Shawl which was newly wrapped around the statue. Probably someone offered it today. There was also a Puja Thali with Vermillion, Flowers, Sweets and other holy stuff placed on the surface. Ignoring all of that, she stopped at the statue and joined her palms.

“I am doing this for Kishu” she talked to the Idol. “Just like every other time I come here with him.”

She closed her eyes and breathed deep. Once again, the flashes of the bid she lost, played in her mind. She wouldn’t get peace until she sorted this. After a few seconds, she felt someone standing next to her. Probably the same person whom that Puja Thali belonged. She didn’t care to check and bowed her head on the surface before the Idol where the Puja Thali was kept. She then raised back on her feet as the Priest reached them. He was not the regular Priest. He blessed her and then the person standing next to her.

“May Devi maiyaa keep you both happily married and together for the next 7 births” he blessed.

The moment he said that, Khushi stepped away. Why would he say that? He was not their regular Priest, probably someone new here but that didn’t mean he would relate her to someone whom she didn’t even know. She turned to the man who was standing next to her all this time. Her eyes widened in shock. It was him!! Arnav Singh Raizada.. equally stunned at the priest’s uncalled blessing.

“How dare you?” she glared at the Priest.

“wait” Arnav intruded. “It’s not his fault. He mistook us as a couple because of this..” he pointed out at her forehead.

Khushi cluelessly touched her forehead partition and that’s when she realized it was filled with vermillion (sindoor). How? When she bowed on the surface to take blessings, the Vermillion might have stuck on her forehead from the Puja Thali which belonged to the Raizada.

The Priest walked back in and continued doing his Puja.

“Ridiculous” she groaned.

Arnav smirked.
“Seeing me here? Or the blessing which he gave us?” he asked.

“Shut up”

She was about to wipe it off but he gripped her wrist.

“It’s considered inauspicious to do so”

Khushi glared at his hold on her.

“Never touch me again” she shrugged.

Arnav raised his hands in defeat.

“I wont. But you didn’t warn me this when I saved you from falling yesterday” he muttered. “But anyways I will remember this next time”

Khushi turned around to leave. She had no reasons to wait and argue with him. Arnav quickly took the Puja thali and followed her down. When he returned, Khushi was barking at her driver.

“Punctured? You got it serviced just 10 days ago, didn’t you?”

The driver shivered.

“Ma’am. I really have no clue how this happened. Both the tyres are punctured. They were fine when we reached here”

“Stop giving me excuses” she groaned. “get it fixed and call a cab for me”

“There.. there is no network here Ma’am. And cabs will take longer to reach here even if we booked one”

“I can drop you home” Arnav said reaching there.

Khushi clenched her jaw. Why was she ignoring him? It was he who should run away from her henceforth and not vice versa.

“No thanks”

Arnav handed the Puja thali to his driver Mohan to keep in car.

“Miss. Gupta your driver is right. You won’t find a ride back home. It’s getting dark. I will drop you. That’s the least I can do for you. Don’t deny”

Khushi took a minute to decide. He was at her service and she had no choice. Logic said she should grab the deal.


A playful smile flashed on Arnav’s lips.

“This way” he cleared her path to get to his vehicle.

“Mohan, I will drive. You assist Miss Gupta’s driver and get their car serviced”

“Yes Sir” Mohan handed the keys to Arnav Singh Raizada and they both exchanged a winning glance. The job was done!! When Arnav coincidentally found Khushi Gupta in the temple, he asked his driver Mohan to puncture her car somehow. Mohan didn’t question why. He obeyed his boss’s commands.

Arnav opened the front seat door for her and Khushi Gupta swiftly got in. The perfume she inhaled soothed her raging nerves. This was her favorite car perfume. Specially imported.

“Beery Blue” Arnav said reading her thoughts. “the only car perfume I use in all my cars” he started the engine.

Their choice matched to some extent. First the farm house.. and now the car perfume. They seemed to have similar taste. Khushi kept her eyes on the road but the way his fingers clicked on the steering wheel as he drove shuffled her focus. His fingers were long and broad, wrist strong enough to grip. He had a visible one inch mark above his left wrist which seemed like a stitch. Accident? Did he met with an accident before? As her eyes gazed upward, she paused to check his forearms. Muscles!! This man hit the gym regularly, she could say that. But he wasn’t a perfectionist and despite being on diet, he might have his own cheat day too in a weak.

Arnav gripped the wheel as he realized she was admiring him. It was unusual.. unexpected. But a fizzy feeling of being stared like that heated his stomach. The ring on her mobile broke Khushi’s stance and she answered it within no time.

“Kishu, my car broke down but I am on way home. Will reach in an hour”

Arnav swallowed. Kishu? That’s Nandakishore’s nickname. Shyam had told him this. She disconnected the call.

“Your brother?” he asked.

“Drive Mr. Raizada. I am not interested in sharing my family details with you”

How rude!! He would have snapped back but the bruise on her wrist caught his attention.

“Whats.. whats that? Your wrist looks sore”

Khushi didn’t hide her wrist.

“I know. Can you just drive?”

“I am driving” he snapped. “How did it bruise?” he kept poking for answers.

“I don’t get it often” she answered. “Just some times”

“Looks intentional” he gulped.

That’s when she met his eyes and smirked.

“It is” she proudly stated. “I deserved it for losing”

Arnav was mad!! He had heard about this type of torture people give to themselves when they fail but he never thought Khushi Gupta would be one of them.

“Hurting yourself is not a sign of courage”

“Stop giving me lectures” she spat.

Arnav snorted with disgust. This woman was delusional, sadist and extremely dangerous for her own self. But not willing to disturb her feelings, he decided to shift her mood. Do something which can bring a smile hopefully. He opened the little drawer at the side of the wheel and removed the box.

“That’s for you”

Khushi didn’t take it.

“Accepting gifts from strangers isn’t my forte Mr. Raizada”

“Its not a gift. Its something you should have”

The words confused her and in order to get some clarity on it, she took the box and opened.

“Its duplicate keys of the farm house”

Khushi pressed the keys in her fist.

“I thought you should have it. That house belonged to you once. You deserve to get a free pass if you want to visit that place any time”

Khushi kept the key back in the box and smirked.

“Why are you beating the bush Mr. Raizada. Say what you really want to say. Don’t give false excuses”

Arnav had no clue why would she say that? This wasn’t some excuse. He genuinely wanted her to visit that house if she wanted to someday.

“What do you mean?” he asked annoyed.

“Don’t act so innocent” she argued. “When a man gives an extra set of keys of his farm house to a woman, it only means he wants to sleep with her there”

Arnav applied full brakes to the car and stopped it at the side.

“What rubbish are you talking?” he groaned. “I… you… Shit” he brushed his fingers roughly in his hair.

“No?” she shamelessly asked. “Its just been 24 hours that we have met and you … out of all Mr. Raizada… You are handing me keys of your farm house .. Stop fooling yourself”

“Get out” Arnav said breathlessly, his heart pounding.

His voice cracked through the air, making her jump. They were almost in the city now and she could easily find a ride back home. But what pricked her ego again was that she was been pushed out from his car.

“I said get the hell out of my car” he growled.

“You are out of your mind” she snapped.

“I was..” he admitted. “I was out of my mind to offer you those keys to make peace between us. I was out of my mind to feel guilty for owning that house despite seeing how much you wanted it. I was out of my mind to extend my hand of friendship. You are no good for it.. You are good for nothing Miss Khushi Gupta and I regret even knowing about you”

That’s it. Another insult and worse than the last one. She got down his car and pushed the door shut, hard. He didn’t wait for a second there and drove away. Khushi waved for a taxi which immediately stopped by her feet. How much more was he going to frustrate her? She got in and dialed Mrs. Pinto.

“I want every minute detail about Arnav Singh Raizada.. his daily routine… the food he eats.. people he meets.. family.. friends… enemies …. Girlfriends… past.. everything.”

The instruction was detailed yet crisp enough for Mrs. Pinto to apprehend. The man was going to face big tough times ahead.

To be Continued.




  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  2. Awesome update as always.. Loving the character of Khushi a lot..

  3. Awesome Update. Arnav was genuinely helping Khushi but Khushi took it in a wrong way. Khushi's arrogance is at peak and her ego is hurt every time she meets with Arnav. Khushi hurt herself for loosing to Arnav. Really afraid to see the violent side of Khushi who can't accept her defeat easily. Lavanya and NK's relationship will be the turning point as mentioned in the prologue where Khushi will take revenge from Arnav. Really feeling bad for NK who is turned between his sister and his love. He is the only one whom Khushi cares for and he is saved from her wrath. Arnav wanted to make friendship with Khushi but now it seems Khushi won't leave Arnav until her ego is satisfied. Feeling sad for Arnav. Khushi may have some problematic past that's why she is like this. Waiting for the story to unfold. Thanks for the Update😍

  4. Awesome update, khushi is mad.

  5. Arnav is bruising Khushi's ego but Khushi is already smitten by Arnav. Love the part where the priest accidentally blessed Arshi as a married Couple. Arnav tricked Khushi by puncturing her car. Arnav genuinely gave the farmhouse key to Khushi but she took it in a wrong way Over that Arnav again insulted her now what will be Khushi's next plan. Please give another Update of this story. It's addictive.😘

  6. Hmm! A smart and strong girl or shows it on the front means she's defensive and has had a bad childhood. She's very soft and pure from the inside and fears getting hurt if she trusts people.


  7. According to me Arnav offering the spare key to khushi of the farmhouse was ridiculous.If he wanted to have peace with her he should have let her win the bid herself.What Arnav did now was like pouring oil in the already raging fire.I know what khushi said was not correct but what Arnav did was not correct too.Anyone feel offended for what Arnav did in this situation.

  8. Can you update this fiction tomorrow too.

  9. There must be a story behind Khushi being a sadist...Anav and his love surely help her to come out of this...but somehow she gets to about Nk and lavanya,I doubt she will seperate them to torture Arnav... exciting story it is...!

  10. Eagerly waiting for the next update .

  11. Self harm is a big no no ...what disturbed arnav the self harm or he acussation?

  12. Khushi already said that she had hate memories related to that place and she was going to demolish it after buying it yet he gave her key to visit that really... Moreover he purposely punctured her car tyres.. So that he can give her that... It was not so genuine... He was literally just giving favor so that in future khushi agree for his sisters love towards NK

  13. I think Arnav tried to commit suicide. Is it not?

  14. Khushi is arrogant, rude but I think there is something behind her behavior

  15. Great...Role reversing...Loving it already

  16. I thought you have reversed their role here.....but I was wrong you have started this story with two ASR.....Both are fire....😠😡

  17. Seems NK is aware about some purani dushmani between the Guptas & the Raizadas then why did he fall for a Raizada girl... Hope he isn't trapping Lav for some sick revenge...

    Also how can Lav apologize to NK as that means she thinks her brother did wrong by winning the bid & buying that farmhouse... Is NK more important to her then her brother...

    Arnav tried to b courteous towards Khushi but she took it wrongly & Arnav reacted expectedly resulting into Khushi's another insult...

    Waiting to see Khushi's counter attack on Arnav..

    Madhu... Isn't Aman gonna b there in this ff??

    Thanks for the nice update Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

    1. Aman has a very crucial role in this FF and he will be making any entry soon

    2. Oh that's wonderful... For me Arshi story is incomplete without Aman.. It's like tasting ur food without salt, he is that quintessential element for me alongwith Arshi & in ur stories u have always given his character an equal importance which I really admire...

      Thanks for replying..

      -Kavita Wadnerkar

  18. Interesting plot. Guessing that Khushi will put a condition to Arnav to handover the farmhouse to her so that his sister can marry her brother....if anything to go by the prologue. Either Lavanya might be pregnant with NK's child or she threatens to end her life if she can't get married to him...either way arnav will be forced to approch Khushi for the alliance for which he might have been forced to write over the farmhouse to Khushi..only then will she assure him of the marriage happening. Whatever might be the reason/s behind Khushi's behaviour , it's very wrong of her to wanting to get the farmhouse only to destroy it to build a star hotel...that too after Arnav has already told her that it's his grandparents love symbol & he intends to cherish the house for the same sentiments.

    Even though she managed to snatch it from Arnav by wrong means, hoping that she might develop feelings for Arnav & at last decidess not to demolish it & gives it back to him. Looking forward to read their journey to each other. Cheers !

  19. Khushi is a psycho.. who hurts themselves.. Arnav offered olive branch so that he can things easy for his sister but now things are spoiled than before..

  20. I got u reversed the role of arnav and khushi but now i see both r ASR in a role Omg 😳 now what will happen 😰 ... Arnav should not have given the key it look wrong on any women who hears it and after she said that sentence he asked her to get out from the car another insult of khushi wich she will never take it ...don't know wat counter attack she will do on arnav i just hope she does'nt harm lav and us nk to hurt her it soon

  21. I love this story. Sometimes khushi is too much! I don’t want her to lose every time to arnav. Waiting to see the next episode!

  22. Fabulous wonderful awesome update dear

  23. Nice update...khushi is really so rude, arrogant..
    Wow this is the first story where I read arnav going to temple with pooja thaali 👌👌..
    He is successful bix but looks like he is not rude, arrogant..

    Khushi us going to use La now

  24. What an explosive chapter. This Khushi is hardcore. Winder what happened to her that she is so arrogant and egotistical. Also she is hurting herself. What the hell

  25. I'm not getting what arnav trying to do. As Khushi clearly stated that for her that farm house had worst memory and she want to demolish that building. Then how come giving her spare key to visit will make peace🙄
