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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 41


Chapter 41


“Daadiji… you have called the Priest?” Anamika asked the old lady, stepping in her room.

Subhadra Raizada got up.

“Is he here?”


“Okay, come with me”

Anamika followed Daadi to the living room where their Royal Priest was seated.

“Panditji, namaste” Daadi greeted. “I hope you remember why I called you”

“Yes Subhadraji. How can I forget Aman Singh Raizada’s Death anniversary?”
Anamika’s toes curled as she processed this. Subhadra turned to her.

“Anamika, go call Arnav here. Tell him the Priest has arrived”

Anamika was still stationed there, unable to move.

“Anamika, are you deaf? I said go call Arnav”

“Jee” she stuttered before hurrying to call Arnav Singh Raizada.

Soon she came out again with him.

“Arnav, Panditji says the ritual have to be started at 11:40am” Daadi informed.

Arnav plainly nodded. It had been 2 years since Aman was dead and this weekend was his Death Anniversary.

“Just like last year, we will be doing this only between the family members” he added. “I don’t want outside people to come and fake their sympathy on our loss”

Anamika’s fisted her fingers. She tried not to reveal stiffness in her posture which could make the family suspect her motives or her identity.

“Anamika and me will take care of all the preparations” Subhadra decided.

Arnav Singh Raizada got up to leave but he stopped at Anamika who immediately held her Veil properly to cover her face.

“This is a very important ritual for my family, don’t skip anything and no mistakes” he warned.

She gently nodded. Arnav made his way out. Subhadra swallowed the pain formed in her throat. She knew how difficult this day is for Arnav. He still considers himself the reason for Aman’s death and can never forgive himself. Never!!


Mumbai – Studio

“Pack up”

Khushi finished the shoots and was about to head back to her Vanity when the Producer of the Web Series she was going to Audition for this weekend.

“Khushi, hi..” Mahesh Sinha stopped her.

“Mahesh? What are you doing here?”

“Had to meet my Directors. Anyways, congratulations on your wedding. It’s unfair that you didn’t call anyone from your Professional circle”

Khushi sighed.

“Everything happened to suddenly that I couldn’t invite anyone”

“That’s okay” the man smiled. “I can understand. But glad you didn’t give up on your career. Otherwise marrying such a rich man from the Royals, anyone else would have stayed back home and enjoyed the luxury. I always knew you were different”

“Thanks Mahesh”

“Now that you are here, let me introduce you to the Directors of my Web Series – the one you are going to audition for. Come”

Khushi was more than willing to go. She quickly changed into her regular denims and T-Shirt and strode with Mahesh Sinha to the other set in film city.

“That’s Tiwari, our director.. and where is he?” Mahesh scanned the area.. “There.. there he is.. come on..”

Khushi realized he wanted her to meet the other crew member who was standing with a group of artists, guiding them. She couldn’t see his face. He was standing facing his back to them. He had ripped muscles just like Arnav Singh Raizada and even had his physique common with that of her husband.

“You look Busy” Mahesh exclaimed reaching the man who instantly turned around to face them. Khushi froze when she saw his face.

“Not for you Mahesh” the man replied, shaking hands with him.

“Khushi, that’s Aman, our assistant director. He is going to assist Tiwari in the web series”

Khushi’s eyes darted in shock. Aman? He… he was Aman Singh Raizada? Of course he was. She had seen his pictures in Shantivan. He had to be Aman. Just that he had tanned a bit.

“Aman?” she stuttered.

“Hey.. I have seen your work. It will be an honor to direct you in our web series” Aman smiled at her.

Khushi was too confused how to react. Somebody called Mahesh from the other side and he had to leave. It was just Aman and Khushi now.

“You… your .. I mean… whats your name again?” she asked.

“Aman” he replied with the same cheerful smile.

“Aman … what? I mean… your last name?”

Aman stiffened.

“It’s just Aman” his smile vanished. “Anyways, nice meeting you Khushi”

He extended his arm for a handshake. She shivered but soon shook his hand.

“Khushi Singh Raizada” she replied on purpose to see if he behaved unusually hearing her full name but he didn’t.

“Oh yes, Mahesh told me you got married to a Royal family recently. Congratulations”

He didn’t react? Why? Did he not remember? Damn!! What is this mystery?

“Excuse me”

Khushi watched him leave. Aman Singh Raizada was alive? He was definitely the same man but why didn’t he recognize her name? And what was he doing here? She had to find out. And until she gets all his info, she wouldn’t be able to tell this to anyone from the Raizada family.


That whole night Khushi kept thinking about Aman and why he was here in Mumbai and not with his family at Shantivan. The only person right now who could sort some of her confusion was Millie. After meeting Aman today, Khushi had asked Millie to find out more about him through people of the film fraternity. Someone had to know something about him. She was desperately waiting for Millie’s call and when it rang on her phone, she almost jumped from the bed to answer.

“Millie.. please tell me you have found something”

Millie sighed.

“Not very much Ma’am. Except that he has worked two more web series projects before signing this one with Mahesh Sinha. No one knows anything about him. Everywhere he has mentioned only his first name. There is nothing else mentioned about him. I have tried. Still I have trace some more information”

Khushi groaned in disbelief. He was purposely hiding. She knew it. But why? And did he not recognize her? He must have known she is married to his brother Arnav. Why was he pretending to be a stranger? Khushi asked Millie to continue her search without actually revealing it to her why she was so much interested in this man.

Payal called her up late night to check upon her.

“Khushi.. how did your shoots go?” Payal asked.

“Good” Khushi was not in a mood to talk. Her mind was lost in Aman.

“I hope you are coming here on weekend”

“Weekend?” Khushi snapped. “Why?”

“Why?” Payal sighed. “Khushi I understand your work is important but family also means something right? You should be here to support your husband”

“Husband?” she snapped. “What.. what happened to Arnav? Is he not well?”

“He is fine. I thought so you wouldn’t know. This weekend is Aman’s death anniversary. Daadi and Arnavji has arranged a Havan for him. You should be here with us”

Khushi was stunned. Havan? Aman’s death anniversary? But .. he is alive.. Plus, on weekend she had to give auditions for that same Web series which Aman was the assistant director of.

“Khushi… are you listening?”

“Yes. I .. I will call you tomorrow Payal. Got a bad headache. Hope you don’t mind”

“Headache? Take medicines.. And don’t stress too much”

Khushi couldn’t talk more. She disconnected the call. Would she let that Havan happen when she knows he is alive? But what if this man is not Aman? But how can he have the same name and face? Her phone rang again. She checked the screen. It was her husband Arnav Singh Raizada.


“You got a headache?” his worry reflected in his tone.

“Damn!! Did Payal tell you that?”

“I over heard her talking to you. But that’s not the point. Do you have headache? Are you taking stress?”

She didn’t reply. She had lied to Payal about her headache to wind up with the call.

“Stress is not good for you Khushi. Are you taking the medicines prescribed for such conditions? Have you even carried them with you?? If not, I am sending someone with the medicines”

“Wait.. wait..” she scowled. “I am fine. My headache is not worse.. Its mild. And I have taken medicine. You don’t need to worry so much”

“Leave that on me, how much to worry for you” he snapped. “Did you eat or I am ordering now”

“I ate” she argued. “And please, I am not a baby. I can order for myself”

“Baby?” he smirked. “Even babies throw less tantrums than you”

“Excuse me? Did you say I throw tantrums?”


She wanted to argue but she couldn’t. Aman and his mystery was all over her mind.

“Payal told me its havan on the weekend” she shared.

“Hmm” he replied. “I know you cannot make it because of your auditions. I understand”

Khushi was quiet for a minute. He understands?

“Its my mistake. I should have told you when your presence is needed here. I will make sure to let you know prior so that you can schedule your shoots appropriately” he added.

For a second, she couldn’t believe it was Arnav Singh Raizada she was talking to. He was so considerate for her now unlike before when he dominated.

“Will you be okay that day?” she urged to know.

Arnav went quiet for some seconds but she could hear his heartbeats. Yes, she could, despite being miles away from him.

“Would it alter your decision to come back for me that day?” he queried.

Khushi had no reply to that.

“I will be fine” he lied. “All the best for your auditions”

“Arnav..” she interrupted before he could disconnect. “I am not selfish”

Arnav didn’t respond.

“I don’t know how to … how to adapt to this change in my life. Marriage.. family.. husband…plus my work which none of you heartily approves of… I am just confused how to handle this all together. I need time” she added.

Arnav was glad she wasn’t running away from this marriage anymore. She wanted time and he would give her that.

“Good night” she mumbled and disconnected the call. She took a sigh of relief. She didn’t know what made her ask time from Arnav. Was she really going to give this marriage another chance? Why? Had Arnav Singh Raizada’s little efforts and concern for her mellowed her heart? She didn’t wish to analyze it yet. Right now she had to focus on Aman and the mystery revolving him. If Aman is alive, the havan in Shantivan shouldn’t happen!! She promised to herself to open up this mystery before the weekend.


Mumbai – Sets

“Hi” Khushi greeted Aman who was talking to the Cinematographer, detailing him about the Camera angles they would need for their next shot.

“Hey… I didn’t know you were coming here again. But Mahesh Sir is not present. You will have to meet him at his home or office”

“I am not here to meet Mahesh. I came here to see you”

“Me?” Aman chuckled. “I didn’t understand”

“Aman.. whats this scar about?” she asked pointing out a small scar on his forehead.

“This?” he touched his scar. “I met an accident few years ago”

“2 years ago? Approx?” Khushi queried.

Aman was skeptical to answer that.

“yea. Why? I am sure you aren’t here to talk about my scar. What is this about?”

“Khushi…?” Mahesh Sinha was here. “What a surprise. Seems like you are already loving our sets”

Khushi didn’t like his interruption but Aman took it as a sign to escape.

“Sir, I will check the cameras inside and we have the stunt guys coming in today”

“Oh yes. You please interview them until I come inside”

“Sure. Excuse me” he smiled at the two and slipped away.

“So, Khushi? What brought you here?”

“Mahesh.. I needed some information”

“Information? About the script? Don’t worry I will..”

“Not the script. About your assistant director.. Aman”

Mahesh was confused.

“Aman? What about him?”

“everything about him. I need to know what he is doing in this field and since when?”

“But why are you suddenly so interested in this man?”

“because I think I know him. If he happens to be the one I know, then he shouldn’t be here. He should be somewhere else”

Mahesh was confused. But he decided to share the part he knew.

“I met Aman last year. He was directing with Abhas for his web series. I liked his work so I offered him to co-direct with Tiwari for our web series”


“yes, he started his career with Abhas. I am sure he must know more about Aman”

“I need his number”


Khushi took the number of Abhas and decided to meet him personally. She didn’t had much time to resolve this mystery.

To be Continued.



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  1. Yeah.....Aman is alive.....

    Arnav efforts finally showing effects on Khushi....

    Thank you dear for update...

  2. Yes I knew Aman is alive somewhere out😍😍😍😍

  3. Awesome Update. What an amazing twist. Khushi is continuing her career and she meet Aman who is an assistant director. Anamika know where Aman is. Aman's reaction was little weird. Is Aman so angry with Arnav that he let go of his last name. What is the cause of rift between the brothers. Khushi's concern is evident for Arnav. Here Raizada's are arranging the death ceremony and there Khushi had already meet Aman. Arnav's care and concern for Khushi is too cute and he teased her too but he is so understanding regarding her career. Khushi must understand Arnav's and her own feelings. She is still hesitant regarding her growing feelings but I like Khushi's confession that she needs time instead of running away. Khushi's interaction with Aman was quite interesting. Seems Khushi will bring Aman back home. Waiting for Khushi Aman meeting. Thanks for the Update 😍.

  4. Aman a faceless scretary of Arnav in Ipk had been a pivotal character of so many fanfics that I have read... Yet another "Aman" who is centre of attention now.. Hope Khusi is able to stop the havan in time and bring Aman back home...

  5. Awesome awesome update. Aman is alive , i think he lost his past memory. Im happy to see khushi is showing some interst in arnav and marraige . Arnav worry for khushi lovely . Please update next part tomorrow. Can't handle aman mystery

    Waiting for next update dear

  6. This is turning out way too mysterious and the way how khushi is now actually giving that ray of hope to arnav and aman is alive..hope khushi find out more.

  7. Let see what happens next... Is Anamika hide Aman from memory loss

  8. I was waiting for this twist only.superb

  9. Oh this Is going very interestingly. So Aman is alive. But who is that Anamika!! Khushi Is doing her wife role perfectly by finding who Aman is. Fabulous update

  10. Wow Aman is alive. Great. Looking forward! Don't leave us now at the cliff hanger. Please update the next part very soon.

  11. What a surprise! Aman is alive and khushi is the first to find him. Just wow. Looks like either Aman has lost his memory or he is acting like he has lost his memory. Khushi should inform Arnav instead of waiting.. Please update the next part soon. Can't wait

  12. Interestig twist.....u made me more curious n eager for next update.....loved d update...

  13. My guess was right . Aman is alive . Eagerly waiting for the next update .

  14. Msdhu ji please write another mystery story like bride of Sheesh Mahal . I love Royal stories with mystery .specially Arshi stories about Sheesh Mahal and Raizada family .

  15. Aman is he acting or he doesn't remember anything and why anamika is in shantivan...she has some sort of connection with Aman

  16. Woha! Twist in the tale? Aman is alive? Anamika need not become a villian then! Coz she sure is here to harm Arnav!


  17. If Aman is alive then that would be the greatest gift Khushi can ever give to Arnav

  18. Aman is alive 😃 I’m not sure whether he lost his memories or he just pretends as a new man. Because no one in Mumbai would know him as a royal. Anamika is Avni right? She has to be. Then there’s another question. Avni believes Aman is dead. That means if Aman never lost his memories and aware of himself he never contacted Avni. Why? Or is this there plan? I don’t think that Aman is a cruel person to hurt Arnav physically or mentally. I’m curious to know the reason of Anamikas stay at the palace. Is she there to find more about family secrets? Anyway I guess khushi should share this information about arnav. What if Aman escapes from there? At least she should tell arnav that she saw someone who looked exactly like Aman. After that they can do a DNA test. It’s getting interesting. Can’t wait for next chapter. Please let this be the next update sis! Thank you!

  19. Awesome. Eagerly waiting for the next update.

  20. Wow it was really a n interesting update
    Aman is alive and Khushi to is considering to give their marriage a chance
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  21. Awesome update. I guessed it right that Aman is alive. It had to be something major that Aman gave up his last name. I loved the way she is taking steps for unfolding the mystery of Aman. Let's see how everyone reacts over this news when it will get unfold. Hope so that everyone will be happy in the end.

  22. Aman is alive.. So surprising... Eagerly waiting for next update

  23. Wow... Aman is alive as expected & Khushi met him at her shooting spot... So indirectly Khushi's passion proved advantageous for the Royals who were against her pursuing her modeling career...

    I guess Aman has lost his memory in the accident or he is just pretending, wanting to stay away from his family...

    I'm eager to know Anamika's true identity...

    Thanks for the update Madhu & can u pls update this same story tomorrow as well if possible?? Just a request..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  24. Superb update what twist .
    Amsn is alive I think there is a reason why he came infront of khushi..

    Loved the way arshi talk
    Looking forward

  25. wow now that's a royal wife giving takkar to his his husbands responsibility it's getting interesting

  26. Wow aman is alive wonderful fabulous update madhu

  27. Wow aman is alive awesome....more secrets going to reveal....hope Khushi finds out about the whole thing before havan .... waiting for the next update

  28. This update forced me to comment
    I don't like Khishii mallowing down so quickly to Arnav.
    That man literally forced her for marriage, then almost ruined her career,
    Why are you showing woman as a weak character?
    I hate these double standard of society where woman is always at the receiving end and man becomes saint even after doing all the injustice...
    I just think that the story will loose its charm if you make Khushi weak and forgive Arnav soo quickly.

  29. Mystery is about to unfold... Khushi is on right path... Arnav will be happy...

  30. It's getting interesting...first of all Khushi is willing to continue her marriage 😍and second Aman is alive 🤩 but i guess khushi should tell arnav because there may be some danger...and if arnav comes to know from other than Khushi...he is going to be mad!

  31. Wow......aman is alive......hop khushi can solve this mystery......

  32. Why do i feel ki Anamika is Amans gf and she knows that Aman is Alive. Plus Aman has forgotten his memory and she has kept him a secret and is here to revenge Arnav.

  33. That's an amazing twist in the story .👏👏👏
    Its getting very thrilling.

  34. Good to know aman is alive.. loved the update..

  35. I am happy that Aman is Alive and he and khushi meet eachother ... Is he Pretending that he don't know anything or he has lost his memory ... I think khushi should this to arnav that she saw aman in her sets and it will be a greater surprise and gift to him from khushi 😍 ... Khushi is all set to find out what is mystery of aman and i liked the way she talked to arnav and she want to give chance to her wedding with arnav and i loved arnav caring and concern for her its such a good and wonderful feel wen ur husband does his for u 😍😘❤ .... Who is this anamika want to know abt her reveal her identity to us atleast plezs post it asap
